Homeward Bound

By Buddy

Spike’s heart almost started beating again when Xander disappeared around the corner. That stupid bloody fool! He raced round the corner and ran smack bang into a broad chest and a pair of strong arms. The scent of his lover assailed his nostrils the second before he raised his fists and started swinging. Hands were suddenly all over him, and when did Xander get turned into an octopus? Hot lips on his, plundering, urgent, demanding and oh god, he was gonna kill him for scaring him, but first he had to have this, needed it.

He was turned around and pushed against the wall before he had a chance to utter a word and soon he felt cool air touch his skin as his jeans were unzipped and yanked down over his thighs. Xander pressed his hard length in between his butt cheeks at the same time as nipping the back of his neck painfully, pleasurably, hot breath coming in harsh gasps. A hand snaked round to his front and grasped his cock, pumping him just the way he liked, from root to tip, pushing his foreskin over the swollen head every time.

With his free hand, Xander was lubricating himself and before he entered him, Spike felt a twinge of pride that Xander was prepared. Couldn’t have done it better myself, he thought with smug satisfaction, but then, he was being filled and it was a tight fit but so warm and he just needed to be taken hard and fast ‘cos he wasn’t gonna last long. Xander was draped over the back of him and Spike could feel his heart thundering in his chest. Each time Xander thrust up into him the force was enough to raise Spike on his toes so he started thrusting back in earnest.

Cruel fingers pressing into his hips now trying to keep him still, but he couldn’t get enough and if Xander kept up the biting thing he was gonna argh, blunt teeth biting down hard enough to draw blood and he was gone. Viscous fluid spurted over the wall, over Xander’s hand and Spike was howling. Xander felt power surge through him and then the taste of Spike was bursting over his tongue and it wasn’t horrible it was rapturous and his orgasm ripped through his body like voltage.

They both collapsed into a quivering heap on the floor, neither believing they still had bones in their limbs. Then kisses, hungry kisses and fevered words of love and lets get outta here before someone calls the cops, you howled for heaven’s sake. After a couple of minutes they both got to their feet and straightened up their clothing. Then they linked hands and headed home.

“You scared me you stupid git, fancy going in that alleyway anything could have been lying in wait!”

“Well, I checked and I knew you were behind me the whole time and the only thing lying in wait was me for you. I missed you today, that’s the longest I’ve been without you in what seems like forever.” Spike leaned in and kissed him. A soft, cool kiss that had Xander panting again for more.

“I can’t believe you bit me pet. I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”

“Me neither and I half expected it to be gross or maybe just bearable but not so fucking gorgeous. Spike?”

“Yes luv.”

“Thanks for coming to get me.” Spike’s eyebrows met his hairline.

“I have to say it was my pleasure, when did you get so masterful anyway? Not that I’m complaining but if I do will you bite me again?” He leaned in to nibble Xander’s jawline, which prompted another embrace with lots of lips and tongues involved and a snort of disgust from the old couple that were getting into their car.

“Spike, we’re drawing attention, we have to stop!”

“Now we get all coy do we? It’s a shame they weren’t around for the show in the alley pet might have had them heading back inside to put into practise some of what they learned, brighten up their old age a bit.” Spike leered in their direction and pulled Xander closer to him.

“Way to keep it secret, not.”

“We don’t know them and besides as I recall you started it.”

“Oh god, you’re right, I’m sorry. Come on let’s go home I feel the need for some serious junk food and a few hours of Babylon Five.”

“Yeah like you’ll have time for that!”


Their living arrangement turned out to be a mixed blessing over the next five weeks. On the one hand they were together, which was more than they had dared to hope for. On the other hand though, their cosy domestic set-up was seriously compromised every time one or all of the guys came round. It was like living two lives and the strain was getting to both of them.

Buffy studiously ignored Spike unless she was singing her usual song about dusting him, but it lacked punch and on many occasions either he or Xander caught the way she looked at him. She mostly looked puzzled and Spike was sure he knew why. He wasn’t seeking her out, trying to get her own her own or in compromising situations. He had to all intents and purposes taken her at her word and accepted that it was over and of course she had no idea about him and Xander.

They patrolled and fought the bad guys still, but nothing especially serious had come up for weeks, which Xander refused to acknowledge out loud for fear of jinxing them, he had learned his lesson on that score. Willow and Tara were back together and had cemented their new-found closeness by buying Anya’s share of the Magic Box between them. There was still no sign of Anya in person, all transactions had been carried out by post, e-mail and the telephone. They were managing the store between classes and had recruited Dawn for weekend working. Despite Buffy’s dislike of all things retail, she pitched in during the week when Willow and Tara had classes to help her friends out and to bring in much needed cash.

Xander was assistant foreman of his site and very busy, and although Spike hated it while he was away, he made sure that when Xander came home, every free minute they had was his. That meant taking on domestic chores that made him feel like his fruity Sire, but what the hell he’d do anything to make sure he got to keep shagging his boy. The physical side of their relationship was still very intense and showed no signs of abating, ta very much, involving blood-play on both sides.

Xander couldn’t remember having ever felt this happy before. He loved Spike completely and they fitted so well together, laughing at each other’s jokes, eating the same food, drinking beer and he’d succeeded in getting Spike a bit more interested in the science fiction he loved so much. Not, he knew he didn’t really like it so much, but he would sit with him while he watched it. Stroke his hair, massage his feet, set a steady pace of foreplay, until Xander couldn’t stand it any longer and forgot what they were supposed to watching entirely so he could fuck him.

The only thing spoiling it was the fact the fact that they hadn’t told anyone yet and having to be different around them was driving them both nuts. He wasn’t sure when the right time would be, he supposed that he wanted to present them with a fait accompli, something that was so solid, no one could argue with it or try to tear it apart.

Tonight in the Magic Box was no exception. Tara and Willow were making with the smoochies at every available opportunity and he ached for that kind of togetherness, the kind you didn’t have to hide from your friends. He thought he felt bad, but Spike was on a tight rein, snapping and snarling at everyone, his caustic wit raised to levels that had Buffy blinking as she searched for come-backs. They had to be here though, the witches could feel evil a-brewing and they kept getting the feeling they were being watched. Up to now it had only affected them and Dawn, which of course had Buffy in full-blown Slayer protective mode.

