Ceremony Of Innocence

By DM Evans

Chapter: 9

Buffy looked around her crowded living room. Giles was sitting in a chair, leafing through a book, double-checking some of the stuff Wesley had told him over the phone. Her Watcher looked weary. She had noticed the signs of age in him ever since the First Evil reappeared and wondered if it had to do with the shortness of temper she had been seeing in him. She wasn’t used to it and hoping it had more to do with stress than his age. At least that had resolved once he had started helping to rebuild the Council and he sent the remaining Potentials back to England. Willow was reading over Giles' shoulder. Anya and Xander were canoodling on the couch. It was so lovey-dovey it made her teeth ache. She was happy for them, of course, but she wasn’t in a mood to see PDA's. Dawn sat on the floor by the fireplace, chattering to one of her school friends on the phone.
Buffy wasn’t sure they were ready for an invasion from Los Angeles but she was grateful to have help with whatever was happening with the Hellmouth. She just wished she knew where she was going to put everyone. Wesley had been rather closed-mouthed about what was happening but she understood that there were some people who needed protecting and that there was a whole lot he was leaving out.

"So, all the sleeping arrangements are handled, right?" she asked, glancing out the window, wondering how Angel was going to make the trip from L.A. in the daylight. She hated to think of him cramped up in the trunk of his car.

"I double checked the mansion. I hadn’t realized that Angel hung on to that property once he left for Los Angeles," Giles said. "He’s had a caretaker doing the lawn and keeping an eye on things there but it doesn’t have much in the way of furnished bedrooms."

"From what I understand, only he, Wesley and Connor will be staying there, with the two people he’s trying to protect," Buffy said. She tugged a lock of hair, thinking on who he might be protecting. He wouldn’t say on the phone but she could imagine Angel being protective. He was like that. It was one of the things she loved about him even though it drove her nuts when it was directed at her.

"I don’t see why Xander and I have to be inconvenienced," Anya sniffed. "We’re on our honeymoon technically. The last thing I want is houseguests."

"Ahn, hon, it’s okay," Xander said soothingly. He wilted a little under the heat of her glare.

"Anya, I’m already taking up what space Buffy’s house has to offer." Giles tried to be diplomatic. That was hard with Anya even at the best of times. She was so blunt and expected others to be as well.

"It’s the best place for Fred and Gunn, Anya," Willow said, "Fred’s pregnant after all. We can’t just shove her in that cold mansion of Angel’s."

"That’s what hotels are for," Anya said, and seeing she wasn’t going to win she rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine but I’m not happy about it."

"Do you think I’m happy about putting Faith up here?" Buffy winced at the amount of heat in her tone. Was she really that upset at the prospect of being with Faith? Yes, her sister Slayer helped her defeat the First Evil but she still suspected Faith’s motives. She didn’t trust her. Too much black water under the bridge. "I guess that’s easier than taking in Angel’s son. I know we met Connor once but I’m not sure I trust him." She bit her lip at that, tasting blood. She knew she was lying. It wasn’t a matter of trust. It was a matter of feeling betrayed by Angel. One of the reasons he had left was that he couldn’t give her children, even though he never once bothered to ask if she wanted any.

"He’s all for killing demons. I don’t see the problem," Xander said, seemingly oblivious to Buffy’s pain.

"I thought he was cute," Dawn said cheerily then quelled at a warning glance from Buffy.

"I guess it’s just that I’m still not ready to believe in two vampires having a kid," Buffy said. "It sounds so wrong." What was even more wrong was Angel had a son and it wasn’t hers. She didn’t want kids but damn it, if someone was to have been able to give him one it shouldn’t have been...She paused in her mental rant. She didn’t even know who the kid’s mother was other than she was another vampire. There hadn’t been time to question Angel when his crew showed up to help her with the First and afterwards it was just too painful. It hurt more than it should, more than she wanted it to.

"It certainly does to me," Willow said cautiously. She saw the look in Buffy’s eye.

