Homeward Bound

By Buddy

“..It’s always got to be the blood; blood is life.

It’s what keeps you going,

Makes you warm,

Makes you hard.

Makes you other than dead...” Spike ‘The Gift’. Season Five. Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


LA. Tuesday 11.30.am.

Wesley and Cordelia walked into the lobby of the Hyperion to a sea of expectant faces. Fred was browsing on Cordy’s PC, Angel and Gunn were in the weapons cabinet, showing Spike and Xander what they had; but they all looked up when they heard the door open.

Xander walked over to her and put his arms out. She grinned and hugged him taking in the differences in his appearance. He had matured physically since the last time she had seen him and boy did he look seriously hot. His hair had grown down over his ears and collar and framed his face in natural waves. There was stubble on his face that lent him a rakish look and she could feel wiry muscle ripple beneath her arms.

As Xander’s arms engulfed her she felt little, something that Cordelia never felt on a matter of principal. She pulled away from him and looked into warm brown eyes that sparkled with mirth and a self assuredness that didn’t look as odd coming from him as she would have believed. She hugged him again.

“Oh my god, it’s been so long. How are you?“

“I’m good. You?“

“I’m good. How’s Sunnydale? I miss it absolutely none of the time.”

Spike had lined up behind him and when Xander let her go, he put his arms out too.

“You must be joking. I’d rather wear crimpolene.”

Spike stood before her like an alabaster statue. He looked as though he had lost weight but she supposed that had something to do with being unable to feed on humans any more, and a distate for pigs blood perhaps. He still had that predatory air about him, an animalistic presence.

Cordelia’s experienced eye took in everything, from the smooth pale skin that looked ethereal under the florescent lights, to the tiny veins that were apparent under the surface. The blue of his eyes seemed to deepen as she looked at him and she unconsciously licked her lips at the sight of such evil beauty.

“Oh come on, if we’re all gonna be friends now you’ll have to play nice.”

“Your evil.”

“Now see that’s a good start, I feel like you know me already.”

“It’s not so long ago that we had to rescue Angel because you kidnapped him and got that creepy vampire to torture him. So I’ll think I’ll be hugging you when shell suits come back into fashion.” She arched her eyebrow at him.

“The way I heard it, it’s not so long ago that you bitch slapped most of Sunnydale High with your cutting tongue and daddy’s Gold Card so I’m thinking peas in a pod, call us both green.” He smiled at her insolently and despite herself she could feel a twitch at the corner of her mouth.

“Touché. Ok, maybe you have changed, that remains to be seen. But I’m still not hugging you, I’m part demon now, you might be able to bite me.” Spike leered at her but bit back a retort as Xander did a double take.

“What? When did this happen? You have demon in you now?”

“From what I hear, sometimes so do you.”

“Well actually a lot of the time!” They both ignored Spike.

“Well I know why I do, what about you?” Xander checked her over to see if she looked any different.

“It was a survival thing, the visions were killing me. What about you?”

“It’s a love thing, Spike never stops thrilling me. Ok, sorry not my best come-back. Give me time, my brain seems to have forgotten how to function in the Cordy Zone.”

Gunn snickered as he and Angel replaced the weapons in the cabinet. Angel couldn’t help the twitch at the corner of his mouth; Xander always had run off at the mouth. Cordelia smiled at him sweetly.

“Are you sure it hasn’t stopped functioning altogether?” She put her hand on his arm. “I’m just kidding, it’s just that seeing you again after all this time brings out a different me.” Wesley walked towards them.

“Yes, these days Cordelia’s…” She interrupted him.

“Not the subject for discussion.” She walked over to Fred, who was still browsing something online.

Wesley and Xander awkwardly shook hands and Spike snaked his hand around Xander’s waist, he hadn’t touched him for ten minutes after all.

“So introduce me then Pet, can’t say I’ve had the pleasure.” Wesley held out his hand to him and was surprised when Spike shook it firmly.

“Wesley Wyndham-Price.” Spike’s nostrils flared and a grin spread across his face. This could be interesting, the Watcher and Cordelia.

“Spike, but I suspect you might of heard of me, you being a Watcher and all. I don’t exactly make for light reading, I‘d wager.“

“Yes, true, though I’m not a Watcher any more, haven’t been for some time.“

“Yeah? I can’t kill humans any more. Haven’t been able to for some time. But I found something better to do, with one of them anyway.“ Wesley stretched his neck and pressed his lips together at the comment before he turned to Xander.

“I understand that Giles is back in England, is that a permanent arrangement?” Xander shrugged.

“I guess, though you can never really tell for sure with these things.”

“And how are the others?”

“Well they’re still living on the Hell-Mouth, which pretty well sums it up.”

“So Peaches, everybody was gettin’ some but you. That’s the kind of torture I really appreciate.” Wesley looked startled at him and Cordelia and then put his head down.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” The other’s looked over expectantly, Angel and Xander both had a speculative gleam in their eyes. Cordelia hurriedly changed the subject.

“Fred I got your message, but not until this morning. Sorry I didn’t mean to worry any one.”

“What about you Wesley? I tried you too, but I couldn’t get you on your cell ‘phone or your landline. Is everything alright?”

“We had to go and do..” Angel stepped in.

“As long as you’re both alright this can wait; we have guests. Cordy why don’t you, Gunn and Fred take Xander out show him around, take him shopping and for lunch. Obviously Spike and I can’t come with you, the sun being up, but we have stuff to discuss.”

“I’ll stay and mind the desk in case we have any walk in cases. I don’t mind I have some research to do anyway.” Wesley silently thanked Angel and was only too happy to stay at the office and spend some time digesting his morning.

“Yes, Spike and I will be upstairs but you can call us if you need anything. Is everyone happy with that plan? Good. Let’s do it.”

“Well I for one never need an excuse to shop, Fred, Gunn?”

“Count me in I never need an excuse to eat, you might have noticed.”

“Cool, Angel can we take your car? I’ll drive.” Angel tossed Gunn the keys

“Keep your pagers on, just in case. Cordelia if you get a vision.”

“You know I’ll call you. Xander are you ready?” Xander looked at Spike’s face, there was a multitude of emotions crossing it but the most obvious was the one that told him he wished he could go with them.

“Gimme a minute will ya?”

“Sure.” Xander walked Spike away from the others.

“Would you rather I stayed with you while you talk to Angel?” Spike smiled at him, touched he’d asked.

“No it’s fine, you go and have fun. That way you’ll miss me and want to have sex when you come back.”

“I always want to have sex with you, you know that.”

He dropped his lips to Spike’s and sucked in his bottom lip. As Spike’s lips parted Xander slipped his tongue in searching for Spike’s own. Everyone looked away but Xander and Spike were oblivious to them. Spike deepened the kiss when he felt Xander’s hands wind in his hair, and then he broke off to nuzzle his throat, lave at his mark. Angel coughed pointedly. Xander kissed him again softly.

“I’ll see you later, there might even be presents.” Spike waggled his eyebrows.

“I mean apart from that.” They walked back over to the others.

“Ok I’m ready, are the streets of LA as bad as Sunnydale?”

“Oh they’re much worse and that’s just in the day. Especially if you go to the mall.” Xander followed Cordy out of the Hyperion closely flanked by Gunn and Fred. Wesley had disappeared into the office with a pile of papers, which left Spike and Angel alone together. Spike took in a breath and was amused to see Angel do the same.

“Shall we?”


Wolfram and Hart Headquarters.

Tuesday, 10.45 am.

“Good morning Lilah.”

“Yeah, great morning, what do you want Gavin?”

“I trust you’ve heard there’s a couple of new players in town? They were spotted in ‘Caritas’ with Angel and some of his crew.”

“Way ahead of you pal. Spike a.k.a. William The Bloody, Childe of Angelus and one time paramour of our friend Drusilla. For the last three and a half years he’s been unable to feed from humans due to an incapacitating behaviour modification chip that was implanted by a secret government agency in Sunnydale. Wait, you’re gonna love this part. For a good deal of that time he’s been helping the acting Slayer, Buffy Summers and her cohorts in the fight against evil. Buffy is Angel’s ex.”

“The acting Slayer?”

“The actual Slayer, the one the line goes through is in jail for murder. A rogue Slayer, I liked her.”

“The other guy?”

“Alexander Harris, Xander, also one of the Slayer’s crew. There’s no evidence that he has any special powers, but he’s always been a key member of her group. We know they’re a couple, Spike and Xander but it’s not clear yet why they’re here. The last time that Spike was in Los Angeles he kidnapped and tortured Angel trying to recover The Gem of Amara. That was a r…”

“I know what The Gem of Amara was Lilah, and what Spike wanted it for. I also know why they’re here.” Lilah’s face didn’t change, there was no sign that she was pissed off at this piece of news, or that Gavin irritated her immensely.

“Finally, the point of this conversation. What do you have?”

“The two of them have entered into a Bonding - a claiming ritual that involves drinking each other‘s blood. They’re here to find out what Angel knows about the ritual and what it’s doing to Harris. Apparently he’s going through some changes.”

“What sort of changes?”

“He’s turning into a vampire, without having to actually die.” Lilah thought for a moment. So there were other spies in Sunnydale, apparently doing a better job, was Linwood behind this?

“Why Angel?”

“Isn’t it his job to help those who need it? The upshot of it is this, Angel’s dating Buffy again. Looks like they’re keeping it in the family.”

“Dating? How quaint Gavin, coming from you, did you have to look up what it meant?” Gavin showed her all his teeth.

“Angel in a relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Next you’ll be telling me that his soul’s been anchored.” Gavin smiled.


Spike felt very strange being in Angel’s room. Angel filled the room with his presence and Spike was very aware of him. This was the first time they had been alone together (and he hoped on the same side), for a very long time. This was hardly neutral territory for a discussion of this magnitude, but he was impatient to have it over with.

“You could have any of the rooms in the hotel, why these? There not even the most opulent and as I recall, you did always like to be surrounded by splendour. Oh I get it, it was part of the ‘I don’t deserve anything good’ rap you’ve been hitting yourself with for the last, I don’t know how long.”

