Tornado Of Souls

By Frau Hunter Ash

Part Three

Willow felt lost. Normally, when confronted with a problem dealing with the supernatural, she'd hit Giles' books or the Internet. Unfortunately, she had hit the Internet and Giles' books a hundred times since learning that Oz was a werewolf. She knew she wasn't going to find anything new since scanning over everything the week before.

The red-haired student finally settled on sneaking back into her home after her parents left and curled up on the bed crying with the windows and drapes shut, the coughing beginning to hurt her ribs and throat.

* * *

Faith had managed to escape Giles for the rest of the day by getting a trip to the hospital where a surgical med student spent over an hour working wood splinters out of her palm. The dark Slayer gritted her teeth a lot and tried to work her mind over the problem of what to do with Willow, Buffy and the stranger Watchers.

Joyce looked on with a frown as the surgeon continually had to work to get the splinters out. For once, Slayer healing abilities was a drawback as Faith's skin quickly healed over the splinters and the student was forced to go after them with a needle and tweezers. Finally, he stitched up the major wound and released Faith into the care of Joyce, giving Faith a note to excuse her from school for the day and from PE for the rest of the week.

She could live with that, Faith decided.

Joyce surprised Faith by stopping for lunch at a popular restaurant.

After the two had ordered Joyce stood up with a forced smile.

"I need to use the phone and check my messages, I'm waiting for word on an important shipment," she explained and Faith wondered why Joyce Mom wasn't using her cell phone but didn't say anything.

"Sure, sorry about dragging you away from work," she said sincerely.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad it's not really serious," Joyce said truthfully.

"No worries at all, 5x5 by tomorrow," Faith grinned and Joyce shook her head.

"I'll never get used to that healing thing of you and Buffy," she complained. "I'll be right back."

"Okay, I'm going to flirt with that cute busboy," Faith declared and Joyce laughed a genuine laugh.

The moment Joyce disappeared beyond the door leading to the restrooms and telephone, Faith was on her feet and opened the door a crack a moment later.

"Buff, pick up the phone, it's Mom," Joyce was saying into the phone. "Buffy, look you need to get out of there for the day. Faith had an accident at school; we just got out of the hospital. She's fine but she's out of school for the day and we'll be there after lunch."

Faith's eyes narrowed.

So, Joyce Mom knew Buffy wasn't visiting her father. That meant she probably was aware of everything, including Buffy turning furry on full moons.

"Okay, I love you, Buffy," Joyce said softly and Faith could hear the tears in her voice. "I'm trying to understand, baby."

Faith quickly moved through the restaurant and was playing with her fork when Joyce sat back down.

"Any news on your shipment?" the Slayer asked.

"What?" Joyce asked, clearly puzzled. "Oh no, it isn't in yet."

Faith nodded as the waiter brought their salads and she dug in with a healthy appetite that only Xander or Buffy could appreciate.

The slayer debated on what to do next. Should she confront Joyce and Buffy? Or Willow? Should she tell Giles what was going on?

Faith and Joyce both ate silently, each lost in their thoughts.

* * *

"So Faith is at home, that explains her absence but where's Will?" Xander complained as the Scooby Gang gathered in the library after school.

"I'm not sure," Giles muttered as the three Watchers observed the group. "Oz?"

"I don't know, she let me out this morning and was going to catch a couple more hours of sleep on your sofa," Oz explained as Cordelia filed her nails.

"She wasn't here when I arrived this morning," Giles said. "Maybe she went home instead and fell asleep."

"Willow miss school just because of lack of sleep?" Cordelia said sarcastically. "The world will come to an end this weekend!"

"As annoying as she is, Cordelia's right," Xander grinned. "Will would never miss school. I've seen her stumble to school with a fever of a 103."

"I called earlier during lunch but no one answered," Oz added. "Want me to go and check on her?"

"Do you have time before moonrise?" Giles asked honestly. Oz frowned and shook his head.

"I don't want to take that chance, you're right," the musician muttered.

"We'll drop by and check," Xander volunteered himself and Cordelia.

"You just want to ride in my car," Cordelia accused.

"Yup!" Xander agreed readily.

"Faith should be able to handle Slaying duties tonight since Buffy is still out of town until tomorrow morning," Giles said thoughtfully. "Could you and Cordelia lend her a hand? I'll stay here tonight with Willow and Oz."

