
Series: Prophecy's Child

Author: shannon

~Part: Twenty-one~

"Spike I don't think you need to sleep in here anymore. I mean Cordy's vision said it would happen at the party and it didn't." Willow said when she saw Spike laying on her bed.

"Don't want me in here Luv?" Spike said smiling over the book he was reading.

"I didn't say that." Willow said sitting down on the bed and kissing him gently. "I meant that you would be more comfortable in your own bed. It's not like I'm sleeping soundly, my tossing and turning has to make you uncomfortable."

"I'm fine." Spike said setting the book down and turning to face her. "'Sides just because it didn't happen at the party doesn't mean it won't happen tonight. Gunn may have stopped him earlier but he could try again."

"You sound awfully sure about that."

"I would try again tonight if I were him." Spike said, "Now let's get some sleep."


Spike's grip tightened slightly around Willow's stomach when he heard the sound at the window in the nursery. He stilled for a moment listening for a moment to see if he heard anything other than Willow's breathing. She was still sleeping soundly. When he heard the sound of the window opening he decided to wake her. Gently he moved his hand to her shoulder and nudged her.

"Willow." Spike said, she let out a soft sigh and rolled toward him. "Luv, wake up."

"Don't wanna." Willow said sleepily, moving as close as she could to him, "Let's sleep some more."

"Willow, wake up. Someone's in here." He whispered in her ear.

"What?" Willow said her eyes opening.

"In the nursery. Stay here." Spike whispered. "I'll be right back."

"Spike." Willow said sitting up.

"Stay here." Spike repeated, "Call Buffy." He finished tossing her the cordless phone on his way to the door.

Moving quietly along the new wall he made his way to the door leading into the nursery. Moving slightly to peer inside the room he could see a dark figure looking around the room.  Good the new room is slowing him down. He expected Willow to be in there. It was still dark in the room, he moved slowly into the room staying against the wall. Moving toward the man. He could see his face clearly now. It was definitely the man from the magic shop that Giles and Willow had called Ethan.

Ethan turned slowly around peering into the darkness. The plans for this apartment showed only two bedrooms. The men he sent before had said this was Willow's room, the vampire had the one with only a small window. This room was smaller than the plans indicated, and the girl wasn't here. As he continued to turn he felt himself thrown against the wall. Then someone's arm pressing against his shoulders holding him still.

"Only going to ask this once?" Spike whispered, "Who do you work for?"

"No one." Ethan replied sure the vampire wouldn't hurt him. Couldn't really, he had heard all about the chip the government had put in his head.

"Right then." Spike said turning the man around and landing a punch against his nose. "Why are you here?"

"Uh, sightseeing." Ethan said raising a hand to his nose as he moved the other hand into his pocket.

"I haven't hurt a human in a long time. Care to be the first?" Spike asked punching again at Ethan's face.

"Bloody hell." Ethan said, "You can."

"Oh, I see not very good sources you had there were they. The chip causes pain when I hurt people. Doesn't mean I can't. That's where everyone keeps underestimating me. I can deal with the pain when it's worth it."

"Oh I understand." Ethan said standing up to face the vampire and raising a hand to his chest.

"Spike watch out!" Willow shouted as the light came on.

"Willow I said."

Before Spike could finish his sentence he felt the other man fly from his grasp, turning back toward him just in time to see him crash through the window shattering the glass. He looked down and saw the stake roll across the floor and stop at Willow's feet as she approached him.

"He had a stake." Willow said picking up the item at her feet.

"I told you to." Spike said hugging her to him.

"I don't listen well. You should know that by now." Willow said, "Buffy's on her way. And we should call an ambulance."

"No need. He's fine." Spike said glancing out he broken window to see the figure running across the lawn.


"I don't think he'll try another attempt here." Giles said as the group headed back into the living room.

"You think he gave up." Willow asked.

"No. I think he'll wait until you're in the hospital." Giles said, "He'll think it's safer."

