
By Ripe Wicked Plum

One Year, 11 Months


"Hey, you!" Spike bounced into the hut happily, beaming brightly as he watched Buffy sitting in the chair he had lovingly carved for her birthday, holding his month-old little bundle of joy. He chucked Will beneath the chin as he dropped a load of wood on the ground, then kissed Buffy. "How's my little guy?"

"He's still a little peevish," Buffy answered as she switched breasts, ignoring the heated look her mate sent her, "But you're going to sleep alllll night tonight, aren't you?" She cooed to the child, smiling as he finished and Spike took him from her arms, patting his back gently till he burped.

She rolled her eyes as Spike swung the baby in the air, making faces at the child, "You're going to get him riled up, Spike! I was about to put him down for bed."

"You don't want to go to bed, do you?" Spike asked Will, "You want to stay up and hang out with your da, don't you?"

Buffy shook her head, but gave up with a put-out sigh as Spike continued to swing the baby up and down, "If he pukes, you're washing him," She threatened, and smirked when Spike cradled Will to his chest, and the vampire suddenly made a face.

"Someone needs a change," He announced, and Buffy tossed Spike a 'diaper' they had made from scraps of clothing, and smiled as she watched the vampire lay the baby down on the pallet, making cooing noises at Will as he removed the soiled diaper and dropped it in the bucket to be washed, and blew a raspberry on Will's stomach, making the baby let out a coo like laugh and kicked his tiny feet.

Spike deftly tied the new diaper around the baby, then caught a tiny little foot, and lightly ran his fingertips along the baby's ticklish heel, grinning down at him.

"Spike," Buffy gestured at her face when Spike glanced at her, and he grinned a bit sheepishly as he nodded, almost forgetting. He vamped out, then went back to playing with Will. He and Buffy had agreed before that exposure to Spike's 'game-face' would make it far less tramautic and strange to the child, and he grinned through his fangs as Will let out one of his unique giggles.

"Who's the cutest baby on the island?" Spike asked, swinging Will back up into his arms.

"Spike...he's the only baby on the island," Buffy reminded him, and Spike glanced down at Will.

"Don't listen to her...she's just jealous 'cause you're my favorite."

Buffy shook her head, but smiled as Will yawned widely, exposing his pink, little gums, and Spike kissed the top of Will's head as he knelt by the small, trundle bed beside he and Buffy's bed, and he unfolded the leather duster lining it. "Remember...don't wet on this thing," Spike reminded the baby before kissing each and every one of Will's tiny toes and fingers, and then kissed his forehead as he wrapped the soft leather around the baby to keep him warm during the somewhat cool night.

Buffy was smiling as she watched Spike tenderly attend to their child, his manner gentle and loving, and his game-face faded back without his knowledge as he tucked Will in, and he glanced up, smiling slowly when he caught Buffy's gaze.

She stood up, swaying a tiny bit. She was still getting used to the not having a huge belly in front of her, and Spike stood, pulling her into his arms, kissing her slowly and tenderly, then brushed his lips along Buffy's throat. "Think we can do this without waking the baby?" Buffy asked, and Spike sighed against her skin, then glanced down at Will.

"What are the chances that Mary Poppins will float in and baby-sit for a couple hours?"

"If Mary Poppins floats in, I'm beating the crap out of her for that umbrella," Buffy replied with a wicked smile, and Spike shook his head fondly.

"Shh, luv...not in front of the baby," He teased her, drawing her towards bed, and Buffy grinned as he pulled her down to him, kissing her a bit more forcefully, and the couple were trying to be as quiet as humanly possible as they made out.

Will suddenly woke and started crying, and Spike broke the kiss with a groan as he flopped back on their bed, throwing an arm over his face, "Christ...he's like living birth control. He stops us before we even get started!"

Buffy snorted as she stood up and lifted Will out of his bed, kissing the baby's forehead, "He just wants to stay with mommy and daddy, don't you, baby?"

Spike tried to look frustrated, but he couldn't help grinning as Buffy laid beside him and settled Will between them, still wrapped in his duster, and the vampire sighed happily as the baby's hand closed around his finger.

