Homeward Boundf

By Buddy

Friday morning, LA.

Spike was sitting in the chair because being on the bed made the nausea worse. He tried to get up on his feet, he really did, but every attempt made his head swim and the gorge rise up in his throat. He was letting Xander down, he knew it, vampires didn’t get sick, they killed things and snapped wisecracks; (and made love to their human mate). The pit in his stomach got bigger, he missed him so much. His hand kept straying to his necklace; almost as if touching it would bring Xander back.

“Hey Blondie, why don’t you just sit still and wait until it passes? Fred has already told you it will and Wesley has gone to watch Lilah, to see if she leads him to Xander.”

Cordelia was sporting a still blossoming purple bruise that unfortunately made her look like she had collided with a pissed of boyfriend. She had decided to dwell on the upside, at least the colour of it matched her outfit.

“Might be easier to twinkle his blinkers at her, offer her some action, sounds like she doesn’t normally get any. You can always tell the sort, get their jollies from fucking up other peoples lives. She’ll be so grateful to get the real thing he probably won’t be able to shut her up for a week.”

“Just to remind you, Lilah’s an evil bitch and Wesley wouldn’t touch her with a lamp post; on its side, even if you were holding it.” Spike swallowed bile, this banter was fun an’ all, cut through the constant worry clogging up his throat, but it didn’t stop his stomach from revolting.

“Is that jealousy I hear in your voice pet, afraid you can’t keep him all to yourself?” Spike’s grin froze on his face when he saw the look on Cordelia’s. The only person he’d seen look that miserable lately was Buffy; but then he couldn’t see his own face could he?

“What is it love? Things not going too well?”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about Spike, let’s just stick to the programme. Can you drink?”

“Some water maybe.” Spike swallowed a few sips from the glass she offered him. He was miserable, but that didn’t mean he wanted to share it around any.

“If I hit a nerve I’m sorry, I’m just running off at the mouth, didn’t mean anything by it.” Cordelia looked at him and forced a smile to her face.

“Don’t worry, it’s forgotten.” Spike narrowed his eyes at her.

“You know if you ever want to talk, I’m not a stranger to pain, I might be able to help.” Cordelia felt the words try to spill out of her mouth and bit her lip. Why Spike? Because he asked? She swallowed and blinked back the tear that threatened to spill from the corner of one eye.

“I’m not with Wesley. I know what you think but we’re friends and we both needed a little solace. He loves Fred, isn’t it obvious?”

“But you love him?”

“God no, I’m mean yes but I’m not in love with him.”

“Then who…” Spike stared at her hard for a minute and his heart went out to her. “You poor bastard.”

“Don’t you dare pity me I..” Spike put his hand over hers and squeezed it tightly.

“Not pity love, empathy. I’ve loved him too you know, still bloody do I suppose, even if he is a big ponce nowadays. Does he know?”

“God no, and you can’t tell him. He’s with Buffy now and he’s happy. That’s all that matters, I’ll be alright, I hope, in about a million years.”

“I’m not gonna lie to you, it might never go away, but you will learn to live with it. Who knows one day someone else may come along that…” Cordelia shook her head.

“This is the kind that of love that stays with you, you know?”

“I’m the master of love that stays with you. All’s I’m saying is that it doesn’t have to stop you loving again, I know.”

“You’re lucky though, this love you have with Xander, it’s a greater love than all the others. And oddly, less twisted.”

“Is it that obvious?” Cordelia grinned at him.

“Isn’t obvious your second name? Come on you have to drink some more water. As soon as you’re feeling better you can feed. Then, you can go and find him.”

“You sound so sure, make it sound simple.” Spike felt his lips crumple, the ache in his heart was unbearable.

“Spike if anything bad had happened, I mean if he wasn’t alive, you’d know. Aren’t vampires supposed to be extra sensitive about these things? Can’t you reach out with your mind or something, I’m mean you’re Bonded now, there must be some kind of link.”

Spike would have kicked his own ass if he could have reached, he’d been so busy wallowing in misery and ok, yacking up the contents of his stomach that he hadn’t been thinking straight at all. He closed his eyes and emptied his mind, shutting out inconsequential sounds and concentrated on the sound of Cordelia breathing.

After a few minutes he could see a vision of Xander before him, tousled earth brown hair, spicy eyes snapping mirth, a smile that could get a straight guy to wonder what he was missing, and the girlies to fling their panties at him. He knew it was a vision he had conjured himself but it was something to focus on.

He refused to let in the emotion that threatened to engulf him and reached out with his mind for Xander’s chi. If he could locate his body’s vital energy then he could determine what state he was in and maybe some idea of where he was. Unconsciously he had started to mirror Cordelia’s breathing, taking in air that did nothing except help him to meditate.

He actually felt the change in temperature, as if his thoughts had hit a pocket of warm energy and broken through the barrier. Then he was revelling in the feel of his lover’s vitality, it caressed him, and he could feel the love that Xander had for him. Then he could feel the mounting sense of fear and rage and it snapped him back to consciousness.

He opened haunted eyes, crystalline and brilliant in their blueness, and met the warmth and concern in soft hazel brown that was impossible to disguise even by the swift arch of eyebrow, and the twist of a lip.

“He’s not far from here and he’s not hurt. I could sense fear, but he’s also mightily pissed off.” Spike sighed heavily and put his head in his hands. “We have to find him before he starts getting withdrawal symptoms, I can’t bear to think he might suffer like Helena.”

“We will; you will.”

Fred stood outside the door with her hand frozen in mid-air, about to knock. She hadn’t realised it was still there and put it hastily to her side. She hadn’t meant to listen, she was just going to see if she could help, if Spike needed anything. Wesley loved her? She thought of Charles, kind, sweet Charles; did he love her? It didn’t matter really because she had already realised, although she had thought it too late, that she loved Wesley.

Could it be true that he loved her too? Perhaps Cordelia had got it wrong, had he ever given her any indication? Heck she was useless at this stuff, hiding out in a cave for almost five years did nothing for a girl’s social skills. Fred thought back to the previous evening at the hospital.

She had felt really hot and bothered being in such close proximity to him and it hadn’t occurred to her that he might have been affected too. But he’d slept with Cordelia, let’s not forget that part. She took a deep breath and tried to pull herself together before she knocked. She opened it and peered inside. Cordelia was sitting on the bed and Spike was in a chair nearby.

“Hey guys, how’re you doin’?”

“I’ve had chip induced migraines that have seemed like a party compared to this. Tell me again when it will get better.”

“It’s only been a night and a morning, you have to give it time.”

“Xander might not have time. You all know what happened to Helena, or have you forgotten?”

“No of course not, but you can’t do anything until we have a lead and Spike, don’t get mad or anything but we don’t even know if it’s worked yet.”


Friday lunchtime, downtown LA.

Wesley watched Lilah park her car and lift her briefcase from the back seat. When she slid out one sun-tanned leg he could understand why anyone might find her attractive; if they didn’t actually know her. He had managed to follow her to the Court House parking lot from the offices of Wolfram and Hart with no indication that she knew she had a tail.

The tall attorney in the passenger seat got out after her and answered his cell phone. Lilah pointed a small square object at the car and Wesley heard it bleep; then she stood tapping her foot impatiently. After a few minutes the tall attorney snapped his cell shut and they both started to walk towards the Court House doors.

Wesley waited a few minutes and then punched Gunn’s number into his cellphone.

“It’s me. She’s just entered the Court House, I fear we may be in for a long wait, make your way to the front and make sure she doesn’t leave in a different vehicle.”

“Sure thing bro, beats bein‘ covered in demon slime for a change.”

Both men ruminated as they sat waiting. Wesley’s head was full of the Tiberian Prophecy and he wondered just exactly how much Angel had told Buffy; it held massive implications for both of them. He would like to talk to Buffy himself at some point and he hoped that Giles could be persuaded to take an interest; he didn’t think he would take too much persuading.

They’d all stayed at the Hyperion the night before, planning their next move and keeping an eye on Spike. Or rather Fred and Cordy had; for a time he had been quite ill. He felt a smile spread over his face at the thought of Fred. He knew he hadn’t imagined last night at the hospital. The moment had been so sexually charged he almost forgot himself and mashed his lips down on hers.

Luckily he had done nothing of the sort because other wise Gunn would have caught him. That made him feel disloyal but he couldn’t help how he felt about her, and if Fred returned just a little of what he felt then maybe things weren’t so perfect in paradise. He sighed, life was always so complicated and he had no idea how to sort this out with out someone getting hurt.

Gunn parked his truck in a side street where he had full view of the Court House main doors. He kept his eyes peeled for traffic cops because he was parked without a permit. He unwrapped a club sandwich and his thoughts turned to Fred. He felt very protective towards her, true she was doing nearly as well as Cordy in their training programme, but emotionally, well that was something else. He thought her pretty and funny and she made him feel worthwhile on a personal level. She had taken the place of Alonna.

He knew that she was bewildered because their relationship hadn’t progressed on a physical level and he’d wondered about it himself at first. But now he’d worked it out, he’d thought he wanted a girlfriend, but what he’d ended up with was a surrogate sister.

He knew he had to tell her but he didn’t know how. After everything she’d been through he was afraid that breaking up with her would put her back to square one. The doors opened and he sat up to see who it was but it was a false alarm. He settled down for a long wait.


Saturday afternoon, Sunnydale.

Buffy stood with her arms folded and looked at Angel with a stubborn look on her face. She wasn’t used to being questioned, or more to the point she wasn’t used to listening once her mind was made up.

“Buffy listen to me please, we went through this all yesterday. I can understand that you’re worried about Xander, but Wesley and the others can handle it. They handled everything every thing just fine whilst I was in Sri Lanka, and I was gone for three months.”

“Apparently so can Spike now. Just exactly how did that decision get made any way?”

“Do you really need me to answer that? Any way I don’t blame anyone least of all Spike, I would do the same if I were in his position and it was you they had taken.”

“I know” she said quietly.

“We can’t keep running back and forth, between here and LA, every time there’s a situation. All we can do is make sure that everyone has the necessary skills and let them do their job. A good General trains his troops so he can delegate.”

“So he can then disappear for warm fuzzies with his honey?” Buffy looked up at him wearing a guilty smile, she knew he was right but she felt like Xander was her responsibility.

“It’s the only way he can be sure they‘re any good. Seriously though, things aren’t exactly quiet around here and we still haven’t found this Warren or his lair.”

“We will, I have pick up Dawn from Janice’s for her shift here, which starts in half an hour. I’ll meet you back here, then later we can go back to Carlton and scout some more if we haven’t found anything solid to go on. Perhaps you and Willow can continue with the research. Speaking off which I think you’re holding out on me. The Tiberius Manifesto, what’s up with that?”

Angel looked at her with a neutral expression, no blinks.


“We’ll talk about it later. Don’t worry about Xander Buffy, he’s not exactly without resources of his own these days.”

“Call me if you hear anything before..”

“You get back, you know I will.” He drew her to him and kissed her softly.

“We can make this work.”

“ I know we can, it’s just gonna take time and effort. Don’t worry it’s my new motto.” Angel looked at her. “I don’t know what my new motto is yet, just that that’s a part of it.” She looked up into his eyes that mirrored the love in hers.

“It’s all worth it. I love you Angel.”

“I love you, be careful.” He kissed her again and then she shouted goodbye to Willow and Tara.

Angel wandered over to the table where Willow sat. She was online searching for the possible whereabouts of Warren’s hideout, checking listed buildings, museums and ok so she was running out of ideas. The truth was she was too worried about Xander to concentrate and she wasn’t really paying attention.

“Hey Willow.”


“Any luck?”

“Nah, I’m still looking, I could just write ‘ass’ on the wall and smack it. And I can’t stop thinking about Xander. Are these lawyers really evil? Dumb question, I know, they’re lawyers.” She looked glum at first and then her expression changed to outrage. “Still, they can’t arbitrarily decide to kidnap people and expect there to be no repercussions.”

“They pervert the law, they don’t exactly live by it.”

