
By Binzey

Xander awoke slowly and peacefully, yawning slowly he tried to stretch, only to be hindered by a body wrapped around his. "Mmm . . nice" he mumbled softly before snuggling closer into the muscled body. Suddenly he stilled and frowned. Muscled? Since when does Anya have muscles? His sleep indulged mind inquired.

"Mmmmm . . .Pet, yea like that"

Xander froze that was definitely not Anya's voice. Definitely not a female voice at all and yet his sleep indulged mind somehow recognised it.

Opening his eyes slowly his gaze settled on a very masculine face . . . Spikes face. Eyes widening Xander gasped in horror. This is so not happening! His brain screamed, so many thoughts ran through his muddled mind. What? How? Oh shit! Spike's face, Spikes arms, Spikes legs . . Spikes body!

"Auggggghhhhhh!" Xander screamed and pulled quickly away for Spikes body and landed on the hard basement floor for the second time that day. Xander winced painfully before quickly jumping to his feet and backing away from Spike.

Spike awoke with a jolt as soon as he heard the Welp screaming. Jumping up into a fighting stance her surveyed the room for any kind of danger. Finding none he returned his attention back to Xander, who was now pacing back and forward with his head held between his hands mumbling over and over again.

Lowering his hands, Spike shook his head once to remove the last trace of sleep from his mind before concentrating on what Xander was saying. The rushed words were hard to make out even with his clear hearing " mmm noo gaa" Spike frowned. That did not make any sense, concentrating he tried again only this time to succeed. Eyes widening Spike remembered the sensations of his dream and the feeling of being held. Xander's words all made sense now.

"I am not gay, I am not gay, I am not gay" the shocked mortal repeated over and over again.

Eyes widening, Spike let out a strangled yelp before reaching for his cigarettes. God he needed one desperately. Putting one in his mouth he lit it quickly and took a deep draw before starting to pace at the opposite end of the room. "Gah! I need a drink!" He exclaimed loudly.

Xander was snapped out of his thoughts by Spike's voice. The dark hared boy was just thinking the same thing. "I'll get changed then" he muttered before going into the bathroom to get washed.

His only response he received was an arched eyebrow and a draw of a cigarette.
