The Morning After


By Binzey

Xander woke slowly. His head was pounding and his body was shaking. He hadn't felt this bad since . . . "Ok what demon was it?" He mumbled softly, his voice was rough and husky. He felt a wave of nausea sweep over him quickly and he groaned again.

He couldn't remember anything from last night and he hoped to God that he hadn't done anything stupid. Keeping his eyes closed he tried to remember anything that could equal to making himself feel this bad.

When he couldn't think of an answer he groaned again and turned over quickly only to feel himself fall. When his mind finally caught up with him he was lying flat out on the hard wooden floor. It took a few more seconds to recognise the dull ache in his back from the impact and his ears to make sense of the loud bang. "Ow!" Xander hissed. Shaking his head slightly, he opened his eyes only to be greeted with the sight of a snarling pissed off vampire. With a startled yelp Xander scrambled backwards only to hit his head against the wall. Gritting his teeth at the pain Xander scowled.

The vampire slowly relaxed and scowled back before throwing himself onto the rumpled bed. He held his head firmly between his hands. "Don't you know not to wake a vamp so early in the morning?" an annoyed British accent snapped at him.

"Don't you know not to shove your 'vamp face' directly in front of a someone when they just woke up?"

"You startled me" Spike stated.

"Em excuse me? But who nearly had the heart attack?"

"Well it was rather amusing"

"Tell that to my heart" Xander mumbled taking deep breaths.

Only a slightly amused chuckle could be hear over Xander's erratic breathing.

When his breathing slowed and his heart stopped trying to break it's way through his ribcage he spoke to Spike directly. "Ugh! Remind me never to touch alcohol again"

A loud laugh broke through the silence "How about tonight, mate?"

"Ok" Xander replied quickly, slightly regretting his decision as soon as it left his lips.

"Now shut up and let me get back to sleep!" Spike stated.

"No need to be grouchy just cos you got a hangover" Xander mocked, wishing that the thumping in his head would stop.

Spike looked at the dark hared youth and raised eyebrow mockingly. "And you ain't?" he smirked.

Xander seemed to consider his answer slowly before he pulled himself to his feet and staggered over to the bed "Good point now move over"

As soon as his head touched the pillow Xander fell into a deep sleep, only to be shortly followed by a very tired vampire.

