Willow walked out of the bathroom, holding her soiled boxers to her chest.
She didn't need Spike to see them and know what had gone on. She glanced at
the bed, not sure if he was sleeping or not. She hated that he didn't have to
breathe. It wasn't fair. She moved to her bag, stuffing the boxers underneath
the pile of clothes. She heard a noise and looked up into blue eyes. "Oh..uh

"Red." Spike said, yawning so she would think he just woke up. He knew what
she was putting in her bag. Trying to hide the evidence of their playing that
morning. "Whatcha doin?"

"Just getting dressed" she said, her face flushing red.

"Oh..." he said, a sparkle of mischief lighting his eyes.

"How did you sleep?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

He grinned. She had given him the perfect opening and she didn't even know
it. He stretched, making sure the blanket was over his lower waist.
"Yeah....had the most marvelous dream."

"Oh" she said, caught by his eyes. She felt heat spread through her at the
look in his eyes. "Really."

"Yeah...You were in it, luv" he said, letting his words drop into the silent
air. He heard her breath catch and he could hear her heart beating faster.
Yeah, she wanted him. He almost jumpedup and did a dance. He was going to get
her finally. It might take some seduction, but hell. That made it more fun.

"Oh" she said, her voice strangled. She stood quickly, heading to the door.
"I uh need some coffee....I'll fix you some blood."

Spike watched her run into the safety of the living room. He chuckled as he
stood up and went to take a shower. She could run now, but soon the time for
running would be over. His eyes narrowed as he thought about it. He had
backed down every time over the last year or so. Not this time. Yes, he was
going to finally have her where he wanted her. In his arms. No more running.
He whistled as he turned the water on. He was ready to fight for what he
