by Houses

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Chapter 6

Willow never thought of herself as an actress. After the deplorable events of the sophomore year talent show, she'd avoided all forms of acting like the plague. She wasn't even a very good liar. I always come off acting like I drank too much coffee or something. Somehow, she was convinced that if she ever lied, the world would see right through her, and everyone would know she was hiding something. So she was mildly surprised to find herself seated at the head table at Hogwarts, laughing at Professor Lupin's light banter next to her, feeling as if the world wasn't seeing through heract. She was a mildly flirty, confident young woman. Her hands didn't shake, she was pretty sure she wasn't glowing like a red tomato, and whatever she prattled back to the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had him laughing behind his hand. It was as if she was moving on autopilot, playing a part. She went through the motions in this complicated play and didn't miss a cue. Thank goodness there doesn't seem to be a musical number coming up, she joked silently. That was a nightmare she didn't think she'd ever get over. Stupid opera in stupid Japanese robes.

Seeing Draco, for that's who the young man in the hallway must have been, in the teacher's lounge before seating the previous evening had given her a turn. She hadn't remembered how silver white his hair was supposed to be, and he definitely didn't act like the spoiled brat from the books. Then again, that had been a few years ago, and she was beginning to realize the way Rowling portrayed everyone wasn't always accurate. Draco looked intensely self-controlled. No petulant child was in evidence here; he moved with grace and polish, every inch a gentleman. Sure he'd been sarcastic and snarly, but she had startled him. She hoped he wouldn't pay too much attention to the remarks about Spike; she didn't need to explain about where she came from any more than she had to.

The look on his face when she ducked into the room was priceless; he had as surprised to see her there as she was to see him. The surprise had been carefully masked, but she couldn't resist teasing him, just to see his reaction. Now he was sitting at the other end of the table, trying his hardest to get a good look at her, but to no avail.

Last night's dinner had gone well enough. McGonagall had clapped her hands and silence fell over the Great Hall. A nervous crowd of first years, so small and young looking, huddled at the base of the stairs before the teacher's table: the next generation of witches and wizards. One by one, they came to sit under the hat and were sorted; Willow only offhandedly noticed which houses they were sorted in. What she was really doing was scanning the hall for faces to put to the names in the books. The Ron and Ginny Weasley were easy. They were the only two people in the room with hair as red as Willow's, though theirs ran towards orange. She picked Harry as the dark haired boy sitting next to Ron, mouthing something up at the head table at whom she assumed was Hermione. Willow hadn't gotten a good look at Hermione before eating dinner; her back had been to the doorway. Willow had glimpsed her today between classes, a diminutive girl with a large mane of hair dashing along with an arm full of books.

Dumbledore's opening remarks had been a bit of surprise. "Welcome everyone. I have a few announcements before we eat. Just a reminder to all returning students as well as first years, the Forbidden Forest is forbidden for a reason. Please stay out and keep all of your limbs intact. I'd also like to introduce a new face at Hogwarts this year. I would all like you to welcome Willow Rosenberg. Miss Rosenberg, if you will please stand."

Willow had frozen at the sound of her name. After one brief second when she wondered if she would faint or run away, she stood and smiled out at the hall, a very picture of poise.

"Miss Rosenberg is joining us for a short time from America where she is studying wizarding educational systems at her university. I would ask you all to treat her with the same courtesy you show the faculty and answer any questions she may have. Show her just how well we do things on this side of the pond, eh?" With a grin, he motioned Willow back into her seat. "Now, I think it's time for the feast!"

The noise in the hall had exploded as students reached for their favorite dishes, meeting new arrivals and generally welcoming each other back. Tonight wasn't much different, and Willow supposed that dinner would always be a noisy affair. I guess I hoped I'd be able to hide for a few more days. Now I know they're all wondering about me, I wish they'd stop staring when they thought I wasn't looking. No students had approached her either last night or earlier today. Most gave her a cursory glance and moved on, a few smiled, and the smallest number, mostly Slytherins, had completely ignored her. Willow had been dying to hear Snape's first year Potions Class opener about putting a stopper in death, given her personal experience in the matter, but Dumbledore had pulled her aside after breakfast and asked if she would mind looking up any Arithmancy information on transdimensional travel. So, the day had been spent with musty tomes and more than her fair share of homesickness for jelly donuts and the Sunnydale High School library tables. Carrels were fine for studying, but big books needed big tables, and she didn't want any curious eyes reading over her shoulder.

Eyeing a steaming plate of some sort of tubular nervously, Willow grabbed a few potatoes before passing the bowl to Lupin, accidentally catching Snape's eye. After a brief exchange of glares that indicated something along the lines of I'm watching you and I know they turned back to their respective dinners. You'd think he was trying to recook his sausage with that scowl. Then again, since I have no idea what's in them, more cooking might not be a bad idea. Willow pushed the sausage plate a little closer to Lupin and quietly wished for a good old-fashioned hamburger.

Draco, on the other hand, was busy glaring at the new Slytherin first years. Best to get them in line early. I don't feel like dealing with them; hopefully the other students will fill them in. He risked one more glance down the table to his left, only to witness the tail end of Snape and Willow's staring contest. Curiouser and curiouser. He'd been able to see her more clearly when she'd stood the night before, and once outside the library that morning. Her name meant nothing to him, though, and he knew he'd have heard of her if she came from a prominent wizarding family, American or no. No one in Slytherin had heard of her, and he was waiting for the owl back from his mother. There was nothing Narcissa couldn't find out if she was part of any highborn wizarding society. Still, there was something about her. It wasn't just that she was beautiful, for she was, but she fairly glowed. Her aura was so intense; he knew she was more than she seemed. That would explain Snape's attitude. Draco very much doubted she was here to study education, but he did believe she was of university age- which meant she couldn't be more than a few years older than he was.

As far as Draco was concerned, there wasn't a woman or girl at Hogwarts that held his fancy. Too ordinary, too dumb, too plebian. He'd avoided them all together after the ridiculous dance with Pansy Parkinson two years ago. The girl had followed him around for weeks nattering on about thisor that, until Draco finally lost his temper and threatened to turn her into the Pekinese she so resembled. She left him alone after that. If Draco didn't know better, he'd think he was falling for this Willow girl after just a few sentences of bizarre conversation. Which was ridiculous, since Malfoys didn't fall for anyone. Whatever it was, he had decided one thing: she was going to be his. And whatever a Malfoy wanted, a Malfoy got.

Smiling a wicked smile, he took his first bite of dinner.

*** ***

The enchanted ceiling shone with faint starlight. A few wispy clouds drifted by, and the floating candles waved in the imaginary breeze. Dinner was finished and people were trickling out of the hall. Willow sat watching the display, thinking how much Tara would have liked it. Just the mere thought of Tara still brought a hitch to her breathing, but Willow no longer felt like she was drowning. Perhaps it was just the distance this place provided,but she felt better about herself than she had in a long time. Sighing, she tilted her head back to get a better view, only to see an increasingly familiar white blond head.

"Miss Rosenberg, we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Draco Malfoy. You caught me by surprise yesterday evening, something that doesn't happen often." He held out his hand as Willow turned to face him. She took it and smiled in delight as he brought it to his lips.

"Please, call me Willow. I should have known better than to expect one of my friends to appear here without warning, especially Spike. Though, he is rather unpredictable," she added softly to herself. Had she been paying attention to the rest of the nearly empty room around them, she would have seen Hermione choke on the last of her pumpkin juice and frantically motion at Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table. The boys were staring with open mouths as Draco turned on all the Malfoy charm.

"So, you're from America then. Where did you live?"

"California, just outside of LA," she answered, hoping he'd find something else to talk about. Deciding to take matters into her own hands she continued on. "I see you're head boy this year. Perhaps you'd like to tell me what this entails since we don't have quite the same thing where I come from. I'd like to talk to you as well, Hermione." She'd finally noticed Hermione idling closer and closer to the conversation, and figured she'd
save the girl the trouble of putting her arms in the carrot bowl if she leaned any further.

Red faced, Hermione mumbled an answer along the lines of, "Oh, yes. I'd love to, whenever you want…" and quickly stood up and walked out of the hall. Draco grinned.

"Well, that was impressive. It usually takes considerably more effort to shut her up."

Willow scrunched up her brow. "I wasn't actually trying to embarrass her, though I hate eavesdroppers. She would have been welcome to join the conversation, if she'd been up front about it."

"Well, maybe you would have welcomed her, but I was enjoying having you all to myself." Willow flushed, and inwardly Draco cheered. With a sharp nod of his head, he left the table and a bewildered Willow in his wake. She stood slowly, made her way out of the hall and completely missed Professor Snape lurking in the corner of the hallway.

