Title: Get Over It
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: My site, Kiss or Kill (http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill) Anyone that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Spike/Cordelia/Angel
Notes: Season 5, but my own verse of course...Angel and Cordelia are in LA, Willow and Spike in Sunnydale. Oh, and Spike does have the crush on Buffy or thinks he does


Cordelia Chase paced in her living room, a scowl on her pretty face. She sat
down, turning the TV on and randomly hitting the channel button on the
remote. Giving up, she groaned as she got back to her feet and began to pace.
She had no idea why she was so antsy. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She
had found out that day that Angel had been with Darla. No, change that. Not
been with. That would imply that the two might have had coffee and spent
hours catching up. He had fucked Darla, she amended crossly. She knew that
the two had a history. Hell, he hadn't been himself in months because of that
blonde bitch. He'd even pushed them all away, finally asking them, no begging
them, to come back into his life. Only for him to run out and fuck the dead

Cordelia had no desire to wonder why it bothered her so much that he had been
with another woman. After all, they were friends. Just friends. She should be
happy that he might have found someone. She also had no intention of
examining the rush of anger she felt at Darla for having been with Angel. No
need to analyze those images of tearing the bleached blonde bitches roots out
or leaving her pinned to the ground to see the sunrise. Those images were
rather easy to explain. Cordelia had decided she didn't like the power that
Darla held over her boss. She knew his soul was secure, the permanent binding
having been done only a few shorts week before, but even with a soul, many a
man did stupid things for love. Who was to say that Darla couldn't control
Angel just as much with his soul as she had when he had been Angelus? Yes,
that was the only reason that Cordelia really cared. She was worried about
waking up with her throat slit one night.

She knew that her hatred for Darla and her anger at Angel had nothing to do
with those vivid fantasies that she had had of her boss. Nor did it have to
do with the emptiness she had felt during their period of not really
speaking. And it had nothing at all to do with the fact that just a smile or
a few words from him had her stomach tied up in knots. Nope, nothing at all.
It was purely selfish, her reasons for caring that he had gone out and fucked
that whore. Why would he have gone to Darla to test his soul when he had
someone entirely willing right in front of him? Cordelia paused in her
pacing, her scowl deepening. She decided to ignore that particular thought,
chalking it up to an empty stomach. After realizing what had happened between
Angel and Darla, she had lost her appetite completely and had eaten nothing
for lunch. Since arriving home, she hadn't stopped pacing and scowling long
enough to eat. Yes, it was merely hunger that had produced that thought of
being the one Angel had been with, again those two words doing nothing to
describe the exact nature of her thoughts.

She again sat down, her dark eyes studying some unseen point on the floor as
she became lost in thought. She couldn't deal with Angel at the moment. It
had been barely two and a half weeks since she and the others had begun
working for him again and he had already done something that made her trust
in him waver. How could she work for someone she didn't trust? No, she needed
some time away from him, she decided. Some time away from his loving words
about Darla that she knew would soon be spilling from those delectable lips.
Time away from those hypnotic eyes and that silky voice that did things to
her that were probably illegal in several states. Time away from the flash of
friendship that entered his eyes when he looked at her when all she really
longed to see was love and lust. Time away from the hopelessness of loving
someone she could never have.

She put her head in her hands, cursing her subconscious for again mentioning
the L word in connection with Angel. She didn't love him. Couldn't love him.
They were just friends. He was her best friend. She was jealous of Darla
because she didn't want to lose his friendship. It couldn't be anything more
than that. She had always scoffed at unrequited love, thinking it something
that poets and screenwriters dreamed up. Now, though, she knew only too well
that it was real. She got up, hitting her mail button on her computer. Seeing
what she was looking for, she hit the read button, hoping that maybe this
would cheer her up. Instead, she felt herself growing even more melancholy.
She read the happy words but knew well enough that sadness dripped from each
one. She sighed, understanding all too well putting on a brave face while
inside having your heart break. She answered the letter, a slow smile
crossing her face as she hit send.