"Okay, I only have homework I'm missing out on," Xander grinned and Giles merely shook his head.

* * *

Willow hadn't lain on her bed for long once the clock began moving into the afternoon. She knew someone would come by to check on her. Willow was quite aware that it was unusual for her to miss school and not let anyone know that she was sick. She couldn't remember the last time she had missed school.

The red-head left her house before anyone could come looking for her. She didn't want to run into Xander or any of the Scooby Gang. One thing Willow knew about herself, she was a miserable liar and she wouldn't be able to hide anything from her friends.

Willow sat down behind a gravestone and rummaged through her backpack. A bottle of water, cough syrup, books and laptop. Hooked to her belt was something she had prayed she'd never have to use, a gift from Oz shortly after he had discovered he was a werewolf. A silver dagger.

The computer geek and honor student waited impatiently as the sun got lower, unsure whether she was praying that Buffy wouldn't show up or that the Slayer would. Finally near sunset Willow spotted a familiar form climbing over one of the walls of the cemetery and dropping lightly to the ground, Buffy's eyes darting all around.

Willow ducked back and waited. She was hoping that Slayer senses wouldn't pick up on her presence but if it did she was ready with a quick lie that she was waiting for Faith for an evening of patrolling.

After a couple of moments, Willow risked glancing around the stone and saw Buffy working her way towards the older crypts, taking a crooked and round-about path to get to a particular one. The hacker felt her heart sinking and her mind going numb at Buffy's caution. Willow had already spotted the crypt that she had seen in the photos and had it in sight.

Willow wiped at the tears escaping her eyes as Buffy unlocked the tomb and entered. The honor student stood up and leaned on the headstone for support, unable to stand on her shaking legs for a full minute.

Five minutes later Willow stood in front of the door, hesitating. She turned her head and saw the sun was almost down. The timing had to be just right, she knew. Willow couldn't crash the crypt too soon or Buffy might flee, leaving a werewolf free to kill. Willow also couldn't hesitate too long in case Buffy turned and the werewolf got out through the tunnels.

Willow opened the door and moved quickly through the semi-darkness, flashlight already in hand. She opened the inner door and wasn't surprised to find three lanterns lit around the tomb, giving enough light to see every corner clearly.

Blinking at her in surprise from behind the bars of the cell was Buffy, her best friend and Slayer.

* * *

Faith cursed when she realized Willow wasn't at home either. Xander and Cordelia were beginning to look concerned.

The Slayer had no idea where the crypt was and no idea of where to look either. What’s more, Faith didn't think the Watchers would tell her its location.

"Maybe the family went out of town unexpectedly," Cordelia suggested.

"Maybe," Faith frowned. "We'll check back later, let's rock."

Faith attempted to put on her typically happy-go-lucky let's slay something personae but it wasn't easy. The brunette Slayer hated riddles, puzzles and mysteries!

* * *

"Oh God, no," Buffy said softly as Willow walked down the stairs into the crypt, turning off her flashlight absently. "Please, Will, get out here! Leave!"

"It's true, isn't it?" Willow asked softly, tears streaking her face as Buffy gripped the bars. Willow could see the debate in her friends' eyes, Buffy unsure whether to unlock the door and run for it or stay locked up safe.

"Will, please! I'm begging you! Don't do this!" Buffy pleaded, wincing slightly.

"What? Watch over a werewolf on the night of a full moon? Don't I do that every month?" Willow demanded.

"Oh God," Buffy muttered. "I can't control it on a full moon, Will! Please get out! I'm safe in here! We'll talk tomorrow, there's more to this than you know!"

"I know," Willow said softly as Buffy's body began to twitch. "The wolf escaped last night Buffy, some sort of tunnel. Three people are dead."

Buffy's eyes widened.

"No, that's not possible!" she protested, her voice becoming harsh and strained. "Leave! Now!"

"You were followed and you killed," Willow said, her voice dull.

Buffy bent over almost double as the pain of forced transformation began to hit her. She watched as Willow pulled out a silver knife and tossed it to the edge of the cell bars. The Slayer instinctively backed away.

