Author: Saileyn
Rating: PG
Pairing: Willow/Spike
Spoilers: Set at the start of S4, so everything before that. Spike is unbitey.
Summary: Willow decides to take up a hobby. Spike gets roped in along the way.
Distribution: Want, take, have - just as long as you tell me.
Feedback: Is like oxygen, I need it to survive. :o)
Authors Notes: I was bored - I decided to write something. I was inspired by an essay topic I was given.
Disclaimer: Joss and Co. own all, know all and see all. Unfortunately I am not one of them. *sigh*

Part 1

"What do you mean that it wouldn’t be a good idea?" Willow frowned. She knew perfectly well that Buffy wouldn’t like it. She didn’t seem to realise that she had to have a life outside the Scooby Gang. Giles was a stuffy librarian and he even had a life, so why couldn’t she?
"I—it’s just, you shouldn’t go out at night and you’d have to for rehearsals. And you know how it’s dangerous with the Hellmouth and all Will." Buffy stammered.
"I’m not a two year old Buffy, I have been alright on my own before. Like when you were in LA." Willow shot back, slightly ashamed of her words. Buffy glared at Willow.
"Sorry guys but it’s late and I’ve gotta patrol. So bye." Buffy headed for the door and left without another word. Giles looked up from his book.
"It’s your decision Willow. I think you’d do well in a drama production. Just make sure you aren’t taking on too much at once."

Willow smiled; at least Giles was on her side. Xander dragged his eyes away from Anya.
"Are you sure you can do it Wills? I mean there was that thing where you have stage fright and all that." Nothing that a confidence spell couldn’t fix, Willow thought.
"I’ll be fine, I can’t hide from it forever. We all have to face our demons eventually you know."
"Hey!" Anya whined.
"No offence intended." Willow apologised.
"Aw Anya don’t worry, you’re my demon and that’s all that matters." Xander patted Anya on the shoulder.
"Good. Let’s go and have sex." Anya replied, eagerly dragging Xander towards the door. Giles sighed and headed into the kitchen in search of some tea.
"Well guys see ya! Will, you’ll do great." Xander yelled through the door.

Willow was glad Buffy had left. She’d been having Riley/Angel problems lately, so Willow had just been ignoring her moods. But they were getting annoying. She was a bit disappointed that Anya and Xander had left. It had been a while since they had all been together. She hadn’t noticed it as much when she was with Oz, but they were always with their significant other instead of together as a group. She didn’t have a significant other at the moment since she’d had she-wolf problems and getting involved with the college drama group seemed to be a perfect solution to her loneliness. She noticed that Spike, who had remained unusually quiet, was now staring at her intently.
"What, have something to add?" Willow asked. She waited for his comment, he couldn’t bite so he now enjoyed annoying them at ever moment possible. But more so the others than her.

"Nothing luv. If it’ll make the Slayer happy I’ll take you. So then you’ll be safe from all the big nasties that can bite. Gets me out of this hole and gives me some more people to make fun of." He mused.
"Thanks, I’d appreciate it. Actually I’d better be getting home, like Buffy said it is getting late." She stood and started towards the door. "Bye Giles."
Spike rose as well, Willow looked at him questioningly.
"Might as well start my job as bodyguard now, right pet? Besides I don’t particularly want to spend all night with the Watcher, as entertaining as that may be." He shrugged.

They walked along the street, Willow was lost in her own thoughts.
"What’s going on in that little head of yours? You haven’t started brooding about the Slayer like that wanker of a sire of mine have you luv?" Spike asked.
Willow smiled faintly.
"Because if you are we’re going to gave to do something about it. And I know the perfect solution to that." He grinned.
"Such as what?" Willow asked, eyebrows arched. Now she was listening fully.
"Nothing pet, just wanted to make sure you were listening. Don’t worry bout Slutty, she doesn’t deserve your thoughts. She’ll forget about it as soon as she sees soldier boy again." Spike paused. "So what’s this play thing all about then? You know I can recite Shakespeare’s stuff backwards."

"Sure you can Spike. I wouldn’t even know if you were lying or not. All I know is Romeo and Juliet. We studied that last year. I know all that by heart." Willow replied, wondering if Spike was for real.
"I can, listen. You should know this one though. Question the is that be to not or be to. Now, tell me about this play." Willow smiled at his comment. He knew she’d end up babbling about her play and that it would make her feel better if she did. He didn’t like to see her unhappy and that made him on the same level as his sire. No bite and a poof. Actually that made him worse than his sire. Listening to Willow’s babble also stopped him wallowing in self pity.