"I am such a poncy poof," He muttered, heart melting as Will gazed up at him with his father's dark blue eyes, and he kissed the slightly tilted up nose that was purely Buffy. "Someone's gonna be a heart-breaker when he's older."

Buffy frowned slightly as she tickled Will's belly, then looked up at Spike worriedly, "Not if we're still stuck here."

Spike didn't answer her as he concentrated his attention on Will, prefering not to think about it at the moment, hoping Buffy wouldn't press the matter. They didn't have much of a choice, and why worry about something that was in the yet unseen future?

The former Slayer sighed as she settled next to her child, lovingly stroking his soft head that had yet to harden as his skull grew, playing with the tiny tufts of silky hair, the silence stretching out between the trio, only broken by the sound of Spike's purring to lull Will to sleep.

Two Years

Noon Nap

Spike shielded his eyes against the bright sun as he watched Buffy and Will playing in the sand near the water, getting wonderfully mucked up as Will happily slapped at the mud-piles Buffy was making around him.

He felt a twinge of jealously of his mate, simply for her ability to be out there in the bright day. He'd give anything to be able to play beside them in the sun, to laugh with them as Will watched in confusion as the sand piles disappeared as the waves licked at them, and then in true baby fashion, prombtly forgot they ever existed as he turned his attention to the little bits of wet sand Buffy was trailing along his legs, getting him all dirty, looking delighted.

He grinned, shaking his head slightly as he watched Will grab at Buffy's long, golden hair as she leaned over him to pick him up, and she carried him into the shallow water, sitting down and letting the waves wash him off, and with his keen eyesight, he could see Will's eyes widen slightly as he was smacked with a wave, and Buffy cradled him to his chest as he sputtered and started to cry.

She came back towards the hut, trying to sooth the baby's crying, and she sat down beside Spike, allowing him to take Will from her and she smiled as he began to purr, a sure way to calm the baby as Spike held him against his chest, letting the child feel the vibrations rumbling through it.

Soon, Will was all smiles again, and Spike chuckled, kissing his forehead, "Have fun gettin' all dirty, huh?" He asked fondly, then began to lift Will up and down in the air, a wide grin on his face as Will giggled. Somehow, that sound seemed to make him feel as if his heart was full to bursting.

"I don't think he's too fond of the water," Buffy told Spike, brushing off her damp feet, trying to get rid of the ever-clinging sand.

"Goin' have to get used to it. He needs to learn to swim," Spike replied, handing Will back to Buffy as she removed her top to feed him. "We're surrounded by water, and I'd prefer if he knew how."

"Me too," Buffy replied, settling Will on her lap as his mouth fastened around a nipple, and she glanced out towards the water. "I'll teach him in the pool. I don't want him swimming in the ocean till he gets stronger. Too easy to get caught in an undertow."

Spike nodded his agreement as he watched Buffy nurse Will, then leaned forward, brushing her hair away from her throat, and nuzzling it amorously. Buffy tilted her head to the side as he started to kissing along her neck and down to her shoulder, then burped Will, who was getting sleepy.

Buffy carried Will into the hut and set him into his bed, settling him in for his nap, making sure he was firmly wrapped up in Spike's duster to keep him from escaping, then returned to the porch, pressing a finger against her lips. "He's asleep," She whispered quietly, allowing her mate to draw her down to his lap.

He lightly traced her collarbone with his cool lips, and Buffy closed her eyes as he slid an arm around her waist to pull her closer. He kissed her hungrily as he trailed his fingertips along her abdomen, hand slipping inside the band of her shorts.

"Hmmm..." Buffy broke away from his lips, "Quick...before he wakes up again," She murmured urgently, and Spike chuckled as they stood, quickly undressing, glad for the seclusion the island offered.

As soon as they were divested of their ragged clothing, Spike tugged Buffy down to the floor of the porch, kissing her passionatly as he laid her on her back. She winced as the grit lining the ground scraped at her back, then rolled them so that he had his back to the ground, and swiftly straddled his hips.

Spike groaned as she sank down on him, her heat engulfing him, and bit his lip, glancing towards the doorway, but he could hear Will's soft breathing and slow heartbeat, signeling he was still asleep.

