Prophecy of the Undying
Author: Stevo
Disclaimer: I do not own Willow, Giles, Spike, Buffy, etc. I do own Khalil. Simple rule of thumb, if you recognise it, it ain't mine it belongs to Joss.
Spoilers: Minor Season 5.
Pairing: Spike/Willow
Summary: An immortal comes to Sunnydale looking for a new immortal.
Dedicated to all those wonderful people who sent feedback asking me to continue. So continuing I am.

Part 1

Willow was not having a good day. She had had a surprise test at College and she did not think she had done very well. Lately she was starting to
question whether College was the thing for her. She knew she wanted to continue fighting vampires with Buffy, but did not know how she was
supposed to make a living at the same time, as very few bosses would accept fighting the forces of darkness as a good reason for missing work.

The other reason for it being a bad day was that she had lost track of time while studying in the library and it was now dark out. This meant that all
of the nasties would be out. Willow was on her way to the Magic Shop to meet her friends and help with some research. Giles had found another
prophecy that did not make any sense and had asked her to go on "that infernal machine" to see what she could find.

"Great, just great. Why didn't I pay more attention to the time?" Willow moaned to herself. She could see it now, Buffy would find her bloodless
corpse in the morning. Or worse, what if she was turned into a vampire?

"Well, well, what have we here? A tasty snack out on her own. Don't you know better than to work the streets alone little girl?" It was a vampire.
thinking he had gotten lucky and found a nice easy snack.

"Just wonderful" she looked up to the heavens "Anything else you want to throw at me?" As Willow was saying this, she was reaching into her bag
and pulling out the cross she kept there. Since she had started helping Buffy, back in her Junior year of High School, she had kept a cross in the
pocket of her bag, for just this sort of thing. She took the cross and shoved it into the face of the vampire, who screamed and grabbed at the
his cheek, which now had a large cross-shaped burn on it. The vampire screamed again and ran off into the night, realising that this meal had
teeth and mayve he should look for something a little easier.

"Very well done. I would wager he was not expecting that." A voice wafted out of the darkness.

"Who's there?" Willow called. Experience had taught Willow to be careful, particularly in Sunnydale.

"Do not be afraid, I am not here to hurt you." Willow could not place the accent, but it did not sound American. She got the feeling that English was
not this mans first language.

"Oh I am so glad to hear that. If you were going to hurt me, would you tell me?" Willow was starting to feel that she should have stayed in bed this morning like she was tempted to. But her conscience would not let her. Next time she was going to tell it where to go and was going to roll over and go back to sleep.

"Good point. However, be that as it may, I really am not going to hurt you." The voice spoke from out of the darkness.

"So why don't you come out and show yourself then?" Willow was starting to get really annoyed at this disembodied voice.

"Of course, how rude of me," and with that he stepped out of the shadows. The speaker was a man of about 5'8", of clearly Arab descent and looked to be in his early to mifd twenties. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Khalil al-Raschid ibn Mustapha bin Jamila." He was dressed in dungerees and a open necked cargo shirt, but had a knapsack with him and carried a six foot staff as well.

"Well Khalil al-Raschid ibn Mustapha bin Jamila, what can I do for you?"

"Please, call me Khalil. I am trying to find an associate of mine and I am afraid that Sunnydale has changed since the last timne I was here and I have gotten turned around. Would you know where The Magic Shop is? I have the address here, but I cannot seem to find it."

"Who are you trying to find?" Willow was still suspicious about this strange man and wanted to find out as much as she could about him.

"As I stated, I am meeting an associate there. I believe he is the proprietor of the business."

"You mean Giles?" Willow said, then gasped as she realised that she had should not have said Giles' name before the starnge man.

"The very man. Rupert and I are old friends, although I am afraid I have been somewhat remiss in keeping in touch of late." Willow noticed again that Khalil seemed to speak in a older, slower manner that most people his age. It sometimes annoyed Willow that people never seemed to have time to think about what they were saying, but rushed to get the words out. Willow liked to think about what she said, before she said it. This was why she had the reputation of being shy.
"In that case, follow me. I was just on my way there now." Willow figured that Giles would either thank her for leading his freind to the shop, or Buffy would slay the evil.


Buffy was training in the back of the shop while Giles was working on the latest prophecy to come into their lives.

"In the last years of the new millenium,
One will be born who will join the undying.
Lover of evil, she will be a great force for good.
Guard the child as the forces of darkness will try to...."

The parchment was burned at this point and the rest of the prophecy was destroyed.

"Oh blast. Why could the monks look after this better." Giles was not happy that the book had been burnt during the crusades and the rest of the prophecy destroyed. He had a feeling that this prophecy was important, but did not know why.