"Well, there are auditions for tomorrow night. They need new members for a series of small plays they’re going to do. It’s only an amateur group so they wanted anyone and everyone, well that’s what the flyer said." She paused momentarily for a breath. "I don’t know what plays they’re doing but they said they’d find something for everyone. Including me." Spike nodded and listened to her babble until they arrived at her dorm.
"Here you go, and I’ll meet you here tomorrow night then. We can take my car." He turned and started to walk back down the hall.
"Hey Spike!" Spike glanced over his shoulder to Willow. "Thanks, you know for everything."
"Don’t mention it luv." Spike nodded and waited until she was back inside and started to make his way home.

Part 2

"Here we are this is the place." Willow said, fiddling with her hands as they walked inside. The room was filled with people, mostly college students Willow had seen on campus. A few of them looked her way and gave a faint smile, which she returned nervously. She’d decided to forgo the confidence spell because the only way she was going to do this properly would be on her own.
"Don’t fret luv, they’re only people. Not vampires or demons. You’ve faced those before, your even walking with one now, what have you got to be afraid of?"
"I know, it’s just…" She trailed off. Spike steered them to a corner and motioned for Willow to sit.
"Just stay here pet, I’ll be back in a bit." She nodded as he turned to leave.

A few minutes later Spike returned with a sheet of paper and a cup of water. He handed Willow the water as he filled in the form. Name, address, DOB, phone number, the basics were easy. Then the harder questions came, they would need some creativity. Spike grinned as he filled in the answers, Willow would never write these things, even though they were true.
"What are you doing Spike?" Willow asked warily.
"Just filling in this form, don’t worry about it." Willow nodded and glanced up towards the stage where a man had just entered. The hall started to become quieter as the man began to speak.
"Thank you all for attending. I am Jean Paul, director of SACTG, the Sunnydale Amateur College Theatre Group. When we call your name, would you please be able to head backstage for your audition. Bring your form with you. Don’t worry all auditions will be held in small groups of four and will be in one of the storerooms. I wish you all best of luck and break a leg."

"Feeling better?" Spike asked finishing up the form.
"Not really. I’m starting to think that Buffy was right." Willow sighed.
"Piffle, she couldn’t get anything right even if it bit her." Spike took the cup from her. "Now close your eyes, you’re a witch so a simple meditation shouldn’t be too hard."
Willow closed her eyes. "Where did you learn this?" She asked.
"Shh, you don’t spend decades on this planet and not learn anything Willow. Now just be quiet and listen to me." He waited a few moments. "Ok Willow, relax. You can feel your body relaxing. Start at your toes and work your way up." He paused between words. "Toes, feet, legs, stomach, chest, fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, neck and head." Willow’s expression softened, as she relaxed. "Now I want you to imagine you’re in a garden. There’s flowers and sunlight and it looks beautiful. You feel calm and relaxed. Nothing is frightening. You feel that you can do anything. You are free and at ease." He continued for a few minutes and then started to slowly bring her out of the meditation. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times. "Come on luv, it’s time, they just called your name." He said, pulling her to her feet.

Willow stood and followed Spike towards the stage, She did feel calm and confident, but she wondered if that was because of the meditation or if Spike had slipped her something in her drink. They got behind the stage and followed the signs to the audition room. Spike stopped at the door and waved Willow inside. She hesitated.
"What’s wrong pet?" He asked. Willow shrugged. "Look I’ll come in if it’ll help. But on one condition. You have to convince the Watcher to get me a larger supply of blood." She smiled and nodded.
"Spike, that’s disgusting. I really didn’t want to be thinking about that, not now not ever, it’s just gross."
"Just go inside. You’ll do fine."

