Out Of Time

Author's Name: Knightie

Email: knightie@knightflyer.zzn.com

Parts: 21-30


~Part: 21~

Angelus knew there weren't that many vampires in London that were his age or older... so if he did a bit of checking he could come up with a list. Then he could pay each vampire listed a visit and discover who had plans for the redhead that could very well become his next childe or grandchilde.

He smiled at the thought of the blushing young redhead covered in blood from her kill. Of course, if what Demetri said was true and this other vampire, this Ripper, wanted her dead, he might never get to see that vision in flesh and blood.

As he made his way through the darkened streets, he thought he heard something. A few minutes later, he was certain that the sounds were still following him. Two mortals. Two mortals playing detective from the sounds of it. "Stupid fools," he muttered to himself as he turned down an alley that led to a place that meant death to an unclaimed mortal... if they were lucky.


"I say, governor, my friend and I seem to be a bit lost."

Winston Giles stared at Peter Travers like he'd just grown a second head. First off, they were not friends and secondly... calling out to the demon was suicide.

The dark demon stopped and turned to stare in surprise at the two. "Is that so, gentlemen?" It asked with a smirk.

"Yes, we were looking for the Ten Bells... it seems I've gotten a bit turned around... right, Win?" Peter replied nudging Winston.

"Er, yes... quite right. We thought we'd come -"

"See where the murders happened," Peter finished.

Winston's heart stopped. He was certain it had when the beast's eyes flashed yellow.

"And why would two fine young men be doin' a thing like that?" The dark vampire asked, his Irish brogue thickening as he eyed the pair warily.

"Well... you see we want to be detectives, and thought that perhaps if we could solve this ... We'd be famous," Peter lied with a pleased smile on his face.

Winston stared at the man that stood beside him. Didn't he realize the vampire would know he was lying? What shocked him was when the dark haired demon nodded, seemingly accepting the lie. "Y-yes... I do believe that my friend," he nearly choked on the word, unable to believe there would be a day when a Giles would willingly call a Travers a friend, "is a bit more anxious for this than I. I'd like to see the monster that did the crimes brought to justice but ... I find I don't have the--"

"Gall?" the vampire interrupted with a smile.

"I was going to say the nerves, actually," Winston corrected. "Perhaps, we should go home to our families and try this again in the light of day." Peter glared at the other man, "Perhaps, though I don't believe we'll find it in the daylight," he muttered as he tipped his hat to the vampire then turned and stormed away.

"Forgive him ... he's disappointed," Winston apologized, then turned to follow.

"You should be more careful who you follow... and where," the vampire warned, before turning and disappearing into the shadows.

"Believe me ... I know," Winston muttered as he hurried after Peter. The man was keeping something from him... and it was time he knew what.

~Part: 22~

"I don't think I've eaten that much really good food in ... ever," Willow laughed as William guided her into the sitting room.

"I'll have to turn a cook for you then." He couldn't be more pleased with how the evening had gone. He couldn't have been... until then. As soon as he'd said the words, he realized he'd said the wrong thing. She was mortal, they tended to frown all sorts of things like that.

"No! Don't!" She exclaimed. "I don't need to eat. Not like that anyway," she assured him.

"I-Of course," William agreed. "Maybe we can have the chef from the restaurant send over meals for you a few times a week."

"That would be-Wait. I can't stay here. I have to go home."

"This is your home, Willow," William told her patiently, "as long as you're in London you will be here with us. I'll insist if I must."

Willow stiffened. "Fine, insist but I can't stay. I have to get back ... to America. That's home."

"Do what you wish," William snarled, before turning and storming out. He didn't want her to leave. His demon was pushing at him to make the mortal see that she was his. He growled at the idea that she probably had a husband or at least a number of suitors waiting for her in America; that certain didn't help calm the demon.

He needed to kill something ... soon. "Victoria!" he roared.

Within moments, the vampiress was before him, "Yes, Master William?"

"Help Willow change, then make sure nothing happens to her. If it does ... you haven't seen anything as horrible as what I'll do to you."

"Yes, sir," she murmured before turning and rushing down the hall, snarling orders to the other minions. He'd known she was a smart one and he knew Willow would be safe. He'd go find Angelus, and maybe something to kill.

~Part: 23~

Winston Giles walked into the library and saw Peter bent over a battered old book, scribbling notes in a small journal. When he looked up and saw Giles heading towards him, he hastily closed the journal and put it away. "Do you mind telling me just what you want with that witch?"