“I don’t see the point of this. We’re researching based on a feeling that your being watched and ‘cos Red and Zelda have the spooks. What book exactly is gonna help, with that? ‘Tales to soothe the kids at bedtime’? Or perhaps you should go online and look up ‘How to cope with paranoia.com’?”

Spike was trying to light his cigarette without much success. During his and Xander’s sexcapades the evening before they had inadvertently rearranged the furniture and stumbling into the bedroom, had accidentally moved the drapes so they didn’t cover the window properly. Spike had woken this morning to the smell and pain of his hand frying. Xander had been furious with himself for not taking better care of his lover’s needs and had gone straight after work to buy blackout blinds. He was expecting a few raised eyebrows (understatement) if anyone saw that particular addition to his bedroom, but he could always say he had developed migraine or something.

“Spike why are you even here? You’re strictly a grunt guy, we don’t need you for research anyway!” Buffy’s eyes were steely glints.

“Yeah well it’s the Little Bit innit? She said she saw something and if she could just describe it to us, we could look that up and I could go kill it!”

“I didn’t really see, well it was there and when I turned to look it was gone.” Dawn gave a little shiver. It had creeped her out. It wasn’t as if she was in the cemetery or anything, just on the way home from Janice’s.

Tara looked up at her. Clear light blue eyes, full of love and concern, but calm. She was a steadying influence in Dawn’s life.

“Did you hear anything Dawnie?”

“Naha, and what I saw was in my peripheral vision, blurred, but not a shadow. It moved like Glory.”

“What?” This from everyone.

“I mean it was very fast.”

Spike was still trying to light his cigarette and stopped for a moment to narrow his eyes at Dawn. His chest felt tight with panic at the mention of the Hell-Gods name. It wasn’t the thought of Glory herself that brought the feeling on it was dredging up reminders of his failure, to protect Dawn and save Buffy.

“Will someone light this bloody cigarette?” Xander looked over at him. He knew they needed a tension breaker.

“No. There are limits. I mean a man can put up with only so much without he descends a rung or two on the old evolutionary ladder. Which is up your line. Now, I will hold your hand when it’s dark and you’re afraid of the boogey man and I will tote your gin bottles out after midnight so no one can see. But I will not light your cigarette. And that as they say, is that.” Xander did a very good impression of Richard Burton’s voice. It made the hairs on the back of Spike’s neck stand up. But it did the trick. He felt some of the tension leave him as he grinned at Xander. They shared a look that if anyone else had been paying attention to might have prompted more questions than the one’s currently being asked.

“Are you two on something?” Buffy.

“Spike do you hhhave a drink problem?” Tara.

“Why won’t you light his cigarette, I’ll do it for you.” Xander beat Willow to it.

“It’s alright Will, I was just playing. It’s from an old film we both like.”

“Can we get back to the program guys, this is getting us nowhere.”

Buffy was frustrated. She hated the thought of Dawn in danger and knew the complaints she would get when she made sure Dawn wasn’t left alone for a minute.

“Tara, perhaps you could do a revealing spell?”

Willow’s involvement in magic was strictly in an assist capacity and ordering and handling stock. She was to all intents and purposes on the wagon.

“That’s a good idea sweetie, let’s go home and do that now, I don’t have all the stuff I need here.”

“Great, take Dawn with you. Xander, Spike you with me for a spot of patrolling?”

“At last, some action!”

“Easy tiger, we haven’t found anything yet.”

Xander was aching to get home, but knew they had no choice. They all left the shop at the same time. Buffy, Xander, and Spike headed towards The Bronze, and Willow, Tara and Dawn back to Rovello Drive. The idea was to hit The Bronze district first and then fan out to sweep the nearest cemeteries.

“Will you guys be all right?”

“We’ll be fine Buffy, don’t worry. We’ll be home in no time at all.”

“Ok, if anything happens, beep me ok?”

“Gotcha.” The three of them left. Buffy turned to Spike and Xander.

“Right, we’ll check around The Bronze and then we split up, Xander you’re with me, Spike you on it?” Oh bugger it all, why did Xander have to go with her? He couldn’t protect him if he wasn’t with him?


“Wouldn’t it be better if Xander came with me, I’ll be less hindered in battle worrying about him than you will. You might just get your knickers in a twist at the wrong moment and get you both killed. It’s just a thought, I don’t care.”

Xander couldn’t help the smile that tried to break free. They so had to let people know what was going on it was getting ridiculous. Actually keeping them in the dark like this could be dangerous.

“Not exactly filling me with confidence in you here Spike. I prefer my plan, Xander’s with me.”

Xander made eyes at Spike and he realised there was no getting round it.

“Ok we will check round here and then go on to Weatherly Park. You get your old haunt, if you see anything, report back, this is strictly recon’, we don’t know what we’re dealing with yet.”

“Yeah Slayer, like I need your permission to kill a demon.”

“You don’t know yet that it is a demon, right lets go.”

Spike looked at her and nodded. He couldn’t really argue with her, she knew her stuff. Plus she might start making deductions if he got insistent. He looked at Xander once before he left them and Xander knew he was telling him to come home to him safe. As soon as Spike had gone Buffy turned to Xander and asked,

“Do you think Spike’s acting wiggy?”

“What? Not so much, why?”

“I don’t know he seems sarcastic, evil and uptight, which is nothing new, but he also seemed, considerate, of you. It’s giving me the wiggins.”

“Nah Buff, you’re imagining things, he’s just worried about Dawn.”

“I got the impression he wanted to protect you, d’you think the chip has fried his brain or something? Not that I would not want him to protect you if necessary, but we are talking about Spike here.”

“”Perhaps he loves me.”

“Now I know you’re on something, come on lets get on with this.”

Spike wanted to do his patrol as quickly and effectively as possible. He made his way over to the graveyard without incident and strolled round it. Nothing to see, it appeared to be a quiet night. He decided to go to the crypt and see if he had squatters. It wouldn’t make a very comfortable squat, the place was trashed after all, but there was still furniture in there like the bed and the couch might do for some less fussy demons in a pinch.

