Homeward Bound

By Buddy

The house was quiet by the time Buffy and Angel arrived at Rovello Drive. Willow, Tara and Dawn had either gone to bed or discreetly disappeared.

Once in the confines of the four walls surrounding them they circled one another warily, the easy familiarity dispelled. Yet it was only moments since they had whispered words of love and voiced happiness at new possibilities. Buffy saw the uncomfortable expression descend over Angel’s face and wished they had stayed outside where smooching didn’t necessarily have an inevitable progression.

She studied the look and was silently thankful that it was a vast improvement on the look he’d thrown her way as she left him the last time she had seen him; after her resurrection. Then he had looked shuttered and unreadable but she had known what he was hiding because she had felt it herself. When he had first set his eyes on her he had looked in such wonderment and then pushed it back deep down inside because they both knew that nothing had changed for them; it still couldn’t be.

Despite everything Angel couldn’t help the hungry way his eyes were drawn to the zipper of Buffy’s dress where it nestled between her breasts, and he licked his lips. He was battling; inept social skills getting in the way of primal need. He wanted her so much he ached and it had been a long time since he’d allowed himself this luxury. He forced himself to calm down, became still.

Buffy could almost see the invisible perimeter Angel now created round himself and she deliberately stepped into it. This was not the time to be unsure; they had both wanted this for too long. She reached up to kiss him, pulling his arms around her making him participate. He dipped his head to meet her lips and felt his cock hardened at her nearness. Her scent filled his nostrils and he took deliberate breaths to take more of it in.

Buffy surprised him when she forced her tongue passed his lips to find his. She invaded his mouth tasting him, claiming him with an assault on his senses. Desire ripped through his body and made his body tremble.

After a while she pulled slightly away her hazel eyes full of love, hope and desire. Yet Angel could see the doubt there too and he wanted to crush it but he wasn’t sure how.

“Angel are you sure this binding spell has worked? I mean it seems to me the only way to know for sure is to make you happy and we both know how that turned out before.” He relaxed as he smiled she didn’t doubt him, just the spell.

“I haven’t been this happy in my entire life. I know we have to work a lot of stuff out, but I know we can deal with it. Buffy if it hadn’t worked there’s a good chance that you would already be dead.”

“Well if you’re gonna use the romantic approach to get in my pants I’m here to tell you that’s not necessary these days.” She grinned at him in bravado, wondering if they were able to cope with all that had happened in each other’s lives in the time they had been apart.

“Are you talking about Spike?”

“How the hell did you know about that?”

“I can smell him on you.”

“But it was ages ago.”

“It’s a vampire thing. A human wouldn’t be able to detect his scent on you, something that will always be there, a faint trace. So what happened did Willow do a spell that backfired and affected Xander too?” He was joking.

“You’re taking this very well. I thought you might be disgusted with me, and feel the urge to hit him or something.”

“Neither of us stopped having lives after I left. We did what we had to do and took comfort when it was possible. I did hope for more for you than just comfort.” His mouth twisted into a parody of a smile. “I should have guessed that if Spike couldn’t kill you he would love you instead.”

“Again with the romance of it.” She looked sideways at him.

“What about you where d’you take your comfort?” Angel bowed his head.

“No one made me happy like you did Buffy. Did Spike make you happy?”

“Answer me first Angel, did you sleep with somebody? Was it Cordelia?” Buffy didn’t feel angry she just needed to know - that it wasn’t Cordelia.


“What? Who?”

“It was this whole thing where Wolfram and Hart brought her back as a human. I thought I could help her until Drusilla turned her again. It’s a long story which I will tell you some day but believe me when I say it wasn’t about happiness.” Buffy shook her head.

“Life is crazy for us isn’t it? Drusilla paid a visit to Spike last year and I was the reluctant observer to the party.”

“About Spike Buffy, did you love him?” He smiled at her in reassurance. “I would understand if you did.”

“Not really, there was something I guess. He anchored me, kept me here and marginally sane after I was brought back. I don’t, didn’t love him how he wanted me to.”

Buffy closed her eyes and remembered the look on Spike’s face when he had realised it really was over. Had she had the same look when Angel had told her was leaving her after the Prom? Had Spike felt anything like that pain?


“He loved me, I know this but have you seen him and Xander?”

“I didn’t need to, their scent was all over each other.” Buffy wrinkled her nose.

“Eeew, how do you guys put up with that?”

“It has its compensations.”

He kissed her again, just to check this was real, afraid she may vanish. Buffy had had enough of talking; explanations and story telling could wait for another day. She was afraid that if they didn’t seize this moment someone or something might steal it away

“Why don’t you go upstairs and get comfortable, I’m thirsty do you want anything?” He looked at her the longing in his eyes very plain to see.

“What about the others, Dawn?”

“Oh they’re not invited.”

Angel walked up the stairs as though he were in a dream. He could hear the even breathing coming from the other two bedrooms signifying sleep but still half expected someone to prevent him from actually going to Buffy’s bedroom.

Angel sank into the pillows on Buffy’s bed and allowed himself to enjoy the comfort. He closed his eyes but he soon sensed her presence. He could hear her swallowing something and the chink of ice against glass. He opened his eyes and she offered a glass to him. He took it and drank deeply, and then he put the glass down beside him.

Before she could move he snaked his hand up inside her dress and up her leg to her hip. The colour of his eyes changed from chocolate brown to topaz. His fingers traced little circles around her hipbone, sending a trail of fire to her pussy, which flooded. He moved softly across her belly and tugging her dress pulled her closer to him.

Moving one hand to stroke her back he slowly unzipped her dress with the other. Buffy shivered in anticipation as he slipped it from her shoulders. Angel sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, drinking in the sight of her in a wisp of gossamer and a blush that spread all over her body. He reached up to unfasten her hair and ran his hands through it as it fell about her face.

Buffy leaned forward and clasped Angel’s face, searching his eyes, conveying so much with her steady gaze. She reached down for his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue and darted tiny flicks across it. Angel lifted her up and settled her astride his lap. His hands moved from her hips to her breasts sliding his fingers over hardened nipples. Buffy’s tongue probed his lips and he parted them allowing entry. He sucked her tongue in slowly, tangling his hands once again in her hair.

He reached down and released the ties of her thong. Buffy traced the contours of his chest as she nipped at the column of his throat. Angel unzipped his pants and freed his erection and poised Buffy over it. She pushed down with a little whimper and he was shrouded in her warmth. She pumped him, rocking her hips, rising and falling, marvelling at the feel of his coldness inside her. He’d spoiled her for others; she couldn’t stand the warmth any more, no matter who’s it was.

Not breaking contact he laid her back against the pillows, feasting his eyes over her naked form. She ripped his shirt open and pushed it off his shoulders, wanting desperately to feel his skin against hers. His trousers slipped around his thighs as he resumed his thrusts.

Buffy’s hands were hot on his ass cheeks as she dragged his boxers further down and tried to pull him deeper inside her. She shifted her position to increase friction to her clitoris. Angel brushed his thumb over her swollen nub and she held her breath as pleasure spread through her centre.

He circled the spot rather than directly touching, creating building blocks of pleasure as he repeated his actions. Buffy’s thrusts became erratic and she moaned Angel’s name over and again as she soared over the edge. Her inner muscles clenched spasmodically around his rigid length. His game face flickered in and out and he lost control and followed her over with a growl.

Still hard inside of her he rolled over and pulled her on top with her knees resting either side of him. He held her hips as he rocked up, not allowing her room to manoeuvre. His thrusts teased her insides with unsatisfactory friction and she tried to move her hips in time with his. He held her still with his hands and his eyes implored her to be patient.

Buffy bit her lip and fought the urge to grind down on to him. She spread her fingers flat across the span of his nipples and kneaded and pinched them between. She loved them; the areola were as big as quarters and red as berries. She leaned over to trace the outline with her tongue and laved at the hardening points sucking them in turn; he tasted of old spice.