Severus Snape was not impressed with the turn of events this year seemed to be taking. With a snarl at Willow's retreating back, he stalked back towards the dungeons. Lord Voldemort had finally woken up from whatever evil slumber he'd been having and Snape was sure they wouldn't like the results. He sneered as the children parted before him like an overly hormonal sea of pimples and glitter makeup. Why they don't ban that is beyond me. They look like a bunch of pixies sneezed all over them and the damn stuff is a bitch to clean up. One poor hapless first year, obviously unaware of his impending doom, laughed loudly and launched a paper airplane at a group of girls. He squeaked in a most unmanly fashion as Snape latched a hold of his arm and marched him firmly down the hallway.

"Mister Lawson. How kind of you to volunteer for cleaning the display cases on the third floor. We have such a hard time keeping them shiny during the summer. Filch will be most delighted to make your acquaintance since I'm sure you'll be spending a lot of quality time together this year." Poor Mister Lawson began to tremble, and Snape was gratified to spy a few unshed tears lurking near the surface. "Mister Lawson, control yourself; you wouldn't want to make a scene now would you? Think how childish that would appear. Then again, if the shoe fits. Isn't that right?" Lawson began to snivel in earnest now, and Snape happily dumped him off at Filch's office. Feeling much better, Snape continued his trek to apprehend oblivious students. It wasn't that he was a cruel man by nature, just a firm believer in culling the weak. If the students couldn't learn to control themselves and learn discipline, they would never survive, not with the state of the wizarding world as it was. There were too many risks and temptations, and it was only getting riskier.

He sighed. And now those risks are coming closer to home. That Willow Rosenberg will be trouble. I know an act when I see one, and she is most definitely acting. And what was that little exchange with Malfoy at the end of dinner? He's never made a move that didn't benefit him in some form or fashion- he's definitely Daddy's boy that way. It wasn't that Snape didn't like Draco. He didn't even think he was as evil as his father, not truly, but he was power hungry. And people seeking power as fervently as the Malfoys did were not easily persuaded to give it up. He rubbed his forearm lightly and flushed a pair of Hufflepuffs from behind a clock.
"A little early for snogging in corners, isn't it Miss Borchard? I suggest you turn your attention to your academics; your potions homework certainly could use the work. And Mister Icharius, I suggest the same. It would be a shame to have to see you in my class again next year." The children rushed off, thanking their lucky stars they didn't have to join Lawson with the display cases. Snape rubbed his arm again, but didn't pull
the sleeve back to look. He already knew what he'd see.

Rounding his thoughts back to the problem of the school's unintentional visitor he frowned. Dumbledore certainly seems to trust her, and Minerva practically adopted her. I suppose as long as she keeps out of my way, we'll manage, but the sooner she goes home the happier I'll be. I wonder if there's a potion to facilitate hopping between dimensions. Hmmmm, looks like I've got my extracurricular reading for the semester…
The hallways became chillier the closer to the dungeons he moved. Pulling his cloak tighter around his slender frame, he hoped the house elves lit the fires in his classroom. One day, and already the children have messed things up. It'll take hours to sort out the newt's eyes from the salamander's. Not to mention picking up all the spilled dried dung beetles. Rotten Weasley, he'll be in detention for a week for that one.

Cheering up a bit at that thought, he nodded to a painting of a trio of ladies having tea and crumpets and swept into his classroom.

Chapter 7

"So, meditations and an amulet? Are you sure?"

"Well, that's what he said, but we didn't get to catch up as much as I would have liked."

Willow regarded Remus Lupin for a minute. "I was kinda with someone else when he came back. He tried to attack her. It seemed that his wolf couldn't handle the competition or something. He left."

"Oh." They sat for a moment in silence, Willow staring out the window, Remus regarding her with compassion. "So, how're you settling in?"

Willow smiled and surveyed the classroom. Glass tanks full of grindylows lined one wall, and a trunk or two sat at the front by the desk. "It's just like home, really, except here the baddies aren't trying to kill me or eat me. Nice, actually."

He turned to face her more fully, watching her carefully. It was almost impossible to believe that she was the same girl that wandered into dinner not so long ago. She seemed so self possessed, so happy to be there. He wasn't sure how happy he'd be to find himself in another dimension. "How have the people treated you?"

She frowned at that. "Well, the only person that has introduced himself besides the faculty is Draco Malfoy, which was weird. I don't remember the books portraying him as that friendly. But they were Harry Potter books, as in Harry the Hero."

"Well, Draco can be charming when he wishes, though he is a Malfoy. And Malfoys should always be treated with caution, at least until you find out what they want. I don't wish to be alarming. Most people can be interesting if you get to know them. No one else has introduced themselves?"

"No, though Hermione butted in on a conversation. It's strange. I see her with Ron and Harry, and I see the way I was with my friends Xander and Buffy. The three of us, out to save the world. Living in the world, but not being of it, I suppose. It's hard to watch. But I would like to meet the other two, if just to see how they compare."

Remus grinned a wolfish grin. "That should be no problem then. Harry, Ron, stop lurking outside the doorway! Come and meet Willow, she doesn't bite."

A sheepish Harry and Ron crept around the doorstop. "Harry and Ron are working on their outside project with me. In their last year, the students at Hogwarts complete an extra curricular project of their choice to graduate with honors. Ron is studying the Merpeople and Harry is looking at the practical aspects of designing a better Sneak-o-Scope. Fascinating projects, really, if I could just get them to study."

At Harry's guffaw of protest, Willow stuck out her hand. "Hi Harry, I'm Willow. It's nice to meet you. And you too Ron. I met Hermione last night."

An exchange of pleasantries and Harry and Ron sat down.

"So, you're from California then. Is it as sunny as the TV shows say? Cause, lots of rain here. You'll have to get used to the crappy winter weather, if you stay that long." Harry's hair fell over his eyes, and he pushed it up with a small smile.

"Yes, it's nice. Sunny almost all the time. I'm from a town called Sunnydale, actually. And I hope it's an easy winter. I don't know how long I'll be staying, but I hate snow." Willow glanced at the wall clock. "Oh, I had no idea it was so late. I should be heading back up to the library to pick up some books before dinner. I wonder what it'll be tonight…" she trailed off.

Ron perked up. "Oh! It's pork chop night! I love pork chops. With those little baked apples and that cabbage stuff. It's great!" At Willow's look, he raised his eyebrows.

"Uh, I don't do pork chops. Jewish. But the apples sound nice." She stood up. "It's been great meeting you two. Good luck with your studies, they sound fascinating." She nodded to Professor Lupin and headed out the door.

*** ***

Willow didn't go to the library. She left the front hall and headed down the front lawn to the lake. A small breeze blew in from over the lake and ruffled the grass into waves. She walked along the edge of the lake, picking her way over the boulders and piles of loose stone. The way was uneven, and she made sure to keep her toes out of the water. There's no knowing what's in there. Best to keep my digits to my self. She slowed, knelt down and picked up a handful of stones, and sighed to herself.

This is it I think, where I came through. I know it's not real, Tara, but maybe I can talk to you here
. She placed the stones in a neat pile on top of the boulder that resembled the one she had rested on after her walk from the lodge. Dusk was falling and the birds sang their welcome to the evening. It's hard, but I'm trying to do what you and Giles taught me- to be good and in control. I like it here, and I'd be happy if I could stay. That doesn't mean I don't miss Sunnydale, cause I do in a don't want to be eaten sort of way. But you're not there, and… I would rather not be there without you. She bowed her head, letting the tears that threatened to fall drip down her nose. A stick cracked off to her right in the woods, but all she saw was a flash of silver beneath a bush. She peered into the underbrush for a second before leaning back and closing her eyes.

The people here, they seem nice. But to watch how they live, it's killing me. A swish and flick and poof! It's all done. I try to do things the long way around, but I'm afraid that someone will notice. How come they get to use magic and I don't! What would be so awful if I did?
She pitched a thick twig into the lake in frustration. I should get going back to the castle. I know dinner is soon, and I'd rather not march in late in front of everyone. I feel like they watch me enough. And how come Draco was the only friendly one! Do I look funny or something? High school sucks. I thought I'd never have to go back, but here I am- the new girl in school. Not a teacher, not a student. Willow stood and brushed off her robes. I'm glad we could talk. Maybe I'll come back soon, if I can get away. I miss you.