“I wonder what Giles will make of it all when he gets back, well if he does, he didn’t give Buffy a definite answer I don’t think. I miss Giles, he always knows what to do.”

Angel still felt odd talking to the gang on his own, it made him think of Angelus and how much he had hurt them all, especially Giles. His soul may be bound to him now but atonement was still as elusive as The Holy Grail.

“Spike could try reaching Xander psychically, they’re linked now so he might be able to get a feel of where he is.”

Willow clapped her hands excitedly.

“Oh oh, I’ve just had a thought. I can try to reach him telepathically, that’s not really using magic is it?”

“Technically no, it’s simply using an enhanced ability, a lot of people could do it if they practised.”

“He’s so far away though I don’t know if it will work.”

“Find anything yet?” Tara came over to the table and smiled at Angel shyly. He was so big and male, it unnerved her a bit but she was getting used to him. He was as awkward around all of them as she used to be so she could relate.

“No but I think I have found a way to help Xander, but I might need your help.” Tara sat down beside her.

“What do you need?”

“ I want to reach him telepathically, but seeing as he’s so far away, I could use a boost. Think we can do it?”

“I can’t believe we didn’t think of it before. We should do it now.” Willow turned to Angel.

“What was the last thing you heard from LA?”

“Spike’s already gone out searching.”

“Do they know if they managed to disable the chip?”

“You’d better ask Gunn and his flat nose that question?”

“Oh.” Willow looked back at the screen without really seeing anything.

“I wonder if he would kill again? No, I don’t think he would. He loves Xander too much.” She shook her head in answer to her own question. Tara’s head shot up; she‘d been thinking about the very same thing.

“I don’t think it’s just that stopping him Will, I don’t think he would have even before he and Xander got together, I think that’s one of the reasons Xander fell for him.” Tara said emphatically. Angel wrinkled his forehead.

“Maybe not people he cares about no, and not just to feed, but if anyone gets in his way where Xander’s concerned, I don’t think there are any guarantees.” Willow and Tara locked eyes.

“We’d best get on with it then. Angel can you mind the shop? We’ll just be out back.”

“Can’t we just shut it up for a while?” Off their looks. “Ok, I’ll do it. How hard can it be?”


Saturday afternoon, location unknown.


Xander jumped and dropped the knife he was using to cut up some cheese. He watched as it seemed to travel in slow motion down towards his foot and snatched it out of the air.

“Willow? Oh my god, you can still do the Vulcan mind meld. My foot’s fine by the way.”


“Nothing, I take it everybody knows then?”

“Are you alright?”

“They haven’t hurt me, but I can’t get out. They have me in this gilded cage..”

“They have you in a cage?”

“No, listen to me.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’m in an apartment somewhere, it’s very comfortable here apart from the being a prisoner part. All I know is that there are fields outside and lots of trees.”

“Don’t worry, they’re working on it.”

“I miss Spike Will, I need him near me.”

“He’ll find you…”

“Willow?” Nothing, she’d gone.


Saturday night, location unknown.

Xander sat on the plush red sofa staring at the TV. He had tried to tune into the local news station but the TV was only set up for the DVD player. So he had put The Matrix on just for the comfort of the background noise whilst he considered every avenue of escape, again. He had examined his prison meticulously, but no clues had led him to discover his location or any means of escape. No more word from Willow either, if only he’d had more time to ask about Spike.

The door wasn’t just locked it was mechanised in some way; he doubted even Buffy would be able to get through it. He had tried kicking it and received an impact strain from his ankle to his groin for his effort; not his favourite way to be preoccupied with his balls, but within a couple of hours it had gone.

He was getting desperate now, the time had dragged interminably and there had been no sign of Lilah or anybody else. He was surprised that she was a no-show because the drug they had given him had totally worn off and all his enhanced senses had returned. He thought of the knife that had nearly impaled his foot and the way he had just snatched it out of the air.

The trouble was he was slowly going insane. He had been apart from Spike for two whole days and he could feel the involuntary slip of his countenance from time to time the more he craved Spike’s blood. Spike, oh Spike. He was willing to bet he’d had a headache the size of the gay population after his gung-ho attempts to tear up his human kidnappers. Xander decided it was high time that Tara did the mojo on the chip and got rid of it once and for all.

He watched Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss performing gravity defying kicks and jumps and wondered about his changes. He hadn’t actually seen his face when it changed yet, and he realised with some surprise that he didn’t even know if he still had a reflection. He willed his teeth to descend for the first time since he had seen Lilah, and when they complied he was so surprised that he cut the end of his tongue.

Blood seeped into his mouth and he could taste echoes of Spike in it. It was comforting and dissatisfying at the same time. Like not finding Spike to put his arms around, but instead finding one of his worn t-shirts to bury his nose in.

Curious, Xander went into the bathroom and turned on the light. His reflection in the mirror looked surreal and he almost turned to look at whoever was behind him. His teeth looked as jagged and elongated as any vampire’s and his yellow eyes looked feral. What would the others make of this, would they be wigged?

Xander sincerely hoped he would have the opportunity to find out. At least Dawn would think it was cool, she would probably ask him to change often, like it was some kind of party trick. Suddenly the ache for them all was too much to bare and the fear he’d been controlling broke free and enveloped him like a nefarious cloak.

If he couldn’t find a way out himself would they find him? It was a shame teleporting wasn’t part of the new and improved Xander package. Xander turned away from the mirror and flipped off the bathroom light. His eyes widened suddenly and a grin spread across his face.



Saturday, lunchtime, LA.

Spike came down the stairs two at a time and caught the surprised looks on the upturned faces of Cordelia, Gunn and Fred.

“What did Wesley find out?”

“I take it you feelin’ better then?” Spike turned on him impatiently

“That‘s enough small talk. What. Did. He. Find. Out?” He ground out through clenched teeth.

He approached the desk where they were all standing and it was though they all realised at once the enormity of disabling the chip. Gunn automatically went into protector mode and then felt foolish when he remembered that Cordy and Fred could take care of themselves.

The whole thing was totally lost on Spike, he didn’t take in their anxious expressions or the aggressive pose that Gunn struck up.

“Who do I have to kill around here to get answers?”

He pulled out a smoke and lit it in the hope that it would give him some patience, he appeared to be surrounded by idiots all of a sudden. Had they forgotten what was at stake?

Cordelia and Fred visibly relaxed when he looked at them like they were insane and wasting his time. It was obvious he was just blowing off steam, so they told him about the stakeouts that Wesley and Gunn had been sharing for the last two days.

“Where is he now then?”

“They’re taking it in turns at following her to see if she leads us to him. Wes has his cell, he’ll call if anything happens.”

“Any word from Angel or Buffy?”

“Yes Buffy wanted to come out here but Angel’s trying to persuade her what a bad idea that is.”

“I bet that went down like a cup of cold vomit with her Highness.”

“Eeew! And yes, but Angel’s right we have to trust one another to do our jobs if this thing with Angel and Buffy has a chance.”

Spike caught her eye and smiled at her and it was so full of warmth that for a moment Cordelia was insanely jealous of Xander. It was odd having emotional support from Spike of all people. Maybe there was something to the idea that vampires can love without a soul theory, as well as show kindness and loyalty and courage and oh god she felt like she’d been hit by the sappy stick.

Gunn was scowling.

“I ain’t laughing bro’, don’t be making threats, idle or other wise or I’ll have to kick your ass.”

Spike looked at him and realised he had lived for a long time for a moment such as this. For the first time in what seemed like forever he was being threatened by a human and he didn’t have to put up with the humiliation of not being able to do anything about it. Also it didn’t mean he had to actually do anything about it; he was left with the power of choice. He gave Gunn a chilly grin.

“Fancy yourself as a bit of a Blade type don‘t you?”

“Don’t be comparing me to no bad ass vampire, I ain’t got no demon in me!”

“I shouldn’t worry too much about that, with the way things have been going lately, I suspect you might be next for demon parts and you can read that any way you choose.” Spike flashed him a smirk and Cordelia batted at Gunn‘s arm.

“Stop discriminating against my kind, or I’ll kick your ass.”

Gunn forced himself to calm down.

“Point taken. Ok we’re waiting on Wes, Lilah has to make a move some time.”

“So then, where does she live?”

“Oh she’s got this real nice apartment out on Wiltshire. Why?”

“Because I’m not waiting any longer for her to lead us to him, I’m going to make her take me to him.” Cordelia raised her eyebrows.

“Sorry you can’t be a member of this team, you use logic and that goes way over our heads. There’s one thing for sure, Lilah won’t expect you to be on the offensive. If she is behind this kidnapping then you can bet your bottom dollar she knows all about you and your chip. I think I’ll come with you just to see the look on her face.”

“You can’t be serious man? What you gonna do exactly if she calls your bluff? Kill her?”

“No of course not, but she doesn’t know that. I’ll just hurt her enough so that she knows I could kill her if I wanted to. That should do the trick.”

“I think we should wait on Wesley, or at least call him. Besides you don’t even know if you can do anything yet.”

Spike’s fist shot out and connected with cartilage. Gunn’s head snapped back in surprise as much as anything else and then Cordelia was standing between them with her hands up.

“Now we do.” Said Spike and drew deeply on his cigarette. Cordelia slapped his arm.

“You enjoyed that way too much Mr!”

“Son of a bitch that hurt!” Fred looked from one to the other anxiously. Spike shook his head and sat down on one of the plush sofas facing them all.

“Nothing personal mate, I’m just tired of being pushed around by humans. I can understand that you’re worried so let me put your mind at rest. I’m not about to start feeding on the unwilling again, and I won’t be going on a killing spree. But if this Lilah knows where Xander is and doesn’t take me to him, I can’t promise to play nice. Now before you get on your high horse about morality and how superior humans are, just think how you would feel if she’d taken Doris here. Get my drift?”

Gunn nodded, which hurt his already swelling nose. Damn he hated grey areas and this was seriously fucked up. But he knew Spike had a point.

“I see where you’re coming from, it wouldn’t just have to be Fred either, it could be anyone of ma family.” Spike nodded at him.

“I’m going alone, least that way if I have to get rough none of you have to get your knickers twisted. I’ll call you for back up when I know where we’re headed.”

“Spike are you sure about this?” Fred wished Angel was here.

“You know as well I do that Angel wouldn’t play this any differently. Now tell me how to get to her place without bursting into flames.”


Saturday, after sundown, outside Lilah Morgan’s apartment.

Lilah brushed her hair out of her eyes then pulled her door key out of her bag. She had won the Van de Meer case just yesterday, a fact that had go down very well with Linwood Murrow and the senior partners; it practically had promotion stamped all over it. So the fact that she was bone tired from another Saturday at the office, and she still had to go and deal with the Harris kid when they brought him from their secure unit did nothing to wipe the smug smile off her face. Spike emerging from the shadows however, did. He flashed a trademark grin and slid in between her and the front door.

“I thought I would wait for you here, get acquainted in the hallway so you don’t have to bother with pesky invitations.” Lilah looked down her nose at him with a sneer.

“Why? You can’t do anything. Or have you come to try some of that famous charm on me?” She slid appreciative eyes over his whole body, he wasn’t anything like Angel but he was hot for one of the undead. Still, she couldn’t resist taunting him.

“This must be really frustrating for you, you don’t have a soul or the moral complexities that go with it, you’re just on a leash.”

Spike’s face changed rapidly and he was beside her in a second, his hands gripping her shoulders and his fang tips at her throat. He heard her heart speed up and her breathing quicken and smelled the sweat that broke out on her forehead, in her armpits and down her back He moved his head back slightly and looked up at her.

“I don’t believe in morals honey and leashes can be snapped, now tell me. How long will it take to get to my Boy?”

It wasn’t that Lilah didn’t get scared, when Angel had locked her in Holland’s wine cellar with Darla and Drusilla, she had been as afraid as the other lawyers locked in with her. No, it wasn’t that she didn’t get scared, she just never let it stop her getting what she wanted. It wasn’t that she didn’t think about dying either, but she lived in an ivory tower and it had always seemed an acceptable risk.