The girl inside the door held a clipboard. "Name?" She asked.
"Willow Rosenberg." Willow replied handing her the form. The girl looked Spike up and down. Jean Paul entered the room, unnoticed, from a side door and stopped. He looked at Willow and then at Spike. They would be perfect, he watched the exchange before him.
"And you?" The girl asked.
"Spike, but I’m just here for moral support." He answered, the girl frowned.
"I’m sorry but you’re going to have to wait outside." She said bluntly.
Willow edged closer to Spike, not wanting to be there by herself. She took a breath and smiled at the girl.
"Oh don’t listen to him, he’s here for an audition. He just arrived in town tonight and didn’t have time to contact you. He can actually recite Shakespeare backwards, can’t you Spike?" Willow smiled at Spike, "we’d love to hear it, please?" Spike knew what that meant, that was her way of getting him to stay. He didn’t have to agree to accept a part if he got one. He’d have to have some words to her later.

"Sure can pet, question the is that be to not or be to." He announced, his accent adding to the authenticity.
"More commonly known as the quote from Hamlet, to be or not to be, that is the question." Willow added. She was positive that he’d slipped her something in her water now.
Spike decided he would have some fun and pay Willow back for putting him on the spot. She seemed quite calm and that ‘water’ he’d given her to drink was working perfectly. Being around for a few decades, and being involved in magick, did teach you how to deal with certain harmless herbs. He wondered if Willow had realised what he’d given her. She was a witch, she should have used it herself. So, she knew Romeo and Juliet by heart? He’d see if she remembered.
"How about Romeo and Juliet, pet?" He grinned. "Act one, scene five alright?" Willow thought back to the play. It dawned on her what it was and she shot Spike a look. It was too late to back out now because everyone was watching them. He was going to pay for this later.
"Lead away." She said keeping her voice steady. Spike clasped both her hands. Oh no, Willow thought. He wouldn’t dare.

Spike smirked at the look on Willow’s face. He would probably get staked for this later but he didn’t care. He was having too much fun, besides it would show Willow that she didn’t have to be nervous. Especially after this little display. She would play along, he knew that, it would be worse if she backed out now.
"O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do! They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." Spike drawled.
"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake." Willow said in the best accent she could muster. Spike leaned closer.
"Then move not, while my prayers’ effect I take." He said kissing her. He pulled away and continued. "Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged."
"Then have my lips the sin that they have took." When will this end, Willow thought. Spike was so going to be staked.
"Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again!" Spike was in shock, the little witch was still playing. He’d never have thought she’d last this long, she should have died of embarrassment by now.
"You kiss by the book." Willow replied. Spike let her go and stepped back. The room applauded.
"Years of practice pet." He smirked.

"Simply marvellous!" Jean Paul applauded. He stepped forward towards Spike. "That accent is amazing! Are you from England?"
"Are you bloody kidding? Of course I’m from England, where did you think I was from? Russia?"
"Spike." Willow warned. Jean Paul turned to Willow.
"And you my dear, you are wonderful. You are confident and you glow! Why have you not been in our group before now?"
"Well I’m not exactly…" Jean Paul cut her off.
"The chemistry between the both of you…"
"Chemistry?" Willow squeaked. Jean Paul didn’t hear her and continued.
"I’d like to offer you both the main roles in a play I’ve just received. It will be the best play this group has ever done! I’d need the both of you though, you’re the perfect combination. You couldn’t possibly say no could you?"
"Doesn’t look like it does it mate? Well Red, what do you think?" Spike shrugged.
Willow tried to find her voice. Trust the Hellmouth, that’s what caused this. He was right, she couldn’t say no. "Sure." She said and proceeded to faint dead away.

Spike caught her and smiled at Jean Paul. "Don't worry she’ll be fine, just a bit excited. How about you just give us the right paperwork and I’ll take her home and ring you in the morning?" He said placing Willow on a chair.
Jean Paul returned with two scripts and other forms that Spike placed in his duster pockets. Willow started to come to and Spike gently picked her up.
"It’s alright luv, we’re going home." He nodded farewell to Jean Paul and carried Willow out to the Desoto.

Spike settled Willow on his bed. She’d revoked the invitation to the dorm and he didn’t feel like running into the Slayer with an unconscious Willow. It would be stake now, ask questions later. So he’d decided they could go to his place. He’d moved out of the crypt a few weeks ago. It was cold and dark, quite depressing. He’d also grown accustomed to the television and needed a fridge and microwave for his blood. So he’d found a nice little apartment and taken up residence there. He mightn’t have been able to bite. But he could still pull a few strings. Besides what the slayer didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. He’d make sure to get Willow to ring her as soon as she woke up. No use having a slayer on the rampage.

