Homeward Bound

By Buddy

The moonlight plays upon your skin

A kiss that lingers takes me in

I fall asleep inside of you

There are no words

There’s only truth

Breathe in Breathe out

There is no sound

We move together up and down

We levitate our bodies soar

Our feet don’t even touch the floor

And nobody knows you like I do ‘cos

The world doesn’t understand

But I grow stronger in your hands

Turn the lights down low

Take it off

Let me show

My love for you


Turn me on

Never stop

Wanna taste every drop

My love for you


Insatiable - Darren Hayes.


Tuesday Evening, Sunnydale.

Buffy sat on a swing in Weatherly Park. She wasn’t swinging, just scuffing her soles on the ground and twirling a stake. The whole evening had turned up precisely nothing. She hadn’t even found a vamp to stake, let alone Warren’s new lair. Willow had found and downloaded all the recent lets in the area and Buffy had checked them all out, to no avail. Warren and his socially challenged pals seemed to have disappeared entirely.

Perhaps she should just go home. Damn them, she had only been back with Angel for five minutes and already she was being prevented from seeing him. It would be nice if she could find a vampire or a demon to pummel, get rid of some of her frustration.

“Just send me one vampire, it’s not so much to ask.” She felt her spine tingle as the shadows moved in front of her. She grinned.

“My vampire.”


“And you’re here now.” Her eyes went wide and Angel spun around. “With a few friends to crash the party. Not really how I imagined our reunion.”

In an instant they were both in fighting stance. Six vampires circled them, wary because they had only expected the Slayer. In synchronicity Buffy and Angel divided their number so they were facing three each.

Buff tossed her stake to Angel and pulled another from her back pocket. She attacked the first vampire with a swift kick to the chin as he moved towards her . She spun ‘round and pulled the second one closer to her, his forward momentum carrying him straight onto the stake she held out. She turned swiftly, anticipating the attack from the third and bore the stake down on his heart with eerie accuracy.

Turning back to the first in a round house kick, she knocked him over but he flipped straight back up onto his feet. She turned away and back flipped onto his shoulders, forcing him to the ground. She twisted ‘round and plunged the stake through his back and heart, his scream ringing in her ears as her feet touched the floor and she turned to check on Angel.

Angel had knocked one vampire backwards with an uppercut to the chin and mentally kicked himself for not bringing his mechanised stakes simply because he’d been in such a hurry to get here. The other two vampires converged upon him at the same time and he staked first one and then the other in a matter of seconds. The first vampire tried to get up from the floor but Angel grabbed him and pulled him up by the hair.

“Gee, that was a nice welcome back to Sunnydale. Who sent you?” The vampire looked at him defiantly so Angel twisted his arm ‘round his back and pushed high.

“You were just about to say?”

“We weren’t sent for you. We were sent to kill the Slayer.” Angel was losing patience rapidly and he pushed the arm higher. He ground out.

“Now who could possibly want Buffy dead this much, but can’t come and do it themselves?”

“Warren sent us. He said she was a problem he had to nip in the bud.”

“Where is he?” Buffy asked as she brushed vampire dust from her clothing.

“I’m not telling you anything else, your gonna kill me anyway.”

“Yes, we really are.” Buffy said. “But here’s your chance to take Warren down with you. He did send you to your painful, horrible death.” Angel applied more pressure.

“Besides, we don’t have to kill you right away. I can think of a few ways to keep you alive but hurting until you squeal like stuck pig. In fact now I think about it, that sounds like fun, take your time.” The vampire struggled but Angel held him firm. He flashed him some fang and brought them close to his face.

“What do you say? Want to mess with me?” The vampire shrank back, sensing he wasn’t facing just any vampire, but a leader. Why was he fighting along side the Slayer? Oh of course.

“Are you Spike?”

“What?” They both chorused, and Angel hit him on the nose.

“ Ow! A vampire fighting along side the Slayer, I was told your name was Spike and to look out for you.”

“Obviously you’re not local if you haven’t seen or heard of Spike before now. So, where’s Warren? Last chance before the torture starts.”

“Ok, I’ll tell you. He’s holed up in an old house in Carlton with a couple of geeks. I think they’re a bunch of fags but he was offering money so I wasn’t being picky.”

“Where in Carlton?”

He started to struggle again, the fear of death greater than the fear of a broken arm, and moved in the opposite direction to the way his arm was twisted. Angel let go momentarily as he tried to get a better hold of him, but before he could grab him again the vampire had kicked him up the side of the head.

It was a clumsy blow and Angel realised it was coming. He turned his head away at the last second but it was too late to avoid the connection. It was enough for the vampire to get away and he was off and running. Buffy launched herself after him and tackled him around the legs bringing him to the ground. Her hands closed around nothing as he turned to dust and she looked up to see Angel standing over her, stake in hand.

“Sorry, we probably didn’t get enough information.” He put his hand out to help Buffy to her feet.

“It’ll do.” She went into his arms and held him tight. Then she was kissing him with all she had and she had plenty. She stopped after a long time.

“This is a very nice surprise. How did you swing this?”

“Believe it or not this was Spike’s idea, he said that he and Xander would help the others out if need be.”

“One of his better ideas, now kiss me some more.”

“I will but shouldn’t we maybe go back to yours?”

“Why, are you suddenly very shy? There’s only us and the undead out at this hour anyway, I doubt anyone will see us.” Angel smiled at her. Even covered in vampire dust she looked hot.

“I mean we should find out where this guy is. Look on the internet, find out what’s been leased lately. Then I can go and rip his head off for trying to kill my girl.” Buffy’s heart trip hammered in her chest. She had thought she would never hear Angel say those words to her again.

“Or we could do that tomorrow and now you could just ravish me.”

“Ok but let’s go back to yours anyway, I must be feeling at least one of my centuries because I prefer comfort to grass stains these days.” Buffy kissed him some more and after a while grass stains and discomfort didn’t matter.


Wednesday Morning, LA.

Xander went back to his and Spike’s room carrying two mugs, one containing steaming coffee and the other containing blood, body temperature. He grinned at Spike.

“That was fun, ducking and diving around corridors, hoping no one would see me.”

“You know love it might have been easier to just get dressed. Hang on, did I really just say that? I must be having an identity crisis.”

“I have shorts on.”

“You must be really hot and bothered, take them off.”

He looked quite serious. Xander handed him his mug, put his down on the bedside table and turned around to wiggle his ass in Spike’s direction. He turned back round and waggled his eyebrows. Spike pouted and his bottom lip looked very inviting. Xander huffed at him.

“Don’t do that, my ass needs a rest, my everything needs a rest, in fact can’t we just stay in bed today? For a rest I mean?”

“Yes if I can restfully stroked every inch of you until you feel better.” Xander got into bed at the side of him.

“We have to go listen to the exposition, d’you think it’ll be like a Scooby meeting? Will there be doughnuts? We should have probably mentioned I function better after snacks.”

“Was Willow aware that you were talking to her almost naked?”

“Yes, she’s leaving Tara and catching the next bus outta Sunnydale to be with me. It was touch and go until I mentioned you were naked too.”

“So how pissed off is she? Is there blame and are stakes going to be involved?”

“She was hurt that I didn’t tell her myself, and she having a wiggins about my changes. But Willow is ever accommodating and she’s happy as long as I am. Hey, get this she asked if you were ok too.”

“That probably means no staking then. ‘Course she might turn me in to a warty toad instead.”

“You know you love it, that they care about you.” Spike didn’t argue, it was true.

Spike sipped at the warmed blood and grimaced at the taste.

“Either Peaches has pissed off his supplier or there was something wrong with this pig!” He put his mug back on the bedside cabinet and lay back on the bed with his hands behind his head. Xander drank his coffee, enjoying the caffeine and sugar rush.

“You know you don’t have to have pigs blood, there are other things on the menu.”

“Yeah?” Spike raked his gaze over his face and body as if contemplating a particularly succulent meal. Either that or an orgy, Xander wasn’t sure which. Spike felt himself get hard, just out of principle; this was new. Xander hadn’t offered himself in this way before, it had always been a part of their love making.

“It’s one thing separating feeding from the kill Pet, I don’t know if it’s possible for me to separate the blood from sex. Not where you’re concerned.”

Xander put his mug down and turned to Spike.

“You could always try.” Spike narrowed speculative eyes at him.

“What is this? Feeling peckish?” Xander widened his eyes and put his head down. Spike sat up and put his hand under his chin.

“It’s not anything to be ashamed of you know. You should have told me.”

“It’s not just that I want to, I want you to.”

Spike morphed into game face. His face was next to Xander’s in an eye blink. Xander’s teeth transformed and he could feel a difference this time. Not just his incisors but the teeth in between, top and bottom, grew longer and more jagged.

He put his fingers to them in wonder, slicing into skin and what scant flesh fingers offered. Blood welled and spilled and Spike was on them, lapping at the spill and sealing the wounds shut. He nuzzled Xander’s pulse point and traced his jugular vein with one fang tip, following the trail of blood with his tongue. He moved his head to give Xander access to his throat and they bit into each other at the same time.

Xander’s cock was painfully hard; maybe it wasn’t possible for them to separate the two. But this was so satisfying, being buried in Spike this way, drawing deeply. Spike’s history burst over his tongue once again; he was a part of that now, he could taste himself, in his blood, in his scent. There it was intermingling with the taste of times and lovers passed. Angelus, Drusilla, Harmony, Buffy, Angel. Angel? He drew back, jerked Spike away from him and he looked at him in horrified accusation.

“What’s wrong?”


“What? I don’t know..”

“You have the taste of Angel on you.”

“Well of course I bloody well do. What did you expect?” Spike was shocked beyond belief at the way he had been ripped away from him.

“Angel. Not Angelus. Even I know they taste and smell different, even before I changed I knew the difference.”

Xander pushed Spike angrily away and scrambled off the bed to get away from him. He didn’t realise that he was almost in game face. His teeth were still down and covered with blood and his yellow eyes screamed out accusations that Spike didn’t understand. Spike put his hands up, trying to calm him down, placate him.

“I don’t know what you think happened, but you’re wrong. I told you, I never have slept with Angel and I would never sleep with anyone else but you. I love you, I don’t cheat on anyone I love, who loves me, but especially not you. I love you.”

Xander was on his feet now, standing at the side of the bed. He could hear the sincerity and conviction in Spike’s voice, and the look on his face almost made him waver, but he knew what he had sensed.

“I tasted him Spike. What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything. Come here Xander.”