If the chip had been working, by all accounts he would be on his knees by now. She had read Spike’s ‘resume` and she didn’t think death was going to be the problem. Not nearly as much as a nasty bout of torture and blood letting. She silently kissed her promotion goodbye.

“It’s probably too late anyway, there’s a team already been sent to pick him up.”

“We’d better be quick then hadn’t we?” He grabbed hold of her arm and pulled out Xander’s cell with his other hand. He flipped it open and pressed speed dial.

“Wesley, I’ll be there in a minute, start the engine, I’ve found a posh bit of totty to give us a few directions.”


11pm Friday night, Bath, England.

Giles picked up his glass and poured more wine. It wasn’t so much that he was very drunk, more that he had lost his peripheral vision about two refills ago. He had put some music on and dimmed the lights a bottle of wine back and now he was sprawled out on the sofa with a pretty female sitting at his feet.

“I’ll be alright if I can just remember what ‘verb’ means and ‘adjective’ and ‘conundrum’. I seem to have forgotten.”

“Is there a special reason why you need to remember now?” She was charmed by his lack of inhibition. This was their third such encounter and she had thought him a little stiff until tonight.

“I have a new job where I will need words and their meanings you see.”

“A new job doing what exactly?” Giles giggled like a schoolgirl.

“I’m going to be a librarian.”

“But that should suit you down to the ground, you have done it before.”

“You think I’m stuffy and uptight, don’t worry, as soon as the scotch kicks in you’ll discover more of the real me.” He downed his wine unceremoniously and reached for the bottle of spirit on the floor.

“I think that may have already happened, you have had quite a lot of wine.”

“Not nearly enough, but I plan to remedy that right away. Care to join me?” She frowned, seriously wondering if that was a good idea.

“The meal was very nice, but perhaps I should go now.”

“Must you? I have a thesaurus over there on the desk I thought you might help me.”

“Ok then but perhaps I should make coffee first?”

“That’s no good. Coffee won’t do it, it doesn’t put things into perspective you see. I need perspective right now because I have a choice. I can take the new post or go back to the old one.”

“Well isn’t that nice? To have a choice I mean?”

“Therein lies the problem, there isn’t really a choice. Just when I think I have escaped, the fates pull me back in. I should expect nothing less but I was lulled into a false sense of security. One can’t possibly know what I do about the world and merely pretend it’s all a dream.”

He wore contact lenses now but force of habit still had him reaching for his glasses. He missed the calm ritual of taking them off, cleaning them, chewing the ends thoughtfully and using them for dramatic underscore. He missed them terribly and was amused that the only person who might understand that from a personal viewpoint was Spike. Spike with his incessant smoking understood the need for props, not that he would ever admit it.


“It’s fitting that you should call me Giles, Rupert’s an impostor, a pretender to a life he can never have. Did you want to ask me something?”

“You’re charmingly drunk and not making a lot of sense. Does this mean we can‘t have sex?”


Saturday night, location unknown.

Xander was beginning to think that this was Anya’s way of punishing him. He had called her many times but she was till a no show. The oddest thing had happened before Willow had managed to make contact with him. He had felt Spike in the room and then it was as though he had touched him from head to toe. He didn’t think it was his imagination, and the important thing was that it had helped.

The fear he had been feeling had slowly coalesced into a burning rage. It was stoked each time he remembered how happy he had been feeling just before they had abducted him. Every time he missed Spike’s touch, which was all the time, and each time he craved his blood.

Rather than give in to the need to tear the place apart, Xander was holding onto that rage, because when they came for him, and he knew they would, he was gonna tear someone an new asshole. He was pacing the floor in the bedroom. Why not he’d already paced the other rooms, this was at least good for a change of scenery.

He had eaten and drank and watched TV, he had peed and brushed his teeth and even risked a quick shower. But he had barely slept at all. He daren’t risk the possibility they would come for him whilst he was asleep, but he wasn’t tired. The rage kept him going.

He heard the rattle of the lock tumblers, and pushed the bed back against the farthest wall; he needed as much room for this as possible. His heart raced a little but it was under control, just enough to get the adrenalin pumping through his veins. The door opened and five men walked in, one in a suit, who Xander recognised as the one who had been with Lilah the first night, and four dressed the same way his kidnappers had been. Xander took stock of them as though his mind was a Polaroid camera. Their faces were uncovered, their expressions bland, but he named them in a heartbeat. Large, Skinny, Scar Face and Earring and they were all packing heat.

His eyes widened, he didn’t fancy his chances against a bullet with these odds, but on closer inspection he could see they were tranquilliser guns. The guy in the suit started to walk towards him, a smile plastered on his face and to most he would look as cool as he looked confident but Xander could smell the fear. He heard the race of his heart and he could see the little pebble of sweat forming on his hairline.

“Something I can do for you guys?”

“Just come with us quietly Mr Harris.”

“You’re a funny guy. I’ll bet you expect pigs not to squeal when they smell the abattoir.”

“You misunderstand, this isn’t about slaughter, we want you very much alive.”

“We have something in common then, the part where we both want me alive. The problem is I prefer me in one piece also.”

Xander didn’t take his attention off the heavies for a second. They had fanned out behind Suit Guy in a semi-circle their guns pointed towards him. He felt the change come over him without coherent thought and the clarity of his senses sharpened. He pistoned his arms out before Suit Guy had time to react and pulled him towards him.

He chopped the side of his neck and silently thanked Mr Spock for the heads up. As he pitched sideways Xander snatched the gun out of Skinny’s hands and hit him under the chin with it knocking him backwards. Large kicked the gun from his hands, but before he could point his own to take aim, he found himself with his arms full of platinum tornado.

Spike kicked backwards at Earring, knocking him into a small table, he wrestled Large to the floor and punched him in the nose. He took immense delight in the feel of his knuckles collapsing bone and cartilage. Xander leaped sideways and tackled Scar Face before he could raise his gun high enough. He pinned him under his weight and took the gun from his hands.

Lilah was pushed through the door, held by Wesley and followed by Gunn; they were both carrying staves. Large fell into the blessed hole of unconsciousness after Spike hit him a few more times, his gun falling on the floor beside him. Earring tried to shake the fog from his brain but before he could actually do anything, Gunn hit him in the gut with his stave, knocking the wind from his chest and any further attempts at attack from his mind.

Spike and Xander got slowly to their feet, yellow eyes locked and they unconsciously licked their fangs as the smell of their blood assaulted each others senses and let them know this was for real. They seemed to held by some kind of paralytic glue that they couldn’t free themselves from. Finally Xander smiled and attempted to speak around the huge lump in his throat.

“Hey Spike, what kept you?”

Wesley stared hard at Xander’s face and it dissolved back to its human guise. It was the first time he had seen him like this. He held Lilah by the arm, his fingers biting into her but she hardly noticed because she was staring too. And then their view was blocked by blond hair as Spike leaped forward, gathered him in his arms and plundered his mouth.

Xander wrapped his arms around him and thought he would never let go. It was like coming home again and he figured that he would have to stay stuck to him for three days straight to make up for lost time. As they kissed they swayed and circled around, clinging on for dear life and wondering if the others would notice if they just shagged each other right here and now.

Gunn coughed in their direction. “You know without the music guys, you just look stupid.” But he grinned at Wesley. He gathered up the tranquilliser guns and turned to Wesley. “I guess we just got a few more pieces for our arsenal. I’d say it been a much better day all ‘round, if we don’t mention cracked noses that is. What say we get out of here?”

“Yes, that’s a good idea.” Wesley let go of Lilah.

“I suggest you don’t try to pull a stunt like that again Lilah. Do we understand one another?”

“In principle. Just answer me one question though Wesley, how exactly does Angel justify is soul being anchored? He can’t seriously think he’s redeemed himself already.” Wesley looked at her steadily. He wondered when they would hear about it at Wolfram and Hart.

“You don’t need to concern yourself with that. Just rest assured that if he ever decides to kill you, it’s Angel doing it and not Angelus. I trust it won’t come to that.”

Lilah shot him a pinched look.

“This isn‘t over. Now if you don’t mind I have a mess to clear up.”


Spike and Xander spent the whole journey back to the hotel wrapped around each other in the back seat of Wesley’s car. Gunn and Wesley kept their eyes firmly ahead, but Gunn did ask them in a very polite voice,

“Would you mind too much not providing us with surround sound as well as panoramic views?”

Neither Wesley or Gunn said a word when they bit into each others throats and drank greedily, but Wesley stared in horrified fascination through his rear view mirror and realised with a start of surprise that he could see Spike too. He motioned to Gunn to look in his wing mirror.

“Hot damn, now we know!” He burst out.

“I’ll say, this is fascinating, I can’t wait to see what’s next.”

Xander and Spike retracted their fangs from each others throat and licked the wound to stem the flow of blood. They were vaguely aware of the commotion coming from the front seat but they were too preoccupied to care.

Spike raked his hands through Xander’s hair and the whiskers that would soon be a beard, and thought again about sex in front of the others. He settled for kissing him but almost forgot himself anyway when he heard the moans escaping from Xander’s throat. He remembered to let him up for air and checked him over for injury. Xander snuggled him to him and stroked lightly over the welcome home in Spike’s jeans.

“If you two don’t mind an interruption, there’s something you should know. We now know one of the ways in which the Bonding Ritual will effect Spike. Take a look in the mirror both of you.”

Spike grinned back at himself for the first time in 122 years and Xander’s mouth fell open.

“This is really gonna piss Peaches off, not only can I see myself again, I’m so much better looking than he is.”

When they arrived back at the hotel Spike let Xander go long enough to allow him to give Cordelia and Fred a hug before he dragged him up the stairs.

“Xander! Thank god, did they hurt you?”

“You know if you keep being nice to me Cordelia, I’m gonna start thinking that we‘re in Stepford.” Cordelia grinned at him.

“As if I’d ever marry you!”

“Me neither, you might have the demon in you but you don’t have the balls, unless there’s something about your demon parts you’re not telling us about.” He put his arms out and gave her a hug, and Spike turned to Fred.

“You have a marvellous brain. Thank you.” Fred blushed furiously, pleased and embarrassed, and happy when he hugged her too.

“It was nothin’ really, I’m glad I could help.” Spike slipped his hand in Xander’s and started to tug him towards the stairs.

“I’ll thank the rest of you later if you don’t mind, we have some catching up to do.” And they were gone.


As soon as they got to their room Xander sank back on the bed, his eyes never once leaving Spike’s. Spike sat astride his lap and pinning him there gripped his hips with his knees. He pulled his t-shirt off and when he couldn’t get Xander’s shirt off quickly enough, he reached ‘round the back of him, ripped it up the back seam and tore it off his arms. Xander scrambled to get his t-shirt off and then Spike was pressing his cool chest against him; seeking the thump of his heart and the warmth of his skin.

Spike’s tongue teased Xander’s earlobe, licked inside the rim and sought his inner ear. Xander squirmed as shivers caressed his neck. His fingers wound their way into Spike’s hair as he attempted to touch every strand; he intended to re-acquaint himself with every inch of him.

Spike turned his attention to Xander’s mouth, licking the bottom lip and tracing the outline of his cupid’s bow, savouring the taste before seeking entry. Xander’s soft breath tickled Spike’s lips as he parted his own willingly, hungrily, curling his tongue around Spike’s and drawing it in. Tongues massaged each others and they cupped the sides of each other’s face, the kiss ever deepening.

Tongues started to dance as they plundered every crevice and traced every tooth. Then fangs were slicing into soft flesh and a cocktail of blood and saliva spread across taste receptors, triggering sensory overload in their heads.

Cool fingers teased Xander’s zipper and then the heel of Spike’s hand was stroking up the bulge filling his jeans. His head still reeling, Xander bucked into it desperate for friction, and oh god had it really been so long? He fumbled with Spike’s belt buckle and then they were both tearing at jeans to get to bare flesh.