Peter glared and glanced around. "Would you be quiet! We don't want anyone else to know about this."

Winston frowned as he glanced around the library. It was run by the Council and used to train the Watchers. The Giles family had joined the Council only a few generations ago. His grandfather had been the first to join, but Peter's family had been part of the Council forever, it seemed, and it was almost certain that one day they would be leading it. So why wouldn't he want the Council to know? "I'd like to know just what it is that we're doing."

Peter smiled, and it wasn't a friendly one. "You don't want them to know about your little secret ... do you?" When Winston shook his head, Peter continued, "Then I would not ask questions." With that, he shut the book he'd been reading and rose to his feet. "I think we should head back to the Ten Bells, Maybe someone there has heard something that would prove useful to us."

Winston groaned, he wished he hadn't been so stupid as to let Travers find out his secret. No one could ever know; if they found out he was through. Even his family wouldn't stand by him.


For the second night in a row, William slammed into yet another demon bar. His clothes were ripped and covered with a variety of blood types from numerous demons, in nearly every shade, from a lovely deep purple color to a rather sickening shade of green. His eyes settled on Angelus playing poker with a group of demons and confidently strode toward him.

"Childe, what's wrong?" Angelus asked, his eyes never leaving his cards.

"There's nothing wrong."

"Then why is this the second night I've seen you like this?" he asked, glancing up at him.

"None of your bloody business," William snapped, turning on his heel and heading for the door.


William froze. He didn't like it but the tone his sire used meant if he didn't, he'd be beaten and bloody. And this time it wouldn't be fun.

"Sire," he muttered. He heard Angelus telling the others he was done for the evening and then walked up behind him.

"Let's go, boy," he growled walking past the younger vampire and out into the night.

The younger vampire ground his teeth as he followed his sire. " Sire," he murmured, "I was looking for information." It was not a lie. Not really. He had hoped to find something out about the murders that were occurring, and the rumors that something was searching for a witch. Angelus had convinced Willow that until they knew more, it was best that she stay with them. He'd even gotten her time off from the bar. Right now, she was safely ensconced in the house with Virginia and two other of their most trusted minions guarding her.

"All right, my boy. Tell me what is wrong."

William growled as he began to tell his sire the events of his dinner with Willow.

~Part: 24~

"Virginia, what did I do wrong?" Willow asked, looking up from the book she'd been attempting to read.

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Virginia murmured. "Did wrong?" Confusion was clear on her face.

"William-- Haven't you noticed he hasn't said more than three words at a time to me?" It had been running through her head ever since he'd stormed out last night. What exactly had she done to upset him?

Virginia glanced around, and then smiled, "I believe he's upset that you want to leave him."

Willow listened as Virginia patiently explained what she'd seen between them. The redhead was certain she'd turned as bright as her hair when she realized the vampiress was telling her that William liked her. "You can't be right. I mean ... This can't be." She rose and began to pace the room. This couldn't happen. If William liked her, then what would happen when she got home? She ignored the little voice in her head that screamed she might never get home.

"Mistress," Virginia murmured, her tone reminding Willow of the way her aunt spoke to her when she was three, "Master William - he - he is quite fond of you. I'm certain."

"You don't understand! This isn't good." She couldn't come out and explain that she wasn't going to be able to stay.

Virginia stilled. "You have someone waiting for you in America?" She quietly asked.

Willow turned away quickly, not wanting to lie to her, to any of them, but what else could she do? She couldn't stay. She had to go home... no matter how appealing staying here sounded at the moment.

"Master William will ... I'm not certain what he will do. Most vampires would simply remove any other potential suitors.  Of course, most vampires would have turned you by now," the young vampiress murmured.

"Thank you Virginia. I - I think I'm going to ... go to bed," the witch murmured as she passed the two minions that seemed to be following her every move. "Do you two have to tuck me in too?" She muttered.

The taller of the two grinned, his fangs showing as he did, "I could-" his words were cut off as the smaller vampire grabbed his throat and Virginia stepped between the minions and Willow.

"You'd be dead before you laid a hand on her," Virginia snarled, causing the pair to back away.

"I should have known you were too young for this," the smaller minion growled, then turned to Willow. "Forgive me, Mistress," he murmured, bowing his head a bit as he spoke, "I'll replace him immediately." Then dragged the taller, and obviously younger, vampire away.