"Why?" Willow asked.

"Spike can't be at the hospital during the day. No way to explain keeping all light out to the nurses." Anya said from the corner.

"Ethan probably knows that I have to work. So does Giles." Buffy said.

"He wouldn't consider Xander and Dawn much of a threat because they don't know magic." Anya finished. "I know magic but it's been a long time, I'm probably not strong enough to stop him. And he doesn't know I'm anything other than Xander's girlfriend."

"So what do we do?" Dawn asked.

"I'll call Angel in the morning." Giles said, "Get at least Gunn or Wesley back here."

"I can fix the window in the morning, no problem." Xander said, "But you need to find a new hobby Spike."

"Hey neither time was my fault." Spike said, "That robot girl threw me, and Willow did this not me."

"Let's not fight tonight okay." Willow said quietly. "I'm really sorry about this everyone."

"It's not your fault. I'm just glad Spike heard the noise from his room before Ethan figured out the new floor plan." Giles said.

"Right." Willow said, "Thank god he has super vamp hearing."

"Well then if everyone's okay, I think it's time we all went back to our own beds." Dawn said smiling and grabbing her coat. "I for one have school in the morning."

"Okay good night then." Willow said following everyone one to the door assuring them she would be fine.

"Call you after school." Dawn whispered as she left.

~Part: Twenty-two~

"Hello." Giles said picking up the phone on the third ring.

"Hello. Giles?" The voice on the other end said.


"It's Wesley. We've, uh, found some more information."

"I'm glad you called. Willow and Spike had a run in with Ethan the night of the shower." Giles replied, "What did you find out?"

"Is Willow okay?" Wesley asked, "She wasn't hurt?"

"No. Spike heard Ethan breaking in and uh, he and Willow took care of it."

"Glad to hear no one was hurt." Wesley said, "Angel thinks he found out who Wolfram and Hart's client is."

"That's great. Can he find this person." Giles asked anxiously as Xander and Anya moved closer to the counter to hear the conversation.

"He and Cordiela are going to see her soon actually." Wesley said, "Cordiela says she went to Sunnydale High school.  She thought the girl was, well uh, a rat."

Giles stood silent for a moment his facing paling slightly as he made sense of what Wesley was telling him.  "W-w-what's her name?" He finally asked.

Wesley quickly consulted the papers in front of him. "Amy Madison." He finally replied, "Cordiela says Amy was a friend of Willow's, and knew about. everything."

"She was." Giles said.

"Cordiela said she had turned herself into a rat." Wesley said still confused about the events as Cordiela had explained them and how a girl that became a rat could be responsible for the current events.

"She did, Willow reversed the spell last year." Giles explained, "Amy is the one that lured Willow further into her magic addiction."

"Then she could be the one after the baby?" Wesley asked as Angel and Cordiela walked into the office.

"Yes. She certainly could be." Giles said, "Tell Angel it might be best not to approach her. Don't let on that you know. Ethan's failure may be enough to draw her back to Sunnydale to get the baby herself. Willow is strong enough to fight her. The magic you have at your disposal may not be."

"I'll tell them." Wesley said. "Gunn and Cordiela will be heading to Sunnydale this weekend. So they will be there before Willow goes into labor."

"Yes I think that's best." Giles said, "I'm afraid Ethan will attack again in the hospital figuring that know one with any real power will be around."

"Should, uh, I come too. Gunn and Cordiela don't know any."

"Magic won't be a problem." Giles said, "Anya or I will be at the hospital the whole time. It's brute force during the day that we really need."

"Okay, well then Gunn can certainly supply that." Wesley said, "I'll call you if we learn anything else."

"Same here." Giles said before replacing the phone and looking at expectant faces that had already began piecing the conversation together.


"Dawn what are you doing here?" Willow asked looking at the teenager on the other side of the door.

