Enough is enough
Author: Finnmentality
Disclaimer: Joss owns all.. etc.
Author's note: I needed to write this came out
Feedback always welcome as you know:o)


~Part 1~

         Willow just sat on her bed, oblivious to everything around her, oblivious even to the annoying chirp that was coming from her supposed best friend. She just couldn't believe it. Here was Buffy going on like nothing had changed, like she hadn't caught her "just experimenting" with Tara, but then it seemd that buffy was forever like that, always stealing Willow's loves. First Xander, then Oz (though Buffy didn't know that willow knew about that) and finally Tara. What was it about the blond slayer that attracted people to her, people that should have been attracted to Willow.

Suddenly she stood up and pushed passed the slayer to get to the wardrobe. She started pulling out all her clothes and pushing them into her rucksack. Buffy was apparently surprised into silence, looking on dumbfoundedly as Willow packed all her stuff and turned around. Looking her directly in the eye Willow spoke, "I am sick of it Buffy, you using me to get your thrills, I am not yours, neither are my lovers, I need to be away now" With that she left the room
carrying her rucksack with her. She had no clue what her destination was but she just wanted out of Dodge for a while, to grow a bit away from the slayer and her pathetic band of followers. Well aside from one, so she set off with a certain vampire in mind, hoping to persuade him to join her on a road trip .....

~Part 2~

         Spike was sitting in his crypt, bored out of his now defunct brain, Passions was over and now that Buffy had told him to get out of his life he couldn't discuss it with Joyce. He heaved a sigh, unnecessary though it was it felt good. The little witch hadn't called round lately either, probably off playing dressup with Tara. He growled, the blonde wicca making him for some reason feel jealous and well slightly pissed off that she was with Willow. He didn't trust her either, Just cause she wasn't a demon didn't make her a decent person, and the last time he saw her she smelt far too much of the slayer and not enough of red.

      If he was perfectly honest with himself he would have to admit that the only reason he stayed in good ole sunnyhell was the witch, everyone else had pretty much made his life hell, and while he knew in some ways that he deserved it, he was none the less pissed off with each and every one of them. She was the only reason he helped out now. The trust and friendliness shining out of those eyes when she fixed her gaze on him. It made him quiver, made a  bee line straight to his "spike" and well did strange things to him all in all. Deep down he knew he was in love with her, and as he had always admitted he was nothing if not love's bitch.

      His musings were interrupted by a knocking at his door. "Who the bloody hell is it" He called. Willow's head peered round the door before she came in carrying her rucksack. "What's up Red?" Spike said taking in the total package and feeling his little spike stirring once again. "I've had enough of her" Willow atated "Her and her assuming that she can take everyone away from me, stupid little whore that she is. So I am going in search of adventure and possibly
revenge," She looked up at him and grinned "You wanna come with?" Spike just stared at her, he could practically see the sparks coming off her, there was no way he was missing out on what his little witch was going to do. "So" He replied "Your car or mine?"

~Part 3~

        They slid into Spike's DeSota, both deciding that it was by far the sexier car for this road trip, although Willow did complain that he should drive a more English car like an MG. Spike had concurred describing his ideal , a 1980 classic MG in black, 2-seater of course. They smiled at eachother, realising the kindred spirit they had found. Both wanting revenge on love and oh how they planned on doing it. Well Spike wasn't quite sure how they planned on doing
it but he believed Willow did and that was enough for now.

Willow relaxed into her seat before turning again to Spike, "So, Where to now" She knew where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do but she wasn't quite sure how to bring Spike around to the idea. She figured if he came up with a plan she could nudge him in the right direction, and he would think it all his own plan. It had worked on other men, why wouldn't it work on someone who had more than a centuries practice at being one.

Spike glanced at the red head sitting next to him as he headed out of Sunnyhell, purposely knocking down the newly errected sign, it always made him wonder why they bothered, he was only going to keep knocking it down. Well as long as they were happy he concluded, before again turning his attention to the redhead. She was planning something, he knew, he just wasn't sure what, even after a century of life he still hadn't figured women out, and little red
here was no exception. As an evil smirk spread accross her face he felt both worried and very very proud that he was along with her on this trip.

