Believe - Cher

In "Living Conditions" (Season Four) Buffy’s roommate Kathy Newman is ironing her jeans and playing Cher's 'Believe' (1998). Her repeated playing of the track tortures Buffy through incessant repetition, although it is also possible to see in the lyrics an echo of Buffy’s loss of Angel at the end of Season Three and her apparent lack of strength as Season Four begins: "Do you believe in life after love?/I can feel something inside me say/I really don't think you're strong enough/Do you believe in life after love?/I can feel something inside me say/I really don't think you're strong enough."

The following dialogue is taken from the Buffy Dialogue Database:

BUFFY: Wow, this music is so . . . so . . .

KATHY: I know. This song is super fun. Isn't it?

BUFFY: You bet. It just gets fun-er and fun-er every time you play it.

(The track initially chosen to drive Buffy crazy was Mariah Carey’s ‘Butterfly’.)


-- Vanessa Knights