The door opened in aWillow and Khalil came in tot he shop. Giles looke up as Willow said "Hey Giles. I found this man looking for you."

Giles looked at Khalil and smilled "My goodness, Khalil. I haven't seen you since that time in Manchester. You are looking good, my friend."

At that tiem, Spike pushed the door open in his usual forceful manner "Watcher, what is so bleeding important that I had to drop everything and come here straight away?" It was then that Spike and Khalil saw each other. "Shit, you. What the bloody hell are you doing here. I left you in that hole in Cairo under a ton of rocks?"

Spike was obviously surprised at the fact that the man he had left under about two tons of rubble was here in front of him when he should be dead.

Khalil was also surprised, but not that Spike was alive, but that Spike was obviously aquainted with Giles and that Spike knew that Giles was a watcher. "Giles, I might ask what this creature means to you? I would think that you would have had the slayer kill him, not that you would befriend him."

Buffy chose this moment to come into the front of the shop after her workout. She was greated by the sight of Spike getting ready to spring and attack a man she had never seen before. "Spike, what are you up to? Don't make me come over there and hit you."

"Yeah like you could, slayer." Spike did not know why he had not killed Buffy yet. He knew the chip in his head stopped him from hurting humans, but he knew a few demons that owed him a favour or two.

Giles looked at Khalil and spoke "Do not worry. Spike is harmless."

"Hey! No I'm not. I am the big bad, remember."

"Yeah sure, Spike, whatever." Buffy never passed up a chance to poke fun at Spike.

"Buffy, be nice." Willow never liked it when Buffy picked on Spike. If she was completely honest, she would admit that she liked Spike just a bit too much. Willow knew Buffy would freak if she saw what Willow wrote in her diary about Spike. Willow had been having some very naughty dreams with Spike as the main attraction lately.

"Oh I am not worried my friend. Spike poses no threat to me." Spike brissled at this, but kept his mouth shut. He was still curious as to how this person could be alive at all, let alone here in SunnyHell.

"Hang on a minute, why aren't you dead? I dropped a wall right on top of you then filled in the hole. You should be dead. And that was nearly a hundred years ago too. What is goung on here, mate?"

"Spike does have a point, Khalil. You do not look a day older than the last time we spoke and that was nearly twenty years ago. Is there something you are not telling me old friend?" Giles was now curious as well.

"There is a very simple explanation, Rupert. I am much older than I seem." Khalil, for all of his years, still took a childish delight in seeing peoples faces when he told his big secret.

"And just how old are you?" Giles was getting very nervous. Khalil had always seemed human to him, if a little odd.

"Let's see know, it is 2001. That would make me, lets see, carry the one, fifteen hundred and thirty seven."

Part 2

"WHAT??" Giles, Buffy, Spike and Willow all called out. They all started talking at once.

"How is that possible?" Giles
"Huh?" Buffy
"Prick, I knew you could not be human." Spike
"Wow. You look good for your age" Willow

Khalil brought his staff down with a resounding boom, much louder than should be possible. "Please, one at a time. Rupert, you first."

"Yes, well, how is it that you are still alive? I always thought you were human." Giles looked shocked, both by the revelation and by the crash of the staff.

"And I am. I just happen to be immortal." Khalil was enjoying this. He may be over 1500 years old, but he still got a perverse joy out of shocking people about his age. "Now the lovely Slayer. What would you like to know?"

Buffy was also still a bit shocked by the crash of the staff. "Ah, well, um, how did you get to be immortal? And will it work for me?"

"Alas no, I was born immortal. All of us were." Khalil could see that there were going to be quite a few more questions, so he indicated they should all sit down at the table where Giles had been researching when he entered the Magic Box.

"Right then, what does it take to kill you then?" Spike got straight to the point as usual.

"Spike, do you really expect me to answer that? Suffice it to say that I do have weaknesses. I doubt I would survive a thermonuclear explosion for example." Khalil was rewarded by a scowl from Spike. "Now the lovely redhead."

Willow blushed at the compliment. Spike scowled again. He did not like the attention this immortal was paying his Willow. *Hang on, when did she become MY Willow?* Spike thought to himself. He knew he had feelings for Red, but he had never thought of her as HIS before. He would have to explore this later.

"Um, well, how many immortals are there?" She blushed again and looked at her feet. At times like this, Willow hated her fair skin that showed blushes so easily.

"I am not entirely sure. We get together every 500 years to catch up on gossip. The last time we gathered, there were 45 of us, but some of us were missing. What I do know is that every century a child is born that is immortal. Why this one child is immortal and only the one, we do not know. Now I have answered a question from each of you, so I think it only fair that you each answer one of mine. Agreed?"

Giles led the replies "Of course, how rude of us. Please forgive our curiosity."