~Part 4~

         Spike pulled into the Waystation to fill up on gas and try to figure out what the little witch was up to. He was hoping that choclate icecream would be a successful bribe. Although to be fair when he added all the pieces together he had an uncomfortable idea of where they were going, and why. He went into the restaraunt and bought a tub of icrecream before sitting into the seat opposite the redhead. He pushed the tub accross to her before beginning "So, Red, where are we going, It's your trip, your revenge, what's it going to be"

She stared at him, biting her lip a little, as if nervous. He almost groaned aloud when he saw it, her little tongue came out to lick her lips and he was almost lost, but then she started to speak so he tried to focus on her words. "I intend revenge", She stated, "I intend to take the one thing she always considered hers, and hers alone" She shook her head as if shaking any doubts away then looked back at him, "And you, My dear Spike, are going to help me" She
leaned forward, almost provocatively, "You know him, what will work, you will help me" It was almost a question, almost a plea, and he knew before all this had started that he could deny her nothing, so he nodded his assent, then added for effect, for his own need, "But I want this little bargain sealed in the old way, I will help you get your revenge , because, well I can't stand the little bitch and she needs her come-uppance, and I want to be a part of it, but it will be
sealed"He stared at her, unnerving her slightly, this was not the Spike she knew "It will be sealed, my Red, with a kiss"

~Part 5~

        Willow sat back in her seat to ponder Spike's offer, he'd help her get revenge in exchange for a kiss. Of course she knew he'd help her get revenge anyway as, well, he wanted it too, but this way would allow her to do something she'd been thinking about for months. Kiss Spike. Not just a little peck, she decided, she was going to make the most of this, it may not ever happen again. She grinned a little grin. Although seeing as he asked she may just manage to convince him to continue on from the kiss. She looked at him, smiled, looked him over as if he were a piece of choclate and nodded her head, "But not here" She added, "Somewhere nicer, when we get to LA, we'll find somewhere nice"

Spike, on the other hand, never thought she would agree. Obviously he would help out on her little revenge kick as he would never be able to say no to her, but she obviously wanted it, well a kiss anyway. He was even more shocked when she suggested some where nicer. He began to go through a list of romantic places in LA. He had the perfect place so he nodded his agreement before saying "First off we need to get to LA and befriend the poof" He grinned at her, "Any ideas how?"

        Willow stood and grabbed hold of his hand, "Oh yes, Spike, I have ideas, but first you are right we need to get to LA" She threw a devastating smile at him as she dragged him out to the car.

~Part 6~

         Angel paced, something was up, he was sure of it, Giles had phoned him, which he never did previously to say that Willow and Spike had dissappeared. Therefore, Angel paced, He knew his wayward grandchilde was neutered but he still couldn't help but wonder why he was gone aswell as Willow. Things were not as they seemed. The brief time he had speaking to Buffy confirmed it. She was convinced that Spike had kidnapped Willow, why else would she leave Buffy, I mean obviously the girl had no life away from the slayer. Angel grimaced in remembrance at the slayers callous words towards her supposed best friend. So he kept pacing back and forth.

      Cordelia Glanced up from the computer screen following his movements with her eyes. "Oh for God's sake Angel, what is the matter??, you're wearing a hole in the paving!!" Angel turned towards his Seer. "Somethings wrong" He stated, "I can feel it, I don't have the whole story, I can't believe Spike would kidnap Willow" Cordy snorted at that, "Helloo, already did it once, old abandoned factory, me almost mortally wounded, God, do vampires have no memory" Angel just stared at her before continuing, "I meant, now that he's neutered he can't do violence, which means Willow went voluntarily.. I just don't understand"

      "What's to understand?" A new voice replied. Angel Spun around to see Spike lounging against the door with willow standing in
front of him.

~Part 7~

         It had taken one hour to make it to LA after they left the diner. They had decided that as sun was coming up they should check into the hypernion and see what Angel's reaction would be. Spike was very happy, infact he was delighted with the sight of his sire. Chuckling to himself he relished the idea of playing with Angelus' mind.

Willow was thinking thoughts along the same line as she followed Angel's distracted monologue. She grinned in amusement, this might be too easy. She leaned back into Spike as she interupted the dark vampire "What's to understand" She said. At the startled look from Angel she couldn't help the grin that broke across her face. They obviously were not expecting them or at least not together. She decided to see how far she could push things. She leaned further back into Spike, He seemed to pick up her train of thought and brought his arms around her, to hold her comfortingly. This did not go unnoticed
by the others in the lobby, nor did the slight growl that emminated from Angels chest.

