Not The Same I Was

Twists and Turns Of Life Series XV

Author: midnight


Pairing: Spike/Willow

Rating: rated R overall

Summary: It's a ficlet.just read

Distribution: redssoulmates, poetry-in-motion

Feedback: Please

Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss.

Spoilers: Through season 7 of BTVS

Notes: Angel never gained the law firm. He still has his hotel. Cordelia, Wes, Fred, and Gunn work with him. There is no Connor. Spike came back through the amulet, which no one knows where it came from. He was NEVER a ghost!!, character's thoughts '' Warnings: language, sexual situations, character death, blood, violence




"I like you better," Willow told Spike.

"Is that so," he smirked. Spike loved the way her body felt under his. As he leaned in for another kiss, he suddenly felt his body flying through the air. "What the bloody hell?"

"That's my question," Angel growled.

"Look, Red. Peaches came here to be your knight in shining.something." Standing up, he started to smirk.

Willow stood up, glaring at Angel. "I don't remember needing saving."

"He was."

"Kissing me! Before you tried to play the evil macho vampire part."


"Look, I appreciate your concern. Looking out for me and all that." Her eyes drifted to Spike. "But I care for Spike." She looked back at Angel. "A lot."

"Willow, you may think you care about him. He can be.persuasive. He's a demon. The second most vicious vampire only to."

"Angelus," she finished for him. "I know all this. Do you really think I haven't done the research on him? When he ended up Giles' front door, we learned everything we could about him. I know about him. He tried to turn me for goddess sake! I know what he's capable of."

"Then you know he's just using you for one reason or another," Angel told her.

Willow felt the fight for her and Spike along with every other emotion she had, drained from her body.

Spike watched her, knowing that the emotional part of the arguing had finally drained her. "Enough," Spike growled. He walked over to Willow, circling his arms around her waist, holding her close. "I don't know what the hell your bloody problem is mate but it ends now," he told Angel. "I'm not the same vampire you knew a century ago."

"Deep down you haven't changed, Spike." Angel started to walk away but stopped and turned around to face Spike. "From this moment on, I don't want you involved with her in any way except for work. That's final."

Anger was burning within Spike. He could feel it coming from Willow too. "Why don't you go to your room, pet?" Spike whispered in her ear. "I have a few words to say to Peaches." He saw her nod her head yes. As she started to leave, Spike called out her name. Her real name. "Willow," he whispered. He watched her turn around and he went to her. "I care a lot about you too." Seeing her smile, he relaxed. "I'll see you in a bit," he promised her. After she climbed the stairs, he turned around in search for Angel.

Spike found Angel in the kitchen. He couldn't stop his anger even if he wanted to. "Who the hell gave you the right, Poof?"

"Drusilla. I'm her Sire, therefore I'm in charge of you."

"Fuck you and right of sire. I won't lose her." Storming out of the kitchen, he went to find Willow.

Pushing open her door, he walked in. "Hey, luv."

"That was quick."

"Said what I needed to say. Then I came up to see you."

"He doesn't like us together, Spike."

"That might actually be important if I cared what he thought. But I don't. Do you like us together, pet?"

"I.well, technically we're not together."

"You're right. So.maybe we could go out tomorrow night? A date?"

Willow lifted her head to look at him. "A date?"

"If you want?"

"Yeah," she said smiling. "I'd like that."

The End
