Fic: The Hunt
Disclaimer: Joss is the owner of all BtVS and Angel, I am just playing in his sandpit
Author's note: This is going to be dark and disturbing. If you are easily disturbed don't read
Rating: I suppose NC-17, whatever that is, 18 to all the people who live in the real world :oP
Feedback: It's always welcome/


~Part 1~

She ran, ran for her life, her heart was pounding and she knew it
wouldn't be enough. It could never be enough. Not even with the wings
of Mercury. But still she ran, hoping against hope that she would
bump into buffy or someone who would save her. She knew it was
futile. Pointless, even, she may as well give up but her body
wouldn't let her, her adreneline would be put to no other use. And
still she knew she'd fail. She would always fail.

He thrilled in the hunt, in the scent of fear and hate. He smelled
the whole spectrum of dark emotions from her. and set off to hunt his
prey. She was nothing else to him now. Anything else was lost the
minute she ran from him, it enraged the beast and after that it was a
haze. He loped after her, long easy syrides to match her frantic
pace. He was gaining and she knew it . he could sense that. She knew
it was hopeless but still she taunted him by running. It was her own
death, and the hunt would make it taste better. He intruded into the
hunters haze to mutter that they may want her for more than a quick
bite. That some fun may be had before she went. The hunter shook
these thougts away, he would ponder them when his prey was caught.
Which would not be too longer now. The chase bored him and he closed
the gap between them, reaching out a hand he snagged her hair and
pulled her back forceully against him. She cried out in dismay, an
anguished howl, but there were none to hear her. He had made sure of

She felt it as he pulled her against him. Hard against her back and
shuddered knowing this would not be the quick death she had hoped to
provoke. Somehow the mind still lived within the beast and it was
reasserting control. She did not want that, did not want the torment
of it. She felt him pick her up , felt the crys die in her throat
knowing they were useless. He would not listen. He was dead to her.
She knew it. She prepared herself as he threw her to the ground. This
was it she knew, death and pain. He fumbled with his zip before
relaesing his manhood for her to see. He grinned malevolently down at
her. Kneeling he pushed her legs roughly apart. Disdaing even to
speak with her he began to thrust roughly inside her. Her sobs were
they only sound apart from his odd grunt. But he had forgotten about
her, about her skills, and as he sank his teeth into her neck to
drain her dry the piece of wood she had been floating towards them
pierced his back and heart. He looked down at her mouthing "Bitch"
Before collapsing into dust. He had gone too far though, and she was
dying, could feel it spreading through her. "Goodbye Angelus" she
muttered "I'm sorry I couldn't save you". Her mind wandered,
drifting, but she felt someone coming close weeping, they shouldn't
cry she thought. He was dead, the world was aright again, why were
they crying. Her thoughts befuddled her. She felt herself lifted,
gently, felt a hand caress her face. Heard someone briefly say "I'm
sorry, luv, I'm sorry I couldn't stop him" And felt a pressure at her
lips, a thick and gloopy liquid flowing down her throat, awakeing
such a hunger in her for more, Felt her soul dying and something else
move in. Felt the else grasp at her leeing sould and consume it,
making it a part of the new being. Felt her body sleep.

