First and Last

Twists and Turns Of Life Series XIII

Author: midnight


Pairing: Spike/Willow

Rating: PG-13

Summary: It's a ficlet.just read

Distribution: redssoulmates, poetry-in-motion

Feedback: Please

Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss.

Spoilers: Through season 7 of BTVS

Notes: Angel never gained the law firm. He still has his hotel. Cordelia, Wes, Fred, and Gunn work with him. There is no Connor. Spike came back through the amulet, which no one knows where it came from. He was NEVER a ghost!!, character's thoughts ''


Spike climbed out of the bed and stared at her for a moment. "I should really go. Work or something."

Willow stood up and walked over to him. "Why would I go away?"

"You just would and now is not the time."

"Why, Spike?"

Spike stared into her eyes, wanting to drown in her. She had missed him and here he was practically pushing her away. Part of him wanted to reach out to her. To hold her forever. To love her eternally. The other part, his demon, just wanted to possess her. But he couldn't do either. He wouldn't be hurt. "Told you, luv. I have work." Without another word, he left, closing the door behind him.

An hour later, Willow came down the stairs not understanding what was going on. Instead of focusing on it, she just pushed it out of her mind altogether. Sitting down at the computer, she focused solely on her work and not much of anything else.

Spike's eyes watched her as she came down the stairs. He watched her as she took her seat and ignored him altogether. While Spike was watching her, Angel was watching the both of them. He knew Spike had the capacity to love. And he knew Willow could care deeper, more than any human he had ever met. The simple fact was that he didn't want them together. He didn't want Willow to get hurt, especially by Spike. Glancing at the both of them, he knew something had happened. Something was wrong.

For the next couple of hours, the office was silent. You could hear the click from the keyboard, but that was about it. Willow was being quiet, but it was partially expected from her. The silence from Spike was not expected. He hadn't uttered a word all day. No comments. Not even a smirk. Looking at Spike, Angel suddenly frowned. Maybe he had pushed the boy one step too far. Grabbing a paper off of his desk, he looked up at Spike. "Spike, can you give this to Willow?"

"Why can't you do it, mate?"

"I'm busy. Just do it."

Spike hopped off of the desk he was sitting on and strolled over to Angel. Grabbing the paper from his hand, he turned around and looked at her. There was so much he wanted to tell her, he just didn't know how to express himself. Walking over to Willow, he was finally next to her. "Peaches wanted me to give this to you."

Without looking up at him, even though she really wanted to, she took the paper from his hand. "Thanks," she said softly.

Spike watcher her ignore him. It angered him. It hurt him. As she took the paper from him, he let his fingers grazed across her pulse point along her wrist.

Feeling the innocent touch, she brought her wrist quickly to her and away from Spike.

Seeing her gesture, he turned away from her and headed into the kitchen. He needed something to calm his nerves. Right now, he needed blood.


Spike had just finished the mug and rinsed out the mug when the door swung open. "Who do you think you are?" Willow asked him. "Is this funny to you? Let's play with her mind a bit?"

"Red, I never."

"Save it! What do you want from me? I was gonna leave. I was gonna make everything all better but no, you came in and wanted me to stay. I stayed and for what? So you could push me away?" Willow lowered her eyes to the floor. "What did I do?" she whispered.

His undead heart broke as she spoke each word. "Pet, this isn't about you. It's me. It's're human.and.luv, I care for you. Really care for you."

Willow looked up at him, unshed tears in her eyes. "I don't understand."

"Bloody hell," he mumbled. "I care for you. I wanted to tell you before.seeing you back now.I missed you. Gods below did I miss you. And I.screw this." Placing his hands on the side of her face, he pressed his lips to hers. As he slid his hands across her back, he pulled her closer. Spike deepened the kiss, tasting her for the first time and possibly the last. It only lasted a couple of moments before he pulled back. He looked everywhere but at her. He knew what he would see. Hate. Disgust. Better to just walk away now. "Sorry," he mumbled and left, berating himself the entire way.

The End