It felt odd to go back there, he’d only been back once since he and Xander returned and that was to pick up the stuff he wanted to take with him. He didn’t like it here anymore, it reeked of sadness and held memories he’d just as soon forget so he intended to leave as quickly as possible.

Downstairs he found a couple of packs of smokes he remembered stashing and a tube of lube he was sure he could put to good use. He was just putting them in his coat pocket when he heard the noise from above ground. Silent as only a vampire could be he retraced his steps to the surface, and his mouth fell open when he came face to face with Buffy.

“Did you find something Slayer? Where’s the whelp?”

“Yes Spike I found you. Have you missed me? Want to do me?” She seemed to glide over to him and before he knew it, she had her hand on his arm, applying just a little pressure as she looked at him from under her eyelashes and batted them.

“What’s going on Buffy? I don’t believe you would just ditch your trusty side-kick like that, and why are you here anyway, you said it was over remember and we haven’t mentioned it since.”

Spike was shaken, he hadn’t expected this at all and he had to find Xander. Buffy was pouting now and he realised that something was off. She didn’t smell the same for one and there was something in her eyes, like cunning or a sly gleam he didn’t like at all. Then it was gone and he thought he must have imagined it. Buffy put her hands at the back of his head and tried to pull him toward her for a kiss. He resisted and pushed her off him.

“What are you doing? Pack it in!”

“What is it Spike don’t you want me anymore?” She slid a jean-clad leg in between his thighs and started to grind it into his confused crotch. It must be confused he thought because this was Buffy and he wasn’t getting hard at all. For a second the odd gleam was back and he was just about to tell her to back off when her face began to shimmer. He looked at her appalled.

Buffy’s face rippled and began to change and in hardly any time at all Spike was looking up into the warm brown eyes of Xander.

“What the fuck?”

He pushed ‘him’ off and put as much distance between them as possible. He stared and decided now might be a good time to leave. What the hell was that thing, some kind of shape-shifting mind reader? ‘Xander’ smiled all puppy dog eyes and began to stalk him.

“Spike, I need you to do me, right now. I love you.”

As it neared him Spike got ready to fight. He was sickened by the sight of whatever it was using his lovers face, but moved in to fight the first chance he had. Jabbing and then pounding, he kept telling himself that it wasn’t really Xander. After a few minutes whatever it was simply dissipated, and Spike was left with an empty crypt.


“Why do I know this is just pointless?”

“That’s a fair question Buffy, to which I have no reply. On second thoughts I always have a reply. It’s not pointless, it might just not yield results, which I guess makes it pointless. Shutting up now.”

“Argh, we’ve looked everywhere, there’s nothing we may as well just go home, check in with the others.”

“Alternatively we could just call it a night, I’ll go home, get some much needed sleep and you can check in with the others. I mean everything must be ok there or else we would have heard.” Xander was getting frantic without Spike.

“We should, you should, I’ll walk you home.”

They had looked everywhere and with the exception of being spooked by a rustling in the bushes – nothing. They were nearing the clearing of Weatherly Park and Buffy turned to Xander just as the fledgling attacked. Instinctively it went for Buffy first. She went into a roundhouse kick, which would have been executed perfectly if she hadn’t missed the rock jutting up out of the ground.

Down she went and Xander automatically pushed forward to stop the vamp from moving in. He jumped on its back and stated pummelling for all he was worth; the vamp swung around and Xander tumbled to the ground. It tackled him immediately and moved in for the bite, and oh god, Buffy wasn’t gonna save him this time.

He felt revulsion as he realised it was on him and its fangs were snapping at his neck and then it was too late. He screamed as the vampire bit down into his neck, and the thing that occurred to him first wasn’t “save me from dying this horrible death”, but that no vampire other than Spike had this right. Then he was covered in ashes and the only thing he could see when he opened his eyes was Buffy. She reached out her hand to help him up, but he was in no hurry to get up, he felt sick.

“You ok?”

“Ow, that hurt! The first time ever I’ve been bit and I don’t like it.” It came home to him immediately that that wasn’t true, but oddly it felt like the first time. This was about violence and being supper, so different to Spike.

“Come on let’s get you home.”

“I’m all for that. Hello Spike, what’s up? Did you find anything to report? ‘Cos I just got bit by a vampire and did I mention ow?”

Spike took in the wound on Xander’s neck and moved forward to put his arms round him. He checked himself in time, and clenched his fists at his sides. He changed tack.

“Did the whelp get a smacking? Tell me something new. Thought you could look after him better than me Slayer.”

“I fell.” Off his look. “I did.”

“It makes no difference to me who I’m with when I get my face kicked, it still hurts the same. So Dead-Boy Jr, will you kiss my owie?” Spike snorted.

“Right mate, I’d rather kiss Angel with syphilis.”

“That needs tending to Xander, let’s get you patched up.”

Buffy ignored Spike as usual and helped Xander to his feet. Spike’s hands still in fists at his sides he took in an unneeded breath and let it out slowly. He was going crazy here. Xander was hurt and he couldn’t comfort him. Plus, crazy demon with many faces wanting to shag him. What to say about that exactly? He could tell about the ‘Buffy’ version he supposed, everyone knew how he had felt about Buffy, so he could mention it without giving away secrets she wished to keep. He would just have to leave out the ‘Xander’ part for now and tell Xander once they got home. Guess they weren’t going there yet.

“I’ve found something Slayer. Got attacked in the crypt ah did, some bint who looked like you tried to put the touch on me. Fought it off though.”

Buffy stared at him incredulously. What was he saying, was he trying to let it out, what they had done? Oh god please no, not now, it had been weeks ago and he had been surprisingly unvocal about it. Perhaps this was his plan all along, to lull her into a false sense of security and then start pestering her again.

“Are you out of your mind Spike?”

“No Buffy I’m serious. Whatever it was didn’t put up much of a fight and then it just vanished.”

They started to walk in the direction of Buffy’s house. Xander’s mind was reeling. How did Spike know it wasn’t Buffy? This apparently hadn’t occurred to Buffy yet but it would eventually. He so needed to get Spike alone so he could talk to him. And possibly other things to him.