Spike smirked, the little witch was playing much better than he could have hoped and his Grandsire's reaction was more than what he expected. He wasn't particularly surprised though as Angelus had mentioned the redhead once too often for comfort. He knew there had been interest, but did not realise that it had stretched to the souled version of the vampire. He almost rubbed his hands in glee, This could be so much fun. He hadn't clashed mentally with his
Grandsire, more his sire, in so long. He was going to enjoy every miute of it. And by the looks of things, so was the red-head in his arms.

~Part 8~

        Angel drank in the sight of her, He had forgotton how beautiful she truly was, but the fact that she was leaning against Spike unnerved him, so much so that he couldn't prevent a growl from escaping when the blonde vampire put his arms round her and pulled her close. Nor did it escape his notice that they were both grinning like cheshire cats. Something was going on here and he intended to find out what. But first things first he had to get his little redhead out of Spike's arms.

      Willow was oblivious to the looks she was getting from Angel although she was sure she had heard a growl when Spike pulled her closer to him. This was going to be easier than she had planned. That bitch had hurt her one too many times and Willow had decided that enough was enough, it was time to go for the jugular. Literally, She suspected that she knew things about Angel that even Spike didn't. Specifically promises he had made when he had lost his soul. She had been too weak then, too much in Buffy's thrall but now, she had seen the light and knew what she had to do.

      Spike was happy, he had his witch in his arms and it felt good. He didn't want to let her go, ever, but then the poof had to go and spoil it by offering coffee, damn. So he let her go, smiling when she didn't let go of his hand, and allowed himself to be dragged furthur into the lobby. He loved the fact that Willow stayed with him and sat beside him as Cordelia went off to make coffee. He smirked across at Angel. Although he knew the witch was here to enact her revenge on Buffy and it would involve playacting with Angel, he was still going to enjoy holding her close while he could. He grinned again. He was loving every minute of this. Although he still wasn't sure what exactly the plan was, and in fact when he was going to receive his payment.

~Part 9~

Angel left the room troubled by the looks both of his visitors were sharing. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on, and he didn't think he liked it, hence he felt the need to leave the room.  He realised though that he owed Willow everything and would do what he could to make her stay comfortable, and if that meant putting up with Spike then he'd do it.. He wouldn't like it but for Willow he'd do it. That decided he made his way back to the foyer only to stop dead at the sight before him. Five seconds after that his demon took over.

As soon as Angel had left the room Willow stood up and looked Spike over. Then she looked around the room and nodded to her self, "So Spike, do you still want your payment" She said while arching her eyebrow seductively. Spike gulped slightly. While not having forgotton about their agreement he had never really believed the red-head would actually do it. Getting control of himself he smiled maliciously back at her. "Of course, pet, why wouldn't I?". He stood up and moved towards her with intent. She held up her hand to stop him. "Hold on a sec." She muttered as she reached out with her senses to locate the approaching dark vampire. Satisfied that he would see she grinned impishly up at Spike, enticing him to kiss her. Soike was never one to dissappoint and coupled with the knowledge that his Grandsire was somewhere nearby he couldn't wait to prove his worth to the witch.

He pulled her to him, bending slightly to seize her mouth in a searing kiss. She groaned into him, as he devoured her. A kiss should not be allowed to be this good. Willow curled her hands around his neck and leaned further into his embrace. Spike made a gutteral noise in his throat, and deepened the kiss, and that was when he heard an Angelus sounding roar, and felt himself ripped from his beloved witch.

~Part 10~

Willow felt herself flung to the floor, out of Spikes overwhelming embrace. As her head cleared she began to smile. Things were working out perfectly.. All she needed now was for both her vampires to agree to her plan and revenge would be had on that two-bit trollop of a slayer. With a twitch of her lips she rose up to confront the brawling men in front of her.

Angel felt his demon batter through the cage that kept him safe, the sight of his misbegotton grandchilde practically devouring his redhead, sending him to new heights of rage. He barralled into them, intent on dislodging Spike and killing him very slowly, possibly involving some torture. He realised the slight error he had made in his plan when willow was sent flying to the floor. That though was only briefly in his head before it was knocked out again by Spike's fist hitting him in retaliation. Furious at his own bloods impertinence he returned fire and a fight broke out on the floor of the foyer.