"To all of us," Xander said and finally twigging onto Buffy’s emotional state, changed the subject. "What all do we know about the sitch, Buffy?"

She sighed, sending him a grateful glance. This was safer. It wasn’t like trying to grab a lightning bolt. "There’s two people with Angel. Wesley wouldn’t say their names on the phone. One is going to help us with what’s going on with the Hellmouth. The other needs our protection."

"There there’s Faith. She’s been paroled early given all that she did with the troubles in L.A. and the First." Giles plucked off his glasses, cleaning them. He knew Buffy didn’t really approve but he felt it was well past time the Watchers did something to help the troubled Slayer.

"Yeah." Buffy seemed less than pleased. "Dawn, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind crashing on the couch so Faith can have your room."

Dawn shrugged. "Why not. It’ll give me practice for college." Her eyes widened as everyone turned and stared. Her cheeks pinked up. "Did I just say that?"

"Yes." Buffy leveled a stern look at her. "And we’ll talk about it later."

"We’ve already talked about it," Dawn shot back. "I don’t mind letting Faith stay in my room. I’d like to talk to her."

Buffy scowled. She was still trying to get used to the idea Dawn was grown up and heading off to college and that she wouldn’t be there to protect her any more. "I’m afraid to know why."

"They said she’s rehabilitated. I guess I just want to see for myself, after all she did to you and mom and everyone," Dawn replied.

"Don’t we all," Buffy said, totally ill at ease with Faith being around Dawn, any of her friends and oddly enough, most of all, around Angel. Buffy hated herself for feeling it but she was downright jealous of Faith for getting to spend time with Angel. She knew they weren’t lovers but she didn’t trust Faith not to make a play for him and now she knew Angel could be tempted. Connor’s existence was proof of that. And what business of hers was it who Angel slept with? She tried to tell herself it was because of what could happen but that was a lie. Part of her still wanted him and it was different from the part of her that still wanted Spike.

"I wish they would have told us more about what’s going on," Willow said.

"It seems there might be bugs on all their phones. They didn’t want to waste time finding a clean one. Someone has already been murdered over this," Giles said.

"Murder?" Spike asked, peeking around the doorway, seeing if the sun was pouring into the living room. He startled them.

"That’s it. We’re putting a bell on him," Xander grumbled.

"Do I get to pick where I dangle it from?" Spike sat in a shadowed place, smirking. He fished for his cigarettes. Buffy just pointed at him and he tucked them back away with a grimace.

"Freak," Xander shot back.

"I guess you got my note, Spike," Buffy said. Spike hadn’t been in his new digs when she went looking for him, but she figured she needed his help. She knew there would be problems with him and Angel but she was confident it could be handled. Their problems always were when there was a big bad in the picture.

He nodded. "What murder?"

"Lorne, the demon that told us to check out the Hellmouth in the first place," Buffy replied. "Angel and his friends know more about it. They’ll be here any time now."

Spike’s face went stormy. "What?"

"Don’t fuss," Dawn told him, slapping his leg.

Spike rolled his eyes. "I never fuss," he replied, causing both Xander and Giles to choke. He eyed them evilly.

"We’ll need your help, Spike. I don’t want you fighting with Angel," Buffy said sternly.

Spike dug his fingers into the carpeting, trying to hide his discomfort. "What about him fighting with me?"

"It’s not going to happen, hear me on that." Buffy’s face went dark.

Spike snorted. "I’ll do my best." His head jerked up. "Sounds like they’re in the drive."

"I’m so not ready for this," Buffy whispered as she headed for the door. She flung it open, watching Wesley pop open the trunk. Angel spilled out of his dark hiding place, a blanket held over his head. She stood aside as he raced inside. She barely recognized Wesley with the beard, astonished how rugged and handsome it made him. She had still been expecting the prissy Wes despite the changes she had seen in him when they helped fight the First.