“What do you think Buffy? Could this have something to do with what’s been spooking Willow, Tara and Dawn?” Buffy let out a slow sigh, and mentally kicked herself. Self involved much?

“I guess, so back to mine and more research?” Spike mentally braced himself. He needed to talk to Xander the first chance he could, tell him that the beastie had looked like him too.

A while later, Xander had been patched up by a fussing Willow and they were all sitting in the den, wondering what on earth was going on. A few suggestions had been put forward but the favourite currently seemed to be the idea of a succubus, a sexual vampire that drains the life force from it’s victim by repeatedly having sex with them.

“That doesn’t make any sense does it?” Tara asked the others. “I mean why would a succubus pick on Spike? He doesn’t have a life force. He’s dead.”

“Hey, undead if you don’t mind.”

“Sorry. You know what I mean.” Buffy was pacing again. If this was the thing that had been near Dawn.

“Any other suggestions? We need Giles, he would know.”

“Don’t worry Buffy, we’ll find out what it is. Anyway we can’t ring Giles now, it’s like 2.30 in the morning in England, so more research and if we don’t get anywhere, we can call him tomorrow, ok?”

“There is one other thing it might be.”

“What’s that Tara?”

“It could be a shape-shifter. Traditionally this refers to werewolves, lycanthropes, although they are governed by the moon, but according to some ancient texts some shape-shifters have a wider scope of change. It’s believed that the shape-shifter is actually a human, particularly adept in the black arts who has become skilled at transmogrification. They can read the hearts or minds of their victims and appear to them in a pleasing form.”

“What’s their objective?”

“I think that depends on the individual sorcerer, to some it maybe pursuit of power, others money. Some a mmight just want to hhave sex.”

“Why would anyone go to Spike for any of those things.” Buffy deadpanned.

“Oi, still in the room you know.”

“What a shame, when are you leaving?”

“Cut it out you Buffy, that won’t get us anywhere.” It was out of his mouth before he could stop it and now everyone was looking at him. He squirmed a bit under their curious looks. Spike smirked at their faces but couldn’t help a sliver of satisfaction that Xander had stuck up for him. He decided to rescue him.

“Yeah Slayer, I’m the only one who’s actually seen this thing properly so you’d better play nice or else.”

“Or else what Spike? You’ll still be in the room me to death?”

“Would that work, ‘cos I’ll try anything.”

“Fine, whatever, let’s research this shape-shifter thingie shall we?”

Spike decided now was a good time for a smoke. He went out the back door and a few minutes later Xander followed him. He slid his arms around his waist and pulled him close. He felt better immediately. Xander kissed him and then moved away.

“We so need to get home. Spike how did you know that it wasn’t Buffy?” Xander was holding his breath waiting for the answer. If Tara was right and this thing could show you your heart’s desire, then perhaps Spike was still yearning for Buffy and where did that leave the two of them?

“I wondered when someone was gonna ask me that, seemed an obvious question really, unless you’re surrounded by morons. I didn’t realise it wasn’t Buffy at first, but it smelled different and there was this odd look in its eye when I resisted it charms. Then it changed into you, couldn’t exactly tell the others that part could I pet?”

He drew on his cigarette and gave Xander a half smile. He understood why they had held off telling the others but he wanted to tell the others, he was sick of hiding. He watched in fascination as emotion danced across Xander’s face like it wasn’t sure which dance it was. He couldn’t read all of it, but did he see relief in there?

“What is it love?” He chanced to pull him close again. How he ached for his boy.

“I don’t know, I just guess I always wondered what you would do if Buffy changed her mind and wanted you back. Now I know.” Eyes shining with love he kissed him again but jumped back quickly when he heard movement behind him. It was Buffy and she gave them an odd look.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothin’.” Xander squeaked. He coughed and tried again.

“Just lighting Spike’s cigarette, hand not healed properly yet.” Buffy could have sworn for an insane second that they were kissing each other. She blinked. No, she must have been seeing things.

“Spike how did you know it wasn’t me?” A groan from both of them, barely perceptible but her radar was up now and she heard it. What was going on?

“Vampire senses luv, it didn’t smell like you. Oh and it was so much more pleasant to me.”

“Right, just checking.” She seemed to be satisfied and went back inside.

“Oh my god, she saw us.” Xander was picturing all sorts of carnage at the Slayer’s hands, most of it ending in Spike being a big pile of dust.

“You think so? Don’t you think I’d be so much deader if she did?”

“I wanted to tell them, I didn’t want them to find out like this.”

“If she knows she’s being oddly quiet about it. We’d better go inside see if they’ve found anything yet. No point in making her any more suspicious.” Xander nodded and followed him in.

Buffy’s mind was reeling with questions and half formed thoughts. If Xander and Spike had been kissing each other, well it would certainly explain a few things, but it was nuts there was no way. Yet, since she had broken it off with Spike she had expected any number of tactics to wear her down and it just hadn’t happened. Which was not in character for him at all.

Plus there was the fact that Spike was staying at Xander’s and neither of them seemed in any hurry for him to move out. Then there was the fact that they both went awol at the same time, which could simply be coincidence but if you add it all up with the fact they may have been kissing. Jeepers! So intent was she on her musings that she walked straight into Dawn.

“Blind much?”

“Sorry, I didn’t see you.”

“That’s what happens when you don’t look where you’re going. Buffy are you ok?”

“Yeah it didn’t hurt, just startled me.”

“No, you look funky, what’s on your mind?”

“Oh it’s just this thing you know. I don’t want it anywhere near you. You’ll have to stay close to someone at all times now, until we find it and I kill it.”

“Yeah, yeah, know the drill. I should be safe though, I don’t have anyone I want to, you know?”

“Good, that is good, with you being 15 and all.” Buffy put her hands up before Dawn could utter her protest. “I’m sorry that sounded too momish didn’t it, I just never realised what it was like from mom’s point of view until I got to be the mom. I know you are old enough to date and that you’ll be sensible, vampire’s on Halloween notwithstanding.”

“Yeesh Buffy, I was so not going to sleep with him. Give me some credit please.”

“I do, I just did.”

“Oh yeah, you did. I will try to avoid being alone though it was seriously creepy. Willow’s online now searching a demon database.”