"I thought I could stop you tonight but I can't," Willow said softly. "I just hope you don't escape tonight. Be a Slayer in the morning, Buffy, and end it. I can't."

"Willow! Wait!" Buffy screamed as the red-haired student turned and dashed up the stairs. Buffy turned with a scream as the change hit her, totally.

* * *

'"Hey, isn't that Will?" Xander asked, pointing in the direction of the cemetery gate. Faith spun and broke into a run after the girl with Xander and Cordelia quickly following.

"Willow! Wait!" Faith shouted and the would-be witch hesitated, looking up at her approaching friends and Slayer. Faith could see the tears in the moonlight.

Willow turned and ran through the open gate.

"Willow, damnit, wait!" Faith shouted.

The Slayer knew she could catch the red-head and debated with herself over what to do with Willow once she caught her. The girl was emotionally upset about something and that was likely to do with a certain Slayer turned werewolf. How the hell to deal with this with Cordy and Xander along for the ride, Faith demanded of herself.

The three stopped abruptly when a black car skidded to a stop at the curb next to the running Willow.

Faith, Xander and Cordy watched in disbelief as Willow stopped, hesitated and then got into the car.

The brunette Slayer cursed and ran after the car but it sped away at a quick pace.

"What the hell was that about?" Xander demanded. "Wasn't that those new Watcher types?"

"Yeah, it was," Faith muttered.

"Why did they pick up Will and why was she crying?" he demanded.

"And what was she doing in a cemetery at night in Sunnydale?" Cordelia added.

"Come on, this is about to break wide open, guys," Faith said, heading back into the cemetery. "I think we've got a werewolf to watch over."

"Werewolf? What? That wolf we ran into the other night?" Xander asked.

"Maybe, come on," Faith growled, letting her Slayer senses extend, looking for the crypt where she suspected a Slayer werewolf was waiting.

* * *

Oz opened his eyes slowly and glanced around the book cage. He figured by the position of the sunlight that he had been asleep after the transformation for probably an hour. A quick glance at one of the wall clocks told him an hour and a half.

He spotted Giles asleep in his office chair with his feet propped up on one of the tables, book in lap. Oz frowned as he slipped his pants on, there was no sign of Willow and no fresh scent either. He quickly zipped up his jeans and rattled the door.

"Hey, Giles!" he called, waking the Watcher. "Where's Will?"

Giles blinked as he sat up and winced from having spent the night in a chair, even if it was his chair from the office.

"I don't know actually," he admitted, walking over to the cage, pulling out the key. "She never showed up last night."

"That's not like, Willow!" Oz growled. "She's always here when I change."

"I know but she wasn't this morning," Giles repeated.

"Any word from the others?" the werewolf student snapped.

"No, not yet," Giles said softly. He had a very bad feeling concerning the last two days and Buffy wasn't even in town to help.

* * *

Buffy groaned and slowly lifted herself up on her hands and knees. The blonde Slayer shook her head and absently touched the boar's tusk around her neck. Somehow, that never came off, even though all clothes did.

"Is that something like a hangover? Do you get a headache and body aches from changing?" a voice demanded and Buffy's mind shut down from shock as she looked up and saw Faith standing at the cell door, watching her.

"Oh God, is it like posted somewhere that I'm now a furry type?" Buffy demanded.

"Kinda," Faith nodded, her face and eyes hard. She held up the silver knife and Buffy felt her face and body flushing with anger. "I take it Red couldn't take you out last night so she left this so you'd do the right thing this morning?"

"Something like that," Buffy said softly, standing uneasily. She bent down and reached through the bars for her backpack, pulling it through, cautiously keeping her eyes on the other Slayer. The Slayer grabbed a t-shirt and her jeans from the bag. "Where's Will? I gotta talk to her and you."

"Include Xander and Cordy in that too, they're outside," Faith said flatly.

"What?" Buffy's eyes widened again. "How the hell did everyone find out?"

"You've been outed, B," Faith smirked. "So what now? Do I throw you this knife and walk away?"

"No," Buffy snapped, her eyes angry. "There's more to this than just me being your Hollywood type werewolf. It gets really complicated."

"Tell that to the guys you killed," Faith snapped.

"Willow said I killed someone, that I was followed but I wasn't," Buffy protested. "I mean, I didn't get out for the last three nights. I swear it."

