TITLE: Memories: Ripper and William (Sequel to Just Tell Them)
AUTHOR: Just Jessie 74 (Just_Jessie_74@y...)
DISCLAIMER: I own none, Joss Whedon, WB, Fox, Mutant Enemy (Grr,
Arg!) own them all. I promise to put them back when I'm done playing
with them (Oh how I love to play!). These are my own ideas and do not
necessarily represent any actual story lines (How about it Joss?).
DISTRIBUTION: The Buffster and InellWillowFic as well as anywhere
else it is welcomed.
FEEDBACK: Yes! Please! It definitely speeds the whole writing process
up. Just e-mail me at: Just_Jessie_74@y...
SPOILERS: This is a 5th in a series so you should probably read those
first. General season 4.
SUMMARY: Giles and Spike confront a past they both swore never to
mention. Buffy finds out about Willow & Spike.
DEDICATION: For Susanne: See? I'm holding up my end!! Hopefully this
will answer SOME of your questions (but maybe not all ^_^ ).


Giles hung up the phone after calling the others. "They're on their
way." He said, deliberately averting his glare from the vampire
sitting in the chair. "You do realize of course that the others will
have to know about you and Willow."

Spike shrugged his shoulders, "so what. Don't know why she didn't
tell all of you earlier like she planned. She's too bloody well
concerned about what you think of her that's why." Spike put his feet
up on the coffee table with a thud. "So everyone finds out. Who the
fuck cares."

Giles glared at Spike, old feelings of hatred and anger surfacing
from the distant past. "Always the careless lover, are we William?
Don't really give a shit about your whores do you?"

Spike narrowed his eyes at the watcher as he walked over to face him.
"What's the matter Ripper? Jealous? Feeling a little left out? I'll
have you know that I'm the BEST damn lover any woman has ever had,
including Willow."

"Really?" Giles took a step closer to the demon, closing the gap
between them, "From what I've heard, you have a tough time pleasing
the ladies, poor girls had to go elsewhere to have real pleasure and
not have to fake it."

An evil smile danced on Spike's lips as memories came flooding back
to him. "Oh yes, I believe you're referring to a whore named Zelynn.
Crazy little witch who I believe threw herself in front of a train

Ripper's fist collided with Spike's jaw before he could finish his
sentence; "You bloody bastard!" He grabbed Spike by the hair and
slammed his head into the wall before throwing him to the floor. "You
broke her! She couldn't live with what she had become! What you had
turned her into! And I will not let you do that again! Not to
Willow!" Giles took a deep breath, staring down at the vampire
holding his own jaw. "And I told you never to call me Ripper again,
Spike." He spit out the last word, spinning around and sitting on the
couch, his head in his hands.

Spike rose to his feet slowly, still rubbing his jaw. He had pushed
too far, again. He was a demon, what did the watcher expect? Spike
walked over to the chair across from Giles. "Giles," he began, "Look
mate, I shouldn't have brought all that up."

"No you shouldn't have. We made a pact, you leave and I wouldn't let
the slayer dust you sorry ass." He looked up at the vampire, "And
I've kept my end up William, despite the pain you've caused since
those days long ago.

Spike sighed, "I know. But you must believe me when I say that with
Willow it's different. You and I are not the same people we were
then. I keep my word. With Zelynn, it was Dru's idea…"

"There is no excuse for what happened 25 years ago, stop trying to
find one." With that Giles got up and went into the kitchen to brew
some tea.

Spike shook his head. He wasn't winning any points in his favor by
drudging up the watcher's past. He glanced at the dent in the wall
left by his own bloody head before getting up to hang a picture over
it. No need to have evidence of their fight out in the open.


Buffy sat on the arm of the couch, "Wait, explain to me why the hell
Oz would attack you in the first place." She looked at Spike
incredulously, "I mean, no offense, but why would he bother? It's not
like you were trying to kill someone. I don't get it." She had been
the first to arrive just as Giles was, as usual, pouring some tea.
Now the two of them were telling her that Oz came back and tried to
beat the shit out of Spike. It just didn't make any sense. Why not
just go see Willow? They were still waiting for Xander, Anya and
Willow to get there. Buffy hadn't bothered to tell Riley; she was
pretty confident that he didn't know about the whole werewolf thing.

Giles exchanged a glance with Spike and cleared his throat, "Well
Buffy, it seems that yesterday when Willow had been injured in the
attack, and, and Spike came to her aide, well…"

Spike rolled his eyes, "Oh bloody hell Watcher!" He looked at the
slayer, "Willow and I are…together."

"Together?" Buffy furrowed her brow in confusion.

"We …know each other." Spike was trying to be as delicate as
but the slayer was just thickheaded. "In the BIBLICAL sense."

Buffy's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open, realization dawning
on her, "You son of a bitch!"


Willow walked up Giles' driveway and stopped just outside the
slightly ajar wooden door when she heard Buffy yell, "You son of a
bitch!" Willow peeked through the crack in the doorway to see Giles,
Buffy and Spike by the couch.


"Now Buffy…" Giles began, trying to diffuse the situation.
"Willow is
quite capable of making her own decisions."