She kissed him then, cradling his face in her hands. Angel increased his rhythm and she clenched her inner muscles around him, stroking and squeezing him. He let her move then giving in to her need to participate; patience could wait for another day and this felt so good. Buffy rocked her hips with one hand on his chest and the other behind her on his thigh. Physical pleasure was building in hot waves for both of them but Angel wanted her closer to him so he sat up and wrapped his arms around her.

“Buffy I have missed you so much.” He kissed her deeply and luxuriated in the feel of her walls clenching around his shaft.

“I love you Angel, I never stopped.”

“I love you.”

Buffy increased her rocking tempo as Angel nibbled the column of her throat. He could taste faint traces of her other lovers and nostalgia hit him like d`eja` vu; Spike’s was the strongest. He couldn’t help it; he spilled inside of her and felt as though they were both loving him at the same time.

Buffy felt her insides flood with cold semen and shattered. She rained gentle kisses over his face as if this was the best way to see him. Her eyes were green in the soft lamplight and her lips were swollen. Her hair was tousled and there was a sheen of sweat glistening across her shoulders. Angel couldn’t remember seeing her look more beautiful.

They got under the covers and Buffy lay with her head on Angel’s chest as he stroked her hair.

“How long can you stay?”

“Couple of days I guess, unless I get a call.”

“So, long distance relationships?”

“We’ll see each other whenever we can Buffy. Who knows, it might not always be this way.”

“I think it will. But I can deal, you’re back in my life and that’s everything.”

“We’ve both changed.”

“Do you think that’s bad?”

“I’m looking forward to finding out. You’ve come along way Buffy gained maturity, and you’ve been through a lot, we both have. I think we’ve got a better chance now than we ever did.”

“You still have your soul. Am I dreaming?” Angel leaned down and brushed her lips with his.

“It’s real, even my wildest dreams were never this good. So tell me about Spike and Xander. On second thoughts maybe this is a dream.” Buffy slapped at his arm.

“No that definitely is real. We didn’t know about it at first, and we’ve only known for about 5 minutes, but it wasn’t that much of a shock when they told us, it made sense actually they had become a lot liked the Odd Couple.”

“How did it make you feel?”

“A little sad for me and envious of them.”

“Because of Spike?”

“No because of me.” Angel turned to her a question on his face.

“I couldn’t get it right, relationships, ok there haven’t been that many but they have what I want, I didn’t think I would get it. Not until now. They’re sickeningly adorable and don’t look at me that way we’ve all changed remember, even Spike.”

“I guess this is all stuff I have to find out. When can you come to LA? You’ll see changes in people too, Cordy and Wesley.”

Buffy stiffened a little at the sound of love for them she could hear in his voice. It just hadn’t seemed fair all this time that Cordelia had been allowed to be near Angel when she wasn’t. He sounded like they all belonged to each other, were a family. She stifled the jealousy that began to gnaw the pit of her stomach. This was the part Angel believed she had the maturity for.

“Will you come soon?”

“You’re not planning on leaving now are you?”

“No I just want to make plans with you.” Buffy smiled at him as she stroked his chest.

“I have plans for you right now.”


Xander walked into the site office to check on progress with the latest job. It was difficult to concentrate, everything seemed so much noisier than normal and everybody wanted a piece of his time to go over stuff or to shoot the breeze. He retained his usual patience with good humour, knowing there was a good chance that by tonight he would be outta here, LA bound.

This led to thoughts of Spike, which made him smile and filled him with warmth and horny feelings. He could picture him now pulling chunks out of walls and wearing carpet tread down, impatient to talk with Angel. Would he wait for daylight to fade or would he turn up at Buffy’s back door in a smoking blanket, demanding answers before the smouldering disappeared?

“I talked to North about this already, he knows the drill you just need to take this sheet with you.”

Xander’s foreman Tony was talking to Dwight, an electrician who had been with the company almost as long as Xander. Xander thought he was cool. Not only did he have a great sense of humour but also he wasn’t as shut off to the demon element in Sunnydale as most were.

The smell of ham and salad assaulted his nostrils and he looked around to see who was eating. No one was. He looked around for a lunch box of some description; the smell was getting stronger, invading his nostrils and making his mouth water. Who would hide a sandwich? Could be anyone; people pretty much grabbed food on the run here, there were no time for formalities like say a lunch break.

“I see you managed to get enough of the guys to cover you for a week Harris, looks like you’ll be getting your week in LA. What’s in LA anyway?”

“People, that is an ex-girlfriend, a friend of sorts and some other people I don’t know yet. It’s kinda like a reunion and an introduction.”

“Hoping to make up with the girlfriend?”

“That is so far from the truth pal you have no idea. I’m taking a friend with me; we have business there. Ok fess up Tony, where’s the sandwich? Have you hid it in the drawer so I don’t try to steal it from you?” Xander tried to peer over the edge of the desk but could see only Tony’s jean clad legs.

“God Harris what is it with you and food today? I don’t have a sandwich up here my lunch is still in my car. Must be one of the others. Did you want something?”

“I came up to grab the specs for the south quarter.”

“I already gave you them this morning.” Xander dipped his head sheepishly.

“I know I hoped you had a copy, Tito flooded them when he switched on the water supply, apparently there was a loose pipe. They’ll be ok when they dry I think, apart from the text, and the diagram.”

Tony sighed heavily, and reached into his desk drawer. It was for this very reason he carried copies of everything. Xander leaned right over and looked again for the sandwich convinced he was holding out on him. Nothing but paper, pens and paper clips. Tony handed a copy to him.

“Tell Tito he should have worked in movies. The Titanic for instance.”

Xander left him to laugh at his own joke and followed the smell through the office, through two large rooms, both roughly 23 feet long and turned left to go back to where he was working. There it was, an enormous club sandwich disappearing into the mouth of Vince Templeton. He could still smell it after it disappeared forever, the scent clinging to Vince’s hands and mouth. He nodded as Xander passed him.

“I know this sounds like a really strange question but were you just eating ham and salad?”

“On white with mustard and its all gone Harris, get your own.” He grinned at him while he was still cleaning his teeth with his tongue.

“Don’t worry, I’m over it.”

Vince turned on his heel and waved over his shoulder as he left.


Spike and Xander both gaped at Buffy as though she was a circus exhibit. This possibility hadn’t occurred to either of them.

“Yeah that was pretty much my reaction at first, I used more actual words though. Colourful words; I think I made Angel blush.”

Cordelia had called to say Angel was needed back in LA. She’d had a vision involving a bound and gagged young woman, surrounded by hooded, chanting figures holding candles. Murders had already been committed and if they didn’t find her, she was next. He had left at sundown on Sunday night.

They had spent most of the weekend in bed, except for patrolling at nightfall. Dawn knocked on the door occasionally to see if they wanted anything and giggled at the look on Angel‘s face. They hadn’t seen a lot of Willow and Tara, but Willow did manage to squeeze in a hug and tell her happy she was for the both of them.

“Why do you care so much?”

“I er we. Not so much with the caring.”

“Spill guys, what’s up?” Spike had wanted to speak to Angel first. Mostly because he was sure that Angel would save him the job of actually having to tell him, by asking what the hell he was playing at, and possibly punching him on the nose to let him know how he felt about the situation. On second thoughts maybe they needed another plan.

“Not so much with the not caring about what?” Dawn was all wide-eyed innocence as she walked into the kitchen and their conversation.

“Hey Dawn.”

“Little Bit.”

“They were just about to tell me why they were so keen to talk to Angel, weren’t you guys?”

She raised her chin, a gesture that dared them to defy her. Her antennae were up; she couldn’t imagine either of them seeking Angel out just to pass the time. Xander looked at Dawn.

“This is kinda private Dawn, would you mind if we talked to Buffy alone?” His tone was level and he hoped she wouldn’t take offence.

“Fine. I was watching TV anyway.”

She left them. Xander went and sat down at the breakfast bar and Spike stood deceptively casual against the wall. He wondered how Xander was going to handle this. He was torn as to whether or not he should stand with him, show a united front or let Buffy see Xander’s resolve in the matter.