Xander stood rigid, rooted to the spot and realised the splintering feeling inside his chest must be heartbreak. Oh god, this was probably how he had made Anya feel. How could she forgive him this feeling? He looked at Spike beseechingly, he had to make this feeling go away.

Spike saw the crumpled expression on Xander’s face and was horrified that somehow he had put it there. He could cope with any amount of irrational behaviour but he couldn’t bare the thought that he was responsible for causing Xander any amount of pain.

He reached his arms out to him, if he could just touch him then Xander would know. He had to touch him, the gap between them made him feel ill. He made his way across the bed on his knees and the supplicating gesture made Xander feel sick to his stomach.

He’d reduced Spike to this despite knowing how much he loved him. There must be some other explanation. A sob escaped his throat and broke the paralysis holding him still. He leaned over Spike and gathered him into his arms.

“Oh god I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I know you wouldn’t, it’s just I could..”

Spike clung to him and pulled him back on to the bed, relieved. Xander was crying openly now, his human face re-emerged as if tears had dissolved his other countenance. Spike felt cold; something that vampires never felt unless they were under extreme circumstances. Like the threat of death.

He ran his hand over Xander’s hair in an attempt to sooth him. This made Xander cry harder, he didn’t deserve this comfort.

“Spike I’m so sorry.”

“Shshsh.” After a considerable time Xander’s sobs calmed down and he drew back to look into Spike’s face.

“I don’t know what happened, I freaked, I don’t think I’ve ever been this jealous in my life. Spike what’s happening to me? Spike touched his face gently.

“I think you’re evolving Pet. It’s not just teeth, this time your eyes. Well, they changed colour didn’t they?”

“Really? Did I get bumpy?”

“No, no bumps. I think I know why you could taste Angel. When you went out with Cordelia and the others yesterday and I talked to Angel. After we chatted we sparred. I tried to kick the shit out of him if you really want to know; it was bloody. Let’s just say we had a few things to get out of our system.”

“Did it work?” Xander rubbed his eyes.

“It laid a few ghosts to rest. Are you ok?” Xander nodded. “You don’t honestly believe that..?”

“No I don’t. I trust you, it must be part of what’s happening to me. Did I really get yellow eyes?”

“Don’t worry it’s group discussion this morning. Wesley may have some answers, I bloody hope. I never thought I’d hear myself say this but I can’t wait to get back to Sunnydale, to our home where we can have some peace and less of the prying !” Xander wrapped his arms around him and pulled him onto his torso as he lay back on the bed. Spike felt weak with relief and snuggled into Xander’s warmth.

“Why couldn’t I taste Angel on you before now? If you fought with him yesterday there have been a few occasion where I might have noticed before now, don’t you think?”

“Perhaps it’s because I didn’t sleep with him. I don’t know perhaps it takes longer for someone’s scent to work it’s way into you after fighting with them. Or maybe it was there all along but it’s only now that you can taste it. Your senses are improving at a galloping rate.” Spike looked at Xander checking to see if he doubted him again. Xander simply looked confused and concerned.

“I guess. You’re cold, I mean colder than usual.” He rubbed his arms and then shook his head at the futile gesture; no circulation. He sat them both up.

“This isn‘t going to work Spike, you need to feed.”

Relieved and not needing a second invitation, Spike’s fangs were buried in his throat as soon as he’d finished the sentence.


Early Hours of Wednesday Morning, Sunnydale.

In Buffy’s dream she could see herself dressed in white. The gown she wore was beautiful in its simplicity. It hung from her shoulders in soft gossamer layers falling to her bare feet and brushing her toes. Her toes nails were painted white opaque and she was walking purposefully towards something or someone; she couldn’t see what was ahead. She could feel her hair move around her back and shoulders and wondered how it had grown again so quickly.

She couldn’t feel the ground below her but it didn’t matter she was unafraid, she was going home, this much she knew. I’m homeward bound she thought to herself and it made her happy. She looked around and could see that the sun was burning away a thick mist that should feel cold, but all she could feel was the warmth of the suns rays.

A figure stood ahead of her waiting for her arrival and her heart sang with joy because she knew it was Angel. Wait, how could this be? She opened her mouth to shout a warning but no sound came out and Angel moved towards her, shortening the distance between them. He was in her arms in no time at all and he smiled down at her before he swooped in for a kiss.

“Angel we have to get you inside.” She tried to say but her lips were pressed against his. She could feel the sun getting warmer and tried to move away, warn him once more.

“Don’t worry my love; I don’t. We’re safe because this is what you came for.”

She felt sharp teeth slice into her throat and she opened her mouth to scream. What came out was a soft moan as she felt fire spread to her groin. She could feel the blood leaving her body and relaxed in the knowledge that she was feeding him. Sustaining him with her body and her love.

Angel withdrew his fangs and stood back to look into her face. Blood dripped from his fangs, and even though he wasn’t close enough the blood spilled to her dress and turned it pink. She traced his face with her fingers noting the absence of ridges and the fact that his eyes glowed more golden than yellow.

“It’s ok, I know what I’m supposed to do; what I want to do.”

She pressed her lips to his throat then darted out her tongue to follow the path of his jugular. Her teeth descended and she punched into his vein, she drew deeply and felt rapture at the cold taste that covered her tongue and poured down her throat.

Her hand went instinctively to his chest above his heart and pressed, searching.

Her orgasm began like a sneeze, building until she couldn’t contain it and she surrendered to the pleasure. She felt herself disintegrate into a million pieces, in rhapsody at the movement under her hand. Angel’s beating heart.

Buffy tried to sit up but she was encased in strong arms that refused to let go even in sleep.


“Huh? Buffy?”

Angel tried to focus, to sit up next to her when he sensed her distress, but he was lost in the warmth that begged him to stay. This was new but old and he didn’t want to leave here. Skin this close to his was a luxury and he wished to relish it, let the feel of it wash over him. But he also wanted to revel in it, bathe in it, touch it and be lost in it. He realised he had hands and fingers and decided to let them do the talking.

He reached his hand out to sooth and calm and ended up caressing and stroking, so powerful was the seduction of the skin under his touch. He pulled Buffy down to him and enveloped her in his embrace. She responded without question the vivid images from her dream fading away.

They rolled until Buffy was underneath Angel, trapped beneath his weight as he crushed her to him and made sure every inch of them touched. He ran his hand through her hair, down her shoulders across her collar bone to her breast. He encased it with a squeeze, kneading it, tweaking her nipple and bringing his lips to it.

He lavished her areola and reached down his hand to invade her pussy lips, not gentle or tender but insistent and needy. He kissed down her belly, dipping his tongue into her navel, but the aroma from below drew him lower.

He parted her inner folds with his tongue and lapped at the draught spilling from her womb. Sweet blood, the elixir of life seeped into his mouth and he pushed his tongue inside her core. Buffy fucked the intrusion, uninhibited by the sleep that still clung to her, her hands in his hair, urging him on.

She didn’t realise at first what Angel was tasting, didn’t smell the ripe fragrance she dispelled. She was close already to orgasm, the remnants of her dream enveloping her senses. Angel’s fingers dug into her ass cheeks, his nose brushed over her clitoris and the pleasure blended with the ache in her lower belly. He withdrew his tongue and pursed his lips around her opening, sucking deeply at the flow without pause.

It hit her then, exactly what was happening, but she was already bucking upwards, her body defying her mind, her will complying with her need. Her climax slammed into her and lifted her lower body off the bed. A cry was forced from her throat as wave after wave of bliss engulfed her being.

She dug her finger nails into Angel’s head convulsively, making his scalp bleed and causing bruises on her finger tips that she wouldn’t notice until morning. She lay still afterwards with her eyes closed and let out a breath slowly.

Angel’s mouth was still between her legs and he lapped greedily. Come mingled with blood and the dead seed he had buried inside her earlier that night in the park. His penis was hard and tight against his body and he desperately wanted to be sheathed inside of her.

Miraculously he had kept his demon image at bay although it had fought to come to the fore and bask in the parts of Buffy it coveted the most. With his bloodlust appeased somewhat, Angelus had quietened in the cell he would never escape from, unless Angel himself decided to set him free.

Buffy tried to pull Angel up, she wished to look into his face to see if she could read what he was feeling. He bowed his head at the intensity of her gaze, ashamed that he had taken what he wanted. She pulled his face towards her and deliberately kissed him on the lips. He tried to turn away but she held him fast as she tasted the cocktail of juices that he had craved so much.

She touched his cock gently, guiding him to her entrance, urging him to enter her even when he hesitated. Angel rocked into her slowly and deeply, hitting her swollen cervix with each gentle thrust. Blood eased his passage in and out of her and the knowledge he was coated in her menses almost caused him to spill straight away.

Buffy could feel the familiar cold bite into her heat and bemoaned it’s departure as she warmed it with her fire. He felt big inside of her as she swung her hips up to meet him , but she loved the feel of him stretching her inner walls and the constant slap of his balls against her perineum.

Angel didn’t try to control it this time as he felt the change ripple across his face. He needed Buffy to see him this way and accept that it was a part of him, that it represented half of his whole. She kissed the ridges across his eyes and trailed down his neck to the hollow at his throat where she suckled at the dip. Angel clasped his hand over hers and moved it down to her clitoris encouraging her to stimulate herself. He held on to her shoulders not changing the pace, but keeping up sweet slow movements that started up intense pleasure deep within his balls.

Buffy gasped out his name as pleasurable sensation swelled and spilled over for her, at the feel of cold semen cooling her insides once more. Angel moaned deep in his throat as he pumped and pumped with erratic jerks, the spasmodic clamping of her muscles milking every last drop.

“I haven’t done that before.” Buffy whispered into Angel’s ear as he collapsed on top of her. He tried to take some of his weight off her by raising himself up on one elbow. He looked deep into her eyes with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Neither have I, can we do it again?”


Mid -morning, Wednesday, LA.

Xander could see Wesley sitting in the office when he came down the stairs. Spike was still in bed and had mumbled something about waking him when the others arrived. Xander had been reluctant to leave Spike’s side or get out of bed for that matter but there was something he needed to do. He knocked on the office door and opened it.

“Xander, have a seat. No Spike?”

“He’s still sleeping. Where’s everybody?”

“They’ll be here shortly, it’s a little early yet, we keep late hours you see. Good work last night, Cordelia must have called you not long after Angel and I left. I understand it was you who vanquished the demon.” Xander nodded.

“Just call me Atilla. I come from a long line of berserkers that specialise in bare-handed de-capitation.”

Wesley smiled and Xander tried to equate this Wesley with the stuffed prig who had been sent to Sunnydale to oversee Buffy and Faith as their Watcher. He shook his head, he couldn’t do it.

