Lay me Down
by: Finnmentality
Disclaimer: Joss owns the buffy charaters and Placebo own the song.
Author's note... this is a one of one but it might not be, Tell me what you think.
Pairing : W/S


Hunkered low to the floor. she crept along silently, praying no-one
would noticed her. Matted hair hung in clumps around her sallow sunken
face. She slowly crawled towards her destination.

<<Lay me down>>

He was following her movements with his eyes only. No need to let her
know he was aware of her. She was creeping slowly towards him. He
smirked, little bitch would deserve everything. Oh how the mighty
fell. He grimaced slightly in remembrance.

<<The lie will unfurl>>

It was all her fault, over and over in her head always her fault. She
had doomed them all by following her dark magics, had cast a spell and
brought the world to ruin. And so she crawled, because if someone
noticed her she would be worse than dead. Revenge would be so cruel.
And revenge was suddenly in front of her. Beloved of her friend. A
dark master in his own right and he was grinning down. "Time to play

<<Lay me down to crawl>>
