"MY GIRL." BtVS Intertext/Allusion.

In "Some Assembly Required" (Season Two), Chris (the Science Club’s prize student) and his friend Eric are assembling a woman from body parts as a companion for Chris’s brother Daryl who he brought back from the dead, Frankenstein style.


As they work Eric sings ‘My Girl’ written by Smokey Robinson for The Temptations 1965 LP Sing Smokey. The track is apposite as it is about the perfect girl which is what they are trying to construct.


The following dialogue is taken from the Buffy Dialogue Database:


ERIC: I guess you'll say/What can make me feel this way?/My girl/Talkin' 'bout my girl/My girl... How's my baby?

CHRIS: She's not your baby.

ERIC: She's not gonna be anybody's baby if we don't finish her soon.

CHRIS: I'm working on it.

ERIC: So am I, friend. So am I.

(He hangs up freshly developed pictures of Buffy, Willow and Cordelia to dry.)

-- Vanessa Knights