Angel just looked at him; he’d done that a lot since they had arrived. Spike pulled out a smoke and lit it waiting for Angel to speak; there was no way he was having this conversation by himself. Finally Angel spoke.

“You’re still looking for the same things Spike, except now you can’t have the murder only the mayhem, it must be killing you.” Spike looked at him sharply.

“Is that what you think this is about? You don’t know me any more. We don’t know each other, not really. But I’m not gonna lie to you, when they first put this bloody chip in my head, all I wanted to do was get it out.”

“Until you fell in love with Buffy.” Angel’s voice was neutral, his face expressionless, and Spike nearly missed the twitch at the corner of his left eye.

“Well yeah, but that was only part of it. I still wanted it out, it just stopped being so important. There was Dawn and I kept getting dragged in to help the rest of them and I kept telling myself I didn’t like them, any of them.” He paused. “But I couldn’t help the grudging respect growing inside of me for all they did. I didn’t think Buffy would love me back not really, and when she died, apart from having the guts ripped outta me, I felt as though I had let everyone down. I let her and Dawn down and her bloody Scooby Gang along with. I couldn’t leave; there was no reason to stay, not for a demon, except I promised her I would look out for Dawn.”

“So it became important to you to do the right thing?” Angel eased back in his armchair, watching Spike pace as he smoked; some things didn’t change.

“Bloody well crept up on me you know? And when they brought her back I wanted to howl with rage at their stupidity but kiss each and everyone of them for their genius.”

“She came to you.” Spike raised his eyebrow in surprise.

“She told you about that did she?” Angel nodded. “Truth is I think she trusted me about as much as you do now, but I was the closest thing to her that had any idea how she was feeling I reckon, and you weren’t around.” Spike stopped pacing for a minute and ran an agitated hand over his head. He bit out. “What’s wrong with you anyway, did you never once try to find a way to anchor your soul so you could be with her before now?”

Angel managed to look guilty and unrepentant at the same time.

“I didn’t think I had the right. I believed that she belonged in the sunlight and I wanted her to have a normal life; I didn’t think she could have that with me.” Spike resumed his pacing.

“So what changed then?”

“After she came back, we met up and I could see that she was never going to have a normal life. All she’s had since I’ve known her is pain and heartache and I couldn’t bear it any more. I wanted to be with her so badly that for a while I didn’t care about redemption and atonement.

The trouble is they’re both never ending things. I can never atone for the things I did when I was soulless and the pursuit of redemption is an ongoing thing. Every time I drink pig’s blood instead of tearing open the vein of a human being it redeems me because it’s a choice I make. What’s the point if I can’t have anything that matters?

When Wesley told me he had found a way to make my soul permanent I took it, I didn’t even know if she would have me back because I know it’s gonna be complicated. My soul being anchored will be handy for all kinds of reasons, but even without sanction I would have taken it because I want Buffy and I’m sick of fighting alone.”

Angel looked as if he was channelling Angelus for a moment, and Spike took a step back from the chair he was sitting in and narrowed his eyes at him. He pulled deeply on his cigarette.

“I wondered when you’d get sick of the martyr rap and get honest about your feelings.“

He shrugged his shoulders at Angel’s expression.

“I’m just saying, a chap can only take so much.”

“All I know is that if you have absolutely everything taken away enough times you lose sight of the mission. Being sent to an unspeakable hell dimension drove me insane , but put me in a situation where love is a possibility, dangle it in front of me from time to time and I run out of endurance as well as sanity.” He shrugged his shoulders, embarrassed he’d admitted this much to Spike. Spike stopped in front of him.

“I may not have a soul Angel but that doesn’t make my transformation any less radical. I don’t feel the remorse you do for the things that we’ve done; it was an incredible time. The years we were all together and then my time with Dru’. But I do know that I wouldn’t go back to it, even if I had the chance. If only the damned Initiative knew how well their chip had worked.” He laughed. “Behaviour modification chip; it does exactly what it says on the tin. I don’t think they realised its potential though. I expect that most of their subjects, the ones who weren’t killed when the initiative went down, died anyway of starvation or from not being able to fight off a human attack. If the green boys were still around they would find it very interesting to see how I’ve changed.”

Spike lit another cigarette and offered them to Angel. Surprisingly he took one and got up to pour them both a drink. Irish single malt; they both savoured it and Angel wished it tasted like it used to. To Spike it tasted better than usual but he dismissed it as fanciful notion. Angel accepted the light he was offered and drew gratefully on his cigarette, it had been a while.

“Isn’t this a little early for you Angel, doesn’t it offend your genteel sensibilities?”

“I’m willing to make an exception . You know Spike we have done some pretty horrible things to one another over the last 4 or 5 years. Hot pokers; not inspiring me like they used to.”

“Fag off, it was a means to an end. Besides I owed you big time for taking Dru away from me.”

“Is that what it was about, revenge?”

“It struck me as something that would appeal, help you lose that pesky soul of yours, I knew Angelus would appreciate it. Who knew with Dru out of the picture we might have had some fun me and you, like old times, especially with the ring.”

Spike picked the bottle up and poured another shot. Blue eyes looked deeply into brown ones for a second, searching for recognition of times passed and enjoyed. Was there a fleeting something or was that simply wishful thinking?

“Torture; not bringing on the happiness these days.”

“There you go then, maybe you’ve changed too. But then my Angelus was lost a long time ago, can’t say I was over keen on the new insane version. Not as though that will be a problem any more.” Angel took the bottle and poured himself another drink. The hotel was eerily quiet , but then the only other person around was Wesley.

“He’s still inside me you know, part of me. It’s a good job that happiness clause can’t still affect me, I’m sure he’d love to get reacquainted with you.”

“Crow bars not cutting it either then?”

“Actually it was a smart plan, Angelus would never have believed that you would align yourself with the Slayer, ingenious. It’s also probably the only time you’ve managed to be patient. I think he would have liked the last part the best though, when you left Buffy to die by his hand.”

“Did I mention how much I’ve changed? It’s all about choice at the end of the day you know. I haven’t got a soul but I can choose not to be evil. Just because you can’t lose your soul by accident any more doesn’t mean you couldn’t lose it, according to Drusilla you got pretty close last year to throwing it away without the aid of gypsy curses.”

“It was a bad decision I made, but at least I learnt my lesson. It was all part of the loneliness on the rocky road to redemption.”

“Your still on that path Angel, it’s just that now you have Buffy, can’t see you jeopardising that even to get Darla and Drusilla.”

“It’s a fine line I tread, and in some ways it just got thinner, my judgement has distractions now. Very pleasant distractions, I have to stay focused on the mission.”

“Don’t worry about that, Miss Bossy Boobs’ll keep you on the straight and narrow.” Off Angel’s confused look. “Cordelia, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed them.”

“I noticed.”

“So then, what did the Watcher find? Any references to human superheroes besides the Slayer?”

“Wesley hasn’t researched this, I haven’t told the others yet. I did some reading myself when I returned from Sunnydale, not as much as I would have liked because we had a bad guy to catch. Buffy confirmed what I suspected about you two and when I spoke to her before you arrived she filled me in on the rest.“

“You can say it you know, Xander and I have Bonded. We drink from each other, we’ve claimed each other.“ Angel looked at him steadily.

“Who would have believed back in the day that we would both end up in relationships with humans? I’m hardly in a position to condemn you for it am I?“ Spike threw himself into a chair.

“There are some differences ducks, between our relationships, apart from the obvious ones. For one thing you have a soul and unless I’m very mistaken and Buffy’s toddled halfway ‘round the bend, you two haven’t Bonded.” He drew on his cigarette and watched the smoke curl away when he blew it out.

The memory of the time Angel had drank from Buffy slammed into his head in total recall and he felt his jaw tighten at the sick envy uncurling in his stomach at what Spike and Xander had. He willed the feeling away, he had so much more than he ever believed possible, he had no right to want anything more. Besides the taste of Buffy’s blood had made it so much harder to suppress the natural bloodlust that he fought everyday, and it had taken so long to find this level of humanity.

“Xander has started to change already you might have noticed. He’s faster, stronger and has heightened senses.”

“I can’t believe it, you and Xander Harris, of all people. The world’s gone insane. It’s the Bonding part that bothers me, what were you thinking? Actually it’s me who’s insane for being surprised that you would take the relationship to this level.” Angel felt the hypocrisy gnawing at his gut and avoided Spike’s eyes. He realised however, that just because he wanted this in his heart didn’t mean that his brain had stopped functioning; he knew the price.

“It was mutual you know, I didn’t even initiate it.”

“That’s not really the point. The changes he’s gone through can’t be reversed and he will need to keep drinking from you to complete the transformation. If he’s left the way he is now believe me when I say he can expect a world of pain. Is he ready for that kind of permanence? He’s tied to you Spike even if he changes his mind.”

“I really love him.”

“You always really love them, I don’t doubt you, but what if he wants to leave.”

“This isn’t just one of my doomed attachments, it’s different, he feels the same way as me. He loves like I do; we belong to each other. Xander isn’t Drusilla or Angelus, he won’t leave me.” Angel winced at the bitterness in Spike’s voice knowing he’d put a lot of it there.

“Spike you know I didn’t mean to..”

“Oh give over, this isn’t about trying to make you feel guilty, this isn’t about you at all. It’s about how things have changed for me, at long bloody last. I’m trying to make you understand that Xander isn’t going anywhere. I know this just a surely as you know how you feel about Buffy. Speak to him yourself if you don’t believe me.”

“Me talk to Xander? We’ve never really gotten along much; at all.”

“Given our new and ‘improved’ social circle perhaps that’s something you should both work on.” Angel scowled impatiently.

“We’re here to talk about you and Xander. Your lives are going to get messy and very complicated and there’s still more research to be done.”