“You’ve changed a lot Wesley, I guess working with Angel has had a lot to do with that.”

“That and the Watcher’s Council firing me. What about you, how do you feel? I understand from Angel, Gunn and Fred that your transformation is quite advanced.”

“If your asking me if I regret it then the answer’s no. But I do feel weird. I mean my emotions are a bit erratic and it’s hard sometimes not to be overwhelmed by sensory overload.” Xander went quiet for a moment.

“Are you freaked by it?”

Wesley looked at him steadily before answering. His pale blue eyes contained a surprising amount of compassion and understanding and it reminded Xander of Giles.

“From a purely academic point of view I find it fascinating. I had heard the term ‘Bonding’ from my early Watcher days, although no one seemed to take it particularly seriously. In hindsight I would have to say that was mostly to cover up an embarrassing faux pas. The research I did last night turned up some very interesting stuff, which I think you’ll find helpful.

But that’s not really what you mean is it? This is serious, in as much as you have fallen in love with a soulless vampire. However, I think Spike is an exceptional case. From what I’ve been told and what I’ve witnessed myself, I do think the chip has brought about genuine reformations in his character; he’s obviously capable of love. Giles told me about last summer and the help he gave you, how he helped to care for Dawn.

But even so, I don’t know that I’d be willing to take such a step, not even for love. Do you know that your not really human any more?”

“It’s seems there a lot of that going on. Angel told Spike that exchanging blood is changing my DNA and you know about the physical changes. Oh and don’t they keep on a-coming? I seem to be some sort of vampire/human hybrid guy. I never thought I’d be keen on the whole blood drinking scenario, but hey, Spike has a way of revealing my hidden deaths.”

“I suspect it felt like a natural progression of your relationship. It’s not as strange as it may appear to be. First and foremost it’s evolution, it enables you to stay together. If you remained merely human eventually you would grow old and die, Spike wouldn’t, barring the usual possibilities. I’ve not finished deciphering all the text and there are things we don’t know yet. I’ll explain more when the others are here. How do you feel about my discussing this with everyone?”

“Well to be honest I feel a bit like an insect on a pin-head, when we decided to come here for answers I didn’t realise just how badly we needed them. Or how it would spill into everyone else’s lives. With what Lorne told Spike and what Gunn and Fred saw last night, I figure explanations are owed big time.” Xander stood up and pushed his chair back.

“Do me a favour would you Wesley? Let me talk to Cordy first.”

“It’s a little late for that I’m afraid, she already knows. I talked to her last night after I spoke with Gunn and Fred. I wanted to let her know that you and Spike had settled the matter of her vision. Earlier she had questioned the wisdom of Angel leaving the two of you in his place.” Wesley stopped, he didn’t wish to reveal too much. He thought back to what Cordelia had said.

“I told you this would happen didn’t I? He’s losing sight of the mission already. He gets an half-assed chance to see Buffy and leaves a neutered vampire and a human to take up the slack. Worse than that they can’t keep their hands off each other when they’re together, when are they going to find time to fight evil?”

“She wanted to know how you had managed to kill the demon.”

“Say no more, unfortunately Cordelia never had much respect for my effectiveness as a member of the Scoobies. So you had to tell her about my new-found effectiveness, how did she take it?”

“Surprisingly well, though she did say something about kicking your backside for not telling her before. A spectacle I may see sooner than you think seeing as she has just walked in.” Xander could hear voices out in the lobby.

“Fred’s down too. I’d better go and get Spike, I don’t like being away from him too long, I get agitated.”

“Plus it’s a good excuse to sneak off and avoid Cordelia.” She poked her head around the office door.

“No chance Bugs Bunny, you’re so busted.”


Provence, June 1689.

Swords clashed between Helena and Tiberius; it was a furious battle they were both Council trained. Helena leaped up on to the step behind her and forced Tiberius on the defensive. She jumped back down and shot out her foot in an attempt to sweep his feet from under him.

He jumped raising his feet to avoid the manoeuvre and as he landed he snapped a kick to the back of her knee, bringing her down. She rolled over and avoided the sword as it came down towards her, and then she flipped back on to her feet.

Swords clashed again and green eyes flashed fire against creamy skin. A ponytail of ebony bounced around Helena’s shoulder’s and Tiberius admired the grim determination on her rose-bud mouth. She was tall for a woman, at least 6’, and as she stood in front of him they could see eye to eye without either of them stretching.

His lapse of concentration gave Helena the advantage. She leaped up and somersaulted over his head, kicked the sword from his hand, and landed behind him with her sword pressed to his throat.

He stood rock still listening to her pant softly from exertion. Cold, flat steel pressed against his Adam’s apple and then hot, moist tongue sought his jugular vein. Her free hand wound into his hair and pulled his head back towards her.

“You are dust.” She whispered in his ear and then dropped the sword. He turned to her as she let go of his hair and crushed her to his lifeless chest. Passion mirrored in grey eyes and green and then lips locked in a fevered kiss. After a while Tiberius broke away and tenderly held Helena’s face.

“You are getting so fast, so strong. You know we have to leave this place, we have been here too long already. I am sure they have picked up our trail.”

“Must we? I am so tired of moving on my love. Can’t we just stay and fight?” Tiberius clasped her hand and drew her over to the window. He opened the drapes and let in the morning. He never got tired of standing in the early sun’s rays, feeling them warm his skin, or the thrill of the fear jolt every time he did this.

“We can’t fight them all, there are too many. Even if we beat them they would send more. We have to go somewhere they can’t find us. You have to pity them, blind fool’s, trapped in their archaic ways and narrow mindedness. They are unable to consider the merits of something new if it presents as an enigma, or tests their dogmatic viewpoint. You don’t really want to hurt them anyway. Despite what they do, have done, they are your comrades.”

“They were yours too.”

“Long ago. They hold me responsible, I am the corruptor in their eyes. They do not believe any longer that I will speak the truth and they have turned down my offer to carry on with the prophecies.”

“I won’t let them kill you.” Her voice was chilling.

“I doubt they could, they have tried to stake me, bathe me in holy water, set fire to me and expose me to the rays of the sun; all to no avail. Possibly decapitation would work, but they would have to get fairly close to me to try it”

Helena thought back to the day they had first met. A Slayer sent to do her job, slay the vampire. Not just any vampire but a prophet and former Council member. An embarrassment to them, making a mockery of all they held to be true. He didn’t have soul, so how could he be trusted to do as he had said and still help them?

She hadn’t known him before but it was as though she had known him all her life and her body and soul hummed in his presence. She had found it confusing to feel this way, but after being near him again and again, fighting him physically and mentally, it had proved easier to give up her beliefs than to give up Tiberius. She snapped her mind back to the present when she realised that Tiberius had spoken to her.

“I am sorry, I was just remembering all the times I tried to do those things to you before. I couldn’t kill you, you were so strong, and it got harder each time we fought.”

“Had you really wanted to kill me I would be dead now and you know this to be true.” He flashed her a devastating grin. “You couldn’t resist my devilish charm.” Soft grey eyes filled with love and concern.

“I am not worried for myself. They will not kill you if they catch us, they will take you away from me; they think they can save you.”

“You saved me. When you told me that you loved me too I thought the tears of relief would never stop falling. Despite what they have said, they want the book as much as they want the two of us. How much more do you have to set down?”

“It is almost done. I only have to finish writing down the fate of the Last Slayer. If the fates are kind and she follows her true path she will close a hell mouth and vanquish all vampires from the face of the earth.”

“What of me Tiberius? What is to become of me? How can this Slayer be called or any other Slayer if I am not dead? Am I to die?”

“You know I have been unable to see your future since we became Bonded. That is not the way it works, you know this. I am not normally able to prophesise about individual Slayers. I am only allowed to see the events that are relevant to the Slayer at certain times, whoever she may be. You and the Last Slayer are unusual cases.” He pulled her closer to him and she whispered in his ear.

“I looked at you and fell in love and you smiled because you knew.”

“Romeo and Juliet, how apt.” Tiberius had agonised over what was to become of Helena. He only knew that she would come to him, fall in love with him. He hadn’t believed he would fall in love too.

“I have a theory about you and your fate, I don’t believe that you need to die for there to be another Slayer. You have changed because we have exchanged blood, you already are dead in the sense that you are no longer entirely human. It is a death and a rebirth. Apart from a vast improvement in your fighting abilities and the heightening of your senses, you share many vampire traits. I think it will be enough of a trigger to activate the calling of the next Slayer, It may already be done.”

“Is this true for you too? Will you have changed enough to be safe when vampires are vanquished?”

“I believe so, though I know nothing more of my own fate at all.”

“Why are we such unusual cases, this Slayer and I? Do we have so much in common the two of us?”

“You both become Bonded, though it is not set in stone for her. She could choose not to do this, and even if she does there will be attempts to thwart her. You both have vampire lovers, hers will have a soul. A vampire with a soul, I cannot imagine the torment he will have to endure. I was so lucky, I may not have a soul, but I have you. The matter of his soul may explain the most unusual part of her prophesy.”

Helena put her finger to his lips and in her eyes was such a mixture of horror and wonderment that Tiberius thought she knew what he was going to say. He was wrong.

“Tiberius I am going to have a child.”


Wednesday, mid-afternoon, LA.

Everyone looked at Wesley with their mouths open.

“That part can’t happen to me right? The part about the having a child; it can’t change me that much.” Spike levelled a very amused smirk at him.

“Don’t be a daft git, Love. You’re not a girl or a Slayer, I suspect it’s just different when there’s Slayer’s blood as a part of the deal.”

“Thinking you might have picked on the wrong human?” Gunn flared his nostrils at him. Spike looked him up and down and then leered at him.

“Yeah, I reckon I should have waited for you.” Xander growled, a low growl that was out there before he could repress it.

“You have got to be kiddin’ Pet?” Spike looked at him incredulous and Xander shook his head.

“It’s just the crazy stuff that’s happening in me thinks faster than I can. And that was not me setting myself up for any kind of insult from anybody.” He waggled his finger in everyone’s general direction.

Cordelia had felt the colour actually leave her face. Warmth drained away with it and left a cold sickly looking pallor she fought to animate with an expression that wouldn’t draw attention to her. She rubbed her hands briskly over her cheeks. She had to stay focused.

“So Buffy and Angel could really have a baby?”

“You can’t seriously expect me to believe that another vampire Slayer is going to be getting’ in to this Bonding shit! Or Angel, he doesn‘t drink human blood.”