"Told Buffy I was walking over here after school." Dawn said, "She's still so worried about you being here with Spike she didn't argue."

"Come on in." Willow said moving to the side.

"'Sides want to here about you and." Dawn's voice trailed off as Spike walked out of the kitchen.

"Red and who?" Spike asked smiling at the visitor.

"Uh, Willow and the new uh, book she's been reading." Dawn said stumbling for an excuse.

"Right then. I'll just take a nap and let you to talk about.books." Spike said hugging Dawn quickly and heading to his bedroom.

"He didn't believe a word I said did he?" Dawn asked following Willow to the couch.

"Probably not." Willow said, "I don't know what you want to know Dawn. There's nothing to tell."

"Right. Cause Spike could hear Ethan coming in the window from so far away." Dawn said sarcastically.

"What are you implying?" Willow said blushing slightly.

"Come on Will." Dawn said, "He had to be in your room to have heard the noise."

"No he." Willow began then seeing Dawn's skeptical look, "Okay he was in my room but we were sleeping."

"Sure." Dawn said smiling.

"Sleeping Dawn. That's it." Willow said. "He's insisted that it was necessary ever since we found out about Ethan."

"But really just sleeping?" Dawn said smiling slightly.

"Look at me." Willow said gesturing to her stomach, "I'm due any day now. He couldn't get close enough to do anything else even if we wanted too."

"But you do want to?" Dawn asked.

"Maybe. Later." Willow said, "I need time to adjust to everything first."

There was a knock at the door. Willow got up and walked to the door, peering out the peep hole before opening it.

"Hey Buffy." Willow said pulling open the door and stepping aside to let her friend in.

"Hey Will." Buffy said stepping inside, "I came to walk Dawn home before dark to do her homework. And Giles said to tell you and Spike to be at the shop tonight it's important."

"No problem. We'll be there."

~Part: Twenty-three~

"Amy." Willow said quietly, still shocked that someone she had considered a friend could be doing this to her. "Why would she do this?"

"Power." Giles said, "She's always wanted it Willow."

"Think about Will." Xander said, "Even in high school was she really your friend?"

"Of course she was." Willow said.

"Will he's right. I mean, when we were all tied up, she could have saved us too but she didn't she turned herself to a rat so she could get away." Buffy said walking over to Giles.

"So how do we stop her?" Buffy asked.

"All we can really do is keep Willow and the baby safe until it's too late for her to use them." Giles said, "If she comes back here, we can try to fight her. If she doesn't Angel will watch her in L.A."

"Well at least we only have another week right?" Anya asked, "You'll have the baby by then right?"

"I'm due in another five days so yeah, one more week should be it." Willow said, "I'm sorry you all have to go through this."

"It's nothing." Xander said, "We have to stick together Will. In a way it's like we're all having this baby."

"Cordiela and Gunn will be coming back to town tomorrow." Giles told everyone, "I do think it's a good idea. We can use all the extra help we can get right now."

"I don't see why Cordiela is necessary." Anya said, "Gunn I understand. He looks strong."

"We need Gunn's strength you're right. But we're also going to need magic to fight Ethan or Amy. If you and I can fight them if we're together. But if we're both at the hospital we need someone to run the shop." Giles explained, "Cordiela can do that."

"He has a point An. Cordy's great with money." Xander said. "And you should never underestimate the power of Cordiela's bitchiness."

"Fine but I don't want her here."

"Noted Anya, but we all just have to deal." Buffy said.


Spike sat on the couch watching television thinking about the last couple days.  He still found it hard to believe that the watcher ever associated with someone like this Ethan guy. His head still hurt from hitting him the other day. He had met Amy last year after Willow had turned her back.  He hadn't liked her then and he was liking her even less now.  He figured Willow was beginning to regret turning the girl back at all.

