Always You

By Angel Jade

Part One

It would have been nice to know how he had ended up alone with the not so souled vampire. But that really didn't matter right now. His life was somewhat more important. That wasn't Angel who looked back at him, deep and intense eyes that were no longer. Instead, they were cold. They looked at him as a child looks at their food as they play with it. A sort of vague disinterest with the ghost of an amused smile forming.

Because that was all he was now. Food. No longer the enemy. No longer the evil lawyer who has crossed him at every opportunity. He was food.

Then why wasn't he dead?

Maybe it would be slow. Or maybe Angelus would let him go. After all, Lindsey had been the one to bring him back. His sources had told him about Angel's interesting effect to the drug. Angelus was back, just as the senior partners had wanted. Lindsey had been sent to bring him to them. Lindsey had been the one to drug Angel's blood supply. And now he was fucked.

And he deserved it.

Suddenly Angel was not the enemy anymore. He was the good guy. Seeing them, or rather, seeing Angelus made it clear. He wanted Angel back. Anything but this guy. This thing.

"What are you thinking, Lindsey?" Angelus asked, leaning against the door. The door of the basement. The door out of here.

Lindsey stuttered, trying desperately to reclaim his infamous articulacy. "I…I was…" He was cut off before he could come out with a pathetic excuse.

"You're wondering if I'm going to kill you aren't you?" Angelus asked, a small half-smile forming on his face.

"Are you?" Lindsey asked, calmly. `Keep your cool. He'll respect that.'

"Probably." Angelus said, dismissively. "But I think you have more important things to worry about first."

"I do?" Lindsey asked, keeping his sentences short. Keeping Angelus talking. Who knows, maybe Angel's friends would show up and kill the bastard.

"If I were you, I wouldn't worry about dying, I'd worry about how long I'm gonna keep you alive."

`Oh.' Lindsey thought. Not much he could say to that.

"You," Angelus said, pointing at him emphatically, "are doing it again."

Lindsey snapped his head up and looked at the vampire who'd begun to descend the stairs of the basement, towards him. "Doing what?"

"Always with the thinking, Lindsey." Angelus said, dramatically. "You remind me of a certain soul I'd rather not mention." Angelus laughed. "Always brooding. Thinking about all the bad things you've done."

Lindsey frowned and realised what he meant. He'd never thought about it like that before. Ironic isn't it. He destroys the side of the vampire that reminds him of himself. That makes sense.

"You're not your usual talkative self." Angelus stated, wondering idly towards him. Lindsey stepped back. Not out of fear, but of lack of desire to be near him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Lindsey asked, hoping that a conversation would pass the time. Anything but torture. Anything but death.

Angelus cocked his head and watched the attractive young man squirm. "I rather not. You see…we don't exactly have much time. I'd rather just play."

"Much time?" Lindsey asked. "You've got plenty of time."

Angelus smiled at this. Lindsey didn't know. Lindsey thought it was a permanent change. If Angelus had anything to do with it, it would be. And that was why he didn't have much time. Had to find a way to lose his soul completely. But for now…

"Yes…plenty of time. How does a month of pain and humiliation sound to you, Lindsey?" Angelus asked.

Lindsey went pale. "S…sounds good. But you should really hire a professional to do that to you. I'm no expert. But I'd be willing to help out." Lindsey mocked. `Cocky. Good, get yourself killed. Better than a month of torture.'

Lindsey felt his back hit the wall and his vision blurred. Angelus pressed Lindsey to the wall and stared at him, his eyes acquiring an evil gleam of pleasure. Lindsey was aware he was afraid now. And that the vampire could smell it.

"Cocky. I like that. Makes it so much more fun to see you crying and begging later on." Angelus smirked.

`And the day just keeps getting worse.' Lindsey tried to push the vampire off him, but Angelus didn't move. It suddenly dawned on Lindsey exactly how strong Angelus was. "Wolfram and Hart want to see you."

Angelus laughed. "And they will. I'll deliver your body myself." A thought occurred to Angelus. If anyone could destroy his soul for good…they could. But would they, without their little hotshot lawyer, Lindsey McDonald?

"You don't want to piss them off, Angel." Lindsey warned, the wrong name accidentally slipping out.

Angelus' eyes glazed in anger. He lifted Lindsey up by his throat, almost crushing his windpipe. "What was that?"

"Angelus…I'm sorry." Lindsey gasped, when Angelus didn't let go. He couldn't breathe. "Please, I'm sorry."

Angelus smirked and let Lindsey go. "Didn't think you'd be so quick to beg. Thought you'd last a while. Guess I was wrong." Angelus ridiculed.


Lindsey moaned as he was slammed into the wall again. So far things were going well. Angelus was beating the crap out of him. But so far…no torture. The vampire seemed content to beat him up. The occasional fist to his face. Or maybe a foot in his stomach as he lay on the floor, bleeding and weak.

Although it hurt like hell, Lindsey preferred this to any other of the punishments Angelus had waiting for him. But Angelus had other plans. After all, he was in a rush.

He reached down and pulled Lindsey up by his hair. Broken and weak, the young man scrambled to stand and relieve Angelus' pulling. His legs ached, but he forced himself to stand and allowed Angelus to drag him away from the wall.

Angelus threw him back down and Lindsey landed rather painfully on his knees. Angelus looked down and smirked at him, walking closer.

Lindsey went red when he realised how close his face was to Angelus' groin. He tried to lean back, but it hurt his back too much. He looked down at the floor, anywhere but at what was staring him right in the face.

"Look at me, Lindsey." Angelus said, dripping with amusement at Lindsey's embarrassment.

Lindsey raised his bruised face to look the vampire in the eye. He felt sick when he saw the look in Angelus' eyes. Lindsey knew at once what Angelus was going to ask…tell him to do.

Angelus knew from the terrified look in Lindsey's eyes that he knew what he was about to be forced to do.

"Angelus…" He said, his voice shaking.

"Quiet." Angelus demanded. "There are much better uses for that mouth."

The wave of fear hit Angelus like a tidal wave. It was a powerful aphrodisiac. His cock was straining against his pants, waiting desperately.

Lindsey shook his head and went to stand up but Angelus placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him down forcefully. He tutted at him.

"Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey." He said, playfully. "We're not done here."

"Fuck you!" Lindsey yelled, his fear turning to anger.

Angelus reached down and grabbed Lindsey's jaw painfully, lifting his head so Lindsey looked right at him. "I feel teeth and you'll feel pain in ways you can't imagine." Angelus warned.

Lindsey had a thousand insults to throw at him but none of them came to mind. Possibly a result of being so close to another guys cock. He watched as Angelus unzipped the pants right in front of him.

And then Lindsey's nightmare began…