Cordelia had returned with her version of coffee and was stood staring at the two vampires wrestling on the floor, when she noticed Willow rise from where she had fallen. She made her way over to her. Whispering slightly, she said, "By any chance had you planned this!!" Willow looked at her and smirked slightly, "Angelus owes me, he made me certain promises before I sent him back into his cage. And Spike well, Spike's always been the Big Bad, I just want to fix him" She broke off to grin at her two suitors fighting for her before continuing "Buffy is a bitch, I should have realised it before, but this last time, it was the end of my delusion... Did you know that she slept with all of the people I was interested in, Tara being the last.. she was ""Just experimenting"" eugh, the thought of it makes me  sick. So it's time for revenge and I will use every tool at my disposal, even these two." She smiled, a slightly malicious smile.

Cordelia was shocked, unaware of what had been happening in Willow's life. She put the tray of coffee on the counter and took the petite redhead in her arms, hugging her close. "Sssh Willow, if you want help, you've got the Queen C on hand here." She pulled back and smiled at the witch, "Afterall I was the Bitchiest person at school, y'know"

Willow smiled back gratefully, slightly surprised that her one-time enemy would rally to her now. "Thanks, Cordy" She said before noticing a silence where before there had been the sound of fighting, "I hope you two boys haven't kiled eachother" She turned round to see two exhausted vampires sat side by side on the floor, "Good, I hope you have that out of your system" She glared down at them , then ruined the autocratic impression by smiling impishly, "Angel, I am allowed to kiss whoever I want, you do not have the right to stop me, although.. It was kinda sweet, Spike, you are very good in the smoochies department, but that was just your payment, I expect your help, and erm.. you might get more rewards later!!"

She turned to Cordelia, "Cordy, I'm feeling in need of a change, care to go shopping with me??" Cordy just grinned manically while going for her coat. "Credit card, please" Willow held out her hand expectantly, happily surprised that she got two cards into her hand. She stood on her tip-toes and gave each of them a peck on the cheek before going to join Cordy at the door. "Bye bye, boys and don't wait up" she called as they exited the hotel.

~Part 11~

As soon as the door closed behind the girls Spike picked himself off the floor and turned to glare at Angel, "No look what you've done, you bloody poofter" Angel looked at him with confusion, "What I've done!! What are you doing here Spike, and why is Willow with you. And for that matter what was the kiss payment for" Spike sat on the couch and waited for Angel to finish. When he had he began..

"I am here because Willow asked me along. She needed a break and wanted some company, company not of the slayer variety. The kiss was advance payment for a service I am to provide." Spike sat back with a smirk on his face, watching how Angel took this piece of news. "Wait a minute, Willow asked you along over Buffy, that doesn't seem right" then his mind drifted back to the phone conversation he had had with her and Giles regaurding Willow's dissapearance. He had realised that something was wrong then. "What service are you meant to provide Spike, I hope it's nothing that will require me ending your unlife abrubtly"

Spike grinned at his Grandsire before patting the seat next to him, "Come on Angelus, sit down, It's going to be a long talk" Angel moved to the couch and sat down "Tell me spike" he demanded. "It all started way back when the witch and the wolf were seeing eachother, the slayer started experimenting with red's man, saying how she always wanted to sleep with a werewolf. Eventually Red forgave her, more fool her, and dogboy left to hol at a far distant moon." Spike paused to allow this to sink in, not dissappointed in the least by the growl of anger that eminated from his one time companion. "All went well for a while and things got back to normal when Willow started to explore her sexuality. She fell for this blonde witch. a little mouse of a creature who did genuinely seem to care for her. they were happy, I hadn't actually seen her as happy since before she found the slayer and the wolf. Then she found her supposed best friend experimenting with her girlfriend. I don't really blame Tara, she was kind of in the thrall of the slayer. it happens to the worst of us, but Willow, she decided she had had enough and wanted out of Dodge. Hence the road trip"

Angel nodded to himself, anger seething in him at the callousness of the slayer. "That still doesn't explain why she kissed you Spike" Spike grinned in his trademark manner, "What the girl can't find me sexy" Angel glared at him, so Spike continued "She wants revenge, and I am to help her. She wants you, so she can show the slayer what it's like to experiment with other peoples loved ones. oh that and the fact that you apparently made her some promises when you weren't quite yourself" Spike looked over at his Grandsire speculatively, "I wonder what those would be"

Angels blood had frozen at Spike's last statement, she couldn't possibly remember those promises. He gulped slightly , he didn't know if he could refuse her if she called those in. He looked at his grandchilde and sighed, "I promised her the slayer broken at her feet, I promised her fire and death, I promised that she would be my queen if she but consented. If she didn't I promised her unending pain." he smiled a sad smile, "Then she re-souled me, so I could never fufill those promises" He stood up and walked towards the stairs, "I need to think Spike, I'll see you later on" With that he went to his room, leaving a worried Spike behind. He didn't know of these promises before, and now he wondered how far the petite redhead would go.