“What’s wrong Xander? Is it something bad?” She calmed somewhat when she realised he was going to confide in her. Xander pulled his shirt to the side exposing his mark and waited for a reaction.

“Yeah between us we’re getting a nice collection of neck decoration, maybe we could start a new trend; forget piercing and tattoos and adopt a vamp. ‘Course me and you have our own already, we’re the original trend-setters.” She turned to Spike. “Did it piss you off big time Spike, someone else muscling in on your territory.”

“This isn’t from the other night Buffy.”

“Oh. OOOhhh.” Buffy’s mouth fell open and snapped shut. Her eyes were very big with surprise.

“Joking! I was joking! How is this possible? What were you guys thinking? This, this is dangerous. Spike what if you get a taste for it and can’t control yourself? Xander you could die!” Her expression was one of horror. “Isn’t the chip working?”

“Relax Buffy will you? Spike only has to think seriously about hurting another human being and his head flares. It’s just that he can bite me if I want him to.” Buffy was pacing the kitchen; her lips thin with anger. She stopped in mid-stride when the reality of his words sank in.

“Sex. This is about sex isn’t it?” She felt herself blushing, remembering the weekend she’d spent with Angel and from the visuals she was getting of Xander and Spike in a frenzied carnal coupling. Spike walked over to Xander and stood by his side.

“It’s not just about sex Buffy, it’s about bonding.” He pleaded with his eyes, not knowing how to make her understand.

“Bonding? Does this mean that, oh my god Xander, you’ve drank from him haven’t you?” She brought her hand to her mouth as though to wipe away ugly words.

“What made you think Angel could help you with this?” She was pacing again, her head in turmoil.

“Buffy please sit down. I know it sounds bizarre but it’s important that you understand what it means to me.” Xander leaned in to Spike, reassuring him and taking comfort from his nearness. Spike echoed the gesture and turned to face buffy.

“I wouldn’t hurt him, I love him, I thought you accepted that. I want to talk to Angel about what this will mean for us. He knows more about vampire lore than I do. I thought he..”

“You didn’t think this through at all, either of you. You engaged in this ‘ritual’ and neither of you have any idea what it will do to Xander.”

“I do have some idea. It’s rare a vampire having a relationship with a human but not unprecedented. Xander may get heightened senses and be not so easy to kill. Tell me will you how that’s a bad thing. Xander’s right, this is private and the only reason we are telling anyone else is because you will see a change in him.”

Buffy looked at Xander then and realised how little she had noticed when they had arrived. Too busy riding an emotional roller coaster to take in how good he looked. Many might put it down to happiness but she could tell it went further than that. He looked as though he had been working out, his shape was more athletic and he seemed more tangible somehow more there.

“Oh god.”

“Yeah you said that already.” Spike dipped his head sideways and peered at her under his lashes. He could smell his sire all over her and the combination of his and Buffy’s scent was almost intoxicating.

“I take it you and Angel have never?”

“Spike!” Xander said sharply. He could see this conversation going to hell in a hand basket. Buffy could feel her cheeks flaming now.

“No, I we haven’t.” Her voice was small.

“You’ve thought about it though haven’t you. Got a taste for it I reckon when he drank from you before.” He flashed her an evil grin. “Oh come on Slayer, less of the prudish act, I know you remember?” She dropped clenched fists to her sides and forced herself to relax them. She tossed her head and rolled her eyes.

“Ok, maybe I have thought about it. But that’s not the same thing as actually doing it. This is really serious, you need to find out as much as you can and soon. You’ll have to go to LA; Wesley might be able to help you too.” She directed a pointed look at Spike. “That is if you’re willing to share this with him. Which means of course that I don’t get to see Angel until you’re back. Bite me!” Xander’s heart sank.

“No Buffy it doesn’t matter. We can wait a bit longer you should go see Angel. We’ll catch him when he comes back here, talk to him on the ‘phone.” He felt guilty; he didn’t want this to come between Buffy and Angel.

“Bugger that, you’ve got time off work, we might as well go, take the opportunity. The sooner we know all there is to know the better. Besides why can’t you come with us?”

“Dawn, I can’t leave her with only Will and Tara for a whole week and I have work at the Magic Box.”

“So, you can still come up at the weekend as planned, both of you.” He grinned. “Bring the witches, Angel does live in a hotel after all.” Buffy could just imagine Angel’s face at the thought of the whole Sunnydale crew arriving on his doorstep.

“I have patrol.”

“Are you trying to find obstacles on purpose Buffy?” Xander asked sounding distracted. He felt wired; he could smell the food in the fridge and the cupboards and thought of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea.’ It had been a childhood favourite of his and Willow’s.

Dialogue from the television was drifting in distinctly as though someone was slowly turning up the volume control. He could hear Dawn breathing and the steady thump of her heart beating. He could hear Buffy’s too although her heartbeat was slower than Dawn’s and her breathing deeper. He could smell her and he could smell Angel on her and it was from his nose to his groin in seconds. He was aware of his lover standing so close to him, lightly running his thumb up his neck to the base of his skull. He could still detect the mingling of his and Spike’s scent and suddenly he wanted to be far from here and buried deep inside him.

“I wish I could just blow it off but I can’t.”

“It won’t hurt for a couple of days Slayer, you’ve got to loosen up a bit, roll with the changes if it’s gonna work with you and Angel.” Spike was hit by the pheromones rolling off Xander in waves. Time to wrap this up and get out of here as soon as possible. He barely repressed a grin and tried to concentrate on what Buffy was saying.

“We’ll work something out, I’ll call Angel and let him know you’re coming. No I’m not filling him in you can do that when you get there. Please get Cordelia to take Polaroid’s of his face for me would you?” The backdoor opened and Willow and Tara spilled through it laughing.

“Hey guys.” They chorused. Buffy looked at Spike and Xander.

“Hang on a minute, maybe I should just get the camera now.”

“Xander wants to borrow a camera? What’s this for group pictures?”

“Not exactly Willow.”

“Perhaps I shouldn’t ask what you want the camera for I know that Tara and I....” She faltered when Tara elbowed her in the ribs “never take pictures of any kind is what I was going to say.”

“I’m just grateful I’ve never seen the pictures you didn’t take.” Buffy raised her eyebrows at her.

“I don’t mind you can show me any time, in fact I think I have a few already in my head.” Spike aimed a smirk at Xander as he too copped a visual. Willow tried to change the subject.

“Say did anybody else notice that most of the time the Sun Cinema only shows old pictures? We were lucky with Spiderman, or would have been had we actually got to see it, but tonight it was back to oldies but goodies.”

“Oh yeah, what did you go and see?”

“’The Hunger’ with Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve.” She realised too late that this would probably add fuel to the fire.

“Really pet, and did they take pictures?” Willow ignored Spike, to concentrate on the expression on Xander’s face.

“Xander what’s wrong? You look kinda funny, kinda like when you were hyena guy, before you ate the pig.” Buffy looked at him too, her eyes wide. Funny stuff was happening already, he was gazing at all of them and she couldn’t tell if it was from lust or hunger.

“I’m a great big, furry, stripy tiger.” Xander misquoted.

“Did you eat all the sandwiches and all the buns on the plate?” Willow dimpled, but her smile turned to a frown as she tried to work out the reference to a book she still secretly read, sometimes to Tara.

“What are you to going on about? Xander are you ok?”

“Come on love, I need to get you home and we need to pack and get gone. I’m not waiting for Angel’s permission, things are happening.”

“Where are you off to?” Tara asked them her head in the fridge searching for juice, unaware for the time being that things were up.

“To see Angel in LA.”

“Are you going with them Buffy?” She turned to Xander and Spike. “Does he know about you two being together?"

“He knows and no I can’t go yet. I’ll go and call him now.” Buffy spun on her heel and left the room wanting some privacy when she spoke to him. Spike looked at Xander.

