BAY CITY ROLLERS. BtVS Intertext/Allusion.

The Scottish band the Bay City Rollers were teen pop idols of the 1970s with their good looks, tartan scarves and trousers. Originally called the Saxons, the band got their name by randomly picking a spot on a map of the U.S.A. (Bay City, Michigan). Success came with the 1973 lineup of singer Leslie McKeown, guitarists Eric Faulkner and Stuart ‘Woody’ Wood, bassist Alan Longmuir and drummer Derek Longmuir. They had several top-ten hits in the UK including the 1975 number ones ‘Bye Bye Baby’ and ‘Give a Little Love’, five consecutive gold albums in the U.S., their own weekly TV show Shang a Lang, sell-out concert tours and sold millions of records worldwide. After numerous changes of line-up, Rollermania came to an end as the band disbanded in 1978. However, some of the band reformed as the Rollers and then the New Rollers playing to a fiercely loyal, cult following particularly in Germany and Japan (see the Absolute Bay City Rollers Website and Gerd Büsken’s Bay City Roller’s webpage, the longest-running Rollers page on the internet). In 1999 the most famous line-up of Les, Woody, Eric, Alan and Derek briefly reunited for a tour and LP.


In "The Dark Age" (Season Two), the generational difference between Giles and Buffy is reinstated (after she discovers that he too, although an adult, can behave foolishly) through the music they listen to. Giles objects to Buffy’s choice of music for training which he has previously dismissed as noise, preferring instead the sound of the Rollers much to Buffy’s disgust.


The following dialogue is taken from the Buffy Dialogue Database:


BUFFY: So, after all this time, we finally find out that we do have something in common. Which, apart from being a little weird, is kind of okay. I think we're supposed to be training right now.

GILES: Yes. Yes. Um, need to concentrate on your flexibility.

BUFFY: And you know what? I have just the perfect music. Go on, say it. You know you want to.

GILES: It's not music, it's just, uh, meaningless sounds.

BUFFY: There. Feel better?

GILES: Yes. Thanks. Bay City Rollers. Now, that's music.

BUFFY: I didn't hear that.

-- Vanessa Knights