~Part 12~

Willow called a halt to the shopping at about midday, needing a  break to rest her feet and reign in the insanity that was cordelia on a shopping trip, with someone elses money. They stopped for a coffee in a starbucks, one of the many littering the mall. When they had sat in a comfortable silence for long enough cordelia began asking the various questions that had been on her mind since that morning. "So Willow, what's the what, I mean what exactly did the slayer do to you" Willow grimaced slightly, "She made me feel weak, and used,m as if no-one could be with me if they were given the choice between her
and me. And to be honest so far , no-one's proved her wrong. I mean Oz certainly put up no fight, claiming a wolf needs to mate with many females, when anyone who knows about wolves know they mate for life. And Tara, well Tara would do anything for approval, and to be honest I don't hold as much against her, I know how overwhelming buffy's personality can be." She sighed, "But enough is enough, I will not be walked over again I am going to have my revenge if all party's are willing. It could prove interesting in the long run."

Cordy couldn' help but be intrigued by what the redhead was saying. "What have you got in that devious mind of your's willow. I know there is something in there, why not let Queen C in on the plan?" She grinned as Willow began to fill her in, "I want to make Buffy feel as bad as I felt when she used me and my partners, So I want to get what she has always wanted, I want Angel to choose me over her, and be prepared to flaunt it. I have a few things up my sleave but I think I have Angel onside already, he made me promises before, he promised me, when he was Angelus, that I would be his Queen, and Buffy would lie broken at my feet, I want him to fufill them, but I have a secret that I once thought I could tell Buffy. Angel's soul is secure, he can't lose it. I found out after he went to hell, I wanted to tell Buffy but she had dissappeared and then when she came back, he wasn't around so there seemed little point. Then when he came back I discovered her and Oz shagging like the dogs in heat they were and I just didn't tell her, some form of petty revenge I think. I never told Angel either, he seemed to avoid me, probably because of Angelus and the things he said."She shrugged, then smirked slightly, "Well this shopping trip has got me most of the way changed into new Willow, we just need to get a few extra accesories, time for Victoria secrets I think"

Cordelia nodded thoughtfully, "Oh yes my dear Victoria secrets is deffinately necessary, We need to get you kitted out for seduction" Willow looked surprised , "Oh, your going to help me manipulate your boss" "Uh huh, He needs a little manipulation, it'll stop him brooding all the time, and anyway, it'll be fun seeing how him and Spike react" She giggled a little at the thought, "C'mon Red we have some more shopping to do"

~Part 13~

The girls snuck into the Hotel hoping to avoid the vampires until the transformation of Willow was complete. Thankfully they were nowhere to be seen. Giggling to themselves they creeped up the stairs towards Willow's room. Cordelia smiled ruefully to herself, realising that not only was Willow her about her impending revenge but she had also had two double mocha's. What a mistake that was. They made it to her room unseen by anyone. Flinging the bags on her bed the redhead bounced up and down maniaclly, "So Cordy what are we going to do now", "You are going to sit down and be quiet" Cordelia stated while turning to the bags she had. She rooted around for a while before pulling out the makeup she had bought.. Urban Decay had a fantastic range of colours that really seemed to suit Willow.

Willow amused her self by searching the bags for her first outfit of the new her. She pulled out the black thong and matching Bra they had bought in Victoria Secrets and started to strip, unconcerned about Cordelia. "Aha" Cordelia said before stopping suddenly at the sight of an almost naked Willow. The new underwear looked amazing against her creamy flesh. Mouth suddenly dry she wrenched her eyes away and gulped slightly, "I'm, ehm, going to the
bathroom" she muttered before moving swiftly towards the en-suite.

