CUERNAVACA. BtVS Intertext/Allusion.
In "Helpless" (Season 3) when Buffy finds her Slayer skills diminished due to the drugs Giles is administering to her as part of the Cruciamentum (a test administered by the Watchers Council to Slayers who reach eighteen), she refers to being so far off her game that it is now in Cuernavaca.
The following dialogue is taken from the Buffy Dialogue Database:
: Bit early in the day.GILES
BUFFY: Giles, something's wrong.
GILES: (stops) Wrong?
He sees the target with a few knives stuck awkwardly into it. None of them are anywhere near the center.
GILES: Ah. Perhaps you shouldn't . . . (Buffy throws a knife and misses) . . . do that anymore.
BUFFY: On top of that, I got a bad case of the dizzies last night and almost let a vamp stake me. With my own stake!
BUFFY: I'm way off my game. My game's left the country. It's in Cuernavaca. Giles, what's going on here?
is the capital of the state of Morelos in Mexico. Known as the City of the
Eternal Spring, the name Cuernavaca is derived from the Náhuatl word "Cuauhnáhuac"
meaning "near the trees". The original inhabitants of the area around
Cuernavaca were the Tlahuicas who built the pyramids at Teopanzalco. The town
was captured by the Spanish in 1521 and the conquistador Cortés built a palace
there (see photo above). During the Mexican revolution the town saw its share of
violence when local leader, Emiliano Zapata, and his troops, killed many of the
Spanish landowners. Cuernavaca is now a popular holiday destination and location
for Spanish language schools with its historical buildings, nearby
archaeological sites, impressive scenery and natural spas.