The light was turning purple, and Willow hurried over the stones, careful her shoes didn't slip on the slick lakeside scum. The evening air was brisk, and she was glad of the extra protection the robes afforded. The giant squid thrust one great tentacle out of the water and waved in her general direction. Figuring it was best to keep giant squids happy, she tentatively waved back. Across the great lawn and behind the greenhouses, Willow could see students hurrying in from the quiddich field and figured she wouldn't be too late for dinner.

Now that's a game I'd like to see!

As if reading her thoughts, a smooth voice came from behind her elbow. "So, do you play?"

Startled, Willow jumped and squeaked. "What? Oh, no, I don't."

Draco arched one elegant eyebrow. "No, what a shame. It's exhilarating."

Willow's face clouded in embarrassment as she muttered, "Actually, I can't fly. Not on a broomstick anyway."

"I beg your pardon, did you say you can't fly?" His face a study in consternation, Draco stopped in the middle of the stairway. The other students flowed smoothly around them, leaving a respectful bubble around Draco and Willow. She figured it had much more to do with Draco than herself."Well, no, I never learned. I walk mostly. Or drive. Cars, I drive cars. I hate golf." Willow fiddled with the edges of her sleeves. Did I say too much?

Does everyone fly?
"I've always wanted to learn though."

Draco grinned. "Well, perhaps I'll have to teach you then. I do enjoy flying, particularly on a nice broomstick. They've just come out with a new Firebolt Millenium edition; it corners like a dream." He frowned slightly and added, "But it's a bitch to maintain. All that trimming of twigs gets irritating."

"You play on your team, don't you? Seeker or something, right?"

Draco's step hesitated briefly, but he continued walking. "Yes I do. Team captain this year too. Though, Father didn't buy me that." His voice turned harsh, and Willow was a surprised at the sneer curling his lip. "I have played since my second year, but it took the rest of the school almost four years to recognize I'm as good a flyer as that Harry Potter prat." Willow kept her expression neutral, but her thoughts were whirling. "So, would you like to learn how to fly then someday?"

"Um, sure! I'd love to. But you should know I'm clumsy sometimes. It may be a bit dangerous…"

"I'm sure you'll do fine. Just let me know when you're free one afternoon, and I'll set aside some time after quiddich practice. The field is usually empty then, and I'll bring one of my extra brooms. Excuse me, I have to catch the Slytherin prefect before dinner." Draco darted off after a hulking fellow in silver trimmed robes.
Willow continued into the Great Hall with the throng of students hell bent on hoover-ing dinner. She took her seat next to Lupin and waved at McGonagall, who was in deep conversation with Poppy Pomphrey. Minerva nodded and smiled.

Supper passed without much active thought on Willow's behalf. She explained why she didn't eat pork and got a lecture about the intelligence of pigs from Madame Sprout. Remus Lupin chatted about his first year classes, and how one student had to be taken to the infirmary with shock- it seemed she was petrified of pond weed, almost literally. Figuring it was like her frog fear, Willow let that one pass without comment. Hagrid was rambling on about one of his new creatures, but like the rest of the table, she had no interest in actually meeting the thing. After the dishes had magically vanished, Willow stood, intending to head to the library before bed. She started down the corridors when she heard her name. Turning, she saw Hermione
running after her.

"Willow, so glad I caught you. I just wanted to say I didn't mean to be rude last night. I was curious, and I should have introduced myself. Oh, I'm Hermione."

"I sort of figured that one out," she noted wryly. "Nice to meet you Hermione. I'm on my way to the library. Care to walk with me?" The two girls fell into step. "So you're head girl this year. How do you like it?"

"Well, I was a prefect last year, so this isn't much different. I deal with more than my own house now, but the duties are pretty much the same. I talk with anyone who needs it, make sure that the houses are behaving themselves, and offer academic counseling to students in trouble. I like teaching, so I think it's a good fit. Do you like teaching? It's what you're studying isn't it?"

"Um… yeah. I like teaching. I did some in high school, that's what we call it. One of the teachers… passed away, so I took over her computer classes. I enjoyed it, but I'd rather teach something else I think. Computers are my hobby, but I'd rather not make them my life."

Hermione fairly gushed in enthusiasm, "Computers- that is so cool. We don't get to use them here. They don't work in the castle, but I have one at home. My parents are Muggles, so they used computers most of my life." She paused and watched Willow to gauge her reaction. Willow smiled encouragingly. "I don't mean to be paranoid, but some people here don't take kindly to Muggle-borns."

"Like Draco Malfoy for instance?"

"Well, he was awfully nice to you, for Draco. I mean, we've never seen him warm up to someone like that, much less be polite. It's just weird."Willow laid her hand on Hermione's arm. "Don't worry about Draco. I wonder what he'll think when he finds out my parents are Muggles. Actually, the only time my mother acknowledged I practiced any sort of witchcraft was when she was tying me to the stake to be burned. I understand."Hermione sighed in relief. "So, you don't care. And apparently your mother isn't too thrilled about having a witch in the family. Harry's mom's sister was like that, but I'm pretty sure she didn't go all midevil. Did your mother really try to burn you at the stake?"

Willow rolled her eyes, "Yes, but she was possessed. Sort of. Just forget I said anything. I have to get a few books before bed tonight, so I'll leave you to your library-ing. Maybe we can have tea or something sometime?"

Beaming, Hermione nodded. "I'd love that! See you!" As Willow watcher her walk away, she was struck with an odd sense of homecoming. She's almost like I could have been, before Jenny and Angelus. Shaking her head, she wandered over to the arithmancy section, still in search of Dumbledore's books.

*** ***

Saturday morning dawned high and clear. Willow forwent breakfast to secure her increasingly favorite carrel in the library. It overlooked the lake and edge of the Forbidden forest, and felt as if she could almost see her way home if she wanted. Her pile of books was undisturbed, a perk of making friends with the librarian. She opened the one Minerva had recommended on animagus transformations and settled down for a read.
Almost an hour later, she gasped. Oh. So this is why she seemed so unnerved the other day. Seems I can't be both a lynx and an eagle. Or at least I'm not supposed to be able to. Hmmm, it appears that you can take the appearance of other animals with a glamour, but actually becoming one is impossible. And the witch or wizard's animagus form is predetermined by their personality. She started out the window for a moment, vaguely watching a few clusters of students walking around the edge of the castle towards the playing fields.
So, either this means I'm suffering from multiple personality disorder, or there is something seriously wrong with my magic. I know I was both of them. And I'm pretty sure I could have been other animals as well. I don't know why I chose a lynx, but the eagle was just fooling around
. She sighed, so deep in thought that she didn't hear Hermione coming up behind her.

"Willow? Professor McGonagall sent me to find you. Aren't you coming to the quiddich match today? It's the first of the season, Gryffindor versus Slytherin."

Willow smiled and stood up, closing the book and pushing it behind the others. "Sure Hermione. I'd love to. I'd
forgotten that was today, this week passed way too quickly." The two girls made their way out of the library and through the labyrinth of corridors to the outside. "So who's supposed to win this match anyway?"

"Well, we won last year, but three of our chasers graduated, so it's an almost new team. Both Ginny and Ron are beaters," here she flushed a little with pride, "and Harry of course is the seeker. Luckily, the Slytherins have some new blood as well, and this is the first year that Draco's captain. I guess it's anyone's game, but I want to see the look on Snape's face when we beat him. Again." She grinned with glee. "I can't wait!"

Willow followed her up into the stands on the Gryffindor side of the stadium to find Minerva McGonagall saving two seats. "There you are children, the game's about to start. See the players are coming out onto the field now. What do you think of the new uniforms, Hermione? We had them redesigned over the summer."

The Gryffindor team was resplendent in glowing gold and red. Willow found herself almost preferring the muted silver and forest green of the Slytherin team. Draco's white blond head was easy to identify, particularly since it was at least 3 to 4 inches taller than everyone else. Almost as if he knew she was watching, he turned to face her, his eyes seeking hers. In one breathless second, she felt as if she was drowning in their glacial depths before she looked away. Now that's weird. And now he's nodding to me! What an odd boy. Almost against her own wishes, she found herself noting that despite his reputation, Draco really was a handsome boy. No, man. Maybe that's the difference, he carries himself like a man, surrounded by children. I wonder what he's seen that makes him that way. Harry has just as much reason, but he's still a kid, all floppy hair and youthful exuberation. But not Draco. Lost in thought, she missed Madame Hooch throw the game into motion.

It was as if the entire field was electrified. Swooping, diving, shoving, and spinning, the two teams clashed in the center of the field. Willow almost couldn't follow the action, and decided she'd better just watch the overall game. The players dipped and swerved in a complicated midair ballet, almost like hockey, with out the fights. Hmmm, spoke too soon. Looks like that Slytherin beater just whacked the Gryffindor keeper instead of the bludger. And now he's out of the game… what- a penalty? And what are those chasers doing? I have no idea. This is so confusing.

