Strange Beyond Words
by Northlight

Willow was dreaming. At least, she certainly hoped that all she was doing was dreaming. Because this certainly wasn't normal behavior for non-dream versions of her friends. She ducked her head, doing her best not to look around. Ultimately, her best wasn't good enough, and Willow peeked. And then stared.

She was in the library. With Xander, Oz, Spike, Giles, and Angel. And they were naked. 'You did this, didn't you!' Willow thought to her persistent inner sex obsessed maniac.

It didn't bother to respond.

'I said no more sex for Willow! Throwing a roomful of attractive, naked men into my dreams will do nothing to change that!' Willow thought, watching said attractive, naked men with glazed eyes. Yummy, indeed.

'Live a little!' Her sex obsessed maniac cajoled. 'They'll never know...'

Like the good girl she was, Willow resisted the urge to give into the temptation presented by her naked companions. Turning her mind towards other matters, Willow decided that 'inner sex obsessed maniac' was a somewhat cumbersome title for whatever strange demon it was possessing her. 'ISOM?' she pondered, before discarding that option. 'Id-Willow!'

'Yes, yes,' Id-Willow said in annoyance. 'Now that we have that all cleared up, watch the naked men. Touch the naked men. Fu--'

'No, no, no!' her mind shrieked, stomping one imaginary foot in fury. 'What did I say? No more sex! Sex is _bad_.'

'I seem to remember sex being very nice,' Id-Willow purred.

Cautious-Willow spluttered in protest.

Ignoring the two squabbling figments of her imagination, Willow inched forward. Careful not to come into contact with any bare skin, Willow peeked over dream-Oz's shoulder. They were playing Scrabble, she noted with no little surprise. Somehow, Willow had never equated dreams filled with naked men with board games. It was just a little bit disappointing.

'Give me the word, and I can make this dream a whole hell of a lot more interesting,' Id-Willow cooed hopefully. 'I'm sure that when we clear off this table, it could serve as a very nice bed... Or the checkout counter! Or the bookcart! Or the floor! Or--'

'Board games are fine,' Cautious-Willow proclaimed, trying to cut off the flow of Id-Willow's suggestions. Once this awful dream ended, Cautious-Willow was sure she'd never be able to walk into the library again without blushing.

"I have a word," Oz said, oblivious to the two arguing Willows behind him. He slowly dropped three letters onto the board.

'Like we couldn't see that one coming!' Cautious-Willow huffed as she primly turned her eyes away from the most distressing three letter word spelled out on the Scrabble board.

'It's a sign from above!' Id-Willow said firmly. 'What's the chances of sex being the first word spelt? It's obvious the Big Guy himself wants you to spread your legs and a little joy around here, Wills!'

'Well...' Willow thought, 'I suppose that does make sense. And it's not like I'm ever going to have sex again in real life, because lust is a bad, bad thing that leads me to acting like... well, like this.'

'Makes sense?!' Cautious-Willow repeated blankly. 'God telling you to have sex most definitely does _not_ make sense!' Willow didn't seem to be listening, as she'd gone from careful avoidance of skin to... oh my, she wasn't, was she? Cautious-Willow blushed furiously as the Scrabble board and tiles went flying from the table and Willow landed on it. 'Why won't she listen to _me_?!' Cautious-Willow wailed.

'Because I come equipped with nifty visuals and hands-on exercises,' Id-Willow snickered gleefully.