He turned his attention back to Buffy as she slowly began to move on him, resting her hands on his hard chest for support.

Spike sat up, bringing his knees up and Buffy bit back a moan as she leaned back against them, changing the angle of penetration, and the vampire ran his lips around her throat as his hips met hers in a slow, intimate rhythm, both of them trying to not make a sound, but she still gasped as his cool lips fastened around one her nipples, and she held his head to her breast as he sucked at her.

The sweet, melon-like taste of her breast-milk filled his mouth, and the vampire gripped her hips, fingers digging into her soft, pliant flesh, briefly thinking that he knew why Will was hungry all the time if that was the nectar the Slayer offered their son.

Buffy began to move against him urgently, his cold, hard length filling her, and she said his name in low, small pants, wanting to feel more of him, and Spike stood up with her suddenly, and she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood as he slammed her up against the side of the hut, driving into her roughly, still suckling from her breast.

Her hands gripped his shoulders, nails breaking the skin, and Spike growled against her skin, and she felt hot-white lightening shoot to her groin at the sound, and she nearly screamed as she came as he continued to slam into her, forcing her higher up the wall.

Spike reached between their still writhing bodies as she clamped down on him hard, and his eyes rolled back in his head as he lightly caressed her clit lightly before pressing down on it hard, and Buffy's eyes slammed shut as she arched her body towards him as another orgasm rolled over her.

He snarled, burying the sound in the valley between her breasts as his cold seed filled her womb, the sensation of her inner muscles caressing his cock teasing him with more promises of pleasure.

He withdrew from her relunctantly, but still remained in place, holding her against the wall as her body trembled against his, both of them trying to calm their breathing, although his hard pants were unnecessary, but habitual.

The smell of Buffy's sweat-soaked skin threatened to set him off again, and he relunctantly lowered her to the ground, and Buffy leaned against the wall, eyes shining and face glowing from the exertation of their love-making.

He kissed her lightly and lovingly, hands running lightly up and down her sides, and she smiled against his lips, glad that they hadn't woken the baby with all the noise they had to have been making.

"How long do you think he'll be out for?" Spike asked as he began to kiss down her body, and Buffy gasped, arching towards him with a stifled moan.

"Didn't sleep much last night...and he was playing all day...I say we have at least another hour," Buffy managed to gasp out in a stage whisper, and Spike grinned up at her wickedly before dipping his tongue into her belly-button, teasing her. "Oh God..."

"I say we take full advantage of that fact," He told her quietly, eyes glinting mischievously before his head dipped between her legs, and Buffy rolled her eyes up towards the sky.

"Oh God..."

Two Years, Two Months


"What did he put in his mouth?"

"Uh...I'm not entirely sure...but it might have been a bug..."

Will was peering up at his parents with his wide, dark blue eyes as he lay on his stomach on the floor, cocking his head almost curiously as he listened to their adult chatter. They were strange people, his mom and dad.

"What kind of bug?! Oh my we need a doctor?"

"Babies eat bugs,'s a fact of life..."

Actually, it was a button that had fallen off his diaper that had once been a shirt, and would do no harm, but they didn't know that. And it was kind of fun to watch his mother hyperventilate while his father looked slightly panicked himself.

"Well! Make him spit it out or something!"

The unpleasant sensation of cool fingers prying his mouth open made his eyes start to water, and he started to cry fitfully.

"Oh my God...the bug bit him!"

"He swallowed it, whatever it was..." Strong, firm but gentle hands lifted him into the air and he was cradled against a bare, hard chest, and Will sniffled, his nose running, and the bit of snot was wiped away gently with a slightly damp rag. His crying stilled as rumbling purrs issued from the cavern of his father's chest, and cool lips caressed the top of his head.

Much more pleasant when fingers were caressing and not trying to steal his buttons.

Much softer, warmer hands were taking him now, and he nuzzled his face against his mother's bosom, finding a nipple that carried nourishing food, and his little fists grabbed at soft skin, as if trying to pull her closer.

"Look...see? He's fine," His dad said in some evident relief, "Gettin' worried over nothing, Buffy."

