Fojiao2, aka Kevin Poston, passed away shortly before
New Year of 2004. He was a good friend to many, a proof reader for some,and an inspiration to others.

Read and be merry.
He would have liked that.

"The Herald's Lament"
originally written by Mercedes Lackey and C. J. Cherryh.

A hand to aid along the road-
A laugh to lighten any load-
A place to bring a burdened heart
And heal the ache of sorrow's dart-
Who'd willing share in joy or tears
And help to ease the darkest fears
Or my soul like his own defend-
And all because he was my friend.

No grave could hold so free a soul.
I see him in the frisking foal-
I hear him laughing on the breeze
That stirs the very tops of trees.
He soars with falcons on the wing-
He is the song that nightbirds sing.
Death never dared him captive keep.
He lies not there.
He does not sleep.

But- there is silence at my side.
That haunts the place he used to ride.
And my Companion can't allay
The loss I have sustained this day.
How bleak the future now has grown
Since I must face it all alone.
My road is weary, dark and steep-
And it is for myself I weep.

An Evening's Diversion

Wes and Dru go hunting
Rated NC17
Becky & Spike Forever

1 2 3 4

Spike becomes a published writer, starting a "Becky The Vampire Slayer" series that reveals his feelings about all the Scoobs . . . especially Buffy
Rated R


Spike and Buffy make a bet
Season 6 spoilers
Rated PG-13

That Magic Moment

My own imagining of how Angelus drove Drusilla mad and turned her.
Rated PG