The Slytherin bleachers were roaring complaints and generally harassing the other team. Pennants waved and someone had handed out horns or something noisy. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a pair of figures diving towards the Hufflepuff stands- Harry and Draco. They had both seen the snitch at the same time and were now engaged in trying to pitch each other off their respective brooms. Neither succeeded, but in the scuffle, the snitch was lost. Snarling, Draco pulled up and Harry swung down skimming the grass.

Willow checked the score: Slytherin 40, Gryffindor 30. Well, at least it'll be a close game until the snitch is caught. She squeaked in surprise with the rest of the stands as the snitch materialized only inches away from her face. She scrambled backwards as McGonagall and Hermione stood to move out of the way. The snitch moved upwards only a few feet, still well within the stands. The other spectators pushed and shoved their way out of its immediate vicinity, but Willow sat there dumbfounded. With a whistle that sounded like an oncoming Slayer-thrown stake, the two seekers shot towards her. Hermione leaned forward and snagged Willow's elbow, dragging her out of the flyer's oncoming paths. Willow got a very good look at Draco's version of game face as he flew past with a wink, executing a neat midair spin as he snatched the snitch right out of Harry's open grasp.Harry roared in frustration as the closing bell sounded a Slytherin victory. A glance over to the Slytherin stands revealed a very smug looking Snape who waved coyly at McGonagall thundering out of the stands, an obviously sore loser. Hermione sighed.

"Great. Now Ron'll be all pissy for the rest of the day. I might as well go back to the library with you, Willow, he'll be no fun until tomorrow, or until he eats half the table full of food. Come on." Hermione stood and followed the other dejected Gryffindor students down out of the stands. Willow remained for a few minutes, watching the cheering Slytherins hoist Draco onto their shoulders and carry him off the field. Still lost in thought, she trailed slowly after Hermione.

Chapter 8

The morning owl post swept through the long open windows at the end of the Great Room. The fluttering of silent wings was barely audible over the breakfast rabble, but the student body turned as one to search for news from home, letters from loved ones, even a package or two. Willow paid them no mind; there would be no letter for her.

At the end of the head table on the other hand, Draco Malfoy watched intently for his family owl, Hebrides the great horned owl. He was expecting a post from his mother and his eyes gleamed in appreciation as Hebrides swooped through the window carrying a small package and letter. The owl settled onto the table, neatly snitching the crispy bacon from Draco's plate as he untied the package. Draco smoothed the soft feathers and smiled as Hebrides nipped his finger before launching himself from the table and winging impressively out the windows to return to Malfoy Manor. Draco slid the letter from the small box and neatly opened it.

My Dearest Draco;

I have not been able do discover the parentage of Willow Rosenberg. There are no wizarding Rosenbergs listed in southern California. As a matter of fact, I had Uncle Elias check the muggle databases for births of Willow Rosenberg, and there are none listed. Unless your lady goes by another name, she doesn't exist. As for your other request, it is enclosed. I enchanted a book on Latin grammar to take its place. If your father picks it up, he'll get a refresher course. He needs one anyway. I wish you the best of luck, whatever you choose to do with it. If you need any supplies, contact Alfonse Gliberman in Hogsmeade. I have an account with him, and he never asks too many questions.

On another related note, your father will be in Hogsmeade the Halloween weekend for some 'business'. Given the current status of your relationship, you may choose to avoid him.

All my love,


Draco frowned in puzzlement, before shooting a look to the other end of the table where Willow was sugaring her grapefruit. He hefted the book in his palm, before slipping it into his robe pocket. He wasn't sure what the teachers would do if they found him with it, but it was safe to say they wouldn't be happy. He was actually fairly pleased that it could even be brought inside the grounds without being detected. Humming happily to himself, he gathered up his books to head to Herbology. He caught up with Crabbe and Goyle at the doors and swept down the stairs to the courtyard.

"Hey Malfoy, get anything interesting from home? Some more chocolates?"

Draco favored Crabbe with a sneer. "No, Crabbe, I did not get any chocolates. I got something much, much better. What are we doing this morning anyway? I forgot to look up last week's notes." Goyle and Crabbe exchanged blank looks. "Never mind. I'm sure Granger will tell everyone without being asked. That'll be good enough. Come on."

The three stalked into Herbology class and stood with the rest of the Slytherins on the far side of the table. No matter how old they got, Draco was pretty sure that Gryffindors and Slytherins would never mix voluntarily, at least not en masse. He could see Ron's red head turned down to whisper something in his girlfriend's ear and Hermione giggle in response. She elbowed Harry in the ribs and Harry whipped around to look at the Slytherin corner where Draco was standing.

He rolled his eyes; it was going to be one of those classes. Gryffindors never took loosing well, and this weekend's Quidditch game was no exception.

He was so busy glaring back he missed Willow slip in the doorway and stand back from the rest of the class.

Willow didn't actually know which class she was observing, other than it was Herbology again, and she liked Herbology. The other day she watched the Ravenclaw first years wrestle with the snapdragons Madame Sprout had shown her when she first arrived. Feisty little plants, hope I never have to prune them, she muttered to herself. She noted idly that it was the seventh year combined Gryffindor/Slytherin class but thought nothing more of it as Madame Sprout began her lessons on bullwhip kelp.

"See here, class. Reach down into the tanks and grasp a whip. Reaching under the bulbous area, run your knife around to isolate the float bladder. This is used in buoyancy potions, or anything else where you wish to be lighter than the medium you're floating in. For very advanced potions they may even be used to levitate the drinker. Besides, seaweed is very good for you. Now, gently peel back…"

Willow's thoughts wandered as she watched the class wrestling with the enormous leaves and slippery stalks. The smell of the ocean permeated the greenhouse, and she wondered whether the kelp was grown here, or brought in for the lesson. Anything was possible she supposed as ran light fingers over the stiff leaves of a particularly beautiful orchid. The orchid turned its luminous silver face towards her and glowed slightly. Willow smiled wistfully and blew gently across the petals, blinking as the flower lit up in a pattern of quicksilver lights. She sighed and swiveled her head as a splash caught her attention.

Draco stood near the tank, soaked from head to toe with smelly, salty seawater. Harry, Hermione and Ron were beside themselves with laughter and even Crabbe, Goyle and the rest of the Slytherins were discreetly snickering. Draco's pale face turned even paler and he maneuvered his arm such that his wand slipped neatly into his hand. As he surreptitiously held his hand above the level of the tank, he nearly jumped out of his skin. Echoing around in his head, he was sure he could hear Willow.

'Don't Draco. Don't give him the satisfaction. It's not worth it.
' He looked wildly around for a moment, and spied Willow lurking quietly behind the bench of Mercury Orchids. She had a quiet, sly smile playing at the corner of her lips.

'I'm sorry, did I startle you? Perhaps, you would win this by just laughing it off. Much more dignified than spraying hexes all over the greenhouse, don't you think?
' Draco coughed and slid the wand back up his sleeve. He snorted something that could have been a laugh and swept his sodden, white hair back into a ponytail.

"Well, Potter, that was refreshing. I recommend it, really. I'm sure it's good for your skin." The Golden three just gaped at him. He turned to Madame Sprout who was eyeing him as if he'd been replaced by a pod person. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to go put on some dry clothes." When she didn't say anything, he turned and swept regally out of the greenhouse. By this point, everyone had stopped laughing, and the lesson had ground to a halt.
"Erm, well. Potter, Weasley clean up this mess before you leave. And please try not to drown my plants again; salt water is bad for them. Now for the rest of you, bring your extracted air bladders to me and I'll prepare them for your Potions class." She bustled around gathering bladders and answering questions.

Willow melted into the background, giggling to herself. That was too funny. I don't care if they're supposed to be the good guys; that was just mean. Serves them right to have to clean up the mess. Hmmm, I wonder if Draco will ask for an explanation of some sort… I guess this wasn't fair to spring on him. Her giggles tapering off, she worried at her fingernails. Actually, that was probably pretty stupid. What if Dumbledore finds out? Or Snape! Oh God, he'd hate that…

A very sober Willow answered Madame Sprout's hail from the corner of the greenhouse. "There you are, dear. Would you mind taking this to the potion's classroom on your way out? I know Professor Snape is expecting these today and I have to oversee Harry and Ron."