Gunn felt like he needed a holiday, or a lobotomy. He had swallowed much of what he believed since working with Angel and his crew but this was getting too weird, too many lines were potentially getting crossed. He had ideas about how Angel should be, ideas that stopped him looking at him like he was just another vampire for Gunn to kill. Fred grabbed Gunn’s hand.

“Maybe not at first. But why wouldn’t they? If they did they could have an eternity together, unless someone cuts off their heads that is.”

“I think you’re missing the point here children. The two of them Bonding is exactly what’s supposed to happen. Doris here’s right, why would anybody turn down eternal love? You can’t expect me to believe that even Angel’s that much of a self-flagellating martyr. Besides this might explain some of what the green guy, what’s his name?”


“Yeah, Lorne, what he said was that something was coming that would need all of our energies and that the changes Xander and I go through will be important to whatever it is. You’ve identified Buffy as the Last Slayer..” Cordelia interrupted.

“That’s the bit I don’t understand. How can Buffy be the Last Slayer? Has everybody actually forgotten the murdering superbitch that’s languishing in prison as we speak?” Xander looked up at her, memories he thought long buried flashing through his head.


“Exactly. What’s gonna happen to her? If she does her time and seeks redemption or whatever, does she get to hang up her Slayer boots and become Joan normal?”

“It’s possible I suppose. The Powers That Be seem to play by their own set of rules.” Wesley had his own bad memories of Faith and the subject of her redemption was still something he failed to be objective about. Cordelia thought of something else.

“Are you saying that unless Buffy and Angel do this Bonding thing he will die when she closes the Hell Mouth?” Xander and Spike both looked at her in alarm. Her heart beat had speeded up and fear was pouring off her thick stinky waves.

“It’s more serious than that Cordelia. If they don’t Bond she may not succeed in closing the Hellmouth at all. There’s some reference to a ritual that closes the Hellmouth, it’s Buffy’s job to stop attempts to interrupt the ritual. From what I can tell she’s going to need an army or at least a band of very strong warriors, which bares some relation to what Lorne has said to Spike.

Her normal Slaying abilities aren’t going to be enough in this fight and she won’t succeed alone. I haven’t been able to ascertain who she will be up against or when it will occur, but I think there’s some time yet because there are other prophesies to be fulfilled before hand.”

Everyone was quiet for a long time, digesting what they had learned. Spike was plastered to Xander’s side, touching him somewhere on a regular basis, reassuring him , making him feel safe. He had been fine for the first part of the morning, he had woken Spike up with delicious kisses and suggested they get this over with so they could go back to bed. The problem was that Angel’s scent was on all of them and he could sense Xander getting agitated. Cordelia spoke first.

“We have to tell them.”

“I don’t know how to. How do you tell someone that they have to go against everything they’ve fought for all this time in order to rid humanity of vampires? Neither will feel as though they really have a choice.”

“What’s new about that? Neither of them ever have really had a choice. It’s not in Buffy’s nature to turn her back on her calling no matter how much she bitches and moans about it. And Peaches will do anything to ease the guilt he‘s nursing.”

“She didn’t seem that freaked out about us though. Sure she was a bit thrown at first but she seems to have accepted it. I guess people do that when they love you and you hand them a fait accompli.”

“I’ll tell them.” All eyes turned to Cordelia.

“Why, do you think you know how best to put it?”

“No Wesley, it’s more to do with the vision I’m having right now.”

“What is it, should we call them ?”

Cordelia looked like she was in a trance as she looked at the events unfolding in her head.

“It’s not urgent in the sense that it’s going to happen any time soon, it’s just really important that they get the message.”

“Come on Cordy what is it? Is Buffy ok?” Xander really wished they were back in Sunnydale.

“I could see Buffy struggling with three guys, they had her in this contraption thing and your not going to believe this but one of them looks a lot like Jonathan. When did he get a life? Angel wants to go to her and help her.”

“What’s preventing him?”

“The sun.” Cordelia grimaced, she might not get head shattering pain any more but she did still get the emotion, the fear and the heartache and Angel was in torment. “They have her at the back of an old warehouse, I don’t recognise it, but I can see it’s broad daylight. This may not even happen, but Angel should know, they should both know that it’s a possibility that can be avoided.”

Spike put his hand up like a child in kindergarten.

“I don’t mean to piss on the Slayer’s parade an’ all but what’s going to happen to me? Can I expect the same sort of transformation this Tiberius fellow went through or will it be different for me because Xander isn’t a Slayer?”

Wesley sighed heavily, this was getting complicated and he was tired from all the research he had done the previous evening. Despite their best intentions he had found that things between him and Cordelia had become a bit tense because Xander and Spike had suspicions about them. To cap it all off Fred appeared to be making moon eyes at him so he wondered if he was tripping from lack of sleep. Spike was looking at him impatiently.

“We can safely assume that you will experience some of the same things at least because of what The Host said. As with much of it we simply can’t tell how much or when. I would suggest that you don’t go without your parasol just yet in the day time, it’s appears that we need you around.” Spike pulled a face at him.

“Cheeky sod!”

“Seriously though have you experienced anything yet?”

“Not so’s I’ve noticed, except my blood did taste funny earlier, I just assumed it had gone off.” Cordelia frowned at him.

“I doubt it went off, Angel’s very particular about how he keeps his blood and who he gets it from, besides that was delivered fresh before I left the office yesterday.”

Xander realised he hadn’t spoken for some time and wondered if it was a personal best. Apart from the time The Gentlemen had come to Sunnydale and stolen everyone’s voices, he was normally only this quiet in sleep. He had to speak now though because he realised something.

“You get whiskers more often.”


“When you first moved in with me you hardly ever had to shave at all, but in the last couple of weeks it’s been a regular occurrence.” Fred was goggle eyed.

“I didn’t know that vampires needed to shave. Though I suppose it makes sense because the hair on your head grows. I’ve just never noticed Angel with a beard shadow before.” Spike laughed.

“There’s a reason for that pet. According to Darla, about 40 or so years before yours truly was turned Angelus sported an unruly goatee, sideburns Elvis would have been proud of and a ridiculous handle bar moustache that made her laugh fit to split every time he went into game face. He’s nothing if not vain, you might of noticed, so he since became rather good at hiding the evidence of facial hair being an issue at all.”

“I knew he shaved.” Cordelia said.

“Me too.” Said Wesley and Gunn.

“Must just be me then.” Fred said, wondering when she would ever get all the rules straight in her head.

“I’m going to ring Angel.” Cordelia said.


Early hours of Thursday morning, LA.

Spike awoke and tried to roll over but he couldn’t move his arms or his legs.

“What the fuck?”

It was dark, the drapes were heavy in this room to keep out the sun’s rays, but his night vision enabled him to see Xander. His nostrils flared at the pheromones radiating from the man poised above him with his legs either side of his hips, not touching him. Spike’s body responded to Xander’s arousal, but he could sense something else coming from him too.

Xander was naked and his cock was hard. His eyes looked like steely pieces of coal as they bore into Spike’s and there was no sign of the usual warmth or mirth.

“What’s this then Love, a new game?”

“Don’t talk.” Xander brought his lips within millimetres of Spike’s and Spike quelled the natural urge to latch on to them. Xander hovered over him, warm breath touching his lips as though it were feathers, making them tingle and twitch in anticipation. Spike waited, biting his tongue to stop it from darting out and tracing the cupid’s bow that looked so inviting.

Xander breathed in deeply and closed his eyes. Then warm cheek was against cool cheek, equalising the temperature as Xander stroked Spike’s with his own. He repeated the action on the other side, this time crossing Spike’s forehead and chin. He moved to his throat and placed his tongue flatly over the mark he had made. He was still for a few seconds as if he was trying to find a beat beneath it, then he laved over it, but made no attempt to bite.

He moved further down, kissing and licking his shoulders, nuzzling the curling hair in his armpits, and trailing down his torso until he couldn’t reach anywhere else without moving.

“Xander.” Spike said weakly.

“I said don’t talk.” His speech was guttural. He shifted until he was between Spike’s legs and then resumed what he was doing before over lower belly and thigh tops, deliberately avoiding his balls and rigid member.

Spike realised now what it was he had been able to sense before; there was a primitive air about him. He was re-claiming Spike in an animalistic fashion, washing away traces of Angel and replacing them with his own scent.

Many different feelings arose in Spike, all vying for attention. They skittered through him like a disturbed nest of spiders and he couldn’t grasp any of them long enough to find out which one was the strongest. Unless you counted the fact that he felt like early America. A newly discovered continent available to whomever fought hardest and dirtiest to make it their own.

Xander had reached his feet now and Spike almost sighed in relief at the knowledge there was only one place left to go. Except he was wrong. Xander was removing the manacles from his feet and then his hands and urging him on to his stomach with a voice dipped in molasses.

“Turn over.”

It would have been more logical to start with his back but Spike knew that this was also about torture. He also knew he could fight this, refuse to be shackled again but he didn’t want to. Xander needed this and so did he.

Xander fastened the manacles again and then pressed his cheek to the back of Spike’s neck, gently rubbing it up and down. He sat astride Spike again, poised above him, and only touched him with cheek, nose, lips and tongue. His hand never strayed near him, which was the very thing that Spike ached for the most.

Upper back, sides, lower back, small of back, thighs. Backs of knees, calves, ankles and feet bottoms; licked, kissed, nuzzled. Spike pushed down into the mattress seeking much needed friction to his throbbing penis.


He stilled at the sound of the voice, thick with lust and possessiveness and something animal that made his cock twitch. He felt the sting at the crease where his ass cheek met his thigh. Pain and pleasure made him squirm but this time Xander held him still with one hand curled around his thigh. He didn’t take much blood from him and for Spike it was over far too soon. That is until he felt the air across his opening as Xander blew gently.

His ass raised in the air in automatic response but Spike relaxed his body and willed himself to be still. He was rewarded when Xander pushed inside him with his tongue and probed inner walls. A moan passed Spike’s lips before he could prevent it’s escape and he was punished when Xander withdrew. He thought briefly of ripping through the shackles that bound him but then something cold was trickled down the crease in his ass.

He caught the scent of maple syrup and then Xander was pushing into him, filling him up and pulling him closer by his hips, jerking the shackles at his wrist and ankles tight. He stroked passed his prostate with every move but Spike’s cock had contact with nothing but air, though it was only scant inches away from the bed.

The implied strength in Xanders arms barely registered in Spike’s brain as Xander increased his pace and maintained his position. Spike whimpered, his cock was weeping cold precum that slid over his sensitive glans and he knew he wasn’t allowed to thrust back even if he had been able to.

