Stop Thinking & Get Naked Already!

By Whiskey Meteor

Andrew stepped under the hot stream of water that poured from the shower. He glanced sideways, to sneak a look at Xander's fuzzy form through the shower curtain. Xander was sitting on the counter, and although his face was obscured by the curtain, Andrew was almost sure that the other man was watching him... Andrew shook his head, <How could you think that *Xander* could ever use you?> he thought, and reached for the soap. Beginning to lather, Andrew winced, "Ouch," he whined.

"Are you okay?" came Xander's concerned voice from the other side of the shower curtain.

Andrew dropped the soap back into its dish and quickly rinsed off his hands, "Yeah," he said, "Just- just with the cuts... the soap sort of stings my hands." Xander said nothing in reply, and biting his lip, Andrew closed his eyes and shook his head. <The soap stings your hands?> he thought, <Could you possibly be a bigger loser?>.

Sitting on the counter, Xander observed the man in the shower sympathetically. <Poor guy,> he thought to himself, <First the Big Bad bullies him, and now he can't even wash himself.> Xander hesitated, the thought that he'd once enjoyed seeing Andrew in pain was making him feel sick.<I should do something...> Scooting off the counter, Xander crossed quietly to the shower. He rolled up his sleeves and before he could convince himself it was a bad idea, Xander pulled the curtain back just enough to stick his head through. The swirling steam filling the shower slowly abated, giving Xander a clear view of Andrew- his eyes pressed shut, and turned up into the water; his hair slicked back against his head; silvery streams of water cascading down over the slim shoulders and chest to his- Xander forced his eyes back up to Andrew's face and cleared his throat. Andrew's eyes snapped open, and he looked back at Xander with an expression somewhere between surprise and confusion. "I- I thought..." Xander started awkwardly, and then cleared his throat again, "I thought I could... help?" Lowering his hands and covering himself modestly, Andrew nodded slowly. Xander took a breath and reached in for the soap, soaking his sleeve to the shoulder in the process. He withdrew his arm in defeat.

"You got all wet," Andrew pointed out.

Xander cocked his head to the side, "Really? I didn't notice that," he said sarcastically, "Thanks, Mr. States-the-obvious." Andrew pouted, and Xander sighed thoughtfully, "*This* isn't going to work," he said, "It would be easier if I just got in there with you." They blinked at each other silently for a moment, both a little unsure of what Xander was suggesting. <What are you doing??> Xander thought to himself hotly, <You're just gonna jump into the shower with him? Have you *lost* your mind?>. Xander looked up at Andrew, who was gazing back at him thoughtfully. Of their own accord, Xander's eyes wandered slowly down Andrew's torso (to where the other man's hands were still shyly hiding his manhood) and back up again. Andrew blushed and smiled affectionately. Xander shook his head at himself, <Stop thinking and get naked already.> He withdrew from the shower, pulling the curtain back into place, and began undressing. <There's nothing wrong with helping your boyfriend shower,> he thought. And then, <Boyfriend?? He's *not* my boyfriend.> Xander shook his head at himself again, <*Yet*,> he thought, <Anyway, last night you told Buffy you *loved* him, and now you're squeamish about calling him your boyfriend?> he sighed, <Xander, I think it's time to admit that you have serious commitment issues.>...

Inside the shower, Andrew pulled the curtain back just enough to watch Xander, who was facing away, and so did not notice he was being watched. <Is he *really* going to get in the shower with me?> Andrew thought apprehensively, <I wonder if he'll want me to-,> his train of thought was cut of as Xander pulled his shirt up over his head. Andrew cocked his head to the side and smiled, <I *hope* he wants me to-,> Xander bent and swiftly removed his trousers and boxers in one go. <Please *God*, let him want me to-,> Xander turned around hesitantly to face the shower, and Andrew ducked back out of sight.

Andrew tried to calm himself as Xander pulled the curtain aside and stepped into the shower behind him. "You sure you're okay with this?" Xander asked quietly, stepping close to the other man and placing a hand reassuringly on his shoulder.

Andrew nodded emphatically, and remained facing away from Xander, his heart beating so fast he thought it might explode, "Are... *you* okay with this?" he asked.

Xander hesitated, "Yeah," he said, "Sure..." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, <As long as I don't think about it too much.> Xander gazed down at the man in front of him, his smooth pale skin, moist and shining under the water... Xander smiled and shook his head in defeat, <I don't think being naked in a shower with Andrew is something I could ever think about *too much*.> Xander retrieved the soap from its dish and tentatively began washing Andrew's slim shoulders and back. Quickly abandoning his origional aprehension, Xander slid his foamy hands down to the small of Andrew's back, and then down again to gently squeeze his ass. Andrew giggled happily. Reaching back, Andrew took Xander's hands in his and pulled them up around his chest, dragging Xander into a backwards embrace. Xander chuckled, and pressed a kiss onto the top of Andrew's head. Slowly, Andrew turned his head to the side, tentatively seeking the other man's mouth. There was no hesitation from Xander, and when their lips met the kiss was warm, wet, and hungry. As their lips played against each other, Xander spun Andrew around in his arms until they were face to face. Then, when their bodies were pressed up against each other, making contact in all the right places, Xander broke the fevered kiss with a low sigh- simultaneously pleased and terrified that Andrew was as obviously aroused as he was. Andrew glanced away shyly, and awkwardly avoiding Xander's eyes, he slid his hands slowly down Xander's chest to his waist. And then looking up and finally meeting Xander's eyes with a slightly anxious, but nonetheless longing gaze, Andrew slid his hands down to their desired destination. Xander gasped appreciatively, <God, he's good with his-,> Xander pulled away, "Wait," he said.

Andrew looked hurt, "W-what is it?" he stammered, "D-don't you want me to-,"

Xander ducked forward, and gave Andrew a short kiss that he hoped was reassuring. "Of course I want you to..." Xander said softly, "It's just...." He cringed, and looked away, "Did... did Warren ever..." Xander sighed heavily. "I mean I know he let you-," Xander made an explanatory gesture that ended up being more obscene than he'd planned. Andrew's eyes widened, and Xander continued, "But did *he* ever, you know... return the favour?"

Andrew looked away, fidgeting, "No," he said almost in a whisper.

Xander's mind was racing. Warren hadn't loved Andrew, he'd used him and tossed him aside. Xander didn't want to be like Warren. He loved Andrew, even if he wasn't ready to tell him yet, and he wasn't capable of using him. He wanted to show Andrew that he cared, and make sure he knew that Xander was *nothing* like Warren. Xander looked at Andrew, who was regarding him with curiosity, and came to a quick decision that he swore to himself he wouldn't regret. Stepping forward again, Xander pressed his lips against Andrew's adamantly. Ever so gently, he took Andrew's lower lip between his teeth and tugged lightly, inciting a giggle from the other man. Xander released the coveted lip, and chuckled as Andrew's hands once again made their way southwards. Shaking his head 'no', Xander caught Andrew's hands in his, and brought them up to rest on his own shoulders. Andrew pouted, and Xander thought briefly about just letting him have his way... <No,> he thought resolutely. And then, after planting another playful kiss on that delicious pout, Xander smiled mischievously and slowly descended to his knees.

His hands still perched on Xander's shoulders, Andrew looked down at the other man somewhat confused, "Xander?" he asked, "What are you-," Andrew cut himself off with a sharp gasp followed by a long, appreciative groan as Xander answered his question wordlessly...