Xander dropped to his knees and Spike kneeled behind him rubbing his cock in the crack of his ass. With a snarl he bit into his own wrist for lubrication. He coated his cock then he gave his wrist to Xander, who latched on and sucked greedily. Spike entered him with a grunt and leaned over him to bite into his neck.

Time and the universe fell away for both of them and all that existed was each other and the moment. Spike came back to earth as he plundered his lover’s body with quick, shallow thrusts, relishing the welcome feel of his warmth surrounding him once again. He fisted his cock and wondered if he’d found religion as with each pump he thanked the PTB that Xander had come back safe and sound.

Xander bit harder into Spike’s wrist and drawing deeply, spilled over Spike’s hand. He thrust back against Spike faster, forcing him deeper into him, wanting to bring his lover release and after a few moments his insides were flooded with cold come. They fell forward in a tangled heap, utterly spent.

Spike’s wrist throbbed where Xander had bit into him and he stared at it, it was physical proof that Xander was back; as was the trembling form in front of him. Xander felt as though his insides had been rearranged but he wanted the ache to last until Spike did it again.

Spike planted wet sloppy kisses over Xander’s shoulders, the back of his neck and down his back. Xander reached back and put his arm around Spike’s waist and it felt like he was holding on for dear life. Spike turned him over so he could see his face.

“Did they hurt you?”

“Of course they did, they took me from you. But nothing physical apart from the craving. Did you feel that?

“I was too sick to tell really, mostly I just felt scared. I was scared for you and what they might do to you and missing you was a physical ache.”

“Spike, let’s go home.”

“I am home, where ever you are, I’m home.” He kissed him tenderly and felt desire rise again. He wasn’t in a hurry to do anything that prevented them having sex, sex and more sex. Xander broke away after a time.

“Spike how did you do it, fight the humans?”

“There’s a bit more to Fred than meets the eye. She disabled the chip, made me think I was going to die all over again! That’s why I couldn’t come for you sooner, but it doesn’t kick in any more. I can fight a human, stop them bloody well threatening me, trying to hurt or kill me.”

Spike looked at Xander’s face intently trying to gage his reaction. Xander eyes were as big as saucers and then a grin broke out all over his face.

“To coin a popular William the Bloody phrase, ‘It’s about bleedin’ time.’”

Xander and Spike felt the air around them thicken, there was a flash and then Anya was standing before them.

“Hello Xander, I came as soon as I could. With the nakedness displayed before me I assume the two of you did too.”

“Anya!” Xander was too surprised to even try to cover himself up.

“Yes that’s me. Is it time for our chat? Because if it is I appreciate the embellishments, but I should tell you I’m not into threesomes. In theory they’re very erotic and I suppose they could be satisfying, if it wasn’t for the awkwardness and petty jealousies that inevitably follow. Besides, I have someone of my very own.”


“Yes Xander we’ve already established that, or is there another shape-shifter on the loose and you’re just double checking?”

“No and could you turn around please? We both have a serious case of nudity going on here.”

“I have seen you naked before. Of course it’s the first time I’ve seen Spike naked and I have to say you both make a pretty picture.” Anya smiled and nodded her head.

Spike was grinning from ear to ear. This was the stuff he loved about his existence. The part where it could go from heart wrenching angst to comedic farce in the space of hardly any time at all. He pulled the duvet off the bed and draped it over the pair of them, which meant he didn’t have to stop touching Xander.

He stroked the downy hair on Xander’s thighs and then moved up to the hair surrounding his navel. He had very cleverly bunched the duvet around them so Anya couldn’t see what he was doing, and he could tell by Xander’s newly awakened erection that despite the odd situation he didn’t entirely hate it.

“I called you ages ago. What happened to ‘call me and I’ll be there‘?”

“I do have a job you know.” She looked mildly uncomfortable. “And I was half-way around the world. This isn‘t Sunnydale, have you moved?”

“Not exactly, it’s a long story but we’re in LA, Angel’s hotel to be precise. I actually called you because I was kidnapped and no one knew where I was. I couldn’t get out myself and I thought you could lead them to me.”

Anya wrinkled her nose and shook her head as if she was puzzled. She sat down in the chair by the bed.

“Why would anyone want to kidnap you? Have you come in to some money?”

“Sadly, no and it’s long story that I will tell you another time.”

“At least you got away, did they hurt you?”

Anya’s concerned expression betrayed the feelings she had been hiding behind jaunty banter. She accepted that Xander was with Spike now but that didn’t mean the feelings she had for him had vanished entirely. Every time she thought of him it was like poking a bruise. Seeing the two of them together didn’t make her wish for the relationship she had with Xander back, so much as covet theirs.

“Happily I’m still in one piece. How are you? Still meeting out the vengeance?”

“Tired. Do you think they’d let me stay here for a while?”

“Well we’re going home soon, I have to go back to work, but I guess that won’t be tonight, I’m sure Angel wouldn’t mind. As long as his co-workers aren’t turned into trolls or something.” He flashed her a nervous grin.

“Where is everybody else?”

“Angel’s back in Sunnydale with Buffy. Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn and Fred are downstairs. Did you say that you had met someone?”

“No, I said I have someone.” Again the uncomfortable look. “You know the more I think about it the more I don’t believe we need to talk at all. You see I have it all worked out. It’s not that you didn’t love me, it’s just that all along you loved Spike more.”

“I did?”

“Yes, I used to catch you staring at him sometimes and all that hostility between you could only be covering up sexual tension. I didn’t believe we would actually make it as far as our wedding day..”

“Would you like me to leave while you have this chat?” Spike enquired not really taking much notice of the exchange but stroking up the length of Xander’s cock with lazy fingers.

“No that won’t be necessary, as I was saying, I didn’t think we would make it to the actual day. It’s just that when we did I hoped that I had been mistaken about how you felt about Spike. You did hurt me, very much, but you didn’t really surprise me, you just needed a legitimate way out. Inadvertently I provided it, it’s funny how the things you do have a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. When I say funny I don’t mean hilarity, just in case you’re wondering.”

“I get it, irony’s a bastard.”

“All those things you were worried about wouldn’t have seemed so huge if we’d been right for each other would they? I bet you don’t worry about them with Spike.”

Spike stopped what he was doing and Xander threw him a grateful smile. He put his head in his hands. She had been in the room all of five minutes and already she was making him cringe. How come she had known those things about him before he did? He looked at her in dismay but then he remembered why he had loved her.

It wasn’t just that she had loved and needed him, though they were huge factors. It was the fact that she was as bewildered about relationships as he was and they had grown up together in that department. A lot of the time Xander had still felt like a terrified child and Anya had made him feel less alone because she had felt exactly the same way. Some of what he was thinking must have shown on his face because Anya gave him a grateful smile.”

“You know something Ahn, for what it’s worth? I did love you, almost as much as I like you. And I’m really sorry for the way I did what I did, I should have spoken up sooner. I didn’t really have any idea how I felt about Spike until we bumped into one another in Dutton, but I’m happy and I hope you are too. With your new guy I mean.”

“Well that remains to be see.” Her expression turned quizzical for a moment and then realisation dawned on her face.

“You’re mated to each other aren’t you? I knew there was something different, I could sense it, see I was right about you two.” Anya looked directly at Spike.

“He only has long engagements when he doesn’t really wish to be married.”

“Ok, this is getting a little too bizarre even for me, why don’t you go down an see the others Anya? Try not to do any vengeance, in fact be very careful, Gunn’s a kinda chop your head off ask questions later kinda guy. Wesley’s…different to how he used to be and so’s Cordelia. You’ll like Fred I think, she’s very nice, she disabled Spike’s chip, I’m thinking of starting a fan club.”

Xander stopped, the babbling was hurting his brain. There was an uncomfortable silence that let everyone know just how important Xander’s ability to run off at the mouth sometimes was. After a few minutes Anya looked at Spike.

“I’m glad they disabled your chip, at least now you can defend yourself from human attack.”

“Thank you, I only hope Buffy shares your sentiment.”

“I’ll go meet the others then.”

“Spike and I will join you when we’re packed to go.”

“I thought you weren’t going tonight.”

“Well I’ve changed my mind, this place is getting too much like Grand Central Station.” Something suddenly occurred to him.

“You know if you ever visit us at home, a little warning might be nice. It’s not that you’re not welcome it’s just that I need to know that I have somewhere to be naked and private with my vampire.” Anya smiled emphatically.

“As nice as it is to see you both without clothes, I won’t be taking liberties. I’ll go and see Cordelia, she can introduce me to the others, whilst you two have more sex and make up for lost time. How long were you gone exactly?”

“Two nights and two days, I think I might move to England, d’ya think that’s far enough away from the Hellmouth?” Anya got up and walked over to the door.

“This isn‘t easy for me Xander, but I‘m glad you’re happy.”

“Thank you Anya.“ She closed the door behind her.

Spike groaned loudly with frustration.

“Can’t we just ignore them all? I haven’t done with you yet.”

He nibbled Xander’s shoulder and swept his hand up and down his side. Xander leaned over and captured his lips and they kissed for a long time. He held on to him tightly, still not able to believe he was in his arms once again.

“Bizarre things happen to me all the time, yet I’m amazed each time I find a new level. I think I’ve had enough of LA for now. Who would have thought we’d be safer on the Hellmouth?”

“Yeah. Is that why you want to go back sooner rather than later?”

“Partly I guess, but I miss watching you walk around naked while you cook me dinner. I miss the fact that at home we can fall asleep on the living room floor after we’ve made love and it doesn’t matter if we’re still naked in the morning because the only people that will see is us. I’m fed up of being the centre of everybody’s attention who isn’t you and I want to just forget about prophecies and the implications of Bonding and just go home and do it some more. You with me?”

“Wholeheartedly, but before we go I think we could fit a little something in to tide us over don’t you?” Spike reached between his legs to fondle his balls gently, and Xander’s swollen member twitched.

“Less of the little if you don’t mind, or I won’t be fitting it any where.” Spike smirked at him and left him to climb up on the bed.

“Not even if I do this?”

He lay on his back and spread his legs and reached down for his own hard cock. He started to stroke himself lightly and trail the other hand lazily across his chest. Xander just watched him for a few minutes, mesmerised by the uninhibited display of Spike pleasuring himself. Spike looked at him through half-lidded eyes enjoying the hunger reflected back at him.

“Kiss me Xander, I want to taste you again.”

Xander climbed up the bed slowly and sank his body on top of Spike’s. He touched his lips gently with his own and they parted as if the touch meant ‘open sesame’. Spike’s mouth was much warmer than usual and for a second Xander wanted to pour the whole of his body in to bask in it.

They could taste themselves and each other as their tongues feasted without restraint. Xander pressed his cock down on Spike’s and started to rock slowly, creating delicious friction for them both. Spike instinctively reached for Xander’s hips and couldn’t resist sliding ‘round to cup and stroke his ass cheeks. He had missed every curve and hollow of this body so much and was reluctant to ever stop touching it.

He wrapped his legs around Xander’s waist, exposing his opening to searching fingers. Xander reached in to the top drawer of the table and pulled out the lube. He liberally coated Spike’s entrance and two of his fingers before pushing them slowly inside him up to the hilt. He worked them in and out until he felt the muscles relax around them and then added the other two fingers. He started to plunge faster, as far in as the base of his fingers would allow . Spike groaned in satisfaction each time he hit his prostate.

“Don’t stop Xander, it’s so good.”

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t thinking of stopping, just wondering if..”

“Yes do it, all of it.”

Xander held his breath as he added his thumb and pushed the whole of his hand in to Spike’s open channel. He cupped his hand slightly as he slid slowly in and out, he didn’t want to go too fast in case he hurt him. He buried his nose in his pubic hair for a moment and licked the crease at the apex of his thighs.

He felt the change come over him and realised he could smell Spike’s blood below the surface of his skin. He licked his lips in greedy anticipation and his thrusts became more aggressive. Spike started panting, his orgasm was very close and Xander wasn’t even touching his cock. Xander bit into his femoral artery and latched on, drawing deeply at the blood that would have spurted had Spike been alive. At the same time he made a fist and plunged back in one more time before Spike came shouting Xander’s name.

