The Road to Rio

Author: Femailofthespecies

Parts: 11 - 12


~Part: 11~

The witch had been asleep for less than 30 minutes, but the vampire could not resist the call of her blood any longer. Yanking a scarf from her bed, he gently, but firmly secured her hands together and then to the headboard. He smiled, drifting off in thought, trying to decided how best to wake up the redheaded beauty.

Without warning he sank his fangs into the upper flesh of her partially exposed breast, drinking slowly. Immediately she woke with a gasp, feeling the pull of her blood down to her throbbing center. She moved to touch his head, to push him away or pull him closer she’d never know, as she found herself bound to the bed.

"Spike...what..." She attempted, ceasing as another wave of astonishing pleasure took her. Her body thrashed and he retracted his fangs so as not to tear her skin.

"Now where were we, Red?" He asked as he slithered between her legs. She tensed, knowing what was coming, but unsure if her body or mind could take more of his torturous twisted pleasure.

"No...I can’t..." she mumbled, closing her limbs as much as she could.

"You will. Now open up for me, pet." His voice was that low growl that melted her will and once again she did as he wanted, as she wanted, if she was honest. Slowly her legs parted and the blond wasted no time resuming his previous task, sending her to a plateau and keeping her there, dangling, maximizing her contractions and milking her, vampire-style.

He moaned, growled, grunted as he lapped up the fruits of his efforts. And she screamed, cried, begged, as the orgasms blended until they had no end or beginning. They just were.

She let out a started yelp as his head shot up quickly, a low growl forming.

"What’s wrong?" She asked, wishing her hands were free.

A knock at the door had her struggling to get free. "Spike, let me go," she whispered harshly when he began to leave the bed for the door. Turning back to her, he made quick work of the scarves binding her.

"Cover up. It’s Peaches." He was going to kill Kat. The knock was more insistent this time, followed by turning of the knob and opening of the door.

The blond was standing directly in front of the door and now faced his sire. He could sense his own childe lurking in the shadows of the hallway.

"Poof." He did not move to allow him entrance. He just stood there, jaw clenched, prepared to strike.

"What do you think you’re doing to her, Spike? Angel forced his demon back at the smell of Willow’s blood on his childe and in the room.

The blond rolled his eyes. "You know exactly what I am doing?" Suddenly the dark vampire found himself being snatched forward, his lips claimed by Spike. He moaned, despite himself, tasting the intoxicating essence of the witch on his childe, the mixture of Spike and Willow both more than he could bare. The demon broke free as Angel roughly grabbed Spike's head, deepening the kiss into an animalistic session of groping, biting and licking. Willow watched the two, so different and yet so right together, fighting the swell of jealousy rising in her.

Abruptly, his childe pulled back, evading Angel’s questing lips, a smirk gracing his face. "Delicious, isn’t she?" Angel nodded, eyes feral. "You know exactly what I’m doing then."

He shoved Angel with enough force to send him back a few paces and slammed the door in his face. "Tell Katherine I’ll deal with her later," he commanded, turning around slowly, his attention already back on his red witch.


Angel brooded.

Nothing new really, even expected in his circle of friends. He had to get Willow away from Spike before she was lost forever.

The blood sharing and the bond were compelling enough. And certain that the boy had not lost any of his many ...talents... well the girl would be jonesing for the blond vampire for weeks because of them, and would never be free of him completely. The bond made Willow his until she died. But now that he drank her menstrual blood, she would be in agony from now on if he didn’t. She would have to be heavily sedated to get through all future periods.

She was ruined for any other man and thoroughly debauched. His demon screamed in delight at his childe’s conquest, but the soul could only mourn for the young hacker that had been altered so far beyond any hope of returning.

Yet he would still take her back. Back to her friends. He would never tell Buffy what transpired here. He would protect Willow from their questions and judgements, knowing the redhead’s guilt would surface, igniting her anguish and turmoil.

The soft knock at his door brought him out his musings. Katherine.

"Come in."

She opened the door slowly and gazed at her grandsire, feeling so terribly awful for her sire that he could not have Angel as she had Spike. She wore a tiny two piece swimsuit as she was on her way to the pool.

"Look, I know what you plan, Angelus. I can see it all. And I see the end." He nodded, wondering if she would tell him about her visions.

"I will side with him and I will use what I know to help him get what he wants. Always what he wants. Don’t create a war with him."

