Living Arrangements

By Taltos

Chapter Eight

Turning off the water and grabbing the towel lying on the tank of the toilet, I hear the knocking. Quickly wrapping the towel around my waist I rush for the door dripping water along the way. Pulling the door open I curse my luck.

"Is Spike here? I need to talk to him."

Buffy pushes past me into the living room to lean against the couch.


"Yeah, Spike. You know, your roommate, the other guy that lives here."

Sure Buff, he's naked, in my bed. Somehow I don't think that would go over well.

"He-he had to go out."

Brilliant Xander. Too late I realize it's a sunny Sunday afternoon.

"In the middle of the afternoon?"

"He said he had an errand to run, so I'll tell him you-"

"I'll wait for him. I ran into something last night on the way home and I need to know what he thinks."

Damn. Now what.

"He said he'd probably be a while. Why don't I just have him give you a call when he gets here?"

"That's okay, I don't mind."

Well that's just great.

"Besides we haven't had much quality bonding time lately."

It's not that I don't love Buffy, I do, but I'd really like her to go away right now. Somehow I have to figure out how to get Spike out of my room, hell, out of the apartment so he can come in the front door.

"I'm just gonna...uh...get dressed. I'll be right back."


Shutting the door to my bedroom I look at Spike twisted with the blankets. He is so not going to like this. Sitting on the edge of the bed next to him I gently shake his shoulder trying to wake him. I keep my voice at a whisper.

"Spike. Spike, wake up."

He rolls to his back and the blankets shift to his hips exposing his upper body to me. Even after the last several months of seeing him like this, I don't think I'll ever get tired of that sight. Smooth pale skin stretched across a tightly muscled lean body. His eyes open and I'm mesmerized by the hazy blue orbs staring sleepily back at me. God, he's beautiful.

"Come back to bed luv. I'm not done with you yet."

The rough, sleep warmed quality of his voice dances down my spine raising goose bumps. His hand creeps along my thigh under my towel; the tips of his fingers caress my semi hard cock, bringing me quickly to full attention. I barely stifle the gut deep moan his touch causes.

I watch with hungry eyes as he leans forward and his mouth latches onto my collarbone sucking lightly. My head falls back as he licks his way along my neck to my ear. His fingers on my cock suddenly turn into his hand as he takes me in a tight grip, stroking me slowly.

His tongue traces the shell of my ear before he speaks.

"I want you. Want you filling me, surrounding me with your heat and scent, your body hot against mine as you take me."

I feel his other hand come across my body and loosen the towel at my waist baring my body to his eyes. Suddenly I remember why I came in here.

"Spike, wait. Buffy's here."

His body stills and I hear him sigh as he lies back on the bed.

"What the bloody hell does she want?"

"She wants to talk to you. She ran into some demon last night."

I can't stop my fingers from skating across his chest and stomach as we talk. I love the way my skin looks against his. He's such a contrast to my dark coloring.

"Did you tell her?"

"No, I told her you were out before I realized it was the middle of the afternoon. She wants to wait for you to get back."

"Fuck. Looks like I'm jumping out the window come sunset."

My eyes widen. We're on the third floor. He can't really be serious.

"'S okay. Like a cat I am. Land on my feet every time."

He pulls me down into a kiss. His tongue sweeps into my mouth caressing my teeth and tongue before pulling back to nibble on my lower lip. I sigh into his mouth wanting nothing more than to lie down beside him and stay wrapped in his arms for the rest of the day. I decide a few more minutes won't hurt.

Settling down on my side next to him I pull the blankets away from his body. I want to feel his skin against mine for just a few seconds more. My arm slides across his waist, cupping his ass in my hand I pull our bodies tight against one another. The soft growl that accompanies my movement sends coherent thought scattering to the four winds.

Pushing him over onto his back I bring my leg between his letting my thigh rub against his erection. His back arches as I trail my tongue across his neck and down his chest. I roughly pull one of his nipples into my mouth letting my teeth bare down on the sensitive nub. My hand travels the length of his body to his leaking cock.

Taking him in my hand I coax more pre-cum from him using it to lubricate my slow steady strokes. My eyes trace his body taking in the sight of him enjoying my touch. His body writhes under my hands and mouth, his back arched, his head thrown back, short panting breaths escaping his open mouth.