“There’s a demon database now?”

“Tip from Cordelia, apparently she uses all it all the time.” Xander and Spike had returned and they both tried to act normal, but the speculative look in Buffy’s eyes did nothing to dispel their discomfort.

“I’ve found something guys. Tara may well be right.” She smiled at her sweetie proudly.

“Sorcerer’s who master the art of transmogrification aren’t demon’s in the strictest sense, but the practise alters their humanity on a molecular level. The more times they change their countenance, the less human they become. They do it to dupe people into giving them money or power, apparently some Hollywood executives have fallen under suspicion over the years. Not all of them are ambitious though, they are just looking for an interesting and varied sex life.”

“Eeew. What happens to their victims.”

“Don’t worry Dawnie, you won’t be a victim. If the sorcerer’s only interest is sex the result is that.” She looked at everyone a blush to her cheeks.

“It seems that they are particularly adept in that department too and the person they choose to sleep with becomes addicted, insatiable to any other lover than the sorcerer.”

“I suppose it came to Sunnydale because it was drawn to the hellmouth.”

“It’s possible but I think it’s more than that Buffy. I think it came looking for you. It’s drawn to power, which may explain Spike’s entanglement with it, though it might not be coincidence, it does seem to be watching the people near to you.”

“Great, just what I need, I meet some new guy, it could happen. Only to find out when it’s too late that I’ve been macking on a sex junkie. Actually not sounding that bad.” She gave a false beam to everyone.

“Does this mean we can go home now?”

“Why Spike are you missing Passions?”

“No. But I am hungry and you bloody lot don’t have any blood in the fridge.”

“Oh.” Getting away seemed remarkably easy after that, although Xander got a pointed look from Buffy at his eagerness to leave at the same time as Spike.

“Not now Buffy ok? I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Arh, I knew it, there’s something to tell.”

“Tomorrow.” She just looked at him, obviously wanting to know right now but she acquiesced and they left.


Spike made short work of Xander’s clothes as soon as they got back to the apartment. He laid him on the bed and gazed at him hungrily. He spent a long time laving over the wound he had sustained from the other vampire, cleaning away its scent and healing it.

“It must have been a fledge luv, you have my mark on you now, that’s usually a deterrent to other vampires.”

“Didn’t stop Dracula having a go at Buffy, I mean you know after Angel.”

“Dracula always did think he was better than the rest of us, besides Angel wasn’t claiming Buffy, the way I heard the tale, he was trying not to turn into fodder for the Dyson. Now no more talk unless you’re gonna talk dirty to me. We have a lot of catching up to do and I can think of much better uses for that delectable mouth of yours.”

Xander had finished undressing Spike now and taking the hint took his erect cock into his mouth and swallowed. He knew now wasn’t the time for teasing so he sucked his cheeks in and set up a steady pace, wanting, needing to hear his lover come. Blunt teeth stroking up the underside, tongue swirling round the head, hands cupping his balls. Spike’s fingers were in his hair, his hips thrusting gently up, mindful of the gag reflex.

Oh god this was heaven, Xander’s mouth so warm and he had relaxed the back of his throat so he could take him in deeper and if he kept that up much longer he wasn’t gonna last. Xander pushed Spike’s knees up towards his chest, without missing a beat and then inserted one dry finger into him, thrusting roughly. It was all Spike needed to tip him over and he flooded Xander's throat after three more erratic thrusts. Xander swallowed, pleased with himself, he was definitely getting better at this. Spike pulled him up to kiss him, tasting himself on Xander’s tongue.

“I love you. Love us, don’t want it to end.”

“I love you too, and it’s not going to end. Why would it.”

“You’re gonna tell her tomorrow aren’t you? She’ll try to make you see sense.”

“This is sense. This is what makes the greatest sense to me Spike. I don’t accommodate you in my life; my life would have a gaping hole without you in it and I shall tell them that. They all say they love me, they have to accept it.”

Spike kissed him again, tasting the inside of his mouth, tongue darting across inner cheek, the roof of his mouth and across his lips. He stroked his chest, trailing a finger across his nipples, dipping down to his navel and skimming briefly across his straining erection. He couldn’t form words so he would have to show him how he felt. He nuzzled his balls and licked his inner thighs, clasping hands, fingers intertwining. Xander raised his knees and gave Spike better access to where he wanted to be.

He laved his perineum and then plunged his tongue into his entrance, not missing the groan his actions elicited. Letting go of Xander’s hands, he put his legs over his shoulders and grabbed his hips so he could rim him deeper. Clasping his hard member he began to stroke him, letting him get used to the rhythm before increasing the pace. Xander started to thrash about as he felt orgasm approaching. Tendrils of hot fire licking at his toes, moving slowly up his legs and spreading to his buttocks and sides, wave after wave and then he felt himself dissolve as unbelievable pleasure radiated from deep within his colon and erupted through his penis.

“Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!” And he collapsed into helpless laughter. “Oh god Spike that was amazing, hahahahahaha, I see what you mean now, hahahaha.”



“You hit the wall.” Xander’s laughter subsided after what seemed like forever, and then he looked at Spike thoughtfully.

“I like hysterical orgasms Spike and I’m glad I had my first with you. I also like the entertainment factor, true it hasn’t got the whole ‘Something About Mary’ punch line unless you’re thinking of changing your hair gel, but it could provide light relief and impress the hell out of anyone watching”

“No one knows about us yet, well, not for sure anyway and you’re thinking of giving matinee performances? Instruction and laughter, hey could we charge? Oi, what do you mean your first with me? Who else you planning on having them with?” He nibbled Xander’s bottom lip non-too gently and then growled into his mouth, ”Mine.” Xander looked at him in wonder.

“I really am aren’t I?”

Spike’s eyes were the colour of midnight and it was difficult to discern just where the pupils ended and the irises began. The look in them clutched at Xander somewhere deep inside his gut and twisted hard, a feeling that yanked all the way up to his bottom lip and caused it to convulse as if he was fighting a sob. No one had ever made him feel this way and it filled him with terror and happiness in equal measure.

“You’re mine too Spike, I don’t.”