His muscles clamped around Xander’s fist and Xander ceased drinking and retracted his fangs from his thigh. As soon as Spike began to relax he withdrew his fist quickly and triggered his orgasm again. Xander crawled back up his body, sliding in the semen coating his belly and chest and offered his throat to him.

He felt the welcome sensation of Spike’s fangs piercing his skin and his hand sliding between them so he could grab his cock. He shifted to give Spike better access and thrust into the loose fist that curled around it. It didn’t take long before he came; he spurted thick, stringy strands of come over Spike’s fingers and told him he loved him in a strangled whisper. Xander kissed him, and their blood mingled once again on each others tongue. They lay kissing for a while and then Spike suggested they make a move.

“I will as soon as I have the use of my faculties again. It might take a while.” He folded him into his arms and wished they could teleport home, it would save them having to get dressed.

“I’m glad we came here on the bike, it means I can be close to you all the way home.”

“Can’t we just sneak out the back way, ring them all when we get back to Sunnydale?”

“What do you think?”

“I wouldn’t do that actually, I was just kidding.”

“Besides we haven’t had chance to thank them properly for not freaking too much about us and all the research stuff Wesley shared with us. At least they can fill us in on the rest over the phone. I wonder how Buffy is taking this prophecy news?”

“It’s just the excuse she’s been looking for, so I should imagine she’s taking it very well with a pint of Angel neg’ on top, baring her throat and laughing ‘cos she gets to do it all in the name of duty.”

“D’you think you’re the only one who knows Buffy?”

Xander couldn’t help feeling snippy, talk like that spoiled his illusions of the person he believed her to be, and if he was honest with himself he was jealous of the easy familiarity in Spike’s voice when he spoke of her. Ok so he wasn’t totally over the predatory instincts that being Bonded to Spike had brought out in him.

“I don’t think I know her any better than you do. You just refuse to acknowledge the bits you don’t care for, doesn’t mean they don’t exist Love. Beside which, she‘ll not only get to live a lot longer they get a chance to have a baby; pretty large incentives I reckon. Surely you don’t begrudge her and Angel all the things that you and I enjoy?”

“No, I really don’t, I’m just jealous right now of anyone that you’ve touched that isn’t me.”

“I’ve just sat and listened to a dissection of your failed relationship with Anya and you’re the one who’s jealous?”

“I didn’t say it was logical.” Xander said miserably.

“Hey, you’re not allowed to be unhappy, I just got you back. This feeling will pass, you know you don’t have any reason to be jealous of anybody else because you know how I feel about you.”

“You’re right, but before we go, you could just refresh my memory.”


Brittany, 1689.

Tiberius was wracked with grief and it was almost more than he could bear. Helena had died after three more days of suffering and he never wanted to witness anything like it again. The pain she had been in was terrible to see and right at the end as she was released, he realised he had been feeling it too.

There was no point to his existence any longer, he’d lost everything. He wasn’t truly a demon any more but a vampire/human hybrid bereft of his Bonded. He didn’t know how long he could survive without her physically; without her blood. The pigs blood he had been feeding from tasted strange to him now and food alone wouldn’t sustain him. He suspected that if they had fed from one another more often the transformation wouldn’t have taken so long in Helena and she would still be alive.

He believed that drinking Slayer’s blood had accelerated the process for him and that was why he had been able to withstand attempts on his existence and why he could walk around in the sun.

The prophecies surrounding the Last Slayer certainly made more sense now: The Powers were giving the world a second chance and once again the fate of it would rest on the shoulders of one girl. But at least this one would have people on her side, her paramour and her clan.

Tiberius wanted to protect her from those who had destroyed Helena. As a legacy to his beloved ‘s name he would finish the prophecies and make sure they were placed in the right hands and kept away from the eyes of The Watcher’s Council.

Perhaps The Powers would allow him time to finish his role in this and then pass over peacefully. His thoughts turned to the monster who had turned him, a revolting looking creature, permanently trapped in his bat-like guise. He wanted Tiberius and his sibyl on his side so he could destroy the Slayer line.

What this creature had not known was that the chain of events he had set in motion would eventually cause the destruction of his own kind. Not one, but two of his own brethren would play significant roles in this apocalypse. His name was Heinrich Joseph Nest , Master of The Order of Aurelius.


Sunday morning, Sunnydale.

Willow was very happy, Xander had called last night to let her know he was safe again and she’d shouted the news to Buffy and Angel as they were leaving. Buffy had come running back in the house to speak to him, closely followed by Angel, but he’d already said goodbye and hung up.

“I wanted to talk to him; I’ll call him back.”

“Perhaps best if you don’t, it sounded as though Spike was bouncing up and down on his knee and he asked him if they could fit in another ‘shag’ before they left for Sunnydale. I think that’s why Xander hung up.” Buffy rolled her eyes at Angel and he shook his head.

“So they‘re headed back tonight?”

“Yes and they’re both fine. Xander didn’t sustain any physical damage and Spike made, er I can’t remember her name.”

“Lilah.” Angel said coldly.

“That’s it, Lilah, he made her take them to where they were keeping him.”

“Is she still alive?” Angel asked her in the same cold tone.

“I think so, I didn’t get anymore details. Well would you carry on a ‘phone conversation if you could have a ‘shag’ instead? I for one would not.”

The relief she was feeling now made her feel comfortable and snuggly, like she did when she wore her PJ’s with the feet or her bunny slippers with the big floppy ears. She didn’t have to hide them any more now that Anya wasn’t around.

The scenery she was looking at gave her a happy too and after a few minutes snuggly PJ’s and bunny slippers were the last thing on her mind. Tara’s face was relaxed in sleep, her eyelashes softly splayed against her skin. She gave a little moan and her brow puckered slightly like it always did when she came. Willow thought it was high time she was awake and turning that dream into a reality.

As if on cue Tara opened her eyes and Willow’s smile filled her vision.

“Hey Baby.”

“You were waiting for me?”

“Not too long. I willed you awake.”

“Did it work?”

“Behold my success.”

“Yes but how long did it take?”

“Ok, about a half an hour.” Willow grinned. “I like watching you sleep.” Tara propped herself up on the pillows and Willow snuggled into her.

“So what did you think about before I woke up?”

“Well I thought about this a lot.” Willow pressed her lips to Tara’s and Tara threaded her fingers through her hair. After a while Tara broke away.

“Is there anything else I should know?”

“Well plenty.” Tara smiled beautifully.

“Is this something that needs rapt attention or can I stay cosy?” Willow snuggled in closer.

“You can do both, it’s a requirement. Before I show you what I mean I should tell you.” Tara stroked her hair softly, letting the strands fall in between her fingers.


“I love my life, being a Scooby, having the friends that I have and being a part of the fight against evil things.”

“You were made for it Sweetie.” Willow reached up and kissed her again.

“But do you know what I love the best? What we share, this little microcosm that’s only inhabited by me and you; it makes it all make sense.”

“That’s good to know, and I know what you mean, it’s the same for me too.”

“Really? Because that’s just the starter. Want the main course?” Willow buried her nose in between Tara’s breasts and inhaled deeply.

“I like the main course already, not talking any more.”

Tara scooted down the bed again and Willow slid over the top of her. She ran her tongue down her torso and gently bit the soft part of Tara’s belly above her navel. This was Willow’s favourite part of her girlfriends body; generous and womanly; it epitomised everything she loved about her.

She slid her tongue into her navel and swirled it ‘round, knowing how much Tara liked it. Tara let out a small sigh and her legs parted of their own accord. Willow moved down her body and gently nipped the insides of her thighs, chasing the nips with licks and kisses. Tara urged Willow to sit up and then curled her legs either side of her.

She cupped Willow’s face and kissed her deeply, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her closer. Then one hand captured her breast and kneaded gently, her thumb bringing her nipple to a peak. She took it into her mouth and suckled, gently at first and then harder, bringing the blood to the surface but not breaking the skin.

Willow arched into her, urging her head forward until Tara nipped sharply and then moved to the other breast. Willow traced the inside of Tara’s thigh up to her pussy and teased the outer lips. They moved their hips closer to one another and Willow brushed her thumb across her clitoris with one hand and explored the slippery warmth of her inner folds with the other.

Two fingers slid easily into Tara’s warm entrance, slipping in and out as Willow thrust them slowly. Tara kneaded Willow’s nipples between her thumbs and forefingers and they kissed again, tasting the insides of each others mouth. Willow swept across her swollen nub and increased the pace of her thrusting fingers. Tara felt her feet getting hot and she held her breath as pleasure mounted.

Willow added another finger and stroking passed her G-spot sent her over the edge. Tara slowly let out the breath she had been holding with a throaty moan. She basked in the afterglow for a while before opening her eyes and leaning forward for another kiss.

She pushed Willow back on to the bed and lay on top of her. She pressed her vulva against Willow’s soft mound and started to fuck her slowly. Willow held on to her ass so that she could set a rhythm and wrapped her legs around her waist. Tara pressed her cheek next to Willow’s and holding on to her shoulders, whispered ‘I love you’ in her ear.

Willow shut out peripheral sound until she couldn’t even hear Tara’s irregular breathing. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the pleasure suffusing her body. Tara’s scent filled her nostrils as she traced awkward kisses across her jaw line. Willow put her legs down and held Tara’s hips still as she felt her orgasm building and needed to be in charge of the pace. She rocked against her, faster and faster until everything fell away and she shattered.

Tara rolled off her and put her arms ‘round her, pulling her close. Willow put a leg across her waist and they kissed for a few minutes.

“Mmmm, that was lovely.”

“It really was. I suppose we have to get up now?”

“Not really, it‘s Sunday, ‘though there‘s paperwork, lots of.”

“What time is it?”

“9.30. Did you hear Buffy and Angel come in last night?”

“Actually I didn’t, did you?”

“Perhaps they were just real quiet. I’ll check before I hit the shower.”

Willow pulled a robe from the foot off the bed and pushed her arms into it. Tara stretched lazily, exposing her naked to form to Willow’s appreciative glance before jumping off the bed and skipping naked into the bathroom.

Willow knocked on Buffy’s door and opened it quietly when there was no answer. There was no one there and the bed hadn’t been slept in. She closed the door and padded across to Dawn’s room. She knocked and opened it when Dawn shouted to come in.

“Hey Dawnie, I see you’re up already, feel like making breakfast why Tara and me get ready?”

“Sure, where’s Buffy and Angel, I don’t think they came home last night, did they check in with you guys?”

Willow was starting to feel a little worried. It wasn’t unusual for Buffy to pull an all nighter when she was patrolling but this was different. She and Angel had actually gone to look for someone who had tried to kill them. There was no point in worrying Dawn though.

“I expect they were preoccupied with the smooching and the talking as well as they slaying.” Dawn gave her a superior look.

“You’re worried about her I can tell, I’m not a kid you know, I can work these things out for myself.”

“I know, I just didn’t want to worry you before we know anything. Have you been down stairs yet?” Dawn shook her head and then went to look.

Curled up on the sofa, dirty, tattered and bruised lay Angel and Buffy. They were snuggled together like two children and they looked as though they had literally fallen asleep before they’d had a chance to get up and go to bed. Angel’s arm was curled around a large dusty tome of some sort, but that hadn’t stopped him from getting as close to Buffy as possible. Dawn smiled at them and decided to get the camera from the top drawer of the bureau . She managed to snap off a few shots before Buffy stirred and glared at her.

“You can’t be seriously taking pictures of me when I look this bad. I can feel a grounding coming on.” Dawn smiled at her nervously, not sure if she was joking or not.

“I’m just about to make waffles, that’s got to be worth something right? You did both look cute, and besides it’ll be something to blackmail Angel with when you can’t get your own way.”

“You’ve noticed that too have you? You’re right he must be stopped. Has Xander called back yet?” Dawn shook her head.

“I spoke to Cordelia after you and Angel went out last night but Xander and Spike had already left. Hey guess who’s staying with Cordelia?”