“Is that so?” Spike said slowly and levelled a gaze at him. “And I suppose yours and Buffy’s is gonna be a bleedin’ picnic. You’re in for a real rough trot you and the Slayer, but you know what? This is where you get a chance to find your integrity, to prove that you’re a good warrior fighting for the right side and able to build and sustain a relationship. A long-distance relationship, I might add while the two of you are opposing evil and unable to help each other for much of the time. So tell me, are you up to it?”

Angel blinked and looked away. He raised his hand to his forehead in a time worn gesture. Angelus had loved this impatient, volatile Childe, the one who seemed to possess the most wisdom. How many times had he reduced him to little more than a open-mouthed, speechless idiot?

The Spike he had known had been selfish and impetuous and a glory seeker but he had always got it, been able to hit the nail on the head. He didn’t need hours to brood and contemplate either; he just lived fast and learned hard. His greatest achievements and most painful downfalls had been realised in the name of passion. Angelus had loved him and Angel could still feel the echo.

“I know what you think of me because I left Buffy and came to LA. Everyone else thought I was being noble for once but you just think I gave up. The truth is that if we hadn’t had that time apart, if Buffy hadn’t had a chance to grow then there’s no way we could make it now.”

“You got me there.“ He paused. “I didn’t ever get a chance to know you with a soul, didn’t especially want to, but you’re not entirely different to Angelus. You’re still surrounding yourself with family, it‘s just that it’s with humans these days instead of demons.” Spiked laughed. “Looks like your about to get the best of both worlds.”

They sat in silence; both lost for a moment in their own thoughts. Angel thought of Buffy and wondered when he would see her again. The weekend they had just spent together re-played in his head like a sense memory. He ached for her but at least it didn’t feel pointless.

Spike thought about Xander out with Cordelia, Gunn and Fred. This was the annoying part, when he couldn’t follow him out into the daylight. He thought of what Lorne had said and squashed hope before it dared to flare up; they didn’t know enough yet.

“What have you been reading then and what does it tell you exactly?”

“’The Tiberius Manifesto‘, the original copy I believe. I got it by chance about a year ago. I was in a bookstore trying to find out information about the Band of Blacknall. Any way the upshot of it was Darla wasted the bookkeeper.”

“And so you divested him of a few odds and sods while you were there. You’re a prince, truly.”

“It wasn’t like that, we fought me and Darla and it was knocked off a bookshelf. It just seemed important to take it, I thought Giles might be interested in it at the very least. It’s supposed to be one of the most salient books of Slayer prophecy and it not only speaks about vampire/ human relationships, there’s an account of a relationship between a vampire and a Slayer.” Spike looked at him in amazement.

“I thought you were the only vampire in recorded history who had a soul.”

“I am. He didn’t have a soul; yet he was captivated by her and he fell in love. He was lucky, she loved him back. You know the more I think about it the more this guy sounds like you. Of course it ended badly but that’s a story for another day. As far as Xander’s concerned the changes he’s already experienced will continue. He will gain a lot of the supernatural powers that vampires have and he will live a long time. He will be harder to kill, not impossible but he will be eventually as strong as Buffy. You are to all intents and purposes ‘married’ to him now. You’re bound to each other on the astral and the physical plane, the only thing I haven’t discovered yet is how this will affect you, I don’t know how it affected Tiberius yet.”

“So you’re saying you think the Bonding will change me?” Spike thought about what Lorne said.

“You’re exchanging blood, I know it sustains you, helps to keep you alive, but each time Xander drinks from you, it changes his DNA, that’s why it will have consequences for you.”

“Bloody hell! Maybe the green guy was right, maybe I’ll get to walk in the sun after all”

“Walk in the sunlight? What did he tell you?“

“Well you know he actually gave me and Xander the seal of approval so perhaps there‘s no need to get your knickers in a twist about it. But he said some other stuff about both of us, well all of us actually being involved in something. Said our energies would be needed by The Powers That Be. Sounds a bit celestial to me, but I can live with that if I get to walk in the sun again.”

“It’s The Powers That Be who send Cordy the visions. If this involves them I’m surprised she hasn’t had one before now. I don’t like the sound of this, he said all of us?”

“He said both crews, here and Sunnydale.”

“We need to do some more research, some of the text is in an ancient form of Latin and I’m a bit rusty on some of the earlier dialects. I’ll get Wesley on it, Fred maybe able to help too. This isn’t something you can keep quiet about Spike, we’re gonna need everyone on it.”

“What about Gunn, is he on board, he seems a bit stiff to me?”

“He isn’t keen on vampires. He’s learning to adapt to new parameters, that things aren’t as cut and dried as he thought, but then we’ve all had to do some of that.”

“So who was the vampire and the Slayer?”

“Believe it or not Tiberius was a vampire, it was he who fell in love with Helena Vopellerre, the Slayer.”

“You’re trying to tell me that ‘The Tiberius Manifesto’ was written by a vampire?” Spike’s eyebrows were in his hair. Angel smiled at him.

“I know it’s a little hard to swallow but he was unusual. He continued to prophesise about the Slayer line even after he had been changed, because of his love for Helena. He recorded it diligently, he hasn’t been wrong up to now. He even mentions Buffy dying. Not by name of course, I could tell by the chronology and the description of her.”


“He mentions a Slayer who is unusual because of the Clan she forms and that she would also fall in love a vampire.”

“ Slayers can’t seem to keep their hands off vampires can they? I think I’ll drink to the irony. I take it she didn’t mind him snacking on the locals then?”

“He didn’t. He lived on pig’s blood, and her.”

“Perhaps I should have a look myself. What? I do read when I’m interested.”

“Or perhaps you could just let Wesley do his job.”

“Fine, we done then? What do you do for fun around here? Oh sorry it’s a fun free zone isn’t it? Though your co-workers seem to be making the most of it.” Angel looked at him puzzled.

“What do you mean?”

“You mean to tell me you haven’t noticed them all shagging under right under your nose? Priceless.” Angel looked sideways at him.

“I knew Fred and Gunn were getting close, are you saying there’s something between Cordelia and Wesley?” Angel had his suspicions since they had arrived together this morning late.

“Don’t you ever use your vampire senses Angel? You’d think they might come in handy you being a detective an’ all.” Angel sighed another heavy sigh.

“I have to ring Buffy. Can you find something to do without getting into trouble?”

“Where’s the telly?”

“I don’t have a TV.”

“I’ll wait for you and then we can go down into that basement training room of yours and I’ll entertain myself by kicking your ass.”


Xander, Cordelia, Fred and Gunn, sat huddled in a booth in the coffee house waiting for their drinks and planning what to do with their unexpected freedom.

“I vote shopping.” Cordelia beamed a fake smile at everybody; if only you could receive an Emmy for life stuff. She felt terrible inside. Not because she had slept with Wesley but because she loved Angel so much, and why couldn’t she just love Wesley? Though that idea was also doomed because he loved Fred. Her skin tingled as though it remembered being stroked by fervent hands, lips, tongue. Turned on and miserable, she had definitely been around Angel too long. Some one was speaking.


“I said, I vote shopping too, I want to pick up some clothes while I’m here and get something nice for Spike.” Cordelia lowered her head and arched her eyebrows.

“You want to shop for clothes? Voluntarily?”

“Hey, I’ve always shopped for clothes Cordelia. It’s just that not all of us feel the need to prance around in Manolo Blahniks.” Codelia blinked.

“I’m impressed, not only have you heard of them, you can pronoun them too.” Xander tipped his head to one side and gave her a half smile.

“I’m an impressive guy these days, ask Spike.”

“Yes you’re quite the pair. When did this happen? When exactly did you discover you preferred male vampires to women?” Gun and Fred were goggle eyed. “And what happened to Anya, weren’t you two supposed to get married?”

“It’s a long story Cordy.”

“One of you got cold feet, I’m guessing you, Spike caught you on the rebound and surprisingly you fell in love.”

“Ok, not that long. And hey, how did you know it was me who got the cold feet?” Cordelia grinned at him.

“Willow told me actually.” Off Xander’s look. “She didn’t put it quite like that.” A waitress brought over their coffees and Fred looked at Xander wondering if she should ask.

“Fred, you have something to say, I can tell because you’ve learned to speak without moving your lips, only your eyeballs, your fluent in eyeball.”

“You’re a funny guy aren’tcha?“

“Sometimes without even meaning to be. That’s not so much fun.”

“Isn’t it scary? Spike doesn’t have a soul and all. I know he has that government chip in his head, Angel told us, but what about if it malfunctioned?” Gunn leaned over the table as though they were all part of some conspiracy.

“That’s what I was wondering. It’s not as though he’s like Angel.”

“Thank god! Sorry. I trust Spike, I love him. I know it’s hard for you to understand, especially you Cordelia, but if you knew him like I do, how much he’s changed. It isn’t just the chip keeping him from killing again.”

“Well, if you say so.” Gunn sounded incredulous.

“Look guys, Spike’s my favourite subject but I don’t like talking about him when he isn’t here. For one thing it’s less fun when I can’t see his face, but mostly, it’s making me want to go back to the hotel and kiss him until I can’t breath. And he’d be pleased, until he realised I forgot the presents I promised.”

“No I think he’d just be pleased.” Fred was delighted with their displays of affection and it was obvious that Xander believed that there was nothing too worry about.

“Gotcha. So where would you like to go first? I know this great place if you’re looking for clothes, it sells labelled ranges at discounted prices. This is a dream come true. Admittedly it’s about three and half years later than I had in mind, but I always wanted to drag your sorry ass into men swear and show you how good you could look if you would only wear real clothes.”

“I can’t believe you guys used to date.”

“Oh please, it was never anything as dignified as a date.” Cordelia huffed at Gunn.

“Nooo, it was more a trip out to the nearest handy closet.” Cordelia levelled a steely glare at him, which would make lesser men shrivel. Xander smirked at her. “What’s that, your best Paddington Bear stare?” She laughed at him.

“I do believe that being with Spike has made you soft. What are you his straight man? Sorry bad phrase, I mean foil guy? Promise that before you go back to Sunnydale you will manage to insult me properly at least once.”

“If you really want insults we could always talk about your choices of partner.” Cordelia stiffened. Oh god, please don’t let him know how she felt about Angel. Xander’s nostrils flared as he breathed her scent in deeply.