Grimacing, Willow accepted the box and tucked it under her arm. She mingled with the rest of the students as they swarmed between classes. Most didn't give her a second look, but Hermione grabbed her arm as she walked by.

"Hi Willow, where're you headed? We've got History of Magic next. You'd think we'd be done with it by now. Professor Binns hasn't said anything new in three years."

"Um, the potions classroom. I have to deliver those airbladders to Professor Snape."

"Oh. So you were in Herbology then? Did you see what happened with Draco? I thought for sure he was going to blast Harry, but he just stopped. What was up with that?"

"I have no idea, maybe he thought better about causing a scene," Willow murmured evasively. "It's been nice chatting, Hermione, but you should hurry up, you'll be late for class."

With a quick squeak, Hermione bounced off to class, and Willow continued her navigation towards the dungeon, perversely hoping both to avoid Draco and to see how he was handling himself. It wasn't every day that someone lectured you from inside your own head, and given how much Spike and Xander had liked it, she wasn't sure he wouldn't be mad about it. She sighed and slowed down, watching the paintings ripple and move, the figures wandering back and forth. Getting a grip on herself, she entered the potions classroom.

Professor Snape was well into his lecture. He wandered around the aisles, hissing corrections where needed, subtracting points with gleeful abandon when any of the Gryffindor sixth years made a mistake. Colin Creevy added his powdered narwhal horn too early and a foul smelling mushroom cloud erupted from his cauldron. He winced in anticipation as the professor rounded on him, a thunderous cloud of black. Willow watched dispassionately as Snape narrated all of Colin's faults for the world to hear, then deducted 10 points for stupidity. Holding her box, Willow continued watching the drama of Potions class unfold. When most of the potions were finished, and the lucky few who escaped unscathed departed, she walked to the front of the room, box of air bladders extended.

"Professor Snape, Madame Sprout asked me to bring these to you." He snarled a thank you and rubbed his forearm pensively. She placed the box on the desk and turned to leave. Pausing, she looked back over her shoulder. "You know, Professor Snape. You remind me of a psychology professor I once had."

He arched his eyebrows in question. "And, what did she do?"

"She was a good teacher until she was skewered alive by her frankensteinian creation and reanimated as a zombie to try to create a war between humanity and demons." She shrugged and walked out of the classroom. Professor Snape stared blankly after her, rubbing his forearm. He bowed his head and closed his eyes, a picture of remorse bowed by the weight of years.

*** ***

Time flew by in the fall, as it always does. The leaves around the grounds began to change, and the students added an extra layer of sweaters to their usual garb. Hot cider was provided at teatime and the house elves made sure all the fires were lit. Willow was immersed in the world of Hogwarts, only occasionally wallowing in homesickness. She settled into a routine of sorts. Classes in the mornings, library in the afternoon, a walk at teatime, dinner and an evening in her rooms. Sometimes, she'd play games with Minerva, or have chats with Remus in the evenings. Mostly though, she kept to herself. Hermione was busy prepping for her N.E.W.Ts, and though they ran into each other in the library often, the stress levels coming off Hermione were enough to give Willow an ulcer by association. She hadn't really gotten to know any of the other students well, except Draco. Draco was acting decidedly odd, actually. He'd been nothing but friendly after the incident in the greenhouse, but she occasionally caught him watching her. It made her stomach flutter in ways she wasn't sure she liked, but he did nothing overt: an occasional comment here or there at meals, or when passing in the halls. She was believed he'd said something to the Slytherins since the whole lot of them, from the Crabbes and Goyles down to the newest first years were scrupulously polite. Unfortunately this made the Gryffindors suspicious, so she was pretty sure the only reason they were still friendly was because she and Hermione were.

High school is so complicated. Whoever said it was Hell was right
. She sighed and continued along her usual late afternoon walk. She held a large bag of raw meat in one hand as she carefully picked her way across the rocks by the side of the lake. The center of the lake swirled as the giant squid followed her progress.

"Hey Squidward. I brought you a snack." She opened the bag and threw a haunch of beef into the water as far as it would go. "I noticed Hagrid was back to bringing you sturgeons and the like, and I remembered you seemed to prefer beef, so I talked some of the house elves out of the haunch. I'd get you a whale to eat, but somehow I don't see Dumbledore being too happy about that. I hope you like it." He waved gently as one enormous tentacle snagged the meat and pulled it under the water. She watched for a moment before continuing.

She'd noticed one afternoon, sitting at her carrel in the library, that Hagrid fed the giant squid around lunchtime everyday. Other than that though, no one had much contact with the giant mollusk. Feeling perversely sorry for the creature, she made it a point to talk with it whenever she went to visit Tara's rock. There were dozens of small rock piles on or near the stone and Willow dutifully added the latest one.

Here you go, Tara. Another one for the pile. I gave Squidward a snack. Has he been good company?
She looked out at the lake, and noticed the ripples that indicated Squidward was on his way. It's hard to believe I've been here this long! This weekend is the big Halloween Ball. What do you think, Tara, should I go? I haven't been to a dance since Prom at Sunnydale High. Though, this one is less likely to have murderous hell-beasties trying to eat the participants. The rock remained silent. Well, I should go to Hogsmeade tomorrow anyway, even if I don't get some last minute stuff for the dance. I need a few more quills and some more quick drying ink. It is such a pain in the ass to write everything out long hand, but when I suggested computerizing the campus, Minerva spit out her coffee. Apparently that isn't such a good idea; the ghosts would be most upset or something. Sounded like bunk, but it's their place not mine. Oh! She scrambled up in surprise as Squidward lumped a huge boulder up from the bottom the lake. Three more followed as he created a larger version of the memorial stone piles that she'd brought for Tara. Touched, Willow began to tear up.

"Thanks, Squidward. I know you may not understand the custom, but I appreciate the sentiment. I'm glad you're taking care of Tara for me." He waved his tentacle gently and reached out to softly sucker her hand with his four-inch sucker pad before propelling himself away.

Well, that was odd. But sweet. Go figure, a giant squid named after a cartoon character from Sponge Bob Square Pants is sweet
. She sighed and scanned the woods by the side of the lake. She was having the sensation of being watched. Sometimes, when she sat out at the lake before dinner she was sure that something else was out there with her, though it never showed itself. Not eager to visit with any of the creatures in the Forbidden Forest, she usually ignored it. Today was no exception as she gathered her robes about her and laid her hand on the boulder.

I'll see you soon Tara. Hopefully I can come on Sunday and tell you all about how I didn't make a fool of myself at the ball
. She nodded her head once as a goodbye to the rock and to the giant squid and strolled into the Great Hall just before dinner. Passing the near end of the table on the way to her seat, she heard Hermione mention her name.

"Willow, there you are. I was just asking Professor McGonagall if she'd like to meet my parents tomorrow. I'd like you to meet them as well." Willow's face lit up in a smile. "They're allowed to visit Hogsmeade tomorrow with other Muggle parents of students. It's something new they've instated this year. Isn't it exciting!" Willow nodded.

"I'd love to meet your parents, Hermione. I was planning to go to Hogsmeade anyway to pick up some new writing supplies."

"Not to pick up anything for the dance?" Hermione suggested slyly.

Red-faced, Willow merely laughed and took her seat. Draco watched the exchange darkly. It seemed he'd be going to Hogsmeade tomorrow regardless of his mother's warning. He wasn't letting Willow out of his sight.

Chapter 9

The day of the Halloween dance dawned overcast and cloudy. Rolling dark gray clouds whirled overhead and while not cold, the weather was raw and oppressive. Severus Snape turned away from the window in the Headmaster's study and leaned against the heavy stone sill."You know what I think of this idea, Albus. It's asking for trouble."

"I heard you the first five times, Severus. The students are worried about their families, particularly the children of Muggle parentage. This weekend allows them to meet with their families in the relative safety of Hogsmeade and reassure themselves. It's good for morale; surely you must see that."

The Headmaster rooted through a drawer at the side of the desk before surfacing with a plain paper sack. "Ah, here they are. Mmmm, would you like one? No? Alright then, since you are so concerned, why don't you take the afternoon off and go to town yourself. You've been working yourself too hard anyway."

The black clad Potions professor snorted. "Fine Albus, I'll go play watchdog. I know Minerva is planning on going as well. Seems Miss Granger wishes to show off her parents to her favorite teachers… it's a wonder I wasn't invited." He rolled his eyes with a smirk. "But I'll be there, don't worry." He turned back to the window casing and traced the paths of the students across the lawn with intense eyes.

