Title: Back to Abnormal, part 7/7 in the Mischief and the Mark series
Author: Nocturnal Elle
Email: nocturnal_elle@yahoo.com
Rating: PG
Summary: Denouement.
Pairing: W/S
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon created them; Fox owns them. I obsess about them. A lot.
Distribution: Ask for it & it's yours, or take it & tell me where it went.
Feedback: Always nice.
Notes: Timeline would be summer between S4 & S5.

Buffy and Xander were pacing. Giles was making tea again. Anya was filing her nails. "Why haven't they come down yet?"

Anya smirked. "Post-coital bliss?" Xander looked like he wanted to throttle his girlfriend.

They heard a commotion at the top of the stairs and Buffy, Xander, and Giles came forward to stand together and gape in horror. Anya was amused. Spike and Willow descended the stairs. Technically, Spike descended the stairs and Willow rode on his back. When they came to a stop, Willow made a show of nuzzling Spike's ear. "Hi, guys!"

Xander was speechless. Giles took off his glasses, so he wouldn't have to see the display so clearly.

"It didn't work?!?" Buffy screeched. And then Spike and Willow started laughing. The horrified look on Buffy's face stayed there for a moment longer before she rushed at them. "You are both so dead!" But she hugged Willow to her and discreetly whispered in her ear "Are you alright?" Willow pulled away, nodding. "We're good. No mark, see?" She pulled her hair aside, but she wasn't quite markless after all. Buffy frowned at Spike. "You gave her a hickey!"

Spike was busy putting his leather duster on and rifling through the pockets for something. He smirked at the slayer. "That's not the only one she'll have." Buffy lunged for him and Willow held her back.

"Perhaps you better go, Spike." Giles sagely advised.

"With pleasure. I've had enough of you all," He pulled out the pack of cigarettes he was looking for and lit one. "For now." There was no mistaking that he said the last part soley to and for Willow before leaving.

Buffy looked at Willow. "You don't think he means? I mean, he better not mean!"

"Buff, calm down! It's over. We're de-lusted of each other." Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Wills.

"So you won't - " Buffy gestured to where Spike left. "Cause that whole I'd-like-to-see-what-he-can-do threw me for loop, I don't mind telling you."

Willow laughed. She wanted to reassure her friend that that was just the mojo talking, but something stopped her. "No, Buffy, I can't really see us ever doing that again."

Buffy let it go with an emphatic "Good to know."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Anyanka told them, huh? I thought you weren't speaking to her anymore." Cupid watched with Mischief as Spike left the watcher's apartment.

"I wasn't, not since she's been human. But she summoned me, and I couldn't help bragging."

"Well, I'm sorry the game ended so quickly. I thought those two would be at it for a long time."

Mischief smiled enigmatically.

"What do you know?"

"That the game these two have started has only just begun."

"So then, my dear, I assume you're pleased with how things turned out?"

Mischief's eyes sparkled. "Infinitely."

read the sequal 'It's Not Like I Planned for this to Happen'