She was going to get away, damn it. She deserved a vacation. True, she had
not really worked for nearly a month, but she and the others had continued
fighting on their own so it hadn't been getting away from anything. Gunn and
Wesley were so caught up in trying to out do each other in hopes of ignoring
an attraction that was rather obvious to anyone that knew either man that
they wouldn't really miss her for a few days. And Angel, well, he had Darla
now. Why did he need her? It looked to her like she was needed much more
somewhere else. Just a few days, rest and relax and hopefully get her
feelings for Angel sorted out before she came back. With a determined nod,
she picked up the phone before setting it down again. She reached for her
rolodex, finding the number she needed. Dialing, she heard a soft hello and
smiled, hearing the same melancholy and sadness that had been clouding her
own voice lately. Yes, this was definitely the right decision. She could get
a break from her mixed up feelings plus help a friend at the same time.
Smiling, she said, "Willow, it's Cordelia. I'm coming home for a few


Willow smiled at the voice as she sat on her bed. She managed to put a pillow
behind her back without dropping the phone or missing a beat in the
conversation, "Coming home? Really?"

Cordelia laughed, "Yes. I've just decided that I deserve a vacation."

Willow laughed, "And you're coming to Sunnydale?"

"Does sound a bit silly, but where else would I go?" Cordelia asked in a
matter of fact tone of voice.

"Hawaii, Bermuda, Cancun," Willow began to rattle a list of several places
before saying, "but I know what you mean. Did something happen? You sound, I
don't know, depressed. Not like the normal Cordelia at all."

"You don't really know how the normal Cordelia sounds any longer, Willow,"
Cordelia reminded the redhead.

"True," Willow agreed, knowing that the teen that she had known throughout
high school had not been the real Cordelia Chase. "This is the first time
we've spoken in months."

"Weekly email isn't the same as a voice, is it?" Cordelia said, her voice

"What happened, Delia?" Willow asked, knowing that something had to have
caused the ex-cheerleader to not only phone her but to want to come back to
Sunnydale. Even in her letters, Cordelia never mentioned any desire to visit
her home town again. She recognized something in Cordelia's voice, a hint of
sadness and regret. She knew it had to be something concerning Angel. The
brunette may protest it vehemently, but Willow knew Delia was in love with
Angel. Her own feelings for Spike seemed to make her more susceptible to
others in the same boat. Thinking of the blonde vampire caused her smile to
fade as her eyes grew troubled. She had done well, not thinking about him for
nearly an hour. Lately, that was a record.

"Not important," Cordelia said, her voice determined. "You still living at
your parent's house?"

"Yes," Willow confirmed. She and Tara had broken up shortly after school had
started. True, they had parted amicably and were still the best of friends,
but Willow hadn't wanted to remain sharing their small apartment. She knew it
might have been awkward after a while and had no desire to lose Tara's
friendship. At the time, she hadn't been sure why they had been drifting
apart since their friendship had still been so strong. It wasn't until she
began to analyze her feelings for Spike that it had all made sense. Somewhere
along the way, she had fallen in love with him. And, while it didn't lessen
her feelings for Tara, it proved to be something she couldn't ignore. It
hadn't been fair to Tara to remain with her just because she couldn't have
the man that truly haunted her mind. Luckily, Tara had been understanding and
supportive. Willow was lucky to have a friend like her. And, as it were, Tara
had begun a relationship with a shy girl in her Biology lab and both seemed
very happy. Willow had moved home, glad to have the house to herself, and
continued to watch Spike from afar. Lately, though, it had been increasingly
difficult to be around him. She knew that he wanted Buffy. Hell, what man
that met the slayer didn't? It just was so hard to see him want Buffy when
she was sitting there wanting him so badly. And Buffy would never give him
the time of day. Of that, Willow was certain. She and Spike were quite a
pair, though. Both wanting what they couldn't have.

"Willow? Hello? You there?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking," Willow said, not realizing how her voice had

"Stop it!" Cordelia warned. "No thinking about undead bleached morons that
lust for Buffy. I've just told you that I'm coming to visit you a few days. I
want to hear a smile, damn it!"

"You haven't changed that much, Delia," Willow said, laughing softly.

"That's better. You wouldn't mind if I stayed with you?" Cordelia asked, her
voice hesitant. She had decided to leave on the spur of the moment, her
jealousy of Angel and Darla paired with her understanding of what Willow was
dealing with making it seem like a wonderful idea, but she had hardly any
money. She could scrape enough for gas to get to Sunnydale and back, but
definitely couldn't afford a hotel.