He shivered in reaction to the pleasure spreading up his skin, it felt like a million fairies were beating their wings over him. The pleasure warred with the burn in his tight channel and the pain from the manacles as they bit cruelly into his skin; but pleasure won the battle each time Xander hit his sensitive nub.

Xander was relentless, pounding into him without pause, not once losing his rhythm. Spike couldn’t even feel the manacles any more, only the ever growing pleasure that spread from the core of him to blanket the rest of his body. His balls drew in tight to his body and he spilled over the bed with relief.

Xander still rocked into him, a low moan in his throat turning to a growl as he flooded Spike’s insides with warmth. He dropped him back down onto the bed and then he was licking maple syrup from Spike’s buttocks, tasting himself in the mix. Spike felt like jello as Xander unshackled him and turned him over. He tried to raise his arms to pull him into an embrace but Xander dipped down and engulfed his softening cock, bringing it to new life as he sucked him clean.

“Jesus bloody Christ Xander, that was amazing.”

Xander looked up at him around a mouthful of cock, eyes yellow and suddenly fangs were grazing his shaft. There was menace in the look to convey what he couldn’t say. Spike held in a breath. Best not to upset the lover with the big teeth under the circumstances.

He felt Xander relax a bit and his teeth returned to normal. Blunt teeth grazed the underside and tongue traced the prominent vein. He massaged him with tongue and inner cheek as he sucked and pumped him, at the same time fondling his balls. Spike’s knees fell apart and he lay prone, in total submission. Xander scraped a jagged fingernail across his perineum.

“Fuckin’ heeeell.” Spike shouted as he filled Xander’s throat. Xander swallowed and grunted in satisfaction. “Mine.” He said as he reached up, gathered Spike in his arms and bit into his throat. He bared his own throat and urged Spike’s head forward. Spike morphed and sank his fangs into him gratefully and they both drank deeply.

They withdrew at the same time, instinctively knowing when it was enough. His arms still around his Mate, Xander looked into his face. Spike could see his face was relaxed again and his eyes resembled roasted chestnuts. His cheeks were flushed from feeding and loving and Spike’s heart ached at the beauty before him. He licked his lips and swallowed, not knowing that Xander was having similar thoughts to his own.

Despite the dark Xander could see the crystal shimmer of eyes the colour of lapis lazuli, the flush on cheeks and brow. His eyes were irresistibly drawn to the delectable pout on Spike’s trembling lips.

“It’s ok Spike, you can talk again now. But first you have to kiss me.”


Wednesday mid-afternoon, Sunnydale.

Every time Angel’s eyes locked with Buffy’s she found herself torn between blushing furiously because of what they had shared the previous night and dragging him in the training room to do it again. But there was no chance of that they had too many customers. She hadn’t had time to tell him about the dream she’d had, which had seemed more than just a dream. She was still trying to digest all of what Angel had told her after Cordelia’s phone call after lunch.

She was trying her hardest to imagine Xander tearing a demon’s head off without the aid of an axe, or a sword, or a .. Slayer. But then if she believed all that she had been told about his ongoing transformation, she had to believe what he was capable of.

Angel had seemed very distracted after his phone conversation with Cordelia and Buffy had the distinct impression there was something he wasn’t telling her. Call it imagination or good old fashioned intuition but she thought it had something to do with Helena and Tiberius. She had found the story, what they knew of it so far anyway, romantic and tragic and something had uncurled in her chest that she didn’t understand when Angel recounted it. Perhaps it was just Slayer solidarity she was feeling or an infinity with a woman who also knew what it was like to fall in love with a vampire.

Where had Helena found the strength to follow through on her convictions? She had fallen for a soulless vampire but instead of turning her back on her calling she had tried to incorporate the two most important parts of her life, with Tiberius’ help. All for nothing.

The Watcher’s Council were apparently idiots even way back in the land of yore. Instead of listening and gathering information to find out what the Bonding of Helena and Tiberius would mean and if it would be of some benefit to them, they overreacted and ultimately cost Helena her life. True, Buffy herself had been wigged at first, but at least she had listened to Xander and Spike.

Spike didn’t have a soul and Xander loved him, she herself had feelings for him. And hadn’t he proven more than once that he was reformed? Buffy told herself that it was the chip, but in all honesty she no longer believed that. Tiberius had loved Helena without the aid of a soul and he had renounced killing to be with her. He didn’t have a chip in his head. Perhaps things weren’t as cut and dried as she had always believed them to be. Her gazed flew to Angel again, could she love him without a soul?

Angel without a soul had been so different to the man before her now. Angelus, cruel, evil and unrepentant. Was he still in there raging against his imprisonment? Or had he quietly given up and decided to co-exist with his souled half now he couldn’t escape through Angel’s happiness? She had never accepted Angel’s demon but to her shame she had still loved him when he was in charge.

Angel had told her what he knew that morning before Cordelia had rang, but Wesley had found out much more information, which Cordelia had passed on to him. The way in which Helena had died was horrible and Buffy shivered when she thought what would happen to Xander if he didn’t complete the transformation. The biggest problem was they didn’t really know when that would be. At least he wasn’t likely to be kidnapped by a troupe of Giles look-alikes. She decided she would ring Giles and let him know what was happening, just as a crystal ball was shoved unceremoniously under her nose.

“Excuse me Miss, I said do you wrap purchases?” Buffy smiled brightly.

“We do, I’ll do that for you.” She rang up the sale and wrapped it. It wasn’t as good as Anya could do it yet, but at least it was much better than Willow’s attempts.

Giles would totally wig about ‘The Tiberius Manifesto, he had bemoaned its sad lack of appearance on many occasion. May be he would be too busy with his new life now to be bothered. Buffy doubted it, she could almost see him salivating before he got his hands on it.

Angel was watching Buffy over a book from his vantage point away from the afternoon sun. It had been very strange making his way here through the old sewer tunnels he had used so often before. He’d had a skirmish on the way, a couple of vampires who thought he was encroaching on their territory had taken exception to his route through. They were piles of dust now, but on the upside they had no worries.

He was thinking about all Cordelia had said, but mostly about the prophecy. How could he tell this to Buffy? He had told her everything that didn’t directly relate to him and Buffy Bonding, and the prophecies regarding the Last Slayer. He’d even skimmed briefly over the details of Spike’s reading from Lorne, but he knew that eventually he would have to tell her how far reaching it all was going to be.

He felt guilty, true that wasn’t anything new for him but the fact was, he had been thinking about them Bonding with such longing. He didn’t think Buffy would even consider the idea but if she did, he wanted it to be because she wanted to be Bonded to him, not because she had to be. Arrgh, his head was going round in circles. He was sick of feeling guilty and yearning for things he felt he had no right to, but he couldn’t seem to stop the carnival ride that was his mind.

His thoughts turned to the night before and he could still taste her, smell her and he knew that even now she was aroused. She had let him drink from her in the most intimate way and make love to her and he could feel himself getting hard again thinking about it. He tried to occupy his mind with thoughts of Warren and how they would deal with him when they found him. So far Willow had turned up only a couple of addresses that had recently been leased in Carlton and they had checked out to be other people.

May be they were looking in the wrong places. May be it wasn’t rented property, in fact there was a chance it wasn’t even on the market, not if it was abandoned. They should check out all the derelict places as soon as Willow and Tara arrived with Dawn. Or maybe he would aim to live a little longer and wait for the sun to go down. He looked up as Buffy came over to him.

“Shop’s empty now, all the bad customers have gone.”

“Bad customers?”

“The ones stopping me from doing this.”

She sat on his lap and wound her arms around him, pulling him in for a kiss. It was bliss to do this and neither of them ever wanted to stop. The bell rang over the shop door. Willow and Tara grinned at them and Dawn pretended to make noises of disgust, but she couldn’t pull it off around the grin on her own face.

“Hey you two.” Tara said as she got nearer.

“Hey you two. Can I just say ‘Buffy’s with Angel’ for a few minutes out loud because it gives me a happy?” Willow practically skipped over to the table.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Buffy wriggled on top of Angel’s erection and gave him a coy look. Dawn noticed the look.

“What? What did I say? Oh you are so gross, I meant are you good?”

“Relax Dawn, we are of the good.” Buffy thought about getting off his lap but thought better of it. Willow and Tara put their bags on the table and sat next to Angel.

“What’re you researching Angel? Anything in particular?” Willow beamed at him.

“Actually I’m glad you’re all here now, there’s a lot we have to tell you.”


Early evening, Thursday, LA.

Xander breathed in the warm evening air. He could smell the delicate scent of night blooming jasmine and his thoughts turned to the garden at Angel’s Crawford Street mansion back in Sunnydale. The last time he had been by there it had still looked unoccupied, and he wondered briefly if Angel still owned it. It was a creepy place with bad memories so he hoped not.

The stars were out tonight and he thought that if they were waging a battle against some kind of sky cloud demon they would win through sheer weight of numbers. He had left Spike inside with the others munching on the last chicken wing, but he knew he’d follow him out as soon as possible and light up a familiar smoke. He could hear them all talking and his heart swelled with his new-found happiness. His world had never been so good. Admittedly, he had left totally human behind a few exits back, to get to where he was now, but who said this feeling came cheap?

The truth was that although Xander was obviously changing he hadn’t stopped feeling humane, just a lot more predatory and possessive where Spike was concerned. How would he cope when they returned to Sunnydale? He did have to go back to work. Hopefully the crazy need to be close to Spike all the time might have passed by then and he would be able to function normally. He certainly hoped so, just being this far from him now was driving him nuts but he’d really needed some fresh air and some time away from the crowd.

He could hear a slight rustling in the bushes and looked around to see if Spike was playing a game. An owl hooted from a nearby tree and stared back at him as if to say he may be a superhero now, but not that impressive. It proved it’s point by twisting his head 180 degrees and back again. It blinked a ‘so there!’ at him.

Xander didn’t see the black clad figures at first, but he could hear their hearts beating and picked up on the smell of adrenaline and fresh sweat. He looked around startled at the gate-crashers and he barely had time to shout Spike’s name before they were on him from every angle.

They dropped a net over his head and yanked him off his feet. As soon as his back connected with the floor he pistoned both feet out and knocked two of the figures back with a blow to the gut. He swung his fist and felt the satisfying crunch of someone’s nose give way and his teeth sprouted from his gums.

He tried to flip back to his feet but he was tangled in the net and seriously hindered. The figures were eerily silent and fluid in their movements, obviously trained well for their work. He was pretty sure they were human so he supposed technically he couldn’t kill them, but once he was free he was going to put them in a world of hurt.

