A Night In - Discoveries


Xander looked at the peroxide hared vampire and sighed. Spike looked as fed up as he felt. In a way Xander felt sorry for him, being fangless and tied to a chair. The craziness of it all forced a small snigger from his throat. Who would have thought Spike, William the Bloody, would end up in a small town like Sunnydale, put in a wheel chair, by the Slayer no less. Then loosing his girlfriend of decades to a butt ugly demon, get attacked by the Initiative who took his bite away and then being forced to drink pigs' blood while tied to a chair in Xander's basement. A British accent snapped him out of his thoughts. He realised that he had been staring at Spike and he had noticed. Shaking his head he returned his attention back to the peroxide vampire.


Sighing Spike answered impatiently "I said, what the bloody hell are you laughing at mate"

Xander laughed again before collapsing on the bed, shaking his head he answered truthfully "Nothing, everything" the only response he received from Spike was a raised eyebrow so he continued, "Life . . .or in your case unlife" Sighing he finished "Sucks don't it?"

"You got that right mate!" Spike looked down at the thick ropes tied around his body, flexing his wrists a few times he sighed. "I don't suppose you'd untie me, cos the ropes kinda chafe my skin a bit" He didn't actually expect a reply and was surprised when he didn't receive a sarcastic or mocking answer.

"Sure" Spike's head snapped up at the soft reply, he opened his mouth to make a comment but nothing came out. He watched in bewilderment as Xander cut through the ropes with Spikes own knife. When the ropes were loosened he pulled them off and moved his stiff muscles; standing up he stretched and waited for the catch to come. When it didn't he turned his attention back to Xander who was walking over to the fridge.

Xander didn't know what it was but he felt totally at ease with Spike. He wasn't as annoying as he always pretended to be and they often had good conversations when no one else was around. Although they would never tell anyone else that. Defiantly not Buffy. But Spike was the only person he knew who could give as good as he got in an argument. And he respected him for that and plus it was fun. Reaching into the fridge he grabbed a six-pack and turned to look at Spike who was looking at him with a puzzled statement. Smiling he pointed to the cans "Wanna beer?" he didn't wait for an answer instead he sat on the bed and groaned. "You couldn't pass the TV remote could you? I hear there's a good Passions series on!"

Spike raised his scarred eyebrow and reached for the remote with his right hand before climbing on the bed next to Xander. "I didn't take you for a Passions type of bloke" he spoke as he opened a can of beer.

Xander flicked on the TV before relaxing, "There's a lot you don't know about me . . . mate"

Spike smirked. Indeed there was a lot more to Alexander Harris than meets the eye.