"Look, open the door and let's talk about this," Faith snapped.

"I think I'll stay on this side, thanks, until you put that knife away," Buffy growled, tying on her Doc Martin boots.

"Afraid of a little silver, B?"

"It'd take a lot more silver than that to kill me, Faith, but I really don't want to go through a fight with you," Buffy countered. "Who the hell was supposed to have followed me when I didn't go anywhere?"

"Listen, B, I really, really need some caffeine and food, we've been watching you pace all night," Faith declared. "Truce until you explain some things?"

"Your word you won't stab me in the back, literally?" Buffy demanded.

"Agreed," Faith nodded and stuck the knife in her inner jacket pocket.

Buffy hesitated and reached around to the combination and waited until Faith turned her back and keyed in the numbers.

The Slayer quickly grabbed her backpack up and motioned for Faith to go up the stairs first.

"Where's Will?" Buffy demanded.

"That's something we need to talk about, B," Faith said wearily. "I really don't feel like walking to school to fill in Oz and Giles either."

"Who says they need to know?" Buffy snapped.

"Everyone else does!" Faith countered as she opened the door and Buffy saw Xander and Cordelia outside the crypt looking very uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I guess so," Buffy said slowly as tears filled her eyes. "This is going to be a really, really long day."

"Buff?" Xander questioned, his eyes pained. "Did Oz bite you without us knowing?"

"No, Xan," Buffy said sadly. "I wasn't bitten and it's not Oz' fault. There's my Mom, lets call Giles and Oz and get something to eat. And you'd better damn well tell me where Will is!"

"Your Mom?" Cordelia squeaked. "Your mom knows about this?"

"Yeah, I kinda couldn't keep it from her when I came back; she was watching me like a hawk. I also needed someone to cover for me on full moons," Buffy explained as they walked through the graveyard.

Faith noticed that Buffy didn't turn her back to the brunette Slayer either.

Joyce's face was stunned as the Scooby Gang escorted Buffy through the gates.

"Buffy?" she whispered.

"Hi, Mom," Buffy said, trying to sound cheerful but didn't quite succeed. "Long breakfast and lots of coffee and sodas for this one, Mom."

"Oh, okay," Joyce muttered as the gang crawled into the car. She did notice that Buffy waited until everyone else was in the car before getting into the passenger seat and she sat sideways, as if not quite trusting her friends.

"Can I borrow the phone?" Buffy asked, reaching for her mother's purse.

"Sure, honey," Joyce answered. "IHOP?"

"Or Denny's," Xander suggested and Cordelia rolled her eyes at the choices but nodded anyway.

"Giles? It's Buffy, can you and Oz meet us at IHOP?" Buffy questioned into the phone. "Long explanations all around."

Then Buffy hung up the phone and dialed another number.

"Hello? It's Little Stalker," she said softly. "The veil is pierced and I need some verbal and emotional backup. No, it's not dangerous or deadly to Gaia but it's complicated. IHOP in an hour? Thanks."

Buffy refused to meet anyone's eyes as they drove on.

* * *

Giles noticed the Scooby gang gathered around a large table at the nearest IHOP restaurant, minus Willow and the Watcher frowned.

"Where's Willow?" Oz demanded as they walked up.

Faith sighed and Xander shifted uneasily in his seat.

"Let's start at where I came in yesterday and what I overheard between Willow and those Watchers," Faith suggested. "Then Buffy can explain why she now gets furry on full moons like Oz."

Giles quickly grabbed Oz' arms as the young man's knees buckled. The Watcher steered his young friend into the booth next to Cordelia as Oz stared at Buffy in disbelief.

"When? How? Me?" he stammered.

"When I sent Angel to Hell, the how is a long story, and you had nothing to do with it," Buffy answered calmly.

"Willow talked with the Watchers?" Giles questioned as he sat next to Joyce. "They didn't mention they had met her."

"They didn't meet her, Giles guy," Faith clarified. "They were looking for her."

"What?" he demanded.

Faith began her long explanation of what she had overheard between the Watchers and Willow, trying not to leave anything out as the group ordered food and large cokes from the waitress.

Everyone was frowning and looking at Buffy when the brunette Slayer finished.

"Okay, first off," Buffy snapped. "I didn't kill anyone! The wolf didn't get out and I didn't kill three homeless types."