"I'd be pissed if you suggested staying anywhere else," Willow said, meaning
her words. Strangely, she and Cordelia had begun a very strong friendship by
exchanging emails over the past year or so. They hadn't seen each other since
Graduation, but had shared most of their experiences with the other after
running into each other in a magic chat room.

"Can't have you pissed," Cordelia said, smiling. "Thanks."

"Thanks for coming to visit," Willow said. "I could really use a friend.
Besides, you've been promising for months."

"I know...I know," Cordelia said, twirling the phone cord on her finger.
"It's just never been the right time. I mean, we were busy here and then you
and Tara...Now, though, it's perfect. We're slow here. You're single and
living alone. It worked out for the best."

"Did you want to keep your visit a secret?" Willow asked, wondering what she
would tell Buffy and not wanting to lie to her best friend.

"Not really, but I don't really want to announce it to everyone either,"
Cordelia said, thoughtfully.

"OK. I'll just tell Buffy that a friend is coming to stay with me. If she
asks for more, I'll tell her but otherwise, I won't," Willow decided. "I can
miss research sessions for a few days, but I'll tell her to let me know if
something big, bad and evil comes to town and she really needs the help.
Anyway, I'll clear my schedule for the next few days."

"Really?" Cordelia smiled, feeling strangely pleased that Willow would go to
so much trouble for her. "You'll be all mine?"

"Yep," Willow said, smiling. She felt happy for the first time in weeks, she
realized. Even thinking about Spike couldn't diminish her excitement at
having a good friend visit. "All yours."

"Great!" Cordelia said, smiling. "I'll get things packed and I should be on
the road tomorrow afternoon. I'll call Wesley and let him know just so he
doesn't worry. I should be in tomorrow evening, around eight or so."

"You know where I live?" Willow asked.

"Yes," Cordelia said, remembering the two story white house.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Willow said. "If something changes, just give me a

"It won't," Cordelia said as she smiled at her empty living room, "see you
tomorrow, Willow."


Willow walked into the magic shop, smiling as she saw Buffy playing cards
with Dawn. Xander and Anya were both behind the counter, cleaning of all
things. She was almost tempted to ask Xander what Anya had promised him to
get him to pick up a cleaning rag, but decided she was better off not
knowing. She set her bag down, smiling at Buffy's greeting, "Hey Buffy. Guys.
Looks pretty slow."

"I hate the early spring," Buffy said, smiling at her best friend. "It's
always nice and quiet, makes me think the year is gonna be slow. Then, just
before summer, bam. We get hit with some nasty old evil."

"You know, you're right," Willow said, thinking about it. "We've had the
mayor and the master and Angelus...what is it about May and Sunnydale

"If it were a television show, I'd suggest May sweeps," Anya said, glancing
up with a smile. "But, February is a big time too and this year, things were

"Yeah, no deaths, births, fights or weddings," Xander said, ticking off the
typical sweeps gags. "Guess the networks aren't really running the Hellmouth."

"I don't know," Dawn spoke up as she laid down a card that had Buffy cursing.
She smiled a triumphant smile as she continued, "have you watched television
lately? It's horrible."

"That's because you watch the networks," Xander said, making a visible face
of disgust as he moved a strange lamp. He looked at Dawn and smiled, "You've
got to keep it on cable. The cartoon network, Nick at Night, TV Land and
MTV....Then, you're set."

"He has over 100 channels and those four make him happy," Anya said, rolling
her eyes. "Men."

"Sit down, Wills," Buffy said, laughing at Anya and Xander before looking
back at her cards. She had been playing with Dawn for nearly and hour and had
yet to win a hand. She found herself looking back at Willow. "Help!"

"No fair!" Dawn cried out as Willow came forward to sit behind her older
sister. "That's cheating, Buffy!"

"Dawn, quit whining," Buffy said, shooting Dawn a smug smile before looking
up at Willow. "What should I do?"

"Hmm," Willow studied the cards intently before laughing, "I'd choose that

Buffy smiled and nodded, "Dawn, dear, do you have any eight's?"

"Stupid cheating dyed blonde brat," Dawn muttered as she handed over an
eight. "Willow, you're supposed to be my friend too!"