Will tuned out their chatter as he started to drift off to sleep, warm and cold hands constantly touching him, and he snuggled against his mother's warm breast. He was surrounded by warmth and love, and he sighed softly as he slept, knowing somewhere in the back of the recesses of his small, still undeveloped mind that he was in a safe place, watched over by people that cared for him deeply.

Two Years, Seven Months


"Come on, Will...come to daddy..." Spike grinned as Will crawled towards him, little butt wriggling as the baby smiled happily at his father, and Spike laughed as he caught his son beneath the arms and swung him up into the air, "That's daddy's big boy!"

Buffy shook her head slightly as Spike sat Will across the hut, then raced to the other end, once more calling Will towards him, the vampire delighted beyond belief by his son's new-found mobility.

She remembered once what her mother had told her about a baby learning to crawl. Once they found they could move, they'd spend the rest of their life trying to get away from you.

She smiled sadly, wishing her mother could be there to see her grand-child, and her pseduo-son-in-law as he played with Will.

She had to admit, that at first, she was worried that the semi-hyper vampire would get bored of the child after a couple of months, but every day, as Will discovered something new about the world, Spike seemed to discover it right along with him, sharing as much as possible with the child.

She smiled as she mashed up a bit of mango in a coconut husk, mixing it with coconut milk, and Spike glanced up as she stood and then sat beside him as Will finally reached him.

Buffy took the child onto her lap, and he reached up for the coconut husk eagerly and Buffy giggled, shaking her head as he managed to get his hands in and mashed the conconction to his face. "Will! I just gave you a bath," She said in mock-exasperation, "You're worse then your dad when he eats!"

Spike gave Buffy a look, "I'm not that bad," He said as Will continued to make a huge mess of himself, managing to get clumps of mango in his hair. "And who's the one who lets him get all dirty in the mud all the time so he thinks it's okay?"

" you weren't right there along side him, making mudpies. At least I didn't start throwing them at people."

Spike chuckled, rolling his eyes at his mate as he leaned down towards Will, "Listen to her wild accusations, why don't you? Like she wasn't slinging mud just as good as she got?"

Will smiled up at him radiantly before smearing the orangish-white 'baby food' down the middle of Spike's face, and the vampire's eyes widened comically as Buffy burst out laughing.

" little prat..." Spike tickled Will's sensitive, dimpled knees, and Will started to giggle, "What are you doing taking her side for? We men are supposed to stick together!"

Will only kicked his feet, his eyes shining up at his parents, and Spike glanced at Buffy, who was smiling at him faintly, her eyes reflecting love and adoration back at him, and he leaned towards her, brushing his lips across hers, while at the same time he grabbed the coconut bowl and dumped the contents down the back of her shirt.

Buffy's eyes went wide, and Spike grabbed up Will as he shot to his feet, grinning at Buffy widely as she glared at him dangerously, "You wouldn't hurt a bloke with a baby, would you, Slayer?" He asked, batting his eyelashes at her innocently.

"Stop hiding behind the baby, you," Buffy shot back, trying to get around the cute shield he used, "What a man...hiding behind his poor, innocent little son."

Spike chuckled, then set Will down as he started to fitfully squirm, and the baby crawled towards his mother, who picked him up, kissing his head, "Did the big, bad vampire scare you, honey?" She asked Will teasingly, smiling as he smiled. Damn, but he was cute.

Spike shook his head slightly as he swiped at his face, and Buffy glanced at him, then down at Will and herself, starting to giggle. They made quite a trio, all of them covered in a layer of crushed mango and coconut milk, aware that they'd probably look like a family of lunatics to an outsider's eyes.

Buffy looked back up towards Spike as he crossed over towards her, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a loose embrace with Will between them, lightly dropping a kiss on her forehead, and then on Will's head. Buffy smiled at him, then went to put Will down for his nap.

Two Years, Nine Months

Swimming Lessons

"One...two...and three...whhheeee..."

Will squealed as he was lifted off his feet and swung in the air by Spike and Buffy, then sat back down on the damp sand, he toddled along on his own two feet, with their support, of course.

Small waves lapped at his feet, and he watched as a crab scrambled by his toes, and he pulled on Spike's hand, "Da...loo! Da...loo!"