"He...I can’t leave her. He’ll turn her, Katherine," he rationalized.

"It’s what she desires, Angel. She doesn’t want her old life. She is powerful and the demon will only enhance it."

"I can’t leave her here to die."

"You made him, took him. Despite everything, he still wants you. Dru still wants you. I know what you did to Dru. William won’t do that to her. He didn’t do that to me. I made a choice to walk with him for eternity. Willow has her own choices to make with her life. It is not yours to decide." Her long red hair fell around her naked shoulders and she seemed to be dripping in blood as she spoke. It was distracting, reminding him of his boy’s ability to distract.

"You don’t understand. Spike can be very...persuasive. She...I...I just can’t. The slayer will come for her, wherever she is. She will go after Spike and you and Dru. And she is most powerful when her friends are involved, believe me. She is ruthless and doggedly determined. I can’t have that. I cannot let her come after him. She could kill him or he might kill her, but one will die. I...I love them both. I have to take Willow back so that I don’t have to make a decision about who I love more," he confessed, unable to stop as he stared into her liquid blue pools.

"And who do you love more, Angelus? I already know. And you will have to choose." Her eyes grew solid again and turned cold and bright. "Goodnight Grandsire," she whispered, closing the door.

~Part: 12~

It had been three days since his conversation with Katherine, and the brooding vampire was no closer to figuring out how to get Willow away from Spike, and out of the area, with enough of a head start that the blond couldn’t catch them, than he was when he arrived.

Willow, unfortunately, was no help, not exactly wanting to leave a place where she was waited on hand and foot, apparently sexually satisfied, and allowed to explore her magical potential.

Spike and Katherine interrupted his musings.

“Angel…we’re taking the witch to see the priestess,”  Spike announced, munching on the last of a handful of spicy garlic peanuts, the garlic adding even more of a kick than the cayenne pepper.

“As in Catholic?”  Angelus had a thing for churches, but Angel had no desire to step foot in one, if it wasn’t necessary.  He wrinkled his brow, sniffing.   “And are you eating GARLIC??”

“And this, my love, was the Scourge of Europe.”  Spike motioned to his sire with a grand, mocking bow.  Katherine giggled, a deep dimple gracing her face.  “Yes I am and no, it’s Santa Ria.  You coming along?”

“Why are you going to see a priestess?”  <What is this boy up to now?>

“She is going to evaluate the girl.  Now are you coming?  Stop wasting my bloody time if you’re not.”

“I’m coming.”  The older demon stood and approached the blond.  When close enough, he whispered for his childe’s ear only. “Watch yer mouth, William.  Or I’ll have ta find something fer ya to do with it.”

The brogue and implication took Spike by surprise, leaving him momentarily speechless as his sire hooked arms with his childe.


She put up a hand, placing it on Angel’s chest, while shaking her head violently in protest.

“No, no, no, no!  None of you.  Not with her!”  She pointed an old crooked finger at the redhead.

Spike just chuckled at the woman’s simplicity.  She’d allow the vampires in, no problem, but not a young witch.

“What’s wrong with her?”  He asked, voice low and even, not wanting to frighten the priestess into keeping her opinions hers.

“Senor William, she is full of magia y tinieblas.  Esta desbordamiento. Too much.  No aqui. Siento.”  She finished, and began pushing her door closed, still shaking her head.

Willow was stunned, not having been denied access to someone before.  She didn’t understand everything she said, but knew she didn’t want her to come in.

Spike pushed his sire aside, and quickly put his foot in the door.  The woman however had whispered a spell, uninviting them all, so he found himself up against the much hated barrier.  He smirked to himself before looking into her sharp brown eyes with his own, cold blue ones.  She shivered but did not look away.

“Look…We come in.  She gets read.  We leave.  Comprende?  Otherwise… I’ll burn it to the ground.”  He advised, indicating the small home.  “You’ll come out, and we’ll be right here waiting.”  He smiled and this time she did look away, pulling the door open as she stepped back.

“Come in.”


“Spike, that wasn’t right.  The old woman must have sensed something.”

Angel and his childe were arguing, nothing new.  The older vampire was chastising him for insisting that the woman evaluate Willow’s abilities.  Well turned out that the girl was supercharged with magic, most obviously demonstrated when she accidentally sent the old hag into cardiac arrest during the testing.

Angel forced Spike to get the priestess to a hospital and take care of the bill.

