Brown Paper Packages

by Alexandria

Chapter Four

Xander ran his hands through his hair yet again as he watched the seconds tick by on the clock. 10:58. He had briefly considered not being there when Spike was due to arrive, but the rational part of his brain had provided him with a long, long list of reasons why that would be a very, very bad idea. Not the least of which was the absolute knowledge that Spike would not hesitate for an instant in telling all his friends exactly what had happened in great and explicit detail. So, the best possible solution was this. Meet Spike and see what evil plan the vampire had in mind.

He looked quickly around the apartment, making sure that everything had been put away. The movies had been dropped in the mail that morning, he had locked all the copies of the footage he had taken of Spike in a footlocker which he had then lugged up to his storage area then he had cleaned. The apartment actually hadn't looked this nice since Anya left.

He glanced in the mirror, straightening out his hair. He looked nice, but not any nicer than usual. He had made sure of that. He didn't want Spike thinking this was a date or anything. He didn't want himself thinking that either. 10:59. His heart began to pound as he strained to listen for footsteps in the hall. 11:00. He jumped back when the loud knocks rattled the door. With shaky hands, he reached for the doorknob.

"'Lo there mate, so how are you this lovely evening. Looking well, glad to see you and all that."

Spike breezed into the apartment, smoke trailing behind him, perfectly at ease. He had looked forward to this all day, a plan having formed in his mind. He knew that Xander expected him to attempt some type of blackmail or some type of blatant seduction. That was too crude for his tastes. Despite his well deserved reputation for having a serious impulse control problem, he could be patient when it served his desires. And it had been quite some time since Spike had taken the time to truly draw someone under his thrall. And Xander, well, Xander would be worth the time and effort. Spike had always been attracted to the boy. Hells, he had a fixation on tall, dark, beautiful men. And Xander certainly fit that description. The fact that he was one of the Slayer's pets just added to the thrill. So, once he had finally managed to make it back to the crypt, he had settled down on his bed and thought. From Xander's reaction last night, Spike knew that it wouldn't be that hard to simply take the boy to bed. But that would be too simple. Besides, he didn't want just a one shot shag, no, not when he could have himself a toy. Seeing William again on the screen had stirred long ignored desires. He had forgotten just how sweet it felt to sink into the flesh of another male, had forgotten what it felt like to feel someone plunge into him. Now that the fire had been banked, he was ready to let it burn.

"Spike, um, hi, do you, um, do you want something to, to drink, or something?" Xander stuttered out as he paced back into the living room, unconsciously backing away from Spike.

Spike just quirked an eyebrow at Xander, sensing the fear mixed with excitement coming from the boy. "Beer would be good, pet." Spike moved over to lean against the back of the couch while Xander pulled the bottle from the refrigerator. Xander handed it over, careful not to touch Spike when he did so.

"So, luv, realised that you never got to ask me all the questions that you must have had the other night, so ask away, I'm an open book." A grin at that as Spike took a swallow from the bottle.

Xander just stared at him, opened mouthed, Spike was going to answer questions? Had the world ended without anyone bothering to tell him? Xander took his own pull from his beer, trying to calm his nerves.

"Well, I guess, just wanted to know, well, where, why, when, all those questions, I guess." That wasn't truly what he wanted to ask, but it was a start. Xander just leaned on the counter while Spike continued to lean on the couch, fully aware that he was making sure to keep space between himself and the vampire. He had tossed and turned all night, his flesh burning from Spike's light touch on his neck and the faint trace of Spike's lips on his. It wasn't even really a kiss, more like the merest brush of skin on skin, but it was all Xander could do to keep from staring at Spike's mouth as the vampire began to speak.

"Dunno exactly when it was, probably about fifteen, twenty years or so ago. Dru and I were in Amsterdam, great city that, can get anything you want, anything at all. And most of it is legal. Not that that ever bothered me, but it was nice every once in a while to pretend that we were good, upstanding, law abiding citizens." A smirk at that, another quick drink and Spike continued.

