Chocolate Cakey Goodness

By Whiskey Meteor

Xander didn't wake up until late afternoon. He'd slept well once he'd finally drifted off, but he'd been preoccupied for some time after Andrew had left his room the night before. Shaken by a dream, Andrew had confided in Xander that he'd killed Jonathan driven by his love for Warren. Xander was mystified that seemingly meek little Andrew could be driven to murder and had wondered what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of a love that powerful. <Did Warren know how lucky he'd been?> Xander wondered as he rose and dressed. Heading downstairs and into the kitchen, Xander was met by Andrew, who was busy at the stove. Whatever Andrew was cooking smelled sweet and very good. "Smells good," Xander said, peeking over Andrew's shoulder, "Whatchya makin'?"

Andrew jumped, having not heard Xander come up behind him, "AHH!" he screamed, put and hand on his chest and took a deep breath. "Xander you scared me half to death!" He pointed an oven mitt covered finger at Xander, "What did I tell you about hovering?" Andrew pointed to his forehead, where the Band-Aid Xander had applied the day before was still in place, "Do I have to remind you what happened last time you were hovering?"

Xander remembered their painful collision of heads, and also giving Andrew a Band-Aid, and then kissing his boo-boo better. Andrew had returned his attentions to the stove, however, so he didn't see how red Xander's face had gone. Xander swallowed and busied himself in the fridge, looking for some orange juice. Then he remembered the tantalising smell coming from the stove, "What *are* you cooking?" he asked again.

"Oh," Andrew was moving his hips back and forth as he stirred, "it's a chocolate glaze…" he gave it a final stir and removed the pot from the element, "for a chocolate cake that I made earlier this morning while *someone* was still in dream land."

"Mm. Well it smells really good," Xander said stifling a yawn. He planted himself heavily on a seat at the table and yawned again.

"Geez," Andrew said, joining Xander at the table, "you're still tired?"

"I didn't sleep very well." Xander confessed.

Andrew's eyes widened, "You didn't have that Alec Guinness dream again did you?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

Xander laughed, "No," he said, "I think I'm just used to sleeping on a couch now, and my body didn't know what to do with all that soft beddy goodness." Andrew was still wearing the oven mitts and he leaned forward and propped his head up on his hands. Xander stared at him for a minute, <He's too cute to be a murderer>, he thought. And then, <Wait, I did *not* just think that Andrew was cute… did I?>

Andrew, cautiously regarding the confused look on Xander's face, got up from the table. "Right," he said, "I'm going to go take a shower." He pulled off the oven mitts and tossed them down onto the table, "I am covered in chocolate glaze," he said to himself and wandered off up the stairs. Xander remained sitting at the table, still lost in his thoughts.

* * * * *

The phone rang, bringing Xander back to his senses. He jumped up and grabbed the cordless off the kitchen wall, "Hello, Summers' residence," he said brightly.

"Xander?" came the response.

Xander recognised the voice immediately, "Willow, hey," he said, "how's the training weekend away going?"

Willow sighed, "Oh you know, action packed." She sounded tired, but happy. "Actually, Buffy's decided we're going to stay a few more days- do you think you'll be okay alone for a while longer?"

Xander grinned, "Gee, I don't know..." he said with mock concern, "All this peace and quiet..." Willow laughed on the other side of the line, "Yeah, Wills, I think I can deal." He smiled.

"'Cause Spike said he'd come back early if you wanted a hand," Willow offered.

Xander had a sudden vivid memory of the dream he'd had about Spike the night before, and was glad to be alone in the kitchen. He cleared his throat and adjusted his pants a little, "No," he said firmly, "I'm fine."

"So Andrew's behaving himself?" she asked.

"Yeah," Xander said, "he's actually been pretty good company." He bit his lip, "Hey, Wills?"

"Mm?" came the response.

"How did you know you were gay?" he asked quickly, before he could stop himself.

"Xander?" She asked, slightly amused, "Have you been having that Alec Guinness dream again, because we talked about that and-," Xander heard Buffy interrupting in the background ("Willow, come on, we're gonna check out the shoe store in the mall now," she said.) "Xan, I've gotta go," Willow continued, "training calls!" she said happily.

"But..." Xander started.

"I'm sorry Xan, I've got to go. We'll talk about this later okay? I'll see you in a couple of days... Okay?" She was silent for a moment, waiting for a response, "Xander?"

"Yeah," Xander said, "sure, I'll see you in a couple of days."

"Okay, bye, Xan," she said.

"Bye Wills." Xander hung up the phone and scratched his head. He was sure his dreams didn't mean anything, but he had just thought that Andrew was cute, hadn't he? <That doesn't mean I'm gay, does it?> He asked himself, <Andrew's a cute guy, so what? I'm sure the others have noticed him too>, He thought, <what with those big innocent eyes, and that goofy little smile, and that perfect, round ass…> Xander frowned at his last thought. "Not that I want anything to do with Andrew's ass." He muttered, "Nope, definitely not..." He sat down at the table and sipped his juice.