He settled down with a mug of blood and started to read the script. After a few pages he grinned and looked at the shy little hacker. It was an impressive script and he loved the story. He wondered if Willow would be impressed. He doubted it, but her incapability of saying no would stop her from refusing the role.
"Well Red, this is interesting. I can’t wait to see what you think." He smirked, settling down to read once more.

Part 3

Willow woke up and blinked, not recognising her surroundings. She was lying on a bed in a dark room. She sat bolt upright and began to panic.
"It's alright pet, you're at my place." Spike's voice drifted from the corner. Willow turned and saw him sitting in a chair watching the television. Spike stood and walked over to the coffee table.
"You'd better ring that Slayer friend of yours and tell her where you are. I didn't particularly want to turn up with an unconscious you at your dorm." Spike said motioning to the phone. Willow remembered what had happened, she'd fainted. Spike had taken her home. She wondered how long she'd been out.
"You're right, she'd stake you for sure." Willow replied. "But then I wouldn't be able to stake you myself. You know I could."
"Hey, don't start that with me pet, you were the one that started it. That was all your own doing. You have to admit it was quite amusing." Spike smirked. She flushed as red as her hair.
"I wasn't in my right mind. What the hell did you put in my drink?" She asked.

"Bit of this and a bit of that. You're supposed to be the smart one, figure it out. You can probably guess." He teased. Willow knew what he'd used. A few harmless empowering herbs. Nothing potentially dangerous.
"Thanks." She said picking up the phone and dialling. "Answering machine. Hey Buff, it's me, just calling to say I won't be at the dorm tonight. Staying at a friend's that I met at auditions. See you later. K?" She hung up. Spike raised his eyebrows, wondering why she didn't say exactly where she was. She walked over to the couch and sat down.
"Oh my god. I can't believe I did all that! And then I, we get a main role. How Hellmouthy is that? What role is it? Spike did that guy give you a script?" She babbled.

Spike picked up the script that he'd finished reading a few hours ago.
"Here you go, it's called 'Reflections'. Rehearsals start tomorrow night at 9, it says on the rehearsal schedule. You're going to be Edana but everyone seems to call her Dana." He laughed. "What's so funny?" She asked.
"I just realised what the name means. Knew a girl with that name way back in Angelus times. You said the play was Hellmouthy, well this must mean something - Edana means little fiery one. Maybe the Watcher had some end of the world prophecy about it." He joked.
"Who are you then?" Willow asked, reading down along the cast list.
"Liam." Came Spike's reply.
"Oh." Willow began to read the script. Spike was surprised how fast she could read. What had taken him ten minutes, took her two. He returned his attention back to the television.

"Ok, this guy has no idea how to write spells." She murmured as she was reading. "I mean, if you wanted it to work you'd change..."
"Pet," Spike asked.
"What?" Willow glanced up curiously.
"Don't go around rewriting spells. You are a witch are you not?" Spike groaned.
"Yes?" She asked.
"So if you change things around so they're more realistic, you might end up with the whole 'my will be done' thing again." He stated.
"Oh yeah." Willow blushed and continued reading.

She'd finished the first half and decided to put the script down.
"I am not doing this. It's just too weird. It's like a warped fairytale of my life." She stated. "Just look at this, a girl reads some spell gets kidnapped by some weird creep from another world. As impossible as that is."
"Mind who you're calling a creep pet." Spike said sitting down next to her on the couch.
"Sorry. Ok, you in real-life has kidnapped me and now your character in a play does the same thing. Her name means little fiery one. The whole other world has no daytime, just night. Spike, this Liam guy even dresses like you! It's just way too weird." Willow took a breath and started to continue when Spike interrupted.
"It could just be a coincidence. It wasn't for certain that I was going to be with you and audition. So how could it have been planned? The guy has never seen you in person so he wouldn't know you had red hair. Pet, don't worry about it." He soothed.