Khalil waved off the apology "Think nothing of it. Occupational hazard of being a watcher, one would think."

"Indeed." Giles relaxed, he had been worried his friend was going to take offense.

Buffy just smiled, glad she was meeting someone that did not need slaying.

Spike was not nearly so easy going. "Sod off wanker. I ain't answering any of your pansy-arsed questions."

"Spike, be nice." Willow admonished Spike.

"Sorry Pet. He just pisses me off. I like people I kill to stay dead. Kind of a rule I have." With that he smiled at Willow. She smiled back.

"Now, Rupert, what is the story with Spike? Why are you working with William the Bloody and not fighting him?" This surprised Khalil more than anything else he had seen in the last 300 years.

"Yes, well, that is a bit of a long story. The short version is that he was captured by a government agency who implanted a chip in his skull that prevents him from harming humans. He is still able to hurt demons, however. He did not discover this for some time, and he came to us for help before he did. I am afraid we have grown accustomed to having him around. If he gets to much out of line, Buffy has a stake with his name on it."

"Yeah like Slutty would be able to stake the big bad."

"Spike, what have I told you about calling Buffy that? Hmmm?" Willow was the only one that could get Spike to behave himself, Khalil noted. He would have to find out what what was going on between them. He was also going to have to find out how much magical training Willow had had, as he was getting a feeling that Willow could be a very powerful witch if she chose.

"Sorry Pet." Buffy noted that Spike had apologised to Willow twice in the last minute. Spike never apologised. She would be talking to Willow in the morning when Spike was not around.

"Interesting. Do you plan on helping Spike to rid himself of this chip? No, do not answer that just now. Just think about it and we will discuss it in a day or two. Now, my next question. Buffy, how is it that Willow knows you are the Slayer? Slayers are not supposed to have friends. At least not according to the watchers that is."

"Why shouldn't I be able to have friends? What gives the watchers the right to say I should not have any friends?" Buffy's voice was getting shrill as she got worked up.

"Please accept my apologies, I did not mean to offend you. For what it is worth, I agree with you. The watchers do not have any right at all to dictate that the slayers should die alone. They seem to have forgotten this however. I am glad to see that you have such an 'unconventional' watcher as Rupert." Khalil smiled at Buffy to show he meant what he said. "I would like to meet your friends. Anyone who can stay alive in this town, knowing what you do, is bound to be formidable."

Spike snorted, thinking of Xander. Formidable was not the word he would choose to describe Xander. Forgettable, maybe, but not formidable. Willow just looked at Spike and raised her eyebrow. Spike wisely kept his mouth shut.

Khalil turned to Spike. "Spike, why do you help these mortals? I would think that you would be doing everything in you power to see that they
were killed." Khalil suspected he knew the answer, but wanted Spike to work it out for himself. Khalil had noted the way Willow was able to calm Spike down with barely a glance. Spike was never a normal vampire, what with his love of Druscilla, which was well known through the demon population.

"Spike looked at a loss for words. He really had no idea why he put up with all of th abuse. He took an un-needed breath and was about to speak
when Khalil cut him off. "No please do not answer that. It was impudent of me to ask such of the 'big bad'." Khalil smirked, knowing he had got
one up one Spike and enjoying it.

"Now Willow, my question for you is this..." Khalil was just about to ask his question when Xander and Anya walked in. Khalil looked over to see who
else was entering the Magic Box.

"Hey G-Man, what's up?" Xander knew Giles hated being called G-Man, which was why he made sure of calling him that at least once a day.

"Xander, how many times have I asked you to not call me that?"

"This week, or just today?" Xander taunted. Giles just sighed resignedly. He knew Xander just did it to annoy him.

Anya stepped out from behind Xander and saw Khalil. She screamed. "No not him. Xander save me. He is here to get me."

Part 3

Khalil looked to the door and saw Anya. "Anyanka, what are you doing here?" He then raised his hand and his staff flew to his hand. "Shin-vah Suhai Jen Tohaz" Khalil chanted. Anya looked worried, not knowing what Khalil was up to.

Willow cried out "What did you do? Spike is not moving"

Buffy walked over and looked at Spike. He was not moving. It was as if he had been snap frozen. She waved her hand in front of his eyes. Nothing.

Anya was freaking out. "Xander, save me. Keep him away." She was terrified.

"OK buddy. I do not know who you are, but you're scaring my girlfriend." Xander was angry. He did not know what was going on and he seemed to be the only one.

"That is curious. Why did she not freeze." Khalil had forgotten the others and was talking to himself. He looked over at Giles. "Rupert, would you perhaps know why Anyanka did not freeze. The spell I used freezes all demons in a 20 foot radius, even ones of Anyanka's power levels."