"I told him to keep anyone less than a year away from you," Virginia turned back to Willow, her vampiric features slipping away revealing the young beautiful girl Willow had begun to think of as her friend. "The fool will be dust when I tell the Masters of this," she muttered as she tucked Willow under her arm and escorted her to her room.

Willow frowned. She couldn't stay here. She'd already been gone for several weeks, and to top it off it was only three days until Jack's double murders. She had to get out of here, without any of the vampires, so she could begin to find a way back home, and maybe a way to stop him too. Besides, who knew what kind of trouble was brewing in Sunnydale. She suddenly wondered if the others had been giving Spike a hard time while she was gone. It had been weeks. She shuddered at the thought of the trouble that could happen in that time.

~Part: 25~


"But Giles!" Buffy whined, "Wills has been missing for two days." The blonde slayer threw herself onto the couch as Rupert Giles glared at her over the book he was reading.

"I'm quite aware of that, Buffy, but I have yet to find any clues to where she has gone.

"G-man, this is Willow. What if she was trying some spell and it went all wacky on her. She could have-"

"Don't say it, Xander," Buffy snapped. "She isn't dead."

"No, I just mean... well... maybe she's invisible, you know like that girl in high school."

"Maybe she found a nice handsome man and is off having lots and lots of orgasms," Anya added with a smile. "I'd certainly like to be having a few right now myself."

"Anya, not in front of other people," Xander groaned, then began to try to explain the kind of topics that were for private conversations.

Giles cleared his throat and when he had everyone's attention began to speak. "Xander, Anya, on your way home, stop by and have Spike come here as soon as possible. Perhaps he can search and talk to some of the demons who might know what is going on. Buffy, you will patrol as usual. Xander, Anya ... you can talk to her friends. See if-"

"I've already talked to her friends and teachers," Buffy reminded the watcher. "No one has seen her. And Spike? That's a waste of time. He only helps when we pay him and he hates it. I -"

"Spike will be more likely to have demons talk to him," Giles reminded the slayer, "Now as I was saying... Anya and Xander, talk to Willow's friends and classmates, find out exactly when she was seen last and if anything unusual has happened."


A figure outside the window chuckled to itself and scurried off into the coming night. Its plan was slowly coming together. The little witch was ... well somewhere. It didn't know where it had actually sent her, but it didn't matter. She was gone, and probably much happier there than here on the Hellmouth. Humans didn't like Hellmouths, but its kind thrived on them and soon its brothers and sister would begin to gather.

The figure paused and wondered if the blonde vampire would be any trouble, then it shook its scaly head and continued toward the burned out remains of the old high school library.

~Part: 26~

"Stupid wankers," Spike muttered as he headed for Willie's. "Bloody Slayer and her soddin' scoobies don't bother to let me know the witch is missing." He growled when he realized he'd been talking to himself, and that he actually cared that one of the slayer's little friends was missing.

He settled into a seat at the bar and waited for Willie to notice him. He frowned as he got another of those annoying almost-memories. He still couldn't place it. There was a flash of green and the urge to ripe something's throat out. He clenched his jaw as the chip shot him a warning pulse.

"S-spike?" Willie stuttered as he turned to face the blonde vampire.

"Want information," he muttered as he lit a cigarette and glared at the weasel-y looking little man.

"'Bout what?" Willie asked as he glanced around.

"Someone touched the redhead. She's missing and I want to know who has her," he growled.

A pale lavender demon nearby started laughing. "Ooo! What are you gonna do if he doesn't tell? Yell at him? Kiss him?"

Spike growled and nodded to a nearby table of silvery demons, they rose and headed toward the bar. He turned back to his purple pest. "Actually-," he rose and stalked toward it. "I don't feature telling you," he growled before he used his speed and strength to snap its neck.

He turned back to Willie. "Now these nice Larkin's have agreed to begin to devour you... starting with your toes and other ... dangling bits," he laughed when Willie paled, "if you don't tell me what I want to know."

"Don't know... heard the witch was missing but no one has claimed anything! I swear! Come on, Spike! Would I be stupid enough to lie to you?!"

"Possibly," Spike muttered as he took a drag off his almost-forgotten cigarette. "But not with four hungry Larkins eyeing you as dinner," he laughed, as he headed for the door.  "I don't have to tell you I want to know the instant someone mentions the witch... do I?"

"NO! Of course not." Willie called.

As Spike neared the door, he hear a frantic Willie. "Spike! The Larkins!"