“Shh, I know it’s all right. It’s gonna be all right.” They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed and kissed and kissed some more, until Xander needed to breathe.

“I need food and beverages, preferably something long and cold, and please don’t say what I know you’re dying to say. I’m thinking Chinese take out, as we don’t have the energy to cook and oh my god there’s no chance of that every where’s closed. Ok, tick your it.”

“I’m not bloody cooking Chinese food, besides there’s nothing fun about dipping that in my o pos’” Spike grumbled. Xander grinned and kissed the tip of his nose and Spike knew full well that he was cooking absolutely anything he wanted him to. And he did.


Buffy moaned in her sleep and shifted slightly to accommodate the weight that gently pressed down on top of her. The weight felt familiar and she settled into what appeared to be a recurring dream. She was nervous and excited, it was her first time and the lovemaking was slow and tender. Urgency building, her lover set the pace, holding her back, teaching her restraint. Feather light strokes and deep manipulations and places touched that would make her blush in the morning when she thought about them.

Something tried to be remembered, but she pushed the threat of revelation away, not wanting for a second to interrupt this oft revisited memory. She could feel her climax building and she tried to let him know with her body instead of words. Her movements were reciprocated, aimed to tip her over the edge, and a surprised sigh escaped him as he joined her. Buffy’s eyes flew open.


Chocolate eyes with swirls of topaz looked straight into hers; full of surprised satisfaction and tinged with deep sadness. Buffy put up her hand to touch his face and was confused at its warmth, more confused than his being here. She stiffened and began to push him off, a sob escaping her throat and revulsion adding to Slayer strength. His expression didn’t change as he landed on his back and as Buffy moved in to pummel, tear and destroy he dissipated.


She managed to croak around the despair in her voice, and although she only repeated this three times her voice not once getting louder, Willow heard and came running. She was wrapped in small arms, deceptively strong and her hair was stroked and soothing sounds made until she calmed.

When she finally stopped crying she looked up and realised that Tara and Dawn were standing there, both looking stricken.

“What happened Buffy, were you dreaming again?” Buffy looked at Dawn and nodded.

“I’ll be all right Dawnie, go back to bed.” She ran a shaky hand through her hair, fisted tears from her eyes and sent a silent plea to Tara.

“Come on Dawn, let’s go back to bed, Willow’s here, she can make Buffy some camomile tea.” Dawn reluctantly followed her from the room.

“Can you talk about it?” Willow looked at her worriedly, she knew Buffy had nightmares about the way she came back.

“That thing was here Will, it, it looked like Angel and it touched me and I feel so violated, I need to get in the shower.”

“Buffy, wait.” She looked at her solemnly as Buffy tried to bite back a second wave of sobs.

“It can’t. It can’t actually touch you unless you’re a willing participant. Ok, it can fool you into wanting to participate by making you believe it’s someone else, but it can’t just take what it wants from any one while they are sleeping. I don’t know how much better this will make you feel, but all it could do under those circumstances was tap into a memory, it couldn’t participate in the memory, just enjoy you enjoying it. I’m not making this any better am I?” She bit her lip and looked at her friend. She would be in a similar state if she had been forced down memory lane with Oz. Buffy visibly relaxed.

“Really? It didn’t.. I mean, it felt so real, but then that particular memory always does. We have to do something Willow, I’ve fought some pretty disgusting demons in my Slaying career, but this thing is supposed to be human. How could it get in? Aren’t there rules like with vampires, doesn’t it have to be invited?”

“If it’s this adept, then the humanity thing not so much. There is a protection spell on the house that’s pretty darn strong let me tell you, so I don’t know how it was breached. We’ll find out and we will stop it.” Buffy nodded and made her way to the shower any way.


Xander had a big knot in his stomach that had been steadily growing all day. It got worse as the time for leaving work came around because he knew this was the time to tell. He was worried because Willow had called and filled him in about the events of the night before and warned then to be on their guard. He felt bad for Buffy, really bad. The point was though, he couldn’t help thinking the latest turn of events would effect the way she took his news and he knew it was incredibly selfish but he was nervous about letting the gang know as it was.

What he had said to Spike was true; if they truly love him then they should be happy for him, but if they didn’t understand it was them he was going to lose, there was no way he could imagine life now without Spike in it. Quite a step for a commitmentphobe eh folks, how about a round of applause? As soon as he punched out he went home for a shower and to pick up Spike. Apart from his jitters the night before, Spike had become strangely philosophical about telling them since. Still, he didn’t have as much to lose as Xander, but at least he knew now that they couldn’t talk him out of it.

The apartment smelled April fresh (with a heavy hint of tobacco) as Xander walked in the front door and he couldn’t help but grin at the thought of the Big Bad doing his laundry. There he sat lean and lithe, a smirk on his face as he smoked a cigarette. Xander didn’t know how he did it, but he managed to look calm and relaxed but predatory at the same time. His feet on the coffee table, sans boots, bare feet peeping out from under his jean bottoms in such an inviting manner, whilst muscles flexed underneath his tee and his eyes flashed briefly yellow with desire.

“Hello pet, what kept you?”

“I wasn’t gone long, and hey what will you do when the nights draw out and I’m expected to work longer hours?” That ruffled his feathers and he looked momentarily at a loss for words.

“Git, I know you work a shifts system in the summer, you only work longer hours if you put in overtime. Which, you should, I might add to keep me in the manner to which I have grown accustomed.” There he could play now the panic had passed. Xander grinned at him, which earned him a punch to the arm

“Oww.” They both said.

“Now Spike you can only hurt me if I like it, you know this.”

“Come here then and let me hurt you real good.”

Xander mashed his lips down on his and marvelled at how familiar and new it always felt. Spike was already hard and Xander stroked his erection through his jeans.

“Not fair to tease pet, we haven’t got time for this.”

“There’s always time for this, take them off.”

“Thought you’d never ask.” Spike stood and moved his hand to his fly. It hovered there for a moment and Spike said.

“You too.”