"How do you know, you were furry and all?" Xander demanded. "Oz never remembers."

"He will eventually," Buffy said softly, watching the other werewolf's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Giles asked.

"Oz and I have a lot to talk about after this," Buffy nodded. "Okay, my turn for questions. Who the heck are these Watchers, Giles?"

"I don't know now," he admitted. "They said they were here to conduct routine Slayer testing on you and Faith. Obviously they were lying."

"Faith, you said I was followed, right?" Buffy asked.

"That's what those idiots told Willow and showed her pictures of you changing in that crypt," Faith explained.

"That was the fresh scents," Buffy muttered. "Installing the cameras."

"Okay, you're a werewolf," Cordy snapped. "How do you know you didn't kill those guys as a wolf? Oz tries to like kill us every chance he gets. No offense, Oz."

"None taken," the musician shrugged.

"How did I supposedly get out?" Buffy asked.

"The wolf found a tunnel connecting to the sewers," Faith explained.

"And I was followed, right?" Buffy pressed.

"That's what they said and said they had pictures of you as a werewolf killing the homeless guys," Faith said.

"If the tunnel is in the cell, how did they follow me? No one has that combination but me and Mom," Buffy asked and saw Faith's eyes widen and Giles' narrow in surprise and thought.

"Buffy was in the cell those three nights," Joyce said softly. "I stayed with her the first night and checked on her twice during the second night."

"Why weren't you there last night?" Faith asked and Joyce dropped her head.

"I couldn't take it anymore," Joyce said softly and Buffy reached out to hold her hand. "Buffy's explained it to me and everything but it's still so hard to watch her go through a frenzy like that."

"So why would the Watchers tell Will that Buffy killed someone?" Xander demanded. "And explained what?"

Buffy looked up and smiled; the others turned and saw a large man walking through the restaurant, heading their way. Giles noticed Oz' eyes widening and a surprised look cross the young man's face.

The stranger reminded Xander of the largest Scot he had ever seen in Braveheart in his life. Flame red hair like Willow's, pale green eyes and complexion confirmed everyone's assessment that his name was probably Scottish or Irish. He stood tall, at least 6'6" and was very broad shouldered. He was dressed in a flannel shirt, levi jacket and black jeans. Oz spotted cowboy boots and a wide leather belt as well.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the boar's tusk on a leather thong around his neck, just like Buffy's.

The Slayer crawled under the table and walked up to the stranger and hugged him tightly and affectionately.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," she said softly and then turned to the surprised group.

"This is…." She stammered.

"Among humans I'm Angus, sister," the stranger grinned.

"That's Giles, my Watcher; Joyce, my Mom; Faith, the other Slayer; Xander and Cordelia, faithful Scooby members and this is Oz, a brother," Buffy said, introducing everyone.

"A brother?" Oz asked softly.

"Ah, the lost cub you told us about then?" Angus grinned and pulled Oz up out of his seat and hugged him fiercely.

"Angus!" Buffy laughed. "Put him down before you scare him into a frenzy! He's never changed outside of the moon."

"As you've said," Angus nodded and placed Oz gently back into the booth.

Instead of looking intimidated or angry, Oz looked pleasantly surprised.

"You know, I hate to be rude," Faith snapped. "No, I don't. I take that back. I don't hate being rude, especially now! I'm tired and confused and I hate being confused!"

Buffy smiled as everyone moved over and shifted her plate until it was back in front of her. Angus gave an order for a huge breakfast to the waitress and grinned as everyone stared at him.

"How far have you gotten?" he asked Buffy.

"They know I'm Garou but not the details or the truth," Buffy said slowly.

"And he knows about Watchers, Slayers and the Gang?" Xander snapped. "Thought we kept a low profile?"

"This is my mentor, Xan," Buffy said calmly. "He knows more about my life than my mother does. Maybe even more than I do."

"Our clan knows that Buffy's friends are aware of the evil that walks in the shadows," Angus said thoughtfully. "We're also aware that you are under the impression that all werewolves are monsters, cursed creatures that have to be contained or they'll kill innocents, correct?"

"Well, yes," Giles nodded, avoiding Buffy and Oz' eyes. "That's been our experience."