Willow was deep in thought. "Spike what does Liam mean?"
"Dunno. Why do you ask? You aren't taking the whole prophecy thing seriously are you?" He said, trying to read her expression.
"No. Just wondering. I do know that it's a form of William thought. This is just creepy. Or maybe I'm just paranoid. Living on the Hellmouth does that to people." She leaned back and closed her eyes.
"Just go to sleep luv, don't worry so much. You're starting to turn into the Watcher." Spike said, settling back into the couch.
"Maybe your right. I'm just tired and not thinking straight." She yawned before drifting off to sleep.
"Or maybe I'm not. I'm going to have to find out what this Jean Paul creep is up to." Spike muttered, before flicking off the television and closing his eyes too.

Part 4

Spike woke up and felt something warm on top of him. He was leaning back in the corner of the couch, he opened his eyes and saw Willow lying snuggled against his chest. Somehow as they slept they managed to get like this and his arm had also found its way around her waist. He had no idea how but was glad that he'd woke first. Willow was most likely to panic and never speak to him again, because of a curse or something about the play. He listened to her steady breathing as she slept. And was amazed at how warm humans were, it had been so long he'd forgotten. After a while he decided that he'd better move before Willow woke up. He slid out from underneath her and carefully placed her back on the couch. Walking into the kitchen, he grabbed his mug and found a packet of blood in the kitchen. Popping it into the microwave, he heard Willow beginning to wake up. He filled the kettle with water and set it on the stove.

"Afternoon luv." He said as Willow made her way into the kitchen and sat down at the table. He put a cup of coffee in front of her. "Sleep well?"
"Yeah, sort of." She replied absently. She thought back to the dream she'd had. It had something to do with the play, Jean Paul and Spike. She couldn't quite remember it but something in it had troubled her. She decided to dismiss it and drank her coffee.
"Something wrong?" Spike asked. She looked distant but then suddenly snapped herself back into reality and looked at him. He wondered what she'd been thinking about.
"No. I don't think so. I was just thinking that's all." She replied. She stood and disappeared into the lounge room. She returned a few moments later with the script in hand. As she drank her coffee, she read the remainder of the script. She noticed why Spike seemed to enjoy the story, his character was an evil and devious bad guy. Although the story didn't seem to be Spike's kind of story, it was a twisted romance. She then remembered that Spike was in the lounge watching Passions, and changed her mind. He may be evil but he doesn't mind soppy soap operas. She shook her head.

The story wasn't anything fantastic. Evil Liam from the other world had seen Dana through a portal and decided that she was the one to make his bride. He'd kidnapped her and brought her to his land. She'd made friends with some of the servants, Alex and Mia. Her personal servant, Kelly had become her best friend. Then she'd been kidnapped by the more evil bad guy Nicholas, who was trying to get back at Liam. Liam had saved her, with Phineas' help. Phineas was a poor prophet who was forced to help evil Liam. Dana then fell for Liam and they lived happily ever after. That was basically it, Willow wondered who would even watch a play like this. It was the kind of thing that was turned into a cartoon movie and shown to little kids.

Her character on the other hand was everything she was and wanted to be. Dana was confident, brave and intelligent. She said what she thought and did what she wanted. She dabbled in magick and fought against evil. She even babbled when se was nervous like Willow did. The other characters in the script could almost be related to the Scooby gang. Buffy could be Dana's new best friend, Kelly. Kelly tried to help Dana escape numerous times and had been trained by her father to fight. Alex and Mia were two servants deeply in love that also helped Dana, they would be Xander and Anya. Giles would have been the stuffy prophet Phineas. Then came Angel, well Angelus. Spike was Liam so that made Angelus his enemy. Liam was evil, but his enemy Nicholas wasn't good; he was even more evil and had a personal vendetta against Liam. It was all too creepy, she wondered if Spike had made the connection.

She turned to the last page of the script. 'The End' had been written on the page before and she wondered why there was another page. She noticed it was blank all except for a small symbol on the bottom corner. Puzzled she head towards the lounge room to find Spike. "Spike do you know what this means?" Willow asked, showing him the symbol.
He looked at it strangely. "That's funny, I don't remember seeing that there last night." He frowned. "I swear I've seen that somewhere before but I can't place it." Willow looked at it curiously trying to figure out why it looked familiar to her too.
"I've seen it somewhere before too." She paused. "That was in my dream last night! Spike, I've never seen it before, why the hell was it in my dream?" She began to become very uneasy. Spike didn't look to pleased either.
"The sun's just set, how about we make a trip to the Watcher's?" He said, rising from the couch and grabbing his duster. Willow grabbed the script and they headed out the door in the direction of Giles'.