Seconds later Xander stood in front of him, three feet away and mirrored his actions. Slowly they unbuttoned their jeans, leaving them hanging around their hips, erections jutting free. Spike watched as Xander toed off his boots and socks and then they both took off their tee-shirt. Spike cupped his own left pectoral and slid his hand down to his navel, Xander anticipating his move and copying it. Slowly Xander started to caress his own belly and chest and rubbed his nipples until they peaked. Spike dipped his finger in the precome that was already leaking from the head of his cock and tasted it and Xander wanted to taste it too. He moved toward Spike and dropped to his knees his hands automatically reaching for his hips so he could hold him still. Just a taste. He teased the head with the tip of his tongue, dipping occasionally into the glistening slit.

Spike sucked in a breath and reached for his hair, holding on gently as Xander tasted some more. He groaned in appreciation and brought Xander up for a kiss. He felt his fangs descend as his demon fought for possession and Xander was licking them and slicing his tongue. Spike started to suck as the coppery liquid coated his mouth, making him feel intoxicated and weak-kneed. Xander’s pants were falling down around his feet and he obligingly stepped out of them as his hands removed Spike’s without any instruction from his brain at all.

Entangled in embrace, Spike took the advantage, putting his foot around Xander’s to tumble him helplessly to the floor. He pulled him up on all fours and draped himself over him, licking and nibbling his trepizius muscle and neck tasting sweat and wood dust, cologne and something like earth. He reached under the cushions and fished out the lubricant he had stashed there earlier. Still nibbling, he uncapped it and squirted a generous amount into the palm of his hand. He prepared them both quickly and slid into Xander with a shiver. He thrust slowly, achingly, leaving Xander wanting so much more. Pushing back on to him he tried to quicken the pace and Spike almost pulled out in punishment.

“You want me Xander.” He insinuated in his ear, before pushing back in with a much harder thrust.

“Say it. Tell me how much you want me.”

“I want you, I want you, please I oh, I want you”

He was rewarded when Spike gripped his cock and started to pump in delicious rhythm. Xander’s arms were feeling the strain of carrying Spike’s weight and they trembled slightly as he adjusted his position. Spike pulled him upright, but still on his knees and began thrusting harder and faster, pumping him in time. Xander matched his thrusts bearing down again and again and wondered if this was the time that he ended up with a trip to the ER. Spike was in so deep that he didn’t think he would walk for days afterwards, but nothing was gonna stop Xander from feeling this close; like a weird Siamese twin.

He felt a sting at the side of his throat as fangs sank in and he lost control of their rhythm. Spike held firmer to his hip as he bucked about wildly and the essence left his body through his neck and his cock only to return as Spike coated his insides and they collapsed in a heap on the floor. Spike’s arms were tight around his waist and they were both panting in harsh gasps.

“I love how I can make you breath.”

“Me too Ducks, and you can make me breathe any time you want.” He slapped his ass lightly.

“Come on shower, we’ll take pizza round to Buffy’s. We can call it the Last Supper.”

He snorted at the mental image of the Scoobies all in white robes choking on their leavened bread as Xander told them he was consorting (or was that cavorting?) with the enemy.

“Be all noble; tell them they can call you Judas.” He slapped his ass again as he chased him into the shower.

“That is so not funny, and oh god I sound like Dawn. It’s brain damage isn’t it? You’ve finally succeeded in fucking my brains out.”

“What brains pet?”

Later, but not as much later as either of them would have liked, they carried pizza and other goodies to Buffy’s house. Xander wondered if Buffy had shared her suspicions about him and Spike with the others, but realised that if Willow had any idea she would have said something on the phone. They let themselves in, following the sound of voices to the kitchen.

“Ooh goodies! No need to cook dinner and Spike there’s some blood in the refrigerator.”

Willow smiled at him, just enough to make her cheeks dimple. Spike just stared at her, shocked because it had been a while since they had bothered. That had to be good sign surely? The gesture hadn’t gone unnoticed by Xander either.

“Triple cheese with mushrooms and extra herbs; thin crust, chicken nuggets and spicy potato wedges, and ladies, Haagan Das, rum and raison for afters.”

Dawn clapped and went to the cupboard to get plates. Xander turned to Buffy who hadn’t said nor done much of anything since they had arrived. Dark circles smudged her eyes and she looked pale and incredibly beautiful. He had always thought it odd that dire situations or experiences could do that to a person, it seemed perverse to look good when you felt bad. He walked over to her and held out his arms. She slipped inside his embrace and clung to him for moment before pulling away.

“I’m ok. Now, anyway. But we’re still not any closer to finding out the way to stop this thing.”

“Can’t we trap it?” Spike spoke quietly.

“I mean there’s no telling who it could appear to next, it could be any one of us, so we may as well make that happen under controlled conditions, right?" Buffy looked at him sharply

“What do you mean Spike?”

“He’s saying one of us should be bait.”

“That’s madness Xander, I’m not putting any one in danger.”

“He may have a point Buffy. The revealing spell that Tara performed showed a lot of magical activity around the Sun Cinema, which means something’s going on there even if it’s not our guy, so we have a lead. What does concern me is the lack of subtly in these attacks, I mean the whole point of this ability would be to spend time setting the scene you know? Establishing a link or contact that could lead to the other things that the sorcerer wants.”

“So you think this evil, deranged person may becoming unhinged or something?” Tara asked quite sincerely.

“Well he’s at least getting impatient. Though technically it doesn’t have to be a ‘him’. Anyway I’m thinking group trip to the Cinema, each of us making sure we are alone for a while. Whatever part of our past approaches us, we play along for long enough, creepy I know, but we will have to be inventive and keep the ick factor to a minimum.” They all stared at her until Willow felt a flush spreading over her.


“Way to go with the detective stuff Will, I’m impressed.” Buffy beamed at her friend.

“Yeah Red, should we call you ‘Giles’ or send you to L A so you can help Batvamp in his quest for redemption or redefinition or bloody redecoration or whatever?” Willow ignored him, too busy being pleased.

“Spike you’re a pig.”

“Which reminds me, food anyone?”

Food soon distributed, beverages dispensed the gang dove in with hungry appetites. They agreed on a trip to the cinema the next night and despite Buffy’s protests it made the most sense to take Dawn along too. With the knowledge they had, it didn’t seem very likely that Dawn would be approached, but if she was away from the rest of the gang, she was more likely to be targeted.