"I am, Dawny," Willow said, shaking her head, "but you know that Buffy's
impaired when it comes to things like this."

"Hey now!" Buffy spoke up, shooting an amused glare at Willow as Dawn
laughed. "I think I resent that."

"Resemble that did you say?" Dawn asked, giggling as Willow winked at her.

"You know, I could always quit playing and go on patrol. I'm sure Anya and
Xander would love some help," Buffy said in a teasing voice.

"Cheating?" Dawn said, "Of course you weren't cheating...you were just,
seeking expert advice."

"That's better," Buffy said, looking back at Willow. "You look like you want
to tell me something. Spill it, Willow."

"Oh, it's nothing really. I've got a friend coming to town for the weekend,"
Willow explained with a smile as Dawn studied her cards while also trying to
hear what she and Buffy were saying, "so I'm going to be busy with her. I'll
be around though, if you need me. Just gotta leave early tonight to meet her."

"A friend?" Buffy frowned, trying to think who Willow might have coming to
visit for the weekend. She saw Willow draw her bottom lip into her mouth, an
action that usually meant the redhead didn't really want to say anything else
concerning the current topic. She had know Willow long enough to be able to
read the girl pretty well. "Is it a safe friend?"

Willow laughed, "Yes, Mom. And I promise to play nice."

"I never said you had to play nice," Buffy said with a flirty smile and wink
before handing over the card that Dawn had asked for.

"Why, Buffy Anne Summers! Are you suggesting that I be naughty?" Willow
asked, surprised at Buffy's lack of questions and easy acceptance of her
rather vague description of Cordelia's visit.

"Naughty? Willow's being naughty? And where was I?" Xander spoke up as he
came towards the table, sitting down as he took a long sip from his water

"Willow is not being naughty!" Willow said, her face turning pink as she
imagined what Cordelia would think of this conversation. She groaned, "This
is a friend friend, not a 'friend' friend."

"Willow has a friend that isn't in this room?" Anya asked, frowning as she
studied the redhead. "Who?"

"No one," Buffy said smoothly, not wanting Willow to feel that she had to
explain anything. "She's got an old friend visiting for the weekend so it's
just gonna be us for researching. Willow's going to have fun or else!"

"Buffy, leave her alone," Dawn said, rolling her eyes. "First you tell her to
be naughty and now you're telling her to have fun."

"I just want Willow to know that she doesn't have to explain things to me, to
us," Buffy said, shooting her little sister and pointed look that said butt
out. "She can enjoy her weekend without feeling guilty for leaving us to
research. Hell, it's not like we have anything to do anyway. I was actually
considering asking Giles if he'd let me have the weekend off so you and I
could go visit Dad."

"Really?" Dawn smiled a large smile. "Do ya think he will? Do ya?"

"I suppose I could volunteer to do some patrols," Xander said, earning him a
grateful look from both Dawn and Buffy. "Anya could help."

"I could?" Anya replied, looking less than thrilled. "Sure, I could."

"Thanks, Xan," Buffy said, smiling. "Anya, thanks."

"Sure, whatever," Anya said, smiling at the gratitude in the slayer's eyes.
"Even slayers deserve a vacation every now and then."

"If we're working this weekend," Xander said, standing and holding his hand
out to Anya, "let's enjoy tonight."

"I like the sound of that," Anya said with a laugh as she and Xander left,
calling out good-byes behind them.

"So, when does she arrive?" Buffy asked Willow as Dawn began to shuffle the
cards for another game that she undoubtfully would win.

"Eight," Willow said, oddly relieved that Buffy would not be in town during
Cordelia's visit.

"I never thought I'd see Cordelia back in LA," Buffy said with a smile.
"Wonder what drove her back here."

"How did you?" Willow asked, looking at her best friend in pleasant surprise.

"Willow, hon, you're my best friend. I know you pretty well even if you do
think I'm a bit self centered at times," Buffy said with a laugh.

"A bit?" Dawn spoke up, looking at her sister and snorting. "Try, I'm the
center of the universe and everyone better damn accept it and you might be

"Dawn," Buffy said in a warning voice.

"Oh, sorry. Darn accept it," Dawn said with a smile as Willow laughed.

"Wills, don't encourage the child," Buffy said with a dramatic sigh as her
eyes sparkled with amusement.