Part 5

Minutes later they arrived at Giles' place. Willow had been racking her brain trying to determine what was going on. She'd been trying to convince herself that it was all a coincidence, that not everyone in the whole world was evil. She couldn't remember the dream clearly enough to determine whether the symbol was good or bad. For all she knew the symbol could mean good luck, right? They quickly explained to Giles what had happened and Willow's dream. Giles looked at them blankly.

"So what you're telling me is that you both got a lead role in this performance that resembles Willow's life and that a mysterious symbol appeared on the script overnight." He prompted.
"Yes." They both said in unison. Giles furrowed his brow and handed Willow the script.
"Are you sure you aren't overreacting Willow? The symbol might just be the author's signature or something of sorts."
"Then why would the bloody thing only show up overnight?" Spike paused as a thought hit him. "Actually, only after we'd both read it. Willow only found it when she'd finished reading." He started to pace, why were things always screwing with his life? First Angel, then the slayer, those soldier boys and now some shonky writer.
"All I can suggest is that you wait until we find out more. And try to get some proper sleep." Giles dismissed waving them towards the door, his tone more impatient than compassionate.

Willow glanced up from her perch on the edge of the couch and stopped chewing her lower lip. She couldn't believe it, he though they were making it up or were just hallucinating. She always looked up at Giles because he always looked out for them. Now she wasn't so sure, lately he seemed more concerned with Buffy. He didn't care at all, it wasn't an end of the world prophecy that foretold of the slayer's death so he didn't care.
"Fine then. We're sorry that we wasted your time Giles. And next time anyone needs help don't bother coming to us because we'll be so caught up in our silly little play problems that we won't have time for you!" She snapped, storming out the door. Spike watched her in amusement. She did have fire, that was for certain. He glared at the Watcher.
"You know after all Red's done for you, she comes to you for help and you just brush her off. Bloody fine lot of friends you are then. And I swear, if anything happens to her because of this, chip or no chip - one way or another - I will have your heads." Spike said dangerously and then swept out the door after the red headed witch.

"I can't believe it! Just because I'm not Buffy he doesn't care. I'm only net girl Willow. Only good to use for research or spells. Geez that makes me feel just great, thanks Giles, for nothing!" She fumed, stomping along the street. Spike caught up with her.
"Good work there pet, should have seen the Watcher's face." He joked, Willow frowned. "Don't worry you don't need them. We'll figure it out on our own. You're the brains of that lot, they couldn't find anything without you anyway." Willow smiled but Spike could tell that she was still ticked.
"Thanks Spike, time away from them is probably a good thing." She decided.
"One thing though luv," Spike checked his watch, "it's 8:15, rehearsals start at 9."
"Oh Goddess, I've gotta go change, get my stuff from your place and...' Spike was the one to cut her off.
"No time for talk, just act. Here's the plan; we go to your dorm, then my place and then to rehearsals. Alright?" He said. Willow smiled.
"Well you are supposed to be the evil vampire that always comes up with carefully planned schemes that are always foiled by the slayer," Willow grinned, "and seeing as Buffy isn't here..."
"Mind what you say pet." Spike warned playfully as they headed to the dorms.

Part 6

"Alright on to the scene between Dana and Liam, where they first formally meet. Dana has done the spell she found and transported herself between worlds." Jean Paul announced. "Willow when you're ready. Remember you're terrified of Liam but you become more confident as the scene goes on. Spike you're supposed to be evil, to you this is all a game. Quiet everyone."

"It won't be a problem mate. Red and I here have done this before." Spike grinned.
"Oh excellent! May I ask in what play?" Jean Paul exclaimed. Willow glared at Spike, remembering the whole 'love spell incident'.
"It was called, 'Spells, Love and Alcohol'. You probably haven't heard of it." Willow grinned. "And the main character was pathetic, pining over a lost love the whole time." Now it was Spike's turn to glare.
"Interesting Willow. Now when you're ready." Jean Paul nodded. Willow cleared her throat and started to perform.

Dana: This is definitely not my house.
Liam: No it's not a house...

While Dana has been looking to the left she has been completely oblivious to the Liam who has been walking down the corridor to her right. He is now standing next to her. At the sight of him she panics and retreats into the room. She tries to shut the door but in her haste she jams her hand in it. Dana screams in pain.