"That would explain it then. Anya is not a demon." Giles was a little shocked at how easily Khalil had cast the spell. The spell Khalil used was of a frighteningly high level. Well beyond what Giles thought was possible for a mortal to cast. Then he realised what he was thinking. Khalil WASN'T a mortal. Spells used the life energy of the caster to power the effect. This was why spell casters felt tired after a major working. But the life
energy of an immortal would be almost limitless. He would have to consult his books when he had time.

"Of course she is a demon. Anyanka and I have been crossing paths from over 900 years now. I have seen the terror and havoc she has wrought in the name of vengeance. I have laid to rest enough of her victims to know the evil she is capable of. How can you say she is not a demon?" As Khalil got angrier his voice became even more calm and seemed to lose all tone and inflection. As Khalil had gotten older, he had found that very few things got him angry any more, but when they did, he became very focused.

"Anya has lost all of her powers. D'Hofferyn cast her out and revoked all of her powers. She is human now." Giles explained.

"Interesting. Let me see." Khalil cast another spell that shone a light from his eyes on to Anya's face. "Very interesting indeed. She is completely human. There is no trace of any demon at all."

"Excuse me. Not to be a bother or anything, but could you please unfreeze Spike." Willow called out, getting ever more worried about what had been done to Spike.

"Oh sorry, I forgot about him." Khalil looked a bit sheepish as he nullified the spell with barely a gesture.

Spike came out of it badly. "What the fuck do you think you were doing? Now I remember why I was trying to kill you last time. I oughta.....Ah shit!" Spike cried out as the chip kicked in and sent a lance of pain shooting through his forehead. He clutched his head in his hands and sat down again.

"Are you OK Spike?" Willow asked. She hated to see Spike in pain like this. He was only doing what came naturally. It was not his fault that what came naturally was violence.

"I will be when I get this damned chip out of my head." Spike swore again as his head throbbed. Willow gave him a glass of water and a couple of aspirin. Spike smiled at her, popped the pills into his mouth and took a swig of water. "Thanks luv."

"Terribly sorry about dear boy. I was trying to contain Anyanka, I completely forgot about you." Khalil explained.

"And that is supposed to make me feel better? I used to be the big bad. Now every ponce who wants can just come along and freeze me." Spiked looked over at Buffy. "If Iowa ever comes back, I am going to arrange for something particularly nasty to happen to him."

"Anyanka, I am sorry. You have nothing to worry about. I will leave you alone as long as you remain human." Khalil reassured Anya.

"Gee, thanks." Xander did not know who this guy was, but did not like anyone who came in and threatened his girlfriend.

"Please accept my humblest apologies. I have learnt over the years that, when dealing with demons, it is generally better to act first and analyze second. Again, I most humbly apologise Anyanka."

"Call me Anya. Anyanka doesn't exist anymore, and I like it that way. I would not get orgasms from Xander if I was still Anyanka. And I like my Xander orgasms." Anya was her usual blunt self as she smiled at Xander. Xander just gave a goofy grin and groaned. He would have to explain to
Anya about private talk and public talk again.

"Please, let us start over." Khalil said to Anya and Xander. "I am Khalil al-Raschid ibn Mustapha bin Jamila, but you may call me Khalil. I am glad to make your acquaintance." As Khalil said this he gave the triple Sal-am, the traditional Arab greeting. He touched his forehead, his lips and his heart is quick succession.

"Yeah...ah...hi" Xander mumbled, now completely confused. Anya greeted Khalil in Arabian from 1000 years before. It was as close as she could
get to his birth tongue. As no-one else spoke Arabian, they had no idea what they were saying, but they seemed to have worked out their differences.

Willow was curious. "Excuse me, Khalil." she tried to get his attention.

"Yes Willow, what can I do for you." Khalil was over his shock at seeing Anya and had slipped back into his polite speech.

"Wasn't that a little quick, I mean the accepting Anya has changed thing. I would have thought that you would have held a grudge for at least a little longer, not that I would want anything bad to happen to Anya, but should you still hate her. Ohhh, don't hate her just 'cause I suggested it. I think I will shut up now." Willow babbled. For all Willow preferred to think before she spoke, sometimes her mouth seemed to have a mind of it's own and she was just along for the ride.

"Oh no. One of the things about being immortal is that yesterdays enemy may very well be tomorrows friend. You learn to take just about  verything in your stride. Even for an immortal, life is too short to hold grudges about things that happened a long time ago. If the person, or demon" He smiled at Anya as he said this, "has truly changed, then you accept the change and move on. When you only run in to someone every couple of hundred years, it is like meeting anew every time. People change. Those that don't, don't survive long."

"Oh. OK." Willow thought it made sense, although she did not know if she would be able to do it. She knew she would have a bit of trouble forgiving Cordelia for the years of hell Cordelia had inflicted on her when they were growing up.

