What happened?

Sequel to: What did I tell you?

Author: D. Mysinger

Email: dmysinger19@yahoo.com

Coupling: Willow/Spike

Summery: Things explained....

Distribution: NHA, Redssoulmates.com, WLS, and SNW yahoo group.

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all.

Rating: R

A/N: Well everyone, I wanted to thank you all for the wonderful feed back I have gotten over this series. Initially this was supposed to just be two stories from the prospective of Spike and Willow however after the feedback I have gotten my excitement grew and my muse inspired more. So I hope everyone is enjoying it. Feedback feeds the stories. Thanks again.


 Spike, Willow and Giles all left the hospital shortly after Xander did. Once they left the hospital, Willow began to tell them what had occurred between herself and Buffy.
 Giles anger had increased as well as his fear of his slayer. Spike on the other hand was surprised at what his witch had said to the slayer about the Poof. He was also pissed beyond belief.
 Joyce had arrived home at six o’clock in the evening to find her daughter passed out in her kitchen, near the back door, with the door wide open.

“Buffy!” Joyce shouted racing to her daughter side.

 Feeling a pulse she check for breathing spotting the ring of finger shaped black and blue marks. The bruising was already lined with yellow so she knew it had been a while since it had occurred. Buffy was breathing which was a relief for her mother. A few minutes later her eyes began to flutter and she woke to see her mother peering at her.

“Mom, what happened?” Buffy choked out. Last she could remember was Xander stepping over her body and out the door, and that was something she didn’t want to tell her mom about because then she would have to explain why it had happened.

“I don’t know dear, I came home and found you here? What do you remember?” Joyce asked.

“I don’t remember right now. I’m kind of tired; I think I’ll go lie down.” Buffy said as she stood quickly.

Joyce sat on the floor for a few minutes wondering what had just happened. Deciding to get some answers she picked up her phone and dialed the one number where she knew she might get some answers.

“Hello, Rupert. Can we talk?” Joyce asked phoning Giles was a last resort when she knew she wasn’t being told something.

 Her relationship with the man had been strained every since Buffy had ran away but was slowly starting to rebuild.

“Sure, Joyce we can talk. One moment please.” Rupert said. Setting down the phone he pored himself a scotch because he knew this would be a long conversation and his still need to talk to Buffy about her hitting Willow.