"Bit short on dosh, were having some disputes with Peaches over access to some old accounts, and had taken to doing the old bump and pinch. Well, we had gotten a hold of some rich tosser's wallet and had a nice stash, so we went out to one of Dru's favourite bars, nice little leather club. She found it amusing to watch the amateurs go at it. Well, one thing led to another and we were all set to have a nice shag against the back wall, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Whirled around, managed to not rip the fucker's throat out by dint of having both hands up Dru's skirt. It was the owner who said he had a bit of a proposition for us. Seems he had been watching and was suitably impressed by our performance. Made us an offer, be in a few films, give us a nice bit of quid, have a bit of fun. Well, sounded good, weren't sure if we would film, but sounded like a plan. Course, wasn't about to let Dru do it. Not so much that I would mind, she was mine there was no doubt about that and her playing with some humans would have been quite amusing for us both. But Dru had a nasty habit of draining her toys, couldn't help it, she always bit when she climaxed." Spike paused for a moment as a wistful smile crossed his face, remembering all the times she had bit him. He took another quick drink before he started thinking too hard about his dark princess. Never went well, that.

"So, I agreed to do it, sounded like fun. Didn't matter to me if was lads or lasses, all just a bit of fun. Found out we showed up on tape," he raised his hand to forestall the question on Xander's lips. "No, have no idea why. Started, found I had, shall we say an affinity for it, helps not to have any shame. Met William that way, he was a bit of all right. Worked well together, the contrast between us looked fabulous, him so dark and me so light. Made quite a bit of money, we did." Spike pulled out a cigarette and twirled it in his fingers for a moment, remembering the sound of William's voice, the smoothness of his lips under Spike's, the heat of his body. He quickly lit the cigarette and took a long drag, trying to push away the memories.

"So, if you enjoyed it so much, why did you stop?" Xander just stared at Spike, amazed at how much of his past Spike had just revealed. Thinking back, he realised that he had just learned more about Spike in the last few minutes than he had in the last few years combined.

Spike just blew a stream of smoke at the ceiling, a sad smile on his face. "William died. Left Amsterdam after that." He cursed himself when he heard the note of sadness that had unwittingly crept into his voice.

"Oh, I'm, well, sorry," Xander managed to get out, shocked by the unmistakable grief apparent on Spike's face. "How, did Dru, was she," Xander started, unsure of how to continue without angering Spike.

"No, nothing like that. Hit by a lorry crossing the street." Another lopsided smile crossed Spike's face. "Funny that, he was living with two vampires and a bloody lorry runs him down."

"Sorry, really, that must have been hard." Xander truly meant it. It was apparent that William had meant something to Spike.

Spike just nodded, taking another long pull on the bottle. He thought briefly of all he was leaving out. How William had been crossing the street to see him; how he had waved and came running, not bothering to look; how Spike had watched in horror as William's body flew through the air. How Dru had ripped him off William's body, preventing him for turning his lover, the vicious, jealous words streaming in his ear; how he had listened to William's heart stop; how the blood had poured that night as Spike killed anything and everything in his path. How Dru had danced and danced on the pier; claiming the stars had told her that the man was trying to take her Spikey away and how the stars had granted her wish; how they fled for somewhere, anywhere else the next night.

"Long time ago, don't really think about it often. Didn't even know you could still get the films." An evil grin crossed his face. "Can we buy them from wherever you got them, make a nice present for my trotting Sire, remind him of what he can't have anymore."

Xander grinned back, that was actually a pretty good idea. He shook his head fiercely, knowing that there was no way they could do that without Angel realising where they had come from and then Buffy would be peeved and that would be of the bad.

"Probably, but I'm not going to do it, Buffy would be pissed and then I'll have to keep her from staking you and killing me and just not in the mood for that."

Spike pouted briefly, then took a step forward. "So, pet, told you my dark past, now, have some questions for you. You just using that demon bint for cover or did you just now discover you have," a long pause, "different tastes?" Spike was truly interested, he had never noticed Xander looking at men, only women and was curious as to just what the boy had done. Just how much of a virgin he was.

"No, not cover, I've never," Xander quickly cleared his throat as Spike took another step towards him. "I never really thought about men that way, at least, not until Anya," he began to blush as Spike took another small step forward.

"Until she what, luv, rented some films? Made some suggestions? Played with a few toys?" With each question, Spike moved forward until he was standing directly in front of Xander, just slightly closer than comfortable. "What, did she have you watch the boys while she slowly, slowly eased a finger in your ass? Did she use one of her precious toys on you? Just what made you realise that you aren't quite the perfect heterosexual you always thought?"