"Well, after that excitement, might I suggest we call it a night. I know I am weary from my travels and would like to rest." Khalil suggested.

"Yes. I suppose we could all use a rest. Buffy would you please walk Willow back to your dorm and then do a patrol?" Giles asked Buffy.

"Of course. Come one Wills. Lets get you home." Buffy and Willow walked out the door to head on home.

Anya and Xander waved goodbye and headed out as well. Giles looked at Khalil and said "Where are you staying?" planning on letting Khalil use his spare bed.

"I have my own place to rest. Spike you may want to take cover." and with that he muttered a spell under his breath and waved his staff. A portal
appeared in mid air. Bright, midday sun shone through the portal and into the Magic Box. Spike gasped and jumped under the table to hide from the
sunlight before he caught fire.

As Khalil stepped through the portal, Giles gasped, "My word."

Part 4

Willow woke from a wonderful dream involving her, Spike and a tub of chocolate ice cream. The radio alarm had gone off, telling her it was time to get up and face another fine day in the halls of academia. Willow wondered what would happen today. She had a feeling that something momentous was going to happen. Just one of those feelings you sometimes get, a kind of charge in the air that spells change.

She got dressed, and was about to head off to her first class when Buffy came out of the bathroom, "Hey Wills, you got any plans for Lunch?"

"Uh, no. Why?" Willow never trusted Buffy when she was chirpy first thing in the morning. Buffy was well known for not being a morning person. Being up late slaying would do that to a girl.

"Oh, I just thought we would get together for Lunch today, if that's OK. Just us girls. That cool with you?" Buffy was being extra chirpy.

Willow was worried. Whenever Buffy was this chirpy first thing in the morning, it meant she had something planned. Last time it was trying to set Willow up with one of Riley's Initiative buddy's.  Unfortunately she could not think of a good reason for saying no. "OK I suppose so."

"Cool. See you at Lunch then." With a smile Buffy shoo-ed Willow out the door. "Now go to class."


Later that day

Willow sat down at the table with Buffy. "Hey Buff. What's up?" Willow figured she would get the questions out of the way fast. Buffy had a strange look on her face. Like she was seeing something for the first time and she was not sure whether she liked it or not. "That should be what I'm asking you. What is it with you and Spike?"

Willow stammered "Wh-wh-what do you mean? There is nothing up with me and Spike."

"Then what was going on last night? Spike apologised to you. Twice. Spike never apologises. I think I have heard him say sorry twice in all the time I have known him. But he apologised to you twice within a couple of minutes. Anyone else he would have told to sod off, but you he apologises to. This is wig-worthy. So, what's the sitch? You making the hot monkey love with Spike?" Buffy was not dancing around the subject. She had been up half the night thinking about Willow and Spike and she realised that they really made a cute couple. Spike was very gentle with those he loved. Just look at how he treated Drusilla.

Willow blushed. It was not like Buffy to be so blunt, that was more Anya's line. "I don't know what you mean. There is nothing going on between me and Spike." Which was not to say that Willow did not wish there was something. She did not think Spike was interested in her in that way. Willow was the friend, not the object of the hot monkey love *Great, now Buffy has me doing it too" Willow thought to her self.

"It's cool Will. I think you and Spike make a cute couple. But what about Tara?"

Willow looked sad. "Tara is not coming back. She rang a couple of days ago. She met someone else at that seminar she was going to. It is OK though. It was not really working out. She didn't feel like one of the gang. I kinda expected her to not come back."

"I'm sorry Will. I knew you loved her."

"Yeah but love wasn't enough. We just didn't click. Like Oz. I now realise that what we had wasn't 'it' either. I just guess I am not supposed to be with someone" Willow looked sad and wistful.

"Sure you are. You just have to meet the right person. Hey at least the odds are in your favour, what with the whole being bi thing. That gives you double the chances of us straight people." Buffy smiled at Willow. Buffy had a problem with Willow dating Tara at the start, but she had realised that if she wanted to stay friends with Willow then she would have to accept it. So she had. Now it was just another part of Willow, like having red hair and always seeing the best in people.

"Buffy!! That's awful. True, but awful." Willow giggled. She was glad Buffy was OK with her being bisexual.

"So this means you will be getting down and dirty with Spike?"

"I don't think he looks at me that way. He's just being nice." Willow was sure that Spike was not interested in her, much as she dreamed otherwise.

"Willow, listen to yourself. Spike? Nice? Spike is never nice, well, except when he wants something that is. Just think about it." As Buffy was saying this, Willow blushed. "Not like that, you vixen you. I meant you and Spike as a couple, not you and Spike and vanilla ice cream."

"Chocolate." Willow whispered.