She recalled Fred and Gunn from the big battle. Two short men, one burly and the other trim came next. Buffy didn’t know them but she noted they had the same pretty blue eyes. Lastly came Faith, her arm wrapped around Angel’s son’s waist. Buffy scanned their faces, still in disbelief that Connor existed. His face was so haunted Buffy had to wonder with dread at what might have happened to him. She only knew that he had been kidnapped. He skittered at the door, not wanting to go past her.

"Come on in, Connor," Angel called from inside. "You know Buffy. You know everyone here. No one’s going to hurt you."
Buffy’s eyes flicked over at Angel, wondering why they needed such cautions. What had happened to the boy during his captivity? She didn’t know Connor well but even she could see how subdued he seemed. Still, Angel’s words worked. Connor slithered past her, followed by Faith who glanced at her then quickly averted her eyes.

Buffy shut the door behind them. "How are you all?" she asked for want of something better to say.

"Tired. There’s a lot that’s been happening," Angel replied, waving Connor over to him. He glanced around trying to find a good place for Connor to sit in the cramped room then decided Connor was too jumpy to actually sit and relax.

"We got that much from your phone call. Is there anything I can get you guys, drinks or something?" Buffy waved a hand toward the kitchen. For a weird moment she felt like her mother and saddened instantly, missing Joyce intensely.

"I can help you with that," Fred said. "We all could use something to drink and I know I’m hungry."

"We could order in some pizzas," Xander said

"Thanks. I didn’t think I’d be this hungry but my body’s taking this eating for two seriously." Fred smiled, giving her belly a rub.

"This way. Water or soda?" Buffy asked and decided from their answers water would do.

As the ladies headed into the kitchen to get drinks, Connor leaned close to Angel and whispered, "I can’t stay here."

Angel touched his shoulder, looking into his son’s eyes. He was still getting hints of Dru from Connor. "It’ll be okay, Connor. We need to work with these people."

"I feel..." Connor didn’t say anything more, taking deep gulps of air. Angel thought the boy might vomit or faint.

"I’ll see if we can find you a place to lie down and be alone if you need that." Angel got up and went into the kitchen. "Buffy," he said softly and he couldn’t qualify the look in her eyes, somewhere between hurt and angry. "Connor’s not feeling well. Is there some place he could lay down?"

"My room, I guess," she replied.

Fred’s eyes fixed on Angel. "Do you think it might bother Connor, all the um...femininity?"

Angel nodded as Buffy gave Fred a strange look. "Good point. He has vampiric senses, Buffy and we’re still not sure what was done to him but a woman did most of it. Connor’s real jumpy around Fred and to a lesser degree Faith. It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since we rescued him. He might be uncomfortable in a woman’s bed just now."

"Well, there’s the cot we had Spike chained to when the First had control of him. Smoke and Spike is all he’ll smell." Buffy scowled. "Wow, that sounded gross."

"Very," Fred agreed.

Angel’s lips parted but the question died. He wished he knew why Spike had been chained in Buffy’s house. He thought he remembered something about the First controlling Spike. The fact that Buffy hadn’t just killed Spike out of hand told Angel a lot. There had to be a good reason to keep Spike alive and he suspected he wouldn’t like it.

"Let me get Connor," Angel said and headed to the living room. He returned with his son while Wesley introduced everyone to
the McDonalds.

Buffy led the way downstairs. She moved a box marked 'Clothes for Goodwill' off the cot. "It’s not much, Connor but it should be quiet."

He glanced over at her then dropped his gaze. He lay down on the cot then looked back up at her. "Thank you." He shifted, pressing his back against the wall.

Angel patted his calf. "Just get some rest. We’re right upstairs if you need us."

"Do you want me to help plan?" Connor asked softly.

"No, we’ll tell you anything you need to know," Angel said.

Buffy headed up the stairs. Angel followed. When he shut the basement door, Buffy punched him in the arm hard.

"What was that for?" Angel rubbed the spot she hit, knowing that punch was filled with rage.