Xander had been staring straight into Spike's eyes the entire time, feeling like a rodent caught by a snake. He tried to lean back further, but Spike simply followed his movements. A shudder ran through him as he thought of Anya, how she had slowly drawn him out, opening him gently, carefully. How it had felt the first time she pressed the dildo into him, telling him to watch the men, watch them, see how much they liked it. How he had thought back to Larry and the frantic kisses they had shared. How he climaxed furiously ever time she did it.

Spike just watched, smelling the arousal pouring off Xander. He clenched and unclenched his hands, growing harder and harder himself. He forced himself to concentrate on his plan in order to stop from just taking Xander then and there. No, not yet, not quite yet. Make Xander come to him, make Xander want it so much it hurt. Draw it out, torture them both. It would be so much sweeter that way.

"So, only ever pretended with your little demon girl?" Spike paused as Xander suddenly looked away. "Ah, not quite it, so what have you done, where, why, when, all those questions," Spike echoed Xander's words, swaying in a little closer still.

"Just, there was this guy, Larry, in high school, right before graduation and, well, he and I, we just made out, just kissed that was all, well kissed and groped a little, but that's all, I never even touched him." Xander whispered, unable to look up. He didn't trust himself so close to those perfect, pale lips, the lips that had plagued his every thought, waking and sleeping.

"Just kissed. But you liked it. Don't lie, I can tell. You liked it. Haven't you ever wondered if you were missing something, if you liked just kissing that much, how good would the rest of it be? Aren't you tired of just watching, don't you want to find out, know first hand just what it's like?" Spike moved so that he was mere inches from Xander, his face pressed into the boy's cheek as he whispered in his ear. "Please, pet, don't lie to me. You never have to lie to me. I understand." He pulled back so that he was staring into Xander's eyes, feeling the warm breath on his face. "Don't you want to know?" With that, Spike leaned forward and kissed him.

Xander automatically closed his eyes when he felt Spike's lips on his, automatically opened his mouth when he felt that cool tongue trace the outline of his upper lip. He groaned deep in the back of his throat as he felt Spike's hands rest on his waist and Xander automatically wrapped his own arms around Spike's shoulders, letting his hands run freely along the firm back. Spike tasted of beer and cigarettes and copper. It was the most addicting thing he had ever tasted. Finally, too soon, much too soon, he was forced to pull back, forced to breathe. He kept his eyes closed as he rested his cheek against Spike's.

Spike tightened his grasp on Xander's waist for just a moment, burning the feel of Xander's erection into his memory for later. Reluctantly he pulled away, knowing that if he didn't stop now, he wouldn't stop.

"See, luv, knew you would like it." Spike's voice was rich with desire. He took another step back, forcibly yanking his eyes away from the vision of Xander's swollen lips.

"Have to go, Xander."

Xander's eyes opened at that. It was the first time he could ever remember hearing Spike use his name. He just nodded, looking away, ashamed at how hard he was, at how desperately he had responded to the kiss.

Spike reached out and took Xander's chin in his hand, forcing Xander to look in his eyes. "I have to meet someone at Willy's or I would stay. Trust me, I want to stay." That part wasn't a lie. He could still taste Xander and was already sorry that he was going to be forced to eat, forced to wash that taste out with the bitter taste of pig's blood. His eyes darkened as he saw the Xander's expression change, saw the shame replaced by desire. He leaned in and chanced one last, quick kiss. It was just as sweet as before and over much, much too soon. He forced himself back, ducking his hands in the pockets of the duster to hide their shaking. Xander trailed him to the door, too stunned to speak.

"See you tomorrow, then? Same time?" Spike heard the hope in his voice and damned himself a thousand times a fool.

"Yeah, I would like that. See you tomorrow." Spike just nodded and slipped out the door, not daring to look back. He practically ran down the hall, knowing that if he hesitated, even for a moment, he would just turn around, kick in the door and finish what they started. He tore out of the parking lot, desperately thinking of the best place to find something to kill. This time just tossing off wasn't going to ease his frustration.

Xander leaned against the door for a long, long time, the coolness of the wood reminding him of Spike's touch. He liked the kiss. No, he loved the kiss. He moved back to the kitchen and opened a drawer as he searched for the key to the storage room. He hoped he remembered which tape it was that had the shot he had managed to get of Spike smiling at him. He knew he would need it. He looked at the clock again, watching the second pass, counting them off in his head. Only another 23 hours, 32 minutes, 36, 35, 34 seconds. He hoped he could make it until then.