"Willow!! You thinking about Spike and chocolate ice cream!!" Buffy shrieked.

"Gee, could you say it louder. I don't think they heard you in New York. Anyway it is just a dream. A wild, crazy, lust filled dream. Gods I want him. But he doesn't want me."

"You did not see how he was looking at you last night. He wants you Will. He has it bad. Just ask him."

"Yeah like I could do that. I can just see it now 'Come on Spike, take me baby' Yeah right."

Buffy looked at her watch. "Look Wills, I gotta run. But think about it, 'K?"

"All right. I will think about it, I promise."

Part 5

Willow was having a lot of trouble concentrating. The talk she had with Buffy over lunch had her examining every time she had spoken to Spike. She could remember everything that Spike had ever said to her. She knew she had it bad, but she never thought Spike could possibly share her feelings. Now that Buffy had pointed it out she was not too sure though. May be Buffy was right. Maybe Spike did feel something for her. Oh well, there was only one way to find out. She was going to go and ask Spike this afternoon after class, but before the sun had gone down so he could not escape. That decided she settled down and started listening to the lecturer again. The problem was, she had been so wrapped up in her thoughts, she had
no idea what the lecturer was talking about. She would have to borrow someone's notes.


Late That Afternoon

Willow was on her way to Spikes crypt. She was going to confront him about his feelings. If he did not want her, at least she would know. And she would still have her naughty dreams, she thought with a smile.

She knocked on the door to the crypt. Willow was nothing if not polite. "Spike? Can I come in?"

"Red? What are you doing here?" Spike was confused. Willow never came to his crypt. He saw her in the Magic Box or when they were out patrolling, but never here. Here he could dream about her with out worrying that she would notice how badly he wanted to take her in his arms and just kiss her breathless. He was always breathless of course but he knew what he meant.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course. What's wrong?" Willow seemed to be antsy about something.

"" Willow's courage had been exhausted just coming to the crypt. Now that she was there, she did not know how to bring the subject up.

"What is it Pet? You know you can tell me anything. Unless it is something about chubs and the demon chick. I think I would be better off now knowing anything about them." Spike was trying to put Willow at ease by joking.

Willow smiled "No it is nothing about Xander. And don't call him chubs, that is not nice."

"Ah...luv, the big bad here. I don't do nice, remember. Now if it not about them, what has you so worked up, hmmm? Your pulse is racing a million miles an hour." Vampire senses were very good at picking up blood flows. Made hunting easier.

"" Willow did not know how to start.

"You said that already. Just come out and say what ever you want. I promise not to get angry." Spike was trying to put Willow as much at ease as he could. The problem was his people skills were a little rusty. Before he was chipped he was quite good at the old seduction routine to get a meal, but he had been chipped for 18 months now and he was had not had to just talk to someone in far too long.

"Well, it's like this." Willow decided she was just going to come out and say it. "Buffy seems to think that there is something going on between us. We talked at lunch today and she wanted to know if we were together. As in 'a couple' together. I told her of course we weren't. I mean why would someone like you want to be with someone like me."

At this Spike moved with vampire speed across the crypt to where Willow was pacing. He had noticed that Willow liked to pace when she was nervous. "Luv, why do you always do that. Why do you always put yourself down like that?"

"Oh come on Spike. I am not pretty like Buffy. I know that."

"No, you are beautiful like Willow. See Buffy is pretty, but as she gets older her looks will fade. You will just keep getting more and more beautiful."

"You really think I am beautiful?" Willow said softly.

"Of course I do. Do not worry that none of these boys cannot see that. Boys are dumb. Some of us grow out of it." With that Spike lifted Willow's chin and looked her in the eye, "I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And in a hundred and twenty years, I have seen a lot of women. Now I am going to kiss you." And with that he did. It started out as a tentative kiss, as all first kisses are. He did not want to scare Willow, and if she chose to pull back, then there would be nothing more. Willow did not pull back however, but opened her mouth and invited him in.

Willow was in heaven. She was kissing Spike. Spike was kissing her. She moaned, moving closer and wrapping her arms around Spike. Spike let go of her chin and put his arms around her. "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that" Spike told her.

Willow blushed and smiled. "Me too."

"Now what was the slayer saying about us?" Spike asked. He was worried about how the slayer would react to him and Willow. He did not care about the slayer, but he knew that she was Willow's best friend and that Willow would not be happy if the slayer freaked out.

"She said she thought we make a cute couple. Actually she asked if we were making with the hot monkey love." With that she blushed and suddenly found her feet riveting.

"Willow" Willow looked up, Spike had never called her by name before. "Willow, there is no one I would rather make hot monkey love with than you." And he kissed her again.

Willow moaned, then groaned.

"What's wrong pet?" Spike asked.

