Brown Paper Packages

by Alexandria

Chapter Five

Xander sneaked another quick peek at his watch. A low groan escaped him. 10:35 p.m. There was no way he was going to make it back to his apartment in time to meet Spike now. And there was no way that he could simply get up and leave without everyone taking notice and asking questions. So, instead of being back in his home doing whatever it was that he was doing with Spike, he was stuck here, listening to Giles go on and on about some prophecy or other. He had quit paying attention about an hour before, choosing instead to lose himself in memories of the night before. Spike kissed him. He kissed Spike back. He liked it. He liked it a lot. He wanted to do it again as soon and as much as possible.

Xander shifted slightly in his seat, attempting to at least give the appearance of paying attention. He had spent the day in a slight daze, not really paying attention to what was going on around him, more caught up by the questions swirling in his mind. Why was Spike doing this? Why was he letting Spike do this? Why wasn't he more freaked out by the fact that he was in lust with a vampire? A male vampire? A male vampire who happened to have tried to kill him several times in the past? That was what interested him the most, why he wasn't freaked out. He had finally given up, tired of trying to make sense of it all. Stranger things had happened to him, well, not much stranger, but stranger nonetheless. At least this weirdness involved pleasure and not pain.

Although that might be changing soon. Spike would shortly be showing up to an empty apartment, and Xander knew that he would not be pleased. Xander realised with a start that he was assuming that Spike was going to show up. It was much more likely that Spike had simply been toying with him and that the vampire wouldn't even show, instead choosing to leave Xander there, waiting and watching, tossing it back into his face the next time he saw Spike. Xander could practically hear the mocking voice, "What, pet, didn't think I was serious now did you, just a bit of fun, that, nothing to get worked up about." Xander's face darkened as the thought fixed itself more firmly in his mind. So, that was the game. It was bad enough that he was a joke to his friends, didn't have to be a joke to fangless vampires as well. He reached out and grabbed a piece of paper off the table, beginning to tear it into little pieces. Here he was, all worked up over some game that Spike was playing. Well, fuck that, he wasn't just going to stand by and let himself be played yet again. He looked down, an embarrassed flush spreading up the back of his neck. And to think that he had taken the time to find something nice to wear, wanting Spike to find him attractive. Just his fucking luck, get his hopes up only to have them battered right back down.

"Evening, luv, you're looking well." The low voice in his ear jerked him out of his stupor.

"Spike, what are you doing here," he managed to get out just before Buffy came over and yanked the vampire away.

"Yeah, Spike, what are you doing here, don't remember asking you to come," Buffy hissed out, a stake hovering over Spike's chest.

"Bloody hell, can't a bloke drop in to visit his mates without everyone acting all suspicious," Spike said, taking a step back and raising his hands. "What?" Incredulous looks had greeted his statement.

"Spike, we aren't your," Giles stopped, sighing. No, he was not going to even begin to get drawn into this discussion with the vampire. There was no way it would lead anywhere but to violence. And he didn't want to have to rearrange the room yet again. "What is it that you want?"

A smile flitted across Spike's face as he shot a quick glance over to Xander, his eyes darting so quickly that no one noticed. "No blood at the crypt, wondered if any of you lot had some left." He looked over at Xander and raised an eyebrow. "How about you, whelp, have any blood left in that fridge of yours?" He locked eyes with Xander, hoping the message was coming through.

"What, well, I don't think," Xander started, staring back at Spike. He saw the look of frustration on the vampire's face and grinned suddenly. "You know what, as a matter of fact, pretty sure that I do." He pushed away from the table, stretching out the kinks in his back. "C'mon, I'll take you back, be glad to have it gone."

"Xander, you sure about that?" Buffy asked, watching Spike with narrowed eyes.

"Sure, Buff, you don't need me for this. And as much as I would like to stay and hear all about some five hundred year old prophecy that may or may not mean that the Hellmouth is or is not going to open, well, actually rather take my chances with Spike, now that I think about it." Xander grabbed his keys and walked towards the doors. "Ladies, G-man, call you tomorrow, Spike, you coming with?"

Spike followed him out the door, pride swelling in him. Very good, his pet was catching on quickly. He quickened his step, moving to walk right next to Xander.