"I know you have a jar of human eyeballs around for those damn Marsicans! Give 'em to the Larkins," he called as just before the door slammed shut. "That was a bloody waste of time," he snarled as he headed off to see what other demons he could beat some information out of.

He frowned, wishing he could put his finger on what seemed off in his memory. He knew it started the other day when Red and Slutty had mentioned Jack the Ripper. He shrugged and headed off to find ... something to kill.

~Part: 27~


Winston Giles had finally found the time to sneak into the library without Peter Travers hanging over his shoulder. After twenty minutes of searching, he found the book he'd seen Travers with on several occasions. He stared at a particularly disturbing phrase in shock. Did Travers think he'd actually help him with something as disgusting as this? He stared at the last ingredient for the power and immortality spell, the heart of a witch who is touched by darkness but fights for the light.

He had done a horrible thing when he was younger... but he wouldn't be part of this. With that he rose and hurried out of the library. He had to figure out what to do.


Angelus stood outside a rundown warehouse near the docks, with William at his side. "Boy, are you going to fidget all night or are you going in there with me?"

William growled. Angelus had told him he'd found the vampire that wanted to hurt Willow. "You expect me to go in there and act *NICE* to ... that?"

The dark vampire gripped the younger by the throat, "If you want to keep her... yes. That is exactly what I expect."

The blonde stilled and lifted his eyes to his elder's. "Do I have to talk to it?"

Angelus laughed and clasped his shoulder. "Only if it asks you something."

William grumbled as he fell into step behind his grandsire and entered the seemingly abandoned warehouse that they had discovered to be the lair of Jack the Ripper.

~Part: 28~

Willow paced the length of her, no... not hers. This was William's room. She frowned, this was so not good. She was beginning to like the idea of staying here, except for one thing... William had been acting very strange lately. Angelus too, for that matter. The pair had gone out tonight and she knew it would be her best chance to get out of here and try to find a way home.

"Mistress? Are you alright?" Virginia asked, opening the door and poking her head inside.

Willow went still, then forcing a bright smile turned. "Oh yeah. I mean, of course. I'm just anxious for William and Angelus to return. Do you know if they'll be out long?"

Virginia watched her a moment before answering. "They didn't know how long they would be gone. They said there was clan business to take care of."

Willow nodded.  It sounded like they could be gone for a while then. Now if she could just get Virginia to leave her alone for more than ten minutes. "Do you think you could run out and get me ..." she wracked her mind trying to think of something, "Dinner! I mean, I'm a bit hungry and there's nothing left in the house."

"I'll send someone-"

"NO! No, please? I want you to do it. I think I'd just feel better if you went."

Virginia stared at her for a moment. "Master William insisted that I watch over you."

"I'll just stay right here... not moving... in this room. Promise." She gave her best 'Trust-me-I'm-the-sweet-innocent-one-that-would-never-lie' look as she raised her hand and gave her the scouts honor sign. Were the girls scouts even around yet? She had a feeling they weren't, especially when she noticed the confused look in Virginia's eyes, so she quickly dropped her hand and clutched them together, embarrassed at her silly mistake.

Virginia stared at her incredulously. "Not moving? Mistress... you are never still, even when reading."

"Okay... I might move, but only in here. Please?"

Virginia shook her head and turned for the door. Opening it, she paused and looked back at Willow. "If you get hurt, Angelus and William will be terribly upset and I... I will as well, until I'm dust." With that she left the redhead, standing alone in the bedroom.

"That was incredibly not fair," Willow muttered as she dropped into the nearest chair and glared at the fireplace. With a groan, she grabbed a paper and pen and began to scribble a hasty note. She then folded it, wrote William across it and left it sitting on the bed. She could only hope that she didn't give in to the guilt of being the cause of her death. She didn't really have a choice, she had to get home.

With one last look at the room, she turned and as silently as humanly possible, slipped out the window. At least she was on the ground floor.

~Part: 29~

William stood behind Angelus, fidgeting, as they waited for * it* to arrive.

“Be still, William,” Angelus growled softly.

The blonde vampire rolled his eyes and he stilled himself. Maybe, after tonight, he’d be able to take Willow to the theater without having minions following them for her safety. He found himself smiling as he remembered the look on her face when he’d taken her to dinner. Suddenly, he was pulled out of his delightful thoughts by Angelus’ elbow in his gut.