Spike and Buffy followed their son's gaze, and Spike chuckled as he bent and picked the crab up, and held it up for Will to see as it traveled along his palm, and Spike turned his hand along with the crab's progress, effectively trapping it, and Will grinned widely up at Buffy in delight, then pulled his hand loose from her's to try and grab at the crab.

Spike lifted it up a bit to keep him from getting pinched, "Can you say crab, Will?" The vampire asked, slipping into game-face effortlessly, and without making a to-do about it, and Will lost all interest in the crab as he looked up at his father, then glanced up at Buffy curiously.

Buffy raised an eyebrow as she knelt down beside Spike, and Will stumbled towards them, still unsteady on his feet, but he was learning rapidly. He was definitatly a fast-learner, having said his first word only a month before, and Buffy smiled slightly, remembering how Spike had went absolutely ballastic when he said Da, making the poor kid repeat it over and over again.

Will played with the ridges along Spike's face, feeling along them, and his other, chubby little hand reached towards Buffy, and Buffy glanced at Spike, eyebrows shooting up. He was wondering why she wasn't going all fangy like his father.

Buffy couldn't figure out a way to explain to him in a way he'd understand, so she kissed his hand, and straightened with a smile. "Who wants to go swimming?" She asked cheerfully, and Spike chuckled at her attempt at avoidance, glancing towards her as his human mask slipped back into place.

"Nice, luv. You do realize that he probably doesn't understand half the words that come out of our mouths, right?"

"Haha, Funnyman," Buffy rolled her eyes as she took one of Will's hands and led him into the water, and the vampire chuckled as he followed them into the cool ocean water, watching as Buffy lifted Will up with a wave, and his son squealed delightedly, then glanced around for his dad.

Spike joined them, taking Will's hand, and they stayed close to shore as Will's legs kicked in the water, keeping him buoyant with Buffy and Spike's help, and Buffy turned him towards her, miming holding her breath before dipping below the water with him.

Spike followed suit, smiling as he watched Will's furiously churning legs before they rose to the surface again, then dipped below again once Will caught his breath.

Spike smiled as Buffy held Will loosely, nuzzling her cheek against his, the moonlight casting a silvery glow to their golden-tanned skin. They appeared almost like a beautific Island Paradise version of Madonna and Child, and he felt his heart catch in his throat.

Buffy looked towards him, frowning slightly at the strange, dreamy look on her mate's face, lifting an eyebrow, "Something wrong?"

"Not a thing," Spike said sincerely, eyes softening, "Not a sodding thing."

Two Years, Ten Months


"Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear Will...happy birthday to yo--NO! Don't touch the candle!"

Spike yanked the mango-cum-cake from the one year old's grasping hands, shaking his head slightly as the one-year old squirmed on Buffy's lap, trying to get down and play with the pretty fire. "Kid's a born pyro," Spike teased.

"Body 'ell," Will intoned solemnly, and Spike had to hide his grin from Buffy's sight. She was still a bit peeved that Will had picked up that particular phrase from him, but Spike couldn't help but feel a little pride, since Will even managed to imitate his accent a tiny bit. His kid was a bloody genius.

However, when Will started saying the f-word after hearing Spike swearing when he had accidently speared himself in the foot when he had slipped on a rock while fishing, he had been forced to sleep out on the porch for a week. That wasn't one of his fondest memories since he had to keep on moving as the sun shifted and could barely catch a wink of sleep.

Buffy ruffled Will's hair, then shot Spike a look, and the vampire smiled sheepishly, "What?"

"You have to get him to stop saying that," Buffy told him, "You're teaching our son bad habits."

"Am not."

"Fock..." Will smiled up at his dad proudly, holding up his arms to be lifted up in the air, and Spike sighed.

"William, don't say that word," Spike tried to sound stern but he caved as Will only smiled wider.

"Up! Up!"

Buffy shook her head, before smirking at Spike, "And you used to be a master vampire."

"Hey, I'm still a master vampire!" Spike protested as he lifted Will up into the air, spinning him around, grinning as Will laughed happily, stopping when he felt dizzy, and staggered a bit as Will wrapped his legs around him. "It's just...come on, it's his birthday. I'll be the big bad tomorrow."

