Brown Paper Packages

by Alexandria

Chapter Three

Xander calmly wiped the beer off his face as he grinned at the sputtering vampire. Of all the fantasies he had entertained about Spike, the number of which had grown exponentially over the last week, this was his longest standing and most cherished. To embarrass Spike. To make him stutter and sputter. For just one moment to shake that absolute assurance he wrapped himself in. For heaven's sake, it looked like Spike was blushing, well at least there was some faint hint of colour to his cheeks. Of course, that may just have been from the coughing fit.

Spike finally settled down, casting a dark glance in Xander's direction. "Not bloody fair, shouldn't choke when you don't have to breathe." His frown grew as Xander started to laugh. He watched, growing angrier and angrier as Xander laughed harder and harder, finally needing to hold onto the kitchen counter to stand.

"Christ, Spike, the look on your face. . ." Xander finally managed to wheeze out. "Oh, wish you photographed, hell, should have filmed it, even better." Xander wiped at the tears in his eyes, panting a little.

Spike just shot him another angry glare, then, with a quick shake of his head, the familiar cockiness slammed back into him.

"Well, I might have hidden talents, but, you, luv, you some hidden secrets as well." Spike reached down to pick up the box from where Xander had placed it on the counter. "Yes, I remember this well. Had William in it, always thought it was funny, that, me fucking William." Spike moved forward, slowly crowding Xander into the living room. "So, watching the fellas go at it are we, thought there was always something a little off about you. Like the lads, do we? Nothing wrong with that, just afraid the Slayer won't approve? She had enough problems with the witches, don't want to get on her bad side, that it?"

Xander suddenly felt himself tumble over the edge of the couch, unaware that Spike had backed him straight against it. He fell completely over, hitting his head on the floor with a thud.

"Ow, not nice, Spike. No, I'm not gay, not completely straight either, maybe just a little, well, bent." Xander moved to sit on the couch, Spike coming immediately over and sitting on the other end.

"Mind my asking, pet," Spike's eyebrow arched as he felt the sudden rush of heat radiate from the boy at that word, "but just how did you discover my deep dark secret?" The last words were flavoured with so much sarcasm that Xander thought he could cut it with a knife.

Xander swallowed hard. This was not going as he planned. He thought Spike would be embarrassed, thought he would finally have some blackmail to hold over the vampire. Spike, on the other hand, seemed as if it were the most natural thing in the world for him to have made adult movies.

"Well, Anya convinced me to rent some movies and she liked to watch men have sex, said it really got her going, which I still don't understand, thought she hated men, I mean I thought that she would really like to watch two women. Well, anyway, she picked some stuff out and I found that I liked it too and when she left I was, well, lonely, is the best way to put it. So, I rented some movies last week and was watching and all of a sudden there you were and I was stunned and then I checked and found out you were in a whole bunch and I got some more because I just couldn't believe it. I thought you wouldn't show up on film and well, that's about it." **Sounding like Willow there, smooth Harris, real smooth**

Spike just quirked another eyebrow at this, enjoying the flustered words and the way the blood rushed to the boy's face. The boy had quite a lovely face **and quite a lovely ass and aren't you glad now that you looked before** and the faint flush to his skin was causing Spike to picture just what the flush looked like on the rest of him under those awful, awful clothes.

"I see. So, you saw me in a pornographic movie you rented and then went out and rented more with me in them. Ah, luv, didn't know you cared. So, where exactly in Sunnyhell do I go to get these, haven't seen them in years, should be good for a laugh."

"Well, actually," Xander stuttered out, "I kinda rented them online."

Spike stared at him for a moment, then grinned again. "Bloody hell, you really can get anything online."

Spike moved to the television, seeing the boxes stacked there. "Let's see how your taste is, then shall we, pet." He emphasised the last word, seeing the title on the tape sitting on top of the VCR. "The Pet, that was quite fun, had that whole bondage, domination thing, Basic Training - never did like those, hate wearing green, even if it is only for a few minutes. Besides, it looks like you saw those already. Just have to go with this one then." With that, he inserted Boys In Blue then plopped back down on the couch next to Xander, sitting slightly closer this time. He ignored the startled look Xander shot him and smirked as the video started.

"Yes, now that would be William, lovely boy, tasted so sweet." It was the same man who had been in the cage before Xander realised with a start. He felt the blood rush to his face when the man turned back around. He looked A LOT like Xander and Xander cringed, waiting for what he knew would come next.

"Never thought about that before, but he does look an awful lot like you. Wonder just how strong a resemblance there is." Oh, this had been a bloody fabulous idea to come to the whelp's. Spike couldn't remember the last time he had this much fun. The heat coming from Xander poured over Spike and he shifted ever, ever so slightly closer on the couch. He noticed that Xander was staring firmly at the screen, attempting to ignore him. Spike knew, however, that he was really hanging on Spike's every word.

