The Words You Never Heard

Twists and Turns Of Life Series XIX

Author: midnight


Pairing: Spike/Willow

Rating: rated R overall

Summary: It's a ficlet.just read

Distribution: redssoulmates, poetry-in-motion

Feedback: Please

Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss.

Spoilers: Through season 7 of BTVS

Notes: Angel never gained the law firm. He still has his hotel. Cordelia, Wes, Fred, and Gunn work with him. There is no Connor. Spike came back through the amulet, which no one knows where it came from. He was NEVER a ghost!!, character's thoughts ''

Warnings: language, sexual situations, character death, blood, violence




Spike watched as Willow came downstairs the following morning. She looked like hell. He could still smell the scent of tears in the air. 'How the fuck did I screw up?' Spike glanced at Angel as he came into the room and then turned his attention back to Willow. Spike was crushed. Willow wouldn't look at him, hell she wouldn't even glance at him.

Hours passed as the day went on and nothing changed. As Angel went into his office, he saw Willow getting up and going into the kitchen. He made a decision. He needed to know what was going on. Standing up from the couch, he walked into the kitchen, a couple steps after Willow.

She grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and took a swig of it before turning around. Being around Spike was hurting her too much. Turning around, her eyes widened, seeing Spike in front of her. She tried walking around him but he stopped her.

Spike saw her trying to walk around him but he needed to know. He grabbed her wrist, getting her attention.

"Spike, let go. You're hurting me."

He loosened his grip but kept his hold firm. "Sorry, luv," he whispered. "But you're hurting me too."

"What? What did I do?"

"You're staying away from me when the only thing I want to do is keep you close."


"Tell me," he growled. "Tell me what the hell I did."

She could feel the tears falling down her face. Spike dropped her wrist, wiping away her tears.

"You're not mine to have, Spike."

Her answer stunned him. He wasn't sure how to react. "What do you mean I'm not yours to have?"

"I should go."

"No," he growled. "Just talk to me, please."

"Your heart.I heard you."

"Red, I don't understand. Baby, make me understand."

Willow took a deep breath. "I came downstairs last night to get a drink and.and I heard you."

"Heard me what?"

"You were arguing with Angel. He said you couldn't give me your heart or your love because both of those belonged to Buffy. And I waited.I waited.but you didn't deny it."

"And then you left."

"So, see you're not mine."

He allowed her to pass him. Just as she reached the door, he spoke up. "You should have stayed a bit longer, pet."

Willow turned around. "Why?"

"I told him my heart belonged to you. That it had for a while. You are the only one for me, pet."

"I don't believe you. I want to, but."

Spike felt his insides being ripped apart as she walked back into the main room.


Spike walked a couple moments later into the main room, glancing around. He saw Angel walk into the main room looking over a document. Spike morphed, his eyes blazing golden at his grand-sire. "You," he growled.

Angel looked up, surprised at the tone in the younger vampire's voice. "Spike?"

"You bastard. You fucked this up. You ruined this for me." Spike advanced towards him ready to dust him if he had to.


Cordy watched the scene between the two vampires unfold in front of her. She grabbed her purse and grabbed Willow's arm. "We should go."


"They're gonna.whatever and I really don't think we should be around for it. Let's go shopping."

As Willow felt Cordy pull her out of the hotel, she turned her head around and locked her eyes with Spike.

The End