"How did you know I was stuck here," Xander asked, not looking over, trying to get his heartbeat under control. It infuriated him that Spike could sense precisely what affect Spike's presence had on him, while he was clueless as to what was going on behind those eyes.

"On my way over, saw your car, figured the Watcher was nattering on and on and you could use some rescuing." Spike shrugged, lighting a cigarette. Wouldn't do to let the boy know that he had been following him ever since he left the apartment. He had been standing in the shadows in the back of the store ever since Xander had arrived. He had spent the past few hours just watching and listening, puzzling out what it was about Xander that drew him. It hadn't helped when some snarky little voice in his head kept saying "everything, you like everything, you like him, not just his ass". No, hadn't helped at all. He thought he was going to lose all control as he watched Xander habitually gnaw at his lower lip while going through the books, a look of intense concentration on his face. Spike wanted nothing more at that moment than to be the one chewing on that full lip while slowly, so slowly unbuttoning the shirt, pulling it free from the jeans that Xander wore, allowing him to feel the heat of Xander's skin burning into his hands. Spike shook his head, clearing away the image. Not helping with his vow to move slowly, not at all. He took a huge drag on the cigarette, exhaling the smoke slowly, allowing the motion to calm him.

"Two cars or one," Xander asked as they stopped at his car, trying to keep his voice level. So, Spike wasn't going to leave him hanging, wasn't going to taunt him like that. He felt a quick sliver of guilt at his earlier assumptions. Gods, when was he going to realise he wasn't some stupid teenager anymore and that it was entirely possible that someone could actually be attracted to him. Of course, the guilt was tempered by knowledge that, well, it was possible that Spike would just leave him hanging, so his assumption hadn't been entirely off base.

"Two, don't want to have to come back, might run into those friends of yours," Spike answered, looking away quickly to keep from simply grabbing Xander right there on the street. Not the most appropriate of places to start that.

Xander nodded then got in and pulled away, looking in the mirror to make sure that Spike was following. Sure enough, there he was. They quickly made their way back to Xander's apartment, Spike pulling in right next to Xander. They wordlessly made their way up the stairs, not touching, but walking just a little too closely together. Xander unlocked the apartment and Spike walked in behind him, pulling the door closed as he did so.

The second Xander heard the door latch he whirled around and pinned Spike to the door, hungrily seeking out Spike's mouth. Spike went still for a moment, shocked, then returned the kiss with equal fervour. Xander's hands moved under the duster and began to run along Spike's sides, low moans escaping from his lips, humming along their mouths. Spike answered in kind, losing himself to the kiss, to the fire of Xander's mouth and hands, feeling the heat rising between them. Their tongues duelled, neither claiming victory over the other, rather, they stood toe to toe, each trying to pull the other into him. Spike's hands dropped to Xander's waist and he gave himself over to his fantasy, tugging the shirt from Xander's jeans and finally, finally running his hands over the broad back.

Xander leaned back, arching into the touch. He hadn't been able to stop himself, hadn't wanted to, didn't plan on trying. He wanted nothing more than this all day and, during the drive back to the apartment, he had decided that for once in his life he was just going to take what he wanted, consequences be damned. He ripped his mouth from Spike's, ignoring Spike's low growl as he began kissing down Spike's neck, gently nipping around to the front of Spike's throat. He traced his tongue along Spike's adam's apple, drinking in the moan that escaped Spike's lips, feeling Spike's erection pressed into his thigh.

Spike managed to pull away with presence of mind he didn't know he possessed. "So, pet, guess you haven't been sitting around all day doing your best impression of Peaches, moping about and all that." Spike had expected almost any reaction but this, hadn't dared to think that Xander could want this so much.

"Nope, decided I don't really care what horrible plan you have in mind or just what it is that you're up to, Spike. Don't really feel like thinking right now. Don't feel like talking either," Xander's eyes were gleaming in the darkness of the apartment. He hadn't bothered to leave a light on and he could just barely make out the planes of Spike's face. He reached a finger up and traced it across Spike's lips. "Whatever it is, I like it. Figured you did too. I like, you like, don't want to think anymore than that." He leaned down and began sucking on Spike's neck, intent on working a mark into that pale flesh, no matter how quickly it would fade.