“Well at least he knows now, we can ask him if he’s interested in double dates and give him sex tips, ‘spect he’s a bit rusty.”

“Xander what’s going on?” Willow went over and looked at him closely, still frowning. She couldn’t sense any mojo around him.

“Did I ever tell you how lovely you smell Willow? Like strawberries and pears, but these days it’s combined with the smell of Tara, flowers and musk.”

“Have you been drinking?” Tara gaped and blushed and Willow’s frown deepened.

“Are you under a spell? Is that why you’re going to LA?” A thought occurred to her. “Won’t it be strange for you when you see Cordelia?”

“Ah the fair of face but foul of nature Cordelia. Wonder if she still likes closets. There’s no room for this tiger in a closet.” He leered at Spike.

“Besides now I’m out of the closet. Did you know that tigers purr if you can get close enough to stroke them?”

“Ok, that’s it! Time to take the kiddie out of the sweetie shop. Tell Buffy to call us at home, she can fill you in.”

Xander shivered with pleasure as Spike interlaced fingers with him and led him out of the door. He was quiet at first on the walk back to the apartment, revelling in the sensations assailing his senses. Spike watched him intently as emotions played over his face.

The fabric of his shirt caressed his skin like a lover’s touch, the breeze through his hair like a lover’s fingers. The air carried a plethora of fragrance not all of them good. The lingering scent of freshly mown grass and newly blooming spring flowers clashed with exhaust fumes and neglected garbage cans.

Xander turned to Spike overwhelmed, his senses in overdrive, and buried his head in the crook of his shoulder, drinking in his familiarity and clinging to him. Spike held him close, stroking the back of his head.

“I have some idea what you’re going through, it does get easier to cope with. You have to learn to channel surf; it’s a bit like psychics controlling the spirits who bombard them.” Xander raised his head for a kiss. His lips were on fire from over sensitive nerve endings; he needed Spike’s lips to cool them.

As they entered the residential district they passed a couple of joggers; all sweat, endorphins and racing hearts. A man was hosing his car down in a floodlit driveway and time seemed to slow for Xander as water cascaded over metal. He couldn’t decide if he’d rather be the car or the water. He was almost certain he wasn’t ever going to be able to speak again because the grin stretching his face wouldn’t let up. There was a Eurythmics song going round and round his head.

‘No one on earth could feel like this.

I’m thrown and overblown with bliss’.

His grin widened

‘Must have been talking to an angel’.

Spike’s an angel, no wait, that’s not right, but we have to go see Angel.

His heart was pounding, but not unpleasantly. He could feel it pumping the blood to each cell, energising him, and awakening every one to enhanced life. This was way better than beer, intoxicating and renewing at the same time. Still holding on to Spike’s hand he started to run, pulling a surprised Spike along with him. The reached the apartment fairly quickly and the ‘phone started ringing as soon as they got inside. Spike snatched up the receiver.

“Yeah, hello?”

“Hey Spike it’s Buffy.” Spike ran an agitated hand through his hair as Xander left a trail of clothes through the apartment to the bedroom, before lying spread eagle on the bed.

“Have you spoken to the Great Pouf then?”

“Not until now.” He could hear the grin on her face. “Angel’s expecting you both.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That you’re evil.” Xander was singing quietly.

“I must be hallucinating,

Watching angels celebrating.

Could this be reactivating?

All my senses dislocating?”

“I’m glad somebody still thinks so.”

“I told him you wanted information about vampire/human relationships. I asked him to start looking for the possibility of documented cases and he’s going to talk to Wesley about Council records. I told him why you need to know.”

“’Spect we’ll have to peel him off the ceiling when we get there then.” He sighed heavily.

“He took it very calmly as it happens. Well, the truth is he didn’t comment except to say he would take care of it. How’s Xander?”

“Apart from the sadly mistaken idea that he can sing like Annie Lennox, he’s, he will be fine. I have to go.” Spike hung up and started stripping off his clothes, impatient to get to Xander.

Xander looked up at Spike in surprise as he pulled him to his feet.

“Where are we going now?”

“I need you in here love, have something I have to do for you.” He led him in to the kitchen and encouraged him to sit on the breakfast counter, parting his legs so he was able to step between them.

“What kept you?”

Xander couldn’t wait to touch him. He ran his hands over his torso as though rediscovering him. Spike fastened his lips on his, seeking entry with his tongue, licking his canines as he searched for change and finding it as they grew under his touch. Xander took hold of Spike’s hands and squeezed, trying to convey some of what he was feeling when words failed him. Spike pushed him back and rolled his knees up towards his head, pulling his ass to the edge of the counter and entering him in a single thrust.

He arched over the top of him and held his legs down so Xander was almost bent double before dipping his head and taking his weeping cock into his mouth. Spike silently thanked vampire flexibility and he set a rhythm of rocking and sucking that allowed Xander to find his voice again. Xander was already over stimulated, the events of the last few hours incredible foreplay and it wasn’t long before he was in total rapture.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, Spike arghgah.”

Semen filled Spike’ s mouth and throat and he swallowed reflexively. He relaxed his hold on Xander’s legs so he could straighten up and thrust into him at a quicker pace. Xander relaxed inner muscles around Spike’s cock as he pushed forward and clenched them as he pulled back, stroking his engorged length until Spike couldn’t remember who was fucking who. Pleasure exploded from him in knee trembling jerks, Xander’s name spilling from his lips as dead seed spilled and coated Xander’s insides.

Spike leaned over Xander to kiss his inert frame; every inch that he could reach he revered, not caring that Xander could no longer respond because he was mush. Slowly Xander’s heightened senses dimmed like music fading into the background and he let out a shaky breath. He sat up and arms circling one another they instinctively found each other’s throat. Sharp teeth caressed for a moment before they plunged passed skin into flesh.

They clung on as they drank, blood spilled in their haste to make the ultimate connection. This wasn’t about desire; it was more intimate than sex, binding them together physiologically and reaffirming mutual love.

Xander’s senses began to hum again but he slipped into the sensations like a hand into a silk glove. After they withdrew teeth and fangs, Xander followed a trickle of blood with his tongue to the dip between Spike’s collarbone and his trapizuis muscle. It was a delicate part of his anatomy that belied the strength surrounding it.

Spike was still in game-face and Xander traced the ridges with his finger across his forehead, his nose and around his yellow eyes. They glittered with a multifarious mixture of ‘other worldly’ intelligence, a wealth of history and endless love. Xander especially loved the endless love part.

“I wouldn’t have believed I could ever get used to this, seeing you morph let alone get up close and personal. Now I can’t get over how familiar it feels or how much I love to see you this way.” Spike ran his hands down Xander’s abdomen.

“All of this feels familiar but never quite the same. Reassuring and unpredictable, I reckon’ that’ll keep me on ma toes. Feeling better now Pet?” He leaned forward and rested his chin on the top of his head.

“Thanks to you; I like your cure it’s testament to your ability to think on your feet and have a good time. I still have heightened senses but I don’t feel drunk with it anymore. Is this what it was like for you when you were first turned?”

“It stays with you it’s simply that you learn to control it rather have it control you. It doesn’t dim at all but you learn to stop it overwhelming you. It’s a neat trade-in love you didn’t have to die to reap the benefits.”

“No I got a much better deal, I got you.”

Xander watched as Spike’s features softened back to his human guise and wondered where the demon lived in Spike. Where did it go to when the evidence of its existence left his face? Did it feel caged within his humanity? Xander suspected that it was seeped in it, not so much a modus vivendi (see he did pay attention to research some of the time) as a marriage. He doubted many vampires accepted their hybrid the way Spike had done even before the implant.

They showered, dressed and packed ready for their trip both a bit preoccupied with their own thoughts on it. Xander wondered how much Cordelia had changed, he hadn’t really talked to her since she had left for LA, and in fact Willow was the only one who had. She was going to think that he and Will had been hit by the gay stick or something. He grinned to himself. They couldn’t be accused of standing still in their lives. Never mind the look on Angel’s face, he thought Cordelia’s would be more worthy of a Kodak moment.

