Brown Paper Packages

by Alexandria

Chapter Six

Spike carefully tested the water, flinching back slightly as the icy stream splashed up his arm. He adjusted the taps again, then cautiously reached a hand in once more. A strong, hot stream caressed across his skin. Just right. Of all the many things he missed about the mansion, running water was near the top of his list. No matter how much he cultivated the image of the Big Bad, he liked his comforts. Running water, electricity, pizza delivery. He quickly located Xander's towels and stacked some on the toilet lid within easy reach. The click of the phone reached his ear and he stepped under the water, wanting to catch Xander by surprise, wanting to kiss him senseless before Xander started regretting this evening. He wasn't sure his boy would have regrets, but he didn't want to take the chance. Besides, he knew just how inviting he could look with his hair matted around his head and water streaming down his chest.

Xander hurried down the hall, anticipation curling through his body. Ah, finally the vampire would actually be in his shower, not just there in his imagination. The pale body had been his misty companion during many a shower since the first night of watching him on that small screen. And now, hopefully, it was actually there waiting for him. He opened the door, the steam curling as he did so. He padded quietly over to the tub, knowing that his idea of scaring Spike was futile, but wanting to try anyway. He could just make out the trim figure through the shower curtain and his eyes lit up as he dragged out the last seconds of anticipation. He reached a hand up to pull the curtain back only to let out a startled yelp as his wrist was grabbed and he was unceremoniously yanked into the shower.

"Xander, come on in, the water's fine," Spike grinned up at Xander, batting long black lashes, laughter dancing in his eyes. A shock of hair was plastered against his cheek and the rest tumbled over his eyes. He looked dishevelled, debauched and thoroughly content. He gave Xander no chance, not a single moment to adjust before he pulled them together into a fiery kiss, tongue tickling Xander's palate; bringing all his years of skill to bear until he felt Xander's knees go weak, until he knew, knew that Xander had no regrets, that Xander had never let even a hint of regret cross his mind. He gentled the kiss, making it tender, caring, calming them both, giving them both an opportunity to regroup. With one last caress, he pulled away.

Xander sucked in a breath and reached up both hands to stroke through the soft tresses. The pale strands had deepened to a rich honey colour. "Spike, wish you could see, great colour," Xander couldn't stop running his hands through Spike's hair, hearing a low purr rising from Spike's chest. Spike gently placed his hands on Xander's waist and tugged him under the spray, wanting to see Xander thoroughly wet, wanting to make Xander feel as peaceful as he did. Xander's hands slowly moved down to Spike's shoulders as he tugged the vampire forward, pulling him into a loose embrace. They sighed together, content as the water streamed over them, the only sounds the patter of the water as it struck their flesh, Xander's quiet breathing and Spike's calm purring.

Spike finally pulled away, wanting to touch, to trace the firm flesh under his fingers. "Pet, here, turn around," he picked up the shampoo, smiling slightly as he saw the small row of shampoo and bath gel still on the shelf. Apparently, Xander's demon girl had introduced to other little luxuries as well. The clean scent filled the room as Spike poured the shampoo in his hand, recapping the bottle, rubbed his palms together, then set to work. Xander tilted his head back, eyes closed, a low rumble coming from him as well. Spike's fingers massaged into his scalp and the rumbling increased, Xander leaning back harder into Spike's chest. Somehow, this was even more intimate than feeling himself spill into Spike's hand, then feeling Spike's seed shoot across his body. Perhaps it was the surprising gentleness of Spike's fingers, the way that it seemed there was nothing in the world Spike wanted more than to be here, doing this, at just this moment. Xander slowly began twisting his back on Spike's chest, the water soothing the friction between their skin. Spike's skin was warming under the falling water and Xander wanted to warm him even more. He felt Spike gently pull him back and Xander automatically reached up, rinsing the shampoo from his hair.

Spike slowly gnawed on his lower lip as the muscles moved across Xander's back, the play of them tight under the skin. "So beautiful," the words escaped him without a thought and Spike felt the sudden hesitation as Xander's hands swiped the last of the shampoo from his hair. Suddenly, he was pinned to the shower wall, Xander's body pressed firmly against his.

"No, you are beautiful. Look at you, that perfect whiteness of your skin," Xander traced his tongue down Spike's throat, feeling the sudden swallow under his mouth. "So strong," Xander's mouth moved down to Spike's shoulders as the vampire's eyes fell shut, a shiver running through him even as the steam rose around them. "Love your collarbones, always have, used to watch you fight just to see the fabric pull across your chest, outlining the sharp line of the bone," Xander's voice was deep as he traced the angular lines. "All sharp edges, perfect planes," he reached behind Spike, grabbing the shampoo himself. He spun the suddenly quiet vampire back under the spray, flipping the cap open with one hand, while tilting Spike chin up with the other. Water ran down Spike's forehead and dripped from his nose onto the full lips, catching briefly there before running down Spike's chest, catching in the ridges of his abdomen before snaking down his legs. They were both hard again, both beginning to pant slightly.