Spike's head dropped back, slamming into the door as Xander's teeth burrowed into his skin. He knew he should pull away, knew that if he didn't then this was going to spin out of control. He knew, but he didn't care. He wanted Xander and it was plain that Xander wanted him. He pushed off the door and started to walk them back to the couch, knowing that the bedroom was simply too far away. Xander backed along with him, never moving away from the spot on Spike's neck. Spike turned and then tumbled back onto the couch, dragging Xander's body on top of him.

Xander finally lifted his head from Spike's neck, moving to rest more comfortably on Spike, moving to nestle in between Spike's legs. His breath caught as their pelvises hit, hard length rubbing on hard length. He reached up and turned on a light on the end table next to Spike's head, blinking at the sudden brightness.

"Bloody hell, Xander, what did you do that for," Spike yelled out, dazzled by the light.

"Sorry, just, wanted to see you is all, don't have super vamp sight, remember." Xander said quietly, moving back down and tracing his fingers over Spike's cheek. He needed to see Spike, needed to make sure this was real and not just another vivid fantasy.

"Oh," Spike replied, at a loss for words. It wasn't what Xander had said so much as the tone of his voice. It was clear that Xander wanted to see him, wanted to make sure that it was real. If so, then it meant that Xander wanted to confirm that it was him, not pretend that it wasn't. "Have to say, like what I see, Xander." Spike looked up, soaking in the dark eyes and sweaty hair, feeling sweet breath on his cheek.

"Likewise. Want to see more though." Xander leaned up and started to pull at the duster, growling a little in frustration as the coat caught on Spike's arms, caught under Spike's back. He pulled back and settled onto his heels, trying to pull Spike up so that he could get those damned clothes off him. Not that Spike wasn't sublimely sexy in them, it was just that Xander wanted to see how much sexier he was without them.

Spike grabbed Xander's hands, halting him. "You sure about this, Xander?" Spike focused on looking deeply into those rich brown pools, trying to ignore the overwhelming scent of lust pouring down. This was going much, much more quickly than he had ever anticipated, and he wanted to make sure that Xander was ready for this. For once he wasn't just going to take momentary pleasure. He wanted Xander, not once, but as his, and, no matter how hard it was, he was going to do this right.

"Fuck right, I'm sure. Spike, please, just shut up and get naked." Xander grinned at the shock on Spike's face. "What, not vamp enough," he started only to be suddenly pushed onto his back, Spike's face inches from his.

"Last chance, no games, Xander, tell me you want this. And no games, no lies. Tell me." Spike stared down, unable to keep the desire from blazing in his eyes.

Xander stared back, then grinned happily. "Gods, love it when you say my name. And it should be pretty obvious I want this." He arched his hips up, pressing himself into Spike, grinding slowly.

Spike eyes flared and then he shrugged out of the duster, tossing it aside. He quickly peeled off both his shirts and leaned back down, kissing Xander deeply. He stopped Xander's hands from reaching down to pull off his own shirt. "No, let me." Spike eased the shirt up slowly, gently running his hands along Xander's chest, purring gently. Now that he knew Xander wanted him, he was going to take his time, do this right. No matter how much he wanted to get right to business.

Xander lay back, relishing the sensation of Spike's hands on his chest. He breathed slowly, trying to calm down, trying to relax. He was nervous and excited and glad that Spike was taking the lead. Sure, he may have watched Spike doing this over and over again trying to memorise Spike's every move, but, here, now, he had no idea what to do. He lifted his head and shoulders enough to allow Spike to pull the shirt over his head.

Spike ran his hands lovingly down Xander's chest, closely watching Xander's face, not wanting to move too quickly. Simple, keep everything simple, there would be more than enough time for experimentation later. Right now, everything they did would be new to Xander. He bent down and began kissing down Xander's chest, burying his hands in Xander's hair.