“So how long have you been dating Wesley? You must have just about peed your pants when he turned up in LA.”

“You’re dating Wesley?” Fred squeaked, and Gunn frowned at her response.

“No I’m not. What made you think that?” Xander searched her face. He could smell Wesley all over her and he heard her heart speed up a little. Perhaps they were keeping quiet about it for the time being, he knew what that was like.

“I suppose I just assumed, you were attracted to each other back in Sunnydale. Sorry my mistake.”

“That was just a high school crush. Over it much, we’re just friends.” Fred searched Cordelia’s face and Gunn searched Fred’s.

They finished their drinks and went shopping. Xander spent too much money under Cordelia’s expert guidance but the clothes he bought felt nice on. He wanted to look nice for Spike; right before he took them off and was nice to Spike.

He wanted to get something for Spike to wear and he knew what as soon as his eyes alighted on it. It was a shirt of the richest ruby, crushed velvet in a flocked design. He closed his eyes and could see Spike standing in front of him with it on, his hands resting on his belt buckle, luscious bottom lip falling in to a pout. Xander felt himself getting hard. Ok, that was a definite ‘buy it now’ sign.

Later they had lunch in one of Fred’s favourite Taco bars, and Xander couldn’t believe how much food she put away. She caught him staring.

“I’m sorry, I’m being a pig aren’t I?” She looked at him with round eyes.

“No, that’s not what I was thinking. You remind me of Willow, a lot. She’s small like you but she can stuff herself like a camel. I like anyone with an appetite.” He smiled at her warmly.

“I went so long without real food while I was trapped in Pylea. I just can’t get passed the feeling that each meal I eat might be the last chance I get to eat for a while. Plus, I’m always hungry.” Gunn gazed at her in adoration, his consternation forgotten for the moment.

“I want to go to the jewellery store around the corner from here.”

“Jewellery!” Fred and Cordelia chorused. Xander and Gunn exchanged a look of testosterone solidarity. Gunn shook his head.

“If the guys in the White Coats come for you two , I want you to know I ain’t with you.”

The shop wasn’t very big, Giles would have referred to it as quaint and then become very British because the proprietor was from Wales. Gunn bought Fred a pair of earrings he had seen in the window a few days a go. They were little crystal teardrops, delicate and dainty and she loved them.

Cordelia spotted something and called Xander over. She pointed. Amongst the necklaces there was a tray of initials on chains. Xander followed her finger to the ‘X’. there was a snake curled around it in the shape of an ’S’. It was 9ct gold and quite heavy looking. The snake’s eyes were diamonds. Would Spike wear it? He usually only wore silver or pewter.

“You have to get it.”

“I don’t know if Spike will wear gold.”

“Well, if he won’t, which he will, you can wear it instead. It’s perfect.”

“What about you Cordelia, is this a personal best? You haven’t bought a thing.”

“I can appreciate vicarious spending almost as much as the real thing. I’ve had a nice day.” She smiled at him and Xander was still trying to get used to that. Each time he waited for a barbed comment to follow it but mostly it was delivered with warmth.

“What’s the deal with you and demon parts now? That must be strange and possibly scary.”

“I’m not really sure yet, I’m just glad I haven’t got horns or a tail. I did float above ground one time, but since then zilcho. We should be getting back. I know you’re dying to see him.” Surprisingly Xander had had a good day too, but Cordelia was right he couldn’t wait to see Spike.

“Ready you two? We should probably get back, I know we haven’t heard anything from Angel.”

“But there’s no need to take advantage. And I have to be somewhere later.” Gunn put his arm around Fred shoulders. “Ok, let’s go.”


Hyperion, 6.00pm.

Fred’s breathing was soft and even as she slept amongst the piles of books scattered on the floor around her. Her hair was like a blanket draping her shoulders and framing her face. She looked like a child in sleep, as though she didn’t have a concern at all. The truth was she was simply exhausted. Late afternoon, after their day out, she had gone into the library where she had already added her own collection of books on physics. She had a theory on the mechanics of Spike’s chip and wanted to do some research before she spoke about it to the others.

She stirred, and as she came to she struggled for a second to remember where she was and why she was on the floor. Her bones ached and as she gingerly tried to get up she heard a sound and froze. She could hear voices, and after a moment realised it was Spike and Xander.

Peering around the trunk that hid her from view, Fred guessed they were about 20 feet away from her and oh boy they were completely naked. She wondered briefly why they hadn’t noticed her presence and then started to panic about how she was going to be able to leave the room without being seen. Frozen in place there was nothing she could do, except put her hands over her ears and close her eyes.

Curious, she risked another peek around the trunk. Spike and Xander were facing each other with their hands either sides of each others waist, lips hovering close to each other’s and cocks barely apart.

Xander licked his lips as he looked directly into his mates eyes and then dropped his gaze briefly to his pout. Spike’s eyes fastened on his wavering gaze just before Xander grasped his bottom lip in his teeth, nipping gently. Then he was kissing him, hungrily feasting on lips and tongue. Fred watched mesmerised as the kiss deepened and became more passionate.

Spike still had his hands at Xander’s waist and gave a throaty chuckle as one of Xander’s hands snaked around his head and tangled through platinum curls, stroking away the gel that tamed them, the other cupping the back of his neck. They looked beautiful, a perfect physical complement to each other. Their erections stood proud, still not touching and the sexual air was palpable.

Then Spike’s hands were in Xander’s hair as he nipped his bottom lip and drew blood. Xander gasped in air as Spike lapped at the blood greedily. Fred watched mesmerised and licked her lips. She started to feel aroused herself and wanted them to touch each other more intimately. Then she realised the biggest turn on was the tenderness they displayed. The vibes they generated felt like fingers on her skin and she changed her position to get more comfortable. They seemed to be oblivious to her.

Her panties were saturated and she ached to touch herself. Holding her breath, she pushed them to one side and slid one finger into her swollen lips and began to stroke her engorged clitoris. Spike was moaning now, and it sent delicious shivers down her spine as he thrust his leg between Xander’s thighs. Grabbing his ass cheeks hard, he drew Xander close to him causing their cocks to touch at last and began to undulate against him.

“I knew you’d give in first.” Xander said, his voice thick with passion.

“What can I say Pet? I’m just a slut with no patience when you could be inside me already.”

Xander teased the column of Spike’s throat with his tongue, laving at his jugular vein. He sank elongated incisors into Spike’s throat, spilling blood rather than drinking it. He dipped his fingers in and tasted it before coating his rigid penis. In an instant they were on their knees, Spike with his back to Xander. Xander pushed him on all fours, nipping and kissing his neck, back and ass. He blew on his closed opening and then inserted his tongue. A few minutes later he removed his tongue and replaced it with his thumb, Spike thrusting back against it. He knew Spike was ready and entered him, gently first, filling him slowly.

Xander’s a vampire, oh my god! No he can’t be ‘cos where’s the bumps? And gosh that’s erotic.

She stroked her clitoris furiously, and then added another finger. Almost immediately she began to feel the telltale tingle creeping up her legs. Spike growled in appreciation as Xander began to pump his cock in time to his thrusting. They were both covered now in a thin film of perspiration, a look of open bliss on their faces. Fred willed herself to stay still as her climax began to build, her inability to move keeping the sensation in one spot.

She closed her eyes as she was lost in growing pleasure, but not before she saw Spike slip into snarling game face and sink his fangs into Xander’s arm as they both came. Fred’s whole body went rigid a she followed them, her climax hard and mind numbing. She lay limp for a moment before she came to her senses and realised she should leave. On all fours, crawling shakily to the door, she pushed up to a standing position and padded quickly down the corridor to her room, silently thanking the PTB they hadn’t discovered her.

Spike chuckled in Xander’s ear.

“D’you think she liked the floor show pet?”

“I expect we’ll find out when she tells Gunn and by how quickly he decides to kill us. That was very naughty.”

“Well I didn’t know she was gonna wake up. And have such a good time.”

“I had a good time”

“Me too, when can we do it again?”

“I’m thinking we should get some clothes on and get out of here before Angel or someone else finds us.”

“You just want to spoil my fun. I thought we could wait for Cordelia to show.”

“Cordelia in a library? No, not voluntarily.” Xander started to pull his shirt and pants on and Spike reluctantly followed suit.

“Who would have believed it? She looks as though butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.”

“That means nothing pal, so do you most of the time.” Xander buttoned his shirt and smiled at the innocent expression on Spike’s face.

“See what I mean? Come here.” He kissed him thoroughly. Spike’s hair was all mussed up and his lips were swollen from kissing. He’d first seen Spike’s bed hair when he’d stayed at the basement, is that when the first seeds of attraction were planted? Xander’s heart ached for a moment. How could he ever get enough of him and how had he lived so much of his life without him?

“I figure if there’s 100 rooms left in the hotel not including the kitchen, the office and the lobby then we have a bit of catching up to do. Reckon you’re up to it Pet?”

“Aren’t you just a bit concerned about what Lorne said?”

“Let me see, me and you are made for each other, I get to walk in the sun without becoming a huge pile of dust and we’re both key players in something or other. So you’ve got a great love story, a couple of hero’s and a reward. No, not seeing the bad here.” Xander stepped back from him, so he could look into his face properly.

“I’m serious Spike, and who are the Powers That Be any way? Do you think Buffy’s heard of them? Perhaps we should ring Giles.”

“What is it with you bloody lot? Giles has gone, back to Blighty, you don’t need him.” Xander looked unhappy at that remark, and immediately Spike felt contrite.

“I’m sorry Love, you know I’ve got a big mouth and the size nines to go with it. I just think your panicking is all.”

He put his arms around him and held him close. They held each other for a few minutes, Spike pushing hard against Xander’s heartbeat. He put his hand over it and closed him eyes.

“I hope you never lose this, that this isn’t the price you pay for being my Mate. I want you to know..” They heard a crash and breaking glass, followed by muttered curses.

“Perhaps Peaches was watching us the whole time and he’s just fallen off his perch.”