"Just want to return the favour," Xander cleared his throat at the look of pure desire that blazed through the slit of Spike's eyes. Pulling Spike flush against him, he began washing Spike's hair, ridding it of the last, faint traces of cigarette smoke. Spike growled low in his throat, rubbing in the curve of Xander's hip. Xander's breath caught, and Spike slowed his pace, not wanting either of them to lose control, not quite yet. Xander stepped back to let Spike rinse his hair, wanting to look, just look for a long moment, faintly wishing he could film this. Not just for the vision of Spike's body, but for the tiny glimpses of happiness that suddenly appeared and as abruptly vanished, wishing he could capture just one of those split seconds when Spike's guard was down. His quiet thoughts were broken as Spike grabbed him yet again, pressing him hard against the back wall of the shower.

"Stay there, don't move." Xander just nodded, as Spike stepped back, eyeing him from head to toe. Spike's eyes slowly turned a deeper shade of blue as he spent long moments just staring at Xander, fixing the image in his mind. Broad shoulder, broader than he let on. *Have to get him to stop that bloody slouching* The thought ghosted through his mind and he smiled slightly. A hand reached up and he ran it down Xander's chest, so warm and alive. He stopped and pressed his palm over Xander's heart, leaving it there, closing his eyes as he concentrated on feeling the heartbeat in his palm, letting it run up his arm and pound into his own body, the sound of the blood running in Xander's veins singing in his mind. He stepped closer, feeling Xander's eyes on his face. They stared at one another for countless heartbeats, feeling something else swirling around them, something more than mere lust and passion. Xander brought his hand up and pressed Spike's hand closer, trapping Spike in layers of golden flesh, feeling his pulse quicken as the still cool flesh burned into him.

Spike slowly leaned in and just barely rested his lips against Xander's, less than a kiss, more than a touch, Xander's breath filling his mouth. A warm tongue traced his lower lip and he leaned in closer, their hands falling away as Xander wrapped his arms around Spike's back, Spike's hands resting on Xander's shoulders. They kissed slowly, deeply, moulding together. Xander abruptly pushed away from the wall and forced Spike to move back under the water, never breaking contact, the kiss continuing, interrupted only for quick gulps of air for the mortal.

Xander finally wrenched his mouth away and he abruptly dropped to his knees, hands sliding down to cup Spike's ass as he did so, pulling Spike's cock into perfect position.

"Xander" he faintly heard moaned above him as he lowered his head and pulled Spike into his mouth, trailing his tongue up and down the shaft, one hand creeping around to fondle Spike's balls, the other still rubbing Spike's ass.

"Bloody hell, Xan," Spike panted out, shocked again at Xander's boldness. He blindly stretched out an arm to brace himself against the shower wall, fleetingly concerned that his knees would simply give way. Xander just continued the firm suction, still able to faintly taste their combined essences on Spike's skin. A moan escaped him and vibrated along Spike's flesh, pulling a matching sound from Spike. The slim hips began to pump and Xander moved his mouth in rhythm, matching Spike's movement, taking in more and more of Spike with each movement, wanting to devour Spike whole.

Spike felt his control beginning to shatter, all his long years of experience meaningless now. The heat of Xander's mouth, the heat of the shower, he felt like he was on fire, like he was being touched by the sun. Echoing growls chased through the room as his human façade slipped, as Xander moved faster, the hand on his balls moving up to stroke the base of his cock. The other hand was still on his ass, still rubbing circles in the skin. Deeper and harder, wetness surrounding him, Spike slowly lost awareness of all but Xander, everything but the feel and sound of Xander's lips on his flesh. His head snapped back and he howled when he felt a finger slip into his ass, the sensation overpowering him. He tried not to buck, but couldn't stop himself, tried not to choke Xander, tried to pull away, but Xander held him tight, drinking up every drop he could.

Xander slowly stood, watching the tremors still running through the pale body, Spike's eyes closed. He gently reached over, grabbed a wash cloth and gently but quickly washed them both. Spike slowly opened his eyes as he felt Xander's touch tracing over him. His body was humming, he couldn't remember feeling this good in so long, too long, longer than he could even remember. He could feel Xander's erection press into his back and a wicked smile curled across his features. So, the whelp had learned a few things from those videos. Well, now, it was nice to know he was a quick study. The smile deepened. But watching was one thing. Doing another. But experiencing, now experiencing was something else entirely. Spike turned to face Xander, his intentions clear on his face.

"Xander," Spike started, only to feel a finger pressed to his lips.

"Your turn soon. Just have to get out in a minute. Pizza will be here soon. And I want to eat, need to keep my strength up. Have a feeling I'm going to need it." Xander grinned back. He leaned over to turn off the water, starting a little when cool lips kissed the base of his spine.

"Oh, I definitely think you will, luv." Spike handed Xander a towel then grabbed one of his own. "No, I'm definitely sure you will."