"God, Spike. You're so beautiful like this."

Neither one of us heard the door open over my words. The startled gasp has up both swinging our heads toward the door and scrambling for the blankets. Buffy's mouth opens and closes several times before she finds her voice.

"Oh my God. S-Spike?"

"Buff, this isn't...I mean it is, but...could you give me a minute to put on pants?"

I watch her turn on her heel and go back to the living room.


"Think that about sums it up. I could..."

"No, I'll...just give us a few minutes."

After pulling on my pants I drop a quick kiss on Spike's lips before taking a deep breath and going to face Buffy. This is so not going to be fun.

When she sees me she stops pacing and turns to face me.

"How long?"

"Couple of months."

I see her shocked look replaced by one of hurt. She sinks to the couch, her eyes never leaving my face.

"Why didn't you tell me? I mean I thought, I thought we all got past the secrets keeping part."

"I didn't plan on never telling you, it just never seemed like the right time and I wasn't sure how you'd take it."

"He's a vampire, Xander, you know exactly how I would have taken it. Is it"

"No. I'm in love with him. I was in love with him before we ever slept together. I didn't mean to fall in love with him, it just happened."

"Oh, Xan, you know it'll never work."

"Why, because it didn't work for you and Angel?"

I immediately regret the words. I don't want to hurt her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Yes you did."

Her voice is soft as her eyes leave mine and focus on the floor.

"I am sorry, but love isn't supposed to hurt that much Buffy. Love is supposed to be like this, the way I feel when I'm with him. Like there's nothing in the world I can't overcome as long as he's with me. It's like..."

"I know what it's like, Xander. But it's Spike and he's possessive and...I mean what's he going to do, stay around while you get old and wait for you to die? You know he's going to want to turn you."

"No. He won't, he knows I don't want it. I know it's hard for you, but please, Buffy, please try. I need him, I want him and I love him. I'm going to be with him, whether it's accepted by the people I love or not, he's in my life and he's staying there."

I see a small smile playing around the corners of her mouth.

"Does this mean I get be as supportive of you as you were of me?"

I take her hand with mine and return her smile.

"It's different now."

"Why, because it's you and not me?"

"No, because I understand now. Love does weird things. I mean don't get me wrong, I loved Anya, but not like this. I've never loved anyone like this."

She squeezes my hand before she speaks again.

"It may take me some time okay, Xan. I'll try though, if...if you're happy and this is what you want, I'll try. Just be careful okay?"

I smile at her and pull her into a hug. After releasing me she gets up and goes to my bedroom door. Banging on it with her fist she raises her voice.

"Spike, get your undead ass out here."

When he opens the door his eyes meet mine. I know instantly that he heard every word I said. I suck in a deep breath. I haven't told him yet that I love him and I'm only slightly terrified of how he'll take it. His eyes never leave mine as he walks toward me. Stopping in front of me his hand comes up to cup my cheek.

"You might want to close your eyes and turn around, Slayer, you might not be ready for this part."

His lips brush mine, once, twice before he speaks again.

"Love you."

And then his tongue is in my mouth trying to pull my tonsils out; one hand wrapped around my waist, the other buried in my hair. His tongue coaxes mine out and into his mouth as he sucks gently. I hear him moan as my tongue tickles the back of his concealed canines. With a last gentle nibble on his bottom lip I pull back just enough to lean my forehead against his.

"You heard."

"Yeah, pet, I heard. Say it again."

"I love you."

I watch his mouth turn up in a wide smile before he lays a gentle kiss against my lips.

"Can we go back to bed now?"

"No, Spike you can't go back to bed, I need your help."

He pulls out of my arms and turns to give Buffy a look before going into the kitchen to warm up his breakfast, or lunch considering what time it is. Buffy follows him and I debate whether I should go to his aid or let him defend himself.

Stopping just outside the door I wait and listen.

"If you hurt him..."

"I know, I know, you'll stake me good and proper."

"Spike, I'm serious, don't hurt him. Xander is..."

"He's special Slayer, I know that. It's what drew me to him in the first place. His courage, his fire, his loyalty. The life that just bloody radiates from every pore of his body. I won't hurt him, but I'll fight for him if you try to take him."

I feel the warmth blossom in my chest at his words. I turn and go back to the living room, truly happy for the first time in a very long time.