“Either that or he’s fighting a demon. We should go help him.” They left the library and stood in the corridor for a moment. It sounded as though Angel was in his room so they made their way to it. Xander stood in front of the door uncertain whether he should knock or just go in like the cavalry. Spike pushed the door open, taking the decision out of his hands. Angel was on his knees picking something up off the floor and still muttering curses under his breath.

“So, we’re entertaining the invisible man then?”

“What do you want Spike?” He growled out.

“There’s no need to get snippy pet, we thought you needed help. We’ll just leave and let you carry on your conversation with the carpet there, let me know if you rustle up any interesting anecdotes.”

The smell of alcohol hit both Spike’s and Xander’s nose. Angel sat back on his heels and looked up at them. His face looked paler than usual, despite the look of thunder that was currently crossing it.

“Angel, what’s up man?”

“I tripped and fell. A few things were smashed. I’m alright.”

“No your not, you’ve been drinking.”

“Well I would be, if I hadn’t broken the bottle. I’ll just have to get some more.” He got to his feet and went to the kitchen for a dust pan and brush. Xander and Spike exchanged a look. Xander shrugged his shoulders and Spike raised his eyebrows.

“Well if you’re having a party perhaps you wouldn’t mind some company.”

“I’m not and I would, so if you don’t mind?” He looked pointed at them.

“What is the bug up your ass? Perhaps Cordy could get it out of you, I’ll go and fetch her.” Angel dropped his shoulders and gave a heavy sigh.

“No Xander don‘t do that. It’s Buffy, she can’t make it here yet. She having some problems with a guy called Warren. I’m fine, we knew these things might happen right?”

Spike grinned at him and a montage started up in Angel’s head. In it he was in thunderous human guise then morphing into game face and then madly slipping between the two; but in each one he was hitting Spike repeatedly in the face. He shook his head and tried to clear it, feeling his countenance slip for real.

“I always knew you were a daft bugger Angel, but I forget sometimes that you can also be monumentally stupid.” Angel blinked a him with yellow eyes, startled by the outburst.

“What’s to stop you going to her? Me and Xander can help out here if Cordelia has a vision.”

“I can’t do that.” His features softened.

“Of course you can, I’ll bet it’s as easy as getting in your car and driving down to Sunnydale, right?” Angel grinned.

“You’re right I’m stupid, it’ll be like an exchange, you two for me. I can help her find this guy. Maybe, we should make it permanent.” Off their looks. “Kidding.” He ran into his bedroom and pulled out a holdall.

“Give me your cell ‘phone number so I can give it to all the others.”

“I don’t have a cell ‘phone.”

“I was talking to Xander. You have a cell ‘phone, right?”

“Recent acquisition, all the Scoobs have them now. It just makes more sense when you consider the business we’re in.”

“About that drink?” Spike nosed round looking for lurking bottles.

“Help yourself. When I’m packed I’ll go tell Wesley and the others.” He stopped and slapped his forehead with his palm.

“What about you two? You still need more answers, that’s why you came in the first place. Don’t worry I’ll fill Wes in and he can start looking at ’The Tiberius Manifesto‘, see if he can translate the stuff I can‘t.”

“How’s he gonna take this? I mean I can see he’s changed. Possibly he’s more relaxed because he isn’t trying to control Faith and Buffy any more.”

“He’ll be fine, they all will. It might help if you let him in on what Lorne said.” He looked at them expectantly.

“Yeah, we’ll do that.”

“Should I really be doing this?”

“Stop being a ponce and go see Buffy. We’ll cope and if we can’t you’ll only be eight hours away at most.” Spike had found another bottle of whisky and was pouring generous amounts into a glass for him and Xander. Angel finished packing and went to see Wesley.


Wesley looked up as Angel descended the stairs. He was putting his coat on and had an arm full of books.

“Going somewhere Wesley?”

“I thought I would finish this at home, it’s quiet at the moment and I have my cell if you should need me. Cordelia has already left. Are you going somewhere?” He nodded at the holdall.

“I’m going to Sunnydale, Buffy can’t get away. Spike and Xander are around if anything comes up. I need to talk to you about them.” Wesley went back into the office and Angel followed him.

“I’m glad you’re finally letting me in on what this is about. It can’t be that bad if you’re leaving.” Angel searched Wesley’s face for judgement. Wesley looked back at him and waited expectantly as he sat down behind the desk.

“Have you ever heard the term ‘Bonded’?”

“It was mentioned when I was still at the Council, but as the original reference for it was thought lost, detail was very sketchy. I believe there was something about it in ‘The Tiberius Manifesto‘. Many Council members thought it was a hoax anyway, written by a vampire in a similar manner to an Ann Rice novel. I must say though, I find that hard to believe seeing as his prophecies are purported to have come true.”

“Spike and Xander have Bonded. Also I have the book. I’ve done some research on this myself but could you have a go at translating the end of it. It’s a bit like the book of Revelation only it’s in some ancient form of Latin that I can’t decipher. We need to know how this is going to effect Xander.”

Wesley closed his mouth with a snap.

“How long have you had it?”

“Since I fought Darla.”

“And you didn’t think this warranted my attention?” He asked with mild reproach in his voice.

“It was a weird time, going to Pylea to find Cordy, bringing Fred back and then Buffy dying. I honestly forgot I had it.” Angel sat down and leant towards Wesley.

“Point taken. I know that Tiberius was supposed to have Bonded with Helena Volpellere, the Slayer, is there a full account?” Wesley was intrigued and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on the book.

“It’s all there and you can probably believe all the prophecies because he mentions Buffy, or things that point to Buffy. Lorne read Spike last night at ‘Caritas’ and it seems that this might have far reaching consequences for all of us. It’s almost like Spike and Xander coming together at this particular time has significance. He said that something was coming and they were key players, but we would all be involved. He also said something about Spike being able to go out in the sun.”

“And Xander? Do you know how this will affect him? The Bonding I mean.”

“Physically he’s already stronger, he has heightened senses and he’s able to drink from Spike, so I’m thinking he must be able to bite. I know there’s no turning back now because it’s altered his DNA, if he doesn’t carry on drinking from Spike now he will be in indescribable pain. He has to complete the transformation, but we don’t really know what that is because Helena was kidnapped by Watchers before hers had completed.”

“She died I believe.”

“Yes she did, they considered her to be an embarrassment to them, but in all fairness I don’t think they realised what the consequences of their actions would be. Spike assures me that Xander won’t want to back out and I know Spike, he won’t give up even if Xander does. We need to speak to Xander really but against my better judgment I do believe Spike. He’s in love, that makes him fairly predictable to me.”

“This is a lot to take in. I take it Buffy knows all about this and sent them to you?” Angel nodded.

“She knows they are drinking from each other, that it will have consequences. She doesn’t know about Tiberius and Helena yet.”

“You trust them, enough to leave them here why you go to Sunnydale?”

“Obviously I wouldn’t be going if I didn’t. Can you look into it?”

“Of course, and the book?” Angel reached into the holdall and gave the retrieved book and some notes to Wesley.

“Can you get on it right away, and fill the others in tomorrow?. Where’s Gunn?”

“He went to the hospital to see Rondell, he was hurt fighting vampires.”

“Did Fred go with him?”

“I don’t think she could bring herself to after the encounter we had in ‘Caritas’. She’s upstairs, you should let her know you’re going to be away and I’ll ring Cordelia to let her know that Spike and Xander will help if she has a vision. Angel are you sure this is wise?”

“I have to find a way to be with Buffy, if it means exchanging crew members sometimes so be it. I can always come back in an emergency.” Angel felt the familiar guilt creep into his head. Perhaps he had no right to this and that was why it was proving to be difficult to pull off. He hesitated.

“If you think I’m wrong Wesley tell me.”

“No actually I don’t. You had the soul binding sanctioned by The Powers That Be before you even sought Buffy out. I was just concerned about Xander and Spike’s ability to put each other down long enough to fight if they were needed. I suppose they have to in Sunnydale and Xander isn’t really the type to let anyone down if he can help it. I’ll ring Cordelia and I’ll let you know what I recover from the text.” Angel jumped up, raring to go now.

“I’ll just tell Fred I’m going and that you’ll talk to them all tomorrow. Thanks Wesley, I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

Angel went up and knocked on Fred’s door. There was no answer. Damn, he would have to leave her a note. Bye the time Angel got back downstairs it was 8.25pm. Wesley had already left so he scribbled a note for Fred and tossed it on the desk. He hurried out to the car and didn’t see the note as it missed its mark and settled on the floor.



The Magic Box, 6.10pm.

Willow panted as she hit the punching bag. She had thought she was in shape, but it seemed that she lacked in the stamina department.

“Ok Buffy, I’m down with needing to be battle - worthy. You know, being essentially magic free these days I need all the help I can get. But I have to stop soon or I don’t think I’ll be able to move in the morning, or again.”

Willow tried to push hair out of her eyes but the boxing glove just slid off the sweat on her forehead. She glanced over to Tara who was skipping and Dawn who was doing something complicated looking on the horse, to see how they were fairing. Tara looked adorable, pig tails (and breasts) bouncing in the air but she did look tired. Dawn was concentrating really hard, the tip of her tongue poking out between pressed lips, as she pushed herself into an upright position on her hands. She also looked as cool as a cucumber.

“Sorry Willow, I forgot you don’t have a Slayer’s constitution. Bad Buffy. Perhaps I missed my calling, maybe I should have joined the army. Let’s stop for now, Tara, Dawn.” Tara stopped and tried to catch her breath.

“It’s a good idea Buffy, I’m just not naturally very athletic. It’s probably easiest for you Dawn, you still do phys ed. Your still lumber, I feel like an old lady.” Her mouth lifted in a sideways smile and Willow’s heart did a double beat. Dawn put down the bottle of water she was drinking from.

“And here I was thinking Buffy was paying me back for all the times I got up her nose.”

“There’s no punishment on earth to tip those scales. Seriously guys you did good work.”

“I’m not complaining, I think it’s cool that I finally get to slay something.”