"How dare you not tell me your son was kidnapped? I had to learn from Wesley when he called Giles for a spell." The fire in
her words matched the one in her eyes.

He dragged her back into the living room. "He can hear you by the door."

She jerked free of his hand. "I don’t care."

"I do," he snarled. He glanced away then saw all eyes were on him. He forced himself to calm down. "And I’m sorry, Buffy. I wanted to tell you but I didn’t want you to feel obligated to help. I couldn’t do that to you. You have enough to worry about."

"Damn it, Angel. I’m able to make my own decisions. I could have helped and Giles and the others could have kept me appraised of things here." Buffy’s too-thin body trembled with rage.

Angel couldn’t meet her gaze. He looked at his friends but saw no support forthcoming. "I’m sorry. You’re right. I...I wasn’t thinking straight and I don’t always listen to reason. I just..." He trailed off, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I’m not even sure what I mean. I’m sorry and we can argue later. Right now we have to get on this thing with the Hellmouth."

"Of course," Giles broke in, raising a hand to cut off a protest from Buffy. "Please bring us up to date."

Between Lindsey and Angel, Buffy and the Scoobies were quickly appraised of Wolfram and Hart’s plans. Buffy twisted and untwisted a lock of hair around her finger as she listened. She felt the dull rage increasing in her. How did things like this get started? What made anyone think messing with the Hellmouth could be a good idea.

She gave her hair a final twist. "How is it we haven’t seen anything wrong?" She tossed a look over at Angel. "When Lorne read Dawn at the wedding reception, we started looking for problems."

"The mouth’s under the school. The siphon comes up from the underground. The whole apparatus underlies the area. You wouldn’t see it. The business end is in the basement of the new law office Wolfram and Hart is building here," Lindsey said.
"I’m part of the construction crew," Xander said. "I don’t remember seeing anything odd but then again, once we got the basement on the first building half done, it was left unfinished and locked. We were told to finish clearing the other land before the building portion started up again. It was a bit suspicious."

"What sort of lock?" Buffy smiled grimly. This, at least, was something she could deal with. She didn’t want to think about Angel and his son and all her anger. Getting her mind back in the game would help.

"Padlock. Nothing you can’t handle," Xander replied.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Buffy headed for her weapon’s trunk.

"Can I interject something before we all go racing off?" Lindsey tugged nervously at the sleeve of his flannel shirt.

Buffy gave him a cold, suspicious appraisal. "What?"

"Well, for one, I don’t have a clue what would happen if you just bust up the apparatus. For all you know, it’ll explode and open the Hellmouth or otherwise kill us," Lindsey said. "Provided the Moahilya have no guards on it. Not that I’m doubting you and Faith can take them out but it will neither be easy nor pleasant. They have hundreds of mouths and have brute strength to spare."

"That might explain the body we found stripped to the bone with little bits of flesh littering the ground," Giles said, rubbing his chin, a thoughtful expression smoothing out some of the lines in his face.

"They don’t like the way we taste." Lindsey shrugged expressively and Buffy suppressed a shudder at the thought.

"How could you work with things like that?" Kevin asked, his eyes wide and horrified.

Lindsey sighed. "I didn’t know what I was getting into when Wolfram and Hart recruited me straight out of law school. By the time I found out, Kevin, it was too late."

"But you did find out and you didn’t run." Kevin’s harsh tone cut Lindsey deep. He couldn’t meet his brother’s eyes.

"No, I didn’t and I guess that makes me a bad man." Lindsey pounded a hand on his thigh. "Maybe you and the rest of the family are right in never speaking tome."

"Maybe." Kevin left the room.

Lindsey let his head fall back against the couch pillow, his breath hissing out.

Faith reached over and patted his arm. "That was rough. I’m there with you, lots of bridges to rebuild. Gotta wonder if it’s worth it and if they’ll let you do it." Her gaze flicked over to Buffy. Buffy tried to soften her expression. Maybe Faith did want to change. What if she was holding her back?