*** ***

Draco ran over the list again in his head, as well as the directions to the less frequented magic shop run by Alfonse Gliberman. He shouldered his rucksack and squinted his eyes at the sky before starting up the path to Hogsmeade. He'd seen Willow and Professor McGonagall walk out earlier with the Granger girl, ostensibly to meet her parents for lunch. Not wanting to be saddled with henchmen to stupid too realize what was going on;
he fobbed Crabbe and Goyle off on Pansy and Millicent, saying he had some errands to run for his mother. The others were suitably intimidated by Narcissa Malfoy to leave him alone.

His mother was a remarkable woman. She was the dragon lady of the social scene, running things her way and only her way for years. She organized the parties, banquets and fundraisers. She manipulated the backstage politics like a master. She was ruthless and socially ambitions. And she loved her son dearly. An endless supply of treats had made their way into the Slytherin common room courtesy of Narcissa, and she always seemed to know just what to get him for his birthday. She always seemed to know a lot of things, as it turned out. She'd come to his room right before school started and sat down to have a little chat.

Draco hadn't realized that she'd noticed any change in behavior over the last few months; Merlin knew his father noticed nothing. On the surface, their relationship was as it had always been. Lucius was mildly disappointed in his son's every action, and Draco was barely tolerant of his heavy-handed parenting. They stayed out of each other's way, mostly, except for mealtimes, wherein their conversation had mostly consisted of current events and Quidditch. It was rather boring.

Despite being the wife of a preeminent Death Eater, Narcissa had no interest in the politics of war. Her battles were fought over napkin arrangements and salad plates. She had no interest in Voldemort and his plans, as long as they didn't interrupt her brunch schedule. So when she sat on Draco's bed that sticky summer night and told him to be careful, his father would figure it out in time, he hadn't really been all that surprised. She'd hugged him close, and reminded him that she was always her son, no matter what happened, and that would always come first. Draco merely nodded his head and hugged her back, wrapped in the familiar sensation of home.

The path to Hogsmeade ended eventually and he turned his thoughts to the now rather than the then. Turning down a narrow lane three stores down from Honeydukes, he saw a shallow doorway marked only by a golden cauldron on the door. He opened it cautiously and stood in front of a dark wood counter to ring the bell. From behind the desk wandered the thinnest man Draco had ever seen. Skeletal in the extreme, Gliberman was almost six and a half feet tall, with long thin fingers and wild white hair.

"May I help you, sir?"

Draco nodded and handed him the list he'd fished from his bag. "My name is Draco Malfoy, sir, and my mother Narcissa believes you can help me obtain these items."

Gliberman plucked the list from Draco's outstretched hand. Skimming over it briefly, he arched one white eyebrow before responding. "Hmm, these items are not usually seen together any longer. It will take a few minutes, Master Malfoy. Unless I am mistaken, you may wish to make a trip to Nimela's Glitters across the way. She would probably stock something suitable. I will have the items ready for you when you are finished."
Nodding his thanks, and understanding, Draco left the small shop and turned further down the alley. Nimela's turned out to be an artfully decorated store specializing in ornamental metalwork, especially jewelry. Draco grinned, grateful for Gliberman's advice; the shop would indeed be perfect. Nimela herself was behind the counter when he arrived. Before he had a chance to ask, she was already speaking.

"Ah. You're in search of something specific, aren't you my dear. A pair of somethings, unless I'm mistaken."
Taken aback, Draco nodded and described the details. Nimela returned with a tray of items to choose from, and Draco's eyes lit up. "These two will be perfect. Please wrap them in the same box, if you will." She nodded and wrapped them in shiny opalescent paper. Slipping the box into his bag, he returned to Gliberman's.

"Here you are, Master Malfoy. Please give your mother my warmest regards. And if you would be so kind, let her know that the Chameleon Eggs she so favors are back in stock." Draco thanked the elderly shopkeeper and turned only to stop short at the reflection in the window.

With a gasp, he backed up slightly, wondering if there was an enchantment on the glass. Draco was certain he could see himself, 20 years in the future, before he came to his senses and realized he was staring at his father. Lucius was staring right back with a scowl on his features. Sighing, Draco left the shop.


Lucius nodded. "Draco. I was not aware you would be in town today. No matter, you may as well come see the show. It's about to begin." With an empathetic swipe of his cane, Lucius strode down the alley, a curious Draco at his heels.

*** ***

The Three Broomsticks was bustling with weekend visitors. Hermione's parents were gracefully hosting a herd of witches and wizards for lunch. Harry and Ron were there of course, as well as Fred and George, taking the afternoon off from their joke shop, Minerva McGonagall and Remus Lupin held down the teacher contingent, and Willow sat at the far end with Hermione. The table with Willow and her companions was just as noisy
as the rest of the pub and she found herself wishing for a little more peace and quiet. It seemed that the Grangers felt the same way, and with a volleyof good wishes, they stood to leave. Politely excusing herself, Willow stood as well.

"I hope you don't mind me walking out with you. I want to do some window shopping before heading back to school."

Mrs. Granger smiled warmly. "Not at all dear, you're welcome. We're so glad you could join us for lunch. Hermione says you come from a similar background in America, and it's good for her to have friends that can relate."

Laughing a tad nervously, Willow responded. "Er, yes. Well. I'm delighted to have gotten to know Hermione and her friends as well. Everyone here has been very friendly, but they are closer to my own age than most of the teachers."

The Grangers nodded before gathering up their things. "We're headed over to the rail station. Wish the floo network worked for our home, but not during the school year. Ah well." As Mr. Granger bent down to pick up a shopping bag, Willow noticed a faint shimmering in the air behind them.Out of nowhere, several black robed figures popped into the middle of the street. Deep hoods obscured their faces and the fabric of their robes was
so dark it seemed to absorb the light. The middle figure of the three pointed his wand at the Grangers and muttered something unintelligible.

Suddenly the pair of Muggles screamed as they were yanked 20 feet into the air. Patrons rushed out of the Three Broomsticks and Hermione flung herself down the stairs at the attackers. Before she got very far, however, one shouted out "Petrificus" and she fell to the ground, petrified. As the Granger's screams became those of pain, panic threatened to boil over.

Willow stood away from the crowd. The first few seconds of the drama, she merely watched. The next few, however, she reminded herself that she was in fact capable of doing something. Then she did.

Soundlessly, she raised her arm and curled her fingers. The Grangers were suddenly no longer floating; they were on the ground near a newly unpetrified Hermione. Sobbing, she embraced her parents. Their prey abducted, the Death Eaters rounded on Willow.

"Oh please," she said. "You aren't even trying very hard. Floating? Lame. It's so been done before." She ducked as all three sent hexes and curses her way. "That's just sad. Let me show you how it's done."

With one flick of her wrist, the wizard's wands burst into flame. "See, that's much more dramatic. Wood is just so fragile and easy to burn." The three Death Eaters dropped their flaming wands with small shrieks of pain. Snarling, the self-styled leader leapt at Willow. With one whispered word, "Thicken," he stuck and hung midair.
Inwardly, Willow was having a battle of her own. The magic, so long contained was rushing through her system. She could feel the power, swirling through her, and it called to her. It told her how to defeat the enemy, so powerless and puny. It called for their destruction; it was only just. She shook her head as her eyes began to glow with night.

Fighting for control, Willow screamed, "No!" as she gathered the three to her with invisible strands and pushed. Then there was silence. The street was empty of black clad figures and Willow stood alone, her hands limply by her side, her head bowed, eyes closed. She trembled and stood as still as she could, binding the magic back inside.

*** ***

Down the streets, three sets of eyes watched with great interest. Severus Snape had just stepped out of the bookstore. He saw the Death Eaters appear at the end of the street, but was too far away to do anything. With growing dread, he watched Willow dispatch them quickly. He didn't see a noble hero, he saw someone desperately fighting herself, and nearly loosing. A cold feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Assured that Minerva and Remus would keep everything together, he strode rapidly down the path back to Hogwarts.
The Malfoys stood near Honeydukes. Draco watched his father's face shift from arrogant amusement to black rage and frustration in a matter of seconds. "Who is she?" he snarled.

Carefully schooling his features into blank neutrality, Draco responded, "Well father, you were right. That was quite a show." Lucius sent Draco a look that would melt stone and with a flick of his wand, he apparated away.
Draco stood for a few minutes watching the scene in down the street. The bystanders began to move again, and McGonagall had reached Willow's side. He couldn't hear what she said, but Willow shook her head. He hefted the weight of his pack in his hands and his face broke out into a very wolfish grin. A long time ago, when Draco was very small, his father and mother had taken him to the races. Sitting on Lucius's knee, Draco was
asked to pick the winner. He pointed to a particularly beautiful silver stallion, the same color as Draco's eyes.
"That one, Father." Lucius raised his eyebrows and pointed discreetly towards a massive, ugly beast, rearing away from its handler.