A tall thin man walked into the room and dropped a long dark cloak on a nearby chair. “I believe my valet said you were Angelus,” the vampire began as his gaze swept over the duo. William bristled when this other demon seemed to write him off as insignificant. He was kept in place by a glare from Angelus.

“Yes. I, however, don’t know what I should call you,” Angelus replied with a slight nod of his head.

The other vampire chuckled to himself, “You may call me what the press does… Jack.”

“So it was you that sent that letter to the press?” Angelus asked.

“Yes, well… I had it done. May I ask how you heard of the letter? It has yet to be printed,” Jack replied with a sly grin that showed his fangs.

William was surprised that this vampire was showing fangs without the wrinkles that normally came with them. He wondered if the ability to show only fangs came with age. He’d ask Angelus about that later.

“I have my ways. “ Angelus chuckled, “It’s very clever. It’s obvious that you’re a more educated man than that letter has led them to believe. I suspect they’ll never be able to catch you. After all, they’re simply stupid mortals.”

Jack laughed, “Yes, these bobbies and detectives seem to be among the most idiotic.” He fingered the cloak he’d laid on the chair and smiled slightly. “Now if I can just find …” He shook himself and turned his attention to Angelus. “Why, exactly, are you here?”

The Irish vampire shrugged, “I’d heard there was another master vampire in town. I only wanted to assure you that my family and I are not looking to settle here. We are only visiting.”

Jack nodded, “Yes. I had heard that as well. The Order of Aurelius is well known. You may leave now.”

William growled and Angelus gripped his arm, “Of course. Perhaps we shall see each other again?”

“Perhaps,” Jack replied as he headed toward a door that lead deeper into the building. “Oh,” he paused and glanced back at the pair, “and … say hello to your little witch for me.” With that, he slipped out the door and left them alone.

William nearly launched across the room but was halted by Angelus’ grip on his arm. “We are leaving,” he snarled, dragging the younger vampire from the room and out of the building.

“He threatened her,” William growled as he was drug away from the warehouse.

“I’m not sure if he is certain she’s the one he’s looking for,” Angelus told him as they headed out in search of a meal.

“But he—“

“I know. I simply have a strange feeling that he doesn’t quite know what he’s looking for.”

“At least she’s safe at home,” William replied, knowing Virginia had taken Willow under her protection and while she was young, she was incredibly strong and intelligent for a simple minion. “Virginia will take care of her.”

“That she will, my boy. Now, let’s find a quick bite and go have a talk with our little witch.” He chuckled as William bristled.  “What’s yours is mine you know.”

~Part: 30~

Hoping to ward off the chill that soaked into her bones, Willow wrapped her arms around her thin frame and hurried through the streets of Whitechapel wishing she’d grabbed a cloak or coat or something. She was heading toward the Ten Bells. She hadn’t been there since Angelus had informed Jonathan that she wouldn’t be working any longer.

She relaxed a little when the Bells came into view. She had almost reached the relative safety of the bar when she heard a woman cry out in fear and pain. Before realizing what she was doing, she was rushing toward the sound, gathering her magical energies.

She concentrated on a spell of protection for herself and the woman, as she scanned her mind for a defense spell.  Unfortunately, she couldn’t think of one single thing that could help her aid whoever was hurt.

“Think, Willow,” she muttered to herself as she rounded the corner, coming to an abrupt halt as she stared in shock.  A vampire stood wrapped around a woman, whispering in her ear, as he wrenched her arm behind her. Willow gasped as she recognized the woman as Gwen.

At her tiny sound, the vampire raised glittering eyes. “My witch,” he growled as he flung Gwen against the wall. Her head made a sickening sound as it slammed into the stone wall.

Willow watched in shock as her friend slid down the wall, leaving a trail of blood and something else that she didn’t want to identify.

“It’s dead,” the vampire snarled as he approached. “That weak little mortal was a pawn, which I no longer need.”

Willow’s Sunnydale instincts finally kicked in and she levitated a small section of broken stone and slammed it into his head as she turned and fled for the safety of the Ten Bells. In her haste to get away, she never saw the man step in front of her until she slammed into him.

“Are you in trouble?” a voice filled with false concern asked.

“No, I’m not,” she murmured, then added a quick apology and tried to skirt around the man.

“My name is Travers, Peter Travers,” he murmured, “and you’ll be coming with me … witch,” he snarled as he dragged her back against him and covered her mouth with a cloth.

She realized that it was covered in ether, and then the world grew dark.
