Screencap Paradise is devoted to bringing you high quality screencaps of popular television series such as Buffy, Angel, The O.C., Charmed, Tru Calling and more soon!
If you'd like to help us then your donation is truely appreciated. We use it to pay our hosting fee and new dvd's to cap.
We are Line and Rosely (mail us)If you'd like to help us then your donation is truely appreciated. We use it to pay our hosting fee and new dvd's to cap.

Layout c Screencap Paradise
Visitors since November 2004
Terms & Conditions
- These are capped by us and as such, credit should be given to us @ screencap-paradise.com. They are not to be displayed on any other sites.
- These screen captures are intended for use in graphics, layouts, and fanart only!
- If you would like to use them for anything else, please contact us.
31 July 2006
I finished Walk The Line, added another 688 caps, making it a total of 2965 caps!
I also capped all ten deleted scenes, with a total of 354 caps altogether!
I hope you'll enjoy!
31 July 2006
And more Charmed :)
- 5.13 House Call >> 770 caps
- 5.15 The Day the Magic Died >> 833 caps
- 5.16 Baby's First Demon >> 793 caps
- 5.17 Lucky Charmed >> 777 caps (lucky number for Lucky Charmed! :))
Only 4 more to sort and Season 5 is done! :) Enjoy!
30 July 2006
Three more Smallville Season 3 episodes:
- 3.09 Asylum >> 739 caps
- 3.10 Whisper >> 707 caps and
- 5.11 Delete >> 600 caps.
I have also capped most of the movie Walk The Line, 2277 caps so far but there's many more to come yet!
18 July 2006
On request, 3 more Charmed episodes:
- 1.12 The Wendigo >> 855 caps
- 3.20 Exit Strategy >> 847 caps and
- 5.14 Sand Francisco Dreamin >> 684 caps.
I think I'll finish season 5 first now, since it's so far already. And then start with season 1, then 2.. etc. All requests will be added at the Upcoming! page. Please look there first before tagging the obvious!
And please be patient, it's a lot of work and I have to do it all in my free time, I do have a job and a life as well...
Enjoy the caps! :)
24 July 2006
Well here's a big push at Dead Like Me season 1 :)
- 1.08 A Cook >> 419 caps
- 1.09 Sunday Mornings >> 486 caps
- 1.10 Business Unfinished >> 578 caps
- 1.11 The Bicycle Thief >> 538 caps
- 1.12 Nighthawks >> 531 caps
- 1.13 Vacation >> 454 caps
- 1.14 Rest In Peace >> 605 caps
The last episode to do for season 1 is the double-length Pilot, and then I'll be starting on The OC season 2 :)
On request, here's the Angel season 5 Opening Credits with Illyria and Harmony.
- Credits >> 75 caps
18 July 2006
3 more Charmed episodes!
- 5.05 Witches in Tights >> 759 caps
- 5.06 The Eyes Have It >> 794 caps and
- 5.08 A Witch in Time >> 850 caps
Enjoy! :)
16 July 2006
Boy am I stoked to be doing caps for Screencap Paradise! Currently I am doing Dead Like Me season 1 and will move on to The OC season 2 from there. If you have a specific episode request, just put it on the tagboard or the Upcoming! page.
So here's the start of the Dead Like Me...
- 1.00 Opening Credits >> 36 caps
- 1.02 Dead Girl Walking >> 527 caps
- 1.03 Curious George >> 443 caps
- 1.04 Reapercussions >> 508 caps
- 1.05 Reaping Havoc >> 549 caps
- 1.06 My Room >> 523 caps
- 1.07 Reaper Madness >> 510 caps
And as a special bonus, here's a new movie as well!
- The Skeleton Key >> 905 caps
13 July 2006
And 5 more Charmed episodes!
- 5.01 A Witch's Tail: Part 1 >> 847 caps
- 5.02 A Witch's Tail: Part 2 >> 844 caps
- 5.03 Happily Ever After >> 740 caps
- 5.04 Siren Song >> 795 caps and
- 5.07 Sympathy for the Demon >> 890 caps... yeah I know that's a bit much, but it's a really good episode! lol
Enjoy them! :)
PS. Please take a look at the Upcoming! page if you want more Charmed caps. I am working on season 1 to 5 and do take requests. The requests will be listed on the Upcoming! page.
9 July 2006
Another requested Smallville episode:
Smallville 3.12 Hereafter >> 793 caps.
4 July 2006
New Charmed episodes!
On request Sam I Am, and then the rest of that dvd aswell...
- 5.09 Sam I Am > 755 caps
- 5.10 Y Tu Mummy También > 830 caps
- 5.11 The Importance of Being Phoebe > 798 caps and
- 5.12 Centennial Charmed > 849 caps
2 July 2006
I am having trouble connecting via ftp so I haven't been able to upload anything the past few weeks. My new internet provider has some screwed up settings so it's preventing me from uploading and updating at all.
Today I've managed to upload one Smallville episode, requested by Tam a while ago. Sorry for the wait hon, now you know why :(
Smallville 3.19 Memoria >> 646 caps.
29 June 2006
Yes! Isn't that shocking? SP has a new layout! Yes, you are on the right site, but we thought it's time for a change!!
And so I've spend the last week designing a new layout and showing every new idea to Line and Nikki... lol
So here we are! Shiny! Hope you all love it as much as we do...
Also, I've uploaded 3 episodes:
> The O.C. 3.24 The Man of The Year > 697 caps. And I'm sorry but there's not more coming till the dvd's are out, as the rest of the episodes are too low in quality.
and fitting to the new layout:
> Charmed 5.22 Oh My Goddess!: Part 1 > 634 caps
> Charmed 5.23 Oh My Goddess!: Part 2 > 974 caps
18 June 2006
Thank you so much Bre.
She also wrote this wonderful text about us:
Congratulations to Line, Nikki and Rosely of the amazing, amazing screencap site Screencap Paradise! This is one of the best sites on the internet to find some good high-quality caps of a great line-up of shows, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Charmed, among others. They are always adding to the collection and are some of the kindest people around, especially for taking time to give other artists the chance to make fanart. Huge congrats to this wonderful site!
Rosely, Nikki & Line
17 June 2006
Couple of Charmed and one more to come soon, and a couple of OC, also one more to come.
- Charmed 8.02 Malice in Wonderland >> 640 caps
- Charmed 8.03 Run Piper Run >> 616 caps
- Charmed 8.06 Kill Billie Vol.1 >> 599 caps
- The OC 3.01 The Aftermath >> 649 caps
- The OC 3.14 The Cliffhanger >> 678 caps and
- The OC 3.15 The Heavy Lifting >> 596 caps
Have fun with them!!
13 June 2006
More Smallville...
- 2.10 Skinwalker >> 726 caps
- 2.17 Rosetta >> 698 caps
- 2.22 Calling >> caps 794 and
- 2.23 Exodus >> caps 683
Don't forget you can request any episode seasons 1 - 3 aswell as any The O.C. season 2 (recapped) from me.
11 June 2006
I've uploaded some more Charmed episodes...
- 4.21 Womb Raider > 788 caps
- 4.22 Whitch Way Now? > 733 caps and
- 8.01 Still Charmed and Kicking > caps 642, only not so good quality unfortunately :(
Am working with a few more season 8 episodes that I found in 'high quality' or well, till the dvd's come out this is the highest ;)
So I'm sorry but the OC S3 episodes are a little post poned. Will do them soon.