“So what’s it gonna be like then? You seeing Miss Fancy Pants after all this time, last time I saw her she was looking pretty tasty.”

“You managed to notice that around the torturing Angel part did you Spike?”

“I’m an observant fellow, she had things worth observing.”

“Are you jealous or trying to make me jealous because I shouldn’t have to remind you that my tastes lie in other areas lately.” Spike pulled in unnecessary air.

“No, I’m just being a wanker.”

“What’s wrong Spike?”

“The thing that bothers me the most is that I don’t think Angel will give me any credit for how much I’ve changed. He’ll be suspicious of my motives and I just know I’ll get the blame for something.”

“Didn’t he come to Sunnydale because YOU or Buffy may be in danger?”

“He was probably just making sure it wasn’t Buffy. I hope he will listen to me I don’t want to have to resort to violence, I am able to hit him after all.” He paused, “I don’t want him to undermine what we have.”

“He can’t do that, nobody can.” Xander looked so sure when he pulled Spike into a warm embrace that Spike relaxed. He was being all wrong headed about it; they weren’t going there for approval, just information.

“You’re just wigging because it’s Angel like I did with the gang.”

“Maybe, let’s go get what we need and then we can get back to the shagging.”

“What? Are you saying there’s no sex on this trip.”

“God no, I intend to have sex in every room in the bloody hotel, including Angel’s office whether he’s in it at the time or not. Perhaps we should think about actually going, the sooner we get there the sooner we can see which room to start with.” Spike grinned.

“I’m not providing entertainment for Angel Investigations, I mean I don’t even know all of ‘em.” Xander grinned back at him.

“Why not it’s a good ice-breaker, saves on the getting to know you part. All that talking and finding stuff out makes my teeth ache.”

*********************************************************************Cordelia turned on the light and closed the door behind her and Wesley. Her face was pinched and still puffy from crying she was just glad that Wesley was the only one who had caught her as she was leaving the bathroom. The look of empathy he gave her nearly upset her shaky composure but he had shielded her face from everyone on the way out the hotel. Fred and Gunn, were too startled by them leaving so abruptly to do much more than throw a surprised goodbye their way. Angel had tried to follow them out but Wesley said he would talk to him later; there was somewhere they had to be.

She tossed her purse on the coffee table and sank onto the couch. She sighed heavily and put her face in her hands for a moment. Wesley sat beside her, careful not to invade her personal space, but close enough to offer comfort if she wanted it. She looked up at him with a wan smile.

“I’m glad for them you know? It’s what they both have wanted for so long. It’s just hard, it’s not just the fact that Buffy and Angel can be together, it’s the other stuff that comes with it. It will change all our lives, it feels like an invasion.”

“It must be hard for you fighting all this time by Angel’s side, being his friend, his true friend. You’ve witnessed some really dark times from him over last three years and managed to forgive it all, only to lose him to someone else.”

“ Not just someone else, Buffy. It makes it easier that it’s her. Anyway so have you, been there through it all.”

“Ah yes but I’m not in love with him am I?” Wesley went quiet for moment. “I was sure he felt the same way about you. I’ve watched you both and wondered when the growing closeness between you would become a problem, hence my search for the binding spell. Maybe if she hadn’t come back, been resurrected.” Wesley wished he hadn’t said that when he saw the look of pain cross her face.

“I’m not saying that er..”

“What that I was a substitute? No I don’t believe I was, our friendship had potential, I just got to the next stage before he did and then he didn’t have a chance to catch up.” Cordelia grinned because she didn’t want to cry again. Wesley’s mouth twisted wryly.

“It’s not always possible to discern the truth in these matters, I was so sure that Fred. I didn’t know she would choose Gun. I didn’t even think she was seriously interested in him.” Cordelia put her hand over his and squeezed.

“We have crappy love-life barometer’s and our guardian angel’s were traded in for irony, don’t know about you but I want my money back.” She kicked off her boots and sat cross-legged facing him.

“It’s a lonely life for a lot of people out there Wesley and we may have lucked out in love, but I know I have friends that I love, better than that, I have friends who love me, who are my family. The truth is I love him enough to be happy that he’s happy. It’s so amazing he’s allowed to be.” Cordelia blinked away threatening tears before she continued.

“Thank you. For coming here with me, I could use the company. I’ll open some wine and you can gimme the skinny on Xander and Spike. Why are they coming here?” Wesley grinned at her as she went into the kitchen for wine, glasses and a corkscrew.

“Who knows how people’s lives will turn out? I never would have believed I would end up here with you and Angel. My family consider it to be a deep shame and embarrassment that an ex-Watcher could champion a vampire, even if he does have a soul.”

“You asking me to cut them a break pal? This is Spike we’re talking about. And Xander, ok loser but if you ask me he needs saving big time. It’s not the fact I never figured he had a gay bone in his body, hell who knew Willow was gonna be big with the saphic love, but at least she chose a human being.” She put her hand up at his look, but he was determined to have his say.

“Cordelia what about your aspect of the demon? You’re not exactly human yourself any more. I didn’t have you pegged as a biggot.”

“Excuse me? Spike doesn’t have a soul, just a chip thingy incapacitating him. Xander has a life changing self realisation, not good enough for him, he has to be all attention grabby with I’ll go for a murdering demon.” Cordelia stopped her rant and looked a bit sheepish. She knew she was transferring her own emotions and it made her illogical; after all hadn’t they just been talking about how much she loved Angel, sometime murdering demon.

“From what I can gather, I don’t believe it’s so much the fact he’s gay so much as the fact he’s been… Spiked.”

“Eeew, Wesley disgusting. I thought you of all people..”

“What didn’t have a sense of humour?”

“No, would see how serious this is. Angel’s too busy making the big puppy love eyes and it’s affected his judgement. He’s acting like he’s insane and that could prove more deadly than Angelus making a cameo apperaence.” Wesley looked startled for moment, that thought hadn’t occurred to him. He recovered himself quickly.

“Angel knows what his responsibilities are Cordelia, he knows the fight isn’t over and there are certain considerations to be met to enable him to have a relationship with Buffy. I trust his judgment and to do whatever’s right.” Cordelia flashed a toothpaste commercial smile.

“’Cos he always does that doesn’t he? Remember Darla?” She poured two large glasses of Merlot and passed one to Wesley.

“Did you start without me?”

“What?” No.”

“It’s just that you sound illogical.”

“Who said I had to be logical? I’m in pain remember, tonight at least I can think any way I damn please.” Wesley tasted his wine.

“Mmm, not bad. You’re basing what on what exactly?”

“All I’m saying is that this could be the first sign of Angel being off his game. I mean he’s letting Spike and Xander stay at the Hyperion.”

“I’ve never met him. Of course I’ve read about his exploits. William the Bloody’s past is almost as colourful as that of Angelus. From what I’ve heard from Giles he’s proven to be quite useful to them in Sunnydale since he was implanted with the behaviour modification chip. They trusted him with Dawn’s well-being while Buffy was dead.”

“Well I find it difficult to take anyone seriously who’s middle name is ‘the’.”

Cordelia still couldn’t believe it. She had seen the trouble Spike had caused when he was with Drusilla, and hadn’t that been fun? She’d also helped to rescue Angel when Spike had kidnapped and tortured him. She thought of Doyle and took a big swallow of her wine, not caring how it tasted.

“How about some music? What music do you like Wesley and I would prefer if you picked something from the last decade.”

“I’m not Giles you know, nor am I as old as he.” He looked a bit put out.

“I’m just teasing, it’s this talk of all things Sunnydale. It brings back a lot of memories, we were both very different people then.”

They sat in quiet reflection as they finished their wine and Cordelia poured them some more. Wesley would have never been this relaxed in her company. He was lounging on her couch and he had toed off his shoes. Cordelia was sitting on the floor at his side. Wesley drank some more wine; it really was rather good. It spread warmth through his belly and it dulled his own heartache, but not much. He flexed his toes in contemplation.