Now since enough wasn't going wrong, the cheerleader and that guy that worked for Angel, Gunn, he believed was what Willow called him, were here. Not just in Sunnydale either but staying in this apartment with them until the baby was born. Gunn he could deal with, he knew Gunn didn't particularly trust him, but he could deal with that. They mostly just stayed out of each other's way. The cheerleader was another story all together. She out right hated him, hell she made it looked like Xander was his best friend. They were trying not to fight too much, it upset Willow when they did, but sometimes they couldn't help it.

Dawn had stopped by earlier with that Michael guy. He still didn't think she was old enough to date, but the guy did seem okay.  Dawn insisted that the reason he and Cordiela were fighting was because they were exactly alike.  That if either of them ever considered not voicing every thought that crossed their minds they might get along better.

Spike started to get up, having decided he might as well get himself some dinner while he waited for Willow, Cordiela, and Gunn to return from wherever Cordiela had decided she needed to shop today, when the phone rang. Odd, he thought, everyone knows Willow's out with the cheerleader so who would call. Grabbing the phone as he headed toward the kitchen he pressed the talk button.

"Hello." Spike said into the receiver.

"Spike it's Cordiela."

"Yeah, what ran out of people to carry bags." Spike said pulling open the refrigerator.

"Funny really." Cordiela said dryly. "We're at the hospital. Willow' s water broke at the mall."

"Shit." Spike said glancing at the window, "It's gonna take me a while to get there. I'll have to use the tunnels."

"It's only like an hour till sundown. Why don't you wait. Call everyone else for me that way I can stay in the room with Willow." Cordiela said, "If Gunn has to stay in there too long he may go crazy. He's been mumbling about seeing way too many births for a single guy."

"Right. I'll call Buffy and uh, the magic shop and Anya can find Xander herself." Spike said not sure he could wait to get to the hospital, he didn't want to leave Red there alone.

"She's not alone." Cordiela said knowing his thoughts, "I'll stay with her. And call Angel too okay."

"Okay." Spike said still anxious to get to the hospital, "I'll make the calls and be over."

Spike quickly made the phone calls. Buffy wasn't home yet but Dawn would find her and meet them all at the hospital. Anya would find Xander while Giles closed the shop. Angel and Wesley would leave L.A. as soon as the sun set. Hanging up after the last call, he grabbed his duster and headed for the hospital.

~Part: Twenty-four~

"Where's Spike?" Willow asked for the hundredth time since arriving at the hospital.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Cordiela assured her. "He was calling everyone then was leaving as soon as it was dark enough."

A nurse walked in, checking the monitors for a moment before turning to Willow. "How are you feeling. The contractions are getting close. I think you may be delivering soon. Are you sure you don't want anything for the pain?"

Willow was taking several short deep breaths as another contraction hit. She shook her head, not wanting to be drugged through the birth of her child.

"I thought first children took a long time." Cordiela asked.

"Usually but it isn't set in stone." The nurse replied, "And this baby really wants to come out." She finished checking the monitors again, as Spike walked through the door and headed immediately to Willow's side.

"Are you okay?" Spike said, taking her hand.

"I'm fine." Willow said. "Nurse says it won't take too long."

"Thank God you're here." Cordiela said, "She's asked for you with every contraction."

"Yeah, and now she can work on breaking your fingers." Gunn said still rubbing his fingers from the last time.

"Are you the father?" The nurse asked looking at Spike.

"Yes." Willow answered as her mother, Giles, and Xander walked into the room.

"Okay the doctor will be in soon to check on you, if you need anything in the mean time just call." The nurse said before exiting the room.

"Hey Will." Buffy said, as she followed Dawn into the room, "Are we the last one's here?"

"Angel and Wes aren't here yet." Cordiela offered.

"Ow." Spike yelled as Willow squeezed his fingers. "Bloody hell, you're strong Luv."

After the contraction passed Spike removed his fingers from her hand. "When did you get so damn strong?" Spike asked as Gunn passed him a towel with ice in it.