"Just relax, you're fine, it's all fine, nothing to worry about, tell me if you want to stop. Just relax." The murmurs faintly rose to Xander's ears, but the words were meaningless, lost as he was in the feel of Spike's skin sliding down his, lost in the feel of Spike's mouth on his nipples. He reached out, running his hands down Spike's back, little keening sounds falling from his lips. He trailed his hands down Spike's back, then down Spike's ass. He felt the shudder run through Spike and he gripped harder, kneading and caressing the flesh beneath him. He moved his hands up to Spike's waist, trailing a finger under the waistband of Spike's jeans. He wasn't surprised in the least to find no other fabric meeting his hands. Somehow, he managed to work his hands down Spike's jeans and finally met the firm flesh with his hands.

Spike went still for just a moment, eyes rolling back in his head as Xander rubbed his ass. He swallowed hard then slowly turned on his side, feeling Xander's hand trail around his stomach, finally feeling the heat brush across the very tip of his erection. His hands moved to hover over the fly of Xander's jeans, waiting for permission. He buried his head into Xander's shoulder, biting down slightly in order to keep for spilling into Xander's hand. He was stunned by Xander's boldness.

"Guess you do want this," he managed to pant out as his control snapped. He quickly ripped Xander's jeans open, pausing only for a moment when he noticed that Xander was wearing no underwear.

"Thought boxers would just get in the way," Xander gasped out, tracing a hand over the ridges of Spike's abdomen. He wanted to reach down and stroke Spike, but was a little hesitant, not sure quite what to do. He settled on unbuttoning Spike's jeans, making sure to brush against Spike with each button.

"Good thought, mate." Spike replied, tugging Xander's jeans down, desperate to feel Xander pressed naked against him. Xander replied in kind and they squirmed against each other, each trying to pull the other's clothes away. They quickly tangled together in a flailing mass of limbs and denim. Xander started to laugh and, after a quick glare, Spike joined him.

"Not usually best to laugh when pulling a bloke's pants down, Xander," Spike spit out between chuckles.

"I know, just can't get them down if you don't move, or I don't move, or, well one of us has to move." Xander replied, eyes crinkling up. In reality, this was the best thing that could have happened, just a brief pause, some humour lightening the intensity of the situation.

"Right, stay there." Spike pressed a firm kiss into the centre of Xander's chest, then sat back, pulling his jeans off. Xander looked hungrily down Spike's body, licking his lips at the pale, firm flesh revealed before him. If he thought Spike was beautiful on screen, then there were no words for how Spike looked now. He tore his eyes away and leaned down to push his own jeans away, Spike helping pull them off his feet. He couldn't remember kicking off his shoes, but they were gone and his jeans slid smoothly off his legs.

Spike looked down, memorising the vision below him, the glow of the lamp casting shadows across Xander's body. Spike had time for one thought, **why the fuck does he cover up THIS** before falling back down on Xander's body. Hands roamed everywhere as finally, finally their lengths touched. They groaned, mouth to mouth, as they fell into rhythm, pumping against one another.

Xander tried to stop, wanted to stop, wanted to take the firm length into his mouth, but he couldn't keep from moving, driving his hips up again and again. Spike matched his movements, snaking a hand down to circle around them. There would be time enough for all else later. Now, now, they needed this. They drove faster and faster, until with a huge cry Xander came, spilling into Spike's hand, Spike following seconds later. Spike collapsed down and Xander circled his arms around Spike's waist. They stayed like that for a few moments, until Xander felt Spike smile into his neck.

"So, do you have any blood, feeling a bit peckish."

Xander laughed as they slowly moved up, Spike reaching down and grabbing his shirt, quickly cleaning them off.

"Not sure, how about pizza, I'll call," he reached for the phone, as always starved after sex.

"Sounds good, Xander." He rolled the name on his tongue, watching the smile cross Xander's face. He leaned over, pressed a quick kiss on Xander's cheek. "You call, I'll start us a shower, get you clean." **So I can get you dirty again** Spike grinned at the thought of the possibilities of Xander, soap and water.

"There in a second." Xander called, watching Spike set off, naked, to his bathroom. He knew he was grinning from ear to ear but he couldn't help it. Shaking his head quickly, he battled back the urge just to head after Spike. No, call first, then join Spike. Needed nourishment so they could start up again. **Glad I put those curtains on the windows** he thought while waiting for the phone to be answered. He quickly placed the order, hung up and practically ran for the bathroom, anxious to have that cold flesh in his arms again.