“I want you able to slay, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have to. If I’m going to be seeing Angel, I need to be free sometimes to actually see Angel. He won’t always be able to come to Sunnydale so I’ll have to go to him. At least this way I won’t worry so much about you being able to handle yourselves. Especially now that Warren Warf and his fellow Klingons have added murder to their repertoire.

“You know maybe you could of thought of this like five years ago, at least now I’d be fit, instead of thinking right now I’m going to have one.” Willow took her gloves off and managed to get the hair out of her eyes. “Guys, I’m thinking that now would be a good time to start cooking those dinners we promised ourselves. If I’m gonna be using the energy, I’m gonna be needing the energy. I’m thinking roast lamb tonight, possibly the whole lamb, and mountains of veggies, what do you think?”

“I’ll cook Sweetie. I’ll shower as soon as we get home and while you all clean up I’ll get on it.”

“We’ll all help Tara, I’m also thinking pudding, something that sticks to your ribs. Do some puddings actually do that, ‘cos that is a strange saying, I believe I heard it from Giles.”

“Don’t you have to patrol tonight?”

“I’ll do a sweep later. The nights are drawing out now so vamps can’t come out to play so early. Don’t worry I’ve slain on a full stomach lots of times.” They all rubbed themselves down with towels and pulled joggers on over their shorts and t-shirts. Tara flipped the switch to kill the training room lights and they all filed through to the shop.

“You know, finishing early hasn’t affected profit at all, in fact people like it when then can browse late on certain days so I think we should close early on Wednesdays too and stay open later on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, that way we can train more often.” Willow blinked and tried to remember why she had been thinking Tara was adorable before. Buffy caught her look and grinned at her.

“I wonder if Cordelia actually slays demons, I just can’t imagine her risking a nail, let alone breaking into a sweat.

“Actually, she’s in a training programme with Fred, the woman who came back from that demon dimension. Angel and Gunn have been training them for a while now.”

“Gunn the vampire slayer. Am I right? Wasn’t he the guy who lived on the street or in a squat or something with his band of merry men?” Willow suddenly got a visual of Gunn in tights and giggled.

“He’s far too manly looking to be a Robin Hood type, he’s taller than Angel and very wide, in a good way I mean and handsome.” Tara scowled.

“Not that I took that much notice, I was the bearer of bad news at the time remember?”

“So, Cordelia get her claws into him yet?”

“No I don’t think so. You might not believe this Buffy, but she really seemed different. In fact she has seemed different for a while now.”

“Different how?”

“Well there’s less of the snippy remarks for one thing and she really seems to be into her job.”

“I don’t suppose she has much of a choice with her getting the visions.” They locked up and started walking home. Dawn linked arms with Tara and they walked ahead giggling about something. Buffy fell in to step beside Willow who was thinking about Xander.

“I wonder how Xander and Spike are getting on? I wished he would have told me about him and Spike, you know, the Bonding part?”

“I don’t think they actually wanted to tell anybody at all, but they had to because Xander’s turning into a superhero or something.”

“Isn’t it icky drinking Spike’s blood?” Willow grimaced at the thought.

“I wouldn’t know I never got that far with him, thank god.”

“What? What are you talking about Buffy.” Willow pulled a funny face as cogs and wheels turned in her head.

“Nothing.” Buffy could have bitten out her own tongue. A light appeared to go on in Willow’s head and her eyes widened.

“You and Spike, when? Does Xander know? More importantly does Angel know?”

Buffy thought about kicking herself instead, really hard. She had hoped this would never come out, it was over, a non-issue. Yet here she was opening the bag and coaxing the cat out herself. Willow was waiting for her to answer with such a comical expression on her face that Buffy had to laugh.

“Willow I don’t tell you enough times how much I love you. In answer to your questions, yes. It started just before we realised that you were having problems with magic, I broke up with him after Riley came to Sunnydale. Angel and Xander both know.”

“Did you love him?”

“I had feelings for him, but it wasn’t love. He helped me when I wasn’t coping. Look can we not talk about this. I was cruel to him, I used him and I’m not proud of it, but at least he’s happy now with Xander.”

“Does anybody else know?” Willow linked arms with her friend. Buffy thought for a moment.

“Actually, now that you mention it, the only person who doesn’t know is Dawn.”

“Tara knows and she didn’t tell me.” Willow frowned. “Why didn’t she tell me?”

“I asked her not to. Look Will don’t be mad, I only told Tara because she helped to find out why Spike can hit me now without the chip reacting.” Willow’s eyebrows disappeared into her hairline.

“Spike can hit you now? I don’t understand.” Willow’s head was reeling.

“I came back different when you brought me back. Different enough to confuse the chip anyway.”

“Are you guys ever going to get a move on, I’m starving.” Dawn called back to them.

“We’re coming, I’ll talk about this another time ok? There’s nothing to be worried about trust me.” Dawn and Tara had stopped and were waiting for them to catch up.

“Ok but I’m needing back story here, serious filling in of the blanks.”

Dawn was tapping her foot impatiently when they reached them.

“When can we start training with weapons?”

“Oh in about six or seven years.” She smiled and relaxed her shoulders.

“So I do get a weapon, cool.”

“But first you get the dishes.”

Willow saw the black van approaching them before any of the others. She also saw it mount the sidewalk as it headed straight for them and she screamed as loud as she could.


She pushed Tara out of the way at the same time as Buffy acted and pushed Dawn on to a nearby lawn. Then Buffy grabbed Willow, and pushed off backwards with her feet and they sailed through the air. She cushioned Willow’s fall as they landed on their backs, a low garden fence collapsing under their momentum and combined weight.

The van changed direction at the last moment and accelerated up the road. They all got their feet slowly, shaken to the core. Dawn was nursing her arm, she had landed funny and it felt like a sprain. Tara had a cut on her head where Willow had caught her with her ring.

“Is everyone ok? Dawn, is your arm hurting?”

“Uh hah, I think it’s sprained, but at least I’m not road kill. What about you Tara you’re bleeding?”

“It’s nothing sweetie.” Tara went to Willow and wrapped her arms round her, Dawn hugged Buffy.

“I’m guessing that was Warren in his geek mobile.”

“Thanks Buffy, you saved me and, now I know what it’s like to fly. Are you ok?”

“Yeah, which is more than can be said for the fence.”


7.05 pm.

Fred reached her room, her hands on her flaming cheeks. Had she really just witnessed those things and done what she had done? It had been so erotic to see the two of them. Desire had been building in her for weeks now and Charles didn’t seem in any hurry to take their relationship to the next level. They had exchanged kisses and hugs and they had even spent the night in the same bed.

She had still been having nightmares about Pylea and that particular night, even though she had been exhausted, she had been too afraid to go to sleep. Gunn had climbed in at the side of her and spooned her until she dozed off, but not once had he tried to initiate love making.

Fred paced her room and forced herself to not start writing on the walls. She felt confused; had she been unfaithful to him? How many people counted masturbation as cheating? But then how many people had a live show for stimulation? It had been so powerful, seeing the two of them together, touch each other, love each other. And when they had bit into each other.

Fred’s hand flew to her mouth. She was definitely having issues with priority here. Perhaps she should forget feeling guilty and concentrate on the most startling factor. Xander had fangs! They had drank from one another. Yet it had been such a public part of the hotel, anyone could have walked in, so maybe they weren’t exactly trying to hide anything.

She reached for her cell ‘phone and punched in Gunn’s number, praying he hadn’t reached the hospital yet. She was informed by automated voice that the cell she was trying to reach was switched off. Better tell Wesley or Angel then. Just as soon as she regained her composure and took a shower; Angel would smell pheromones a mile away.

She stood under the shower for ages, letting the spray calm her and wash away the tension in her neck muscles. She heard a muffled knocking, someone was at the door. She turned off the shower, put on her robe and went to see who it was. There was no one there.

About an hour later, dressed and composed she went down stairs to look for Angel, Wesley and Cordelia. She looked around but the place appeared to be deserted.

“Angel? Wesley? Cordelia?”

Nothing, no one in the office or the courtyard. Perhaps Cordelia and Wesley had gone home and Angel was in his room? Why hadn’t she thought of that first. She looked at her watch 9.27pm. She didn’t notice the note she stepped on as she made her way back upstairs. She stood outside Angel’s door and knocked. Nothing. She went back to her room on the east side and tried to reach Gunn again on his cell. Still switched off, surely he wasn’t still at the hospital.

Fred thought about confronting Xander and Spike herself. Maybe they would give her an explanation. Lorne’s voice popped into her head.

“Great idea Fred girl. Let them know you were not only spying on them naked and having sex, but you know about Xander’s new dental work. Don’t be surprised when they eatcha.”

Fred paced some more and started in surprise when she realised there was a black marker in her hand. She was standing scant inches away from the wall about to write, what had she been about to write?

Think, think, think. That was it, that was exactly what she had been about to write. She forced herself away from the wall and put the pen down. She rang Angel’s cell phone; it just rang. She tried Wesley’s but it was switched off. She was just about to call Cordelia when her own cell rang, making her jump.

“Hello? Charles? Oh thank god, I’ve been trying to reach you for ages.” She ran her hands through her hair and breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Did you forget I was going to the hospital?”

“No, how is he?”

“He’ll live, what’s up?”

“I’m not sure, but I think there might be a problem.”

“Ok, what is it?”

“I fell asleep in the library earlier this evening and when I woke up Xander and Spike were in there naked, and making love and…”

“Hold on, What? In the library. They were doing it in the library?”

“Yes, but that’s not really the problem, something happened to Xander. I don’t know, he didn’t go bumpy or anything but he had fangs.”

“Didn’t they know you were there? Vampires have very keen senses.”

“Well I was hidden from view and they were a bit busy at the time.”

“You sure you weren’t dreaming?”

“I’m serious Charles, I think something funny is going on.”

“I’ll say, having sex where just anybody could find you.”