"You're ok with this...Cordy coming to visit?" Willow asked, her eyes on the
cards being dealt.

"Willow, she's your friend," Buffy said, still finding that friendship a bit
weird, but it was the Hellmouth after all. Who was she to question? "I know
that. You mentioned it last year when you two started writing. I'm glad she's
coming to visit and wouldn't mind seeing her tomorrow before I leave. In the
end, she really pulled through for us all. And now, she's helping Angel. I'm
sure they're probably doing a hell of a lot more lately than we are."

"Hey, we do stuff," Willow defended with a smile. "I'll mention it to her
tonight, but I'm not sure how she'll feel."

"It's ok if she doesn't want to see me," Buffy said, "we were never the best
of friends. Besides, she'd probably think it was some plot to find out how
Angel is doing anyway."

"Would it be?" Willow asked, needing to know. She was aware of Cordelia's
feelings for the dark haired vampire, but was still not sure how Buffy felt
about him.

"No," Buffy said honestly. "Angel and I...we make good friends. He's in my
past. I want him to be happy but that's it. I've sworn off vampires and
soldiers. Need to find me a nice, quiet guy that has no history of evil or
even fighting evil."

"Good luck," Willow said with a snort. "You'd be bored by the end of the

"Hey, it's possible," Buffy said with a laugh. "OK...maybe a guy that isn't
dead or threatened by my position as slayer. Is that better?"

"Yep," Willow said, glancing at her watch. "Oh, it's nearly seven fifteen.
She's gonna be here soon. I'd better get to the house."

"I'll call you tomorrow and let you know if we're going," Buffy said with a

"Take care of her, Dawny," Willow said with a smile at the younger girl.

"Ha!" Dawn said, sticking her tongue out at Buffy. "She asked ME to take care
of YOU!"

"Thanks, Wills," Buffy said, rolling her eyes as she listened to Dawn prattle
on about Willow trusting her more than she did the slayer.

"Anytime," Willow said with a laugh. She leaned over, giving Buffy a brief
hug and whispered, "Ask for a nine and a jack. You should win this one,

"Good night, Willow," Buffy said, hugging the redhead before facing Dawn with
a gleam in her eyes, "I want a nine, brat."

Willow laughed as Dawn griped as she handed over the card. She left the magic
shop, smiling as she realized that she hadn't thought about Spike in over two
hours. Her crush/lust/love messy feelings for him hadn't been the main
thoughts in her head for the first time in months. She began to hum as she
walked. Maybe she was finally getting over it.


Willow paced in front of the downstairs window, pausing every so often to
move the curtain to the side and look out into the quiet night. She glanced
at the clock, seeing that it was nearly eight thirty. She hoped that there
hadn't been an accident or anything. If there had been, no one would know to
contact her. She stopped those thoughts, knowing that Cordelia always ran
late. Besides, they hadn't set an exact time. She knew that the other girl
had to get things ready at the spur of the moment to come visit anyway.
Probably had to do some laundry, talk to Wesley, get her apartment ready to
be left for a few days, pack. Lots of stuff to do that could easily have
taken her longer than she planned. Willow had to wonder what had been so bad
in LA that brought Cordelia running back home.

Of course, she knew it had to involve Angel. She had seen her friend falling
for the vampire slowly over the past year. She could recognize the symptoms
of being in love with a stubborn, blind to what he might have vampire. Only,
in Delia's case, it had sounded at times like Angel might actually
reciprocate her feelings. Some of the things Cordelia would mention struck
Willow as meaning that Angel cared deeply about the brunette. Cordelia of
course did not see it so Willow couldn't question too closely. It hadn't been
a case like her and Spike. He was so uninterested that she didn't even
register in his mind. True, she had been with Tara for a majority of the time
she had slowly been falling for Spike, but even before that he hadn't seen
her. Not in the way she saw him. Now, it was too late. He wanted Buffy. She
sighed, smiling wryly. Why was she doomed to fall hard for people that had no
interest in her?

Before she could answer her own question, she heard the sound of a car door.
She turned, looking out the window and smiling. She moved towards the front
door, walking onto her porch and calling, "Hey there."

