Are you sure that it’s okay?

Series: Do You Know... 25

Author: D. Mysinger


Coupling: Willow/Spike

Summery: Xander and Anya make an appearance.

Distribution: NHA,, WLS, Twisting the Hellmouth, and Spike N’ Willow and SNW yahoo group.

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all.

Rating: PG-13 for language


 Xander had just put the map away when Anya started to stir next to him.

“Xander, did you decide where we’re going? This car is getting really uncomfortable.” Anya said.

“Yeah, An, I have. I just hope Deadboy doesn’t kill me.” Xander said pulling back onto the freeway.

 For the last few days all it seemed like they were doing was driving. When they’d first left Giles’ place the other night he’d told Anya he loved her and proposed. Their first stop after packing was Vegas where they got married.
 Anya he noticed seemed to be glowing even though she was exhausted. He was extremely happy, even with everything that had happened with Buffy.

“I think Willow will protect you.” Anya finally said after a short internal debate.

The Next Day…

 Xander and Anya arrived outside of Angel Investigations just as Cordelia, Wesley and Willow were leaving.

“Wills?” Xander said as they spotted each other.

“Xan, Hey. How are you guys?” Willow said as she walked over to the newly married couple and hugged Xander.

“We got married and decided to share the news.” He replied pulling Anya close to him.

“Congratulations. I am so happy for you.” Willow said as Anya flashed her wedding ring.
(Willow wasn’t to sure how she really felt but wasn’t going to hurt Xander that way.)

 Cordelia felt Wes’ hand on her back and for once decided that tact was best.

“We were just going to get some lunch; why don’t you join us?” Cordy asked surprising them all, even her.

“Sure, I could eat.” Xander said looking to Anya who just smiled and squeezed his hand. She was being really quite for some reason and he just would have to wait to ask when they were alone again.

 After lunch they all returned to the office to find Angel and Spike waiting for them.

“Spike, look who we found.” Willow said with a giggle as she kissed him.

“Chubs, Demongirl what brings ya here? Luv, did you have coffee?” Spike asked as Willow practically vibrated on his lap with energy.

“Yeah, I had some before lunch and some while we were eating. I’m all buzzed.” Willow giggled again as Spike rolled his eyes at her before turning back to the others.

 Angel was fighting back the laugh he wanted to make at Spike’s amusement of Willow’s behavior.

“I was wondering if I could talk to Angel, Junior.” Xander finally said snapping out of his thought of Willow and Spike together.

 Angel’s head whipped up to look at Xander; it was the first time he could ever remember Harris calling him by his name. He wasn’t too sure what was going on but He agreed with a nod leading Xander into the inner-office. With the door closed behind them Xander and Angel had the talk that they should have had long ago. Clearing up misunderstandings and apologies were given. Finally Xander reached they subject that had brought him here today.

“The reason Anya and I are here is simple. Buffy is losing it, and I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better.” He sighed.

“This about Willow and Spike? What’s been going on because I know Willow and Spike don’t know everything?” Angel asked.

“Mostly, but not all of it is about Willow and Spike. Some of it happens to be about some old issues that Buffy and I have, which revolve around Willow. I just don’t want Will to know about all of it.” Xander started to explain about the threat and what he done to Buffy since then.

“Harris, you threaten the Slayer and still marry another girl. Damn you’ve some balls on you kid. I can’t believe she never told me about that.” Angel said thoughtfully.

 Angel and Xander continued to talk for another hour before they finally finished. Angel had invited Xander and Anya to join the group now all Xander had to do was talk to Anya.


 Anya and Willow had been talking for a while about the proposal and wedding before Anya finally burst out with a questions she’d been dieing to ask.

“Willow, are you sure it’s okay that we came here? You don’t he’ll kill my Xander do you, because Xander promised me orgasms.” Anya asked.

Willow was fighting hard not to laugh and at last was able to answer Anya’s questions.

“No, I think it’s going to be okay. Just trust me, those two have more in common than they like to think.” She told her with a snicker.