Willow looked after her curiously, before realising that she was in fact practically nude, Blushing slightly she pulled on her new leather trousers that moulded to her perfectly. So much so in fact that she had to unbutton them so she could pull on her boots. Once she had her trousers and boots on she rummaged around to find a little red velvet halter top which left her newly pierced stomach exposed. Now that she was covered once more she called out "Cordy it's ok, I'm fully dressed now"

~Part 14~

Angel was brooding. It was what he did best and at the moment he had a lot to brood about. He started off brooding in his room, then found it wasn't getting him anywhere so he moved it to the foyer, but that was too bright and well, frankly not brood inducing, so he was currently in his office. It seemed to be working quite well until the girls came back and the scent of Willow came to him, almost miraculously it seemed as there was a closed door in the way. And he
couldn't help but remember how she had looked when his other self had attempted to woo her, thinking that while she was innocent she would not be strong enough to resist him. But she was, oh se was more than a match for Angelus which is why his demon was whispering to him, distracting him with ideas and reminding him that souled or unsouled he had never once broken a promise.

Spike was doing a fair immitation of his Grandsire, although with in his opinion, considerably more flair. He had returned to his room after Angel had dissappeared and was wondering to himself what was going to happen next. Willow, he knew was not going to waver now, he had seen her resolve face. She meant business. He didn't know where he would fit in once she had the poof fimly wrapped round her delicious little finger. He wasn't sure what she wanted from him now. He would do his best to help, but it appeared that very little was needed. Angel would capitulate, he would join willow to bring down the slayer if only mentally. But at the end of it he still wouldn't have her. She wouldn't be his princess. Shrugging to himself he realised it didn't matter as long as he was near her. That decided he lay down on his bed to sleep.

Cordelia was having trouble breathing. The sight of a half naked willow sent a spark of desire through her that was completely unexpected. Leaning against the door she tried to reign in the emotions careering through her. When her beating heart calmed she straightened herself and looked in the mirror. She looked slightly flushed but nothing else. Smiling ruefully she was about to head out when she heard Willow's call. Opening the door, her jaw droped at the
sight before her. Willow looked like a Goddess in tight black leather trousers and a red velvet top that hid little and left her entire back exposed. She couldn't control her reaction. Moving closer to Willow she reached up and carressed her shoulder. Willow jumped slightly not expecting the contact. She reached up to rub her fingers over cordelia's lips before whispering "oh Cordy I wish I could, but not now, not until I'm done" And then she planted a soft kiss on Cordy's lips.

~Part 15~

Buffy flounced into the magic shop. Willow had been gone for over a week and she didn't know where. She still couldn't believe Willow had done it. I mean running away was soo childish. Giles looked up from what he was doing at his slayers entrance. He shook his head slightly wondering where he had gone wrong. She had seemed such a nice young girl, so caring and giving, always looking out for her friends. But now, he supposed the rumours from the council were true, Slayers were selfish.

"Why did she leave" Buffy whined. "I mean it's not like she could have a life without me." She glanced around the shop looking for support but instead found Giles looking at her in a disapproving matter and Anya.

The ex-demon looked up, "It could have been something to do with you screwing her partners, but then what would I know" She added chirpily. Giles looked stunned. He hadn't known she had been with any of Willow's partners. Buffy pouted petulantly, "If they hadn't wanted some they wouldn't have done it, anyway Willow should feel privileged to share with me, after all I am the slayer" The watcher looked aghast at his charge, he couldn't believe she had said that.

"Yes, well, ehm, perhaps Willow didn't feel that way. Maybe you should Apologise" Buffy looked up at Giles in disbelief, "Apologise, for what, wanting to learn more about what she's going through so I can support her, be there for her when she's never here for me. She just runs off, and takes Spike with her... he's meant to follow me round, not her, stupid cow"

Slowly Giles moved away from the counter towards her. "Yes Buffy, you're right, maybe it best you calm down, we'll find Willow and bring her back" He started ushering her towards the door as he was speaking, "Go home and get some rest, it'll all seem better in the morning" Buffy nodded in response and then yawned, "You're probably right Giles, I'll go home" The door banged shut behind her, Giles turned round to Anya, Ripper very much evident in his face, "We have got a problem"

~Part 16~

The awkward moment was brought to an end by a loud beep from Willow's laptop. Cordelia looked at her curiously. Willow shrugged "First thing I do anywhere, Hook up to the net" She went over to the laptop and opened it. "Hmmm" She muttered, "This could be good". Cordy tried to look over the red heads shoulder but couldn't read what was on the screen, "Who's it from" She asked. "A witchy friend from Europe, she's been researching romanov curses and cures. Seems she's come up with something. Maybe I can use this to bribe Angel, not much of a bribe really as I'd do it anyway but..." Her rambling monologue came to a halt as she read the last of the e-mail. She spun round almost knocking Cordy off her feet. Her eyes sparkled. "I've got to tell Angel" She said as she dragged Cordy by the hand out of the room.

