Title: Ulterior Motives
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill Anyone
that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Spike
To anyone that enjoys this one


"What?" Buffy said, turning to face Spike.

He looked at her with a slightly confused look, "Huh?"

"You were staring at me," Buffy said with a frown. "Why?"

"I was not," he denied, moving past her. He whirled around when she grabbed
his shoulder.

"Yes, you were," Buffy said, becoming more annoyed that he was lying about
it. "You've been watching me for the past few weeks. Why? What plan is
bouncing around in that dyed head?"

"You're crazy," he said, pulling his arm free. He scowled as she refused to
let him leave. Finally, he sighed, "Just drop it, slayer."

"I will not drop it," she said. "I don't want you to keep following me. It's

"I'm not following you," he snarled, angry at her for confronting him and
demanding things. Who the hell did she think she was? Telling him what to
do....Stupid bitch.

"I've seen you outside my house several times," she said, her tone snippy.

"I like your Mom. I was worried about her," Spike said smoothly, arching a

"You've been standing outside my balcony because you're worried about my
mother?" Buffy said in disbelief. "Give it up, Spike. That's the most
ridiculous escuse I've heard yet."

"Really? So tell me, wise one, why am I watching your house?" he asked,
crossing his arms and staring at her with cold, hard eyes.

"Because you want me," she said as if it was obvious. "You've got a crush,
Spike. And, while I think it is real cute and all, it's so not gonna happen
so deal with it. I can't stand you in a hate your guts and hope you die
violently and gruesomely while I'm watching way. I mean, that implant might
have you neutered at the moment but I know you'd kill me without hesitation
if it was gone. Hell, you'd torture and kill all of my friends if given the
chance and you can't deny that."

"If you hate me so much why don't you just stake me?" he challenged, his eyes
flashing yellow.

"Because," she started, "it would be like hurting an injured puppy. You
couldn't even fight back. Besides, we can use you at times. Nope, you'll
survive as long as you've got the implant UNLESS you continue with this whole
silent shadow stalker thing because it is so getting old."

"You're crazy," he snarled, wishing for a moment that he could simply snap
her neck. Then he calmed himself, willing his demon down as he breathed out
slowly in a hiss. "I am not going to stand here and listen to anymore of this
from you."

"Spike," she started, wondering for just a moment if she might be wrong
before she saw his eyes and knew she was right. "I'm serious. I don't mind
you helping us like you have before, but I will not have you skulking around
stalking me. So far I've managed to keep Riley ignorant about all of this,
but he's gonna figure it out if you continue and then I won't be able to
protect you."

"I don't need you to protect me," he said snidely, "especially from Iowa."

She just looked at him before rolling her eyes. She turned, leaving him
behind as she left the cemetary and headed towards the Espresso Pump. Willow
was waiting for her and she was suddenly developing a headache after her talk
with Spike. Spike moved when he saw her turn the corner, his eyes flashing as
he turned rapidly, his coat billowing behind him.
