Living Arrangements

By Taltos

Chapter Five

Oh God, oh God, oh God. He knows. He knows I want him and there's no way I can deny it. I watched those beautiful eyes narrow in speculation; I watched his nostrils flare as he smelled it. Jesus, I'm a moron. What the hell was I thinking touching him? How could I be so stupid as to forget he'd be able to smell it? I've been so careful but the sound of his voice begging me not to stop was more than I could handle. In that instant I pictured him above me, riding me, begging me and I couldn't stop the flow of desire that coursed through me.

He's still in there with Willow, probably trying to find out how to let me down gently. I don't expect him to come back in here until everyone is gone and he can embarrass me in private. I almost jump out of my skin when he sits back down next to me. If I didn't know better I'd say he was squeezing himself up next to me as close as he can get without actually climbing on top of me. Oh shit, on top of me, riding me. Here it comes again and I can't do a thing to stop it. The desire wells up in my body and I have to dig my fingers into the couch to keep from touching him.

He places his arm along the back of the couch and casually turns just the slightest bit toward me. With a quick glance around the room I notice that everyone is totally engrossed in the movie and with the lights out Dawn is the only one with a clear view of what's going on next to her.

I feel his hand lightly stroke across the back of my neck and I can't stop the shiver that runs down my spine. I tense, my body trying to keep the need to lean into him at bay, trying to keep the want from running rough shod over my better judgment.

"You smell so good." His low voice in my ear causes me to suck in a sharp breath.

My eyes dart around the room sure that everyone is staring at me, sure that everyone heard me. Even though I didn't think it was possible my body tenses more. I briefly wonder if he's playing with me, like he would have a year ago.

I turn to look at him and what I see takes my breath away. A small sexy smile plays at his lips and his eyes are hungry. He wants me. Holy shit, Spike wants me. His eyes lock on mine and he blindly reaches back behind him for the bowl of popcorn Dawn is holding. We both know it's empty what the hell is he doing?

"Don't you think we need more popcorn?"

His eyes clearly telegraph his message, 'kitchen, now.'

I grab the bowl and manage to keep from running for the kitchen. I set the bowl on the counter and dig out another bag from the cabinet. By the time it's in the microwave he's entering the doorway. Without a second thought I grab his shirt and pull him to me. Our bodies slam together as my lips crash down onto his.

Oh God, the feel of his lips, of his body, it makes me shake. His lips part under mine without hesitation and my tongue sweeps inside his mouth. His hands clutch at my waist trying to pull me closer. The only possible closer is inside one another. With the thought of him inside me crashing through my brain I moan into his mouth. Wrapping my tongue around his I pull it into my mouth and suck hard. His hips thrust against mine as his hands crawl up the back of my shirt. I pull my mouth from his to draw in a deep breath.

"Oh God, Spike, we've got to get rid of them. We've got to get rid of them now."

My breath is nothing more than harsh pants and my heart is beating so hard I'm sure that everyone in next room can hear it. I can't think, I can't see beyond Spike and how much I want him. I feel his hand smooth along my back soothing me.

"Movie's almost over. They'll be gone soon."

His voice is soft against my skin as his tongue slips out to stroke the side of my neck. I moan and tilt my head to the side allowing him better access. He places wet kisses along my neck to my ear. When he sucks my earlobe into his mouth I gasp and pull his body closer to mine. I can feel how hard he is against me and my legs tremble with the knowledge that he wants me.

I never thought I'd feel his body against mine. I never thought I'd be able to take his lips with mine, feel his hair tumble through my fingers, hear him moan for me. I don't know if I have the strength to wait until the movie's over.

The loud ding from the microwave breaks us apart. I reach in to grab the bag without thinking. With a hiss of pain I drop the bag to the floor and grab my burned fingers.

"Let me see."

Taking my hand in his I watch him examine my slightly red fingers. I open my mouth to tell him that I'll grab some ice out of the freezer but the words die on my lips as I watch him slide my first finger into his mouth. His tongue swirls around the tip of each finger separately before releasing it and moving onto the next.

I can't believe I just whimpered, but Jesus, his mouth feels so good against my fingers. Imagining that mouth and tongue against other more prominent parts of my body has me drawing in a hissing breath. He releases my hand and the smile he gives me is worth all the months of torment I've spent lusting after him. Bending down he picks up the discarded bag of popcorn, opens it and pours it into the bowl.

With a quick kiss he shoves the bowl into my hands and directs me to the doorway. The look I catch in his eyes as he watches me walk out the door screams hot, sweaty, sex. I can't suppress the huge grin on my face as I sit back down on the couch. Suddenly it hits me full force that tonight I'm going to get to act out my Technicolor dream and I realize it's a good thing I'm sitting down, otherwise I think I would have just passed out.
