
(Red’s Fire 16)

Author: Jinni (

Rated: R

Pairing: W/S with a side of W/S/X

Summary: This is from Spike’s POV

Disclaimer: All things BtVS and/or AtS belong to Joss and co. The song Drive is performed by Incubus.

Author’s Notes: Tag, Poppy. You’re it.

Feedback: Please?


It’s only a little before dawn when I realize that my witch isn’t in bed anymore. Her newest pet is lying next to me, his leg curled up on top of mine. Quite annoying that is, not being able to roll about when you’re sleeping for fear of crushing some little human. I’d probably smother him if I laid on him too long. Oh well. Maybe she’ll let me turn the git and then we won’t have that little problem anymore.

She’s sitting there, in front of one of the living room windows, her eyes fixated on something outside. Does she even notice me behind her? Abandoning your senses isn’t a good way to stay alive long. She needs to learn before someone rams a bloody stake into her pretty little chest one night while she’s off in her little la-la land. Or maybe she just feels safe here, with her Sire and lover. Whatever – she needs to be more careful. But that little lesson can wait for another night. Right now I want to know what’s wrong with her. Why isn’t she in bed? Why did she leave me all alone with that boy? Doesn’t she remember how little I can stand being around him? Certainly don’t want him cuddling up to me. Sure, he’s good for a nice little romp in the bed, but I don’t want to form any type of attachment to him. “Pet. What’re you doing up?”

“Couldn’t sleep.” She says simply, her eyes still staring into the darkness. On the horizon I can see the dark blue of the night sky fading to a pale purple. “The sun’ll be up soon, luv. Time for all good little vampires to go to sleep.” She’s naked still, and when I begin to rub her back she leans into it.

“Sometimes…” She whispers. “Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty…stinging clear…” She takes a breath, unnecessary but still a habit for one as young as she is, then exhales it in a sigh.

”Uncertainty about what, Red?” I hope I don’t sound to her like as much of a twit as I sounded to myself. She turns then, her green eyes sparkling.

“She’s going to come after us, Spikey. I know it. She’ll find us and hurt us. She’ll hurt Xander.” Her voice drops to a growl and then my baby’s true face comes out. She’s afraid. That stupid bint of a Slayer has my little Red afraid. She’s speaking again, now, her voice harsher with her fangs being out, more guttural. “And I can’t help but ask myself how much I’ll let the fear take the wheel and steer. I mean – what if I can’t do it when it comes down to it? What if I stumble and she’s there to stake me? Or you?”

“Baby. Calm down.” I grab hold of her face, my hands on either side steadying her and forcing her now-golden eyes to look into mine. “Don’t worry. She’s nothing but an uppity little bitch who tried to kill you, pet. Do you really think I’m going to let her live after that? Do you think Xander will just sit back and let her hurt you ever again? I don’t bloody well thing so.”

She shrugs. Did my words not instill the proper amount of reassurance in her? “What about when she calls your daddy in to take care of us. She will, you know. Call Angel. And Delia. They’ll be only too happy to come and make our lives Hell. They hate you. And they’ll believe every word Bitchy says. She’ll never admit that she tried to kill me. That the only reason you turned me was because she staked me.” Her demon recedes then and she looks so much like the old, human Red it’s frightening. She looks scared.

“Ducks, whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there. With open arms and open eyes. She won’t get us. We’ll destroy her and all she holds dear and then we’ll leave. My Sire won’t be a problem. He’s too busy playing as a do-gooder knight in LA to worry his little head over what’s going on in Sunnydale. I doubt Bitchy even has his number. He doesn’t want anything to do with her, remember?”

She nods then, her red hair shimmering in the last of the moonlight pouring in the through the open curtains. That won’t do. I’ll have to shut those before sunrise. Sunlight is definitely not on the list of positive things for a vampire.

"Hey guys…”

Great. The boy is awake. Just what I needed. Oh well. Maybe I can get him and Red back in bed for some more shagging and then finally get some sleep? Yeah right. Things are never that simple. He walks over to my witch, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face into her neck. Even with as much attachment as he shows to her, I can’t find it in me to be jealous. That’s just the way he is – fumbling and needy. I hope to Hell its something that changes if she ever turns him or lets me turn him. The last thing I need is to hand-hold a fledgeling for the rest of my days. “What a touching moment. Do you two think we could get back to bed?”

The boy shrugs. “Didn’t want to get up but couldn’t sleep without you two.”

Us – two? Great. So now he needs me as well? I seem to have adopted myself a little family over the past couple days. Just perfect. Hopefully it won’t come back to bite me in my arse. “Touching. Let’s go.” I motion them towards the bedroom, reaching out to make sure the curtains are shut. As I follow behind them I realize that Red is still worried about Bitchy, I can feel it in that little bond we share as Sire and Childe. I could rip the blonde’s head off for this. Making my beautiful goddess worry about anything.

Well – going to rip her head off anyway for trying to stake Red. Might as well add another reason to the list. By the time I get to the room she’s already started getting Xander all worked up.  I guess nerves don’t hold up very well to the prospect of a good shag. She’s young, she’ll learn to control her emotions eventually. “You must be the randiest human currently living, boy.”

He just raises his eyebrows in a ‘who me?’ look and groans. “Sex? It’s driven me before. It seems to have a vague haunting mass appeal….” Whatever else he would have said dies on his lips as my little witch starts to work her lovely mouth on his skin. I fall into bed next to them, watching with slitted eyes as she does things straight out of the movies to him.

Porno movies, that is.

Her demon is strong, otherwise she wouldn’t be this shameless with her loving. No matter the whole turning thing, if you were a weak human being and get a weak demon you are doomed to a pathetic existence of only half a life. Not her. Not my Red. My fire goddess. She’s full of hellfire and power. Sex and glory. More than a handful for the human laying in our bed. He’s already screaming – not in pain, though. No, never in pain. Not from her, anyway. One day I’ll tie his arse to the bed and show him the true meaning of domination. Not tonight though. Tonight he is all hers.

I don’t mind. She’ll start on me next.