He could hear Spike and the others rushing to the open doors now but then the courtyard was swamped. They all jumped into the fray assuming battle positions Buffy would approve of. Gunn downed a couple without breaking stride, Wesley had engaged one of the attackers in hand to hand combat and was using moves that left Xander with his mouth open.

Spike was on the floor nursing his head. He had charged straight in with fists and feet as soon as he’d seen Xander on the floor, but the chip had triggered before his fist had connected with anyone.

Xander forced himself to calm down, and took in deep breaths. If he was going to get out of this net and help Spike and the others he had to be methodical. He found the edge of the net and pulled it over his feet and up his legs, so far so good. He saw Fred back slam her elbow under someone’s chin and stomp on their foot before knocking them over.

The net caught on his shirt buttons and in a moment of clarity he understood Spike’s dislike of all things patient. He freed the buttons and was just about to pull the net over his head when he felt a sharp prick in his right bicep. He swung out awkwardly with his left fist and left a net print on the partially hidden face of his attacker. The hypodermic needle was still sticking out of his arm and he yanked it out. What ever had been in it was now in him.

Spike made his way over to him on all fours and hoped the others would hold off the intruders until he could free him. Two pairs of yellow eyes locked together with silent purpose but he didn’t make it. Three of the figures descended on Xander and lifted him up between them. Xander tried to fight them but his limbs felt like lead.

Spike rushed them with a roar, murder on his mind. He was rewarded with a punishing kick in the belly that felt nothing compared to the pain shattering his skull. The other’s were all occupied, fighting one on one with skill and dexterity, but Cordelia had a bruise already forming on the left side of her jaw line and Fred had lost her glasses.

Wesley and Gunn turned from their opponents at the sound of Spike’s primal scream and automatically moved towards Xander’s would be kidnappers. They were held back and Xander was carried from the courtyard, unable to move but shouting Spike’s name.

As soon as Xander was out of sight the other fighters stopped and retreated. Gunn, Wesley and Fred chased after them but they appeared to vanish into thin air. They fanned out to scan the immediate vicinity but found nothing at first.

Cordelia dropped to her knees next to Spike and gathered him into her arms. He was crying openly now and that did nothing to dispel the agony ripping through his head. He had wanted to tear them all limb from limb and bathe in their blood. He hadn’t felt this murderous since he’d had the implant forced inside his head but the bastard sons of bitches had Xander. Fred, Wesley and Gunn came running back into the courtyard all gasping for breath.

“They seemed to just vanish into nowhere, but then Gunn saw two black vans pull on to the main road. They were gone before we could get in the car and follow ‘em.”

“They didn’t have any lights on until they got to the traffic lights or I would have spotted them sooner.”

“Come on bleach boy let’s get you back inside, geez the lengths some people will go to just to get a hug from me.” Spike staggered to his feet.

“What the bloody hell just happened? Nobody knows us in Los Angeles, why would they take Xander?” He was still clutching his head and the room swam before his eyes. Cordelia and Fred helped him to the circular couch in the lobby.

“You’ve been seen out in public with Angel, that may be enough for either of you to be targeted by one of his enemies, especially Wolfram and Hart.” Wesley handed Spike a glass of water and a couple of painkillers.

“Who are you now, Florence bleedin’ Nightingale? We have to find Xander.”

“We got used to this routine when Cordy’s visions used to be painful. And if we’re going to find Xander, you’d be in a better position if you aren’t crippled by pain.” Spike conceded his point reluctantly and took the pills.

“What would Wolfram and Hart want with Xander? Is this to piss the Pouf off because they should know that won’t work. They have been more pleased with the results if they had taken one of you lot.”

“I can only assume that they’ve a vested interest in the Tiberian Prophecies. Either that or they’ve found out about you and Xander Bonding and ..” Wesley broke off as nausea invaded his stomach.

“What? Wesley tell me.” Spike stared in horror as he realised exactly why they would kidnap Xander. Wouldn’t he make an interesting specimen for the lab coats?


Brittany, August 1689.

Helena forced her eyes to open but closed them again at the light that invaded and punished them. Her head felt dull and it throbbed with pain from the crack to her skull when she was trying to fight of her captors. Her hand went automatically to her belly and sought the life growing inside her womb. The heart beat was steady and she breathed a sigh of relief. Tiberius! Her eyes flew open again and she tried to struggle to her feet.

The bed beneath her felt much too soft and it wobbled as she fought to get off it. She heard movement in the corner of the room and turned towards it, giving up her struggle for the time being. Hermione Machette was sitting in a chair waiting for her to awaken and she rushed to her side when she realised she was trying to get up.

“Helena, my child, shuush, everything will be alright now. I, we will take care of you.”

“You do not understand, I have to get back, Tiberius needs me.” She took in the grim determined line of her Watcher’s mouth and realised with a sinking heart that there was not a chance she would help her escape.

“You are free of that scum now, it may not seem like it, but eventually you will see that you are better off. We could not save him but we can save you.”

Helena tried to think back to the attack. They had swooped out of nowhere it seemed. She had been running through the estate grounds and only stopped for a breather. They must have been hiding in the trees above her. How long had they been watching them before they struck? More importantly where were they all now? Hermione was holding a cup to her lips.

“Drink this my dear, it will help with the pain.” Helena pushed it away and struggled to get off the bed again. Hermione was taken aback by the sudden force of energy that burst from Helena as she jumped to her feet. She moved straight for the door only to find it locked. Not a problem for a Slayer under normal circumstances and Helena twisted the lock off the door thinking these were hardly normal circumstances.

“Helena! Please you are not yourself. If you will just give us time.”

But Helena was through the door, her heart beating sickly in her throat at the fate that may have befallen Tiberius. They were in a cottage of sorts and Helena found herself in a cosy living room, a fire burning merrily in the grate and absurdly she could smell something cooking.

There was roughly a dozen people, field operatives she guessed, poised ready to fight. She was stronger than she used to be since the Bonding, but in her present weakened state didn’t fancy her chances against so many. She turned to Hermione, yellow eyes glinting in the fire light, unaware that her teeth had descended.

“Please tell me what happened to Tiberius. Did they kill him?”

Her Watcher looked back at her, her face displaying a mixture of emotions. Horror and compassion flitted across her face for a brief moment, but they were replaced by something hard and resolute.

“They have rid the world of that monstrosity and I know that one day soon you will rejoice. There is no point in leaving, there is nothing to go back to.”

Helena refused to panic and sent out her thoughts, searching for something to connect her to her love. She could feel him and her shoulders sagged with relief. Hermione took it as defeat and tried to lead her back to the bedroom. Helena needed to think. Why had her Watcher lied to her? Her head was beginning to clear now and she knew that there was no point in going off on some half formed plan, they would only find her and bring her back.

Her features returned to normal and she allowed herself to be led back, but she sat in the chair and refused the bed. Hermione relaxed, thinking that Helena had bought her lie, at least for now. If they could just keep her away from him long enough to break his hold over her, she wouldn’t want to go back any way; unless it was to kill him. She pressed the drink back into Helena’s hands and bade her drink.

“What is in this exactly Hermione? How do I know that I am safe here with you?”

Helena’s lips trembled as though she was fighting back tears and she was but not the tears of grief for Tiberius that Hermione believed them to be. She was mourning the loss of her friend and mentor, who she knew believed that she was doing the right thing by her. She silently forgave her the lie.

“I can understand your reluctance to trust me. But I think you know that I would not do anything to deliberately hurt you.”

Helena nodded and a silent tear spilled down her cheek. She sipped tentatively at the drink proffered and could tell immediately that it was only herbs and a natural pain killer. She needed to be rid of the pain in her head if she was going to formulate a way to escape without the Watcher’s Council on her back.


Late Thursday evening, location unknown.

Xander awoke and wondered if he and Spike had indulged in a demon drinking session that had gone way over the top. His head was pounding and his mouth felt dry, but he didn’t feel sick, that was definitely a bonus. He was confused because he couldn’t feel his lover and he nearly always woke up with Spike wrapped around him in some way.

He looked across and realised that he wasn’t in their bed at home, nor was he in the bed at the hotel, he didn’t know where he was. Then he remembered. The scary guys in the black ops gear, the struggle and the look on Spike’s face when they had carried him away. Some superhero he was turning out to be.

The room he was in was expensively furnished and the bed he was lying on was firm but plush. Soft light shone from a wall lamp by a door and heavy drapes were pulled across one wall. A huge mirror hung on the wall opposite him and he could see a very attractive woman reflected in it, sitting on a high backed chair with a speculative look on her face. A goon in a suit was standing next to her near another door, his face expressionless. Xander sat up slowly and turned to face her.

“Must have been a hell of a party, or at least I hope so with this hangover.” He flashed her a tepid grin, she didn’t look too dangerous.

“It’s the drug we injected you with, it’s just to keep you sedated, make sure you can’t get vampy and kill me.” Xander stared at her in surprise, did he know her?

“My name is Lilah Morgan and I work for a law firm called Wolfram and Hart, you may of heard of us.” She smiled coolly and stood up to walk towards him.

“I think you got the wrong guy, I’m nobody. I mean I didn’t do anything, I’m an upstanding citizen, I don’t even get library fines. Bad example seeing as I don’t borrow books, but hey, no parking fines or speeding tickets.”

Xander knew he was running off at the mouth but there was something about her smile that frankly gave him the heeby jeebies. That and the fact that she had kidnapped him. She stopped in front of him and admired the way he looked.

“We didn’t get the wrong guy, it’s just that we only got one guy. I had every intention of bringing both of you in, you and your boyfriend, but I‘m surrounded by incompetence unfortunately. Still it’ll do, for a start.”

“What do you want?” Xander wasn’t keen on her close proximity, she was like a snake poised to strike so he readied himself for attack. She backed up a few steps

“Well you are a very unusual case you know, I would imagine a lot of people would be interested in you both.” Xander couldn’t get his head around what she was saying. All of a sudden he and Spike were famous? How had it all got out and why here in LA?

“What do you want with me and Spike now?”

Lilah narrowed her eyes at him and held out her hand to help him to his feet. Xander was so surprised by the gesture that he took it and stood up.

“That’s better, now I can get a real good look at you. You are quite the looker aren’t you? I’m surprised Angel didn’t go for you himself.”

“Lady you have no idea how much that’s never gonna happen.” Lilah raised her eyebrows at his outburst.

“Is that regret or revulsion I hear?”

Xander understood now why Spike liked his questions to be answered straight away; it was so annoying having to wait for the answer. He felt anger surge through him from nowhere, they had taken him away from Spike. Some of it must have shown on his face because she stepped back some more and Suit Guy started to walk towards them. Lilah put her hand up to stop him.