"God, men are such babies. Honestly Will next time you can squeeze my hand 'kay." Buffy said moving to her friends side.

"Buffy I don't think you realize." Cordiela began then deciding Buffy should find out for herself.

"Willow, is there anything you need. I can go find that doctor for you if you'd like." Sheila Rosenberg said glancing nervously at the large number of people that had gathered in her daughter's room.

"I'm fine Mom. Really." Willow assured her mother.

Willow could see the tension in her mother's eyes. She'd never really approved of her friends, and she still wasn't happy that Willow wasn't married.  She was here trying to be supportive, but it was hard for her, Willow knew that.

"Mom, you don't have to stay." Willow said trying to smile though she could feel another contraction coming.

"Are you sure dear?" Sheila asked, "I mean I think I should."

"It's fine Mom really. Buffy will call you for me later okay." Willow said squeezing Buffy's hand as she tried to ignore the pain. "You can come by tomorrow and see the baby."

"If your sure it's okay." She replied, "I guess you have a lot of people here anyway, and William did get here in time."

"Of course I did." Spike responded smirking at the look of pain on Buffy's face. "Something wrong Buffy?"

"No of course not." Buffy groaned trying to pry her hand out of Willow's.

"Sorry Buffy." Willow said releasing her hand.

Sheila walked over and kissed Willow's cheek. "Be sure to call me as soon as she has the baby." Sheila said to Buffy before leaving the room.

"So Will, have you picked a name yet?" Xander asked. "I like Alexandra my self."

"Right a little female you." Spike and Cordiela responded together, "Just what the world needs."

"Oh, look they agreed on something." Dawn said smiling sweetly the Spike.

"Elizabeth's a good name." Buffy said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Not likely Slayer." Spike said.

"And why not?" Buffy answered glaring at the vampire.

"Please guys. Not here." Willow said, "Not now."

"Not now what?" Angel asked coming through the door followed closely by Wesley and Fred.

"Buffy and Spike shouldn't kill each other now." Gunn responded. "Same probably goes for Cordy and Spike."

Fred had wandered over to the monitors next to the bed and was examining the print out coming from one of them. "Uh, Willow you're going to have."

Before Fred could finish her sentence Willow let out a small shout and began squeezing the closet thing to her which happened to be Angel's hand. Gunn quietly picked up another towel and began filling it with ice. When Willow finally released Angel, Gunn quickly passed him the towel.

"Plan on breaking everyone's fingers tonight Pet?" Spike asked moving back to the bed.

"Possibly." Willow muttered.

"Hello, uh, everyone." The doctor said entering the room. "Willow you certainly aren't lacking support tonight are you."

"Uh, yeah. Really supportive bunch here." Willow said smiling at her friends.

"Yes well. I think everyone but the father needs to step out for a while." The doctor said. "I need to examine you and then maybe a few at a time can come in. Until after the delivery."

One by one everyone filed out of the room leaving Willow and Spike alone with the doctor.


"Buffy, Xander. Willow wants you two in the room." Spike said poking his head through the door. "Can't imagine why, but the doctor says she's ready to deliver and she wants you two there."

"Me, deliver. I don't think."

"Quit being a baby Xander." Buffy said grabbing his arm and pulling him into the room.

"How are we organizing ourselves for the night." Wesley said quietly.

"I don't think we could get Spike out of here tonight even if we wanted to." Cordiela said, "I don't know what's going on with them but honestly I don't think he could get anymore protective if he lo.Ow." She finished rubbing her calf where Dawn had just kicked her. "Why did you do that?"

"What?" Dawn asked innocently. "Want to go with me to the cafeteria for some coffee."

"Not really." Cordiela answered.

"Please. You know Buffy will have a fit if I go alone." Dawn said, "And I have to stop at the restroom so."

"Fine." Cordiela said standing up.


"Going to explain why you kicked me yet?" Cordiela asked when they stepped on the elevator.