“Did you say something about music?”

“I did and there’s more wine.” He looked at the empty glass she held out to him. He took it from her and went into the kitchen as she went to look through her CD collection

“You’re supposed to saviour it, it’s not lager.”

“I am, I’m savouring it in big hearty swallows. Perhaps we should eat too, there’s chips and dip.”

“Oh and gourmet food. I can’t imagine why I don’t come around more often.” Cordelia stuck her tongue out when he came back in the den with more wine for them both.

“No chips I’m afraid. I’ll order something in.”

“So why do you think they’re coming here? I can’t imagine it’s good if Buffy isn’t coming with them. I suppose if something’s happening in Sunnydale right now, she wouldn’t be able to leave. Maybe she’s sent ‘Idiot’ and ‘I’m with this Idiot’ to find out stuff in her place.”

“Cordelia, from what I could gather the reason that Buffy isn’t coming yet is because Xander and Spike want to and she can’t just leave Dawn. I heard Angel on the phone to her earlier saying he would handle whatever it is and that he knew she wouldn’t want to leave Dawn if there wasn’t any other muscle around to keep her safe.”

“See it must be big if Buffy is willing to give up time with Angel for those two.”

“Maybe it’s something to do with their relationship. Angel would be the best one to help if that were the case.”

“Yeah, well whatever it is I smell trouble. How about Texas?”


“Ok if you promise you won’t dance.”


Wesley awoke and couldn’t understand why he was having difficulty pulling air into his lungs. His mouth opened automatically as he sought oxygen and he ended up fighting a mouthful of silk for his trouble. He jerked his head back in surprise and simultaneously realised he was pressed against another body. A warm, soft, luscious body that smelled incredible. Wesley couldn’t help it; the morning erection he was sporting hardened. He realised where he was, who was next to him and was torn between embarrassment and the desire to just relax back into the embrace, feigning sleep.

The deciding factor was the desperate need to pee. The smell of Thai food and wine permeated the air as Wesley tried to get up without disturbing Cordelia. She rolled onto her back as he moved and threw an arm across her eyes, but she didn’t awaken. Considering all they had drank the previous evening, Wesley felt good physically. He peed with some difficulty and contemplated getting in the shower.

He checked his wristwatch it was 9.30 a.m. The latest he’d slept in for a long time. He helped himself to mouthwash and ran the shower. It was pleasant to feel a little decadent now and then, and staying in the apartment of a beautiful young woman, even if nothing had happened between them, helped him to feel a bit less pathetic about his life. At the very least he’d had a ‘somewhere’ to be. He thought fleetingly of taking care of his by now very hard cock but didn’t think he would be able to look Cordelia in the eye if he did. He finished up in the shower and put the clothes back on he had slept in.

Cordy was still asleep and breathing evenly, so he went into the kitchen to get some coffee brewing. They were going to be late into work; they might as well arrive fortified with caffeine. He doubted Cordelia was going to fare so well this morning; she’d drank quite a bit more than him. Eventually she had become emotional again, blubbering something about Xander as she collapsed into his arms sobbing like a baby. That must have been how they had fallen asleep, Wesley rocking her gently and telling her it was better to let it out.

Cordelia awoke to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She could also smell breakfast cooking and wondered if it would quell the queasy feeling in her belly. She’d had to rush to the bathroom in the night to be sick, managing to extricate herself from Wesley who muttered something unintelligible but didn’t move. She had felt better after she had drank a large glass of water and brushed her teeth. On the way to her bedroom she paused to look at Wesley on the couch. He looked so relaxed and inviting, so instead of fetching him a blanket as she’d intended, she crawled back into arms that wrapped around her automatically. She’d fallen back to sleep in no time at all.

Her head ached a bit as she made her way to the bathroom; anxious to get out of the clothes she had slept in. Towelling herself down later she realised that in her haste to get in the shower it hadn’t occurred to her get fresh clothes first. She turned to the hook on the back of the door for her robe, which was lying across the foot of her bed. Of course it was. She thought about putting the same clothes back on. Eeew! Perhaps she could just put a towel around her and make a dash for it.

Wesley dished up scrambled eggs. There was toast in the rack and coffee and juice on the table. He had heard the shower stop and guessed that Cordelia would be out shortly.

Carrying the plates to the table his mouth dropped open as Cordelia sprinted past him in a towel that barely covered the places it touched. Moments later he heard her cry out, he dumped the plates on the table and rushed in the bedroom after her poised for battle.

“Wesley what are you doing in here?”

“I heard you shout, I thought that you needed help.”

“I stubbed my toe trying to get in here without you seeing me, which considering you’re in here now was a total waste of pain.”

“Er yes, I’m sorry I’ll leave you to it then. Breakfast’s ready.” He averted his eyes as her towel slipped down her breasts. He turned to leave.

“Wes wait. Would you come here?” Her hair was depositing little drops of moisture down her neck, which were sliding down her shoulders. Her hazel eyes were wide and totally without guile. She left the towel fall and Wesley didn’t need further invitation.

He crossed the distance between them in two strides and mashed his lips down on hers. Cordelia clasped his upper arms as she stepped closer to him, supremely confident in her own body demanding he worship her. He obliged without question; he ran his hands over her breasts down to her hips and reached round to cup and knead her ass.

At the same time Cordelia opened his shirt buttons and pushed it off his shoulders. She kneaded the muscles in his upper arms and deepened the kiss. She quickly undid his pants and pushed them and his boxer shorts off his hips; he stepped and out of them and removed his socks and then he pushed her back on the bed.

Wesley stroked down her belly and brushed her pubic hair before delving in to the inner folds of her pussy. Delicious waves of pleasure spread to her womb. Wesley was mesmerised by her form; it was like being granted physical access to some kind of deity. He was self-conscious for a moment, wondering how he could possibly match up to her splendour, but she was so responsive to his touch.

She sat up and put his hands back on her breasts and clasped his head as she kissed him again, urgently seeking his tongue, tasting his lips. Wesley remembered the first time they had kissed, and the second, and smiled inwardly because it would seem that third time was the charm.

This was not about teasing or drawing the moment out for either of them; this was about mutual need. Cordelia reached over to the dresser pulled open the top drawer and it crashed to the floor. An assortment of condoms spilled out and a pink vibrator that rolled under the bed. Wesley didn’t bat an eyelid, just leaned over and snagged the nearest foil wrapping and tore it open with his fingers and teeth.

Cordelia took it from him and ran her hand up the side of his cock. He held his breath as she pinched the tip of the condom before rolling it down his length. She pushed him back down on the bed and straddled him, enjoying the feel of the wetness that flooded and slipped from her entrance. She sat on his cock, not taking him in but massaging him with her pussy lips. She rocked back and forth his length hitting her clitoris with each forward motion.

Wesley held onto her hips; thrilled as she took her pleasure from him. He looked at her face to see her eyes were closed and a small frown creased her forehead, deepening as her moans increased. She clasped his shoulders and upped the pace, the beginning of orgasm driving her on.

Wesley watched as pleasure rippled across her face, her heavy breasts falling perfectly into his greedy hands. He ran a thumb over each nipple and then leaned forward to catch one gently in his teeth. Cordelia cried out as her body jerked forward again and again. Ripple after ripple of pleasure suffused her body as it radiated from her swollen nub.

Wesley didn’t give her time to come down from her climax. As Cordelia rocked near the head of his cock he entered her, prolonging the waves of pleasure and beginning his own. Cordelia straightened one leg so Wesley could roll them over and then wrapped her legs around his waist. He plunged into her deeply, kissing her throat as he drove her into the mattress. He clasped both of her hands and raised them above her head.

She dug her knees into his side, urging him on and tightly gripped his hands. Wesley poured everything into her; the disappointment, the longing and the unrequited love he held for another. He felt her inner muscles as they contracted and relaxed around him, evidence of her participation, and he came with a strangled groan.