They approached the Durango, and Spike jumped into the driver’s seat.  “Yeah, well, I’m paying for it, ain’t I?  So quit your soddin’ moaning.  It’s done.”  He lit a cigarette, eyeing his sire warily, as if to dare the dark vampire to say anything about smoking in his own car.  “Like I care if the bitch dies,”  he mumbled.

Willow was in the back seat with Katherine, eyes red and puffy.  She felt terrible about what happened.  She was on the verge of swearing off magic completely, when Katherine explained to her that it wasn’t her fault.

Because Willow was asked to do increasingly complicated spells, it called on her natural powers, but she was never shown how to control them.  So she was running around in a state of magical overdrive, unaware and unpredictable.


Katherine kept tabs on the priestess, and was relieved to know that she was release to her daughter two days later.  In her worry and guilt, Willow had almost forgotten Christmas.   It was only a week away, and she was strangely resigned to the fact that she would not be seeing her friends.  She wanted to, but didn’t think it would happen.  She would have to ask Spike to take her into town to get decorations, so that she could make her room festive, and she wanted to find a copy of “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”   Sighing, she rolled over to the edge of Spike’s bed to get up, a tear escaping the corner of her eye.

“What’s wrong, pet?”  <Bloody girls and their bloody tears!>   She jerked around, clearly startled.  He smiled, enjoying her scent as her heartbeat, motivated by fear, increased.

“Oh, you scared me.”  Her small hand clutched at her chest, willing the pounding to lessen.

“Yeah…I can still scare you?”  He moved to her, resting his hand on her hips.

“Oh yeah,” she answered honestly.  She was pretty certain he would not hurt her.  Not too much anyway, but his power, speed, grace, beauty and intelligence were frightening.  Always.  She didn’t think she’d ever take anything about him for granted, or forget who he was. Not for long.

“Well, good.  Now, want to tell Spike why you’re crying?”

“It’s silly really…”  She looked down.  Gently the blond lifted her chin to meet his gaze.  “I…It’s Christmas…In just 8 days.  I want to see Xander and Buffy and Oz and Giles and even Cordelia.   I’ll miss the snoopy dance this year.  Oh, and no hiding the cards I get from my friends from my parents.  I… I just miss everything.”

Spike had no idea what a snoopy dance was, but thought it may be some annual gathering where they got all dressed up, like for the prom and such.  It was her senior year in school, and he’d taken her from everything.

“Can we decorate here?”  Her green eyes pleaded with him.

“I’m afraid it would be very upsetting to the minions.  Christmas IS about Christ after all.  He’s not exactly our savior, luv.”

She nodded in agreement, berating herself for being so selfish, thinking vampires could tolerate Christmas.  “I get that.  Kinda forgot the whole cross thing.  Sorry.”

“Don’t be.”  He hated that it bothered him that she was upset.  He was supposed to use her and return her to the poof, damaged goods.  But somehow, that plan got botched, and he now liked the little witch, and loved shagging her.  That was a definite bonus.  “Now, I have a little surprise for you.”

She brighten up immediately.  Spike’s surprises were almost always nice ones.  Well nice for a vampire.  “Really!?  What’d ya get me?”  She was bouncing on her toes.

“We’re going on a trip.  Mexico City.  Shopping… so you can buy those undeserving friends of yours presents, and send them back with the poof, and you and I can have a grand Christmas there.”

“Ohhhh Spike.  You’re soo… this is so…I’m very happy.”  She knew he hated being called nice so she refrained.  “ But what about the whole Christ thing?”

“NO crosses, and no sodden religious carols, and I’ll be fine, pet.”

“Will it be just us?”

“Peaches and Katherine may come. I’m sure the Poof won’t let you out his sight for more than a few hours, so his coming is a given.  Kat has some problems at the club.  She needs to handle them before taking a holiday.  I’ve been selfishly taking up her time, and she’s neglected her duties there.”

“And Dru?”

“She’s not interested in the least.  Going on a trek with a few of the minions.  I expect she’ll be gone a few weeks.”

“Does it bother you?  I mean…that she’s not so dependent now.”

He barked a laugh, making her jump then giggle. “Not bloody likely.  Satan knows I love her, but you have no idea what it’s like to be the strong one day in and day out.”  <What am I saying to this chit?  Being a bloody nancy like Angel.>

“Kinda nice to just worry about what I want to do.  And right now I want to please a witch.  So…”

“So…umm…can you and Angel be together that long without…killing each other?”