"You were going to say Spike loved her." Dawn replied simply.

"Yeah so I was kidding why does it.oh."

"Yeah. Look don't say anything. How the others can have no idea is beyond me but they'll freak and Willow doesn't need that now." Dawn said.

"Fine. And of course they don't know. Hell Xander and I were.uh.together for like six months before they caught on." Cordiela said.


"Okay so tonight Angel and Spike will stay." Wesley said after everyone had returned.

"Buffy, and Giles will come before sunrise and stay until mid afternoon. Then Gunn and Anya will come in until dark." Angel finished.

"What about the next day?" Dawn asked.

"Probably be too late for the ritual by then. But Willow will probably be sent home tomorrow night or the next morning." Fred said.

"And we're going to make sure we stay with her for at least a couple more days anyway just to be safe." Cordiela said.

"Right." Angel agreed, "I don't think we all need to be here. But some of us will stay."

"You guys can come in now." Buffy said poking her head out the door.

"She had the baby." Dawn asked moving toward the door.

"Yep. It's a girl. Seven pounds three ounces. Twenty two inches long." Buffy said smiling and moving back to allow everyone in the room.

"Is he okay?" Anya asked gesturing toward Xander slumped in a chair, "He looks worse than Willow."

"He's fine." Spike said glancing up from where he stood holding the baby. "Just can't handle a little blood."

"A little blood?" Xander said, "That was worse than anything I've ever seen. Really, sorry Will, but that was disgusting."

"Wimp." Spike muttered as he handed the baby back to Willow.

"So Will, you never said what her name was." Dawn said moving closer to the bed.

"Breanna." Willow said quietly holding the baby close to her.

"Can I hold her?" Dawn asked hesitantly.

"Sure." Willow said lifting the baby so Dawn could take her.

"She's so small." Dawn said quietly rocking the baby.

"Isn't she?" Spike asked moving to Dawn's side, smiling softly as he looked at the baby. "So fragile looking."

"I think Spike's going soft." Cordiela whispered to Giles.

"Am not cheerleader." Spike said without looking away from the baby. "So have you all decided how were doing the protecting thing. Before the nurses come in and kick us all out."

"You and I are staying." Angel said, "Everyone else is leaving. Buffy and Giles will return later to relieve us. Gunn and Anya will come in the afternoon. Then assuming Willow's still here after sunset we'll come back."

"Okay then. As much as I love having you all here. And Breanna needs to know all her new Aunts and Uncles I need to get some sleep." Willow said smiling at her friends, she wasn't really ready for sleep but she did need to be alone with her daughter and Spike right now.

After everyone said there good-bye's and promised to return to visit tomorrow, Angel suggested he leave and get something for him and Spike something to eat sensing the two needed to be alone with their new daughter. He still didn't know what was going on with Spike but it was obvious that Cordiela was partly right, Spike was going soft at least as far as this red head and her new baby were concerned.

~Part: Twenty-five~

Angel lay on the small couch on the far side of the room. Spike was sleeping in the chair next to Willow's bed, the baby laying across his chest his arms wrapped tightly around the small figure. It amazed Angel the way Spike took to the child so quickly, if he didn't know better he would have sworn that Spike truly was the girl's father. The door opened slowly and Angel glanced over to the sound. The room was dark but he could make out a figure coming in. It was a man dressed in scrubs, followed by a young woman wearing nursing whites. The nurse was just in here less than thirty minutes ago, why would she be back and why would a doctor be with her?

He saw the pair move to the empty bassinet in the corner and the speak quietly to each other. These weren't hospital employees Angel was certain of that. He wondered how sound asleep the younger vampire was. He was willing to bet the man was Ethan Rayne, the girl may be Amy but he wasn't so sure of that.

Angel watched as the pair made their way around the far end of the bed, trying to see where the baby lay. He saw the girl point toward Spike and whisper something to the man. As the man approached Spike and began to reach for the baby, he started to get up but before he did more than sit he heard a growl come from the chair.

