A Night Out

By Binzey

Xander stood leaning against the closed bathroom door. His heart pounded against his ribcage as he tried to gain a calming breath. He couldn't remember ever moving as fast.

Well there was that time in the Cafeteria with fish boy. His mind reminded him sarcastically, how did Cordy put it again? Oh yea "Ran like a woman" And then there was the time after that, and the time after that . . . ok so he had a reputation for running, there was nothing wrong with that . . .was there?

Pushing the thought to the back of his mind he shakily made his way over to the mirror hanging above the sink. Running a hand through his hair he gazed up at his reflection and signed. His face was ashen and his pupils dilated, not to mention the state of his hair! He was glad that no one important was here to see it. Bleach-boy-wonder didn't count. Now if Cordelia were here he would never live it down. Sighing he silently wondered what she was up too and how she was coping working for Deadboy. Mentally he vowed that he would find out.

Quickly turning on the cold water he splashed his face repeatedly to remove all thoughts from his mind. Brushing his teeth he reached over and turned the shower on. Shedding his clothes he stepped under the warm spray and allowed the warm water to soothe his stiff muscles. Taking a deep breath he allowed himself to truly relax and set his mind on the task at hand. Washing.


Spike sat staring at the floor lost in thought, he could hear the Whelp moving around in the bathroom but he wasn't paying much attention. His demon was restless and it took all his concentration to keep it at bay. It wanted to kick the door down and feast on the dark hared human in the other room, drain him completely until there was nothing left. But he knew he never would. Not as long as he had the chip stuck in his head. Well that was the excuse anyway. If he really wanted them all dead, they would be, pure and simple. Not that he could do it himself, but there were a few demons that owed him favours. Favours they would be willing to repay as quickly or as painfully as possible.

It was at that moment that there was a loud scream and a thud coming from the bathroom that made even Spike jump. Spinning around, he was just in time to see a thoroughly wet and shaken Xander burst through the door.

"What's the matter Whelp, you see a spider?" He mocked only partly concerned.

Xander gripped the towel tightly around his stomach. Dark hair stuck to his forehead and water ran down his face and dripped onto his broad shoulders. His whole body glistened with water droplets that flew everywhere with every uncontrollable shake of his body. "W-w-wat-ter C-c-co-ld!" he stammered.

The expression on Xander's face was priceless and Spike couldn't help it. He threw his head back and laughed.

He was still laughing when a pillow hit him directly in the face. "Oi" the vampire shouted, but it was Xander's turn to laugh. And laugh he did. He was still laughing when he returned to the bathroom with clean clothes in hand.

Growling Spike made his way over to the small fridge and pulled out a packet of blood. Looking at it in disgust, he grimaced and quickly bit through the thin plastic packaging, draining it quickly. Ugh! Pigs' blood! But it was better than nothing. Throwing the empty packet into the bin, he pulled out another cigarette and lit it quickly.

Five minutes later and a clean, warm and dressed Xander emerged through the open door. Picking up a light jacket, the vampire and the human stepped over the basement threshold and into the cool night air. Quickly locking the door behind them, they both started walking down the quiet and deserted street.

The atmosphere between them was still strained, both were in deep thought over what had happened in Xander's basement. However, the previous encounters that had just occurred had lightened Xander's mood. He couldn't believe that he had reacted the way he had. It wasn't as if he had liked it . . ok so he had, but that was something he would never admit too, not even if Willow used her 'Resolved Face'.

Sneaking a side-view glance at the tall blonde, Xander admitted to himself that Spike was indeed a good looking man. Xander wasn't blind, he could admit when a man was attractive. Deadboy was buff, Riley was ok, and Spike, well he was ok too. But that was as far as it went. He didn't find men sexually attractive, he was too much into girls for that.

Pushing his hands into his jeans pockets, he fixed his gaze on the pavement as they walked. Spike wasn't talking either it was probably because he was too busy inhaling his cigarette.

"Spike" Xander spoke trying to catch the blonde's attention.

"What?" Spike answered wearily. Normally he was called deadboy Jr, fangless, biteless, bleach-boy-wonder or some other annoying name the Whelp had picked up. When the boy used his real name it normally meant that there was a question coming.

"Why do you smoke so much?" Xander asked

"Huh?" Oh yea I'm so good, he mused.

"I mean it's not as if you need too right. Vamps can't get addicted to the nicotine. Can they?"

Spike laughed slightly and rolled his eyes at the boy's question. The thoughtful expression on his face reminded him of how observant the Whelp actually was. Silently he wondered why the kid was always playing the fool when underneath he was very bright. "I don't need to, I just like to!" He explained, while nothing to himself that someday he would find out.

Xander frowned. "But why? It tastes horrible" the expression of distaste on the mortals' face backed up his statement.

Spike rolled his eyes "You ask too many questions, mate" he stated as they reached the Bronze entrance.

Xander turned to face the blonde vampire, he was just about to address the fact that Spike hadn't answered his question, when strong hands pushed him through the door and into the extremely loud Bronze.
