Drunken Antics

By Binzey

The loud music and flashing lights made Xander's eyes hurt and his head buzz. His head felt heavy and fuzzy-the large quantities of alcohol that he had consumed played havoc with his co-ordination and senses. His body felt alien and out of control and he found it very hard to control his actions. He had no idea what he was saying or doing-that was if he was doing or saying anything at all. His entire being was consumed with a warm tingling sensation that filled him with a sweet, pleasant ache.

Almost better than sex, he mused as he tried to focus on his surroundings.

Everything was spinning slightly and the colours and shapes looked odd to his eyes. Everything seemed to be moving that shouldn't be and he worried that he would soon become motion sickness if it didn't stop.

He soon found himself captivated with the ever-changing lights above him. Tilting his head back he watched them with fascination. Eyes widening and mouth hanging open in childish joy

He followed the pattern with his eyes-blue, red, yellow, green, yellow, red and then back to blue. Over and over they flashed, lighting up the dance floor and illuminating the constantly moving bodies that were grooving to the beat.

Quickly turning his attention back to the lights above him he became fascinated all over again. Slowly he began to lean back to get a better look . . .
And felt himself fall.

As his body slipped off the tall stool he felt a rush of warm air pass his plunging body as he made his decent towards the hard wooden floor.
Time seemed to slow down. The lights became still, trapped in a shade between yellow and green, and all sound and movement seemed to halt. For a few moments time seemed to freeze.

That was until he felt his body hit the hard floor with a loud thud and a very noticeable crack. All at one his body shuddered and air whooshed from his lungs at an incredible force.

Arms and legs spread and tangled in all different directions and Xander frowned waiting for the pain to start, but there was no pain . . .
There was only laughter. Laughter from the young teens that had witnessed the humiliating fall and laughter from the blonde menace that still sitting on the other stool at the table.

Red heat flamed his cheeks with embarrassment and he couldn't help but scowl at the vampire who was laughing the hardest and the loudest.
Spike gripped his stomach tightly as he laughed. Full blown hysteria shook his body and tears of joy filled his eyes. He hadn't laughed this much in decades, his stomach felt as though it was going to explode and his throat felt raw and sore. He was vaguely aware of Xander scowling at him and the red flush that now covered the youths tanned cheeks. However, none of that mattered, it just made him laugh harder and harder.

So hard in fact that the stool he was sitting on begin to sway. Eyes widening in shock he tried to grasp on to anything solid to steady himself.
But found only air.

And by this time it was already to late, body plummeting like lead, black duster flying up behind him and arms thrashing wildly, the startled blond vampire landed beside Xander with a dull thud and the stool crashed to the floor beside him, shattering into sharp wooden pieces.

Xander couldn't help it he burst out laughing- his own embarrassment long forgotten. The expression on Spikes face was hilarious, not once had he ever seen the vampire look so startled and shocked-wide blue eyes suddenly flashed with amber as the vampire give a low threatening growl, all of which just made the dark hared human laugh more.

It suddenly occurred to Spike how funny the situation actually was, and he too joined in laughter.

They laughed and laughed, paying little or no attention to the stares they were receiving, they were too caught up in their drunken antics that they barley heard the demanded question shouted from above them. It wasn't until the question was repeated that Xander fully opened his eyes and gasped in shock.

"What the hell is going on here?" The voice boomed.

Spike and Xander lay in shock-eyes wide and mouth opened in silent horror. How the Hell were they going to explain this?