"Want something?" Spike growled softly careful to not disturb the baby.

Angel let a small smile escape as the man froze. "Don't learn do you?" Spike said sitting up cradling the baby. "You are not going to touch Willow or this baby."

"Who's going to stop us?" The girl said angrily. "I need that baby."

"Not true." Angel said rising and moving toward the girl. "You don't need her. The only one that needs her is her mother."

"I'm taking that baby." Amy said becoming more angry.

"No. You're. Not." Spike said slowly.

"You two can't stop me." Amy said, "I know about you." She said glancing at Angel. "You won't hurt me because I'm human. And you have that chip." She finished looking toward Spike.

"Ever feel that we are horribly underestimated Angel?" Spike asked smiling at the pair in front of him. "I can hurt people, so can you. Yet everyone thinks we're harmless."

"Noticed that." Angel said moving closer to Amy.

"You two can't hold the baby and fight both of us at the same time." Ethan said confidently.

"True." Buffy said from the door. "But Spike can continue to hold the baby while Angel and I kick your asses."

"You two can't fight magic." Amy said and began chanting quietly.

"I can." Giles said entering the room behind Buffy.

"You grab him." Buffy said gesturing toward Ethan, "I want her."

As Buffy and Angel began to move the bassinet moved hitting Buffy in the back of the legs knocking her off balance as the couch flew forward knocking Angel over. Giles began chanting trying to counter the spells Amy and Ethan were using. While Spike held the baby tightly and began inching toward the door. Amy let out a loud shout and the door flew closed.

Amy's shout startled Willow her eyes flying open. She saw Buffy and Angel on the floor and Spike holding the baby with one hand trying to get the door open with the other. Before she had time to think about it the door flew open to allow Spike into the hall, and Amy and Ethan both flew back against the far wall and were pinned in place.

"Get something to restrain them with Angel." Willow said without looking away. "Buffy, Giles get the nurses to call security or the cops. And then find Spike tell him to come back."

"How did you." Amy said, "You should be weak."

"You're wrong Amy. Magic is about focusing emotions remember." Willow said, "I have an amazing amount of emotion where my child is concerned. I told you before you were bad for me. And if you weren't my friend you would stay away. I meant it."

Several nurses came in the room followed by security just as Angel finished restraining Amy and Ethan with torn sheets. Spike, Buffy and Giles followed closely behind them.

"The police are on the way Ma'am." A security officer told Willow, "You're boyfriend said someone was trying to kidnap your baby so we assumed you plan to press charges."

"Yes of course." Willow said quietly.

After security had escorted Amy and Ethan from the room, Buffy called the others and told them what happened. Willow took the baby from Spike, holding her closely, finally feeling like they were safe at last.

"Willow are you okay?" Giles asked worried about the effect the magic may have had on the girl.

"I'm fine." Willow said smiling as she held the bottle the nurse had given her to feed the baby. "Everything's going to be okay. I can deal with the magic. I really didn't even realize I was doing it until they were against the wall."

"That's what scares us Luv?" Spike said softly.

"I know. I don't want to use magic anymore. I really don't but that was the only way to fight them 'kay." Willow said, "It's over now. The nurse said We can take Breanna home tonight. Then we can start dealing with raising a baby instead of preventing a ritual."

"That's right." Buffy agreed.

"Will you be okay if Angel and I go Luv?" Spike asked, "We need to be at the apartment before sunrise."

"Go ahead." Willow said reaching over to kiss the vampire's cheek, "Get everything ready for our baby."

"It'll be ready when you two get home." Spike said returning the gently kiss and kissing the baby's forehead before gesturing to Angel and heading out the door.

"What the hell was that all about?" Buffy muttered to Giles as she watched the two vampires leave.

read the sequal 'Prophecy's Child II: Magic'