"Giles! She's sleeping with the enemy! If you hurt her I swear to God
I will dust you so fast, no, I will kill you very slowly!"

Spike sighed and rolled his eyes at the ceiling, "What is it with you
people? I am not going to hurt Willow!"

"Tell me the truth Spike," Buffy eyed him closely, "Do you even like
her? Or is she just some rebounder from you and Dru?"

"Dru means nothing to me compared to what I feel for Willow." Seeing
that Buffy was not satisfied he added, "Yes I actually like her.

"No." Buffy began.

"That's enough Buffy." Willow said from the doorway. She was talking
to Buffy but looking directly at Spike who shifted his feet and
leaned against the back of the couch, looking down.

Buffy walked over to her friend, "Will, I just don't want to see you
hurt." She said sincerely.

Willow looked at Buffy, "I know." She said with a smile before
looking back at the blonde vampire.

Giles put his hand on Spike's shoulder and the two exchanged knowing
glances before he walked to Buffy, "Come on," he said to the slayer,
"Perhaps it's best if we wait for the others outside.

Willow walked over to stand in front of Spike once they were alone.
She brought her hand up to the bruises on his face and caressed them

Spike took her hand and kissed the inside of her palm, "It's nothing,
Pet." He still didn't look at her.

Willow removed her hand. "Did you mean it? You know, the whole liking
me thing you said to Buffy."

Spike finally made eye contact, "Yes." He said simply.

Willow smiled brightly, "Good, because I like you too." Afraid to say
anymore, it was Willow's turn to study the floor.

"Willow," Spike raised her chin, "I more than like you, Pet." He

If possible, Willow's smile grew, "I kinda more than like you too."
She began to blush.

Spike laughed slightly, "Luv, after all the things we've done in the
last 24 hours, how could you still be blushing?" He leaned in for a

Willow's heart raced at his touch and she put her arms around his
neck, deepening the kiss. Their tongues battled for dominance and
Willow let a small whimper escape her as she felt Spike's hand
searching for the hem of her skirt. She felt his callused fingertips
lightly brush the inside of her thigh, reaching it's final
destination. She responded to his slow rhythm as he massaged her
clit, causing her juices to flow.

"Naughty, naughty, Willow. No underpants?" He teased, thrusting a
finger into her wet core.

Willow whimpered again, vaguely aware that she was thankful that the
couch hid his actions from the window that she was certain Buffy was
watching through. She gasped as Spike added a second finger to his
assault. "Spike, we can't…not here…Giles and…Buffy. She
might be …
watching." Willow bit her lip as her womb filled with rising heat.

Spike nibbled her ear with blunt teeth, "Let her watch Baby, make her
jealous of you for once. He tried desperately to ignore his aching
cock but realized that he would also need release. But first…

Willow bit into her lip hard enough to draw blood and put her head
into Spike's shoulder as she increased her own rhythm with Spike's.
Her body rocked as she came around his fingers.

Spike withdrew his fingers and suckled them. He took Willow's hand
and looked at her lustfully. "Come on Luv." He said softly as he led
her down the hallway to the bathroom that he had once been a prisoner
in. Before he had time to barely get the door closed Willow was on
him, tearing at his jeans and catching him full on the lips, "I want
you." She said between breaths.

Spike tasted her blood on her lips and responded to her forcefulness.
He turned her around, bringing her to the sink. In her ear he
whispered, "Now remember Luv, not too loud." Spike stood behind her
and raised her skirt. He gently pushed her down so that she was
holding onto the sink and he was standing behind her. He stroked her
soaking pussy with his marble cock. He knew it wouldn't take long for
him to lose it once he entered her.

"Spike, please." Willow begged.

That was enough invitation for the vampire. He thrust into her and
began a quickening rhythm as he pounded into her, holding onto her
hips for leverage. He vamped out as he exploded his cold seed into
her depths. She cried out through clenched teeth, as her orgasm
rocked through her.


Buffy continued to pace the patio as Giles finished telling her the
whole story with Oz for the third time. She just couldn't get past
the whole Willow and Spike thing. She had watched through the window
as Spike brought Willow to climax so quickly. She started pacing when
she saw them leave toward the bathroom. "I can't believe you're not
bothered by this Giles."

"Buffy, it wasn't so long ago that you yourself were having relations
with a vampire. Try to think of that when you think of Willow and

"Yeah but that was different." Buffy stopped pacing and sat down at
Giles' "give me a break" look. "Okay, so it wasn't that much
different." She sighed heavily. "Xander's gonna wig out, you know
that right?"

Giles stood, hoping that the two lovers' inside were done with
whatever they were doing he ventured into the apartment, carefully
listening. "Yes, well, at the moment Xander's wigging out is not what
concerns me." Satisfied that all was quiet, he went to boil more
water for tea to soothe his ragged nerves. "We need to concentrate on
the task at hand. At daybreak we need to find where Oz is staying and
secure him for the full moon cycle."

"Oz is back?" Willow walked into the kitchen holding Spike's hand.
She turned to her lover. "Did you know this?"

Spike leaned against the wall, "Who do you think graced me with these
beauties?" Spike pointed to his clearing bruises.

Willow looked at her friends in shock.