"Giles wants us to come to the shop as soon as it gets dark so we can help Khalil find his immortal. I would rather stay here, but I promised him I would bring you to the shop as soon as it got dark."

"That's OK luv. There is no need to rush. Come on, the sun has just gone down."

"How can you tell. There aren't any windows in here, so how do you know?"

"It's a vampire thing. We know when the sun goes down and when it comes up. As you get older it gets easier to tell. Now let's go see what the watcher wants. The faster we get there, the faster we can come back here and get with the hot monkey lovin'" Spike joked.

Willow looked at him, "Alright. But one thing first."

"What is that pet?"

"OK Two things. First don't call me pet. That was what you called Dru. My name is Willow" Willow liked Spike, maybe even loved him. She did not want to be compared to Dru.

"How about Red?" Spike always liked to call people by nicknames. He knew that names had power, so it was better to not use real names.

"OK Red I can live with" Willow smiled. She actually preferred when Spike called her Red.

"And the second thing?"

"What?" Willow had forgotten that she had said there were two things.

"You said there was two things. One was your name. What was the second thing you wanted?"

"OH. This" And with that Willow kissed Spike. A deep soul burning kiss. Then she gave a coy smile and walked out of the crypt.

"Come here you tease." And he chased her out of the crypt.


Spike chase Willow out of the crypt and caught up with her halfway across the cemetery. Once he caught her, he started tickling her. Willow shrieked and laughed. "Spike...stop it...we have to go and see Giles."

"OK. Come on then." With that he held his hand out and Willow took it. They started walking hand in hand towards the centre of Sunnydale, where the Magic Box was located. As they walked past some bushes a group of vampires jumped out. "Well if it isn't the traitor. And what tasty little morsel have we here? Consorting with humans now Spike? How the mighty are fallen." This was obviously one of the brighter vampires in Sunnydale, what admittedly was not saying much.

"What do you want, you wanker?" Spike was in no mood for wasting time. He wanted to get to the Magic Box. The quicker he got there, the quicker he could come back and have his way with Willow, and let Willow have her way with him.

"Its simple Spike. We want you dead. You have been killing to many of us, so we have decided to do something about it."

"Right. Fuck this. Pet stand back." Then Spike launched himself at the lead vampire. "Red throw me a stake."

Willow threw a stake to Spike. Spike caught it without looking and plunged it into the heart of the vampire that had been taunting him. Spike then looked at the others and said "Right. Which one of you arseholes is next?"

Most of them took one look at the enraged master vampire and turn tail and ran. Four thought they could take him, however, and attacked. Spike was in his element. *Nothing like a good dose of violence to get the juices flowing* thought Spike to himself.

What Spike did not see was the fifth vampire sneaking up behind him with the handle of a shovel in his hands. Willow could see him, however.

"NOOOO!!!!" Willow screamed as the vampire raised the handle and got ready to stake Spike. As Willow called out, she realised that she could not stand to lose Spike. Not when she had just found him. She reached down within herself and let loose a blast of raw magical power from her outstretched hand. The beam of power struck the vampire and turned him to ash. The beam the arced out of him and into all of the other vampires surrounding Willow with the exception of Spike. All of the vampires turned to ash as soon as the beam hit them. There was an explosion of light then everything went black.

Once Spike's eyesight came back to him, he looked around. There was nothing left of the five vampires except a small pile of ash. Spike realised that the piles of ash were arranged such that if you drew a line from on to the next, you would get a pentagram. The symbol of the witch. He knew that Willow was a witch, but he did not think she was that powerful yet. Spike then looked over to Willow to make sure she was all right. All he saw was Willow crumpled on the ground.

"Willow!" He was by her side instantly, using all of his vampire speed to get to Willow as quickly as possible. When he got to Willow's side it was worse than he had feared. Willow was not breathing.

Spike picked Willow up in his arms and ran to the Magic Box. Giles would know what to do.


The Magic Box

Giles was finishing the inventory of items sold during the days trading when he heard a whoosh sound. When he turned around the portal that Khalil had used the previous night was back. Khalil stepped out of the portal, into the Magic Box.

"Good evening Rupert. How are you this evening?" Khalil looked rested and refreshed.

"I am well my friend. I must ask, where is it you go through that portal?" Giles was his usual inquisitive self.

"I have a tower that I built back in the 7th century. It is in the wilds of what is now Jordan, not far from where I was born. No matter how old you get, you never lose that connection with your birthplace. I find I rest better there. And, as I spend a lot of time traveling, I developed this spell that allows me to return to my tower when I want. It is somewhat limited though. You can only return to the place that you cast the spell, and you must do so within twenty four hours or the, um, marker I suppose you would call it. Once the twenty four hours are past, then you have to travel the distance by conventional means. All in all, a handy spell, but one I keep fairly careful tabs on. I am sure you will understand why I do not teach it to you."