Cordelia looked up, her smile freezing as she saw Willow for the first since
Graduation. Her red hair fell just slightly past her chin, its vivid color
making her skin seem even more pale. She was wearing a tight orange tank top
with some design in red on the front, moving across the soft swell of her
breasts in vivid strokes. Cordelia's eyes trailed down the flat stomach
across the blue jean cut off shorts and down well muscled legs that were
unbelievably long for a girl of Willow's height and finally resting on toes
that were painted a soft shade of rose. Cordelia gulped, having had no idea
that Willow had grown up so much over the last year. Cordelia pushed aside
the undeniable attraction she was feeling at the moment and smiled, "Hey you.
Sorry I'm late. Ran into traffic leaving LA."

"It's OK," Willow said, a thoughtful look in her green eyes. She had noticed
Cordelia's slow appraisal of her body, seen the flash of lust in those dark
eyes, knew that Cordelia approved of her appearance. She smiled slowly,
rather liking the idea of Cordelia Chase wanting her. The old Willow would
have blushed or acted like she had missed the once over. But, that was the
old Willow. The new Willow was a bit more confident, not much but a little.
She knew she could call Cordy on it, but that wouldn't be fair. It might have
been purely unintentional. A mere once over between two friends that hadn't
seen each other in a year. She had looked too, after all. Noticing the
fullness of Cordelia's breasts and the new shorter hair cut. Seeing the firm
stomach and long legs. Feeling a slight urge to run her tongue over
Cordelia's belly button that flashed her whenever the brunette moved just a
certain way causing her shirt to ride up. An urge that did not happen to stop
with just running her tongue over the belly button. Instead, Willow just
remained silent, letting it all go for now. "You've grown up, Cordelia."

"So have you," Cordelia said with a small smile as she moved away from her
car, one bag hanging from her shoulder and the other in her right hand. "It's
weird, being back in Sunnydale. I swore I'd never come back until I had my
first Oscar."

"Sometimes things don't happen the way we plan," Willow said, moving onto the
porch and taking the bag from Cordelia. She heard the other girl's breath
catch at the casual contact, storing that information away for future use.
She had honestly meant her words to Buffy, about her and Delia just being
friends. Now, though, she could no longer deny the attraction that she
believed existed even during high school. After she had realized that she was
bisexual, she had accepted that she had always been attracted to Cordelia,
despite the bitchy attitude. Of course, she had also been attracted to Buffy
at one time and even Faith, so that was pretty normal for her to admire the
good qualities in her friends and appreciate their unique beauty or raw
sexuality in Faith's case. She definitely had no urge to jump Buffy's bones
or any of the other women she might have felt a slight attraction to.
Cordelia, on the other hand, was making her stomach tighten and pulse race.
And they had barely been together for five minutes. What the hell was she
going to do over three days?

"Thanks," Cordelia said, moving past Willow into the house. You love Angel,
she reminded herself. This is Willow of all people. Your only female friend.
Damn, she smells good. Like peaches and vanilla. Wonder if that scent covers
her entire body. Stop it, Delia. Did you notice the look in her eyes, that
knowing little gleam of wickedness that promised things you've only dreamed
about? Since when did Willow Rosenberg become such a sexy, alluring woman?
When you were in LA lusting after Angel, you silly twit, her inner voice
reminded. Angel. That's right. Angel. Not Willow. Angel is who I want. Three
days. I can fight this attraction for three days. I've fought the one for
Angel for a year after all. I'm good at denying myself what I really want. Do
I really want Willow? I've never really felt like this about a woman before.
OK. So there was that little fantasy after the vampire version of Willow came
to town. Her licking my neck...her body against mine...damn, it's hot in
here. I'd forgotten that little distraction during my time in LA. Forgotten?
Yeah, right. More like elaborated on and added to throughout the last year
and a half. Willow was her friend though. No need for the girl to know of the
jealousy that Cordelia had felt when she had found out she was involved with
another woman. No need to know that Delia had spent hours crying, angry that
it was a woman other than her. That had been a confusing time for the
brunette, her feelings for Angel still new and weird and strange. She had
chalked that entire night up to stress, deciding it had nothing to do with
Willow or any silly crush she may have had on the redhead during high school.
Now, she wasn't so sure. Faced with those teasing eyes and the curve of those
lips and that sexy voice.....she had to be strong. No need for Willow to know
about her feelings. Three days. Yep, she could do it.