“I’m drawing a blank this battered and bruised Sunday morning, enlighten me.”

“Anya! Can you believe it?”

“You’re kidding?”

“Perhaps Cordelia thinks she can talk her out of it, persuade her to give up the vengeance again.”

Angel was listening to them with his eyes closed and a contented smile made the corner of his mouth twitch, despite the fact his body still felt battered and bruised. He needed a soak in the bath and some rest in a comfy bed. What were the odds?

“Angel I know you’re awake, you’re smiling. Even undead, none breathing types like your self have to be aware of facial expressions when they’re shamming.”

“I wasn’t pretending to be asleep actually, I was thinking about a nice hot bath and you scrubbing my back.” His eyes flew open and he sat up.

“Did you just say that Cordelia had invited Anya to stay with her?”

“Uh hah. Relax Angel she only curses males who have been evil to their women, for once Cordelia’s actually safe from retribution.” She put her hands up at the scowl on Angel’s face.

“Kidding, I’m kidding. I’m sure these days she perfectly personable.” Angel relaxed back onto the sofa and winced at the pain in his shoulder. Buffy shot him a sympathetic look.

“We took a serious whupping last night, who would have thought a trio of nerds stood a better chance than a bunch of demons against me and you? I want to talk to the union.”


Saturday night patrol.

They had gone back out greatly relieved that Xander was safe and sound, but it had been an eventful night all round for the both of them. Angel had shaken down a few old contacts and found nothing, but then they had ran into a Chinese Murtagh Demon who had called Angel by name. He told them they had been looking at the wrong types of places. Carlton was the right neighbourhood but Warren, Jonathan and Andrew were working and living in a scientific research facility run by a massive drugs company. They had living quarters in the grounds of the complex and weren’t so much hiding as hard to find.

“I do believe our vampire friend lied to us, colour me stunned. Are all Murtagh Demons Chinese or do they have like different nationalities?” Buffy had asked him on the way back to the car.

“They’re indigenous to China, I’ve never heard of one coming into being anywhere else, but they go where they’re sent. Actually it makes sense he would come to the Hellmouth, I’m just surprised you’ve never come across him before.”

“How do you know him?”

“You know me, when you’ve been around as long as I have you come across people.”


“You know what I mean.”

“Cryptic much? He’s like that Yogi character from Star Wars.” Angel laughed at her.

“You mean Yoda. Don’t be fooled by his outward benevolent persona Buffy, he works for the Powers. He’s dictated to by the order of the cosmos, he doesn’t do anything out of the kindness of his heart. He’s there to facilitate the course of destiny, as far as that’s possible in a dimension of free will.” He started the car and pulled smoothly out of the side street they had been parked in.

“So you’re saying he only helped us because he had to, and this will help us to achieve our destiny?”


“I should remind you that I’ve proved the destiny theory wrong a few times now.”

“That doesn’t stop the Powers from nudging any of us towards our true path.

We all stray from it, that’s the thing about free will, but we start to realise after a while that there are easier ways of living our life and if we learn our lessons we end up walking in the right direction again. In theory anyway.”

“So I’m guessing that me dying wasn’t really on the agenda, the second time I died that is? How come you know about these Powers That Be chappies and I don’t?” Angel studiously avoided looking at her.

“Perhaps you didn’t need to until now.” Buffy was quiet for a moment thinking about what Angel had said. It all made some sense, and she thought back to her dream from the other night.

“Angel I’ve been meaning to tell you something but everything’s been crazy as usual. I had this strange dream the other night about me…and you. It was more than a dream actually, it seemed prophetic in a weird sort of way. I don’t know maybe it’s all this talk about Tiberius and Helena.” Angel looked at her sharply. He knew she had prophetic dreams sometimes and it would make sense that she would have one now.

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you about it and then you can tell me what it is exactly you haven’t been telling me. Deal?”

Angel wished he wasn’t driving because he wanted to kiss her until she was breathless - for starters.

His cock twitched when he thought about the way her mind worked and how she cleverly turned things to her advantage. She was as smart as Darla without any of the cruelty. Maybe Buffy hadn’t achieved all she could have academically but there were no flies on his girl; you couldn’t even see where they’d been.

“Deal. I was going to tell you.” Buffy raised her eyebrows at him. “Ok maybe not ‘til I had to, some time next year...”

Angel grinned at her and for a moment she forgot what they were talking about. A grin without malice; he could forget foreplay any time he liked and just flash her a grin. Angel’s nostrils flared as he caught the scent of her arousal. He wasn’t complaining but he had no idea where it came from.

“Buffy?” She shook her head and her hand flew to her mouth checking for drool.

“I was dressed in white, my hair was really long again and I knew you were waiting for me. It would have been perfect except I was scared because the sun was up and you wouldn’t come inside. You told me it didn’t matter, I guess you were protected or something, but you knew before I did why I had come to you.”

Buffy knew there must be a telltale pink tinge across her cheeks because they felt hot, as much from recollecting the dream and how it had made her feel as relating the details to Angel.

“You changed, but it was different, you didn’t get all bumpy. And then you fed from me. I wasn’t afraid, it was like I was giving you a gift. I seemed to know what I wanted/had to do next because I fed from you too. I had fangs and gold eyes, we both had gold eyes and I was me in the dream, but I was watching us at the same time if you know what I mean. Also, I don’t think I was a vampire, I was something else. It was very intense.”

She looked at him waiting for some kind of reaction. His eyes were on the road ahead but he appeared to be holding his breath, which ok, sometimes he did that. When things were important, or he was feeling aroused.

“I had an orgasm, a real one not just a dream one. It wasn’t just drinking from you that triggered it, though that was a pretty intense experience on it’s own. Angel, I felt your heart beating.”

Angel pulled the car on to a grass verge and parked so they were partially hidden by a clump of trees. He turned to look at Buffy and his eyes held an unfathomable expression. He slid into her seat next to her and then lifted her on to his lap with her legs astride him. He was panting softly now and he pulled her close to him and slipped his tongue into her mouth, not waiting for an invitation. He broke away and his eyes were like burning black coals at the heart of a dying fire.

“Would you?” he whispered.

“Would I drink from you?”

“Yes, I know you liked it when I drank from you the other night.”

“That’s not something you can do every day, it’s a kinda of a five out of twenty eight day event.”

“Buffy I’m talking about Bonding, would you consider it?”

Buffy dipped her head down to capture his lips with hers. She could feel the outline of his erection pressed close to her pussy lips, separated by the thin material of her panties and his trousers. She pressed closer to him.

“I don’t hate the idea. I don’t know if I’ll actually like the drinking the blood part but…..” She ground against him again. “I’d like to try it. This has a wider implication for us doesn’t it? More so than Spike and Xander?”

“It’s important that if you do this it’s because you want to.”

“Why else would I do it?”

“Because you had to.”

“Oh. We’re talking destiny here again aren’t we?”

“You always have a choice no matter where life takes you, or what hand it deals you. I can’t do this myself unless it’s something you want.” Angel thrust his hips, creating delicious friction and Buffy’s breathing was becoming shallow.

“Can we talk later?”


Buffy slid off his lap and kneeled down. She ran her hand over his balls and up his hard length before releasing him from his trousers. Angel saw the innocent look she threw him before taking him into her mouth and almost spilled his load right there and then. She devoured him as though he were her favourite flavour lollypop, dragging her tongue up to the crown and dipping it into his weeping slit. She relaxed the back of her throat, slid her inner cheeks smoothly down the length of his cock and buried her nose in his pubic hair before drawing back up to the crown again.

She clasped him with one hand and started to pump him slowly whilst she sucked and licked and dragged her teeth gently over his sensitive rim. Angel was in heaven, this was the first time she had done this. When he felt his balls contract he tried to move so that he wouldn’t spill in her mouth, but she held him down and swallowed when the cold come hit the back of her throat.

“Oh god Buffy!”

He pulled her up so he could kiss her and once again tasted traces of himself on her tongue. Instantly he was hard again and couldn’t wait to be buried inside her hot warmth. He released the seat so that he was lying back and Buffy removed her tampon, dropped it to the floor of the car and guided his cock inside of her.

It occurred to her she ought to check that no one was looking in so she took a quick look around. Nothing, there wasn’t even any traffic on the road at the moment. Normally she preferred naked but there was something erotic about a furtive fuck that appealed to her baser instincts. Buffy had learned a lot about her baser instincts since she’d come back from the dead; she was over the idea of repressing them.

Angel thanked Wesley, The Powers That Be and prophecies written by ancient vampires with fire in the place where their soul should be. He’d been to hell, didn’t love it, but heaven; it’s name was Buffy and he was surrounded by it at the moment and despite the threat they were trying to eradicate, he knew they had to have time for this.

Buffy rocked her hips fast, she just needed to come. She squeezed Angel with inner muscles, raising and slamming her body down. Angel thrust back up; being a superhero was a big plus in the stamina column, and Buffy started moaning as her climax approached.

She thought about Angel’s fangs slicing in to her throat after Faith had poisoned him and the way it had felt when the blood was drawn from her veins. He had taken so much after she deliberately awakened his demon . She had felt the life starting to slip from her body and hadn’t cared because the orgasm that built at the same time was almost worth dying for.

Angel pulled her down to him and looked into her face for permission. She gave it silently and pleasure exploded from her clitoris to her uterus as he gently bit into her throat and drank. He didn’t take much but it was enough to trigger his own climax. She tasted of flowers and air and wisdom and youth. She tasted so different; there was more heartache and loss than before, but there was also more love and understanding and something primal Angel felt a kinship with.

For Buffy it felt like a piece of a huge jigsaw had been slotted into place. Never once had she considered this with Spike, but with Angel it felt as natural to her as breathing. She moved towards his throat but Angel stopped her and kissed her. They kissed for a long time until Angel’s cock softened and slipped from inside her.

“Don’t you want me to?”

“Not yet. You need to know what the implications are first, it’s enough that you would even consider it. Buffy I don’t think I could get any happier than this, are you happy?”

“Do you even need to ask? I though everyone knew, I thought it was obvious from the gap between the floor and my feet. For once I’m not even scared it could all go pear shaped because I want to enjoy every second of it and I refuse to let anything get in the way of that. Angel I love you so much.”

“I love you.” They lay in each others arms for a while and then Buffy stirred.

“We still have to go find Warren, this is the strongest lead we’ve had.”

“Security at this place is going to be tight.”

“Maybe against burglars, but I doubt the guys in charge expect a vampire and a Slayer to test it.” Buffy kissed him again, he looked up at her and smiled.

“I like this side of you, but if you don’t want to do this, I already have more than I ever hoped for.”

“Yeah, like either of us could give it up now. There’s no need to be noble Angel, I want this as much as you do, see I came prepared.” Buffy held up a rucksack.

“Let’s get this over with, the sooner we get home the better.”

They stopped off at a public bathroom so they could change and then headed out to the research complex. Angel filled her in on the rest of the prophecy on the way. Buffy sat stunned.

“I’m used to prophecies where I’m supposed to save the world, I’m used to the Watcher’s Council not playing fair with the truth. I even got used to doing it without you, and now you’re telling me there’s not only a prophecy involving me, you and the Council, it also involves Spike and Xander, and the rest of the gang here and in LA.”

“I’m not sure how involved the Council with be, I just know they tried to suppress all knowledge of the Bonding Ritual between Helena and Tiberius. As far as Wesley’s knows they didn’t get access to the rest of the Tiberian prophecies, so they may not be involved at all, but someone and their army intend to stop you closing the Hellmouth and vanquishing all vampires.” He pulled up outside a sprawling complex of single story units that surrounded a high rise building. It would have looked at home in a Stephen King novel.

“So it’s the Bonding Ritual that protects you and Spike?” Angel looked away.

“Angel, I’ve already told you I want to try this, I know I have a choice. I know the odds are stacked against me saying no, but it’s a choice nevertheless. I’ve made difficult choices before remember? I was willing to kill Faith for you, and this time there’s no one else involved, just me and you, together, saving you.” Angel’s head was down, weighed down by the enormity of it all.