Cordelia was looking at him when he opened his eyes. She clasped either side of his head.

“Promise me this won’t screw up our friendship Wes, we both needed it.” She whispered.

She kissed him then, tenderly and stroked soothing gestures down his back. Wesley returned her kisses; grateful for the words that pre-empted the feeling of remorse he was certain would have filled him. Feeling his cock soften and start to slip from inside her, he held the condom and withdrew.

He wanted to speak but could think of nothing to say for the time being so he just rolled on his back at the side of her and tried to catch his breath. Cordelia leaned over and kissed him again warmly.

“I’m going back in the shower and then maybe we should go into work, face the demons. We should also find out what bad guys we’re fighting today.”

She grabbed her robe, which had slid of the bed and eyed the state of the floor. She refused to blush at this stage of events and quickly picked up the contents of the drawer and put it back before putting her robe on.

“Cordelia, I don’t know what to say.”

“There’s no need to say anything.” They looked at each other for a long time; finally smiling as Cordelia turned to go.


Xander and Spike stood outside the hotel. Spike had insisted they come on the bike rather than in Xander’s car to get here.

“What’s up with Angel and living in big places?”

“He likes to prowl, helps with his Magnificent Pouf image.”

When they reached the doors through the courtyard they could see a wisp of a girl with long wavy brown hair looking out at them. She drew back a little startled by their sudden appearance. Then she gave them a wide smile and opened the doors to them.

“Hi, you must be Spike and Xander. I’ve heard so much aboutcha both.”

They could see Angel was standing behind the lobby desk next to a tall black man who was cleaning a battle-axe. Angel and Gunn looked up in time to see Fred enthusiastically shaking first Xander’s and then Spike’s hand. She beamed at them both.

“Let me take your coats.” Angel and Gunn came round to greet them as a surprised Spike found himself divested of his duster. He felt naked despite the blue cashmere sweater and the black jeans he was wearing. Gunn eyed them warily until Xander stuck out his hand to Angel.

“Hey man” Angel clasped and shook it with a smirk, sensing how uncomfortable he felt.

“Xander. This is Gunn and Fred.” Xander shook Gunn’s hand. Fred’s hand flew to her mouth.

“Oh ahm so rude, I forgot to interduce maself.”

Angel turned to Spike and just looked at him as he held out his hand to Gunn. Gunn wasn’t sure how he felt about the hand Spike offered to him, but after a moments hesitation he shook it. Cool blue eyes didn’t leave hard brown ones for a second.

“This is Spike.” Angel murmured.

“Hey, man. I hear your in the good guy camp these days, only I‘m having trouble keeping track of the vamps we can still kill.” Spike ignored the sarcasm in his voice.

“You with Doris Day here?” Gunn frowned but Fred smiled at him and blushed.

“You look nahce, the blue brings out your eyes. You’re not anything like ah expected. You don’t look evil.” Spike smiled back at her. Where did this little piece of home-baked pie fit into the equation?

“Well looks can be deceptive. I was going for the whole black look, but Xander persuaded me to mix it up a bit, pointed out it wouldn’t do to look like an Angel wannabe. He already has enough groupies after all.” He smirked at Angel who hadn’t taken his eyes off him yet.

“What I actually said Spike, was that you looked like a pint of Guinness.” Angel laughed at that and Xander and Spike looked at him surprise.


“You laughed.” Xander accused. “You never used to laugh.” Angel threw him an uncomfortable look and Fred and Gunn stared at his outburst. They had both forgotten that these people had known Angel before LA. Spike walked closer to him.

“Are you ever going to say ‘hello’ to me Peaches?”

“Hello Spike.” Spike looked around the lobby.

“Hello yerself. Nice place you got, do you all live here?”

“Just Fred and me.”

Xander wondered where Cordelia and Wesley were. He could detect faint traces of Cordelia’s perfume in the air so she couldn’t be that far away. He took a deep breath and could smell Buffy too. He searched the room for a few seconds and then realised it was just the benefit of his new and improved nose.

“Is Cordelia around?”

“She went out with Wesley earlier, I don’t know when they’re coming back.” Angel was still perturbed by their sudden departure; he'd sensed something wasn’t right with Cordelia, but then he’d been picking something since his soul had become a permanent fixture.

Spike pulled out his cigarettes from his duster. He went over to one of the couches and sat down and lit one. Xander followed him over and sat next to him and automatically held his hand. Spike looked smugly at their audience.

“You got anything to drink in this place or should we just go out?”

“Maybe we should show you your room first and then we could go to ‘Caritas’.” Fred wondered for a moment if she had said the wrong thing but before she could panic Gunn put his arm around her shoulders.

“Good idea Fred, there’s still a couple o’ hours left before they close, right Angel?” Angel wasn’t sure if he was being railroaded or handed a safety net.

“What’s ‘Caritas’?” Xander couldn’t believe how much Fred reminded him of Willow; all babble and enthusiasm.

“It’s a bar actually.” Angel said. “A sort of sanctuary for demons, you get humans there too.”

“And if you sing, ‘cos it’s a kareoke bar too, Lorne can tell y’all ya fortune.”

“Really? That’s sounds like fun. Tell me Angel, and don’t think I haven’t already had the visual, how often do you sing there?” Xander grinned at him, and tried to ignore Spike’s hand slowly stroking his thigh.

“I try not to, nor will I tonight. Come on I’ll show you up.”


Xander’s and Spike’s lips were locked and they were both running their fingers through each other’s hair. Their kisses were lingering and sweet and they were both reluctant to stop, but people were waiting for them.


“Yeah Pet?”

“We have to go down, they’re waiting.”

“I know. What do you make of ‘em?”

“It’s hard to say yet, but they’re down with Angel that much is clear. He moved closer to him.

“Spike I love you.” Spike’s eyes flashed yellow.

“Don’t I know it? I love you too. Come on we should go before I forget my manners and just stay up here.”

“Since when did you have manners?”

“Since I fell in love with you.”

“Stop it or we’ll never go downstairs.” Xander kissed him again. “You’re mine.”

Spike felt his cock stiffen at the possessiveness of his words. His hand went to Xander’s crotch entirely of its own violation and stroked the bulge through his jeans.

“You will find out later Pet, just how much.”

Xander kissed him again. There was a knock at the door. They both looked at it like it was an evil infant.

“Hello?” The door opened and Angel filled the doorway. His shoulders resembled an aircraft hangar, blocking out the corridor behind and lending him an air of menace that was largely absent from him these days.

“Ready?” He threw Spike a knowing grin.

“Always.” Spike grinned back.


Angel drove them to ‘Caritas’. Gunn rode shotgun and Fred sat in the back next to Xander. Spike smoked a cigarette with his arm flung around Xander’s shoulders. Fred chattered away for most of the journey, asking Xander about Sunnydale and the other members of the Scooby Gang.

“So Willow’s a Wicca and she’s with Tara? Actually I’ve met her already.”

“She used to be a witch, it’s complicated but it’s a sort of a an addiction problem, she doesn’t really do magic any more.” Angel raised his eyebrows, there was still so much for him and Buffy to catch up on.

“And Dawn is Buffy’s sister, right? Must be weird finding out you have a sister who wasn’t always there. I’m really looking forward to meeting the others.” Spike was aghast, hadn’t Angel told them anything?

“It was weird for all of us to find out that Dawn wasn’t real. I mean she’s real but she hadn’t always been here, if you know what I mean.” Xander really liked this woman who resembled a waif. Her enthusiasm was refreshingly honest. Angel pulled the car in the car park.

“This is it.”

They all got out of the car and followed Angel into ‘Caritas’. The place was teaming with people and demons and Xander was goggled eyed. It made Willy’s look positively tame. There was a tall green demon in a well cut suit approaching them with his hand out to Angel.

“Well hello, looks like you have company and what better place to entertain them. What can I getcha?”

Lorne led then over to the bar. He signalled to the bar tender to come over and take their order. He looked Xander and Spike up and down.