"I'm putting you in the room next to mine," Willow said, making that decision
as she set the bag by the sofa. "We have to share a bathroom, but it's the
nicest room."

"Sharing is good," Cordelia said, her face flushing slightly as images
taunted her.

"It can be," Willow replied with a slightly flirty tone. "Did you want to
slip into something more comfortable? I figured we'd just call in a pizza and
stay in tonight, catch up and all that stuff. Thought you might be tired from
the drive."

"Comfortable? In?" Cordelia repeated, her eyes drawn to Willow's lips as she
vaguely heard what the redhead was saying. She nodded, not sure what she was
agreeing with exactly. "Yeah, that sounds good."

"I'll show you to your room," Willow said with an impish smile, wondering if
Cordelia had always been attracted to her or if it was something new. She
frowned as she also had to wonder if it was some reaction to whatever had
happened in LA and caused the brunette to come visit. Maybe this was some
twisted revenge against Angel. Come to Sunnydale and fuck Willow? No, that
didn't sound right. Maybe they were just now both mature enough to understand
what had always been there, what they had fought so hard to ignore.

"That's OK. I'm sure I can find it," Cordelia said, wanting a moment away
from the bewitching redhead to clear her mind. It was much too warm around

"Second door on the left. My room's the very end, in the corner," Willow
said, smiling as Cordelia moved towards the stairs. Her green eyes moved over
the soft swell of Delia's ass and she let out a breath. She sat down, eyes
wide as she realized she felt more alive right then than she had in longer
than she could remember. Every nerve ending was on edge, her entire body was
aware of Cordelia. She hadn't felt such powerful lust for anyone except Spike
in her entire life. And he wasn't interested. But, it appeared that Cordelia
might be. Willow smiled slowly as she thought about it. Three days. Three
days to seduce Cordelia Chase. Laughing softly, she decided that it was


Angel entered the lobby of the hotel, his eyes going to the empty desk.
Scowling, he moved closer, noticing that there was no coffee mug near the
phone. He touched the light, feeling nothing but cool glass. It hadn't been
on in hours. Cordelia always turned the lamp on when she worked at her desk.
She claimed that the lobby was too dark to work unless you had vampire
vision. He moved her chair, sitting down as a thoughtful look crossed his
face. The night before she had left in a hurry. Something had upset her,
though he had no idea what it had been. He had been talking to Wesley about
random things that had happened during the past few months, mostly during the
time after he had fired them all. Running a hand over his face, he shook his
head. It was during their discussion that Cordelia had stood up and hurried
off. He still had no idea why.

He sat back in Cordelia's chair, noting that it was comfortable. He put his
feet up on her desk, trying to remember if he had heard her at all that day.
He hadn't. It was one of the many curses of being a vampire. He could smell
her as soon as she entered the hotel usually. Her perfume was always a light,
flowery scent that he could never place. Her shampoo was always fruity, her
lotion a mixture of coconut and vanilla. He could smell her as he sat in her
chair, the scent making his mind wander. He was still sitting there staring
into space with his feet propped up when the door opened.

"Man, you're so full of shit!"

"I really wish you'd complete a sentence without using profanity," Wesley
said in a tight voice as he cast a disgusted look at Charles Gunn.

"Fuck, I don't think I could do that," Gunn said with a smile as he watched
Wesley stiffen. He loved making the prissy watcher bristle. Didn't know why
it delighted him, didn't care enough to think about it. It was fun so he went
with it.

"Angel, where did you find this immoral idiot again?" Wesley asked his boss
with an impatient glare.

"The streets," Angel said with a raised brow.

"Can we please send him back there?" Wesley asked with a tight smile as he
sat down.

"Ah, man, now you're hurting the fuck out of me," Gunn said, frowning as he
tried to work in a curse word just to piss Wesley off. "Besides, you'd miss

"Like a sore thumb," Wesley muttered, suddenly looking at Angel with a frown.
"Why are you sitting there?"

"Delia will kick your ass for putting those boots on her desk," Gunn said,
giving Angel a warning as he sat down. "Then she'll kick it again for moving
her phone. You know she likes it right there on the corner."