"Did you just say something about my ass?" Xander jumped, Andrew was standing in the doorway, wearing a woman's bathrobe and his hair wrapped up in a towel.

Xander reddened, but scoffed, and said, "I... most certainly did not." Andrew raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Xander ignored his stare, "Are you wearing Buffy's bathrobe?" he asked.

"It was on the back of the door," Andrew said defensively, "was someone on the phone?" he added quickly, "I thought I head the phone."

Xander smiled, happy to change the subject. "Yeah, it was Willow," he said, "they're gonna be gone for a few more days."

Andrew looked confused, "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No," said reassuringly, "I think Buffy said something about shoes?" He shrugged, but Andrew smiled and nodded, apparently understanding. "See, we get a few more days of relative quiet," Xander said, "And I think someone said something about a chocolate cake?"

Andrew giggled, and shook his hands in front of him, "Double chocolate cake," he said, "but not until after dinner." He crossed his arms and leaned back against the door frame.

Xander stared at him, "Are you going to wear that all day?" he asked, indicating the bathrobe.

Andrew blushed, "Well, I had to wash my clothes, they got all covered in chocolate too." He frowned, "They're in the drier now."

Xander nodded. Andrew stepped forward to pick up the oven mitts sitting on the table, but the bathrobe caught on the door frame, and pulled open to reveal a very naked Andrew. "AHH!" Xander shrieked, covering his eyes with his hands. Andrew made an embarrassed squeaking noise, and ran back upstairs. Xander moved his hands, blinked several times, and then spent the rest of the day hiding in the basement.

* * * * *

Just as Xander's stomach was starting to rumble, there was a knock at the basement door.

"Xander?" It was Andrew, "I'm fully clothed, and I ordered pizza," he called, "Can I come in?"

Xander was sitting on the floor, staring at Spike's bed. He'd been trying to replace the mental image of naked Andrew with naked Anya, but he kept coming up with naked Spike, which hadn't really made him feel any better. "As long as you're fully clothed," he warned, "and come bearing chocolate cakey goodness?" he added hopefully.

Andrew pushed the door open and came down the stairs carrying several pizza boxes, and a large chocolate cake, with a fork stuck in the top. He put everything down carefully, and sat beside Xander on the floor. "Sorry about the... nakedness," he said miserably.

"I'd forgotten already." Xander said, and they dug into the pizza.

* * * * *

Having stuffed himself almost painfully with pizza, Xander turned to the cake. He pulled the fork from the top and took a mouthful, "Mm..." he said.

Andrew looked at him anxiously, "Is it any good?" he asked.

"Mm, 's weawy good..." Xander managed over another mouthful. He swallowed, "You've gotta have some," he said, "Did you bring another fork?"

Andrew looked around, "I thought I did," he frowned, "I must have dropped it on the way. Can we share?" he whined, "I'm so full I don't think I can get back up the stairs again." Xander shrugged, speared some cake onto the fork, and fed it to Andrew. "Mm," Andrew said, "it is good." He smiled brightly.

Xander put the fork down, noticing that he'd managed to smear glaze on the side of Andrew's mouth. "You got a little..." he pointed to his mouth, trying to explain. Andrew's tongue darted out and he licked madly, somehow managing to completely miss the smear. Xander sighed, "You missed it." He leaned forward, and holding his fingers under Andrew's chin, he used his thumb to clear away the chocolate. His hand still holding Andrew's face, Xander took a moment to look at the other man, who had closed his eyes. <He's not cute at all>, Xander thought to himself, <he's beautiful>. Transfixed, Xander ran his thumb softly across Andrew's lower lip. Xander couldn't help himself; he leaned in a little closer. Andrew's eyes were still closed, and Xander gazed at him, wondering what it would feel like to replace his thumb with his lips.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the top of the stairs. Andrew's eyes snapped open, and Xander pulled back and leapt to his feet. The door opened and Spike sauntered through. Xander stared at him as he came down the stairs, "Spike?" he said.

"That's my name." Spike said, looking from Xander to Andrew, and then back to Xander, "I'm not interruptin' anything, am I?" Without waiting for a response, he grabbed the cake off the ground, sat himself on his bed, and began to eat. Xander continued to stare, open mouthed, and Andrew looked on in rapt silence. Spike looked up from the cake, "Oy, Harris, pass the fork will ya?"

Xander picked up the fork and passed it over. Suddenly very confused, Xander excused himself to head off to bed. Mumbling thanks to Andrew for the food, he hurried away out of the basement, and then up the stairs to his room. But sleep was the furthest thing from Xander's mind, and as he entered his room and closed the door behind him, all he could think about was... Andrew.