"Yes. Indeed. The potential for abuse in the wrong hands would be astronomical." Giles could think of a number of ways the spell could be put to use by evil.

"If I may ask, where are your charges?" Khalil wondered where everybody was.

"Xander and Anya have gone out to get some food. Anya works here in the Shop for me. Xander is working with a construction company based here in Sunnydale. With all of the evil in town, there is always plenty of work for them. Buffy is at home with her family. She is trying to spend more time with her mother and sister.She should be here any minute now, though." One that very note, Buffy walked in to the Shop, through the training area at the back of the shop.

"Hey Giles. Khalil. How's it going?" Buffy was in a good mood. She had cleared the air with Willow about Spike and she had had a nice, quiet, normal dinner with her mother and Dawn. This was something she did not do nearly often enough. "Where's the gang?"

"I am very well Buffy, thank you."

"Xander and Anya have gone out to get some food. Willow and Spike should be here soon. Willow said she would stop by the crypt and get Spike to come here with her." Giles informed Buffy.

Xander and Anya then walked in the door. Two you people obviously in love. "Hey there G-Man. Buffster. Khalil." Xander did not want to antagonise Khalil as he was still unsure as to how Khalil was going to act around Anya. Xander knew Khalil had said he did not hold a grudge, but Xander was not so sure. 900 years of terror was not something you forgot over night, at least not in Xander's mind.

"Hello Buffy. Hello again Giles. Khalil." Anya then said something to Khalil in Arabic but as no-one else speaks Arabic, they did not know what she said, but Khalil laughed.

Giles then turned to Khalil and asked "Khalil, are you any closer to working out who the immortal is?"

"Not yet, but I have a feeling I am close. They may not have incarnated yet. Which means that they still read as mortal. We each incarnate in a different way. Until the person incarnates they will read as mortal."

It was at this point that Spike kicked open the door and brought Willow in. "Watcher, you have to do something. Willow is not breathing. We got jumped by some vampires. I was fighting them off, but one of the bastards got behind me and I did not see him. Willow cast a spell, but I think she used too much power and she collapsed."

They had never seen Spike like this. He was a wreck. If Buffy had not already noticed how much Spike cared for Willow, then this would have shown it.

"My god. I will do what I can Spike, but if she has used all of her life energy, then it might be beyond my ability to help." Giles was very much afraid that Willow had expended her entire life force to save Spike.

"Don't say that Giles. You have to save her. Without Willow we are nothing. She is what keeps us all going." Buffy was not liking the look on Giles's face.

Xander was speechless. He had know Willow the longest, so it hit him the hardest. Anya just held Xander as he sat there, unable to move.

Khalil looked at Willow and reached for his staff. He then chanted something under his breath, so low even Spike could not hear what he said. Khalil then gave a deep, roaring, belly laugh.

"Khalil. How can you be so heartless. This is not something that one finds funny." Giles was shocked that his friend could be so uncaring. Even if he had seen a lot of death in his 1500 years, it was still uncalled for to laugh like that.

"My apologies Rupert. But if you wait, you will see what I find so funny. Come now Willow, Time to get up." With that he reached over and lightly patted Willow on the cheek.

Willow then opened her eyes and sat up. "Ugh. What happened. How did I get here. The last thing I remember was seeing the vampire about to stake Spike. Spike! Are you OK?" Willow then jumped up and hugged Spike. She then gave him a deep kiss, to reassure herself that he was all right.

Buffy saw the kiss that Willow gave Spike and smiled. "So Wills, this mean that you and Spike are together?"

Willow held on to Spike and looked at Buffy, "Yeah. I went to the crypt this afternoon. We talked." Willow saw the look that passed over Buffy's face and knew what Buffy was thinking. "And ALL we did was talk. You have a filthy mind, Missy."

"Why Wills. I have no idea what you mean. I was just thinking what a cute couple you make." Buffy knew Willow knew what she was really thinking, but did not want to embarrass Willow. *There will be time for that later* Buffy thought with an evil, internal smile. "Now, what is the idea of scaring us like that? You were not breathing when Spike brought you in here. What is up?"

"I...I...I don't know. What do you mean I wasn't breathing? I must have been. Otherwise I would be dead. Wouldn't I?" Willow was a bit scared now. Buffy would not joke about something like that. "Spike? Is that true? Was I not breathing?"

"I am afraid so, luv. You were dead. I brought you here for the watcher to try and bring you back. You used too much power to get rid of those vampires." Spike turned to Khalil. "Khalil, what did you do to bring Willow back?"

Khalil looked at the group. "I did not do anything. Willow did everything on her own. It looks like my search is over. Willow is the immortal I was looking for."