“Aren’t you two just adorable? So which one of you’s gonna sing? I’m guessing you.” He looked at Spike.

“I don’t think so mate, I’m not into public humiliation.”

“But I sincerely recommend it my little panda bear of love, I have a strong feeling about this. What will you have?” He pointed to the bar. They all ordered and Lorne left telling them he would be back shortly to find out what Spike was going to sing. They all looked at him.

“What? I’m not singing sod all.”

“Go on Spike it might be fun. Also we might find some answers too.”

The truth was that Spike liked singing, he did it all the time, but he didn’t know if he was up to a public performance. Ok, he didn’t want to sing because he suddenly felt scared. What if this Lorne fellow told him something bad about him and Xander? Xander was looking at him expectantly.

“Oh bloody hell, alright I’ll sing.” Angel knew what Spike was feeling; he could sense the terror he was trying to hide.

“Spike you came here for answers, this may give then to you.” Their drinks arrived and they all sipped them appreciatively.

“Wow, I mean Buffy would have a field day in this place.”

“There’s no violence here Xander it’s a sanctuary remember?” Angel’s gut wrenched when he heard her name again. He missed Buffy; he couldn’t wait until the weekend.

“So Spike what yer gonna sing bro’? Anything’s gotta be better than Manilow.” Gunn raised his eyebrows in question.

“I have a few ideas, which I think I’ll be playing close to my chest, if it’s all the same to you. Who sings Manilow?” Fred and Gunn looked at Angel and he looked at the floor. “You froofy mare, where’s your sense of decorum?”

“Ok Spike you almost sounded like Giles then. Very disturbing. Are you really gonna sing? It’s not that you can’t, you can actually carry a tune, it’s just that some of the material you pick is sadly lacking in melody. If you’re taking requests can I have Billy Idol as opposed to say The Sex Pistols?”

“You’ll have to bloody wait and see won’t you, and no heckling. Where’s me smokes?” He patted his duster searching for them.

“Spike you already have one lit, did you forget?” Fred pointed to his hand. He looked at it in astonishment.

“Oh yeah forgot about that.” He swallowed a gulp of beer as Lorne made his way back over to them.

“Ok you’re up next, what will it be?” Spike leaned over and spoke quietly in his ear. Lorne raised his eyebrows and nodded his head in approval.

“Interesting choice, I haven’t heard anything from the Diva in a while.” Spike shrugged off his duster and started to follow Lorne over to the stage. Xander grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a kiss. He threaded his fingers in the back of Spike’s hair and they kissed deeply, tongues duelling for dominance.

“Ladies, gentlemen and those of you who are gender neutral, or without the benefit of social graces, tonight we have the historic honour of a song from none other than William the Bloody, though these days he’s just known as Spike. Give it up for him as he gives a rendition from the Eurythmics.”

Lorne clapped and the crowd followed. Spike dragged himself away from Xander’s lips reluctantly and got up on stage. He could do this; he was a natural performer. The music started and Spike took in a deep breathe. Xander couldn’t help but stare at him up there; he looked as though he belonged on stage every night of his unlife.

Love is a stranger in an open car,

To tempt you in and drive you far away.

Ooh love is a stranger in an open car,

To tempt you in and drive you far away.

And I want you,

And I want you,

And I want you so,

It’s an obsession.

And I want you,

And I want you,

And I want you so,

It’s an obsession

Spike was lost in the words and his face took on a dream like quality as he sang the first verse. As he went into the chorus he opened his startling blue eyes and looked straight into Xander’s surprised ones just for a moment.

Love is a danger of a different kind,

To take you away and leave you far behind.

And love, love, love is a dangerous drug,

You have to receive it and you still can’t get enough of the stuff.

Angel watched Xander’s face intently. He was torn, he wanted to watch Spike because he looked incredible up there, but the love that was welling up inside Xander and spilling out like an aura caused him to inhale unnecessarily.

It’s savage and it’s cruel,

And it shines like destruction.

Comes in like the flood,

And it seems like religion.

It’s noble and it’s brutal,

It distorts and deranges,

And it wrenches you up,

And you’re left like a zombie.

Xander had thought that Spike would actually sing to him, it wouldn’t have been the first time, it was incredible foreplay. But that one look had conveyed everything and taken his breathe away. If he could just get him in the men’s room for a while after; he couldn’t wait until they got back to the hotel.

And I want you,

And I want you,

And I want you so,

It’s an obsession.

It’s guilt edged,

Glamorous and sleek by design.

You know it’s jealous by nature,

False and unkind.

It’s hard and restrained, and its totally cool.

It touches and it teases, as you stumble in the debris.

And I want you,

And I want you,

And I want you so,

It’s an obsession.

And I want you,

And I want you,

And I want you so,

It’s an obsession.

The crowd were uproarious, dancing through the song and clapping and whistling as soon as Spike jumped down from the stage. He went straight to Xander who was grinning at him with pride.

“I think you’ve found your calling Spike that was seriously hot, can we go and have sex now?” Spike beamed at him and moved in to steal a kiss. His hands crept around his waist to pull him closer. Fred and Gunn clapped him on the back.

“Oh my, that‘s was so good.”

“That was cool, you’ve got a good set of pipes on you. I wished Cordy and Wes had been here. I think in future you should sing instead of Angel.”

“Yeah, alright already, I’ve think you’ve all made it perfectly clear in the past that you don’t appreciate my singing.”

“It’s not so much that we don’t appreciate it, it’s more that you can’t sing. Accept it Angel, you’re better with a broad sword than a microphone.” Gunn grinned up at him and Angel shook his head.

Lorne popped up beside Spike and Xander and mock wiped his brow at their display of affection.

“Phew! Steady on kiddies, that’s tantamount to foreplay in this establishment, wouldn’t want to make the regulars jealous now. Seriously Spike, haven’t been blown away like that since the last time Lindsey McDonald graced us with his presence.”

“Who’s Lindsey McDonald?”

“Oh just a lawyer that used to work for Wolfram and Hart, good friend of Angel.” Gunn laughed at Lorne’s sarcasm.

“He was a bit of a Jekyl and Hyde type, mostly tore around the place looking like a pissed off baked potato.”

“Now perhaps you’d like to know which path your bright light is shining on?”

“Er, I dunno, depends.”

“You my little lamb are in for a big surprise, sadly it’s for you ears only so if the rest of you will just excuse us for the moment, I’ll be taking you over here.” Xander went to protest and thought better of it. If Spike wanted him to know about it he would tell him.

“There’s nothing you have to tell me that doesn’t involve Xander. He comes too.”

“That’s what I was afraid you would say, ok if you’re sure you don’t want to digest it first, the two of you should come with me.” Gunn ordered more drinks for everyone. Fred smiled and waved as they walked away, and Angel fiddled with a beer mat.

Xander held his breathe and then let it out when he realised that he still needed to breath. Spike waited impatiently for the Host to speak.

“I can see you’ve spent most of your life being a love muffin. You’ve had your moments when it shone for you but ultimately it hasn’t served you well…”

“Oi, I had some good times with Drusilla.”

“Until now.”

He looked at him sternly for interrupting.

“You’re on the right path with love, there’s no question about that but somewhere along the way you’re going to be called upon to expend your energy elsewhere. In fact it involves both of you and the rest of your motley crew here and in Sunnydale.”

He looked at Spike seriously.

“This may not make a lot of sense or it may make perfect sense but the bonding that you two have recently entered into serves that same purpose. You need to look to science for something, it hasn’t been made clear what but, and this is going to sound bizarre, you are going to take a walk in the sun.” Xander was frantic.

“What do you mean a walk in the sun? He’s going to die now? This doesn’t make sense.” Spike stood thunderstruck.

“That’s not what I see, I know it doesn’t make sense but that’s all I got.”

“So I’m not going to combust?”

“Quite the contrary precious, if all goes the way of the Powers That Be, you’re both going to be needed around for quite some time.”