"It’s worth it and as for the other I think we’ll have to wait and see,” Lindsey said as the door bell rang.

Xander got up and paid for the pizzas. He held them overhead, making for the kitchen. "Dinner."

"I’ll get some plates." Willow followed him.

"I’ll give you a hand." Fred got up then patted Angel’s shoulder. "Angel, goose if Connor’s hungry."

Angel nodded and went downstairs. Connor was sleeping fitfully. He didn't want to wake him but thought maybe it was for the best. He shook Connor's shoulder. The boy woke with a cry, lashing out. Angel took the punch to the chest, then grabbed his son’s arm. "Easy, Connor. It’s okay. You’re safe."

Connor’s eyes darted around the room then he buried his face in the cot pillow, muffling a cry. Angel stroked his back. "It’s okay to be afraid, Connor. It'll fade someday, I promise."

"You don’t know," Connor whispered.

"I’m willing to listen, Connor. You can tell me anything. I can’t take away anything she did to you but we can talk about it if you want to. It might make you feel better." Angel said, crouching down by the cot. He wished he had a clue what might make his son feel better. He had a vision of Lilah's head on a pike but he wasn’t ready to go that far.

Connor looked over at him, his eyes frightened. "Can’t."

"That’s okay, too." Angel wondered if that was true. "Just so you know that you can do talk to me any time."

"Punish her," Connor murmured, his lips skinning back. He looked maniacal and it frightened Angel.

"Someone will, I promise you that," Angel said, hoping Connor meant something other than what he usually did by that. He didn’t want to see his son as a murderer no matter how much Lilah probably deserved it. "I woke you up because dinner's ready. You need to eat. You’re too thin."

Connor rubbed his belly. "Always like this."

Angel smiled gently. "Yes, and you’ve always been too thin. Please, try to eat something."

Connor nodded and sat up. Angel cleared away so he could stand. Connor slowly went upstairs. The wounds he bore yesterday were already healing so Angel could only guess the scars he couldn’t see were what weighed his child down. Connors at with his back to a wall, well away from the others once he grabbed up a slice of pizza.

"You were telling us why we shouldn’t just rush over there and bust up this hell power sucking thing your law firm put up, Lindsey. Do you have any more useful suggestions?" Buffy picked up a slice of veggie pizza.

"Actually I thought not blowing the lid off the Hellmouth was a helpful suggestion," Lindsey shot back, a cranky twist touching his lips. "But I'm thinking I could try to contact the demons. They have a strange sense of honor. If they find out that Wolfram and Hart murdered someone to help fake my death just so that the demons would deal with another lawyer at the firm, they might be persuaded to just remove the apparatus."

"And if not?" Buffy pressed.

"Then we’ll have to come up with a way to dismantle it," Lindsey said then called out loudly. "Kevin, come out here and eat. You can go back to ignoring me later!"

His brother reappeared from the kitchen, showed that he had some pizza and went back in. Lindsey sighed.

"I think it prudent that we be working on a way to dismantle it, while Lindsey tries to talk sense to them," Wesley said.

"Talk sense to a demon?" Connor snickered coldly at that.

"I’m with the kid," Xander said and Anya glared at him. Xander cowed a bit. He always tended to forget his wife was once a mass murdering demons.

"I’ll do my best but I agree with you, Wes, have that fall back plan ready,” Lindsey said, a certain lack of conviction in his voice.

"So, did Wolfram and Hart kidnap Connor to keep Angel from interfering with this plan?" Buffy asked and Connor’s hand froze, pizza slice halfway to his mouth. He let it drop back to the plate with a sloppy slap.

Angel pinched his nose, shaking his head. He wished Buffy hadn’t said that.

"No," Lindsey said. "Two separate things."

Angel looked at his son who trembled. "We’re not really sure what Wolfram and Hart had in mind for Connor. He’s not feeling up to talking about it yet."

"They wanted me...they needed someone to take your place." Connor’s eyes flicked up to meet Angel’s gaze, accusations screaming in them. "You wouldn't help them take over the world or whatever it is they want. They couldn’t make you back into Angelus so they thought they could use me."