“Angel look at me please. Why would I turn this chance down? So I don’t have to spend eternity with you? Because that’s not something I’ve wanted since I was sixteen years old? There’s all the bonus stuff thrown in too of course, like saving the world and ridding it of vampires.” She tried to lighten the mood with a smile. Angel smiled back.

“You know the hardest part for me since Wesley anchored my soul is trying to adjust my selfishness monitor. I’m just used to not being allowed anything for myself. Actually that’s not entirely true, I have good friends, family. Now it seems as though I can have everything. It’s overwhelming and I’m afraid that my judgement will be off and I‘ll make a bad call.” Buffy pulled him to her and embraced him tightly.

“In that case why don’t you let me take responsibility for my own decisions, and stop worrying, I don’t feel pressured by you or the prophecy. As it happens they all gel at the moment. It sounds like we have some time, we’ll take it slow, let things take their natural course. It‘ll be ok, after all we have The Powers That Be on our side.” Angel heaved out a relieved sigh and smiled at her again.

“Come on Obi-Wan, let’s go get the bad guys.”

*****************************************************************Sunday morning, Summers residence.

“I’m going round to Xander’s later, d’you wanna come?”

“Are you invited?” Buffy enquired.

“Since when did I have to be invited?” Dawn looked outraged.

“Since we found out that Spike and Xander are more than just roomies. You should at least call first and see if it’s…convenient. I’ll do it after breakfast and if it’s ok we’ll all go this evening, I want to check he’s ok after his kidnap ordeal and something really interesting turned up last night that calls for group discussion.”


“All of them actually, and this.” She prised the book from Angel’s grasp and held it up, coughing at the dust that billowed up from it.

“What is that?”

“The Book of Aurelius.” Tara came into the living room.

“What happened to you guys? You look like you barely survived a thrashing by a Whomping Willow.“ Angel looked confused.

“Don’t worry honey, it’s a pop’ culture reference that won’t mean anything to you unless you’ve read ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets‘, it’s nothing to do with our Willow.” Willow walked into the room, and Tara grinned at her.

“No she doesn’t whomp but she has been known to spank on occasion.” Willow wondered why everyone was smirking at her.

“Who‘s getting spanked?” Willow stared at Buffy hands. “Buffy you’ve got The Book of Aurelius in your hands, didn’t that used to belong to the Master?”

“The very same. What we want to know is how and why Warren and his buddies had it?” Willow whooped and clapped her hands.

“You got them? Good for you Buffy, are they languishing in jail as we speak?”

“Not exactly. They got away.” Buffy bit her lip and looked sideways at Angel.

“They had weapons and Angel ended up with a dislocated shoulder. We had to relocate it, no, that doesn’t sound right; we had to put it back any way. This is important though right? Don’t you think it’s a bit wiggy that they had this and I seem to be the next on their list?” Dawn smirked at her.

“Not as important as the fact that Xander’s better at kicking demon butt than you are.” Her face fell when she realised what she had said.

“Except Warren, Andrew and Jonathan aren’t demons. I guess it’s harder to fight back when you can’t actually kill them.”

“Precisely the problem, but I could practice maiming them, want to volunteer as a guinea-pig?”

“I’m going to make breakfast now, bye.” Willow came and sat next to Buffy looking worried.

“Don’t you think this all might be tied in, with the prophecy I mean?”

“Maybe. Can we discuss this later, I so need to get out of these clothes, coming Angel?”

“Will it involve a soak in the bath?”

“You are turning into an old fuddy duddy, you can have an invigorating shower and then it’s press ups for you. The rest of you don’t forget we have training later at the ‘Magic Box’.” Willow’s face fell.

“No mustn’t forget that.”


Saturday night patrol.

Buffy and Angel skirted around the outside of the wall that housed the site looking for easy ways in. Buffy would be happy with any way in actually and in the end it wasn’t that hard. Apparently there was a night shift and they simply walked in behind a truck going through the main gates, and scooted off to the side before either of them could be spotted.

“We just have to look for the van, I figure it would be parked near where they live right?”

“If they’re here.”

“Maybe this is bad idea, we could just tip the police off to their whereabouts and let them deal with them.”

“We could but then we wouldn’t know why they want to kill you.”

“Warren knows I can tie him to Katrina’s murder, with this guy, that’s enough.”

“Still while we’re here, we may as well take a look, there might be something to this place that let’s us know why it is they’re here. From what you’ve told me they don’t strike me as the type of people who have jobs.”

They scouted ‘round the residential buildings staying close to the wall. The residential units were grouped in pairs with two parking spaces at the side and Angel really didn’t like the vibe of the place at all. They passed around thirty of them before Buffy stopped and nodded ahead.

“Bingo!” The black van was parked nearby looking like an insidious sentinel.

“That’s seriously creepy, do you think it might actually be a demon?”

“It’s just a van Buffy.” Angel looked at her with an amused expression.

“Well you never know in this town, they did have a robot for a Slayer while I was dead.”

“What?” Buffy shook her head vigorously.

“Never ask.” They started to walk towards the building nearby.

“There’s no lights on in there, fancy a spot of breaking and entering?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Buffy walked over to the nearest window. She pulled back a fist ready to punch though it but stopped when she heard the soft snicker of the latch when Angel opened the front door. It was central to the building and had windows either side.

“I take it they’re not too concerned about burglars, maybe there is someone in there.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Good, let’s ‘round them all up and get out of here.”

They listened for a few minutes and then Buffy followed him in to a hallway that had four doors leading off from it. Angel felt his back stiffen and Buffy felt the hairs bristle at the nape of her neck.

“There’s something funky about this. The vans parked out in the open, the front door’s unlocked but no one is here. These guys are into some serious technology; why do I feel that those doors are gonna open up into the Tardis or a load of Jeffries Tubes?”

“You watch science fiction now?”

“I don’t need to, none of us do, we have Xander remember? He understands Klingon and has Babylon 5 decorative plates; he’s a font of knowledge really. I try not to listen but it’s like subliminal messaging. Here goes.”

Buffy opened the door nearest to her and poked her head inside. She wrinkled her nose at the smelly sock aroma, and rolled her eyes at the picture on the wall that she could just make out of Jerri Ryan as Seven of Nine.

“I think a beast lives here, maybe a hyena.”

Buffy closed the door and went to the next one. Inside was much of the same, true it smelled a lot sweeter but there was a poster on the wall of Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker.

“Well I’d say a bunch of nerds live here wouldn’t you?”

She closed the door and Angel crossed the hallway to the other side. He opened the nearest door and walked in. A soft halogen glow radiated from a lamp on a desk nearby. It didn’t give much light but it was enough to illuminate the circle on the floor and the Indiana Jones type hat resting inside it.

“You can always tell the obsessed-much, they go beyond the TV show, the books and the films and either take up writing fan fiction or role playing. I’ve heard some do both.” Buffy informed Angel as he stepped next to the hat and bent down to pick it up.

“I don’t think tha…” Angel gave a shout of surprise as the circle closed around his ankle and his wrist and yanked him up towards the ceiling. “..ts a good idea.”

Angel’s face twisted with pain and he felt his shoulder slip out of it’s socket. The rope that tethered him was strong and Buffy looked ‘round quickly to see if there was anything to cut it with. Angel morphed into game face and felt the pain ease as his vampire strength kicked in. He pricked up his ears at the sound of voices outside the window and held onto the rope with his free hand.

“Yeah ok Warren, we’ll just jump in our Starship and travel through The Bajoran Wormhole; she’ll never find us there.”

“toDSah.” Warren said to Jonathan.

“Talk about the pot calling the kettle geek.”

“Chill ok, we only have to give the book to Gavin, grab the money and then it’s ‘Hello England’.”

“That will work, unless we try to run the Slayer over again!”

“She pisses me off.”

“We’re already responsible for one death, that’s the main reason we’re leaving remember? At least this place is the last place she’ll think to look for us.”

“We have to work you moron; the whole reason for this crime lord gig was so we didn’t have to.”

“Well you should have thought of that before you decided to involve your ex-girlfriend.”

Buffy could hear the front door opening, the shuffle of feet in the hallway and a muffled slap.


She grabbed the bolt-cutters that were lying next to a load of wires on a table near the window and cut through the rope around his wrist and ankle. Angel suppressed a scream at the pain searing his shoulder, but unfortunately he couldn‘t do anything about the noise he made on impact as he hit the floor.

“Hold it guys, there’s somebody in my room. Looks like they found my trap; damn Short-Round, that was for you.” Light streamed into the partially open door.

Buffy helped Angel to his feet.

“You ok?”

“I dislocated my shoulder, hold me while I put it back.” Buffy clasped his bad side and he pushed against her hard. There was an audible click and then the door was opened further.

“Dudes, it’s the Slayer.” Andrew dropped his coke and turned tail to run but Jonathan was in his way. Buffy stood in front of them with her arms folded.

“You’re just in time, I’ve come to take you guys on a trip, you do not pass go and you don’t collect $200. Also, no get out of jail free card. What do you say? I’ll let you bring a picnic”

Jonathan and Andrew scrambled over each other to get away. Warren stood there with a maniacal stare on his face.

“I’m not going anywhere but I think you might be.”

He raised his hand and pointed something at Buffy that looked remarkably like a phaser gun from the early episodes of Star Trek. Galvanised into action, Angel sprang forward at the same time Buffy snapped a front kick to Warren’s chin. As he was propelled backwards his finger compressed the trigger involuntarily. Blue light streamed from the gun in random bursts around the room. Sparks flew every where and Buffy and Angel dropped to the floor.

Jonathan and Andrew managed to untangle themselves from each other and made a dash for the front door. Angel was up and over Warren before he could get the ‘Ow!’ passed his lips. He grabbed the weapon out of his hands before he could fire it directly at him and pulled him up by the shirt front. Buffy dashed after Jonathan and Andrew.

“Gavin who?” Warren put his hands up in an attempt to move the disturbing vision of Angel in game face away from him.

“Back off Nosferatu, and I’ll tell you.”

“Who’s Gavin and why does he want Buffy dead?”

“Oh he doesn’t care about Buffy being dead. But she’s an interfering bitch and I don’t have a problem with it.” Angel growled and punched him a few times. Breaking his nose and bloodying his lip.

“Tell me who Gavin is before I reverse your eyelids.” Warren’s eyes flicked over to his a shelf over by the bed. He licked blood from his lips and grinned up at Angel.

“He’s a friend of yours I believe, works for some hotshot Law Firm, Wolfram and Hart.” He eyes flicked over to the shelf again and Angel followed his gaze. There were books along the shelf, all standing with their spines facing outwards apart from one book. It was too big for the shelf and laying on it’s back, looking conspicuous.

Buffy stood in the doorway.

“They got away, van.”

Angel let go of Warren, walked over to the shelf and reached for the odd looking book. Warren weighed up his chances of escape but he was trapped between Buffy and the front door. He reached into his pocket. Angel turned at the sound of Buffy’s voice only to see her sprawled on the floor and Warren standing in the doorway.

“Angel get down!”

Buffy got to her feet, ran towards him and rugby tackled him. Angel saw the grenade in Warrens hand just before he hit the deck. He was looking at Warren upside down now with the book clutched to his chest; time seemed to slow as he pulled the pin. Then Buffy was pulling him to his feet and urging him towards the window. They jumped and sailed through it as the grenade went off, hitting the ground outside and rolling.

Shattered glass rained down over them and a lamp hit Buffy a glancing blow across the forehead. Angel held the book up to protect his head as shrapnel fell from the sky, but couldn’t stop a screwdriver that embedded itself in his thigh. He pulled it out with a shrill howl and then Buffy was dragging him to his feet again. The explosion had been very loud in the still of the night and already there were alarms ringing.

“Angel what is it with you and that book? We have to get out of here, hurry.”

They ran to the wall at the back of them and jumped over it, dropped to their knees and then peered over the top. The building was on fire and there was a gaping hole where the window and the surrounding wall used to be. There was no sign of Warren.