Liam: Wait a minute. You don' t have to worry.

He takes her hand and examines it

Liam: I don' t think you've done anything harmful to it, pet.

Dana stands staring at him completely terrified.

Liam: If we' re all done with screaming and slamming our hands in doors I am Prince Liam of Valdelia.

He kneels and kisses her hand.

Dana: (really confused) I' m um..
Liam: Yes I already know, you are Edana future Queen of Valdelia. Nice to finally meet you.

Dana has overcome her fear and try's to set a few things straight. She paces as she speaks.

Dana: Sorry, you' re mistaken. I am Dana Phillips and I'm an ordinary person. Always will and always have be. I'm also auditioning for a play today so I'd appreciate it you would take me home. I've got lines to learn.

She stops to take a breath and gather her next lot of thoughts. Liam stands there amused, but lets her continue.

Dana: The play, if you don' t believe that I'm doing a play, is Sleeping Beauty. So you have the wrong person. I really think that the police and a psychologist would like to know about you kidnapping people.

She glares at Liam

Dana: What is your problem?
Liam: Well I' d give you the lead part of Princess Aurora luv. You are quite the Sleeping Beauty aren't you?
Dana: What?
Liam: Pretty thing such as yourself goes to sleep and wakes up to a charming prince such as myself. Isn't that how the tale goes?

Dana decides to play along, Liam ignores her comments.

Dana: (slowly) OK. I' m Sleeping Beauty and you' re Prince Charming or whatever. Why me?
Liam: The other evening I was gazing upon your world, through my looking glass. A mirror if you'd like.
Dana: You were spying!
Liam: And I found you. You are quite a charming girl and I knew you were the one. So I accidentally left one of my books where you could find it. You did exactly what I thought you' d do with it. You did the spell to bring yourself here. You are quite adept at magick if I do say so myself. So here you are.
Dana: You wrote that? It wasn't supposed to bring me to another world! I made sure, it was supposed to help me learn my lines!
Liam: Tsk Tsk. You seem to have mistranslated worlds with words. You need to be careful when translating spells luv. And just a small thing, there isn't a reversal to the spell, pet. You're here to stay.

Liam smirks. Dana looks as if she is about to faint. BLACKOUT.

"Well done both of you. And Spike I like how you're giving the character character! The use of 'pet' is a lovely touch." Jean Paul beamed. "You can all take five, then we'll start scene four."

Spike and Willow broke away from the rest of the group, plopping down on a sofa.
"So luv what did you think?" Spike asked.
"To be honest, it was actually fun. But then there is the part where it just seems creepy. What about you? It is your chance to be your normal evil self." She replied trying to shake of the weird feeling she had.
"True, although it'd be better if I didn't have this bloody chip." He grinned, "What's wrong pet?"
"It's just that..." Willow was cut off by Jean Paul.

"Willow, I've just been informed by the writer that some of the words need to be changed in the spell scene." He handed her a piece of paper with words written in French on it.
"This is the spell then? It wasn't in French before." She asked carefully eyeing the words.
"Yes I know, but he thought it would be more realistic this way. Are you able to read them aloud? I don't quite know how to pronounce them. Even though I might be from French heritage." Jean Paul replied.
"Yes, I know a fair bit of French. I could read them now for you if you like." Willow said. Jean Paul nodded eagerly.
"Pet are you sure that's a smart idea?" Spike warned. Willow caught on to his meaning but Jean Paul wouldn't let her back out of it now.

The only thing she recognised was the phrase, 'By these words let it be so'. She knew those words in quite a few languages. She didn't know what the rest words meant and didn't really want to go reciting spells in French that she didn't know. That never lead to anything good.
"Go on Willow, don't listen to Spike. You're going to have to read them sooner or later." He urged. Willow was defeated and looked at Spike for help. She had a bad feeling about what she was going to do and wasn't comforted by the dream she'd had the night before. He nodded unsurely and took her hand. She read the words aloud.
"Apportez ce qu'est écrit en avant, réalité en travers avec le vers destiné. Prenez-les,
faites-les appartenir et les garder dans des limites thy. Par ces mots laissez-le soit
She closed her eyes and tightened her grip around Spike's hand as they were enveloped by a blinding light.


read the sequal 'Let's Begin Now!'