"No Draco. This one. Always bet the most powerful horse, son. Power is everything." The ugly horse won the race beating the beautiful stallion by almost a length. Standing now in the shade of a garishly colored candy store, he thought back on that early lesson. Now, now Father, the rules have changed. And you may be surprised at the outcome. He watched Willow being led back into the tavern and had to admit for the first time that he was just a little bit in love. Shaking his head, he hummed as he started back to school.

*** ***

Willow accepted the mug of butter beer with slightly shaking hands. The tavern was quietly rumbling with fevered talk and the group from lunch was crowded close around her. Pushing past the boys, Hermione threw herself at Willow in a massive hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! I don't know what you did, but it saved my parents." Her eyes were full of tears and her voice trembled. Her parents followed close behind and both embraced Willow as well.

"Hermione said it best. We don't know what to say, except thank you. I don't know what those awful men were up to, but if it hadn't been for you…"

Mr. Granger let the thought trail off.

"I'm sure someone else would have done something. I just happened to be closest," she murmured quietly, desperately hoping to be left alone.

Sensing her distress, Minerva shooed the others away saying, "You'll all have an opportunity to talk to Willow later. I think it would be best to give her a little space now, don't you think?" Reluctantly the crowd dispersed to other tables, but Willow could still feel their eyes.

She stared at the mug and gently swirled the golden liquid around. "You saw, didn't you." Minerva cocked her head as she took a seat. "Oh, maybe you didn't. It doesn't matter."

"You did a very brave thing, child. I don't know what's bothering you so much, but rest assured, you did more than anyone could have asked, especially so rapidly." She patted the back of Willow's hand. "I am proud of you, dear. There's to be no doubt about that. You look tired. I'm sure you'll want some rest before the big dance tonight. And rest assured that everyone will know about this afternoon by then. You probably won't
get a minute to yourself."

Willow had to smile at that. She was fairly sure she hadn't done anything illegal; she'd used no unforgivables and hadn't harmed the attackers. Well, it's nice to have some recognition for once. I'll take a nice long bath when I get back. That should do the trick. Taking a deep breath she stood.

"You're right Minerva, I am a little tired. I think I'll head back now that I've done my shopping, had lunch and beaten the bad guys."

"That's the spirit. Come, I'll walk back with you. Leave Remus here to deal with the children and the questions." She pulled the werewolf aside as they headed out of the door. "Remus, Willow and I are going to walk back to the school. If anyone starts asking questions, try to head them off. As for the wand, encourage them to think they just over looked it in the excitement."

Remus nodded, "Will do. Hope you get some rest this afternoon, Willow, cause you'd better save a dance for me." He winked and went back inside.

"Dance," Willow squeaked, pulling her cloak closer to fend of the wind. "I haven't danced since Cotillion when I was twelve."

Minerva laughed, "Don't worry dear, you'll do fine."

Chapter 10

The Great Hall was decked out in its usual Halloween splendor. Giant pumpkins, large enough to stand in, were hollowed out and lined with candles. The floating candles that normally adorned the ceiling were black and trailing streamers of orange, gold and black. The house elves charmed several shadows to prowl around like black cats and Hagrid had brought in a collection of fruit bats and set them loose.

At the far end of the hall was a stage full of instruments both convention and… slightly unusual. The band members were loitering by the punch bowl, liberally spiking their punch before ascending the stage. No students had arrived yet, but the teachers all gathered by the head table.

"Everyone all ready for this?" Minerva asked. The teachers responded with various levels of excitement. Remus Lupin was fairly bouncing, though part of that was due to the arrival of Sirius Black. The old friends were delighted to have some time to chat once Sirius had ascertained that Harry hadn't been any sort of target that morning. The other teachers fell down the scale of anticipation ending with Severus Snape. Poor Severus looked miserable, but Minerva suspected that it had something to do with the events in Hogsmeade rather than the dance. He'd never liked chaperoning them, but he'd never been this jumpy. He stared at the doorway like it was going to bite him and paced back and forth.

She vaguely paid attention to the threads of conversation swirling through the faculty, but when she heard Poppy Pomphrey say, "So, did she say where she sent them?" She stepped in.

"Poppy, I believe we covered this already. Miss Rosenberg stated that once she destroyed their wands she apparated them somewhere it would be very difficult to come back from on their own. They would have to be located by whoever sent them and manually collected." She did not add that she didn't really understand Willow's rather cryptic statement of "Mall of the Americas" though she gathered it was someplace unpleasant. The gossip quieted down as the first of the younger children filtered in as herds of non-mingling boys and girls.

Gradually, the older students began to arrive. Entering from different doors, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dean, Seamus and their dates headed for the dance floor opposite Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, and Millicent. Their dresses and robes were much more complicated and intricate than the younger set. Some were beautiful, though some, like Millicent's swirling neon pink puffball, were in questionable taste. The music was loud, but varied, and everyone found something they wished to dance to. A black clad Draco lurked near the wall. His robes were of a much more severe cut than the other students and were trimmed with a platinum border. He surveyed the crowd with distain and helped himself to punch, sighing as he spiked his cup from an elegant silver hip flask, glaring at Madame Sprout as she made a motion in his direction. She decided he wasn't hurting anything and left him alone.

Remus walked over to his friend and handed him a glass. "Here you go, Sirius. How're you holding up?"

The lean, dark haired man waved his hand non-commitally. "Fine I guess. Nearly had a heart attack this morning. I just can't wrap my head around a bold attack in the middle of Hogsmeade. Seems stupid."

"Yeah. But I guess they were hoping to catch us off guard. I know Severus' mark has been bothering him recently, so we sort of suspected something, but not this. We were lucky to have Willow there."

Sirius favored his friend with a close look. "Yes; what about this Willow? Harry mentioned she was American, but he didn't mention how she could soundly kick the asses of three Death Eaters at once."

"Well, you'll see for yourself in a moment. She is… unique and potentially very valuable to our cause if we work with her right. She gives Severus the wiggins though. Never could figure out why. Pretty girl," he added as an afterthought. His friend snorted. "Fine, disagree if you will, but you should look for yourself." He waved a hand to the doorway where Willow stood framed in backlight from the hallway.

Her hair hung loose and smooth, cascading to just around her shoulders. The deep forest green of her robes appeared almost black in the low light. She fidgeted with her fingers before moving more fully into the hall. The robes were two layered, the under layer a lighter green than the top and made of a slightly shiny material. The upper layer was of smooth napped velvet and clung close to her curves. It was fitted through the sleeves and had a low sweetheart neckline and high collar. She scanned the room for familiar figures and broke out into a smile when she saw Remus leaning against the table. She walked swiftly over and accepted a glass of punch.

"Willow, this my friend Sirius Black. You may have heard of him…" He arched an eyebrow in question.

"I have. Nice to meet you, Sirius. Pretty decorations." She mused as she looked around. The hall was getting noisy, and she moved closer to hear the men's responses.

"Well, Willow, It's nice to meet you as well. I can honestly say how glad I am you were visiting Hogsmeade today. In case you didn't know, I'm Harry's godfather, and anything to do with Death Eaters makes me nervous." He smiled a winning smile as he took her hand. "And as such, will you do me the honor a dance?" Willow blushed but nodded and he led her out to the dance floor.

Harry grinned and waved as he pointed out the dancing couple to his friends. The music was upbeat and brisk and in no time, Willow was giggling breathlessly. She was almost sorry when the dance came to an end, but she was whirled off into Harry's arms before she could object. While not as adept as his godfather, Harry's enthusiasm was contagious. He managed not to step on her feet as he twirled her around. Gasping for air, she begged off of the next dance and returned to the head table.

"Looks like you enjoyed your dancing, dear." Willow fanned her face as Minerva handed her a glass of ice water. "I told you that you'd have no problem."

"Well, this isn't too exact. I just have to keep my feet out of the way." She looked out at the tumultuous crowd and a dark shape by the doorway caught her attention. Snape was regarding her much like a cobra looks at a mongoose and she shivered slightly. "Is this the sort of music you usually play at these dances? I always thought it would be sort of… weirder. Or at least that's what the books said. This is so… modern, for lack of a better word."

"Well, we do have a traditional Halloween dance that is quite complicated but that comes at midnight. I suppose that gives people enough time to relax enough to want to try their hand, or feet, at it. Not many know how to do it these days, but some of the teachers, and definitely the ghosts, want to participate. I used to love to dance…" she trailed off. Willow smiled sympathetically, reminded that others had lost people close to them as well. Until that moment, she was shocked to realize that she hadn't thought of Tara all night.