"You've only dealt with one werewolf before Buffy, correct?" Angus asked.

"Why do you look like a Scot, have a Scottish name but a California accent?" Cordy asked.

"Would you like me to talk in a brogue and wear a kilt?" Angus laughed.

"You mentioned Klan, you mean KKK?" Xander questioned. "Buffy's not gone skinhead or anything?"

"No, clan, as in family," Giles explained.

"Okay, someone start somewhere," Faith demanded.

"Werewolves are part of nature, not against it like vampires and demons," Angus began. "We're the protectors of Gaia, the Mother Earth and we're losing the fight."

"I knew you were a werewolf," Oz whispered.

"Garou, we call ourselves many things, but Garou is the most common," Angus said gently. "There are a handful of werewolves that are actually cursed beings, either through the bloodline or calling it on themselves. Sad bastards. We put them down gently when we find them."

"Put them down?" Giles asked.

"Yes, we put them out of their misery," Angus nodded. "They are against nature and against Gaia's wishes for her children. There are also evil Garou, those who have lost their connection to the Mother Earth and now walk the twisted path of the Wyrm."

"Don't get too detailed or technical right now," Buffy scolded. "Everyone's tired and on emotional overload and I think Hunters have my best friend."

"Hunters?" Angus questioned softly.

"They tried to frame me for a werewolf murder and are talking my best friend into killing me," Buffy explained.

"Oh Stag's blood!" Angus growled. "Alright, good werewolves vs. evil werewolves and evil creatures like vampires and demons. Much like your Slayers."

"But how can werewolves fight if they're mindless killing machines only on the full moons?" Giles asked.

"We're not," Angus said calmly. "Only when we go into a rage and some on the moon they were born under. Buffy is very unique, even among the Garou."

"Figures," Faith smirked and Buffy threw a piece of toast at the brunette Slayer. Faith in turn, caught the toast with her fork, impaling the bread. Angus' eyebrows rose in appreciation of her quick reflexes and skills.

"There's never been a Slayer Garou," Angus explained.

"I know there's never been a Slayer werewolf," Giles nodded.

"Garou prefer to live in packs, among others of their kind," Angus continued with a nod. "Once someone is found to be Garou, like a lost cub, they are taken in and taught the ways and rites and they join the pack. Very few roam the land as Ronin, undeclared or banished Garou."

"Lost cubs?" Oz questioned.

"Those humans who mate with us are considered our kin, our families. Sometimes the children inherit the Garou shape changing abilities, sometimes they don't. Occasionally a family slips away from their Garou and we lose contact. Then the genes pop up and we get a Garou who knows nothing of their past, their heritage or their kin. Like you."

"I'm not a cursed werewolf?" Oz whispered, tears springing to his eyes.

"No, young one," Angus said gently. "You're either of the Fianna Clan or maybe one of the Children of Gaia."

"So again, full moons, fur and lots of wanting to kill things?" Faith demanded.

"Some of the Garou, especially those born on a full moon or very young in their training, can't control themselves on full moons and are forced to shape change. Once the change hits the rage is common."

"Rage?" Giles asked.

"The Garou are prone to rages and frenzies, it's part of the burden we carry in being the defenders of Gaia," Angus tried to explain. "When we change especially, we can feel the extent of the damage done to the mother. It's especially hard if we're caught in the city during a change or rage. You can't think rationally and just want to kill the cause of the damage."

"Vampires and demons?" Giles question, clearly puzzled.

"No," Angus said, hesitating. "Humans are the cause of the destruction to Mother Earth. More than any vampire ever could."

"Humans? You don't like humans?" Cordy demanded. "But you're protectors!"

"Of Mother Earth," Angus corrected. "There is no greater enemy than humans because most of the time they are either unaware or they don't care about the damage they do and they serve the purpose of the evil entities that want the Earth to fail. Chaos beings who want the world in darkness again."

"Garou can change into various forms of werewolves at other times," Buffy continued. "Some seem to have lost some of the gifts and can't make some of the changes or can't do it under certain conditions but Angus here could change into about five different types of werewolves right now."

"I wouldn't because seeing a werewolf in some of the forms cause humans to panic or go insane," Angus smiled at his charge. "Then there's the safety rule: never let the humans know we exist. We call it the Veil."