Spike leaned back, the first faint stirring of arousal coming over him as he watched himself kiss William on the telly. It was an odd feeling, watching himself kiss, but a pleasant one. **Always were a narcissist, mate.**

"Now, you see how he's kissing me, that's nothing, you see for the video you have to make sure they can see everything. When he would kiss me when we were alone, he did this bloody marvellous thing with his tongue where he would run it along my palate just inside my top row of teeth. He could do amazing things with his tongue, dear William could, things just like, well, that, not to put too fine a point on it." Spike tilted his head sideways, watching as William began lapping at his nipples. He stirred slightly, the memory of the feel coming over him.

"Bet your little demon did that, seemed like she was a kinky fuck. I would be too if I lived that long, need something extra to get you going. But there's nothing like a man's mouth on you, luv, men's tongues are just so much bigger, stronger, wetter, can take the whole nipple into your mouth and just suck and suck." Spike pitched his voice low, almost purring. He could smell the pheromones pouring off Xander. It was obvious that the boy really, really enjoyed this.

Spike grinned when he saw William move down his body. He grew harder, knowing just what that mouth could do.

"Not the only thing men are better at. Please, pet, would you rather have some bint dropping down just to get you to do the same, some chit who doesn't know what you really like? Wouldn't you rather have a man, someone who knows just when to suck, when to lick," Spike licked his lips which had suddenly gone dry, momentarily losing his train of thought as William took his entire shaft down his throat. Spike coughed, trying to regain his thoughts. "Not everyone can do that though, deep throating takes practice." A lazy smile crossed his face. "And my, did we practice." He watched Xander shift on the couch, saw the huge bulge in his pants. Spike couldn't tell if it was his words, or the sights on the screen or the combination of both that was getting Xander so aroused, but, whatever it was, it was truly working for the boy. His eyes, so dark in the first place, were nearly black and a faint sheen of sweat covered his skin. Spike felt his eyes begin to glaze. The boy was lovely, so lovely, so delicious. He shook his head sharply again and carefully inched closer.

They watched in silence for a moment as William began to stroke Spike's balls, never stopping his firm sucking on the vampire's shaft. "Helps to use your hands when you do that, might want to remember that, pet." Spike whispered softly. He knew, how he could not tell, that the boy was still a virgin. At least when it came to men. A virgin. How sweet. What a lovely fruit to taste. Spike's eyes narrowed. Yes, and it would be his and he would be damned if it would be anyone else's.

"Especially when your hand does that." They watched as William pulled away briefly, sucked his finger, then curled his hand around the curve of Spike's hip, slowly pushing the finger up Spike's ass. Spike inhaled sharply in time with his version on screen. **Too bloody long since someone did THAT** He noticed that Xander's eyes were wide and that he was panting. Xander hadn't reached out to touch himself though and Spike spared a moment to wonder why. Embarrassed, humiliated, too hard. Glancing down, he nodded. Too hard to touch, didn't want to come yet. Or didn't want to come in front of him. Well, Spike was determined to change that. He inched yet closer to Xander, able to feel the heat, mere inches separating them.

They watched as William suddenly pulled away and then lay back, shamelessly spreading himself wide. Xander's breath began to catch as he saw Spike lean over, saw Spike pull William's legs over his shoulders, saw Spike begin to enter the man who looked just like him.

"Never felt that, have you, luv, never known what it was like to be filled. You'll love it, I swear." Spike reached out a careful hand and ran it down the side of Xander's neck, the merest trace of a touch. He felt Xander buck next to him, watched Xander throw his head back, exposing his throat. Spike listened raptly to the sounds of Xander's orgasm, drinking them in, knowing he would be playing this scene over and over in his mind in just a few minutes time. **So beautiful, so beautiful**

Xander panted, embarrassment washing over him for just a moment. He just came in front of Spike. Listening to Spike's voice. Watching Spike on television. Feeling the coolness of the touch. He kept his head resting on the back of the couch, unwilling to open his eyes just yet, not wanting to see the scorn on Spike's face. He started when he felt the cool whisper of lips on his.

"Night, luv. This was fun. Have to do it again some time, say tomorrow? I'll be here at 11:00." Xander felt the cool touch of a cheek next to his ear and cracked open an eye just in time to see the swirl of black leather curve out the door.

Spike leaned against the wall outside the apartment, shaky hands lighting a cigarette. **Right, get to the car, find some dark spot, toss off. Right, simple plan. Requires walking though** He leaned against the wall and exhaled slowly. Calming slightly, he moved stiff legged down the hall, feeling the heat begin to build as he started counting the seconds until tomorrow night.