Buffy snorted, "Yeah, and I'm finally going to buy that bridge in Brooklyn I always wanted."

Spike chuckled, kissing Will's forehead as he sat him down again, "Present time!"

Buffy shook her head as Spike proudly presented Will with a sloppily wrapped gift, the gift paper of choice and necessity being leaves, and she leaned over as Spike helped him unwrap it, and smiled slightly as Will ignored the small, wooden boat Spike had carved for him in favor of playing with the leaves, apparently trying to hide as he put one on top of his head.

"Bloody hell..." The vampire muttered, then winced as Will pushed himself to his feet and started to run...well...more like waddle all around the hut with the leaf on his head, shouting, "Body 'ell, body 'ell, body 'ell," over and over again.

"Remember when he just used to say 'Da?'" Spike asked wryly as Buffy picked up the little boat, smiling as she looked over it. The vampire had obviously spent a lot of time on it, even going as far as to make little sails out of leaves and had even carved a little maidenhead for the bow of the boat.

"It's nice," Buffy said sincerely, glancing at Spike, who was watching Will, a look of amusement on his face, and she shook her head as she sat the toy aside till Will was a wee bit older and would appreciate it more.

"What did you get him?" Spike asked curiously, and Buffy grinned as she removed a sheath of leaves from behind her, and Will's eyes lit up when he saw them.

"Bloody hell..."

"Body 'ell! Body 'ell! Body 'ell!"

"Spike! Language!"


"Cap! Cap! Cap!"

"Good God...the kid's a bleedin' parrot..."

"Beeding! Beeding!"

"You're this close to the porch, mister."

Two Years, Eleven months


Dappled moonlight played across Spike's skin as he hunted in the dark jungle, feet silently treading surely among the thick undergrowth, and amber eyes glowed in the darkness that surrounded him.

However, a look of worry was on the vampire's face as he searched for his prey, but the jungle was silent, and nothing moved within it's depths.

He glanced upwards into the trees, seeing a few shapes huddled close to the thick, rough trunks, obviously seeking shelter, but not from the hunter below them.

With the premoniations animals seemed to possess, they sensed a storm brewing in the horizon, and Spike found that he could almost feel the electric charge in the air, almost smell it. The longer he spent on the island, the longer he spent away from all forms of civilization, the more in tune he grew to the thrum of life and nature around him.

He had felt it for days, and had been stockpiling supplies, preparing the hut to be struck with nature's full force, and he hoped that this time around, the hut would survive as well as it did the last storm he and Buffy had braved. At least this time, he was more prepared, and for that, he was grateful. This would be Will's first introduction to the fury that was Mother Nature, and he wanted his son and mate protected at all costs.

He ended up climbing a tree, scraping his palms and shin on the rough bark, and dragged a shrieking monkey from it's branchs, nearly snarling as it's teeth sank into his hand before he could snap it's neck.

He dropped down to the ground gracefully, then glanced around the silent jungle once more before loping back towards the direction of the beach, back home to his family.

Will kicked fitfully from his position on Buffy's back, strapped there in a papoose Spike had made with bamboo made pliant by soaking in salt water for several days, and then lashed into shape and allowed to dry in the hot sun. Spike's duster, now worn to tatters at the sleeves and hem, lined the inside, keeping him snug and warm while Buffy worked at packing everything up, preparing to have it all moved to the cave.

Buffy looked up as Spike swore above her as he untied the metal sheets strapped to the roof, preparing to bury them in the sand beneath the hut. They could always rebuild the hut, but the metal was precious and irreplaceable, necessary to Spike's survivial.

Buffy gathered the rest of the clothes and cloth that was still usuable and carried it out to the porch as Spike jumped down from the roof, pulling a tarnished, somewhat rusty sheath of steel with him.

"How's it going?"

"This is the last of them," Spike replied, picking up a shovel he had made by scooping out a piece of wood and attaching a handle to it. It was rough at best, but better then digging on his hands and knees like a dog, and he kissed Buffy's shoulder reassuringly, then ruffled Will's curly, honey-blond hair. "How's my boy doing?"

"He's tired and cranky," Buffy said, looking over her shoulder at Will, who whimpered slightly, "He's probably picking up on our tension."

