Living Arrangements

By Taltos

Chapter Four

Somehow I ended up sandwiched between Xander and Dawn on the couch when we settled down to watch movies. I know they told me the name of this movie but I don't think I've seen more than ten minutes of it.

All I can think about is Xander's thigh pressed tight against mine. The heat coming off his body in waves has warmed the entire right side of my body and I'm swimming in a cloud of need so thick I'm afraid to move. I'm afraid if I move I'll drag him to the bedroom, tie him down, strip him naked and taste every inch of that hot human warmth.

He reaches across me for the popcorn that Dawn has and my whole body tenses. The smell of him fills my head and it's all I can do to stop the moan building in my chest. I can't take it. In an instant I'm off the couch and storming into the kitchen.

"What's up with him?"

I hear Buffy's voice from the living room and I want to scream 'my dick, that's what.'

I grab the edge of the counter and bite the inside of my lip to calm myself. I feel a soft hand on my shoulder and I know its Willow.

"Spike, are you okay?"

I want to tell her. I want to open my mouth and pour out my heart. I'm in love with her best friend and I want him so much it's killing me. I turn my head to face her and tell her I'm fine but she sees it.

Her eyes widen and I see a small smile play around the corners of her mouth. I see the understanding and acceptance in her eyes and before I can stop it, it all comes rushing out.

"I want him so much, Red. He's all I think about, all I bloody dream about."

"You have to tell him."

"Are you daft, I can't tell him. He doesn't...he doesn't want me and I can't live without him. I'd lose him if I told him. It just gets to be too much sometimes. Being around him all the time, knowing he's right there, close enough to touch. Tell me how to make it stop."

"I wish I could, but it doesn't stop. How do you know he doesn't want you?"

I can't help the snort that escapes me.

"Have you ever seen him show interest in anything that doesn't have breasts?"

She wants to say yes but she can't. She opens her mouth when Xander enters the room. I feel my body tense again. I look to Willow for support but she's already out of her chair and out the door. Just like a bloody woman, desert you in your time of need.

"You okay. Your shoulder bothering you again?"

I see the concern in his eyes and I close my eyes against it. I want to see so much more there. I feel his hands on my shoulder and I realize he must have taken my silence for a yes.

I bite my lip hard to keep from moaning. He's standing close enough that I can fell his warm breath on my neck when he speaks.

"Tell me where, I might be able to help, my hands are stronger than Willows."

I know I shouldn't answer him. I know what my voice will sound like if I do, but I want his hands on me.



His voice is soft and rough and just for a second I let myself believe it's because I affect him the same way he affects me. I nod my head and I feel his fingers dig into my flesh in hard sweeping circles. I can't stop the moan or the words.

"God, Xander, don't stop, it feels so good."

His hands pause for a brief second and I realize I've blown it all to hell. I feel his hands start to move again and that's when the pheromones hit me. The smell of his arousal washes over me and I turn suddenly, my eyes meeting his. I stare in fascination at the glazed look of desire in his eyes.

His hands drop to his sides and he swallows convulsively.

I watch the blush crawl up his neck to warm his checks. He realizes that I've smelled it. That I know he's turned on and he thinks I don't want him. He thinks he's about to be rejected. He couldn't be farther from the truth. I open my mouth to tell him but suddenly Dawn appears in the doorway.


His head snaps toward the sound of her voice, a nervous laugh spilling out of him.


His voice is strained and I let the sound roll around in my head and I can't stop the smile. He's dazed and hot and needy and it's because he wants me.

"Buffy and Anya want another soda."


With automatic movements I watch him grab two cans out of the refrigerator and follow Dawn out the door.

Willow's back in an instant.

"I'm sorry, I tried to get them to wait."

I grin at her and shake my head.

"'S'not a problem."

"Did you...did he...did you two."

"No, but I don't think I'm alone in this."

Her hands clasp together in front of her and I can tell she wants to squeal.

I nod my head toward the door and we exit. I was never the planner, Angelus, he was he planner, but suddenly I find myself in possession of a bloody brilliant plan. Seduce Xander Harris.