"In the car," Faith's eyes narrowed. "You said the Veil had been pierced."

"Yeah," Buffy nodded. "You guys found out about me. I'm in trouble with the Garou Nation and my own Tribe and Clan."

"What happens when someone finds out?" Xander asked.

"We assess the threat," Angus said slowly. "We knew there was a major risk in some of you finding out about Buffy since we allowed her to return home and to her Slaying. We didn't think it'd happen this quickly though. Sometimes, if the human becomes a threat, the threat is taken care of."

"Taken care of? You'd kill a human?" Giles demanded from his Slayer and Buffy frowned, looking down at her plate.

"I don't know, Giles," she admitted. "If it meant protecting my Tribe or my clan, then I'd have to say I would."

"Buffy," Joyce whispered, hurting for her daughter.

"This puts me in an awkward position, Buffy," Giles complained. "How am I supposed to keep this from the Council?"

"Don't they already know? Those Watchers were the ones who found out," Xander pointed out.

"I don't think they were sent by the Council," Giles shook his head. "It doesn't feel right."

"I think they're Hunters," Buffy said slowly.

"There are humans who have learned about vampires and werewolves and feel a divine calling to eliminate all the monsters," Angus explained. "Unfortunately, they won't listen that we're not evil. They can be extremely fanatical, sometimes even religiously fanatical. They won't hesitate to kill another human for being mated with a Garou either."

"Mated? You guys mix it up with humans?" Xander demanded.

"Until last night you would have been willing to get horizontal with me," Buffy snapped.

"Garou can't mate with another Garou," Angus said sadly. "The genetics are wrong and the offspring are deformed and usually insane."

"So you were born this way?" Cordy asked, actually sounding curious.

"Yes, so was Oz," Buffy nodded, seeing the surprise and relief in his eyes. "Getting bitten by his cousin was a coincidence. They're both Garou."

"Wow!" Xander exclaimed as Oz ducked his head, hiding the tears filling his eyes.

"We were going to wait until you and the witch had decided your relationship before taking you and training you, brother," Angus smiled. "But now that you know, you'll come away and be taught properly."

"Why can't he stay here and just go on the same as before?" Xander demanded.

"There is a great danger in an untrained Garou falling into the hands of the Spiral Dancers, the evil werewolves, and being forced into corruption," Angus explained. "Living with a pack and being taught helps prevent that."

"What's the difference between werewolves?" Faith snapped.

"A Spiral Dancer loves chaos and willingly kills humans for sport and blood and other weres," Buffy explained. "They love stuff that hurts the Earth, like toxic waste spills and work to cause as much harm as possible. Imagine Oz tearing through Sunnydale High and then nuking the place. That's what a corrupted Were would try."

"Well, nuking the place might not be bad," Xander muttered.

"So, Oz goes off with you and then what?" Giles asked. "Buffy continues as the Slayer and we lock her away on Full moons like we did Oz?"

"Basically," Angus nodded. "We hope that she'll gain control of her rage during the Ahroun moon, the full moon, but that's uncertain. She also can't seem to change into any other form than ape during the day. That can be a great disadvantage if caught by a Hunter."

"Ape?" Faith asked.

"Human form," Buffy explained.

"What about Will?" Xander demanded.

"We find her and bring her back," Buffy said firmly.

"If not, then we wait and hope she's halfway sane when she returns," Angus said sadly. "The Hunters will be back for Buffy. The Wyrm already has a major hold on Sunnydale without adding Hunters to it."

"They think I'll have an even shorter life now than before when I was a Slayer," Buffy explained with a shrug.

"What was that other werewolf Saturday night?" Cordelia asked and Angus raised his eyebrows in question.

"I ran into a Child of Gaia at a nightclub," Buffy explained. "We sensed each other. He saw my Clan tatt and he flashed me his Tribe glyph and that he knew there were vampires in the club."

"That's how you knew there was trouble!" Cordy grinned.

"I had already sensed the vampires and knew he was going after them," Buffy nodded. "I lent a hand without changing and didn't let these guys follow him."

"So now what?" Faith demanded.

"We wait for Will to return and Oz gets educated," Buffy smiled. "You've got family now, Oz."

"It's not a curse," the young man repeated.

"No, but it's a hard existence," Angus clarified.