"Here," Spike unstrapped the papoose from Buffy's back, then shouldered it on himself, and Buffy sighed in relief, rubbing her shoulders, where the straps had bitten into her skin, chaffing it a bit, "You can hang out with dad for awhile, huh?"

Will rubbed at his slightly red face, still struggling in the papoose, and Buffy smiled as she kissed Will's cheek, then grabbed up a load to take to the cave, "You're sure you got him?"

"Yeah. Maybe he'll fall asleep while I'm digging. It's a bit like a rocking motion," Spike assured her, "Be careful, huh? Animals are quiet right now, but some of them might still be on the prowl, wanting to get one last bite in before the storm hits."

Buffy nodded, then trotted off in the direction of the cave, and Spike glanced back at Will, then started to purr as he began to dig in the sand, and soon, Will was lulled to sleep by the sound of Spike's rumbling and the muscles in the vampire's back rolling beneath him as he digged.

Buffy returned to grab another load, smiling when she Will was sleeping on his father's back as the vampire carefully dragged the piece of metal into the hole he had dug, cautious not to make a sound that would disturb the child's rest.

Spike buried the metal, then mentally made note of where it was hidden by using the hut as a landmark, counting the paces from the porch to the place of burial, hoping that even if the hut was destroyed, the poles that reached down into the depths of the sand would remain in place.

He looked up as dawn began to turn the sky, and frowned when he saw the flaming red clouds as the sun illuminated them. "Red at night, sailors in the morning...sailors take warning," He mumbled to himself, remembering that rhyme from when he was a child.

Buffy followed his gaze, and Spike started to help her take the supplies to the cave before it became too light out for him to remain outdoors.

For two days, everything was still. No animals moved in the jungle, no wind blew, and the heat became stifling and unbearable, draping a curtain of lassitude over everything and everyone.

The sea was calm, no waves disturbing the shore, the surface as smooth as glass and as dark as midnight, though the sky was clear, with no clouds in sight, save the light haze that seemed to surround the sun as it beat down on the island below, hot and barren-looking, no longer the joyful blaze of light it had previously seemed.

Will fidgeted contanstly, moving about the hut, tears standing in his eyes the entire time as he went back and forth between his mother and father, looking for reassurance that everything was fine, even though he knew something was wrong.

He'd cuddle against his father, seeking the coolness of his skin to combat the heat that settled down on him, making it hard to breath, and he felt like the heated air was pressing down on him from all sides. After several moments, he'd toddle over to his mother for the reassurances of her hugs and kisses, and then would return to Spike.

Spike left at night to hunt again, trying to feed himself to satiation before he was forced to abstain during the storm, when it finally came, since after what happened last time, he wasn't going to leave the cave or his family for even one moment.

Will would cry, struggling against Buffy's embrace, cranky and restless, obviously worried about his father's absence, and would calm a bit when Spike returned, and would return to his nervous routine of waddling back and forth between the two of them.

When Buffy and Spike prepared for bed, he watched them anxiously, and sobbed when they tried to put him in his bed till they gave up, and allowed him to sleep between them.

He pressed his back against his father's chest, and cuddled to his mother's bosom, finally feeling safer and much less anxious as they wound their arms around each other, trapping him in between their bodies as they muttered soft words to him and each other.

Spike was the first to wake, something disturbing his sense of peace, and he glanced down at his mate and son before gently disentangling himself from Buffy's arms, and Will whimpered in his sleep, pressing himself closer to Buffy, sensing his father's absence in his fitful slumber.

Spike gazey dat the door, and sighed, partially in relief that the anxious wait was over, partially in worry as he watched the thick, midnight black clouds in the distance, lightening flickering inside their depths. The ocean was alive once more, slapping at the sand angrily, and he returned to his family, gently nudging Buffy awake.

Will woke, dark blue eyes going wide as Spike lifted him up, and the vampire purred, holding the boy to his chest as he took Buffy's hand.

Together, the trio made their way to the cave, Spike leading the way in the darkness of the night, still holding Will. Buffy stumbled a bit over a stray root, and Spike drew her to his side, switching Will to his other arm so that he could wind the other one about her waist, holding her close.