"That would explain the fighting pit. They’re trying to see how tough you are," Gunn said, going for another slice of cardiac arrest special pizza.

Connor nodded, wiping a greasy hand over his face. "Tried to make me crazy."

"Wouldn’t have thought that would be hard," Gunn mumbled and Connor glared at him.

"So you don’t know anything about this thing with the Hellmouth, Connor?” Buffy seemed disappointed.

"Lilah never talked to me about it. That’d be dangerous. What if I got away? “Connor asked, picking at the pepperoni on his pizza.

Buffy pursed her lips, thinking on that. "What do you need in order to contact these demons, Lindsey?"

"I can get the ingredients for the contact spell easy enough but not until tomorrow. They will only answer when the sun is at its zenith, don’t ask." He held up his hands. "Like I said, they have a strange sense of honor and ritual."

"Then perhaps your team should get some rest, Angel. You all look exhausted. Willow and I can start the research. Buffy can patrol like normal," Giles said.

"Sounds like a plan. Buffy, I can help if you need me, too. I rested in the trunk on the way here," Angel said and he noticed Spike’s glare at the suggestion of him helping Buffy.

"Maybe you need to be with your son," Buffy said, looking over at Connor who still wasn’t eating.

"Thanks. I’d prefer that but if you need me, you know where to find me,” Angel said gratefully.

"One more thing," Lindsey said. "Someone ought to try and track down Lilah. She's bound to be on the move now that she knows Connor’s free. And she has a vested interest in the Sunnydale project. If she gets wind I’m trying to ruin this, something will be done about it."

"I’ll check the net, see if I can hack into her credit card files. We could try and track her that way." Willow headed for her laptop, an enthusiastic gleam in her pretty eyes.

"I’ll write you down her full name and social security number," Lindsey said.

"Angel, you might want to stop somewhere and get some food. The mansion's livable but there’s nothing to eat," Giles said.

"Okay. We’ll take care of that. Connor, please finish your pizza." Angel pointed to his son’s still-full plate. Connor rolled his eyes but started eating mechanically. Angel only hoped that the whole awkward feeling that seemed to touch them all would dissipate. It would only hamper their efforts. He knew it was natural. He felt like a lot of it was his fault even though he knew he was exaggerating his own importance in that. Maybe once they had a plan of attack they'd come together like a team. He could only hope so.


Lilah reached up and flushed the toilet before sitting back, resting against the coolness of the tub. If she was going to feel this bad she had to look into a way to secretly abort the baby and tell the senior partners she had a miscarriage. She had been throwing up for what felt like hours. Her head pounded but that could easily be a mix of stress and caffeine withdrawal. Dr. Outing had made her quit cold turkey. She hated it.

Levering herself off the bathroom floor, Lilah rinsed her mouth then headed into the bedroom portion of her Sunnydale hotel room. She flopped on the hard bed, willing herself to be porous so she could just trickle in and be one with the bed. She fished out her cell phone and called one of the junior partners.

"Trenham? Yeah, I made it here safe. Have the McDonalds been corralled yet?” She tugged off her nylons. "Well, if someone does catch them let me know. I want to put my brand on them. And what have you heard on the other front?" Lilah dreaded the answer. She could imagine how Angel was tearing up L.A. looking for her to get back his pound of flesh for his unnatural brat. "No sightings? Seriously? Thanks for the update. I’ll call you tomorrow."

Lilah signed off. What could Angel be doing? Where was he? Lilah had expected him to be scouring L.A. for her. She didn’t like this. As if being sent to Sunnydale to deal with the Moahilya demons wasn’t bad enough, now Angel was being all mysterious. She couldn’t quantify how frightened that made her. Lilah took a few calming breaths then set about planning for meeting the demons. She could make herself as safe as she could: Only travel in the day and hope he couldn't get into hotel rooms once she made it hers.