Spike drained his mug and went out the back for a smoke. A few minutes later the screen door snicked softly open and Buffy was standing before him. Level gaze asking questions that she wouldn’t form into words. Spike had known she would seek him out and he felt a need to justify himself, something he hadn’t felt in an age.

“You didn’t want me.”

“So Xander will do?”

“Don’t flatter yourself Goldilocks, I love him. He loves me, is it so hard to believe?”

Buffy dipped her head and opened her mouth to speak, she thought better of it and snapped her mouth shut. The truth was she was jealous, not because she especially wanted Spike for herself, it was the complete acceptance of each other that she coveted. To feel that with someone, even a demon.

Ah, but therein lay the problem, she had the ability to do that but couldn’t let herself do it. She hurt herself with her complicated confines and for a second she was sick of herself. Despite everything she thought she would miss Spike’s love.

“It’s not about loving one person and being unable to love another Buffy. I’m a man of many hearts. I may be love’s fool, and I may fall hard and fast when it happens, but it’s forever. The only thing that changes is priority. I will always love you.”

“The same as you will always love Drusilla and Angel.”

“Hey, who said anything about Angel?” Buffy smiled and the bluster went straight out of him.

“Yeah, like that.”

“Thank you.”

“You gonna make it hard for us?”

“No. I’m trying to give up hypocrisy. I can see a change in him; it is of the good. Take care of his heart.”

“I’ll take care of his.” Xander was behind them. Buffy hugged him before she went inside.

“You guys are seriously on something. Be happy, both of you.” Then she was gone. Xander put his forehead against Spike’s and let out a shaky breath.

“You knew she’d ask you first?”

“I did, thought it would be much uglier than that though, sometimes people surprise even me.”

He cupped Xander’s face and traced his lips with his tongue. They wouldn’t have to hide this for much longer, if Buffy was cool with it, he was pretty sure the others would be too. He kissed him softly and then deeply and he knew that no matter how many times they made love he was always going to want more, need it. Xander broke off to look into his eyes, something he would never tire of, always a message or statement there and always at least a hint of desire. He clasped his hands.

“Come on Spike, let’s got tell the others.” They went inside and the gang was all in the den arguing over what flick they should go and see the next night.

“We may as well make the most of it and see something good. I wanna go see Spiderman. Tobey MaGuire is a hottie.”

“Maybe he is to you Dawn but come on, give me a break from the Superhero stuff ok.”

“But Buffy you will be doing the Superhero stuff anyway. Remember, we are going to so we can slay the bad guy.”

“So I can slay the bad guy, repeat after me, I must never slay anything unless there’s no one else left in the world.”

She stood arms folded as they went into their usual routine. Dawn threw her hands up in the air in frustration and was just about to stomp of to her room when she was stopped mid-track by the sight of Xander and Spike hand in hand in her way.

“Guys, What’s going on?”

“Dawn, everyone, there’s something Spike and I have to tell you.”

“You’ve been playing with the super glue again haven’t you Xander, ‘cos you know, you and Spike seem to be stuck together.”

Xander put his arm around Spike’s shoulders ad drew him close. Spike gave everyone a trademark smug grin.

“We are stuck together Will, and it’s nothing to do with super glue.” Xander looked at everyone’s expression and couldn’t help but wonder if they had all looked something like this when they had discovered Giles singing in the Espresso Pump.

“Guys that is so cool, except what about Anya?”

“Anya’s gone Dawnie and it’s over you know.”

“Right ‘til she finds out.” Xander shuddered at the thought.

“Let’s hope she doesn’t find out yet shall we and can we please get back to me and Spike, in love, together?”

He held his breath as he looked at Willow, his best friend for so long. Buffy had once remarked that she had been incredibly open-minded as far as Willow and Xander’s choice of partner went. The question was would it be possible for them all to do it for him again? Willow and Tara were still goggle-eyed. Willow tried to make sound come from her lips but all she succeeded in doing was looking like a goldfish. Tara recovered first.

“Wow, I mean wow that’s great you guys, I think, if that’s what you both want. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

She looked nervously at Willow, who had at least managed to close her mouth now. Her mind was racing. How did she miss that this was happening? Ok, they were living together, but hey, Spike had a trashed crypt and he needed somewhere to live, and it had been ages! There had been no move for him to move. She hadn’t thought anything of it really, The last month and a half had just been Xander and Spike, peas in a pod, and oh goddess they were all fools.

It had sneaked up on them and ever so casually become the status quo. She had better speak soon or Xander was going to turn purple from holding his breath (though he had had more practise at that than she could imagine lately) so she gave her best Willow smile and put out her arms. She got the package and became the filling in a Xander and Spike sandwich.

“Hey guys, are you happy? That’s all the matters to me and the whole gay issue, pretty much pipped ya to the post there didn’t ah?”

“I’m not gay, I’m a vampire.”

“There’s a difference?”

“Only in that he can achieve more interesting positions and that was too much information right?”

Buffy’s nose was definitely wrinkled, but she did know what he meant. Not that the others knew she knew. Except Xander most probably did, there was no way that Spike wouldn’t have filled him in on the recent…developments between the two of them. Oh well, he seemed to be cool about it, and like he knew what he was doing for a change. Willow disentangled herself from them and they tangled each other instead. Every available inch of them was touching as they kissed, for a moment oblivious to the others in the room. Buffy rolled her eyes at them.

“I suppose we have to get used to this right? Ok, but that means I get to tell Giles.” Xander broke of the kiss and groaned. Giles. He was incredibly glad he was in England right now.

“There’s something else you probably should know. That thing when it came to my crypt, well it changed. When it realised it wasn’t getting anywhere as ‘Buffy’ it changed into ‘Xander’. Perhaps it’s malfunctioning or something because it doesn’t seem too clever at this deception lark if you ask me. Now where were we?” With his thumb one side of his face and two fingers the other side Spike pushed Xander’s lips into an exaggerated pout and plundered them. Xander closed his eyes and didn’t realise straight the way when Spike drew back to look at him.

“Oh love, don’t we have an elsewhere to be?” Leaving a flustered and bemused audience behind, they linked hands and were gone.