Frowning, she didn't even notice Hermione and Ron approaching. Hermione gave Ron a shove in her direction. "Willow." Hermione poked him in the back. "Would you like to dance?"

She couldn't help grinning as she nodded. "Sure, Ron, I'd love to. Lead the way." Ron trotted out to the edge of the dance floor and awkwardly grasped her hand.


She cocked her head. "Not a dancer, Ron?"

"That would be a huge no. Not at all. To be honest, I'm only out here cause Hermione threatened to break my broom." He gave a woeful look in his girlfriend's direction. Seeing no sympathy there, he sighed. "No chance you'd want to lead then?"

Willow smiled sadly, "No Ron, I don't mind at all. I'm used to leading." She careful coached his hands into a more comfortable position and gently rocked them around in the typical young person's 'circle' dance that mostly consisted of trying not to tread on each other's toes while checking out the other people on the dance floor. To her surprise, she didn't see Draco's familiar white hair. "Uh, Ron, not that you'd know, but where's Draco?"

Ron stiffened in surprise. "I have absolutely no idea. Off plotting something horrible no doubt." He sighed. "Actually, he's standing over there by the wall, watching us. I hate when he does that; it's creepy."

Willow craned her head in an attempt to casually look around. Guiding Ron so his back was to the wall, her eyes met Draco's and to her surprise he winked back at her before moving further down the wall into a darker corner. Well. Maybe he is planning something then. The musical number ended and she and Ron walked back to a waiting Hermione.

"Well, I see you managed not to step on her toes Ron." He blushed. "You look lovely tonight, Willow. Mom and Dad wanted to make sure that you knew that you were welcome to visit them at any time. Or, if the need arose, come to them for dentist stuff. They have this teeth thing, you understand."

Nodding, Willow rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah. Except with my parents, it was whether I was 'normal' for my age group. They're psychiatrists", she added as a way of explanation.

Hermione nodded knowingly, but Ron looked back at her blankly. She added, "You probably don't have them in the wizarding world, or they aren't very common. Just trust me; I'm very glad my parents were dentists instead." He nodded, but still looked confused. Ron looked towards the clock at the head of the room.

"Oh, it's almost 11:30! Only half an hour till the entertainment starts."

"Entertainment?" queried Willow.

Waving his hand to indicate the crowd, Ron said, "You know- the traditional Halloween screw-up? Where a bunch of people who have no idea how to dance try to replicate the Preatur Arabesque. It's hysterical. Though, it can be beautiful if you do it right. My mum says when she was at school here McGonagall and her husband used to put on a show. Some of the ghosts can do it right, but none of us kids ever learned." He grimaced. "Actually, I think Mum tried to teach us when we were little, but since she couldn't do it right and Dad has even less rhythm than I do; it was a colossal failure."

Remus wandered up. "I see you're checking the clock. Perhaps I could get that dance you promised me, Willow, before the witching hour. You can already see all the ghosts lining up at the walls. They get so excited." He extended his hand and led Willow to an empty space at the center of the floor. "I'm glad we got a chance to dance. You looked like you were having fun with Sirius and Harry earlier, though Ron could probably have used some help."

She nodded a bit ruefully. "Yeah. But he was very nice about it and let me lead." Smiling the couple turned a few more times around the floor before the music stopped.

The leader of the band tapped on his microphone. "Ladies, gentlemen and gentleghosts. We are going to take a short break before getting on with the hit of the evening. So take a breather yourselves and grab some punch." He nodded at his band mates and they set their instruments down.

Remus and Willow joined Sirius, Harry, Ron and Hermione at a small round table circled with chairs. "So, is anyone going to try it this year?" Sirius asked indicating the whole table.

Ron burst into hysterical laugher and Hermione rubbed her feet. "I rather think not."

"So not you two. What about you, Willow, Remus?" Willow blushed and shook her head.

"I'm afraid I'd have no idea how. I've never seen it done."

"That's a shame, it's quite nice." At the collected stares, he amended, "So I hear. I've never managed it myself. No patience." They relaxed back into their chairs and watched the band reassemble. When they were almost set, Willow jumped at touch at her elbow.

When she turned around, Draco stood in a shadow, the platinum lining on his robes gleaming like starlight. He held out his hand. "Care to honor me with this dance?"

Willow held out her hand in response without realizing what she was doing. It was only steps from the dance floor that she came to her senses. "Draco! I have no idea how to do this dance. I didn't think any of the students did."

He placed one hand around her waist and the other grasped her hand firmly. "I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. I am a Malfoy; I learned how to do this dance with my Mother when I was very young. And as for you- dancing is like magic. Just feel it flowing through your limbs. Relax and let it take you away." His voice had gotten softer and softer as he spoke until his lips nearly touched Willow's ear. She found herself melting into the words and embrace and only belatedly realized they were moving. Startled, she stiffened. "Shh," he whispered. "Just be here in the now. Let me guide you through the steps; don't think."

With a sense of detachment, she surrendered to the dance. She kept her eyes on Draco, noticing his robes, the smooth line of his hair as it fell down his shoulders, the angular set of his jaw, the icy chill of his eyes as he looked down into her face. Suddenly, the quiet part of her brain began to scream, too soon! Too soon! She gasped slightly and Draco arched one smooth eyebrow in response before spinning her out into a series of complicated turns.

When he recaptured her, he bent his head to hers again.

"Did something startle you?"

"No… I just had a small argument with my subconscious."

"Hmm, that must have been quite interesting. But I can think of something considerably more interesting, your little show this afternoon, for instance. I must say, that does answer some questions about your behavior in the greenhouse the other day."

Willow's first reaction was to flee. Pushing back slightly out of the hold, she found herself caught even tighter in Draco's embrace. He ran his hand down her side to rest at the curve of her hip.

Bending near, his voice was silky and deadly all at once. "Ah, ah. Little Firestarter, you are mine for at least this dance, perhaps longer if I have my say. I don't mean to startle you. In fact, I'd like to say how impressed I was. I don't think I've seen my father that upset in a long time. Congratulations."

Willow looked up and was surprised to discover his eyes were no longer hard and glacial. They were open and almost vulnerable and she found herself leaning closer to the warm length of his side.

Without warning, he separated them and guided Willow through a set of complicated steps. She found if she continued to look at his face, she paid no attention to where her feet were leading her. She could vaguely sense the crowd had receded to leave a space around them, but it was of no consequence. Her heart was thumping, and the tips of her fingers were tingling where she touched Draco. The pair seemed to float along the steps of the dance in their own world.

He led them back together for the final turns of the dance. "See how well you dance, Firestarter? I knew you'd be perfect since the moment I saw you." He drew her near again. He sighed. "I never wanted to alarm you. You do believe me?"

She nodded without taking her eyes from his. "I know. I'm just… cautious. You can never tell about people, and you don't have the most… trustworthy reputation."

Draco grinned outwardly at that remark. "Perhaps not. And perhaps it is deserved, but that doesn't change how I… never mind." He directed his attention to making sure the ending to the dance was perfect. The last few steps were executed in silence until he and Willow stood side by side as the music died.

When Willow came to her senses, she saw that she and Draco were alone in the middle of a vacant dance floor. The entire rest of the Hogwarts population lined the floor and were clapping. Her eyes widened in surprise. Draco smiled a bit lopsidedly and he indicated they should bow. "It's nice to show them how it's supposed to be done, isn't it?" With that parting comment, he raised Willow's hand to his lips. Meeting his eyes over her hand, Willow inhaled sharply at the intensity she saw lurking behind the silver irises. Then he was gone. She found herself surrounded by thoroughly impressed friends.

"You said you didn't know how to dance!" Hermione shrieked. "That was amazing! Who knew Draco could do that? And you! You held out on us, all little Miss 'I've never seen it done!' Liar!"

Willow blushed and shook her head. "Really, I never…" but she was cut off by a thump on the back.

Remus and Sirius were standing there with broad grins on their faces. "Next year, you'll have to show us how to do that." She smiled, searching the hall for the familiar silver head.

"Erm, fine. I will. If you'll excuse me."

She worked her way out of the crowd of well wishers, trying to find the object of her search. She couldn't see him anywhere so she headed out the main doors. She turned to head outside but was arrested by a light touch on her arm and softly hissed words.

"Going somewhere Miss Rosenberg? And after such an amusing display…" She wheeled around to face Severus Snape, his eyes glowing darkly as he pulled her down the hallway towards the less frequented area of the castle.

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