The wind and rain roared outside the mouth of the cave, trees crashing together, and trunks snapping beneath the ferocity of Mother Nature's attack on her own earth.

Will was held between his mother and father, the boy whimpering, and burying his face in Buffy's neck everytime a tree close by gave in to the force of the wind with a whining, screeching crash. Even Spike's loudest purrs couldn't make him calm.

Water flooded the bottom portion of the cave, but they were safe in the far back reaches of the cave, and Spike pressed himself closer to Buffy and Will, wrapping his arms around the both of them as he whispered softly to Will, telling him some stories he remembered his mother telling him when he was a child, but Will didn't seem to be paying much attention to him.

Will jumped when a tree crashed close to the mouth of the cave, letting out a small screech as he threw himself at Spike. "DA! Lod! Lod!"

"'s okay,'s okay..." The vampire soothed quietly, "I know it's loud but you're safe, all and I are's okay..."

Will sobbed pitifully, winding his arms around Spike's neck, and Spike glanced at Buffy as she slid next to him, rubbing Will's back with a small, strained smile in Spike's direction. Will turned his head on Spike's shoulder so he could look at Buffy, and she moved so that she was in his line of vision, and laid her head against Spike's shoulder, smiling at him cheerfully.

"Hey, honey..." She said softly, stroking his soft hair, "You're such a brave little know that?"

Will sniffled as Buffy kissed his forehead, cheeks and eyelids, and his cries tapered off little by little as the storm continued to rage outside.

Three Years


Three years...162 weeks...1095 days...Buffy thought to herself as she sighed, scratching a mark on the back wall with a sharpened rock. Her coke can had long ago been filled to the brim with rocks, and it had been sacrificed to make a small mobile that had been hung above Will's bed when he was younger.

She shook her head slightly, wondering when the last time she had thought about rescue was. It had to have been months. Did I finally give up hope of that? She thought, frowning slightly, then glanced out the door when she heard Will screeching with laughter, smiling as she watched Spike play-wrestling with him in the sand outside.

She came to the door, and leaned against the frame, fingers absently brushing against the marks etched into it, each of them lovingly carved and labeled with Will's age as he grew, keeping track of his growth.

She was eighteen when she was stranded on the island with Spike, now she was twenty-one...and had a mate, techinically her husband, and a child, things she knew she could never have had if she was still in Sunnydale...slaying and fighting every night, never knowing if that night would be her last. If she would finally meet the demon or vampire that would take her out.

Here, she didn't have to worry about any of that. All she had to worry about was potty-training, diapers, and being prepared for hurricanes. Here, she was happier then she had ever been, even before she was called.

Sure, she missed her friends and family, wishing they could see her beautiful son and loving mate, but if she had still been in Sunnydale, the chances were that she would've been dead by now...not many Slayers made it past their eighteenth, let alone twenty-first birthday.

She giggled as Spike let Will climb all over him, pretending to be unable to throw the small child off of him, and the vampire flopped back in the sand, going into loud, overly dramatic throes of death, and then he lovingly cuddled Will to him, kissing the boy's head.

A far cry from the vicious, deadly Master vampire she had once formed a tentative alliance with to defeat Angelus and save the world. Once a slayer of Slayers, now he was a father of a Slayer's child, tender, gentle and playful as he tickled Will till the boy was nearly in convulsions with giggles.

Their life here was perfect...uncomplicated. There was no boundries drawn in the sand, with the good on one side, the bad on the other, no confusing shades of gray that left her head spinning as she tried to puzzle out where everyone stood in the world, which line they stood behind, or if they were caught in the middle between light and dark.

There were no battles, save the seldom disagreements, no slaying, save for food they need to survive, no worries about saving the world, just worry about protecting their small, strange but perfect family from outside dangers.

Buffy smiled as Spike swung Will up onto his back and raced down the beach with him, the boy squealing happily as he tugged on Spike's shaggy, blond hair, shouting in his disjointed speech for him to go faster.

Maybe I didn't give up, Buffy thought, shaking her head slightly. Maybe she just didn't care about being rescued anymore. She smiled as she ran out onto the sand, happily starting to chase after Spike, and the trio's laughter carried along the sand.