“No, I mean yes, but I meant the part about Xander growing fangs. It doesn’t make any sense, he went out in broad daylight with us earlier on today. And he didn’t get bumpy like Angel does but I saw them bite each other, and there was most definitely drinking on both sides. I think I need to talk to Angel about this.”

“I wondered why they were here, especially Spike. According to Wesley and Cordelia there was no love and affection between him and Angel before now. Seems there’s plenty of love and affection between Spike and Xander, the public kind. I’ll be over as soon as I can. We should tell Angel”

“There’s a problem with that. He’s not here, nobody is. Well except I don‘t know where Spike and Xander are, they could be still here. I didn‘t really want to check.”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know, some one may have come up to tell me, I swear I heard a knock on my door but I was in the shower. I went down later to see who it was, but the lobby and the office were deserted. Should I try to get Wesley again?”

“Maybe, I’m on my way over to you now. Sit tight.”


9.50 pm.

“I don’t believe it, Angel’s dust has barely settled on his way out of here and Princess Eyebrows gets a vision.”

“At least we survived, that’s the part I’m lovin’. Man the demons are big in LA, way bigger than in Sunnydale. They should have their own Slayer.”

“They have Angel remember?”

“D’you think it was total coincidence that we were the only ones around? I mean what about Wesley and Gunn, what are they up to?”

“I expect Angel told them to hide, some sort of test to see if we’d cope and what not. Either that or it’s a conspiracy to stop us having sex.”

“Cordelia didn’t seem that keen on us taking the case.”

“Perhaps if we brood more often she’ll learn to trust us.”

“Spike I think you’re drunk.”

“What makes you say that Ducks?”

“The empty bottle of what was Angel’s whisky.”

“’There wasn’t that much left, ‘Spect there’s more somewhere. I’ll look for you.”

“I’ve really had enough, the shakes have gone now.”

“Mine haven’t. I really thought for a minute you were a gonner. There was no way I was going to get to you in time, and then the next thing I know, you’ve ripped it’s head off with your bare hands. I’m here to tell you I’m impressed, almost as much as I‘m relieved. Same goes for the guy who thought he was going to be supper for the thing. I need more whisky.”

“Spike it’s alright, it didn’t get me, I killed it remember. I killed it, me.”

“I know love, but if you could have just seen how it played through my eyes. Time seemed to stand still and all I could think about was how I was going to watch you die in slow motion. One of the worst moments of my existence.”

They were on the floor in Angel’s bedroom and although Spike couldn’t remember actually getting there, he did remember they’d gone there for the whisky. Which he’d spied more of, hidden at the back of the cabinet. He staggered to his feet and lurched over to get it.

“I told you whisky goes with anything.”

He unscrewed the cap and drank some straight from the bottle. Then he set the bottle down next to Xander and leaned over to pop the button on his jeans and slide down his flies. Xander hissed as cool fingers wrapped around his cock; it had been rigid since the fight. Spike snaked out his tongue and curled it around the crown and then ran it down the shaft. Back up and then teeth grazed bluntly around the ridge of the head, tongue lapping at pre-cum. Xander felt cool air hit moisture as Spike let him slide from his mouth.

“But I’m guessing it goes especially well with the taste of you.”

He tipped the bottle up again, but instead of swallowing, he held it in his mouth as he took Xander in again. Xander sighed at the tingle against his sensitive glans as Spike pumped him with his mouth and massaged him with his tongue. Whisky spilled as Spike increased his movements and he followed each trail greedily as trickled into soft brown hair. Xander moaned and slid back against the carpet. He undid his shirt buttons and toed off his boots.

“Too many clothes on.”

Spike splashed whisky over his nipples and belly button and chased the drops with his tongue, working them into minor contusions that were already healing. He cupped Xander’s balls gently and then brushed fingers lazily up his shaft. He nuzzled the soft hairs surrounding his belly button and then engulfed him again. He slid his hands under him to grip his ass as Xander rocked his hips up and thrust into him, grateful for his lack of gag reflex. Spike growled quietly and the reverberating hum seemed to reach Xander’s toes where his climax started. Pleasure caressed the outside of his legs and spread slowly upwards. His balls tightened and he spilled into Spike’s throat with a deep groan.

“Oh god.”

He sat up and willed his teeth to elongate and pulled Spike towards him. Already in game face Spike bared his throat as he moved towards Xander’s. Xander laved the large vein that started above his collar bone and continued upwards before disappearing under his earlobe. He felt the sting of fangs as they punched into his throat and his head swam as blood left his vein.

Spike’s hands pushed Xander’s head urgently to his throat and he bit into him deeply, pulling the nectar from his veins like a drought survivor finding water. Spike was used to his blood going south with this man, but to feel the surge of normally dormant blood moving up and spilling into Xander’s greedy throat made his elbows feel weak. He clung on with trembling arms as he completed the circuit, tastes of Xander bursting on his tongue, intoxicating him with emotion.

There was a roaring in his ears as orgasm slammed through him. Semen soaked his jeans and he realised the noise was coming from his own throat. He retracted his fangs and felt Xander lapping at the wounds he had made, his arms crushing him to him. Xander stared in wonder as the wound healed into a scar. Before they had time to relax into post coital afterglow, the door burst open and Gunn stood in front of them brandishing a crossbow and a large stake.

“I’m thinking there better be a damn good explanation for this or Angel’s gonna be finding two piles of dust when he gets back.”

Xander and Spike raised their heads and all Gunn could focus on was bloodstained lips and teeth. He watched in horror as Xander licked his lips and his incisors shrank back to normal. Spike was still in game face and yellow eyes glared balefully at the intrusion.

“Bit busy ‘ere mate, you may have noticed.”

A worried looking Fred popped her head around from the back of Gunn and Xander thought that now would be a good time to be less naked. Gunn was still wearing a ‘don’t fuck with me’ expression.

“All I know is I heard yelling, the kind that usually accompanies torture or murder. Now I’m thinking you might want to fill me in on the rest of your story because we’ve sure been left outta the loop.”

Xander zipped his pants up and fastened his shirt buttons and Spike decided now might be a good time for a smoke and some more whisky. Xander addressed Gunn.

“We were going to tell you everything tomorrow anyway. Angel filled Wesley in before he left. Call either of them if you don’t believe me.”

“Where’s Angel at again?”

“He’s gone to see Buffy, she can’t get away, he can, we said we’d pick up the slack here.”

“He trusted you to do that.” It was statement rather than a question. “So how come you have a set of teeth on you now?”

Spike was beginning to feel decidedly uncomfortable.

“D’you think you could point that thing somewhere else mate, that trigger finger’s looking a bit agitated.”

“Might help if you relaxed your features, I’m not big with the trust here.” Fred came round to the front of him and eased the crossbow from his grasp.

“I think it must be alright, Angel wouldn’t leave me alone in the hotel with them if I was in any danger.”

“No, he wouldn’t.” Gunn relaxed a bit and Spike’s face changed. “I’d still like to check he’s actually gone to Sunnydale though, Fred would you call Wes? And I’d still like an answer to my question.”

“Spike and I are Bonded, it’s like a physical marriage. I’m not a vampire, but you know that, I did come out with you today, in daylight. The thing is, Spike’s blood is changing me.”

“Who else knows about this?”

“At home the gang, here in LA Angel, Wesley and Lorne - Cordy doesn’t know yet. It’s the reason we came here. We figured Angel would have some answers but Lorne gave us some things to go on too. Prophetic stuff actually that involves all of us.”

Spike retrieved his duster and shrugged it on, covering the tell-tale moisture that was soaking through his jeans. He found his cigarettes half under Angel’s bed and lit one. Mentally he felt shattered, demon bashing, the truly horrible moments when he thought that he was going to lose Xander. Add to that the humiliation of once again being at the mercy of an irate human being with murder on his mind and it was just too much. Inwardly he cursed the chip that made him ineffectual and swigged at the whisky.

“What are you doing in Angel’s room anyway?”

“Cordelia had a vision, we had a run in with a Shane-Rose demon. The whisky was here.”

“And the demon?”

“In pieces, Xander here tore it’s head clean off it’s shoulders.”

“Handy trick.”

Spike sighed beginning to feel impatient.

“We done here now? ‘Cos I’m thinking a soak in the tub and some sleep wouldn’t be a bad thing.”

“We’re waiting on Wes.” Fred handed the ‘phone to Gunn.

“Wesley says it’s true, he wants to talk to you.” Fred turned to Spike and Xander who were both sitting on the floor by Angel’s bed again. Spike ran his hand possessively over Xander’s thigh, until Xander clasped his fingers to reassure him.

“I’m sorry for the intrusion. One of you can holler real loud, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone called 911.” She blushed thinking back to the last time she had seen them. No hollering that time but there had been plenty of snarling. Gunn hung up.

“Wes says it’s cool, he’s going to talk to us all in the morning. He took something called ‘The Tiberius Manifesto’ with him and he’s been at the library doing research, that‘s why you couldn‘t get a hold of him Fred. He said to tell you two good work with the Shane-Rose demon, he’s going let Cordy know it’s been taken care of. Come on Fred, let’s go.” They put their arms around each other’s waist and walked to the door. Gunn turned to look back.

“Sorry about before, but I had to make sure you got Angel’s back. We cool?”

“It’s ok Gunn, you were doing your job. Hope you’re around when my back needs watching.” Gunn wrinkled his forehead as his eyebrows went north.

“Sounds like you ain’t gonna need it bro’. Goodnight.” Fred said goodnight and closed the door behind them.

Spike let out another sigh.

“Stop breathing, you know it turns me on.” Xander smiled at him.

“As wonderful as that sounds, I’m knackered. Let’s get in the tub and just soak ‘til we get wrinkly.”


Xander ran a bath in their en suite as soon as they got back to their rooms. The water was hot and he added his favourite muscle soak before sliding in behind Spike and putting his arms around him. Spike lay back against him and rested his head on his shoulder.

“You like him, Gunn?”

“He seems ok, he could be a friend.”

“You’ve always been surrounded by women in the friend category haven‘t you? There was Dog-boy and Captain Cardboard, but they’re large with the absence and you don’t hang with any of the guys from work. Not that you need to ’cos you have me now.”