Angel had been brooding. He liked brooding, it suited him. But he knew all he was doing here was going over each and every promise he had made to Willow, both souled and not. Finally he acknowledged the decision he had subconsciously made when Willow had first arrived. He would do anything for her. She just had to name it. Having made up his mind he left his room intending to go to Willow's and tell her.

Spike was bored. Here he was in LA with a witch to woo and a Sire(technically Grandsire) to harass and here he was kicking his heels with nothing to do. Where was the little witch. She had better not be with the poof. He knew what was going to happen between them. He just wanted to be involved too. He needed to remind the redhead of there bargain. With that thought in mind he began his hunt for her.

~Part 17~

She met Angel first, bumping into his chest as she went round a corner. Cordelia slammed into her too, leaving in her in a bit of a predicament, pressed up against Angel as Cordelia moulded into her from behind, it was all a bit too much. Extricating herself from the proverbial sandwich she tried to control her breathing before looking at angel. She noticed his pupils were dilated, lust darkening them to a rich chocolatey brown.

"I found it" She blurted out, "Well we found it, It took a while but I have it" She grinned up at him, finally having her hormones under control. "Finally have what, little one" He asked, his voice once again causing shivers to run up and down her spine. "She looked away gathering herself before saying slowly, this time, "Your soul, my friend in Switzerland has been collecting information on Romanov curses and cures for a project, she has found a way to permanently secure your soul, i.e. no more Angelus"

Angel's eyes widened in shock. She heard Cordelia's gasp of surprise but all she could do was look at Angel, "This means that you can be with her, y'know, you don't have to help me" She said in a small voice, hoping against everything that he wouldn't go to the little slut, but she knew this was reality. "Now why", Angel purred, "would I go back to her, when I have a Goddess to worship right here". The look in his eyes was unbelievably sexy as he slunk towards her, "Oh little one, I am going to enjoy playing your little game". His grin was almost malevolent as he bent his head and lightly brushed his lips against hers.

~Part 18~

Spike hurried towards the sound of Angel's growl. To his ears it sounded distinctly Angelusy and he was going to prove his manliness by saving red from the big bad wolf. Turning the corner the scene in front of him was not what he expected. Willow was leaning against the wall, cheeks flushed and breathing heavily. Angel was grinning sexily at her while leaning in to whisper in her ear. Cordelia was watching the entire thing with a broad smile on her face.

"What the bloody 'ell is going on" Spike demanded as he made to push his Grandsire away from the witch. Willow batted his hand away, "Don't be silly Spike, and please don't go all possessively, I've found a cure.. well my friend fond a cure for Angel's Angelus problem. We is going to fix him good" She smiled up at him. "He's not going to leave us either. He wants to help me get even with the tramp".

Spike looked from the witch to the poof, trying to take in this information. "You mean now that you can have as many happy's as you bleedin' well want you are not going to turn tail and leave" He looked at Angel in Disbelief. Angel looked back, heat in his eyes, and moved towards his Grandchilde. "As I previously stated to Willow here, Why on earth would I go back to that, when there is so much more here", by the time he had finished the sentence he had backed Spike up against the wall and was nipping at his ear.

Spike cleared his throat and tried to move away. "Right, well, if that's the case, hadn't we best get started??"

~Part 19~

The room was in total darkness. Willow sat in the centre of a pentagram facing Angel. Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn and Spike sat at the other four points. Willow started chanting. As the speed and power of her chant grew candles flared into life around the room. Cordelia and Gunn shared an uneasy glance, as the room seemed to be filling with an eerie whispering noise. It centred on the redhead causing her hair to billow out. The pace of the chanting increased and Angel was pulled upright. Light swirled round him, through him. His mouth open in a silent howl.

Willow's head snapped up. Her eyes opened displaying totally black orbs. She reached out her hands to Angel. Something seemed to pull her into a standing position. The others felt the air go out of the room and rush back in suddenly. Willow stopped her chant abruptly and angel collapsed to the floor. The little witch said something quietly in an unknown language before joining him in a dead faint.