“It’s ok, he can’t really do much to get away in his weakened state. He can’t really do anything except hit me and I doubt his chivalry’s dead yet.”

“Don’t count on it.”

The goon had a gun but Xander thought he could move quicker than him. He felt his teeth itch but they didn’t descend, just left a dull throb in his gums. Damn, where were his super powers when he needed them?

He didn’t want to hurt them especially he just wanted to get away, back to Spike. Lilah walked around a little, enjoying the position she was in, the power she had. How much did Angel care about this one and how much could she make him hurt because of it? She turned her thoughts back to the matter at hand.

“We wanted to do a couple of tests on you, so we took the liberty of taking a sample or two of your blood. Of course that’s the easy part, the rest will be, shall we say? A little more intrusive.” She smiled her viper like smile again.

“Spike will find me, you should know that.”

“I’m counting on it. I also know it will do him or you no good at all, he’s useless against humans. You will find everything you need through that door there. It leads to a living room, a kitchen which we have stocked for you, and the bathroom. Enjoy your stay.”

She turned her back on him and together with the Suit disappeared through the door they had been standing next to when Xander first woke up. As soon as they had gone Xander sprinted after them and tried the door but it was locked. He walked over to the other door and went through it with no problem.

It opened onto a den, it was big and again expensively furnished and opulent. Plush couches and deep shag pile carpet made it look inviting. There was a wide-screen television in the corner and a DVD player. Next to them stood a CD system and a collection of CD’s and DVD film.

Xander went over to the drapes and pulled them back. There was nothing behind them but wall space. He looked around for a ‘phone and realised that was a futile gesture. He reached in his pocket for his cell, but it wasn’t there, he must have lost it in the scuffle.

He went back in to the bedroom and pulled back the drapes in there.

At least here was a real window . It looked out onto open fields from what he could see, it was almost pitch black out there. He decided to check out the other rooms, seeing as he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. Two doors led of the den, one in each corner facing the drapes. The one on the left opened onto a bathroom containing a bath, wash basin, toilet and shower stall.

He opened the door to the other room and felt around for a light switch. A fluorescent flooded the room with light that hurt his eyes and made his head pound some more. He shielded his eyes until he got used to the glare and then went in to explore. The fridge was well stocked and he seized a carton of juice, tore it open and drank straight from it.

He looked around, carton in hand and thought longingly of the kitchen at home. A naked Spike walking round it, bending over every counter available in the pretence of reaching for something or needing something to lounge against. Xander felt his heart start to thump more quickly in his chest. He wanted Spike, needed to feel him right now, hear him and see him.

He thought vaguely of what Lilah said, he realised they wanted to open him up, see how he worked now. He probably should have had a million questions that needed answering right now, such as would he survive it and how had they known about them? He slid down the wall to his knees, carton still in hand, and thought about none of them. Through his pounding head all he could think about was when he would see Spike again.


Brittany, August 1689.

Helena lay in the bed shaking and trembling as though she had the ague, and her vampiric features rarely slipped. It had been 8 days since they had taken her from Tiberius and the full extent of their actions were now being unveiled. The first three days and nights she had spent formulating a plan of escape. She had decided to acquiesce with everything that Hermione suggested for the time being, allowing her to believe that she thought Tiberius defeated.

The numbers of field operatives had dwindled considerably by the start of the third day, but already Helena was suffering some kind of terrible withdrawal process. Her guts wrenched every time she tried to eat and the mere smell of food made her nauseous. At first she had thought it was morning sickness but quickly realised that she was craving Tiberius’ blood.

Hermione had tried to placate and sooth her with a concoctions of herbs and fruit teas that not only made her feel worse, but also made her afraid they might affect the baby. It became apparent by the fifth day that her inability to continue to Bond with Tiberius was a far greater threat. She drifted in and out of consciousness, hallucinating and delirious for much of the time.

She had experienced some lucidity on the evening of the seventh day when she had awoken to dreadful stomach cramps and her bed covered in blood. Hermione had reacted in horror when she had realised what was happening to her, and for the first time seemed to be in some doubt as to whether they had handled the situation in the best way. How could they have known that this ritual would result in conception?

She had cleaned Helena up and held her through her sobs of anguish, fully bearing the weight of guilt for the first time. What had they done? She needed to get Helena to a hospital and fast, they weren’t just dealing with withdrawal symptoms any more. She had a terrible suspicion they had been wrong on that score too, because even before her miscarriage, Helena had not been getting better; she seemed to be dying.

Every time Helena closed her eyes she could see his face, her love, Tiberius. Each time her heart broke a little more because she was sure that the time had passed for them, that even if she some how made her way back, it was too late. She wondered vaguely if the next Slayer had been already called. If she hadn’t, it wouldn’t be long.

Hermione paced the cottage living room waiting for Andre’ to bring the carriage around to take Helena to the nearest hospital, 60miles away. She had decided that if Helena survived this terrible ordeal, one that she herself had been a willing party to, they would not tell anyone of the child. The Watcher’s Council were responsible for some harsh acts in Hermione’s experience, some of it necessary, some of it unavoidable, but this; this was something else.

Hermione heard the approach of horses and went quickly to the window near the door to look out. She shielded her eyes against the sun‘s glare, looking for Andre’ The door was slammed back knocking her to the floor and Tiberius stood before her, fully vamped out in a murderous rage.

“Invite me in Watcher!”

Hermione scrambled back from the door and managed to get to her feet. She had known Tiberius before he had been changed and had always liked and respected him. It was hard to see him like this, a demon wearing his face, and she was terrified because she knew that she was part of the reason for his rage. Tiberius stepped over the threshold with a triumphant grin, loathing pouring off of him as he swepped by Hermione.

“This is not your home, only the prison you have made for my Helena.”

He marched towards the bedroom and straight through the door. Hermione grabbed a cross and a stake and followed him, but he brought his fist up and back over his shoulder. It hit her full in the face and sent her flying backwards, she sank in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Helena had heard the commotion and it brought her out of her dreams. Wait, she must still be dreaming because she could see Tiberius and she wanted to scream at her mind to leave her alone, to just let her die now in peace.

Tiberius brushed her hair from her sweaty forehead and wrapped his arm around her shoulders trying to absorb the convulsive tremors that continuously shook her thin frame.

“Drink Helena, you have to drink.”

Tears flowed freely down his face and he raked a talon across his wrist and brought the flow to her lips. Helena pushed him away and coughed feebly, spasms forcing her to gulp for air. It passed after a few moments and she actually drifted out of consciousness for a while. Tiberius shook her gently.

“Helena, please, you must try to drink.” She licked her lips, her dry tongue offering little moisture, and opened her emerald eyes.

“It is too late Tiberius.” She whispered hoarsely. “I am glad you are here. I so wanted to see you before I go.”

Her eyes were the only thing of brilliance that appeared to remain of the girl he had fallen in love with. Her hair lacked it’s usual glossy lustre and her skin was cracking and papery to the touch. Yet she clutched his hand with a strength that belied her tiny frame.

“They did not know ..” She gasped for air again. “..it would come to this.”

The heartbreak and rage he felt settled as a solid mass in his throat, but the only outward sign was his game face. Helena’s bottom lip trembled and a small sob escaped her throat.

“I needed to drink from you, for me and our baby.” She turned her head away from him, ashamed. “I lost our baby.”

“Shuush, do not try to talk.”

His pain felt insurmountable, how could it be that he had so much only to have it all taken away? He reached for the water on the bedside table and lifted her head so she could drink. She took a few sips before she started spluttering. Tiberius seriously contemplated turning her, for about 30 seconds before the thought filled him with revulsion. He could not perpetrate that abomination upon her. Would she be capable of loving him without a soul? He had done it. But he knew, even if she still loved him it wouldn’t be the same.

“Tiberius you have to leave here, there are other members of the Council still around. If they see you…”

“I did not come alone and I will not leave without you. They can’t defeat me, they’ve tried.”


Later Thursday evening, LA.

Spike paced the lobby holding his pounding head in one hand. It wasn’t doing anything to make the pain go away, but if he didn’t pace he would probably do much worse. Destruction of property for example, which looked more and more likely as the hours ticked by. Cordelia held an ice-pack to her jaw and Fred tried to tape her glasses back together.

“The chances of you being able to fight them are remote at best, that’s if we find them. If Wolfram and Hart are behind this attack, the chances are that they will know enough to post human guards. They also have a lot of resources at their disposal, Xander could be anywhere. It’ll be like looking for a un-named star in the sky.”

Spike threw Wesley a filthy look but didn’t stop his pacing. Patience and thinking through strategic moves just weren’t his style and he’d put up with a migraine for a week if the person he killed led him to Xander. Tears of frustration stood out in his eyes and even Gunn couldn’t bear to look at his face for long because of the anguish etched there.

Fred walked over to him and when he didn’t stop walking she simply fell into step by his side.

“I have an idea, I mean I don’t know how we can find him but I think I know how to make it possible for you to be able to fight humans again.”

Wesley looked up and started to protest, but thought better of it and bit his lip. She had Spike’s attention now, he had stopped in front of her.

“The chip can’t come out if that’s what you’re going to say because it’s embedded in my cerebral cortex. Even the initiative doc wouldn’t touch it and he was in fear for his life.”

“I’m not suggesting that we try to take it out, but I think we could disable it.” Cordelia, Gunn and Wesley all started talking at once but Gunn’s protest was the most vehement.

“I don’t know about this Fred, it’s one thing trusting a vampire with a soul or even one with a chip in his head that keeps him from killing, but what you’re suggesting is that we put a notorious killer back on the streets, just so’s he can save his boyfriend.”

“Gunn, shut up.” Cordelia glared at him. “I say we should do it. He loves Xander and he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise that.”

“Hey, I am still here you know!” Cordelia ignored the interruption.

“I know what he was like when he was evil and oddly even then he had some sense of fairness. Besides those bastards have Xander and we don’t have Buffy or Angel here. Nor do we have time to wait for them to get back from where ever they are at the moment just so we can fill them in. I swear I’m gonna slap Angel upside his head with that damn cellphone if he doesn’t learn how to use it. Sorry, go on Fred.”

“Well I was thinkin’ that they must have encased the chip in a steel shield, otherwise the signal it emits would be interrupted all the time, you know from things like the TV, ‘phones and computer signals that are transmitted by microwaves. In fact they exist everywhere, any broadcasting or satellite systems use them and they’re also used to sterilize hospital equipment. They can also interfere with things like life support machines, that’s why they make ya turn of cell ‘phones when you visit at the hospital.”