They made their way back to the car, Angel limping and Buffy dazed. Sirens could be heard in the distance now and they needed to get away before they were stopped and questioned. They made it back without incident, Angel tossed the book on Buffy’s lap and started up the engine. Tires screamed and he dragged up grass and mud as he peeled away.

“That was…fuck Angel what is going on?”

“Take a look, Buffy I’d know that book anywhere.” Buffy looked down and her mouth fell open.

“I hope this doesn’t mean the Master’s in town.


Sunday morning, Xander and Spike’s apartment.

Xander woke up with a limpet attached to him and felt relieved when he remembered they were home. Spike’s hair was sticking up in tufts and tickling his nose and he scrunched it up to prevent the sneeze that would inevitably wake him.

“You look funny when you do that, I like your funny faces.”

Blue eyes peeped at him shining with love and mirth and Xander decided he wasn’t going anywhere ever again but staying here and looking into them. Well at least for another half an hour.

“I thought you were still asleep.”

“I woke up when you did, how’s that for being in tune with one another?”

“Seriously freaky, next you’ll know exactly what I’m thinking and we won’t need to talk to one another.” Spike laughed at that.

“Yeah, like that’d ever shut you up.”

“Hey, you’re only allowed to say nice things to your, I can’t really say human anymore can I? I don’t know what I am. Yours anyway and you have to be good to me, starting with coffee and toast.” Spike wrapped himself tighter around him.

“There’s Bob Hope and no hope, guess which applies?”

He stroked softly down Xander’s back and Xander could feel something interesting pressing against his hip bone. He pressed his lips to his forehead, and his nose and then captured his lips in a satisfying kiss.

“Mmmm. Ok, coffee and toast can wait, but you have to talk to me.”

“We should just enjoy the bloody peace, I know that this place will be over run with Scoobies before dinner time and they’ll be firing questions and looking at us like we’re museum exhibits. We could always go hide in the crypt, it‘s not habitable but I don‘t mind.”

“Spike if you don’t want them to come over, then they don’t come over, simple. We can catch up with them tomorrow.”

“We should leave a phone message saying they can only come over if they don’t mind us being naked and shagging from time to time. I want you to myself, you have to go to work tomorrow and won’t that be fun?”

“You could always spend the day looking at yourself in the mirror, say I wonder when you’ll be able to go out in the sun?”

“If it’s all the same to you, I don’t think I’ll be testing that one any time soon. Let’s rent movies today, we can sit around and do nothing but watch TV and eat food and talk and have a laugh. What do you say?”

“I’ll say you’ve forgotten something in that scenario Gorgeous.” Spike nuzzled his throat and planted featherlike kisses across his collarbone.

“Oh yeah, what’s that then?”

“You forgot that we have to do laundry!” He smirked down at him.

“Sod the laundry, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

He rolled him over and lay on top of him, with his arms around his shoulders and his erection digging into the crease at the apex of his thighs. He kissed down his torso and leaned in to the feel of Xander stroking his ass.

“Forget renting movies, I’m taking you out tonight. Almost a week in LA and we only got to go out once; unless you count being kidnapped and a trip to the hospital as social events. If you want to watch a film we’ll go to the cinema and a nice restaurant for dinner. What did you survive on while I was a prisoner? Get anyone to open a vein?” Xander stroked the back of his thighs and Spike sucked his nipples bringing them to hard peaks before he reluctantly pulled his lips away.

“I couldn’t eat anything after Fred disabled my chip and when I felt better the blood Cordelia brought for me tasted even worse than the last lot, so I had to force it down. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to drink animal blood any more.” Xander lifted Spike’s hips and moved his cock until it was touching his own.

“That’s much more comfortable. So the cinema and dinner, it’s a date.”

“Lovely, what shall we do until then?”

Spike started to move his hips and Xander matched his rhythm. They fused lips and forgot to speak for a few moments, and then Spike rolled to the side and fisted their cocks together. They looked into each other’s faces and Xander was reminded of the first time he had slept with Spike.

“You’re thinking about Dutton.” Spike whispered to him and Xander started to pant softly. “You were so willing once you made up your mind, we should have video taped it.”

Xander groaned at the pace Spike was setting now. “I don’t need it on tape, it’s etched in my memory, I was so excited and nervous, who would have believed we could come so far in such a short time? Now I’m… a pro‘... oh god that feels good don’t stop.“

He put his hand over Spike’s and pumped with him and they both started to thrust into their fists. Spike felt warm breath across his lips before Xander kissed him. He opened his mouth willingly and deepened the kiss, and Xander gripped his hand harder as he felt his climax approaching. They came within seconds of one another both groaning with pleasure, spent seed mingling over one another’s hands.

Xander reached over his head for the tissues on the shelf and wiped both of their hands. Spike smiled lazily at him as he basked in the afterglow and Xander couldn’t resist moving in for another kiss. Spike pulled him close and stroked the hair on his face; the longer it got the softer it became to the touch. He realised he needed a shave himself, snogging one’s lover was all very well and good, but prickly whiskers played havoc with the skin.

“See what happens when you ask me to talk to you?” He whispered.

“You’re so eloquent, and no biting, we can converse as good as the next couple.”

“I’m sleepy now.” Spike closed his eyes and it was as though the sun had gone behind a cloud.

“Me too.” They laid silently side by side as they drifted into sleep until Spike instinctively assumed his favourite position. They were still wrapped around one another two hours later when the ‘phone rang. Xander jumped and snatched it up .

“Uh? I’m up. What?”

“Hey Xander, it’s Buffy.”

“I’m good. What’s up?”

“Are you ok?”

“Uh ha, you woke me.”

“It’s 11.30.”

“It’s also Sunday and I’m still officially on holiday.”

“I just wanted to check in with you and make sure you’re none the worse for your ordeal. I was worried about you, I wanted to come out to LA but Angel seemed to think they could handle it. Which they did, how is Spike without a working chip?”

“He’s fine Buffy.” Xander sat up and propped up the pillows. “What, you don’t trust him now?” Spike had opened his eyes and was listening intently.

“I do, trust him I mean, it’s just a bit wiggy.” Xander sighed.

“Here, why don’t you talk to him?” He handed the receiver to Spike who took it with an ‘I told you’ expression on his face.

“Hello Buffy, give me a minute to wake up would you and then I’ll be over to off you all. I thought I might start with Nibblet as an appetiser, but don’t worry I’ll save you for last, there’s no fun if you don’t get to see the show.” A warm hand stroked across his chest and belly.

“Ha ha Spike, my sides are just splitting from laughter. Seriously, how do you feel? In anyway murderous, bloodthirsty, a need to shack up with crazies who collect dolls; stop me when I hit the jackpot.” Buffy changed her teasing tone.

“I’m not questioning your integrity here, I’m just thought it might have a physical effect on you.”

“It has, I can hit humans who piss me off. Stop wittlin’ will yer, if anything the bloodlust is diminishing, I only want Xander’s blood, everything else tastes off. Weetabix and alcohol taste much better though, I can’t promise I shan’t go on a thieving spree for those.”

Xander slipped down under the covers and traced a line with his tongue from Spike’s nipple down to his navel and then explored it softly. Spike ran his fingers through his hair and raised an eyebrow when Xander looked back at him with yellow eyes. He felt his cock twitch at the unbridled lust reflected back at him and realised with a start of surprise he could see himself as well; not used to that yet. Buffy was talking to him again.

“Ok I get it, no more questions. Except I have a question, when can we all get together? We need to go over everything we know.”

“Can’t we just fill each other in over the ‘phone love? We have plans today, Xander’s taking me out on a date, in’t that neat?”

“Great you get dates and I get carnage and mayhem, that figures!”

“When‘s Angel going back?”

“Hold on a minute.” Buffy handed the ‘phone to Angel.

“Spike is everything alright, was anybody hurt?”

“Excuse me, but I wanted to speak to Angel, who the hell are you?”

“Stop fooling around, it is me.”

“It’s hard to tell, you bein’ nice an’ all. We’re fine and I expect you already know about Texas, London, LA and Miss Sunnydale 1997.”

Spike squirmed when Xander buried his nose in his pubic hair and inhaled, seeking the scent of the blood below the surface of his skin.

“What about Lilah, did you find out what she was up to?”

“I know they intended to get both of us, oh and she knows your soul’s anchored to you. They must have spies everywhere, and with how quick they were off mark, I’d say that includes Sunnyhell. When you headed back?”

“I think you’re right and it depends, I’m alright unless Cordy has a vision but when I go I’d like to take Buffy back with me. We’ve found ‘The Book of Aurelius’ of all things, but the little bastards that had it got away, can I leave them to you now?”

“With pleasure, how much can I hurt them without pissing off her Highness?” Angel laughed at him.

“I’d say where they’re concerned all bets of off, just don’t leave any evidence.” Spike was stunned into silence for a minute.


“Peaches, are you sharing a joke with me?”

“What’re you talking about? I’m serious.” He laughed again, this felt good. He could hear Xander saying something in the background and then Spike laughing.

“Xander just asked me if you’re wearing leather trousers.”

“He’s a comedian.”

“Believe me when I tell you he’s so much more than that.” Spike said as Xander’s head disappeared back down under the duvet and his tongue and lips were suddenly everywhere that mattered.

“We’ll meet you all at the ‘Magic Box’ after Xander finishes work tomorrow. If I was you I’d seriously consider taking a night off yourself, take Buffy somewhere that isn’t a graveyard, a rat infested sewer tunnel or a demon slime pit, just don’t come anywhere near us if you see us out ok? In fact pretend you don’t know us.”

“As if I’d admit to knowing either of you in public. Buffy wants to talk to Xander again. See you tomorrow Spike, try not to get arrested for public indecency.”

“Hello, Xander?”

“He’s.. not here at the moment, tell me I’ll fill him in in a minute.”

“How will you manage if I go back to LA?”

“The same as we did in LA, tear a few demon’s heads off, steal hospital equipment, sing in karaoke bars; I might give kidnap a miss though, it’s not all they tell you it is; I don’t believe Xander developed any empathy with his captors.”

“Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow then. I’m happy you’re both back safe.”

“Interrogation notwithstanding.”

“What you said. Bye Spike.” Spike put the receiver back in the cradle and pushed the duvet off Xander’s head.

“Fancy another talk do we Pet? Xander was still in game face and Spike pulled him up so he could get a good look at him. The teasing tone left Spike’s voice as he tried to speak around the passion that swept over him.

“Have you seen yourself like this? You should see it through my eyes.”

He leaned forward to lick Xander’s incisors, tempting him with the sensation. Xander let out a satisfied growl when Spike morphed and they mashed their lips together. Blood seeped from the cuts they made, cuts that healed a soon as they were licked and paved the way for fresh ones.

They got lost in limbs and embrace as animal instinct took over them, touching, squeezing, biting, drinking. Spike reached over to the top drawer and pulled out the lube. He coated his cock and Xander’s ass and not quite soon enough Xander was sinking down on to him.

With his back to the wall, Spike wrapped one arm around his lover’s shoulder as he rose and fell. He slid the other hand over his cock, needing to hear the sharp intake of breath. They looked into each others eyes, eyes that declared love and something else that transcended love. Something physical that didn’t so much make them one, as…. complete.

Pinned by Xander’s weight he couldn’t move as he would like. This slow torture made the whole of his body tingle and he got a head rush from a climax that was long and drawn out. Still Xander moved down on him and Spike felt the flutter of his inner muscles as they began to contract. He reached over to bite his lip but ended up kissing him instead, capturing the puffs of air that escaped as he panted through his orgasm; it tasted like sea air and rain.

Xander’s hands threaded in Spike’s hair and Spike leaned his forehead against his and clasped the sides of his face.

“I adore you.” He whispered.

“You do? Would you anything for me?”

“Anything, just name it.”

“In that case how about that toast and coffee?”





Maltby, R.(1995) Hollywood Cinema. Blackwell Publishers Inc. (page 335).