"I'll move it back," Angel said, rolling his eyes. As if he was afraid of

"Where is the Princess?" Gunn asked, his dark eyes moving over the empty

"She's not coming in today," Wesley said, giving Gunn a pointed look that
told him to shut up.

"Is she sick?" Angel asked, his feet moving from their position on the desk.
"Does she need anything?"

"Just rest," Wesley said, his eyes looking Angel over in curiosity. Cordelia
had phoned him earlier that afternoon to tell him she was taking a long
weekend away from LA. She didn't say why or where she was going and he knew
well enough not to ask questions.

"And she called you and not me?" Angel asked, clearly surprised.

"So that's what she meant!" Gunn said, laughing. "She called me this
afternoon and woke me up. Said something about going away and that she'd see
me Monday. I thought I was just having some really fucked up dream."

"You dream of Cordelia often?" Wesley asked, giving the other man an
unreadable look.

"I don't even think I'm gonna answer that damn question," Gunn said with a
disgusted look at Wesley.

"Gone? As in, not sick?" Angel asked, his voice annoyed that no one would
answer his question and that Cordelia had not called him. Why hadn't she
called him? Maybe she had left him a message. He hadn't checked the machine.
That must be it. He heard Gunn and Wesley continue their insane bickering as
he stood and moved towards his desk. He looked at the machine, frowning when
he saw that there was no flashing light. "Damn it. Where the hell is she?"

Gunn and Wesley both stopped and looked at Angel in surprise. Wesley
whispered, "I don't think she told him."

"Nah, what gave you that idea?" Gunn asked with a snort. "I think he's about
to get real mad."

"Why didn't she call? Did she not think that I would worry?" Angel asked as
he came back towards them. He looked at Wesley, demanding, "Where the hell is

"I don't know," Wesley said honestly. "She just said she needed a mini
vacation, for me not to worry and that she'd be back next week. I don't know
why she didn't let you know, since you are her boss."

"That's right. I am her boss. I could fire her," Angel threatened as he began
to pace.

"Angel, my man, she probably tried calling and couldn't get through," Gunn
said, frowning when Angel gave him a withering look. "Or maybe not."

"I don't know if she was going away," Wesley said. "She might have just
wanted a weekend off alone. She could be at home right now."

"Yeah, Wussy is right. I'm really not seeing Princess as the type to go away
alone.  Doesn't fit, ya know?" Gunn said with a shrug.

"In fact, why don't Gunn and I go check on her?" Wesley said, not trusting
Angel when he got like this, broody and weird.

"No, why don't I go check on her?" Angel said, angry at Cordelia for not
caring if he worried but calling not only Wesley but Gunn too. She had known
him longer than she had known both of them put together. And he wasn't even
worth a phone call. Well, they'd see about that.

"Even better idea," Wesley said, watching as their boss grabbed his coat and
left the hotel.

"Man oh man, Delia is gonna be pissed," Gunn said, giving Wesley a disgusted
look. "She told me not to mention anything to the Boss."

"She told me that too, but unfortunately I doubt she was aware that he would
begin pacing like a caged tiger," Wesley said. "For a moment there, I feared
he may have lost his soul again."

"Yeah, he was pretty ticked," Gunn said with a whistle. Suddenly, he smiled,
"Wonder what got his boxers in a bunch."

Wesley smiled slightly, "The idea that Cordelia didn't care enough to call
him but she called both of us. He won't admit it, but he's jealous as hell."

"And you sent him to her?" Gunn asked, giving the ex-watcher a speculative
gaze. "Matchmaking, Wussy?"

"Me? Never, Chuck," Wesley said, noticing with a smile that Gunn froze, his
eyes narrowing at the use of that name. "Besides, Cordelia isn't in LA. She
wouldn't have bothered calling us if she was just at home."

"Evil, man. And don't call me Chuck again unless you want to see my fist in
your face," Gunn said with a smug smile.

"I'm so scared," Wesley said with a roll of his eyes.

"Well, you should be," Gunn said. "After all, you sent Angel to Cordelia's
knowing full well she wouldn't be there. Boss man is gonna be right pissed.
Wouldn't it be a bitch if he found out you'd sent him just to get him out of

"You wouldn't," Wesley said, seeing the smug smile cross Gunn's handsome face
and grimacing, "Fuck."