Spike stared at her with malice.

“Is the bloody physics lecture going to end any time soon? We just need to know what to do and how to do it.”

“Spike there’s no need to be rude, it is important to hear this because you need to know of any possible risks.” Wesley said.

“Worrying about risks is for wimps, do it, let’s go save Xander.”

“It’s not as easy as that, we would need an energy that can penetrate steel and interrupt the signal governing the chip permanently.”

“What are you thinking of Fred, something like an x-ray?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of a gamma-ray. That’s a packet of electromagnetic energy without mass or electric charge, it travels at the speed of light, and penetrates many materials without leaving them radioactive.” By now everyone’s heads were reeling.

“Could you just put it in plain English for me pet, my head already hurts like buggery.” Spike managed to give Fred a weak smile and she nodded.

“You need chemotherapy.” Gunn shook his head not quite believing what he was about to say.

“Looks like we takin’ you to the hospital.”

“You can’t just walk in a hospital and demand treatment like that, anyway they might just notice that I don’t have a pulse.”

“Don’t worry about that, I can work the equipment, I am a physicist. If the rest of you could keep a look out we should be able to swing it.”

“I‘m not one for looking a gift horse in the mouth, but doesn’t chemotherapy take some time, more than one dose.”

“Yes normally it would, but because you’re a vampire you can cope with a quick blast in a high dosage, any peripheral tissue damage would heal anyway.”

“You’re talking about brain tissue though, won’t it leave him with brain damage?”

“In theory no, Angel heals from wounds all the time and he looks as good as new. Vampires have rapid healing powers so that’s a bonus.” Spike shook his head not understanding what she was getting at.

“It shouldn’t leave you permanently damaged, although it may hurt and it’s gonna make you sick. You won’t be able to do anything for a while.”

“Time’s a wasting then, let’s get on with it.

“Oh we are such dumb asses, we didn’t think to ring Xander’s cellphone!” Cordelia reached into her purse and pulled out a piece of paper with the number on. She punched the numbers into the office landline and drummed her fingers on the reception counter waiting for it to connect. After a few seconds she heard the connection click and then the theme tune to Star Trek The Next Generation came wafting in from the courtyard.

“Fuck off!” Spike bellowed, not believing how the badness kept on coming. He went outside and snatched the ‘phone up.

“Wait a minute, at least he’s got the numbers to the other Scoobies cells somewhere in here.” He handed it to Cordelia. “Why don’t you ring and try to find Buffy and Angel? I’d hold it away from your ear when you tell them where we’ve gone and why.”

“They’ll understand Spike, they have to.”

Thirty five minutes later Spike, Wesley, Gunn and Fred entered the back entrance to the hospital. The place was still busy and they wanted to avoid drawing unwanted attention to themselves. Gunn pointed to the sign that led to X-ray and they all followed it around to the left of the back wing of the hospital.

“What if someone’s using the equipment?” Spike asked anyone who cared to listen.

“Then we wait, but I doubt they will be at this time of night.”

“Here it is, I’ll take a look ‘round.”

“I’ll come with you.” Spike said to Gunn and they both slipped through the double doors.

Wesley stood next to Fred and they tried to look nonchalant as a couple of medical students passed them in the corridor. Her perfume was tantalisingly as it wafted up Wesley’s nostrils and he was very aware of her nearness. Fred couldn’t understand why the hairs on her arms stood to attention as he accidentally brushed passed her nipple with the top of his bicep when he leaned across her to push the door slightly ajar.

Wesley heard Fred’s sharp intake of breath and turned to see if someone was coming. There was no one there. He looked at her and a blush had spread across her cheeks and forehead and she looked back at him with wide eyes. Such pretty eyes they both thought and then Fred looked away.

Gunn poked his head back ‘round the door and Fred flushed even more with guilt. He beckoned them both in and they followed him.

“There’s no one in here and I think we’ve found exactly what you’re looking for. It’s back here in this side room.”

Spike was pacing in between some complicated looking equipment. Fred looked at the machine at the side of him and turned to him.

“Are ya sure you want to do this? Suddenly I don’t know if I have the courage ma self.”

Spike kept his temper in check with difficulty. He knew that he had to jump through some hoops to get what he wanted but he wasn’t prepared for the hoops to keep moving about.

“I’m positive, don’t go soft on me now Texas, I need you, Xander needs you.” Fred exhaled heavily.

“Ok, I‘ll have to do a CAT scan first so I can see exactly where the chip is. Obviously I know where your cerebral cortex is but I have to target the chip specifically.”

Wesley and Gunn left the room to keep watch and Fred told Spike to lie down on the machine. She put on protective gear and started the machine up. Spike moved backwards until his head was surrounded and Fred told him to hold his breath and keep his head still. She disappeared into a side room and clicked off a couple of images.

Wesley and Gunn stood in the corridor outside the doors and wondered what they were going to do if any one tried to enter the room.

“This could take a while Wes, what’s the plan if someone’s tries to go in there?”

“You could try bowling them over with charm and witty repartee.” Gunn scowled at him.

“Alternatively we could just go for the Spock touch and bundle them in to the nearest closet.”

“Don’t we look wicked conspicuous?”

“I dare say we do, perhaps we should have thought of some sort of disguise, dressed as interns or surgeons.”

“Shit there’s someone coming!” A young intern was walking towards them with a puzzled expression on his face.

“Are you lost?”

“Ah, em, I think we must be this doesn’t lead to the wards does it?”

“No it doesn’t which ward are you looking for? Perhaps I could direct you.” There was a harsh scream from inside the room where Spike and Fred were, and the intern jumped in surprise.

“Oh god, did you hear that?”

He tried to push by them but Wesley and Gunn closed ranks in front of the doors. He began to get a little scared at their odd behaviour and thought retreat night be a good move but Wesley put his hand over his mouth and Gunn grabbed him and pinned his arms to his sides. They shuffled backwards through the doors and Wesley looked around the room for something to gag and tie him with.

“Gunn, put your hand over his mouth, I’m going to grab something to tie him up with.”

“Do you really think now’s the time to explore that side of your bad self?” Wesley flashed him a pained expression and Gunn covered the intern’s mouth and spoke directly into his ear.

“We’re not going to hurt you, we just have some business to finish up here and then we’ll be outta your way. Ok?”

The intern nodded frantically. Wesley searched around until he found a roll of bandages. There was nothing to gag him with and he was getting worried that someone else might come along. He took his shoe and sock off and Gunn looked at him in amusement.

“Do we really have time to go paddling?”

He took his hand away from the intern’s mouth and jabbed him in the ribs lightly. As soon as the intern opened his mouth to protest, Wesley shoved his sock in. They forced him to the floor and held his hands behind his back so they could tie them. As quickly as he could he linked the bandages ‘round his ankles securing his feet. Wesley put his shoe back on.

“I’m sorry that this was necessary, we’ll be gone in no time at all.”

“What we gonna do with him now?”

“You go back outside and I’ll take him in there and check on progress.”

“How you gonna carry him by yourself? The question was rendered moot when Fred came through supporting Spike with her arm. He was in game face, is head was smoking a little and he looked like he was going to throw up any time soon.

“Did it work?”

“We won’t really know until he tries to hurt a human, but it should have done. I zapped him real good.”

“Spike are you ok?” Spike answered Wesley by bending over and puking between his feet. The intern was bug eyed.

“Sorry about the mess and everything.” Fred smiled wryly at him. “But it’s perhaps best if you don’t tell anybody about what you saw, our friend here might get mad and come back for you.”

Wesley and Gunn got either side of Spike and hauled him to his feet. Fred went ahead and looked both sides of the corridor, it was all clear. They were out of the back of the hospital and then on their way back to the Hyperion without further incident.


Later Thursday evening, Carlton.

Buffy walked to the front of the abandoned house and wondered if Angel had found a way in ‘round the back yet. She thought this was a waste of time, it wasn’t Warren’s style to hide anywhere so basic; without electricity and other amenities. Still, between them they had enough know how to hook those things up until they found something more permanent.

They had disappeared after Katrina’s murder so she was surprised that the latest attack had been so overt. Perhaps it was simply because she could link them to the murder and they were trying to tie up loose ends. Or may be ‘Aladin Sane’ just had a Jonesing for more blood now he’d already had a taste. Whatever, if she could find them, they could go to jail and she could go back to smoochies. Her cellphone rang just as she reached the front door.

“Buffy? Thank god, is Angel there?”

“Cordelia? We’re in the middle of something right now, I’ll have to call you back.” Buffy whispered.

“You’ve have plenty of time for the sexcapades so put him down a minute this is really important.”

“Here’s not here, he’s ‘round the back of this derelict house we’re checking out, can’t it wait?”

“Xander’s been kidnapped by Wolfra..” Buffy interrupted her, whispering through clenched teeth.

“What? Did it not seem important to tell me this before? Where’s Spike?”

“That’s the other thing, he’s gone to the hospital. They’ve taken him to get his chip thingy disabled.”

“Who they? They can do that?” The front door swung open and Buffy poised herself ready for attack. It was Angel, he shook his head, nothing and no one inside.

“Fred, Wesley and Gunn. It seemed the best idea at the time. Can you get Angel to call me?”

“Wait Cordelia, slow down. Xander’s been taken by who?”

“We think it’s Wolfram and Hart, his kidnapper’s were human and Spike couldn’t fight them.”

“So the most important thing on the agenda was getting Spike’s chip sorted? What about finding Xander?” Angel questioned her with his eyes.

“He could be anywhere, at least this way Spike will be able to fight when we do find him”

“Let me talk to her Buffy.” Buffy handed the ‘phone to Angel. She felt sick, what would they do to him? And if they ever found Xander, what would Spike do to them?

“Cordy what’s going on? Who’s taken Xander?”

“Need you ask? We’re not really sure but who else could it be? It’s not as if they’ve been here in LA that long. We put up a pretty good fight, even Spike tried, but there were too many of them and they only fought long enough to get Xander. It was run like a military operation, they left no clues.” Angel followed Buffy back to the car, they got in and he started the engine up ready.

“Are they using magic to remove Spike‘s chip, because you know those things never go well?”

“No, they’ve taken him to the hospital. It was Fred’s idea, something about using gamma-rays to disable it. Do you think Lilah’s behind this because I’d be quite happy to test Spike’s new killing powers out on her.”

“She’s the only lead we have for now so check it out. We’ll be there if you need us, keep us posted.” Angel hung up and Buffy’s face crumpled, she felt so helpless.

“I guess I’m going to LA after all.”