“You know if you just called them Oz and Riley it would save time, less syllables.” Xander felt him smile.

“If we’re being frugal with syllables then I should just call you ‘Mine’ from now on. Don’t you ever answer a question as soon as it’s asked? I reckon your mind has got more tangents than an entire network of capillaries, tell me about your friends.”

“My best buds just happen to be female, it’s mostly because of being in The Scoobies I guess, though I’ve known Willow my whole life.”

“So the two of you used to run around in nappies together, cute. What about other friends?”

“As a matter of fact we did have another friend, Jesse. He was killed by vampires right after Buffy first came to Sunnydale.” Spike heard the sadness and loss in his voice and stroked his arm in an attempt to comfort him.

“I’m sorry that you had to go through that.”

“That’s not the worst part, I had to stake him. Well he was pushed on my stake actually but still, trauma.”

“What was he like?”

“He was cool, well actually he was a geek, but I thought he was cool. The two of us used to sneak off and do stuff that Willow wouldn’t do because she was too afraid of getting into trouble. When we were about eleven we would go up to North Woods with a two man bow saw and a shiny nickel. We’d climb a tree and pick a branch to saw off and when it was almost all the way through, we’d flip the coin to see who had to sit on the branch.

Then we kept on sawing until one of us fell off. We got really brave, or possibly more stupid, choosing branches that were higher up each time. But then Jesse landed awkwardly one time and broke his leg. I had to piggy back him home and it took hours because he kept passing out.” Xander smiled sadly at the memory, but it felt good to think about him.

“Our mom’s both pitched hissy fits, mainly because we had gone so far from home without telling ‘em where we were going. Jesse’s leg resembled an over stuffed sausage by the time they got him to the hospital and we were banned from hanging out together for two weeks. Except we cheated, we just met ‘round Willow’s house. The trouble was she was pissed at us too, she made us alphabetise her books and CD collection and other organisy things that only Will would care about, to punish us.”

“Red had that much power over the two of you? Always knew she had it in her, she’d make a good vampire I reckon.”

“Don’t even go there, I’ve seen vampire Willow and can you just say dominatrix? We did it to make her happy. She wasn’t just pissed at us because we’d done something dangerous and one of us had got hurt. She hadn’t been included and she knew that she wouldn’t have gone with us if she’d been asked. It made her feel unadventurous.”

“She’s made up for that then in recent years. What are her family like?”

There was a point to all the questions Spike was asking, he wanted Xander to open up about his own life. He never talked about his family if he could help it and his parents knew nothing about him being with Spike. Xander poured body wash onto a sponge and started to soap Spike’s chest in lazy circles.

“Academic types, they’ve always travelled a lot and cared for Willow in a clinical, by the book kinda way. You don’t need to be Einstein to figure out why Willow’s an over achiever. Compared to my folks though, they’re sane. Her mom always had a glass of milk and cookies waiting when I went ‘round. I loved it when I got to go there for dinner. I swear if it hadn’t been for Sheila Rosenberg I wouldn’t know what a home cooked meal is supposed to look like.”

“Your mum wasn’t keen in the domestic department then love?”

“No but I think she knew the Chinese delivery guy intimately. I’m joking but we did live mostly on take-out. Where d’you think I get my love of all things snack-worthy? It’s conditioning.”

“And your dad?”

“Nah, it was the source of one of their biggest arguments, dad thinks that stuff is the job of the women folk. In fact he questioned many times and very loudly if mom even was a woman.”

“Xander you don’t have to joke about this with me, you can just tell me. I’ve seen you naked, I’ve been inside you and you’ve been inside me. We share blood. How much closer can we get?” He turned his head so he could look up at him and he saw Xander’s guarded expression relax.

“You’re right, it’s just that I never have really talked about it with anybody. Willow know’s but mostly because I joke about it. It’s my way of dealing.”

“Was it bad?” Spike unconsciously took in a breath and held it as he waited for Xander to answer him.

“If I’m honest I would have to say I was neglected. It wasn’t always that bad, not until they started drinking and fighting so much. Then I think I was inconveniently getting in the way of their misery. I don’t know why they stay together unless it’s because the misery is all they have left.”

Xander shifted his position slightly because he was getting pins and needles in his left leg.

“You alright Pet? Shall I move?”

“Only if I can come with you.” Xander wet Spike’s hair with the sponge, careful not to splash his face. He chased the sponge with his fingers enjoying the spring of released curls that were already tightening into spirals.

“Did they hurt you?”

“They mostly just yelled at me and each other when they had been drinking, It was being near the aggression that I hated so much. It got easier when I was older and didn’t have to be in the house so much. By the time I moved into the basement they were mostly just an embarrassment. You know my dad hasn’t spoken to me since I left Anya? He can’t get by the fact he shelled out so much money and then I didn’t go through with it.”

“I don’t suppose you’ll be letting them know about me any time soon then?”

“I’d love to tell them, to let them know that I’m getting something right for once in my life. But how can I? They’re casualties of Sunnydale denial and, just in case you didn‘t get it, can I remind you they’re crazy people? Besides the people that matter know about us. That reminds me, I should ring Willow tomorrow, she’s had one of my bomb shells dropped on her again. Right before I leave town, again.” Spike sat up.

“Switch places with me I want to wash your hair.”

“Slide behind me then, if we go your end you’ll end up sitting on the plug.” Spike stood up and Xander moved forward so he could slide behind him. He put his arms around him and kissed the back of his neck and shoulders. He massaged knotted muscles for a while and then squirted shampoo on his head. He worked it into his hair as he massaged his scalp.

“Please tell me your not thinking about cutting this hair any time soon. I love it longer on you.”

“You may have mentioned that a few times already. I’m won’t cut it, but when I start looking like a girl, you’ll have to protect me from the other kids in the playground.”

“I have the sudden desire to thread daisies in it and then de-flower you.”

“You’ve been watching ‘Cheers’ again haven’t you?”

“I won’t be watching anything here, did you know Angel doesn’t have a telly?”

“Are you really surprised by that fact? It won’t matter anyway, you’ll be too busy to watch television. Let’s go to bed, you can tell me what Angel said and I can give you the other present that I bought you today.”

“There’s more?” Spike had loved the shirt and asked him loudly in front of everyone if he preferred he wear it with anything in particular or should he wear it on its own.

“There is, I don’t know if you’ll like it though.” They finished up in the bath and went into the bedroom. Spike could sense the tension in Xander and put his hands on his shoulders and turned him around. He cupped the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. They kissed for a long time, slowly, softy, no biting or nipping, just wet open mouth kissing that felt incredibly satisfying to both of them. Finally Spike broke away.

“Where is it then Love? Let’s have a look.” Xander went to his jacket on the back of the chair and brought out a small flat jewellery box and handed it to Spike. Spike looked at him and smiled before he opened it up. A lump formed in his throat and tears pricked his eyes. He swallowed hard and touched it with his forefinger.

“What made you think I wouldn’t love this? It’s beautiful.” He took it out and put it on.

“You really like it? It’s gold so I didn’t think you would.”

“Have you any idea how long it is since someone actually bought me a present? I’ve had presents sure, Dru would often bring me the jewellery from her victims but this is something else. You picked it out especially for me and paid for it.”

“Cordelia found it first, it was her who said you would like it.” Spike’s eyes flashed from sapphire to yellow and back again.

“I want you.”

“I thought you were tired.”

“I’m all better now, come ‘ere.”

Spike led Xander to the bed by his hand and pushed him on to his front. He straddled the top of his thighs, and fingers and thumbs probed for tight muscles and knots in his back and shoulders. Xander gave a little moan. New superpowers notwithstanding, he felt as though he’d been run over by a truck and he loved the feel of Spike’s hands working out the kinks.

Massage turned to kisses, planted softly in place of fingers. Spike’s tongue darted out from time to time, tasting, tickling, caressing. He buried his nose in Xander’s hair and inhaled, biting his own lip as his hard shaft brushed against Xander’s back. Xander moved his hips as he tried to find friction against his own hard cock.

Spike turned him over and kissed him, tracing the contours of his face with his hand and mapping the inside of his mouth with his tongue. He settled between his thighs and Xander raised his legs wide in the air. Spike bit into his own wrist and covered his erection with blood, then he pushed into Xander slowly and grabbed his ankles.

Xander stroked his own cock and watched Spike watching him. He gripped himself harder and started to pump in time to Spike’s thrusting. Immense pleasure shot deep into his channel as his prostate was stroked with each thrust. Spike was on a mission, he pounded into him hard, enraptured by the sight of him as his eyes glazed over with pleasure. Just as Xander started to fall over the edge, Spike let go of his ankle and pinched the base of his cock.

They lay still for a few minutes, not taking their eyes from one another’s faces. Spike let him go and grabbing his ankle again, resumed deep thrusting. Xander started pumping himself again and as his incisors descended he ran his tongue over them, at last closing his eyes against visual stimulation.

He was falling but again Spike’s fingers found the base of his cock and stopped his orgasm. They both panted hard as they fought to bring themselves under control and Spike bit the inside of his cheeks. There was no way he was stopping this again, he already felt as though he would explode.

He rocked into Xander, and his fingers bit cruelly into his skin. The pain coupled with the pleasure proved to be an overload of stimulus and Xander came with a throaty snarl. Spike heard the sound, so much like the sound made by his own kind and pounded into him harder. His thrusting became erratic as his climax approached and he shouted Xander’s name as he came.

He collapsed on top of him and clumsily tried to kiss him, shaking from exertion, satisfaction and emotion. Xander pulled him up the length of his body trying to match kiss for kiss. He wrapped his legs around his waist as Spike slid from inside of him and put his arms around him and held him tight. Spike heard a chant begin in his ear as Xander whispered a litany of soft ‘I love yous’.

Spike pushed his hand between their chests and covered Xander’s rapid heartbeat. He felt tears threaten for the second time that day and marvelled at the life pulsating through Xander’s body.

“I love you more.” He whispered and let the tears fall.
